<SHIGH> SHAY NOW BARUCH (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein dba Barry Z. Shein (bzs@TheWorld.com) infeshting 700 Washington St B'righton Mass) For VHY you are POSHTING not SHODOMISHING??? IS, your genitally mutilated abbreviated jew schlong SHTUCK in a SHEIZED up jew ANUSH jew pedo?
(too old to reply)
Sick old nazoid pedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron (aka 'Ron Jacobson')
2019-02-23 17:50:53 UTC

IS it jew pedo BARUCH?

More VASHELINE you should have used, you cheap jew shubfuck!



Your, circumcished jew shishter Suzan F. Binder and her
circumcished jew hubby Marc W. Binder
Your, circumcished shitshke 'wife' Mary E. Riendeau Shein
Your, shenile circumcished jew mum Ann Shein <TSSSSSSSSSSSSSHK!>
Your, shubcherry-popped circumcished jew shubnephew Zachary G. Binder

And ESHPECIALLY your, shleazy shlimy jew pedophile shyshadmin ALSHO
called Baruch 'Barry' Zachary Shein!

Any, OTHER circumcished jew shub-relative'sh you vant ve should

Jusht SHAY, the vord jew pedo BARUCH!
The Jews
2019-02-23 17:56:29 UTC
Gonadal dysgenesis suffering fake wannabe Nazi Gordon Radovich
[***@tiscali.co.uk], the anally-obsessed, unemployable, impotent,
glue-huffing, passportless, rope-dodging, pedophilic,
bestiality-practicing Serbian coprophiliac Queen Mary Parking Lot
black cock worshipper, who for some reason posts pretending to be
Jewish, hated by Hitler and proven by White Nationalist Scholars to be
inferior to Asian peoples, tried to cover up his abject fear of the
fascist-slapping, Nazi-tormenting, totalitarian-taunting, superior
Jews that torture him daily, and reveal his complete and total
ignorance, and expose his countless excuses to avoid getting
Nuremberged®, by taking time out of his busy schedule of felching his
mother for spending money and then masturbating to kiddie porn (while
he desperately hides from Barry for over 11 years even though he has
his address!) to lie when he pathetically copied a superior being's
words and changed them around a bit to make it look like he was
Post by Sick old nazoid pedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron (aka 'Ron Jacobson')
Any, OTHER circumcished jew shub-relative'sh you vant ve should
Jusht SHAY, the vord jew pedo BARUCH!
When Gordon Radovich claimed that being "Googlefucked" was worse than
being holocausted,
Message-ID: <***@eu.news.astraweb.com>
we decided to interview Barry about it ourselves!

{begin transcript}

THE JEWS: So, Barry, we understand that you're being Googlefucked! How
are you holding up?

BARRY: I'm what?

TJ: Being Googlefucked.

BARRY: I have no idea what that is.

TJ: Apparently, there is a glue-huffing white supremacist pedophile
out there who makes dozens of posts every day with your name and
address in them.

BARRY: [sipping coffee] No kidding!

TJ: He says it's worse than being holocausted!

BARRY: Huh. Sounds terrible.

TJ: So, how are you holding up?

BARRY: Um, well, since this is the first I've heard about it, I guess
I'm holding up OK.

TJ: He's been doing it for over a decade.

BARRY: Over a decade? And you had to come and tell me about it?

TJ: Apparently so.

BARRY: Well, I'm not sure exactly how it's supposed to affect me. Over
a decade, you say? And he has my address? Why doesn't he just stop by?

TJ: We're pretty sure it's because when he thinks about actually
meeting you, he pees his pants in fear.

BARRY: [setting down coffee] Cookie?

TJ: Yes, thanks

BARRY: Well, that all sounds very sad. Maybe you should tell him I
have the blinds drawn and triple locks on the door so he thinks I'm

TJ: We'll tell him you have Dobermans patrolling the yard as well.

BARRY and TJ: Ha! Ha! Ha!

BARRY: Oooh! Tell him my entire family has had plastic surgery and
have gone into the Witness Protection Program, too!

TJ: Good Lord these are good cookies.

BARRY: My wife makes them. Of course, now that she knows she's being-
what did you call it? Googlefucked? Well, now that she knows that, I'm
sure the cookie-baking will stop. [laughs in Jewish]

TJ: Well, it was nice talking to you.

BARRY: Take some cookies home with you. She'll make more.

{end transcript}

"Why do I keep getting scammed by Jews? Is it because they're so smart, or because I'm so stupid?"
-Gordon Radovich 2018

2019 Score Card for Gordon Radovich

# of Jews holocausted to date - 0
# of subhumans deported to date - 0
# of people Gordon has "kicked off" of Usenet - 0
# of times Gordon has been humiliated on Usenet - [infinity]
# of years Gordon has hid from Barry - 12
# of years Gordon has hid from Chris Morton - 16+

-Gordon Radovich, Wed, 17 Jan 2018

"HUH ? O, shitscared of being, traced and 'holocausted'®™ that he set, up an untraceable Gmail account JUST, to email me!
"null.net account traceable ?
-Gordon, inanely babbling about a gmail account which he claimed he never got an email from, but somehow he knows about."
Post by Sick old nazoid pedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron (aka 'Ron Jacobson')
Gordon, How did YOUR brain get so rattled?
"To/too/two (pick one) much sodomy and/or cocksucking!"
-Gordon Radovich
