2006-01-10 10:00:09 UTC
Proof Dick Cheney is a Freemason on the Links above!
Below is what I posted previously exposing mind control and killing a
person slowly.
Loading Image...![](https://alt.freemasonry.narkive.com/KWKSqsSV/freemason-dick-cheney-killer-of-babies:i.1.1.thumb)
Cellular Phone Tower on link above.
Below is what I posted to someone who said I did not know what I was
talking about concerning mind control via cellular phone towers and the
GPS satellite tracking system.
Then you do not know how these towers work or you are deliberately
being misleading. They send as well as recieve signals. TV and radio
towers are called "omni-directional" but it would be better to call
them "omni-present" because they send the signal in all directions
simoltaneously. Cellular Phone towers on the other hand only send the
signal in one direction at a time but are capable of sending the signal
any direction. They do not waste the signal by sending it everywhere.
They beam it at you. "Beam me up Scotty". Radar is a fixed devise that
sends the signal ionly in one direction. You have probably seen round
objects on towers before. These also send in only one direction so
therefore are not "omni-directional". Although a cellular phone tower
only beams its signal in one direction at a time unlike TV and Radio
towers it is capable of sending the signal in any direction. Again they
do not waste the signal by sending it everywhere. They beam it right at
you and they can intensify the beams for people with inplants given to
them either by abduction (which these people are wrongly led to believe
it was aliens doing it to them by agent provacatuers and propganda on
TV) or through the psychiatric and medical establishments.
You said: One of these might help;
You are working for the Illuminati and disseminating disinformation.
People after you have read the Masonic agent provacatuer link above's
link then see tthe link below.
Now read this for the truth.
To see a celluar phone tower then see the link above. It is the tower
behind the building with the omni-directional triangulation apperatus
at the top of it that can locate your exact spot so that they can beam
you with transmitions whereever you go if you have an implant in you.
Loading Image...![](https://alt.freemasonry.narkive.com/KWKSqsSV/freemason-dick-cheney-killer-of-babies:i.1.3.thumb)
Now compare the cellular phone tower to what you see in this lodge. I
understand exactly what the balls on the corners of the wooden triangle
are and what it symbolises.
See this link to see the experiences of (Shemuwel) Samuel Antoine Moser
an annointed member of Jehovah's Witnesses. Read all the posts.
You people in the Illuminati can repent! http://www.watchtower.org
If they abandon their proffessions and turn to YEHOVAH.
There are a total of 17 links in this post. If there isn't then your
ISP filtered them out so you should switch services to someone who
supports freespeech.
Psychiatry in the USA was founded by the Freemason named Benjamin Rush
one of the signers of the USA constitution. Benjamin Rush is called
today "The Father of Psychiatry". Benjamin Rush invented a restraint
chair with straps on it that he named "The Tranquilizer". Psychiatry
and Psychology is a Masonic Craft or Art to identify YEHOVAH's sheep
and suppress and kill them while goats they call "normal". Freemasons
will even due black magick rituals to call on demons to attack people
they want targeted so that these people appear insane to others. They
will also put implants in them either by abduction or through the
medical and psychiatric system and then track them where ever they go
via the cellular phone towers and or the GPS satelite tracking system
and if they become a "problem" they will target them with mind numbing
microwave transmitions, or they will torture them with microwave lazers
called mazers from satelites (same thing used to make the crop circles)
or even beam them with high powered x-ray and gamma ray lazers from
satelites called razers and gazers respectively. If they just want to
watch the person they view them by spy satelite because they know your
exact location via triangulation using the GPS satelite tracking system
which is a network of satelites and it takes three at a time to track
something through triangulation. The celluar phone towers also can
track you with the triangulation apperatus at the top of it. The
Freemason Benjamin Rush also invented the "straight jacket". Although
the first link is run by an organization run by Scientology it does a
good job exposing these people. Freemasons are responsible for Aleister
Crowley and the OTO and his law of thelema and the OTO (Ordo Templi
Orientis) is responsible for the church of scientology. This is the
synthosis of scientology - Roman Catholic Church - Knights Templar --->
Freemasons ---->
Scottish Rite Freemasonry ----> Ordo Templi Orientis -----> The Church
of Scientology
The American Psychiatric Association and Psychology Associations are
actually Masonic Orders. Psychiatry and Psychology are Masonic Arts or
Crafts. Yes Freemasons have their secret Masonic Order of Psychiatry
and Masonic Order of Psychology.
See all the links below.
See the posts on this link by this poster. See all the posts by
Bill Clinton's name adds up to 666 in both Hebrew and Greek. Check out
the link above and be sure to archive it.
In ASCII charector computer values "al gore" adds up to 666 when
spelled in all lower case and if you include the space charector. ASCII
stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange". This
code was invented by the USA military during world war II. Original
IBM, Apple and Atari computers used the ASCII code.
Bill Cinton was president during the years 1998, 1999 and 2000.
666+666+666=1998 . 1999 upside down is 6661 and 2000 devided by 3 is
666.6666666666666 into infinity. They were planning on making their
holocaust in 2000 with the Y2K but their plans falled apart. The Galieo
space probe to Jupiter's fuel was enriched plutonium and it had far
fuel then it needed to power the probe. They had planned that when the
stalite entered the atmosphere of Jupiter that when the plutonium
reached the center of the gassious planet that the weight of the
atmosphere would created an atomic reaction and the gassious planet
would ignite forming a new star that they had planned on naming
"Lucifer". Jupiter is another name for Zeus. The milenium celibrations
were suposed to usher in the new age and they had planned on putting a
golden capstone by helecopter lift on the Great Pyramid of Giza time as
Jupiter ignited. As you know Egypt backed out of agreeing to let the
USA do this hearing rumers that this was a Zionist Masonic ritual. I am
the one who started that with the post I posted to the internet on
www.parascope.com entitled "Mountain of Meating on the Back of the USA
one dollar bill". The mountain of meeting can be found in the same
location of the Holy Scriptures where it speaks of Lucifer.
Here are some things to think about.
If A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 and so on all the way to Z in multiples of 6 then
these things add up to 666.
"SSNUMBER"(Social Security Number)
"NEW YORK" (Home of the United Nations)
"VACCINATION" (You would be amazed at the filth that goes into these
injections. For instance the Rubella vaccinine actually has the tissue
of aborted fetuses in it)
There are many things that add up to 666 with the method above for
forward through the alphebet and backwards through it. Also many things
in ASCII that add up to 666. You may try reversing the order of the
ASCII code to unveal hidden obscure 666 numberings. Bill Gates real
name is William Gates III but he is better known as Bill Gates. "BILL
GATES 3" adds up to 666 in ASCII. Amazing because Bill Gates was not
even born yet when the ASCII code was invented!
YEHOVAH is making these demonic plans of the Illuminati fall apart
because their plans do not fall in line with the prophesies of
Revelation that false religion the Harlet Babylon the Great would be
stripped naked, devoured and burned by fire by the Scarlet Colored Wild
Beast that she is riding because the Illuminati is Babylon the Great.
Real servant of the Almighty Father YEHOVAH and His Male Offspring
YEHOSHUVAH don't have anything to fear from these people because the
United Nations Beast will turn of the Harlet that is riding her
promoting it as God' political expression of His Kingdom on Earth. The
Vatican also promotes the U.N. as God's political expression of His
Kingdon on Earth so you can see she is also part of the Harlet.
Don't worry if you already have a VACCINATION or a SSNUMBER because in
the days of the early Christians there were 6 different denominations
of Roman Coins and they were 500,100,50,10,5 and 1. As you can see they
add up to 666 but that didn't stop early Christians from spending the
money nore did they view spending it as having the Mark of the Beast.
These things that add up to 666 must simply be a trick of Satan who the
Holy Scriptures says is really ruling the world right now. In Japan the
currency is 500,100,50,10,5 and 1 also.
Bill Clinton was a Masonic Demolay during his youth but today he is a
member of the Ordo Templi Orientis a follower of foul Satanist Aleister
Crowley who was also a 33rd degree Freemason being awarded this level
by the 33rd degree Freemasons who originally controlled the OTO. L. Ron
Hubbard was Aleister Crowley's "right hand man". Jack Parsons was
Aleister Crowley's "left hand man". Aleister Crowley was a Bisexual and
practiced sex magick with these two men. These men literally consumed
each other's bodily fluids. Yuk!!!!!!!!!!! L Ron Hubbard left the OTO
and formed the Church of Scientology. There are many movie stars in
holywood who are Scientologists. Jack Parsons was Americas most
important rocked scientists because he invented the solid fuel rocket
engine that made it possible to make intercontinental balistic missles
and put things into orbit and probes to other planets. The followers of
Aleister Crowley hate Scientology because they feel L Ron Hubbard
betrayed them.
Anyway the real reason Jupiter did not ignite during the year 2000 is
because it is not a gassious planet but actually has a surface. The red
spot of Jupiter has always been said by scientists to be a perpetual
storm but what it actually is a huge volcano on the surface that is
continually belching smoke. Satan duped the Scientists in the
Although I would not get a vaccination you can use a computer even
though it adds up to 666 as long as you are serving the interests of
the Almighty Father YEHOVAH since the Holy Scriptures says to "make
friends in the heavenly places with the unrighteous riches so when
these fail they may recieve you into the everlasting dwelling places".
Oh you should know that YEHOVAH used me to tip off William Cooper that
the UFOs and Aliens were a hoax and why but I told William Cooper not
to promote militias and gun ownership but to put his trust in YEHOVAH.
I kept telling him that YEHOSHUVAH ('jesus') said that those who live
by the sword will die by the sword" but he kept saying "Putting your in
God did not save anyone from Hitler did it?" I even mailed William
Cooper literature of YEHOVAH's Witnesses including the book "Revelation
its Grand Climax is at Hand" which would explain why he links the
League of Nations with the United Nations. Well because William Cooper
would not listen to me and put his trust in YEHOVAH and not a gun he
was shot dead by a Masonic deputy. What happend was that William Cooper
told a neibor that was harrassing him to stay off his property while he
was holding his gun. Later a warrent was issued for his arrest. A buch
of young deputies rode up in a pick up truck immitating a bunch of
rowdy teenagers comming to terrorize him. So he came out and pointed
his gun at them to get them to leave. But one of the deputies shot at
him and William Copper shot back grazing the head of one of them and
then the deputies shot back and William Cooper was dead. Yes William
Cooper was shot dead by Masonic deputies. Willaim Cooper read my post
to parascope that aliens were the product of human guinia pig research
with genetic engineering but later I posted there that originally it
was not genetic enginering but was the result of exposing successive
generations of children to radiation and toxins of all kinds. The so
called "Grey Aliens" are actually just humans. :-)
For many truths of YEHOVAH's Word start with YEHOVAH's Witnesses.
Science is the result of the original sin and all technology is
destroying the earth. Science is the result of Adam and Eve eating from
the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad. It is a poison knowledge
that is leading man to self destruction. The Holy Scriptures says that
it is not for man who is walking even to direct his own step. Read the
link above.
http://www.watchtower.org - These people can repent!!!!!!!!
These people can repent. Anyone can recieve forgiveness if they turn to
YEHOVAH in genuine repentance. They need to say the prayer below and i
know these people are watching me.
This is a prayer that will change your life if you are humble enough to
say it from your heart and truly want these things. It is important not
to substitute the titles "Lord" or "God" for the Holy Name YEHOVAH.
Dear YEHOVAH Elohim heavenly Father All Powerful One who created all
things. Please hear my prayer. I accept the sacrifice of your male
offspring YEHOSHUVAH for forgiveness of my sins. Please forgive me of
all the bad things I have done in my life. Please fill me with Holy
Spirit in the same manner as John the Baptist. Please make me do your
will so I can endure to the end so I can be saved. I know I have free
will but I give you permission to make me do your will because I want
to live forever. Please lift my blinders so that I am not blinded by
Satan in anyway. Please lead me to the truth in all things. Please give
me true wisdom, true understanding and true knowledge. Please remove
all the defilement from my body. Please give me a pure heart and a pure
mind. Please rewrite my heart and mind so that I love you compleately.
Please may your Holy Name YEHOVAH be viewed as Holy before everyone.
Please may your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Please
protect me from Satan and his demons and those who serve them so that
they can not cause me harm or trouble for either me or my family.
Please guide me to the truth in all things. Again please forgive me of
all my past wrongdoings because I accept the sacrifice of your Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH. Please give me faith beyond faith. Please give me
armors or righteousness. Please give me a sword of truth. Please give
me the helment of salvation. Please give me the fruitages of the
spirit. Please remove all the defilement from my body. I love you dear
Father YEHOVAH. Again please make me do your will because I want to
live forever. I pray these things through the name of your Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH who died for my sins so that I can be saved if I
endure to the end. Amen.
Proof Dick Cheney is a Freemason on the Links above!
Below is what I posted previously exposing mind control and killing a
person slowly.
Loading Image...
Cellular Phone Tower on link above.
Below is what I posted to someone who said I did not know what I was
talking about concerning mind control via cellular phone towers and the
GPS satellite tracking system.
Then you do not know how these towers work or you are deliberately
being misleading. They send as well as recieve signals. TV and radio
towers are called "omni-directional" but it would be better to call
them "omni-present" because they send the signal in all directions
simoltaneously. Cellular Phone towers on the other hand only send the
signal in one direction at a time but are capable of sending the signal
any direction. They do not waste the signal by sending it everywhere.
They beam it at you. "Beam me up Scotty". Radar is a fixed devise that
sends the signal ionly in one direction. You have probably seen round
objects on towers before. These also send in only one direction so
therefore are not "omni-directional". Although a cellular phone tower
only beams its signal in one direction at a time unlike TV and Radio
towers it is capable of sending the signal in any direction. Again they
do not waste the signal by sending it everywhere. They beam it right at
you and they can intensify the beams for people with inplants given to
them either by abduction (which these people are wrongly led to believe
it was aliens doing it to them by agent provacatuers and propganda on
TV) or through the psychiatric and medical establishments.
You said: One of these might help;
You are working for the Illuminati and disseminating disinformation.
People after you have read the Masonic agent provacatuer link above's
link then see tthe link below.
Now read this for the truth.
To see a celluar phone tower then see the link above. It is the tower
behind the building with the omni-directional triangulation apperatus
at the top of it that can locate your exact spot so that they can beam
you with transmitions whereever you go if you have an implant in you.
Loading Image...
Now compare the cellular phone tower to what you see in this lodge. I
understand exactly what the balls on the corners of the wooden triangle
are and what it symbolises.
See this link to see the experiences of (Shemuwel) Samuel Antoine Moser
an annointed member of Jehovah's Witnesses. Read all the posts.
You people in the Illuminati can repent! http://www.watchtower.org
If they abandon their proffessions and turn to YEHOVAH.
There are a total of 17 links in this post. If there isn't then your
ISP filtered them out so you should switch services to someone who
supports freespeech.
Psychiatry in the USA was founded by the Freemason named Benjamin Rush
one of the signers of the USA constitution. Benjamin Rush is called
today "The Father of Psychiatry". Benjamin Rush invented a restraint
chair with straps on it that he named "The Tranquilizer". Psychiatry
and Psychology is a Masonic Craft or Art to identify YEHOVAH's sheep
and suppress and kill them while goats they call "normal". Freemasons
will even due black magick rituals to call on demons to attack people
they want targeted so that these people appear insane to others. They
will also put implants in them either by abduction or through the
medical and psychiatric system and then track them where ever they go
via the cellular phone towers and or the GPS satelite tracking system
and if they become a "problem" they will target them with mind numbing
microwave transmitions, or they will torture them with microwave lazers
called mazers from satelites (same thing used to make the crop circles)
or even beam them with high powered x-ray and gamma ray lazers from
satelites called razers and gazers respectively. If they just want to
watch the person they view them by spy satelite because they know your
exact location via triangulation using the GPS satelite tracking system
which is a network of satelites and it takes three at a time to track
something through triangulation. The celluar phone towers also can
track you with the triangulation apperatus at the top of it. The
Freemason Benjamin Rush also invented the "straight jacket". Although
the first link is run by an organization run by Scientology it does a
good job exposing these people. Freemasons are responsible for Aleister
Crowley and the OTO and his law of thelema and the OTO (Ordo Templi
Orientis) is responsible for the church of scientology. This is the
synthosis of scientology - Roman Catholic Church - Knights Templar --->
Freemasons ---->
Scottish Rite Freemasonry ----> Ordo Templi Orientis -----> The Church
of Scientology
The American Psychiatric Association and Psychology Associations are
actually Masonic Orders. Psychiatry and Psychology are Masonic Arts or
Crafts. Yes Freemasons have their secret Masonic Order of Psychiatry
and Masonic Order of Psychology.
See all the links below.
See the posts on this link by this poster. See all the posts by
Bill Clinton's name adds up to 666 in both Hebrew and Greek. Check out
the link above and be sure to archive it.
In ASCII charector computer values "al gore" adds up to 666 when
spelled in all lower case and if you include the space charector. ASCII
stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange". This
code was invented by the USA military during world war II. Original
IBM, Apple and Atari computers used the ASCII code.
Bill Cinton was president during the years 1998, 1999 and 2000.
666+666+666=1998 . 1999 upside down is 6661 and 2000 devided by 3 is
666.6666666666666 into infinity. They were planning on making their
holocaust in 2000 with the Y2K but their plans falled apart. The Galieo
space probe to Jupiter's fuel was enriched plutonium and it had far
fuel then it needed to power the probe. They had planned that when the
stalite entered the atmosphere of Jupiter that when the plutonium
reached the center of the gassious planet that the weight of the
atmosphere would created an atomic reaction and the gassious planet
would ignite forming a new star that they had planned on naming
"Lucifer". Jupiter is another name for Zeus. The milenium celibrations
were suposed to usher in the new age and they had planned on putting a
golden capstone by helecopter lift on the Great Pyramid of Giza time as
Jupiter ignited. As you know Egypt backed out of agreeing to let the
USA do this hearing rumers that this was a Zionist Masonic ritual. I am
the one who started that with the post I posted to the internet on
www.parascope.com entitled "Mountain of Meating on the Back of the USA
one dollar bill". The mountain of meeting can be found in the same
location of the Holy Scriptures where it speaks of Lucifer.
Here are some things to think about.
If A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 and so on all the way to Z in multiples of 6 then
these things add up to 666.
"SSNUMBER"(Social Security Number)
"NEW YORK" (Home of the United Nations)
"VACCINATION" (You would be amazed at the filth that goes into these
injections. For instance the Rubella vaccinine actually has the tissue
of aborted fetuses in it)
There are many things that add up to 666 with the method above for
forward through the alphebet and backwards through it. Also many things
in ASCII that add up to 666. You may try reversing the order of the
ASCII code to unveal hidden obscure 666 numberings. Bill Gates real
name is William Gates III but he is better known as Bill Gates. "BILL
GATES 3" adds up to 666 in ASCII. Amazing because Bill Gates was not
even born yet when the ASCII code was invented!
YEHOVAH is making these demonic plans of the Illuminati fall apart
because their plans do not fall in line with the prophesies of
Revelation that false religion the Harlet Babylon the Great would be
stripped naked, devoured and burned by fire by the Scarlet Colored Wild
Beast that she is riding because the Illuminati is Babylon the Great.
Real servant of the Almighty Father YEHOVAH and His Male Offspring
YEHOSHUVAH don't have anything to fear from these people because the
United Nations Beast will turn of the Harlet that is riding her
promoting it as God' political expression of His Kingdom on Earth. The
Vatican also promotes the U.N. as God's political expression of His
Kingdon on Earth so you can see she is also part of the Harlet.
Don't worry if you already have a VACCINATION or a SSNUMBER because in
the days of the early Christians there were 6 different denominations
of Roman Coins and they were 500,100,50,10,5 and 1. As you can see they
add up to 666 but that didn't stop early Christians from spending the
money nore did they view spending it as having the Mark of the Beast.
These things that add up to 666 must simply be a trick of Satan who the
Holy Scriptures says is really ruling the world right now. In Japan the
currency is 500,100,50,10,5 and 1 also.
Bill Clinton was a Masonic Demolay during his youth but today he is a
member of the Ordo Templi Orientis a follower of foul Satanist Aleister
Crowley who was also a 33rd degree Freemason being awarded this level
by the 33rd degree Freemasons who originally controlled the OTO. L. Ron
Hubbard was Aleister Crowley's "right hand man". Jack Parsons was
Aleister Crowley's "left hand man". Aleister Crowley was a Bisexual and
practiced sex magick with these two men. These men literally consumed
each other's bodily fluids. Yuk!!!!!!!!!!! L Ron Hubbard left the OTO
and formed the Church of Scientology. There are many movie stars in
holywood who are Scientologists. Jack Parsons was Americas most
important rocked scientists because he invented the solid fuel rocket
engine that made it possible to make intercontinental balistic missles
and put things into orbit and probes to other planets. The followers of
Aleister Crowley hate Scientology because they feel L Ron Hubbard
betrayed them.
Anyway the real reason Jupiter did not ignite during the year 2000 is
because it is not a gassious planet but actually has a surface. The red
spot of Jupiter has always been said by scientists to be a perpetual
storm but what it actually is a huge volcano on the surface that is
continually belching smoke. Satan duped the Scientists in the
Although I would not get a vaccination you can use a computer even
though it adds up to 666 as long as you are serving the interests of
the Almighty Father YEHOVAH since the Holy Scriptures says to "make
friends in the heavenly places with the unrighteous riches so when
these fail they may recieve you into the everlasting dwelling places".
Oh you should know that YEHOVAH used me to tip off William Cooper that
the UFOs and Aliens were a hoax and why but I told William Cooper not
to promote militias and gun ownership but to put his trust in YEHOVAH.
I kept telling him that YEHOSHUVAH ('jesus') said that those who live
by the sword will die by the sword" but he kept saying "Putting your in
God did not save anyone from Hitler did it?" I even mailed William
Cooper literature of YEHOVAH's Witnesses including the book "Revelation
its Grand Climax is at Hand" which would explain why he links the
League of Nations with the United Nations. Well because William Cooper
would not listen to me and put his trust in YEHOVAH and not a gun he
was shot dead by a Masonic deputy. What happend was that William Cooper
told a neibor that was harrassing him to stay off his property while he
was holding his gun. Later a warrent was issued for his arrest. A buch
of young deputies rode up in a pick up truck immitating a bunch of
rowdy teenagers comming to terrorize him. So he came out and pointed
his gun at them to get them to leave. But one of the deputies shot at
him and William Copper shot back grazing the head of one of them and
then the deputies shot back and William Cooper was dead. Yes William
Cooper was shot dead by Masonic deputies. Willaim Cooper read my post
to parascope that aliens were the product of human guinia pig research
with genetic engineering but later I posted there that originally it
was not genetic enginering but was the result of exposing successive
generations of children to radiation and toxins of all kinds. The so
called "Grey Aliens" are actually just humans. :-)
For many truths of YEHOVAH's Word start with YEHOVAH's Witnesses.
Science is the result of the original sin and all technology is
destroying the earth. Science is the result of Adam and Eve eating from
the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad. It is a poison knowledge
that is leading man to self destruction. The Holy Scriptures says that
it is not for man who is walking even to direct his own step. Read the
link above.
http://www.watchtower.org - These people can repent!!!!!!!!
These people can repent. Anyone can recieve forgiveness if they turn to
YEHOVAH in genuine repentance. They need to say the prayer below and i
know these people are watching me.
This is a prayer that will change your life if you are humble enough to
say it from your heart and truly want these things. It is important not
to substitute the titles "Lord" or "God" for the Holy Name YEHOVAH.
Dear YEHOVAH Elohim heavenly Father All Powerful One who created all
things. Please hear my prayer. I accept the sacrifice of your male
offspring YEHOSHUVAH for forgiveness of my sins. Please forgive me of
all the bad things I have done in my life. Please fill me with Holy
Spirit in the same manner as John the Baptist. Please make me do your
will so I can endure to the end so I can be saved. I know I have free
will but I give you permission to make me do your will because I want
to live forever. Please lift my blinders so that I am not blinded by
Satan in anyway. Please lead me to the truth in all things. Please give
me true wisdom, true understanding and true knowledge. Please remove
all the defilement from my body. Please give me a pure heart and a pure
mind. Please rewrite my heart and mind so that I love you compleately.
Please may your Holy Name YEHOVAH be viewed as Holy before everyone.
Please may your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Please
protect me from Satan and his demons and those who serve them so that
they can not cause me harm or trouble for either me or my family.
Please guide me to the truth in all things. Again please forgive me of
all my past wrongdoings because I accept the sacrifice of your Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH. Please give me faith beyond faith. Please give me
armors or righteousness. Please give me a sword of truth. Please give
me the helment of salvation. Please give me the fruitages of the
spirit. Please remove all the defilement from my body. I love you dear
Father YEHOVAH. Again please make me do your will because I want to
live forever. I pray these things through the name of your Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH who died for my sins so that I can be saved if I
endure to the end. Amen.