BOAz, Jachin, Maha Bone, Amni Ruhamah
(too old to reply)
2014-12-16 19:03:36 UTC
What is this?
2014-12-16 20:08:58 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
What is this?
Trollery, methinks !
The Canadian Curmudgeon (in -10C Calgary)
Remove noxious CO2 - plant many trees
2014-12-17 18:12:26 UTC
1998? I am very confused
2020-07-26 20:48:04 UTC
Rj McCracken
2021-11-06 09:05:52 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Yes, Kudos to DrPhil and his future intentions. I was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on the 16th of this month, and have already experienced the opposite of what DrPhil's Lodge experiences that I feel that I could add to this discussion.

First of all, my Lodge, Rural Amity #70, Athens, PA, this year celebrated its 225th anniversary, probably because of the amazing leadership within. The elected officers range in ages from their 20s to the 70s; appointed officers, for the most part, are the older brethren. From the day that I entered, I was schooled in the mysteries of the Apprentice Mason degree. Upon being raised a Fellow Craft Mason, my education has continued by men who really care about our Lodge, the craft, and the continuance of the established traditions within our community. I was not only mentored, but I was also appreciated. Now, I have been asked to serve in a minor appointed office, and to accept election as a trustee for the upcoming Masonic year. These assignments, of course, I freely and gladly accept.

My point is to show that not all Lodges suffer the iron hand of a few. Our Lodge flourishes because of the spirit of fraternal brotherly love, cooperation, and a willingness to share the Lodge and its governance by all, not just an elite, aged few. Any Lodge with an attitude such as ours can flourish; without the spirit of cooperation and sharing it will eventually fail. I know that I am blessed by having found that my local Lodge, although aged itself, is very progressive. It welcomes qualified members with open arms and immediately begins our Masonic education and our involvement in its operation.

Good luck to you brother DrPhil, and the future of your Lodge!


2015-03-29 21:51:49 UTC
2015-04-08 06:23:24 UTC
I renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in the Knights Templer
degree of Masonry. I renounce the curse and death wish of Judas, or of
having the head cut off and placed on top of a church spire. I renounce the
unholy communion and especially of drinking from a human skull.
I will die only for God and the Holly Spirt.
Jon Riley
did u renounce the craft...
2015-08-13 06:10:28 UTC

Post by l***@yahoo.com
I renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in the Knights Templer
degree of Masonry. I renounce the curse and death wish of Judas, or of
having the head cut off and placed on top of a church spire. I renounce the
unholy communion and especially of drinking from a human skull.
I will die only for God and the Holly Spirt.
Jon Riley
did u renounce the craft...
Percy Doctor
2015-08-27 10:43:52 UTC
I renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in the Knights Templer
degree of Masonry. I renounce the curse and death wish of Judas, or of
having the head cut off and placed on top of a church spire. I renounce the
unholy communion and especially of drinking from a human skull.
I will die only for God and the Holly Spirt.
Jon Riley
Good Riddance....................
2015-10-12 02:27:45 UTC
I renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in the Knights Templer
degree of Masonry. I renounce the curse and death wish of Judas, or of
having the head cut off and placed on top of a church spire. I renounce the
unholy communion and especially of drinking from a human skull.
I will die only for God and the Holly Spirt.
Jon Riley
god your an idiot. Every mason I know is a cristian
2017-05-01 05:14:17 UTC
Well said,brother
2017-06-19 14:12:26 UTC
This post might be inappropriate. Click to display it.
2017-07-20 14:25:48 UTC
Dear Jon,
First I would like to even verify that you are or were a Mason.
Seems as if you forget that MAsonry is the best friend to Religion. We stress
that a man dedicate and devote his life to God's Service. You seem to have gone
a bit off the deep end here. Anti-Masons that come up with this stuff usually
are misinformed or have ulterior motives. Do you claim to be a better Christian
then so many of us who are Chrsitians and happen to be Masons? Are you more
dedicted to God the the Brethren of other Faiths? I think not.. I see that you
are a bit overzealous but newness of your association with anti-masons wears
off you will see the error of your ways. Christ is not hate as the anti-masons
act with the false accusations and lies. You should always look deeply into
things before you jump in. What made you decide to become a MAson anyway? I
wish you good luck in your endeavors but keep in mind that atanytime you chose
to disassociate yourself from MAsonry you simply walk away. The big emotional
hurrah seems pointless unless done for attention.. In any event good luck and
God Bless.. BEfore you made such a jump I would have spoken to some of the
Brethren that are also Ministers. There are men of the cloth from every faith
in MAsonry..
Sincerely & Respectfully
Bro. Manny Blanco
Moreno Valley Lodge # 804
Moreno Valley, CA
A Christian and a Mason..
I would denounce neither but would denounce any Church who could not see the
good in Freemasonry and accept my being a member of the Fraternity.
Actually it is not part of Fremasonry to mention one's religion or to speak of Religion, despite the belief in a creator, all religions are found to be members of Freemasonry, and so Brother Manny, on the square and on the level, you shouldnt be mentioning any specific Religion in connection with freemasonry. We have Muslims and Buddhists and all sorts, all except Atheists, and Freemasonry does not Belong to any single religion, Christianity Included
2019-04-12 23:11:23 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Dear Jon,
First I would like to even verify that you are or were a Mason.
Seems as if you forget that MAsonry is the best friend to Religion. We stress
that a man dedicate and devote his life to God's Service. You seem to have gone
a bit off the deep end here. Anti-Masons that come up with this stuff usually
are misinformed or have ulterior motives. Do you claim to be a better Christian
then so many of us who are Chrsitians and happen to be Masons? Are you more
dedicted to God the the Brethren of other Faiths? I think not.. I see that you
are a bit overzealous but newness of your association with anti-masons wears
off you will see the error of your ways. Christ is not hate as the anti-masons
act with the false accusations and lies. You should always look deeply into
things before you jump in. What made you decide to become a MAson anyway? I
wish you good luck in your endeavors but keep in mind that atanytime you chose
to disassociate yourself from MAsonry you simply walk away. The big emotional
hurrah seems pointless unless done for attention.. In any event good luck and
God Bless.. BEfore you made such a jump I would have spoken to some of the
Brethren that are also Ministers. There are men of the cloth from every faith
in MAsonry..
Sincerely & Respectfully
Bro. Manny Blanco
Moreno Valley Lodge # 804
Moreno Valley, CA
A Christian and a Mason..
I would denounce neither but would denounce any Church who could not see the
good in Freemasonry and accept my being a member of the Fraternity.
Actually it is not part of Fremasonry to mention one's religion or to speak of Religion, despite the belief in a creator, all religions are found to be members of Freemasonry, and so Brother Manny, on the square and on the level, you shouldnt be mentioning any specific Religion in connection with freemasonry. We have Muslims and Buddhists and all sorts, all except Atheists, and Freemasonry does not Belong to any single religion, Christianity Included
You're not supposed to discuss religion (or politics) AT LODGE. There is no prohibition of any kind, to my knowledge, regarding discussing these topics outside of lodge, i.e. in our capacity as citizens, whether or not in connection with being Masons. By implication, aren't you discussing both by telling anyone you're a KT? Isn't being a Christian a necessary requirement for acceptance into the order? I don't know because although I'm a Christian Mason, I'm Craft/Scottish Rite solely. But everything I've ever read about KT's, including reliable authorities, says KT is an order for Christian Masons. There are plenty of Catholic Masons too, btw. Masonry doesn't bar Catholics from membership, and its questionable whether the Catholic Church still forbids Catholics from being Masons. The three rationales alleging incompatibility between the two putative belief systems (Masonry is not really a belief system at all), which "justify" the modern instantiation of the Catholic Ban, are transparently incorrect to any Mason (at least with respect to degrees 1-3). Masonry isn't inconsistent/incompatible with any religion I can think of. Nor does it demand you adhere to any. It just requires belief in God, in the broadest sense.
2017-07-20 14:30:16 UTC
I just re-read the ritual to make sure I was making a correct statement. Yes
there is a symbolic penalty etc... So what. If he is leaving because of the
penalty just of the Templars, how did he make it through Craft, Royal Arch, and
Cryptic. They all have Symbolic Penalties. As for the drinking of the skull.
So what, it is a Livation (a toast) not the Lord Supper.
Sir Knight Christopher A. Harris, 32*
Senior Deacon & Lodge Education Officer of
McDonald Lodge # 324 AF & AM Independence, Missouri
(this is my masonic homepage with literally tons of links)
Probably made it through because 98% of lodges these days are not true lodges. The craft has been dispersed and lost, and Freemasonry is a moneypooling scam these days which admits any tom dick or harry.. and even sarah thsese days i see we have women freemasons in USA. These days you buy yourself into freemasonry, and pretend to be a philanthropist so you can meet other business contacts who also pretend to be philanthropists. There is little focus on creating a better world and saving Humanity, and mostly self interest and self promotion in the new generation of Masons. there is much selfishness in the hearts of the new generation of brethren, and most of them never had to endure what the older brethren had to, to get their intitiations. There is little care taken in screening and selecting the right material these days, loads of assholes in the craft.
2020-02-04 01:23:33 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
I just re-read the ritual to make sure I was making a correct statement. Yes
there is a symbolic penalty etc... So what. If he is leaving because of the
penalty just of the Templars, how did he make it through Craft, Royal Arch, and
Cryptic. They all have Symbolic Penalties. As for the drinking of the skull.
So what, it is a Livation (a toast) not the Lord Supper.
Sir Knight Christopher A. Harris, 32*
Senior Deacon & Lodge Education Officer of
McDonald Lodge # 324 AF & AM Independence, Missouri
(this is my masonic homepage with literally tons of links)
Probably made it through because 98% of lodges these days are not true lodges. The craft has been dispersed and lost, and Freemasonry is a moneypooling scam these days which admits any tom dick or harry.. and even sarah thsese days i see we have women freemasons in USA. These days you buy yourself into freemasonry, and pretend to be a philanthropist so you can meet other business contacts who also pretend to be philanthropists. There is little focus on creating a better world and saving Humanity, and mostly self interest and self promotion in the new generation of Masons. there is much selfishness in the hearts of the new generation of brethren, and most of them never had to endure what the older brethren had to, to get their intitiations. There is little care taken in screening and selecting the right material these days, loads of assholes in the craft.
It's the same in England, Great Britain, where too many lodges are run by a clique of elder brethren, who have spent several years in non-progressive offices that enables one or two to run the lodge for their benefit.

They also show great joy in criticising ritual, despite the fact that no-one is trained in their offices, nor rehearsals arranged.

These brethren are usually past provincial lodge officers who try to set themselves apart by telling new candidates to wear dark suits, whilst claiming the they are the only ones entitled to wear morning dress, despite the Grand Lodge rule stating that the choice between the two forms of dress is up to the individual.

It is these petty-minded brethren who are slowly killing off freemasonry. Our lodge celebrate its centenary this year; I fear it will be for the last time.

It will be 5 years before I become Lodge Master, at which point I will institute changes by removing the elder brethren, who are hindering growth and true learning. Lodges of Instruction will be held regularly, so that the right knowledge is imparted by knowledgeable Officers and Mentors.
Post by a***@gmail.com
I just re-read the ritual to make sure I was making a correct statement. Yes
there is a symbolic penalty etc... So what. If he is leaving because of the
penalty just of the Templars, how did he make it through Craft, Royal Arch, and
Cryptic. They all have Symbolic Penalties. As for the drinking of the skull.
So what, it is a Livation (a toast) not the Lord Supper.
Sir Knight Christopher A. Harris, 32*
Senior Deacon & Lodge Education Officer of
McDonald Lodge # 324 AF & AM Independence, Missouri
(this is my masonic homepage with literally tons of links)
Probably made it through because 98% of lodges these days are not true lodges. The craft has been dispersed and lost, and Freemasonry is a moneypooling scam these days which admits any tom dick or harry.. and even sarah thsese days i see we have women freemasons in USA. These days you buy yourself into freemasonry, and pretend to be a philanthropist so you can meet other business contacts who also pretend to be philanthropists. There is little focus on creating a better world and saving Humanity, and mostly self interest and self promotion in the new generation of Masons. there is much selfishness in the hearts of the new generation of brethren, and most of them never had to endure what the older brethren had to, to get their intitiations. There is little care taken in screening and selecting the right material these days, loads of assholes in the craft.