Freemason Dick Cheney Killer of Babies!
(too old to reply)
2006-01-10 10:00:09 UTC

Proof Dick Cheney is a Freemason on the Links above!

Below is what I posted previously exposing mind control and killing a
person slowly.

Loading Image...
Cellular Phone Tower on link above.


Below is what I posted to someone who said I did not know what I was
talking about concerning mind control via cellular phone towers and the
GPS satellite tracking system.

Then you do not know how these towers work or you are deliberately
being misleading. They send as well as recieve signals. TV and radio
towers are called "omni-directional" but it would be better to call
them "omni-present" because they send the signal in all directions
simoltaneously. Cellular Phone towers on the other hand only send the
signal in one direction at a time but are capable of sending the signal

any direction. They do not waste the signal by sending it everywhere.
They beam it at you. "Beam me up Scotty". Radar is a fixed devise that
sends the signal ionly in one direction. You have probably seen round
objects on towers before. These also send in only one direction so
therefore are not "omni-directional". Although a cellular phone tower
only beams its signal in one direction at a time unlike TV and Radio
towers it is capable of sending the signal in any direction. Again they

do not waste the signal by sending it everywhere. They beam it right at

you and they can intensify the beams for people with inplants given to
them either by abduction (which these people are wrongly led to believe

it was aliens doing it to them by agent provacatuers and propganda on
TV) or through the psychiatric and medical establishments.

You said: One of these might help;
You are working for the Illuminati and disseminating disinformation.
People after you have read the Masonic agent provacatuer link above's
link then see tthe link below.

Now read this for the truth.

To see a celluar phone tower then see the link above. It is the tower
behind the building with the omni-directional triangulation apperatus
at the top of it that can locate your exact spot so that they can beam
you with transmitions whereever you go if you have an implant in you.

Loading Image...
Now compare the cellular phone tower to what you see in this lodge. I
understand exactly what the balls on the corners of the wooden triangle

are and what it symbolises.


See this link to see the experiences of (Shemuwel) Samuel Antoine Moser

an annointed member of Jehovah's Witnesses. Read all the posts.

You people in the Illuminati can repent! http://www.watchtower.org


If they abandon their proffessions and turn to YEHOVAH.

There are a total of 17 links in this post. If there isn't then your
ISP filtered them out so you should switch services to someone who
supports freespeech.


Psychiatry in the USA was founded by the Freemason named Benjamin Rush
one of the signers of the USA constitution. Benjamin Rush is called
today "The Father of Psychiatry". Benjamin Rush invented a restraint
chair with straps on it that he named "The Tranquilizer". Psychiatry
and Psychology is a Masonic Craft or Art to identify YEHOVAH's sheep
and suppress and kill them while goats they call "normal". Freemasons
will even due black magick rituals to call on demons to attack people
they want targeted so that these people appear insane to others. They
will also put implants in them either by abduction or through the
medical and psychiatric system and then track them where ever they go
via the cellular phone towers and or the GPS satelite tracking system
and if they become a "problem" they will target them with mind numbing
microwave transmitions, or they will torture them with microwave lazers

called mazers from satelites (same thing used to make the crop circles)

or even beam them with high powered x-ray and gamma ray lazers from
satelites called razers and gazers respectively. If they just want to
watch the person they view them by spy satelite because they know your
exact location via triangulation using the GPS satelite tracking system

which is a network of satelites and it takes three at a time to track
something through triangulation. The celluar phone towers also can
track you with the triangulation apperatus at the top of it. The
Freemason Benjamin Rush also invented the "straight jacket". Although
the first link is run by an organization run by Scientology it does a
good job exposing these people. Freemasons are responsible for Aleister

Crowley and the OTO and his law of thelema and the OTO (Ordo Templi
Orientis) is responsible for the church of scientology. This is the
synthosis of scientology - Roman Catholic Church - Knights Templar --->
Freemasons ---->
Scottish Rite Freemasonry ----> Ordo Templi Orientis -----> The Church
of Scientology

The American Psychiatric Association and Psychology Associations are
actually Masonic Orders. Psychiatry and Psychology are Masonic Arts or
Crafts. Yes Freemasons have their secret Masonic Order of Psychiatry
and Masonic Order of Psychology.

See all the links below.









See the posts on this link by this poster. See all the posts by


Bill Clinton's name adds up to 666 in both Hebrew and Greek. Check out
the link above and be sure to archive it.

In ASCII charector computer values "al gore" adds up to 666 when
spelled in all lower case and if you include the space charector. ASCII

stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange". This
code was invented by the USA military during world war II. Original
IBM, Apple and Atari computers used the ASCII code.

Bill Cinton was president during the years 1998, 1999 and 2000.
666+666+666=1998 . 1999 upside down is 6661 and 2000 devided by 3 is
666.6666666666666 into infinity. They were planning on making their
holocaust in 2000 with the Y2K but their plans falled apart. The Galieo

space probe to Jupiter's fuel was enriched plutonium and it had far
fuel then it needed to power the probe. They had planned that when the
stalite entered the atmosphere of Jupiter that when the plutonium
reached the center of the gassious planet that the weight of the
atmosphere would created an atomic reaction and the gassious planet
would ignite forming a new star that they had planned on naming
"Lucifer". Jupiter is another name for Zeus. The milenium celibrations
were suposed to usher in the new age and they had planned on putting a
golden capstone by helecopter lift on the Great Pyramid of Giza time as

Jupiter ignited. As you know Egypt backed out of agreeing to let the
USA do this hearing rumers that this was a Zionist Masonic ritual. I am

the one who started that with the post I posted to the internet on
www.parascope.com entitled "Mountain of Meating on the Back of the USA
one dollar bill". The mountain of meeting can be found in the same
location of the Holy Scriptures where it speaks of Lucifer.

Here are some things to think about.

If A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 and so on all the way to Z in multiples of 6 then

these things add up to 666.

"SSNUMBER"(Social Security Number)
"NEW YORK" (Home of the United Nations)
"VACCINATION" (You would be amazed at the filth that goes into these
injections. For instance the Rubella vaccinine actually has the tissue
of aborted fetuses in it)

There are many things that add up to 666 with the method above for
forward through the alphebet and backwards through it. Also many things

in ASCII that add up to 666. You may try reversing the order of the
ASCII code to unveal hidden obscure 666 numberings. Bill Gates real
name is William Gates III but he is better known as Bill Gates. "BILL
GATES 3" adds up to 666 in ASCII. Amazing because Bill Gates was not
even born yet when the ASCII code was invented!

YEHOVAH is making these demonic plans of the Illuminati fall apart
because their plans do not fall in line with the prophesies of
Revelation that false religion the Harlet Babylon the Great would be
stripped naked, devoured and burned by fire by the Scarlet Colored Wild

Beast that she is riding because the Illuminati is Babylon the Great.
Real servant of the Almighty Father YEHOVAH and His Male Offspring
YEHOSHUVAH don't have anything to fear from these people because the
United Nations Beast will turn of the Harlet that is riding her
promoting it as God' political expression of His Kingdom on Earth. The
Vatican also promotes the U.N. as God's political expression of His
Kingdon on Earth so you can see she is also part of the Harlet.

Don't worry if you already have a VACCINATION or a SSNUMBER because in
the days of the early Christians there were 6 different denominations
of Roman Coins and they were 500,100,50,10,5 and 1. As you can see they

add up to 666 but that didn't stop early Christians from spending the
money nore did they view spending it as having the Mark of the Beast.
These things that add up to 666 must simply be a trick of Satan who the

Holy Scriptures says is really ruling the world right now. In Japan the

currency is 500,100,50,10,5 and 1 also.

Bill Clinton was a Masonic Demolay during his youth but today he is a
member of the Ordo Templi Orientis a follower of foul Satanist Aleister

Crowley who was also a 33rd degree Freemason being awarded this level
by the 33rd degree Freemasons who originally controlled the OTO. L. Ron

Hubbard was Aleister Crowley's "right hand man". Jack Parsons was
Aleister Crowley's "left hand man". Aleister Crowley was a Bisexual and

practiced sex magick with these two men. These men literally consumed
each other's bodily fluids. Yuk!!!!!!!!!!! L Ron Hubbard left the OTO
and formed the Church of Scientology. There are many movie stars in
holywood who are Scientologists. Jack Parsons was Americas most
important rocked scientists because he invented the solid fuel rocket
engine that made it possible to make intercontinental balistic missles
and put things into orbit and probes to other planets. The followers of

Aleister Crowley hate Scientology because they feel L Ron Hubbard
betrayed them.

Anyway the real reason Jupiter did not ignite during the year 2000 is
because it is not a gassious planet but actually has a surface. The red

spot of Jupiter has always been said by scientists to be a perpetual
storm but what it actually is a huge volcano on the surface that is
continually belching smoke. Satan duped the Scientists in the

Although I would not get a vaccination you can use a computer even
though it adds up to 666 as long as you are serving the interests of
the Almighty Father YEHOVAH since the Holy Scriptures says to "make
friends in the heavenly places with the unrighteous riches so when
these fail they may recieve you into the everlasting dwelling places".

Oh you should know that YEHOVAH used me to tip off William Cooper that
the UFOs and Aliens were a hoax and why but I told William Cooper not
to promote militias and gun ownership but to put his trust in YEHOVAH.
I kept telling him that YEHOSHUVAH ('jesus') said that those who live
by the sword will die by the sword" but he kept saying "Putting your in

God did not save anyone from Hitler did it?" I even mailed William
Cooper literature of YEHOVAH's Witnesses including the book "Revelation

its Grand Climax is at Hand" which would explain why he links the
League of Nations with the United Nations. Well because William Cooper
would not listen to me and put his trust in YEHOVAH and not a gun he
was shot dead by a Masonic deputy. What happend was that William Cooper

told a neibor that was harrassing him to stay off his property while he

was holding his gun. Later a warrent was issued for his arrest. A buch
of young deputies rode up in a pick up truck immitating a bunch of
rowdy teenagers comming to terrorize him. So he came out and pointed
his gun at them to get them to leave. But one of the deputies shot at
him and William Copper shot back grazing the head of one of them and
then the deputies shot back and William Cooper was dead. Yes William
Cooper was shot dead by Masonic deputies. Willaim Cooper read my post
to parascope that aliens were the product of human guinia pig research
with genetic engineering but later I posted there that originally it
was not genetic enginering but was the result of exposing successive
generations of children to radiation and toxins of all kinds. The so
called "Grey Aliens" are actually just humans. :-)

For many truths of YEHOVAH's Word start with YEHOVAH's Witnesses.


Science is the result of the original sin and all technology is
destroying the earth. Science is the result of Adam and Eve eating from

the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad. It is a poison knowledge
that is leading man to self destruction. The Holy Scriptures says that
it is not for man who is walking even to direct his own step. Read the
link above.



http://www.watchtower.org - These people can repent!!!!!!!!


These people can repent. Anyone can recieve forgiveness if they turn to

YEHOVAH in genuine repentance. They need to say the prayer below and i
know these people are watching me.


This is a prayer that will change your life if you are humble enough to

say it from your heart and truly want these things. It is important not

to substitute the titles "Lord" or "God" for the Holy Name YEHOVAH.

Dear YEHOVAH Elohim heavenly Father All Powerful One who created all
things. Please hear my prayer. I accept the sacrifice of your male
offspring YEHOSHUVAH for forgiveness of my sins. Please forgive me of
all the bad things I have done in my life. Please fill me with Holy
Spirit in the same manner as John the Baptist. Please make me do your
will so I can endure to the end so I can be saved. I know I have free
will but I give you permission to make me do your will because I want
to live forever. Please lift my blinders so that I am not blinded by
Satan in anyway. Please lead me to the truth in all things. Please give

me true wisdom, true understanding and true knowledge. Please remove
all the defilement from my body. Please give me a pure heart and a pure

mind. Please rewrite my heart and mind so that I love you compleately.
Please may your Holy Name YEHOVAH be viewed as Holy before everyone.
Please may your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Please
protect me from Satan and his demons and those who serve them so that
they can not cause me harm or trouble for either me or my family.
Please guide me to the truth in all things. Again please forgive me of
all my past wrongdoings because I accept the sacrifice of your Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH. Please give me faith beyond faith. Please give me

armors or righteousness. Please give me a sword of truth. Please give
me the helment of salvation. Please give me the fruitages of the
spirit. Please remove all the defilement from my body. I love you dear
Father YEHOVAH. Again please make me do your will because I want to
live forever. I pray these things through the name of your Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH who died for my sins so that I can be saved if I
endure to the end. Amen.
2006-01-10 17:35:16 UTC
Post by l***@yahoo.com
your tax dollars at work, americans.
and your troops too
that's how you "do good to the world in every war you wage"
2006-01-10 19:57:36 UTC
Where is the part about Cheney killing babies? Or is this just another
violation of Google Groups TOS for spam?
2006-01-10 22:17:22 UTC
he has freedom of speech you are the troll slunky....get lost
2006-01-10 22:25:50 UTC
Dick cheney is a freemason and it is called sex magic.

Connection is Dick Cheney is a freemason and they own the monarch
slave program

2006-01-10 22:41:14 UTC
Toronto Star

Dick Cheney's brilliant career

By David Olive

July 26, 2002

"By any measure you want to use, Halliburton has been a great success

-Dick Cheney, U.S. vice-presidential candidate, campaigning in 2000

"Halliburton Co. said Wednesday that it lost $498 million in the second
quarter, weighed down by charges against earnings for asbestos-related
claims and a troubled project in Brazil."

-News report, July 24, 2002

WITH SPIRO ("TED") Agnew, it was so simple. He was charged with
pocketing more than $100,000 in graft from Maryland engineering firms,
one of which took the trouble to have someone personally deliver an
envelope with $10,000 in small bills to the newly elected U.S.
vice-president at his suite in the Executive Office Building in
Washington. Bribery is plainly illegal, so Ted pleaded "no contest" to
the charges against him and quit public life in 1973.

But you look at Dick Cheney's brief stint in business from 1995 to
2000, prior to joining the Bush ticket, and you don't see anything
illegal. Not yet, anyway.

There's nothing illegal about a former U.S. defence secretary and Gulf
War hero accepting a plum post as CEO of a tainted firm, Halliburton
Co., that was harshly criticized in the early 1990s for selling
oil-drilling equipment to, of all places, Saddam Hussein's Iraq. In
1995, the same year Cheney decided to try his hand at business with
Halliburton after a lifelong career in politics, the company pleaded
guilty to violating the U.S. ban on exports to Libya, having peddled to
strongman Moammar Gadhafi six pulse nuclear generators that could be
used to detonate nuclear weapons.

Nor was there anything illegal about Cheney's inability, as CEO, to
stop the stain of questionable conduct at the Texas-based oil-services
and construction company from spreading. Under Cheney, Halliburton
continued to do business with countries the U.S. has described as
"rogue nations," including Libya, Iran and Iraq.

And it overbilled the Pentagon on contracts over a four-year period
ending in 1998 - charging $750,000 (U.S.) for electrical repairs at
Fort Ord in California that actually cost about $125,000, for example
- and ultimately reached a settlement with the Army in which it paid
a $2 million fine.

Also in 1998, Halliburton, with the assistance of its auditor, Arthur
Andersen, altered the company's accounting methods in a way that
postponed losses from deadbeat clients, a device that artificially
inflated Halliburton's profits by about $100 million and is now the
subject of an investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange

There was nothing improper about the unusually limited role expected of
Cheney as head of a Fortune 500 company. He was recruited as CEO not
long after a fortuitous five-day fishing trip in B.C. with several
CEOs, including his predecessor at Halliburton, who was impressed by
Cheney's fireside tales of how he had reorganized the Pentagon. That
revamp, which called for a 25 per cent reduction in personnel and the
closing of 800 bases, laid the foundation for the allegations Cheney
and George Bush would make in the 2000 campaign of how the Clinton-Gore
team had run down America's fighting strength.

At Halliburton, Cheney would be paid a total of $45 million in salary,
bonuses, stock-option profits and stock-sale proceeds for his services.
The principal function of this novice CEO was to be a high-priced
lobbyist, using his contacts at the Pentagon and with kings, emirs and
oil ministers to drum up business. The actual running of the $9 billion
enterprise was delegated to Cheney's future successor, David Lesar, who
later explained, "On major types of things, I would tell Cheney what
the decisions were."

There's nothing illegal about the political influence that Cheney did
wield on Halliburton's behalf. The company's U.S. government contracts
soared to $2.3 billion during Cheney's tenure, more than double its
take in the previous five years. That relationship continues now that
Cheney has moved on, with Halliburton, despite its reputation for
padding expenses, recently winning a post-Sept. 11 contract as
exclusive logistics supplier for the U.S. Army and Navy. It will do
work such as running canteens and carting fuel that the armed forces
claim they could do themselves for 10 per cent to 20 per cent less than
Halliburton will be paid.

CEO Cheney, a hard-right opponent of government spending during his
political career, also reinforced Halliburton's status as a leading
recipient of corporate welfare. The $1.5 billion in government
financing and loan guarantees that Halliburton netted in Cheney's time
was a 15-fold increase over the previous half-decade.

There's nothing improper about the assertion by Bush campaign
communications director Karen Hughes in 2000 that "The American people
should be pleased they have a vice-presidential candidate who has been
successful in business." After all, Cheney's legacy at Halliburton
didn't turn into a flaming wreck until several months after his
inauguration - and four years after he reassured fellow employees at
Halliburton that "this is where I expect to spend the rest of my

Cheney's crowning achievement in business was Halliburton's 1998 merger
with archrival Dresser Industries Inc., a one-shot deal that briefly
obscured the underlying weakness of Halliburton's basic business. But
alas, the transaction was a Harvard-worthy case of mutual non-due

Only in the aftermath of the $8 billion merger did Dresser executives
learn to their dismay about hundreds of millions of dollars of losses
on major Halliburton construction projects that did not appear on its
books - another indulgence in creative accounting. For its part,
Halliburton was surprised to discover the magnitude of asbestos-related
liabilities at a former Dresser subsidiary, for which it has paid out
$152 million in injury claims in the past year alone.

There was nothing illegal about the decision by Cheney and four other
Halliburton insiders to dump their shares in the company in August,
2000, about two months before Halliburton stunned investors with news
that its engineering and construction business was spiralling downward,
and that a grand jury was investigating charges it had overbilled the

Cheney took an $18.5 million profit on the sale of his shares.
Halliburton stock has since plummeted to a 16-year low, losing about 75
per cent of its value since Cheney left the company.

Last Wednesday, Halliburton reported a $498 million loss for the second
quarter. It also said that a consultant's study has estimated it faces
liability of $2.2 billion between now and 2017 for existing and
potential asbestos claims, and that Halliburton has insurance coverage
of just $602 million. The company has worked overtime this year to
quash rumours of its imminent bankruptcy.

Finally, there's nothing unconstitutional about the disappearance of
the vice-president during a national crisis, namely the widespread
malfeasance in Corporate America that has factored into the bear market
on Wall Street.

A spokesperson at Halliburton, suggesting that Cheney might have some
insight into that issue, after all, has appeared to implicate Cheney in
the firm's accounting irregularities by stating, "the vice-president
was aware we accrued revenue on unapproved claims." But then there's
that famous promotional video for Arthur Andersen in which CEO Cheney
lavishes praise on the innovative auditing firm, saying, "I get good
advice, if you will, from their people based upon how we're doing
business and how we're operating - over and above the sort of normal
by-the-books auditing arrangement."

As Michael Kinsley conceded in Slate, "This remark from Cheney is a
pretty convincing performance of a man who doesn't know what the hell
he is talking about."

So Cheney, who still vets Bush's major appointments and held his hand
after Sept. 11, is perhaps wise to renege on his campaign promise, and
not bring his business acumen to bear on this particular problem. It
must be said that no one has dropped into his Washington office to slip
him an envelope stuffed with cash. Cheney has merely helped a
private-sector firm relieve the taxpayers of some money, and then
swollen the ranks of CEOs who walked away from a corporate catastrophe
with bulging pockets.

No crime in that
2006-01-10 22:47:35 UTC
He never brought out the info on ewan Cameron look him up look up

slunky you are the troll shut up and let people speak
2006-01-10 23:45:04 UTC
Jim Bennie
2006-01-11 05:45:31 UTC
Post by teslacoils2006
Dick cheney is a freemason
Post the name and number of his lodge as proof of his membership.

Can't? Didn't think so. As he's not a Mason, it'd be impossible to
do so. But don't let facts get in the way of your ravings, Mr. Roy.

Jim Bennie
Nos. 44 & 100, Vancouver
2006-01-11 07:24:31 UTC
lodge #22 bohemian lodge now you try to verify it is not
2006-01-11 09:56:25 UTC
Thanks teslacoils2006 for the intelligence gathering on Dick Cheney the
Freemason war-pig who tricks Christians into fighting in his Masonic
wars. But even Dick Cheney and GW Bush can repent!
http://www.watchtower.org and if they did i would welcome them as a
spiritual brother. :-)
Jim Bennie
2006-01-11 10:32:11 UTC
Post by teslacoils2006
lodge #22 bohemian lodge now you try to verify it is not
Just did. Looked at the Masonic Directory and such a lodge isn't
in there.

Got more stories you can make up, Mr. Roy? How about the one about
the three bears eating porridge? It's as real as anything else
you've posted here.

Jim Bennie
Nos. 44 & 100, Vancouver
2006-01-11 11:20:13 UTC
OK then Jim. Tell us the *REAL* name of Masonic Lodge #22 then? :-)

Maybie they just don't put that one on their list. :-)

After all Freemasons are a buch of liars that are oath bound to keep
secrets. :-)

You Freemason baby killers can repent!

The Harry Truman Lodge had Dick Cheney listed on their site that said
that Dick Cheney = Penis Chainy (Freemasons coined the expression: "I
was just yanking your chain. = penis) was the current highest ranking

But Skull and Bones is also Masonic and GW Bush belongs to it.

You Masons can repent! http://www.watchtower.org
2006-01-11 10:11:37 UTC
Freemasons have a pin that has Tubal Cain or Two Ball Cane surrounded
by Two Balls and Chain.

The Tubal Cain is the penis. Two Ball Cane. This is the cross. Dick is
English salnd for penis and Cheney is Chainy. Remember the Two Balls
and Chain on the Masonic pin?

Loading Image...
Loading Image...
You need to cut and paste the 2 links above into your browser to see
the picks because if you do not you will get redirected elsewhere.

Sorry but I do not have the link to the pin with the Two Ball Cane
surrouned by Two Balls and Chain. Dick Cheney!

Freemason Dick Cheney = Penis Chain. Have you ever heard the Masonic
expression; "I was just yanking your chain"? :-) Same as "I was just
yanking your penis".

Loading Image...
Here is a new initiate in the Masonic Lodge getting his Chain = Penis
yanked by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge! on the link above. You
also need to cut and paste this link to see it.
2006-01-11 10:20:51 UTC
Remember that Tubal Cain is one of their secret passwords. Tubal was
the grandson of Cain. http://www.watchtower.org where Masons can go to
get on YEHOVAH's side.
2006-01-11 10:51:44 UTC

People out their see this link to see posts that shows the real meaning
of Dick Cheney's Masonic name. The name means Penis Chain!


teslacoild said; Dick cheney is a freemason and it is called sex magic.
Connection is Dick Cheney is a freemason and they own the monarch
slave program



Thanks teslacoils! I would not have made the connection without you.


Freemasons have a pin that has Tubal Cain or Two Ball Cane surrounded
by Two Balls and Chain.

The Tubal Cain is the penis. Two Ball Cane. This is the cross. Dick is
English salnd for penis and Cheney is Chainy. Remember the Two Balls
and Chain on the Masonic pin?

You need to cut and paste the 2 links above into your browser to see
the picks because if you do not you will get redirected elsewhere.

Sorry but I do not have the link to the pin with the Two Ball Cane
surrouned by Two Balls and Chain. Dick Cheney!

Freemason Dick Cheney = Penis Chain. Have you ever heard the Masonic
expression; "I was just yanking your chain"? :-) Same as "I was just
yanking your penis".

Here is a new initiate in the Masonic Lodge getting his Chain = Penis
yanked by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge! on the link above. You
also need to cut and paste this link to see it.

Remember that Tubal Cain is one of their secret passwords. Tubal was
the grandson of Cain. http://www.watchtower.org where Masons can go to
get on YEHOVAH's side before it is too late!


Remember the Masonic disinformation talk show host Art Bell?

Art = Craft and that is what Freemasons call what they do. "The Craft"
which is witchcraft. Bel was the Babylonian spelling of Baal the
Cananite god that the Hebrews started worshipping and sacrificing their
babies to. Moloch was the idol of Baal and it was a Bull Image and
flames would leap from the lap of the image which represented his all
consuming semen. The apstate Hebrews put their babies in the lap of
Baal Moloch in the flames and burned them alive. Bell is from Bel and
Baal and Bul and Bull. The Assyrian spelling of Baal was Bul which is
why Baal Moloch was a Bull Idol. This is why the animal is sacred to
Hindus today. Holy Cow Batman! DC comics is published by Masons. Marvel
is published by Thelemites of the Golden Dawn and the Ordo Templi
Orientis. Well anyway in Masonic English slang a "bell head" is the
head of a penis. These words are all the same; Bel Bell Belle Bella Bul
Bull Baal Bal Ball. Look up the word "Ball" in the webster's Ninth New
Collegiate Dictionary and it will say that the word "Ball" is the same
as the word "Testis" which is a Testicle. See the fertility connection?
Baal Moloch the Bull god Satan Sun god was a fertility god and he
required sacrifice of babies to ensure successful harvests. Marduk the
chief Babylonian god is the same as Moloch. Bel Marduk or Bell Marduk =
Baal Moloch = Bul (The Assyrian god whos name elludes me right now. You
should note that a King of Assyria was once named after that god which
was a winged bird and this King made a winged bull idol with his head
on it) Oh and Marduk was symbolised by dragan idols who's head
ressembled a lion sort of. Marduks original consort was Belit or Baalit
or Bullet. Revelation says Satan is the "Great Dragon and original
serpent" who decieved Eve and Adam into eating of the forbidden fruit
which gave them a poisoned knowledge from a venimous snake that is
leading man into self destruction. The tree of the Knowledge of Good
and bad was Adam's penis and the forbidden fruit was semen mixed with
vaginal fluids collected right after intercource.

Go here to see that Freemasons promote this poison knowledge of Satan!
The truth!
2006-01-11 11:21:00 UTC
Luc Lacombe
2022-04-01 11:51:58 UTC
i love the government!
