A Former Witch Looks At The Lord Of The Rings
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2004-07-25 15:25:52 UTC

A Former Witch Looks At

The Lord Of The Rings

Something very strange is going on in the United States, and the
spirits that are hard at work are now bringing forth a power that is
designed to captivate the entire world. Shortly after the twin towers
of the World Trade Center in New York City fell to the ground and
drastically changed our nation forever, a new series of movies began
to draw millions of people to the movie theaters. Standing above and
apart from the many fantasy movies and books is a trilogy or series of
three called The Lord Of The Rings. This series was written by the
late J.R.R. Tolkien and was first published in book form in the early
1950’s. During the rock music revolution of the 1960’s, The Lord of
the Rings trilogy caught on, and over 100 million of these books were
sold. These books greatly fueled the spiritual revolution and opened
the door for witchcraft to seize upon our world. All of this is being
done to prepare the way for a new world order in a new Aquarian age.

I was once a witch and was very much a part of the world that J.R.R.
Tolkien reveals in his Lord of the Rings trilogy. In the 1960’s, I
practiced astrology, palmistry, and numerology among other devices of
the craft. I was graciously and mercifully saved out of witchcraft by
the Lord Jesus, and I am now spending my life in a mission of exposing
occultism and its forces of darkness. I am thus writing this message
with a great urgency, for I can spot witchcraft in a moment, and I
recognize it well. I can see that the deceptive cloud of witchcraft
has descended upon our nation. Even many Christians are being pulled
into the forbidden realm of the occult, because they are so ignorant
of Satan’s devices.

Before I reveal the dangers of The Lord of the Rings trilogy and
expose it as real witchcraft, I will reveal some things regarding the
beliefs and doctrines of witchcraft. First of all, witches and
Satanists are not the same thing. Witches do not believe in Satan. The
first thing a neophyte or beginner witch is taught is that there is a
“force.” The “force” has two sides and can be controlled by magic
spells, words, potions, incantations, rope magic, rings, amulets, and
so on. Witches believe that there is good witchcraft and bad
witchcraft, and the good always triumphs over evil! Witches also teach
that battles are fought in the Middle Earth and in the astral plane
causing upheavals both above and below. Thus, witches emphasize that
good must triumph over evil, but it is all witchcraft.

I am always amazed when I hear ministries such as Chuck Colson, “Focus
on the Family”, and the Assemblies of God defend such works as Harry
Potter, The Lord of the Rings, and The Narnia Chronicles. I am amazed
because they say the same things that initiated coven witches are
saying, which is that good triumphs over evil! It is all witchcraft,
and the good that these professing Christians are defending is
witchcraft as forbidden in Deuteronomy 18:9-14. As a former witch, I
was horrified and outraged to find that “Focus on the Family” was
promoting a book as announced in the December 2001 issue of their
magazine. The book being promoted is titled, Finding God in the Lord
of the Rings. The asking price was 13 dollars. (The number “13” is the
coven number in the occult.) Thus, these so-called “Christian”
ministries are making witches their evangelists and using witchcraft
materials in their Sunday Schools. Soon they will find their children
are in the craft as “good little Christian witches.”

The Lord of the Rings trilogy was the work of John Ronald Reuel
Tolkien, who did his writing during the midnight hours. He worked for
12 years and released his story in the 13th year. Tolkien became known
as the “Master of the Middle Earth.” This was a land inhabited by
hobbits, elves, mortal men, wizards, dwarves and orcs or grotesque
goblins. The hero of the story is a hobbit or halfling only 3 ½ feet
tall named Frodo Baggins. Frodo has pointed ears and furry feet and
carries a cursed object with him. The cursed object is a golden ring
invested with terrible powers that must be destroyed by casting it
into a fiery abyss at a great distance. If Frodo would fail, the ring
would fall into the hands of an evil wizard called Sauron, and the
entire world would pass into eternal darkness under the dark lord.
Sauron’s world is a land of shadows called Mordor. The ring has an
inscription on which is written a message in the witchcraft language
of runes. We must remember that these runes are real and are used in
the occult. As I now reveal the meaning of the runes, please bear in
mind that President George W. Bush wears an exact replica of this
ring. I have an enlarged picture to prove it. The runes on the ring
are interpreted as follows: “One ring to rule them all, one ring to
find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”

J.R.R. Tolkien was born in South Africa where his father, Arthur,
managed a bank. When his father died, his mother, Mabel, returned with
her children to Birmingham, England, where she converted to Roman
Catholicism. J.R.R. Tolkien said, “I desired dragons with a profound
desire.” He soon became a prodigy and was speaking German, French,
Latin, and flawless classical Greek. In speech, he would sometimes
break out in Gothic, an ancient form of German. He would also speak
medieval Welsh and Anglo-Saxon. Tolkien even developed new languages.
One of them he called Elvish. He went on to say that the entire story
of The Lord of the Rings came to him as a result of the new language
that he invented. He was a professor at Oxford University as all of
this was happening and as the story of elves, wizards, trolls, and
hobbits poured into his mind. While it became a manuscript under his
pen, he said, “My work has escaped from my control, I have produced a

Tolkien, the devout Catholic and “Master of Middle Earth”, converted
his colleague C.S. Lewis and spent much time with him at the Oxford
pub or tavern. They claimed to have “kindred spirits.”

There is much rank blasphemy in Tolkien’s works, such as the death and
resurrection of the wizard Gandalf, who falls into the pit and
descends into hell but comes back transformed and stronger than ever.
Deceived Christians say that this “good wizard” is a type of Christ!
Tolkien even translated the Lord’s Prayer into the Elvish language.

I can say most assuredly that The Lord of the Rings trilogy comes from
the pits of hell and is a clever instructional course in witchcraft
disguised as fantasy and entertainment. Part one was released in movie
form on December 19, 2001, shortly after the two towers of the World
Trade Center came down. It was called “The Fellowship of the Ring.”
Part two was called “The Two Towers” and was released December 18,
2002. Part three is named “The Return of the King” and was released
December 17, 2003, and is breaking all records for ticket sales. All
three movies were released at the time of the witchcraft sabat of

It is my prayer as a preacher of the true Gospel that Christians will
come fully awake. We do not find the saving Gospel in the Middle Earth
with wizards, hobbits, and elves. We find the Gospel only in the Bible
and through the blood of our Saviour Jesus.

For more information write to:

Last Trumpet Ministries
PO Box 806
Beaver Dam, WI 53916


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2004-07-25 15:28:29 UTC

The Trap
New Age exposé

For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the
whole earth.

Luke 21:35.

In the verse before Luke 21:35 Jesus says, take heed to yourselves ...
so that day come upon you unawares.

Jesus spoke about a day sneaking-up, and catching the world unaware,
whereby the whole world would be taken-in and trapped by a spiritual
delusion in the final hours before His return. In other words ... He
spoke of a global period in time when every individual in the world's
system would become so spiritually and socially entwined to a
spiraling, moral downward trend. To the extent they were unable to
break free and release themselves; ending in the enslavement of every
man, woman, and child, upon our planet:

... that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev. 13:17.

How would this trend occur? How could it become possible? To seduce,
if it were possible, even the elect?

The answer is found in the middle of Luke 21:34: Because man's heart
would become overcharged with surfeiting (glut, excess), and
drunkenness, and the cares of this life. Placing his preoccupation
with the love of life, pleasure, and ease, above the love of truth;
thereby giving himself over to a deceiving spirit at the end of the
age; conditioning mankind to receive the mark (a tattoo?), the name (a
replacement for Jesus), and the number of Anti-Christ (a chip

By reading letters to the editor in our newspapers, and listening to
talk-back shows on national radio, it is becoming apparent to a lot of
people, something sinister is besetting our once beautiful country New
Zealand. I even heard a well-known talk-back host make remarks the
other day how he is now convinced evil people, with their hidden
agendas, have infiltrated our education system and bureaucracies, with
the motive of lining their own pockets; and how politicians are now
passing laws to suit themselves, not in the best interests of our
nation. He went on to ask a question:

"What were we Kiwis doing twenty years ago when all these new laws
were starting to be passed in parliament? Oh yes ... away fishing
and having a beer!"

But now people are beginning to wake up. Many folk are aware
something mischievous is now manifesting in our society. Many are
perplexed and unable to put their finger on what is happening to their
community, their country, and the world in general. Unfortunately, it
is now too late! The dye has been set! The net has been cast! The
threshold is upon us! The clock cannot be turned back ... unless
their is total national remorse for sin and repentance towards God.

However, scripture does not talk about whole countries turning to God
in the last days, but great falling away, resulting in a the snaring
of all the habitants of the earth, with the exception of Jesus' little
flock called-out, the remnant church, who place their faith completely
in His word.

Controlled Democracy:

Pr. 11:1. A false balance is abomination to the LORD:

There are so many opposing opinions and arguments out there. Many
people are indifferent towards having change forced on them, as if
they have had their will to fight knocked out of them. Some others
are vocal and are not afraid to voice their views, and in many cases
zeroing in on the true facts, unaware they too, indiscriminately, are
going with the flow and are still a product of social engineering.
I'm sure if at least some of them could see that Jesus was the answer,
they would turn.

Both lobby groups and mainstream bureaucrats have their roles to play.
For it is as if an invisible voice is allowing opposing stances in
public and official arenas to be at loggerheads with each other, over
exaggerating their views to cause more confusion and conflict,
promoting or capitalizing on red-herrings and non-issues, so the main
issues become obscured behind accelerated reform. It's a balancing
act all the way. True facts are over emphasized, along with strong
counter arguments, without one side of the spectrum allowed to out
right dominate and stamp out the other. The game must be kept alive.
This allows overriding opposition to be sapped up or misdirected, so
camouflaged planned agendas are punched through the centre, with
little protest from the masses. Television has done the most damaging
effect here as it is doing the thinking for many!

Let's not be fooled by democratic rule ... with people being allowed
to state their case, or push for rights; even religious rights, or
given the right to vote. These things sound good, but unless the
house is built on the foundations of righteousness and integrity of
the heart, it is but shifting sand.

Ps. 85:10. Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace
have kissed each other.

Sadly, most people want peace, but how many people want righteousness?
It is righteousness that exalteth a nation according to scripture, not
peace. Peace is the result, not the goal!

Most people want mercy, but put up your hand if you want truth? Most
people want prosperity and blessing, but how many people really want
to call out to a holy God? The two must always be married! You can't
have one without the other!

In general, mankind does not want God's remedy, namely the cross. For
it is foolishness to him. Because man looks for his own remedy God
hands him over to the Devil's "medicine" ... delusion, where man
would in the end, become entrenched by the Devil's endtime internment

So what is this delusion man would succumb to? It would have to be
attractive! It would have to be alluring! The lie of course is based
on what the Serpent originally said to Eve ... ye shall be as gods.
In other words, you will achieve your own goals by displacing God in
the centre, replacing Him with yourself in the centre. The name of
the game ... "becoming masters of your own destiny!"

This lie comes masqueraded today as the New Age Movement, where man
will apparently discover by looking into himself; the answer, the
wisdom, and the energy, to create the new utopia for the new
millennium. The scriptures paint a different picture however, of
serfdom and destruction.

Order (so-called) out of chaos:

The god Phoenix is the great mystical bird who fell to earth to be
burnt and then rise again from the ashes, introducing a brand new
order out of the chaos of the old. This symbolizes (in mystical and
occultic circles) Lucifer's fall from heaven, to instigate rebellion,
anarchy, and destruction against the established order, with the
purpose of creating an alternative, with him rising again to reign
supreme. This new "solution" could come about by war and open
conflict. Or it could come about by subtlety, stealth and craft, from
either the left or the right, dressed in friendly diplomatic disguise.
The head of this great bird (looking to the left or the right,
eastward or westward) symbolizing by its directional glare (strength,
wisdom, and vision) which opportune side it would conquer from to
achieve its goal.

Concentrating on the left, centre, or right are optional, and
expedient; as long as you can keep your victim removed from his
loyalty base (the foundation of past values). Capitalize on opposites
and extremes, such as good and evil, left and right, so you can play
one off against the other, providing a new "valued" solution. This
would mean infiltration, subversion, control and conquest from within.
The Trojan Horse theory. The 'fifth columnist' element ('one world'
insiders ... fabians, high masons, high cabbalists, circles within
circles, the illuminati, the spiritual underworld). Changing
individual thinking to mass collective conformity. The end justifies
the means.

Ancient Babylon hijacked Israel, Rome hijacked the Church, and today
the god of this age (the Devil, Satan) through the spirit of the New
Age Movement, is attempting to hijack the 1,000 year reign of Christ
on planet earth. However, according to biblical prophecy, will only
be semi-successful for three and a half years.

What is this Movement:

The New Age Movement is the merely occult marketed under a modern,
even "scientific" trendy guise, to be relevant to the 90's, mandatory
in the New Millennium, promoting the goddess (Gaia) by masking fallen
Lucifer, presenting him as "the all in all". This movement has made
major inroads into post-Christian Western civilization by capturing
the minds of "good" "well intended" victims. Its chemistry; a
mixture of the ancient crafts (paganism), Eastern Mysticism, Modern
Judaism, Apostate Christianity, psychology, holistic health, and
corrupted science. Its aim ... an attractive alternative to cold,
structured, traditional politics and religion. A burying of the past
2000 years of so-called failed "Christianity", and the introduction of
a better replacement world religion.

What is a New Ager (by so-called conversion):

Someone who has had an "initiation" experience, or "attitude" change
through yoga, transcendental meditation, visualization, hypnotism,
trance, the martial arts, a visiting spirit (through participating in
a séance or an occultic game), divination, astral projection,
norseology, alien encounter, weird computer games, witchcraft,
joining a secret society / lodge, or sitting under a yogi, guru, sage,
etc. Or a long time conditioning effect through taking in "the lie"
by mass brainwashing through the media and education. The more you
give yourself over, the more "spiritually enlightened" (illuminated)
you become. The Bible calls this ... giving yourself over to
delusion. As the pop song I heard recently on the radio goes:

A new World Order for a brand new day
A change of mind for the human race
It's a new day ... new day
It's a new day ... new day
The initiation is of course ... a satanic infilling of deceiving /
seducing evil spirits. Disguised to look normal, "getting with it",
"getting a life", "cool", scientific, healthy, and "appropriate" for
the age we live in.


And how does one become a New Ager? By slow, mind manipulation;
through the influence of key infiltrated agencies, such as the mass
media and teaching institutions (as mentioned), alternative cultures
like new lifestyles, music, the arts, health and fitness programmes;
and the like. As more of the population abandons its traditional
roots, the more vulnerable it becomes to the New Age propaganda /
promotional machine. You could say it is global indoctrination. A
spiritual take over. Even a conspiracy? Yes! Manufactured in the
heart of the Devil himself.

Say ye not, A confederacy:

Today, it is so easy to blame everything onto a world conspiracy, as
new national laws, and by-laws are being passed as quick as working a
'scratch and win'. Especially when laws and acts that are now passed
have nothing to do with protecting the individual in society, but to
control him. Also, nothing to do with protecting your country's
sovereignty, but to force it to go Global and be ruled from the
outside. Makes one think there is a deliberate plot!

According to the Holy Book there is a plot, and the Devil is the one
who is instigating it. However, most people who are skipping merrily
(or despondently) to its "happy" tune, are not doing so deliberately,
through acts of anarchism, but because they have been sincerely
deceived by benefit 'tag-ons' like ...Better service! More
efficiency! Faster results! Gratification now! Instant answers!
Cheaper goods! Discounts! Added merits (watch for more rewarding
systems to come into place)! Point scoring! Less work, more play!
Consumer-friendly! ... and so on.

Have you ever been called a "conspiracy nutter"? Just as easy as it
was to to cry "Red under the bed" during the U.S. McCarther era in the
early 50's, so it is in this age of confusion ... "The Masons are
behind it!!" "It's a Jesuit plot!!" "They're out to get us!!"

They probably are! Then again they might not be ... in some cases!
For this is the very purpose of creating confusion. Why cry "wolf"
all the time when we do not have any evidence there is a wolf. Just
an implanted paranoia. Satan is a master of putting up smokescreens
and pulling the wool over our eyes. Yes, we know things ain't as they
appear, but why take pot shots in the dark when we may not have been
granted discernment, or received a word from Above. And some innocent
Ignoranto gets burnt in the process.

First, we must be aware there is a war. A spiritual war, which has
already been won two thousand years ago, at the cross. It's just a
matter of walking in the Spirit daily, reminding ourselves, and the
Devil, he is a defeated foe and been rendered useless on the grounds
of what the scriptures say in reference to the cross ... it is
finished! This is all part and parcel of what is called walking in
the Spirit. Being lead by the Spirit. Being an overcomer. And not
being anxious for anything, but living each day as it comes, by faith
in a God who has everything under control, working all things together
for good to those who love Him, and are called according to His

The Kingdom is among you:

Therefore, remember it is now a spiritual war:

Eph. 6:12. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood ...

We are not fighting people or institutions. Many groups are taking up
petitions, or even arms, to fight the System. Some are trying to use
force through aggressive legislating. Problem is, what are they going
to replace it with? Unless God's blessing is on a country it will
never prosper in peace. God has not called us to reform, or
christianize the System, let alone use violence (this is fallen man's
way and totally contrary to scripture), but to take up the Great
Commission (salvation through Christ) and win individual souls to the
Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom! His Kingdom ... that's where God is at! And where He
wants His kids living in the here and now, continually ... beyond
politics, religion, Protestantism, Evangelicalism, and every other
"ism". No, this is nothing to do with Kingdom Now Theology
(Reconstructionism). Meaning: Jesus will come back to earth when we
have been good, loyal, theological bullies, and forcefully (just like
their New Agers counterparts) taking the world by storm for Him,
through infiltrating its social structures, changing its policies,
smacking sinners hands, and handing a revived world back to Jesus.
Just like we were giving the Lord a Christmas present.

Not entangled with the worlds affairs:

The truth is we can't change anything. Unless the heart is changed,
and only the Lord can do that! Any change is only cosmetic.
Degeneration will only take another course. Sin is deceitful and will
only take on another form. Remember, scripture says ... Isaiah
59:11. We roar all like bears, and mourn sore like doves: we look for
judgment, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far off from us.

Kiwi's will remember the Homosexual Reform Bill in the mid-eighties.
The largest petition signed in the history of New Zealand. What did it
change? Absolutely nothing! The malignant growth keeps on infesting.
So much for majority rule ... democracy! If the Lord has handed a
nation over to degradation, there is absolutely nothing any one can do
about it in the natural realm. Ironically, we could even end up
fighting against the Lord Himself if we committed all our energies
into crusading against it.

The Lord has not called us to be "Moralists". That would mean we
would have to force our morals on people. Leave that to the so-called
Moral Majority. We are not called to be patriots but pilgrims on a
journey. He has not called us to be "good citizens", but to be
blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst
of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the
world ...

Not "do gooders", but lights! Not campaigners, but salt! Not "making
a stand", but walking in the Spirit! Not taking up the high moral
ground, but taking up the cross!

Just the same way we are not pushes or peddlers crusading our pet
theme, or joining some crowd on their hobby horse. We are only Jesus
followers. If we let Christ live through us, we become like Him, and
His (moral) law is fulfilled within us. This way we become living
letters. This means we should be easily read as our life matches our

The scripture these militant movements base their theology/ideology on
is Matthew 11:12 taken out of context:

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven
suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

Meaning in some cases (contradicting other scripture) ... taking up

You don't have to get a university degree to know there is something
drastically wrong about the System, with Governments betraying their
citizens by selling their countries down the proverbial gurgler, lying
through the back of their teeth, eyeball to camera lens. So what!!
We must remember these are unregenerate people, lead and manipulated
by the prince of this world world, who is a liar from the beginning.

Not of this world although in it:

Now their are even some concerned groups forming private armies and
armed militia, training and stashing arms to overthrow the present
establishment (just like Barabbas in the days of Jesus, who the bible
calls a murderer), and even waving the bible as their banner. This
has given the world an excuse to brand all bible believing Christians
as extreme right wing subversives. Obviously they have not read the
bible which tells us explicitly not to use human methods to fight:

2 Cor. 10:4. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but
mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds ...

Mat. 26:52 ... for all they that take the sword shall perish with
the sword.

Yes, we are called to battle (spiritually speaking). To put on the
full armour of God. To contend for the faith. To fight the good
fight. To ever be on the alert. Not to sleep or slumber. Always
sober. And to be fully aware of our enemy and his schemes:

2 Cor. 2:11. Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not
ignorant of his devices.

Our fight is against the spiritual forces of darkness, with the
attitude (least we end up fighting in the flesh) ... the battle is
the LORD's.

Man basically wants to do what is right (even though his motives are
usually not all together pure) and he "genuinely" wants answers. And
this is where we as pilgrims, as sojourners, as temporary visitors,
need to be as wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. This is why
Jesus had this advise to the seeking military man of His day ... Do
violence to no man.

There are wolves out there. And plotters and manipulators, who have a
sinister sting to issue at the other end of the New Age Rainbow. But
usually the majority of people, whether in our place of work, or
governmental departments, ain't deliberately scheming to erode our
freedoms, or give the Devil a pat on the back. They sincerely want
peace on earth. Remember, they are in the same boat we were once in;
blinded and confused. This is why we are to pray for those in
authority, and to be at peace with all men. Which means we should not
add to the present confusion by always being conspiracy centered. A
conspiracy complex could create panic and replace faith, ultimately
destroying our witness. Let's take on the forces of darkness by
exposing their methods and plan, in the Name of the Lord.


1 Tim. 6:10. For the love of money is the root of all evil:

The old dangling the carrot on the stick trick ... covetousness!
Basically if you want man's attention you make something look good
(appealing to the "old" lust of the eyes). Money is the commodity to
get you there. And to give you power. Tell him it's his rights (this
feeds the ego) and he'll find a way to justify it. Then ... you have
just bought him off. You are now controlling him. Just as it was in
the Garden with the 'fruit bloop'.

Ex. 23:8. And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the
wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous.


You must retain him: "Follow me, and nothing will be impossible for
you." "You can be as gods, knowing good and evil" "Listen to your
heart" "The answer is within" "Have a good positive mental
attitude" "My solution and the earth are one! It's just a matter of
'you' looking within and discovering a higher consciousness, reaching
a higher plain."

This conspiracy was from the Serpent (not Adam), to snare and enslave.
Man just believed the Lie, and was trapped by it.

There are some people in high places who have intentionally given
themselves over in aiding the Devil in his conspiracy. They have been
promised a big slice of the pie and are plottinghand in hand with the
Devil to control the world. They can't see they are pawns in his
hand, and will ultimately be destroyed by him in the end.

However, they do look down on us common "peasants" (the general
populace) as their pawns. For they generally believe they are the
elect, the illuminated ones. Superior because of the power they wield
through finance, and the insight they have. Others under them are
skipping to their tune for benefits too, but genuinely believe it is
for the benefit of all mankind, even though they have to carry out
their plans under a cloak of secrecy, and lie all the way to the bank
(in a small neutral nation).

God in the inside (The Lie that brings a snare):

God is in you, in nature, the earth, the universe, the cosmos,
everything. "He"/"She" (or "It") is just a life force, an energy, an
all encompassing perpetual circle. Something to use, to attain higher
consciousness with. To get "into the flow" with. And how do we find
"it" (God that is)? By looking inward, taking on (believing) this
thought system, letting it embrace you.

Biblically speaking, we are talking about spiritual possession here,
counterfeit rebirth. The more earth-conscious you become, the more
enlightened (taken over) you become. Once upon a time it was called
'self-centredness' or 'selfishness'. Now it's considered "Kool"!
"Having a higher self-esteem"! "A good self-image"! "A positive
self-outlook"! "Getting a vision"! "Mental awareness"! "Loving
thyself"! "Finding yourself"! "Real attitude"! "Getting a life"!

When it comes to responsibility, like being God-conscious, we are
encouraged to meditate (intensely concentrate) on something irrelevant
to the situation, from a flower to chanting a secret mantra, with the
purpose of emptying out our minds so that we can reach a neutral
unconscious state. In other words; handing sovereignty of our spirit
over to another influence ... "a feeling in the twilight zone". This
removes our guilt (supposed stress) by desensitizing our senses. It's
amazing what vain repetition can do!

When it comes to "not measuring up", you can blame circumstances, the
government, the environment, your teacher, your up-bringing, your
parents. An ideally-packaged way of making a cop-out. With the
blessing and the assistance of the "excuse" industry, the "victim"
industry, the "counseling" industry. The system pampering you all the
way home.

God on the outside (The Truth that sets us free):

The Lord God reigning as the Almighty, King of kings, Prince of
princes, Lord of lords, from His Throne Room in the sanctuary of the
Heaven of heavens, at the sides of the north, beyond this universe.

Man, puny man, separated and alienated from God, isolated on this tiny
planet called earth. Jesus comes and bridges the gap by His finished
work on the cross. Now individuals can respond to the living external
God by calling out to Him, where He will come with His kingdom and
set-up-home, in the humble heart of a believer.

And how do we retain this new experience? By consistently looking up
and outward to where Christ dwells, enthroned in the Heaven of the
heavens. Key ... abide in Him, and He will come and abide in you.
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Who are His
disciples? Those who continue in His word!

Because we realize, as mere mortals, we do not measure up; we repent
and get on with the job. We now have the conviction we are
responsible for our own choices and actions. For we have Jesus to
compare ourselves with. No excuse or self-pity trips here.

Snatched out of the snare of the fowler:

John. 12:32. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all
men unto me.

Sounds exhilarating doesn't it?

However, Jesus was actually referring to something so humiliating and
degrading. Like having to carry a rugged tree trunk on your plowed
upon back through the jeering crowded streets of your city. Stumbling
and crawling naked through the dust of a hostile crowd. Then having
your torn, beaten, bruised, bloodied, and spit dust covered body
spiked to this splintery hunk of timber by your hardened enemies.
Then as a dying agonizing spectacle, abruptly jerked and jotted into a
hole, elevated and displayed publicly for all to see; you become the
helpless scapegoat for the multitudes' hate and frustrations to be
missiled at. Not exactly an 'attention seekers' dream come true.

The Bibles portrayal:

Is. 52:14. As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred
more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men ...

The religionists portrayal:

The "Jesus" trip. Whippy do!! Popularity, trendyness, and prestige:

"Give us a "J"!! Give us an "e"!! Give us an "s"!! Give us a
"u"!! give us an "s"!!"

"Yeah!! What does it spell!!"

"Now for a clap offering unto the Lord!!"

With a 'happy clappy' thrown in ...

Lift Jesus higher, lift Jesus higher, lift Him up for the world to see

How the world's Jesus is a popular "cool dude", and a (socially)
liberating hero to be welcomed by all! A role model! A superstar!
The rallying image for the "celebration"! The excuse for the "glory"
time! The reason for the Season! The Jesus 'without' the cross, or
at lease ... the pathetic, artistically portrayed 'loin clothed'
effeminate! Identifying with our failure! The one who fits into our
concepts! The one who appeases our sentiment! The one who is filled
with the milk of human kindness ... towards our discrepancies, our
dysfunctions, our misjudgments, and our misgivings!

Yuk!! ... The Lord said He will actually spew us out of His mouth
because we were not prepared to drink from His cup.

Jesus said you are either for Him or against Him.

Up until now it has been rather easy going sitting on the fence, with
a foot in both camps, postured in our cozy neutral state. The
scriptural Jesus has been mixed with the false fad "Jesus" of the
world, letting multitudes off the hook. However, the sword of God's
word is about to fall and make a radical distinction between which
Christ we serve; the One who sets people free from rebellion and sin,
or the gooey Replacement who brings a snare.

While the world skips merrily to the tune of the rosy Pied Piper, the
Lord is snatching individuals out of the present darkness and
deception of this world system, to be set free indeed by the truth of
His word.

Very soon (and we mean soon!!) ... we're outta here!!

Oct. '88 - Updated last - 27/05/02 NZ

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Silver Blaze
2004-07-26 06:18:36 UTC
Post by Steve
"Now for a clap offering unto the Lord!!"
If the Lord is free of the clap I am sure he wishes to remain that way
2004-07-25 16:38:36 UTC

The Hidden Power
Behind Freemasonry
Part 1 of 8


Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr,

Page 2

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of
"For God shall bring every work into judgment, with ever secret thing,
whether it be good
or whether it be evil." - Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14

2nd Edition ----1993

Published by

Weisman Publications
11751 W. River Hills Dr. #107D . Burnsville, MN 55337


Page 3

Acknowledgments - Page 4

1 - What is Freemasonry? (A Grand Chaplain Explains) - Page 5

2 - What about the Youth Orders of Freemasonry? - Page 11

3 - Introduction to the Masonic Problem - Page 17

4 - From the Horse's Mouth - Page 24

5 - A Former High Ranking Mason Looks at Masonic Symbolism - Page 29

6 - Freemasonry: Satan's Door to America? - Page 49

7 - The Talmudic and Masonic Zoo - Page - Page 61

8 - Jewish Influence on Freemasonry - Page 79

9 - Jewish Influence on Masonry Demonstrated - Page 81

10 - Modern Judaism - Page 83

11 - Early Records of Jewish Infiltration - Page 90

12 - A Closer Look at Freemasonry - Page 101

13 - Oaths - The Binding Force in Masonry - Page 113

14 - The Effects of Masonry on England and the Continent - Page 114

15 - Freemasonry Today - Page 120

16 - The Real Jewish Peril! - Page 122

17 - Zionist Capital and Masonic Influence Generate Genocide! - Page

18 - Important Points of Connection Between Zionism and Freemasonry -
Page 147

19 - Jewish and Masonic Control of the Media - Page 156

20 - The Ethics of Freemasonry - Page 160

21 - Truth From the Masonic Standpoint - Page 165

22 - Masonry's Ideas Concerning Chastity - Page 173

23 - What Masonry Permits! - Page 177

24 - What does the Masonic Covenant Assume? - Page 179

25 - Masonry's Relation to Marriage - Page 183

26 - The Penal Features of Freemasonry - Page 184


Page 4

This book could never have been written without the help of these
students of FREEMASONRY, some of whom were high ranking Masons
themselves: Martin L. Wagner and his FREEMASONRY - An Interpretation;
Samuel Roth - JEWS MUST LIVE; Msgr. George Dillon - GRAND ORIENT
Dr. Shepherd, a former high ranking Mason; Rev. Jim Shaw of Silver
Springs, Florida, a former high ranking Mason; Ed Decker, from FREE
THE MASONS MINISTRIES, and my good friend and critic, Harry E. Werner,
Jr., who has been a tremendous help and blessing to me.

This book is not original thought as far as I'm concerned. It is
merely the compilation of many facts and documents dealing with
FREEMASONRY which have been put into book form to help my readers
understand the subversive forces behind FREEMASONRY which are seeking
to enslave and destroy the Christian world. If in writing this, the
facts contained herein set some Mason free from the satanic influence
of the Lodge, we will give God the credit and glory.


Jack Mohr

Lt. Col. AUS Ret Author


Page 5
(A Grand Chaplain Speaks Out.)

The following letter was written November 25, 1984 by Rev. Harmon R.
Taylor, Grand Chaplain of the GRAND LODGE Free and Accepted Masons of
the State of New York (1983-1984).

Dear Servant of God:

Knowing that you desire to serve the Lord with all your heart, I share
this letter with you. Perhaps you have been struggling with the same
situation. On Nov. 22nd, I sent the facts contained in this letter to
all masonic bodies of which I am a member. I invite you to prayerfully
read it. It will explain why I, as a Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge
of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York, am requesting a
demit from all bodies of the masonic fraternity. There is much more
that I could share with you. I would be happy to share more if it will
help you in the Lord's service.

Many have asked me if FREEMASONRY is a religion. I have always
responded, "No." Others have told me it is a religion. Study has
revealed the fact that learned writers in the fraternity say MASONRY
IS A RELIGION. The Lord Jesus Christ said: "hi the mouth of two or
three witnesses, every word is established" (Matt. 18:16). In order to
be brief, I will quote only four masonic authorities that masonry is a

ALBERT MACKEY, one of the best known masonic authorities, wrote in A
LEXICON OF FREEMASONRY (pg. 402): "The religion, then, masonry, is
pure theism .

ALBERT PIKE, the most important of all American masonic authorities,
wrote in MORALS AND DOGMA (pg. 213-214): "Every masonic lodge is a
temple of religion, and its teachings are instructions in religion ...
this is true religion


Page 6
revealed to the ancient patriarchs,' which masonry has taught for
centuries, and which it will continue to teach as long as time

J. S. M. WARD, a masonic authority who has written several important
books on masonry, wrote in his book: FREEMASONRY: IT'S AIMS & IDEALS.
(pg. 185): "I consider freemasonry is a significant organized school
of mysticism to be entitled to be called a religion." He continues on
page 187: "Freemasonry ... taught that each man can, by himself, work
out his own conception of god and thereby achieve salvation." It holds
that there are many paths that lead to the throne of the all-loving
Father which all start from a common source. Freemasonry believes,
according to Ward, "that though these paths appear to branch off in
various directions, yet they all reach the same ultimate goal, and
that to some men one path is better and to others, another."

FRANK C. HIGGINS, a high mason, wrote in ANCIENT FREEMASONRY. (pg.
10): "fit is true the freemasonry is the parent of all religion."

These masonic witnesses all agree in their doctrine that masonry is,
indeed, a religion. It is necessary now to ascertain whether masonry
is a true religion or a false religion. In an article entitled, How to
Recognize a False Religion (Faith for the Family, Nov/Dec 1974), a
prominent Christian leader wrote:

"All false religions, however, have some things in common. Here are
the three simplest tests by which any religion should be judged;
FIRST, what is its attitude towards the Bible? SECOND, any religious
teaching should be judged by this question: 'What is its attitude
towards Jesus Christ?' FINALLY, in judging any religious system, we
should ask: 'What is its attitude toward the blood of Jesus Christ.'"


Page 7
According to these three tests, masonry is a false religion
manifesting a satanic attitude towards the Bible, the Deity of Jesus
Christ, and the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. In order to establish
this charge, keep in mind the word of Christ, "In the mouth of two or
three witnesses every word shall be established." Please consider now
the testimony of masonic authorities which reveals masonry's satanic
attitude towards the Bible, the Deity of Jesus Christ, and the
vicarious atonement for the sins of mankind by the shedding of
Christ's blood on the cross.

JOSEPH FORD NEWTON, a famous masonic authority and writer, in an
article entitled: THE BIBLE AND FREEMASONRY, wrote: "The Bible so rich
in symbolism is itself a symbol ... thus, by the very honor which
masonry pays the Bible, it teaches us to revere every book of faith in
which men find help for today and hope for tomorrow, joining hands
with the Hindu, as he makes covenant with God upon the book that he
loves best."

ALBERT PIKE, in MORALS & DOGMA, (pg. 718) wrote: "Masonry propagates
no creed except it's own simple sublime one,' that of universal
religion, taught by nature and reason.

One who has been truly "born-again" (born from above), can see that
the above statement from masonry totally rejects the crucial doctrine
of an infallible, God-breathed, inerrant Bible.

According to the SECOND TEST, masonry is a false religion because it
totally rejects the crucial doctrine of the Deity of the Lord Jesus

J. D. BUCK, M.D., another masonic writer of importance, in his book
SYMBOLISM OF MYSTIC MASONRY, wrote (pg. 57): "In the early church as
in the secret doctrine, there was not one Christ for the world but a
potential Christ in every man. Theologians first made a fetish of the
impersonal, omnipresent divinity,' and then tore the 'Christ


Page 8
is God' from the hearts of all humanity in order to Deify Jesus; that
they might have a God-Man particularly their own."

According to the THIRD TEST, masonry is a false religion because
masonry dogmatically refuses the doctrine of salvation from the
penalty of sin by faith in the vicarious atonement of Christ's shed
blood on the cross.

THOMAS MILTON STEWART, another masonic author, in his book SYMBOLIC
TEACHING ON MASONRY AND ITS MESSAGE to support his doctrine, quoted
favorably an apostate Episcopal minister on pg. 177: 'Did Jesus count
Himself conceive of Himself as a proprietary sacrifice and of His work
an expiation? The only answer possible is clearly, He did not... He
does not call Himself the world's priest, or the world's victim."

Salvation by faith in the vicarious atonement are not "ignorant
perversions of the original doctrines" as masonry teaches, but are
vital ingredients of the glorious Gospel of Christ, which is the power
of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. THEREFORE, masonry
fails all three tests! It manifests a satanic attitude towards the
Bible, the Deity of Christ, and the vicarious atonement. In addition
to failing these tests, there is much more proof that masonry is a
false religion

For instance, HENRY C. CLAUSEN, 33 o, Sovereign Grand Commander of the
Supreme Council 33 o, Mother Council of the World, in the NEW AGE,
November, 1970 (pg. 4) wrote regarding masonry: "It is dedicated to
bringing about the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, and
making better men in a better world."

The doctrine of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man is
not found in the Bible. It is a doctrine taught consistently by
apostates. Also, the Bible makes it crystal clear that no
organization, masonry included, can make better men. ONLY GOD CAN MAKE


Page 9
According to a masonic creed, found in the Masonic bible, masonry
teaches that "character determines destiny."

The teaching that character determines destiny is a false doctrine of
the Arch Deceiver of men's souls. The Bible says: "There is none that
doeth good, "and "For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not
of your selves; it is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should
boast" (Eph. 2:8).

Masonry is anti-Christian in its teachings. For example, J. M. WARD,
in FREEMASONRY - ITS AIMS AND IDEALS, wrote on (pg. 187): "I boldly
aver that freemasonry is a religion, yet it no way conflicts with any
other religion, unless that religion holds that no one outside its
portals can be saved." Ward in his statement, reveals the fact that
masonry has no conflict with any apostate religion on the face of the
earth, but that it is in conflict with Christianity. The Bible says:
'Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name
under heaven, given among men, whereby we MUST be saved" (Acts 4:12).
The Bible makes it clear that there is no other way to salvation
except through Jesus Christ.

A prominent college president said of masonry: "It is a Luciferean
religion. We are fully aware of its diabolical origin and purpose. I
believe that any born-again Christian, when the facts from the lips of
masonic writers themselves are presented showing that masonry is a
religion and is the worship of Satan, will immediately withdraw." To
this I must add my hearty agreement!

The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only True and Living
God, has clearly commanded Christians: "Be ye not unequally yoked
together with unbelievers, and swear not at all, and have no
fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove
them" (2 Cor. 6:14).

CHARLES FINNEY, the famed evangelist who God used to bring revival to
America in the 1930's, in his book, FREEMASONRY (pg. 115) wrote:
"Surely, if masons really


Page 10
understood what Masonry is, as it is delineated in these books, no
Christian Mason would think himself to remain at liberty another day
as a member of the fraternity. It is as plain as possible that a man
knowing what it is, and embracing it in his heart, cannot be a
Christian man. To say he is is to disbelieve the very nature of

For me, the signs of the time compared with prophetic Scripture, make
it apparent that we are living in the last days prior to the Rapture
of the Church. (Here is another apparently sincere man, who has been
taken in by Jewish propaganda concerning the Rapture - ED). Satan is
hard at work trying to hinder believer's spiritual growth, as well as
trying to keep the unsaved from entering God's family. Freemasonry, I
have come to believe, is one of Satan's master deceptions. Many
ministers, elders, deacons, trustees, and Sunday School teachers
belong to this cult. Today, my membership ends! Today a new ministry
begins! There is a tremendous need to scrutinize the cultic nature of
Freemasonry in view of the massive infiltration of its effects on the
working body of the church. It should be exposed to the True Light -
Jesus Christ.

Love in Christ,

SIGNED - Howard R. Taylor.

For anyone interested in contacting Brother Taylor, his address is:

P.O. Box 12, Newtonville, N.Y. 12128, or write:

FREE THE MASONS MINISTRIES, P.O. Box 1077, Issaquah, WA 98027.


Page 11

The following information comes from an article titled: THROUGH THE
FIRES OF MOLECH, by WILLIAM J. SCHNOEBELEN. For further information
contact: FREE THE MASONS MINISTRIES, P.O. Box 1077, Issaquah, WA

An earnest question is asked of us who minister to the Masons. "So if
Masonry is un-Christian, what about the youth orders of Masonry? Are
they so bad?" In this increasingly carnal world order, are there good
places one can send their son or daughter for fun and fellowship with
the assurance that they will only be exposed to wholesome influences?

What about the Masonic orders for youth - the ORDER OF DEMOLAY? THE
RAINBOW GIRLS? JOB'S DAUGHTERS? Are these innocent enough? This
assumption neglects central principles found in the Holy Bible - the
very Bible which is found reposing on the. alters of Masonry.

The first question is one of spiritual authority. Surely no Christian
parents needs to be reminded of the responsibility they have for the
precious young souls God has entrusted to them. The Bible is full of
admonitions to carefully train one's child.

"And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou
sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when
though liest down, and when thou riseth up" (Deut. 11:19).

And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up
in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" (Eph. 6:4).

Conversely, there are dire spiritual warnings for those who either
fail to teach their children or who lead them in error-filled


Page 12
"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me
(Christ), it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his
neck, and that he be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matt. 18:6).

Thus God has given Christian parents ultimate spiritual authority, or
headship over their children. Even if the child has not yet received
eternal life, he or she is protected under the covenant of the
parent's commitment to Jesus Christ to an incredible extent. The Lord
has placed a strong hedge of protection around Christian families.

"Hast thou (God) not made a hedge about him, and about his house, and
about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of
his hands, and his substance is increased in the land" (Job 1:10).

What does all this have to do with Masonic youth orders? It is the
same question of leadership. Masonry is a false religious system, and
its god is not the Biblical God. Therefore, temples of Freemasonry are
temples of a false god; and Freemasons are, knowingly or not, priests
of a false, Baalish system.

Please bear in mind that this is a spiritual principle and that it has
little to do with the appearances or even the philosophies of these
youth groups. None of these groups are allowed to meet without the
presence of a MASTER MASON. They function solely under the charter of
Masonic authority! They are also designed to draw young people into
the adult orders, which means that upon being initiated the young man
or woman is spirithe ly "adopted" into the Masonic family, even though
they are not actually Masons.

Even the Christian youth, who has been adopted into God's family (Rom.
8:15-17) comes under this spiritual authority of Masonry as well when
he joins the order. This cannot help but make them "double-minded"
(James 1:5-8) at an already difficult phase of their lives.

No matter how apparently "innocent" the ceremonies and teachings of
these youth orders are, they function under


Page 13
the shadow of an anti-Christian spiritual power which the Master Mason
brings with him.

No parent would knowingly permit their son or daughter to attend a
coven of witches; and yet the same spiritual principality (Eph. 6:12)
which presides over witchcraft, ALSO presides over Masonic ceremonies
- the false god of magic and ancient pagan fertility cults from which
Masonry proudly claims descent!1


Thus the youth is walking innocently into a spiritual minefield,
without warning, when they enter a Masonic youth order. They stand in
Satan's territory and have opened a doorway in their lives to him to
begin to corrode their very souls. They have broken down the hedge
which God has placed around them! (Eccl. 19:8).

Not only that! At the very age when powerful emotional drives are
running at peak, they are surrendering themselves to a spiritual power
which is engineered to provoke lust! The very elements and symbols of
Masonry, even as in witchcraft, are sexual in spiritual content. A
young person who is receiving sound instruction at home would be
having it subtly undermined by submitting to the headship of Masonic

Masonry exalts human sexuality in a disguised way. The square and
compass symbols actually represent the male and female reproductive
organs. The "point within the circle" and the twin pillars are
disguised forms of ancient talismans of paganism designed to invoke


1 (See Albert Pike's Morals And Dogma, pp. 730-732; Albert Mackey's 33
o, Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry, pp. 560, 573
2 Albert Mackey 33 o, Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry, pp. 560, 573; and
Symbolism In Freemasonry, pp. 352-53).


Page 14

Thus, while teaching pious principles on the surface, these orders
only serve to pour fuel on the already smoldering fires of adolescent
emotion, and the God-given rights of the Christian parents are diluted
by the very real authority of a strange god who appeals to all that is
carnal in a young person.


The desire to be "something special," and to "Lord it over others" is
enhanced by these groups, which bestows impressive, high sounding
titles upon the officers ("Honored Queen," etc.,) and dress them up in
all the pomp of royalty! Crowns and scepters, satin robes and chains
of office: these all serve to glorify the egos of the young people
instead of conforming them to the humble image of Christ (See Phil.
2:5-9; Rom. 12:1,2).

Certainly these orders make a show of teaching "religion," but
religion is not what our youth need. They need the Gospel of Grace!
Subtly but completely, a doctrine of salvation by works and labor is
taught in these orders, contrary to Scripture. The secrecy and elitism
of these groups is both uncharitable and forbidden by Jesus Christ
Himself, who forbade the taking of oaths (Matt. 5:34-37). True
Christian love does not exclude, but rather embraces "whosoever will
may come."


Listen to the Prophet Jeremiah: "And they built the high places of
Baal, which are the valley of the son of Himnon, to cause their sons
and daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded
them not, neither came it into my mind that they should do this
abomination, to cause Judah to sin" (Jer. 32:35).


Page 15
Elsewhere God specifically commands: "Thou shalt not let any of thy
seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the
name of thy God. I lam the Lord" (Lev. 18:22; 20:1-5).

Now what is being spoken of was a particularly vile form of child
sacrifice. Molech was a god of the Amorites, an idol made of metal and
heated up by flames from within. The child was placed in the idol's
red-hot arms and one hesitates to even imagine the results.3The
Hebrews were forbidden by God to do this.

Yet, unthinkable as it sounds, the Israelites persistently fell into
this precise sort of idolatry. They were so beguiled by the exquisite
sounding promises of the priests of Baal and Molech that they
willingly passed their sweet children through the fires; in spite of
the repeated warnings of the prophets. Even the wise Solomon, one of
the patron saints of Masonry, built an altar to this god (1 Kings

Horrifying as this may seem, in Masonry the same thing is happening to
the young person on a spiritual level! The fires of Molech only
consumed the bodies of those innocent children; the spiritual fires of
the Masonic order corrodes the very souls of our


3. Eerdman's Handbook of the Bible, p.178.

Page 16
youth! The "intention rites" which they put these young people through
are unhallowed conflagrations which sear their consciences with a
red-hot iron.

In our society today, there are enough "fires" through which our
children must walk: drugs, sex, occult movies, and heavy metal music.
Most of these the child chooses for himself, however, unknowingly.

But in the Masonic youth orders, the young person is often urged to
join with the blessings of the parents. The very virtuous appearance
of these Orders is what makes them the more dangerous. These teens are
drinking spiritual poison in unlabeled bottles! They are coming under
an un-Christian spiritual power which conflicts with the power of God
and can only cause confusion to the teen.

Solomon wrote that "He that troubleth his own house, shall in inherit
the wind" (Prov. 11:29); and his life was tragic proof of that. His
idolatry fractured the kingdom of Israel, and he did indeed "inherit
the wind."

We are troubling our own house when we offer our children these pagan
societies. We are creating subtle discord in their young hearts when
we let them sit, week after week, under the shadow of Masonry, and yet
expect them to be upright.


Let us remember the "curse of the millstone," which Jesus said in
Matthew 18:6, should be tied around the necks of those who lead
children astray and try to pass our adolescents through more fires
than our culture already subjects them to.

It is the unseen trap which is the most deadly, and their very souls
are at stake. If you are allowing your young people to partake in
these societies, you need to get them out immediately! If you,
yourself, are involved, you need


Page 17
to renounce them and repent before God! Only then will you have full
victory which Jesus can bring.

It is important to remember, that as you draw your children from these
"fires," they will also need to repent in prayer for their
involvement. They can do this by asking a loving Savior to wash them
clean with His blood and take the spiritual debris out of their lives!
He is indeed 'faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from
all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:19).


In John 7:4 we read: "For there is no man that doeth anything in
secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly. If though doest
these things, show thyself to the world."

In Luke 8:17 we read: "For nothing is secret, that shall not be made
manifest (rendered apparent or made known); neither anything hid, that
shall not be known and come abroad."

The subject which we are about to discuss in detail is one which I
have avoided for a long time. But because of the seriousness of its
nature and the profound danger it presents to white Christians in
particular, it is something I MUST face even though its revelation may
bring personal danger and many may be offended.

I am praying that this book will engender more "light" than it does
"heat." I do not ask that you agree with my conclusions, some of which
will be rather startling in nature. I do ask that you are fair enough
with yourself, to


Page 18
read this book to the end, before you consign it to the waste basket.
Please do not be one of those smug persons who say by their actions:
"Don't bother me with the truth, I have already made up my mind!" It
is very possible, that before I have finished with this subject 0f
FREEMASONRY, I will have to say with the Apostle Paul: "Am I to become
your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" (Gal. 4:16).

What is this "super-sensitive" issue we will discuss, that might cause
this adverse reaction? No, we will not be discussing JUDAISM, although
this has also become a "No! No!" in modern life. In the pages which
follow, I will attempt to describe a dangerous phenomenon known as
FREEMASONRY! We will look into what it is, how it began, discuss its
major purposes and then see the startling story of who is behind it!

To gain these answers, we will go to a number of sources, including
writers who have been high ranking Masons who, when they learned the
truth and found out the nature of the organization they had joined,
had the courage to get out and expose it!

We will examine statements made by both the Lodge and its opponents. I
ask that God will give us enlightenment, through His Word, the Bible,
so that we may learn the truth, not what men would like to believe.

In Ecclesiastes 12:1, we read: "For God shall bring every work into
judgment, with EVERY SECRET THING, whether it be good or evil."

A great American educator of an earlier day once said: "It must be a
bad issue which cannot bear discussion. Truth always seeks the light."

Jesus said in John 3:19 - "And this is the condemnation, that light is
come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, BECAUSE


Page 19
There you have it!

It would seem from this, that most things which are done in secret are
evil. In Ephesians 5:12 we read: "For it is a shame to speak of those
things which are done of them in secret."

We are going to probe deeply into one of the most secret of all
secrets - a secret which has and still does involve millions of men
and which exerts untold control over the lives of all Americans.

What is this hidden force called FREEMASONRY?

To millions of members, in what is sometimes called the Blue Lodge,
which makes up the lower ranks of FREEMASONRY, Freemasonry is a
philanthropic, benevolent, fraternal order of men, who have banded
together under the Christian banner of "world-brotherhood" for a
common cause.

Often, however, hidden orders in society, have had ulterior motives,
not known to the "rank and file" members. Only the "elite" in the
"upper echelons" are allowed to see the secret plans.

It may interest you to know that most of the lower orders of
Freemasonry, do not realize their is a close connection between
Masonry and anti-Christ Zionism, but this is an established fact of
history which I will seek to prove to you.

The Talmudic (Jewish holy book) formulas employed by Freemasonry; the
Jewish traditions which run through masonic ceremonies, all point to a
Jewish origin, or to the work of Jewish connivers in the lodge. Behind
the Zionists urge to rebuild Solomon's temple, lies a virulent hatred
of Christ and all things Christian and is found in the depths of
Jewish secret societies.

We should remember, that the people of the Bible, in both the Old and
New Testament eras, those who most


Page 20
translations of the Bible call JEWS, should actually be called
JUDEANS, since there were no people in the world known as JEWS, until
about 742 B.C., nearly 1200 years after the time of Abraham, where we
find them fighting against Israel.

Since the term JEW, in the Bible, has no religious connotation and
simply refers to those people who were living in the area of Palestine
called JUDEA and which were made up of many races, and religions,
therefore they should be properly referred to as JUDAHITES or JUDEANS,
rather than JEWS.

The religion of the modern people we call JEWS, was not the Hebrewism
of Moses and the Old Testament prophets, but was a new, Cabalistic
(occult) religion the Judeans brought back with them when a few
returned from Babylonian captivity about 536 B.C. Today, this religion
is more accurately known as TALMUDIC JUDAISM. At the time of Christ,
the Talmudic scholars were called PHARISEES. Many of these were
Edomites who were related to Abraham through his grandson Esau (see
John 8:33). While these sat in "Moses' seat" of authority (Matt.
23:2), they had already overthrown the true Hebrew religion, by what
Jesus called "the traditions of men " (Matt. 15:6, 9).

These were the enemies of God and God's true Israel and were the ones
with whom our Lord had a constant running battle while He was here on
earth. These were the ones who ultimately persuaded the Israelite
people to kill their own Messiah (John 1:11).

One of the tenets of their plot was to return to Jerusalem from
Babylon, rebuild Solomon's temple and from there establish control of
the world. The above was taken from a discourse by Msg. George
Dillion, given in Edinburgh, Scotland, in October 1884. The object of
his message was


Page 21
to give a clear outline of the secret, atheistic organization, that
was to aid the JUDEANS in their worldwide plot.

In spite of the fact that God had given repeated warnings to the
Hebrew people through His prophets, they constantly refuse to follow
His plans. God permitted them to kill His Son, Jesus Christ, and thus
restore the hope of salvation to mankind "For by His (Christ's)
stripes are we healed" (Isa. 53:5). When the JUDAHITES turned their
backs on God, the Kingdom was taken away from them and given to
another nation (Israel), (see Matt. 21:43).

On account of their racial pride, the people who called themselves
JEWS, refused to accept the idea of a kingdom higher than their
national life and refused to believe that anyone but they could enter
this kingdom. When Christ was murdered on Mt. Calvary, at the
instigation of the national leadersfailey determined to work against
God and His purpose and impose their rule on all peoples everywhere.
This has been their purpose ever since and they make very little
attempt to hide it.

Following the narrow, national outlook dictated by national pride, the
modern people who call themselves JEWS have continued on this road for
centuries (Read Malachi 1:2-4, to get a better picture of what is
happening now and what will be the end result.)

Over and over again, since Christ's atoning death on the cross, the
Christian church has faced the persistent opposition of those who "say
they are Jews and are not; but are of the synagogue of Satan" (Rev.
2:9; 3:9. Not my words but those of the risen Christ).

That the Jews eventually plan to rule the world is made adequately by
their national leaders down through history! A letter from the Chief
Rabbi of Palestine, appeared in THE IRISH INDEPENDENT newspaper,
Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 6, 1948, in which Rabbi Hertszob stated
concerning the establishment of the Israeli nation in Palestine:


Page 22
"Eventually it will lead to the inauguration of the true union of
nations through which will be fulfilled the eternal messages to
mankind of our immortal prophets."

The thinking of these NEW AGE MESSIANIC JEWS, contains a two-fold
corruption of all Christian nations. First by opposing the coming of
our Lord, they oppose the only means by which mankind can come into a
right relationship with God. Jesus said: "No man cometh to the Father,
but by me" (John 14:6). 1 John 2:23 says: "He that denieth the Son,
the same hath not the Father."

Secondly, Judaism seeks to impose their national ideals on all other
nations. Thus the people whose religion is found in TALMUDISM place
themselves in direct opposition to the world order proclaimed by Jesus

In his book, FREEMASONRY IN THE 16TH CENTURY, William Walsh states:

"It is no longer debatable that, if the false leaders of the Jews did
not originate the secret societies to cover their own anti-Christian
activities, they had a great deal to do with the business. The degrees
and rites of Freemasonry are shot through with Jewish symbolism. The
candidate goes towards the east, towards Jerusalem, he is going to
rebuild the temple (destroyed in fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy)...
The Grand Orient and Scottish Rites, sources of so many revolutions,
are more militant and open and apparently more virulent than some of
the others whom they are leading into a single, one-world organization
by gradual steps.
"It is certain there were Jews at the cradle of Freemasonry Cabalistic
Jews, as proven by some of the rites they have preserved.1 According
to Rabbi Stephen Wise, a leading ZIONIST of a generation ago: "When
the Jews returned from Babylon, that was the end of Hebrewism and the
beginning of JUDAISM."'


1. The Cabal, or Kabbal, is an occult philosophy of the JUDAHITES who
returned to Jerusalem after seventy years of captivity in Babylon.
They returned with the BABYLONIAN TALMUD as the basis of their
religion, replacing and superseding the TORAH of Moses.


Page 23
Walsh goes on to state that Jews were in the confidence of Adam
Weishaupt, the Bavarian Jew who organized the ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY in
organized by Martinez de Pasqualis, a Jew of Portuguese origin, were
"mystical," while others of FREEMASONRY were "naturalistic."
(Rationalist - the doctrine that knowledge comes only from pure
reason, without any aid from the senses. It is pure intellectualism,
the doctrine which rejects all revelation and the supernatural.)

The Apostle Paul, speaking of men such as these said: "Professing
themselves to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1:22).

FREEMASONRY was in operation in Europe as early as 1527, where it was
set up by JUDAISM as a secret society, or group of societies, in which
its naturalism and anti-supernaturalism was kept secret and
camouflaged. This contrasted with JUDAISM which openly proclaimed its
hostility towards Christianity.

Both the "naturalists," and the FREEMASONS do not accept by faith,
those truths which are made known to man through revelation. The
fundamental error of FREEMASONRY can be found in its "naturalism."

In his book, THE X-RAYS IN FREEMASONRY Jewish author A. Cowen, writes
on page 6:

The Jews swarmed into it (Freemasonry) from the earliest times and
controlled it through the higher grades and councils. They have
controlled the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite since the beginning
of the Nineteenth Century."

The Hidden Power
Behind Freemasonry
Part 2 of 8

Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr,


This chapter appeared as a pamphlet titled FREEMASONRY - WHAT IS IT?
It appeared in print in November 1980, and was authorized by the Most
Worshipful Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
It has subsequent printings in 1982, 1984, and 1986 and was accepted
by the Supreme Council, 33 o Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
Southern Jurisdiction, USA (Mother Supreme Council of the World).

On other words, what you are about to read, comes right "from the
horse's mouth." In this chapter, you will discover what Masons say
about themselves. In following chapters, we will discover what MASONRY
is really all about.


Freemasonry means many things to many people. This is true not only of
the person who is not a Mason, but applies to Masons themselves. Some
of those who have been members of the Masonic Craft for many years are
afraid to mention even the things which almost everyone knows about
the fraternity. Others among us are convinced that FREEMASONRY is a
secret society and that they, as members, are forbidden to talk about
it to others whom they do not know to be Masons. Most of this is far
from the truth and a word of explanation concerning this Fraternal
organization may not be amiss. FREEMASONRY IS A FRATERNITY. (Keep in
mind that this is what FREEMASONIC LEADERS SAY Masonry is all about).

FREEMASONRY is the oldest, and by far, the largest fraternal order in
the world. Its lodges stretch around the globe and, like the British
Empire, it might well be said that the sun never sets on the Masonic
Lodge. Fraternity means an association of friends and brothers, and
that is exactly


Page 25
what Freemasonry is - a society of friends and brothers. It is not a
benefit society in the sense that one becomes a member of it because
of the insurance benefits which he may receive or which may insure to
his family at his death. It is not an eleemosynary institution (a
charitable institution), founded to collect and disburse charity or
founded on the giving of alms.

It is not a secret society in that its Temples are openly marked and
almost everyone in the community knows where they are located. The
Grand Lodge publishes a list of the members of every lodge in
Virginia. Many of the lodges have individual bulletins which carry the
names of officers and of members as well. Thus it is, ii' the
strictest sense of the world, a society with secrets and these are
limited to its obligation, its modes of recognition, and is the Tiller
which guards the Lodge from intrusion.


Membership, because it is a fraternity, is limited to men. He who
would become a member must meet certain recognized requirements - high
standards of character and reputation. It does not require that its
members subscribe to any particular creed, or belong to any particular
church. Church membership does not keep one out of or secure him
admission into any Masonic Lodge. The profession of a belief in God
and in a future life are the sole religious requirements.

No one is excluded because of his membership in a particular church.
There are, however, a few denominations which do not allow their
members to become Masons, in some instances the mistaken impression
had gone abroad that Freemasonry refuses admission to those who are
members of certain denominations. It is the the church, rather than
Freemasonry, that denies that membership.


Page 26

Many men do not understand the process of acquiring membership in a
Masonic Lodge. No one is ever invited to become a Mason or to join a
Lodge. Though all morally good men would be welcomed in any Masonic
Lodge, the man himself must first ask some Mason about becoming a
member. Once he has done so, the requested Mason will secure an
application blank, called by our Lodges a petition, and he has taken
the first step. He must have two Masons who know him to sign his
petition, vouching for his character and his qualifications. He must
also receive the unanimous ballot of the members of the Lodge to which
he applies for the degrees, who are present when his petition is voted

Having passed this ballot, the candidate receives his first of three
degrees which make up the symbolism of the Craft Lodge. This is
designated The Degrees of Entered Apprentice. The second degree is
designated The Degree of Fellow Craft, and the third degree is the
Degree of Master Mason. Each degree is a separate entity and one is
always an Entered Apprentice when he sits in a lodge on the First
Degree of Masonry, no matter what his Masonic status may be. Each of
these degrees has certain rights and privileges but all of the rights
and privileges are attained only after the degree is received.

After he has received each of the degrees, the candidate must commit
to memory a catechism covering the degree received. He must be
examined in open Lodge and prove his right to be advanced thereby.
This serves a useful purpose,t for it assures the Fraternity that each
will know himself to be a Mason and be able to recognize others of the
Craft by their manner of speaking. He will be enabled by such
knowledge to visit other Lodges where he is not known and must be
examined to prove his right to be admitted.


Page 27

Freemasonry is ancient, having existed in some form for so long that
many serious students have differed as to the time and place of its
origin. There is evidence of a basic type of craft association which
antedate the Christian era. It survived various transitions which took
place. during the Middle Ages. It was during this period that the word
FREE was prefixed to the word MASON, because these builders were one
of the very few classes of persons allowed to travel from country to
country and to practice the builder's art wheresoever they went. It
was these companies of Masons who constructed the beautiful cathedrals
and other stately structures which dot the plains of Europe and the
English countryside. These men differed in the main from others of the
working crafts because they, possessing knowledge and skills not found
elsewhere, were free men rather than bond servants.

Until the Sixteenth Century Masons were strictly an operative craft,
bound together by the close ties found in the constructive guilds of
the day. Early in the Seventeenth Century, men of prominence were
admitted, not as craftsmen, for they were not skilled in the builders
art, but rather as patrons. Gradually these men came to be known as
"ACCEPTED MASONS." Thus, by the time the Seventeenth Century came to
its end these ACCEPTED or SPECULATIVE MASONS were predominate in many
of the older Lodges of Freemasonry. Today the Masonic Lodge is termed
SPECULATIVE because its emphasis is on the moral philosophy which is
its foundation, rather than the operative art of the Sixteenth and
earlier centuries. The tools of the stonemason are used to symbolize
moral virtues rather than build cathedrals.


On June 24, 1717, St. John the Baptist Day, the members of four old
Lodges in London, met together in Grand


Page 28
ASSEMBLY TO FORM THE GRAND LODGE of England. That this was a
SPECULATIVE LODGE is evidenced by the election of one styled ANTHONY
SAYER, GENTLEMAN as Grand Master. All modern Freemasonry traces its
beginning under the Grand Lodge system of Government.

FREEMASONS came to America about the third decade of the Eighteenth
Century when Lodges were established in New York, Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts, Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia. American
Freemasons can take pride in the part which members of this Fraternity
have played in the history of this country.

Many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons and
the same statement is true of those who signed the Constitution of the
United States. Famous men such as George Washington, Benjamin
Franklin, Paul Revere, Lafayette, James Monroe and others whose names
awaken memories of the founders of our country. Since our country's
beginning, thirteen Presidents have been Masons.

Masons have also won laurels in other fields of endeavor and we find
them prominent in government, in science, in sports, in entertainment,
and finally in man's newest field, that of space exploration with
Wally Schirra, Gordon Cooper, Virgil Grissom, and "Buz" Aidrin, all
bound by the mystic tie of Freemasonry.


It has a different connotation in different situations. Someone has
written that Freemasonry is honesty in business; that it is fairness
in work; courtesy in society; compassion for the sick and unfortunate;
forgiveness for the penitent; love for our fellow man and reverence
for God.

Yes it is all of these, but it is more, for Freemasonry is a
philosophy to live by, the shadow of a mighty rock in a weary land.


Page 29


From here on, we will get into the heart of FREEMASONRY, and there
will be many of the Masonic members of the lower orders who will be
furious by what they will believe to be a senseless expose of their
Lodge and a revelation of its secrets. But the high ranking Mason who
reads this, although he will be furious over it, will recognize the
truth, even though he refuses to admit it. If I reach only one member
of FREEMASONRY with the truth, the effort taken to write this book
will be worth it. It is not written as a means of hurting any good
person, but to expose a very present danger to those of us who are
White Christians who love our country. This chapter will come from a
brochure I received from J. Edward Decker, Jr., who works with an
organization called FREE THE MASONS MINISTRIES. You can contact him at
P.O. Box 1077, Issaquah, WA 98027. He would be most interested in
corresponding with members of the Masonic Lodge, who may be concerned
with what they have seen happen within their Lodge.

The question of the Christian stand regarding Freemasonry seems to
confront our ministry at every turn

Page 30
lately, because I have seen the exact parallels of the Masonic legends
and rituals carried throughout the "mysteries" of Mormonism and have
studied deeply into Masonic origins, purposes and doctrines.

In doing so, I have had to come to grips with the sad fact that the
esoteric doctrines of Freemasonry separate it, just as unequivocally
as do those of Mormonism, from the Christian theology. This holds true
of every branch of Masonry, from the Shriners to the Blue Lodge, the
Eastern Star, the Demolay, Job's Daughters and the Rainbow Girls! It
holds true for the Scottish rite or the York rite!

I realize this will cause offense to many Masons, and for that I am
truly sorry. But I would rather that the Masons be offended at me and
then be resorted to true fellowship with Jesus Christ than to remain
silent any longer.

This word of warning is not to the Masonic Fraternity at large, but to
those Masons who claim to be both Masons and Christians.

A recent newspaper insert, called FREEMASONRY - A WAY OF LIFE!
appeared in many metropolitan areas. It pictured Freemasonry as a
family-centered, fraternal, benevolent organization, as "American as
apple pie!"

Not only does this article demonstrate the strength of Freemasonry
among our political leaders (Both past and present), but makes much of
its use of the Holy Bible and its foundational belief in God. Masonry
has a strong representation in Christian denominations throughout the
world. In many churches we visit, we find Masons involved as deacons,
elders, board members, and even pastors.

Their claim and the claim of every Mason to the outside world is that
Masonry and Christianity are totally compatible. They tell me that
religion is the experience of relating to God, and Masonry the
experience of relating to


Page 31
mankind. While separate, they can and do naturally coexist.

The article mentioned above explains its "religious" position this
way. Masonry is NOT a religion in any sense of the word, yet it is
religious. Church membership is not a requirement, yet membership in
ANY is no bar to admission. There is nothing in the requirements of
Masonry to prevent a Catholic, a Mohammedan, a Jew, a Buddhist, a
Protestant, a Mormon, or any member of any religion from becoming a

On the surface, this might seem quite reasonable. I find no offense in
being involved in social, civic and benevolent activities with people
of other religious backgrounds

But when it comes to my own personal worship of God, and His
revelation to me of His Word, there are some very clear guidelines.

If Freemasonry is truly what it professes publicly, then "Bravo!" It
is a welcomed 'fellowship! If it is being deceptive, then it should be
exposed. It is that simple.

Let's see what Masonry TRULY teaches within its closed doors, through
its own published documents. No "anti-Masonic" publications will be
cited in explaining the TRUE Masonic theological position.

The key document from which I quote is the most readily available and
universally approved doctrinal book of Freemasonry, MORALS AND DOGMA
Pike, Grand Commander (1859-1891). Its title page states that it was
prepared for the "Supreme Council of the 33 o and Published by its
Authority." Originally published in 1871, I will use the 1966 edition.
Except where other sources are noted, I cite page numbers only when
using this work. Emphasis within parenthesis are my own.


Page 32


(Masonry) . "The custodial and depository (since Enoch) of the great
philosophical and religious truths, unknown to the world at large, and
handed down from age to age by an unbroken current of tradition,
embodied in symbols, emblems and allegories" (pg. 210). (This seems
almost identical to what TALMUDIC JUDAISM teaches and what Jesus
criti-cized the Pharisees of when He accused them of "Making the
commandments of God of none effect by their traditions" [Matt. 15:6]

"Masonry is, in every sense of the word, except one, and that its
least philosophical, an eminently religious institution - that it is
indebted solely to the religious element which it contains for its
origin and for its continued existence and that without this religious
element it would scarcely be worth cultivation by the wise and good.

"Freemasonry is NOT Christianity nor a substitute for it ... But the
religion of Masonry is not sectarian. It admits men of every creed
within its hospitable bosom, rejecting none and approving none for his
particular faith... Masonry, then, is, indeed, a religious
institution; and on this ground mainly, if not alone, should the
religious Mason defend it."1


"It (Masonry) is the universal, eternal, immutable religion, such as
God planted in the heart of universal humanity. No creed has ever been
long-lived that was not built on this foundation. It is the base and
they are the superstructure" (pg. 219).


"Every Masonic Temple is a Temple of Religion, and its teachings are
instruction in religion" (pg. 213).


1. Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Revised Edition
(1921) pp. 618-619.


Page 33

"The first Masonic legislator whose memory is preserved for us by
history, was Buddha, who, about a thousand years before the Christian
era, reformed the religion of Manous" (pg. 277).


"It (Masonry) reverences all the great reformers. It sees in Moses,
the lawgiver of the Jews (there were no people called Jews until 750
years after the time of Moses, see 2 Kings 16:6), where they first
appeared in Scripture - ED.), in Confucius and Zoroaster, in Jesus of
Nazareth, and in the Arabian Iconoclast, great teachers of morality
and eminent reformers if no more; and allows every brother of the
order to assign to each such higher and even divine characteristics as
his creed and truth requires" (pg. 525).


"The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine
illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be
universal: Christ, Buddha, or Mohammed, the name means little, for he
recognizes only the light and not the bearer. ("No man cometh unto the
Father but by me," Jesus said, and we read in 1 John 2:23 - "Whosoever
denieth the Son (Jesus) hath not the Father..." -ED.) He worships at
every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or
cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all
spiritual truth."2


"Masonry, around whose altars the Christian, Hebrew, the Moslem, the
Brahmin, the followers of Confucius and Zoroaster, can assemble as
brethren and unite in prayer to one God who is above ALL the Baalim,
leaves it to each of


2. Manly P. Hall, 33o, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p.65.


Page 34
its initiates to look for the foundation of his faith and hope to the
written scriptures of his own religion" (pg. 226).

The word "Baalim" is simply defined as "false god or idol." The
Masonic author has included the God of the Christian in this category.


"Everything good in nature comes from OSIRIS -order, harmony, and the
favorable temperature of the seasons and celestial periods" (pg. 476).

Osiris was the ancient Egyptian god whose annual death and
resurrection personified the self-renewing vitality and fertility of
nature. "The All Seeing Eye" is a Masonic representation of Osiris.


"Masonry, like all the religions, all the Mysteries, hermeticism and
Alchemy, CONCEALS its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or
the Elect, and uses false explanations and misrepresentations of its
symbols to mislead those who deserve to be misled; to conceal Truth,
which it call Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.
(Compare this statement, with the one made previearey by the Masonic
authority who stated, "Masonry is not secret - ED)

Truth is not for those who are unworthy, or unable to receive it, or
would pervert it" (pp. 105-106).


"The Blue Lodge Degrees are but the outer court of the Temple. Part of
the symbols are displayed to the Initiate, but


Page 35
he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not
intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he
shall imagine he understands them" (pg. 819).

(Remember now, this information comes from one of the most famous
Masonic Leaders of modern times and is a plain admission that the
Lodge deliberately misleads the men who are in the lower orders - ED.)


"Worshipful Master: The Head and Chief ofled" Lodge, the Source of
Light, of Knowledge and the instruction in Masonry. He personifies the
Sublime Art of Masonry and is the Spokesman thereof."3


"The first duty of every Mason is to obey the Mandate of the Master
... The order must at once be obeyed; its character and its
consequences may be matters of subsequent inquiry. The Masonic rule of
obedience is like the nautical, imperative 'Obey order, even if you
break owners."'4


"The teachers, even of Christianity, are, in general, the most
ignorant of the true meaning of that which they teach. There is no
book of which so little is known as the Bible. To most who read it, it
is as incomprehensible as the Sohar" (pg. 105).


"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return
to it.

(Jewish occult books found in the


3. Arthur Waite, A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (1970) p. xxiv.
4. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p.525.


Page 36
Talmud - ED.) Everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams
of the Illumaniti, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others,
is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it
their secrets and their symbols.

"The Kabahal alone consecrates the Alliance of the Universal Reason
and the Divine Word.

"The Bible with all the allegories it contains, expresses, in an
incomplete and veiled manner only, the religious science of the
Hebrews. The doctrine of Moses and the Prophets, identical at bottom
with that of the ancient Egyptians, also had its outward meaning and

"The Hebrew books were written only to recall to memory the
traditions; and they were written in symbols unintelligent to the
profane ... thus was a second Bible born, unknown to, or rather
uncomprehended by, the Christians; a collection, they say, of
monstrous absurdities.

"One is filled with admiration, on penetrating into the Sanctuary of
the Kabalah, at seeing the doctrine so logical, so simple and at the
same time so absolute" (pp. 744 -745). (The "KABALAH" is a book of
ancient Jewish mysticism and magic.)


"When the Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the block is the
proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the
Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his
hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his
ability to properly apply (this) energy.5


"That which we must say to the crowd is - We worship a god, but it is
the god that one adores without superstition.


5. Manly P. Hall, Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p.48.


Page 37
"To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may
repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30tho - The Masonic
Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees,
maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN DOCTRINE

"If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians)
whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism
and repulsion of science, would Adonay and His priests, calumniate

"Yes, LUCIFER IS GOD, and unfortunately, ADONAY is also God. For the
eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without
ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as
two gods:. darkness is necessary for light to serve as its foil as the
pedestal is necessary to the statute, and the brake to the locomotive.

"Thus, the doctrine of SATANISM is heresy; and the true and pure
philosophical religion is the belief in LUCIFER, the equal of ADONAY
(Christ); but LUCIFER, GOD OF LIGHT and GOD OF GOOD, is struggling for
humanity against ADONAY, the God of Darkness and Evil."6

The Word of God, the Bible, clearly puts LUCIFER in his proper place
and gives God's reasons:


6. Instructions to tor="3 Supreme Councils of the World, Albert Pike,
Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, July 14,
1889. Recorded by A. C. De LaRive, La Femme et l'Enfant dans la
Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, p.588.


Page 38
Isaiah 14:12 - 15

12 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will exalt my throne above the
stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in
the sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the
most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit."

Masonic ritual is connected with the recovery of the "Lost Word,"
presumed to be the name of God - supposedly lost through the murder of
the architect, Hiram Abiff, during the building of Solomon's Temple.
This quest is attained during the ritual of the ROYAL ARCH DEGREE. It
is here that the SACRED NAME of the DEITY OF MASONRY is revealed. That
name is JAOBULON, JAO is the Greek word for JEHOVAH, BUL is a
rendering of the name, BAAL, ON is the term used in the Babylonian
mysteries to call upon the deity OSIRIS.

The secret ritual of the craft prints the letters J.B.O. It states:
"We three do meet and agree-in peace, love and unity-the Sacred Word
to keep-and never to divulge the same-until we three, or three such as
we, do meet and agree." Thus, no Royal Arch Mason can pronounce the
whole sacred name by himself!

What you see represented, then as the god of Freemasonry, is a
three-headed monster so remote from the Christian Trinity and so
blasphemous as to damn the eternal soul of anyone who would dare to
pronounce its name in a ritual of worship!


Page 39
Illustration of the Royal Arch


The candidates for this ritual kneel at the alter of obligation with
arms bound, leaning upon the top, heads bowed. There they are required
to "assume a most powerful and binding oath, inseparably uniting
yourself with us, and once taken, it can never be retracted or
departed from."

This oath is curse enough, being four pagethe length. Its penalty
includes "Having my eyeball pierced in the center with a three-edged

The revelation of truth is in the candidates sealing of the oath,
revealing the true nature of the masonic god of the Mystic Shrine.
"...and may ALLAH the god of Arab, Moslem and Mohammedan, the GOD OF
OUR FATHERS, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same, Amen,
Amen, Amen. "7


7. The Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, pp. 35-39.


Page 40

During the ceremonies of the ritual for the Royal Arch degree, the
candidate is asked: "Brother Inspector, what are you?" and he replies:
"I AM THAT I AM." Can you imagine that? When Moses asked God to name
Himself, God said, "I AM THAT I AM" and He said, "Thus shalt thou say
unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you" (Exodus

Tell me how a Christian can take to himself the Biblical name of God
of Israel? The God of the Christian faith said:

Isaiah 44:
8 "Ye are even my witnesses! Is there a God beside me? Yea, I know not
9 They that make a graven image are ALL of them vanity; and their
delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;
they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed."


"Man, is a god in the making, and as in the mystic myths of Egypt, on
the potter's wheel he is being molded. When His light shines out to
lift and preserve all things, he receives the triple crown of godhood
and joins that throng of MASTER MASONS who, in their robes of blue and
gold, are seeking to dispel the darkness of night with the triple
light of the Masonic Lodge.

"The glorious privileges of a Master Mason are in keeping with his
greater knowledge and wisdom ... For him the heavens have opened and
the Great Light has bathed him in its radiance.


Page 41
The Prodigal Son, so long a wanderer in the regions of darkness, has
returned to his Father's house. The voice speaks from the Heavens, its
power thrilling the Master until his own being seems filled with its
divinity, saying, 'This is my beloved Son, (the Master Mason) in truth
becomes the spokesman of the Most High. He stands between the glowing
fire of light and the world. Through him passes HYDRA, the great
snake, and from its mouth pours to man the light of God."8

Friend, there is only One for whom the Father uttered those words and
He wasn't a Master Mason ... nor in whom I am well pleased.' He will
it ever be so. Jesus Christ is God's only mediator for me and you. Do
not let any MAN ever tell you that he is, or that you may become, the
spokesman for the Most High. Further, if you believe that God speaks
through HYDRA, the great snake, then your god comes right out of the
pit itself!


In the 19th level of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the initiate
receives the degree of GRAND PONTIFF. It is during this ritual that
the candidate swears an oath of secrecy and an oath of total obedience
"to any Chapter of

8 Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, pp. 54, 55.


Page 42
this degree to which I may belong; and the edicts, laws and mandates
of the Grand Consistory of Sublime Princes and Commanders of the Royal
Secret, as well as to those of the Supreme Council of the 33rdo ...."

At this time the "Thrice Puissant" anoints him with oil on the crown
of his head and says: "Be thou a priest forever, after the order of

AFTER RECEIVING THE PASSWORD (Emmanuel) and the sacred word
(Alleluia), he is dressed in a robe of white linen and given ahcordon
(ribbon or sash of honor worn across the breast) of crimson color,
with 12 stars representing the 12 gates of the "new city," and the
twelve signs of the Zodiac, the twelve fruits of the tree of life, the
twelve tribes of Israel, and the twelve Apostles." 9

It must be pointed out that what has taken place here, is the Masonic
priesthood taking upon itself the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ.
That is a Priesthood that can be held by only One person and that one
person is clearly defined in Scripture as Jesus Christ.

In chapters seven and eight of the book of Hebrews, we are told that
it was ANOTHER Priest who would be raised up, not a group of priests!
This Priest would be our HIGH PRIEST and would be able to save to the
uttermost! He would have "endless life!" The holder of this Priesthood
would be "holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made
higher than the heavens" (Heb. 7:26). This is Jesus Christ, our Holy
Lord and God!

This Masonic ritual takes Christ's Holy Priesthood from Him, and the
Grand Pontiff boldly puts it upon his own breast. Even the use of
Biblical words fails to cover up the adding in of the "signs of the
Zodiac," a direct alliance with


9. Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, "The Complete Ritual," Vol. 2,
pp. 26, 27.

Page 43
the powers of darkness and a demonstration of disobedience to God's
Word. (See Deut. 18:19-12). Here it says that he who "useth
divination" (consulting the signs of the Zodiac to tell the future),
or is an observer of times (which is an ancient description of the
astrologer who deals with the Zodiac) "is an abomination unto the

Here again we see the image of biblical truth. The Priesthood of Jesus
Christ is given to the deceiver, Lucifer, the true god of Masonry, who
hides behind its mystery, ritual and allegory to snare its prey.

The Hidden Power
Behind Freemasonry
Part 3 of 8

Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr,


In the seventeenth degree, or KNIGHTS OF THE EAST AND WEST, after the
candidates have completed the initiation and after revealing the
password (JUBULUM) and the Sacred Word (Abaddon), the Senior Warden
conducts the candidate to the elevated vacant canopy at the right of

This is suppose to represent the end of the world when all good Masons
receive their reward by being conducted to a throne at the right hand
of the ALL PUSSIANT, having been purified by washing their robes in
their own blood.

In the lecture which follows between the ALL PUSSIANT and the Senior
Warden, the Book with Seven Seals -which none but one can open (Rev.
5:5) - is twisted to represent "A Lodge or Council of Masons which the
ALL PUSSIANT alone has the right to convene or open."

The Fourth Seal is represented by a skull or "death's head," and
Masons are told it "is the image of a brother


Page 44

(From an early hand-painted Masonic apron.)

who is excluded from a Lodge or Council." The Fifth Seal is
represented by a "cloth stained with blood." The ALL PUSSIANT
identifies this as a symbol "that we should not hesitate to spill ours
for the good of Masonry."10

What a gross misrepresentation of God's Holy Word. First and foremost,
it is Christ and He alone who "Hath prevailed to open the book and
loose the seven seals thereof" (Rev. 5:5). To presume that honor and
power is to deny Christ, or yet in deeper perversity, to replace His
power and authority with that of the "ALL PUSSIANT," even in the
representation of the power to save and to enthrone. This is the very
spirit of "anti-Christ!"

Again, another clue to the true identity of the Masonic Deity is
revealed in the Sacred Word of the ritual,


10. From: Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, "The Complete Ritual,"
Vol. 1, pp. 453, 456, 457.


Page 45
ABADDON. In Rev. 9:11 we learn that "they (the demons and workers from
hell) had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit,
whose name in the Hebrew tongue is ABADDON."


Throughout rituals of the BLUELODGES, and through the 33o 's of
FREEMASONRY the candidates are sworn to secrecy by blood oaths. Such
as is the oath sworn by the Entered Apprentice or First Degree:

"... binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my
throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried
in the rough sands of the sea at low-water mark"
The Master Mason swears:

"... under no less penalty than that of having my body severed in two,
my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered
before the four winds of heaven. "11

It is in this final BLUE LODGE degree that the candidate is laid out
"in death" and is raised from the dead by the Worshipful Master of the
Lodge, who represents King Solomon and using the "strong grip" (or
Lion's paw) of the Master Mason.

Let no Mason deceive you! We are facing again this replacement of our
Savior by the power and authority of Lucifer. Paul said that if anyone
should preach any other gospel "than that which we have preached unto
you, let him be accursed" (Gal. 1:8, 9).

The simplicity of the Gospel is this:

1 "Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I have
preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;


11 From: Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry.


Page 46
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I have
preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received,
how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures;
4 And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day
according to the Scriptures."'12

The infinite power of Jesus Christ was confirmed by Him when he said:
"ALL power is given unto ME in heaven and in earth" (Matt. 28:28).
This power belongs to Him alone! "For if by one man's offense death
reigned by one; much more they that received abundance of grace and
the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ"
(Rom. 5:17).

Jesus Christ was the one who rose from the dead. Jesus Christ is the
only One who has the power to raise from the dead. Jesus Christ is the
only One who can free us from the sting of death!

How can a Mason who calls himself Christian, allow himself to partake
of a ritual resurrection by the power of Lucifer? This is Satanic! He
stands, having been born again and raised from the dead as a Master
Mason, through the power of the Masonic god, whom the God of Israel
cast into the pit!


On the "five points of fellowship," he and his "savior" pass the
sacred word: MAH-HAH-BONE!

Also, while in this position, the new Master Mason solemnly vows:
"3rd, Breast to Breast: that you will ever keep in your breast a
brother's secrets, when communicated to you and receive such, murder
and treason excepted."13


12. 1 Corinthians 15:1-5.
13. Duncan's Rituals, Revised and Complete, pp. 35, 96.


Page 47

"Question: What is to us (Masons) the chief symbol of man's ultimate
redemption and regeneration?"

"Answer: The fraternal supper, of bread which nourishes, and of wine
which refreshes and exhilarates, symbolic of the time which is to
come, when all mankind shall be one great harmonious brotherhood; and
teaching us these great lessons: that as matter changes ever, but no
single atom is annihilated, it is not rational to suppose that the far
nobler soul does not continue to exist beyond the grave: that many
thousands who have died might claim to be joint owners with ourselves
of the particles which compose our physical bodies; for matter ever
forms new combinations; and the bodies of the ancient dead, the
patriarchs before and since the flood, the kings and the common people
of all ages, resolve into their constituent elements, are carried upon
the wind over all continents, and continually enter into and form part
of the habitation of new souls, creating new bonds of sympathy and
brotherhood between each man that lives and all his race. AND THUS, IN
FORMED THE MATERIAL BODIES CALLED Moses, Confucius, Plato, Socrates,
and Jesus of Nazareth. In the truest sense, we eat and drink the
bodies of the dead; and cannot say that there is a single atom of our
blood or body, the ownership of which some other soul might not
dispute with us."14


If you are a Christian and a Mason, I exhort you in the name of your
Savior, Jesus Christ, to:


14 Albert Pike, Dogma and Doctrine, p.539.


Page 48
"Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the LORD, and
touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (2 Cor. 6:17).

"This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is
become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any
other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:11, 12).

"According to the peace of God which is given unto me, as a wise
masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation and another buildeth
thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereon. For
other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus
Christ" (1 Cor. 3:10-11).

"Whereupon God also hath highly exalted Him (Jesus Christ) and given
him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every
knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things
under the earth; and that ever tongue should confess that Jesus Christ
is LORD, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil. 2:9-11).


As Elijah called out to Israel in 1 Kings 18:18, 21:

"Ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and thou hast followed
Baal. How long will ye halt between two opinions? if the Lord be God,
then follow Him. But if Baal, then follow him."
There is no other choice for you my Masonic friend. If you are a Mason
and profess Christ as Savior, either renounce your Christian faith and
follow Lucifer or renounce Masonry. There is no way you can cling to
Every BLUELODGE member who reads this book and especially this
chapter, can no longer maintain his defense by claiming ignorance.
Today, Masonry stands revealed in all its Satanic deceitfulness.
Today, you must make your choice.


Page 49


This chapter, like Chapter Four, was written by J Edward Decker, of
the FREE THE MASON MINISTRIES. I believe you will find it an

When the average American thinks of Masonry, the thoughts are of
Children's Burn Centers and Hospitals, and the Shrine Circus, where
handicapped children are often carried to the front row seats in the
strong arms of weeping men who are wearing the red Fezes of their
fraternity. Rarely do we see a parade without these same Shriners
driving up and down the parade route in their little cars and
motorcycles, dressed in clothes out of the Arabian nights, bringing
laughter to the children lined up along the way.

On more serious occasions, such as the laying of public building
cornerstones, or at a funeral service of a Lodge members, these same
men, dressed in somber attire, wearing their ornate sashes,
medallioned chains of office and ceremonial aprons, will perform with
solemn dignity the rites handed down through the centuries of their
secret ritual -"Good men," they say, "becoming better!"

Yet, once you get past the good-old-boy fraternal act, the funny hats
of the Shriners and the sheltered reputation of the local Blue Lodge
Masonic groups, there is something beyond the colorful mask, an aura
of mystery, power and intrigue, complete with under oaths of false
gods, blood oaths, conspiracy and back room politics.

The Fez itself, is an example of the double meaning behind most of
Freemasonry's facade. Worn and even carried to the grave with pompous
dignity, the history of the Fez is barbaric and anti-Christian. In the
early 8th Century,


Page 50
Muslim hordes overran the Moroccan city of Fez, shouting: "There is no
God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet. There they butchered almost
50,000 Christian men, women and children, all in the name of Allah,
the same demon god to whom the Shriners bow in worship (and proclaim
him the god of their fathers) in the Shrine initiation ceremony.

The Shriner's blood oath and confession of Allah as God is found in
the secret ritual book, THE MYSTIC SHRINE An Illustrated Ritual of the
Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Shrine (pp. 20-22).

One must realize that ALLAH is not just another name for God. Allah is
the name of another god and in usual occult fashion, the initiate
swears that he will be inseparably obligated to this "most powerful
and binding oath," in advance, and that he may never retract or depart
from it.

During the butchering of the people of Fez, the streets literally ran
red with blood of the martyred Christians. The Muslim murderers dipped
their caps in the blood of their victims as testimony to Allah. These
blood stained caps eventually were called Fezes and became the Muslim
badge of honor. The Shriners wear that same Fez today. The greatest
tragedy is that the Fez is often worn by men who profess to be
Christians themselves. It must cause God to weep.

A curious piece of the Masonic conspiracy puzzle in the founding of
America is the actual layout for the Capital City of Washington, D.C.
Actually it's as much the audacity of the thing as the conspiratorial
nature of it. You see, the city was laid out in the form of key
Masonic symbols, the "Square," the "Compass," the "Rule," and the

Take any good street map of downtown Washington and find the Capital
Building. Facing the Capital from the Mall and using the Capital as
the head or top of the compass, the left leg is represented by
Pennsylvania Avenue and the right


Page 51
leg by Maryland Avenue. The square is found in the usual Masonic
position with the intersection of Canal Street and Louisiana Avenue.
The left leg of the et aass stands on the White House and the right
leg stands on the Jefferson Memorial. The circle drive and short
streets behind the Capital form the head and ears of what Satanists
call the GOAT OF MENDES, or the GOAT'S HEAD!

Map of Washington D.C. Showing Masonic Symbols

On top of the White House is an inverted 5 pointed star, or PENTAGRAM.
The point is facing south in true occult


Page 52
fashion. It sits within the intersections of Connecticut and Vermont
Avenues, north to Dupont and Logan Circles, with Rhode Island and
Massachusetts going to Washington Circle to the West and Mt. Vernon
Square to the East.

The center of the pentagram is 16th Street where, thirteen blocks due
north of the very center of the White House, one finds the Masonic
HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE, which sits at the top of this occult iceberg.

The Washington Monument stands in perfect line to the intersecting
point of the form of the Masonic Square, stretching from the House of
the Temple to the Capital Building. Within the hypotenuse of that
right triangle sit many of the headquarter buildings for the most
powerful departments of government, such as the Justice Department,
U.S. Senate, and the Internal Revenue Service.

It would be great to know that your nation's Capital is bathed in
continual prayer and to believe that its building and monuments have
been dedicated in prayer, but do you realize that every key Federal
building from the White House to the Capital has had a cornerstone
laid in a Masonic ritual and has specific Masonic paraphernalia placed
in each one. Again, wonderful if we were talking about our one true
God in all this, but such is not the case. The cornerstone of all
these buildings have been laid in Masonic ritual, dedicated to the
demonic god of Freemasonry, JAO-BUL-ON That is the secret name of the
Masonic god, the LOST WORD in the rite of the Royal Arch Degree. JAO
is the Greek name for the god of the Gnostics "ladabaoth or lao;" BUL
is a rendering of the name "Ba'al" and ON is the Babylonian name for
the Egyptian god "OSIRIS."

What we see represented in this name of the Masonic deity is a
three-headed pagan deity so remote from the


Page 53
Christian faith as to damn the eternal soul of anyone who would dare
to pronounce its name in worship.1

The Washington Monument actually represents the PHALLIC PRINCIPLE upon
which SPECULATIVE Masonry is based. From above, the monument and its
circular drive, form the esoteric Masonic "Point within a circle." The
Reflecting Pool bears its shadow image, with the illusion duplicated
in the Lincoln Memorial.

Strange? Not if you understand the occult principles involved. The
respected Masonic author and authority, Albert Mackey, states in

"The point within a circle is an interesting and important symbol in
Freemasonry ... The symbol is a beautiful but somewhat obtuse allusion
to ... sun-worship and introduces us for the first time to that
modification among the ancients as the worship of the PHALLUS. The
Phallus was an imitation of the male generative organ. It was
represented usually by a column, which was surrounded by a circle at
its base, intended for the cteis, or female generative orge 39This
union of the Phallus and the Cteis, which is well represented by the
point within the circle, was intended by the ancients as a type of the
prolific powers of nature, which they worshipped under the united form
of the activity or male principle and the passive or female
Winding about the streets of Washington, D.C. are hundreds of such
applications of THE PRINCIPLE. They are there by design and we can
barely touch the simplest. Our nation and leaders have been deeply
effected by this occult power.
The news rocked the Nation, when ASTROLOGY IN THE WHITE HOUSE, ran in
People's Magazine, May 23, 1988. Nancy Reagan was manipulating the
President's schedule based on astrological charts drawn up by a San


1. The full explanation for this is found in -Duncan's Masonic Ritual
and Monitor, Third Ed. pp. 224-226, 249-251.


Page 54
soothsayer named Joan Quigley. It wasn't the first time the resident
of the White House was doing a balancing act with stargazers. Teddy
Roosevelt kept his own astrological chart, but it was usually the
women in the White House who consulted the mediums. First ladies
Florence Harding and Edith Wilson, regularly consulted one Madame
Marcia Champney and Mary Lincoln held seances in the White House.
Those are just the ones who openly practiced the art of divination.

Whatever the reasons, we do know that the Bible strongly speaks about
the fall of any nation whose leader defies the Word of God and
consults mediums. The Satanic pentagram under which the White House
sits is an open door through which Satan has access to the White

The Pentagram, or five-pointed star is, of course, both a Masonic
symbol and an ancient symbol of witchcraft. With its point facing down
(or south), it is especially found in Satanism. Satanists can be seen
wearing the inverted pentagram; and it appears in many black magic
books, including THE SATANIC BIBLE. It is also the signet of the
EASTERN STAR, the lady's Masonic organization.

You can see on the map, the pentagram is inverted and facing south,
and its lowest point does rest upon the White House! What would this
mean to someone with a Masonic or magical frame of mind? Bill
Schnoebelen, a former


Page 55
Mason and Satanist, is now a Christian worker on the Staff of Saints
Alive. He pointed out that such a deidth is a spiritual door to the
occult, a planned invasion by the powers of darkness against this
Christian nation. "We have been under siege from the first day our
President walked into the Oval Office," he said.

Bill added that Albert Pike, the giant of Masonic philosophy who is
entombed just 13 blocks from the White House in the HOUSE OF THE
TEMPLE, has identified the pentagram (or PENTALPHA) as the blazing
star which is at the heart of every Masonic lodge and which represents
the star SIRIUS.2 SIRIUS has been known for 5,000 years as the great

Bill emphasized that to the magician, the inverted pentagram has one
use only, and that is to call up the power of Satan and bring the
Kingdom of the Devil into manifestation on earth.4 Yet this very
symbol straddles the corridors of our nation's power and is aimed
right at the White House.

This pentagram is found constantly at sites of ritual murders; and in
the notebooks of teens who have become involved in Satanism and have
ended up killing themselves. In the ARIZONA REPUBLIC, 11/27/88;
Section B, an article by Bill Donovan and Mark Shaffer, talks about
three teenage suicides. The authors quote a school administrator: "All
you have to do to know we have a large problem on our hands is drive
down the street. There are pentagrams everywhere, on stop signs,
buildings, trash dumpsters, even one that's on the post office.
Pentagrams are five pointed stars used as a symbol by practicing


2. Pike, Morals and Dogma, pp. 14, 15.
3. Kenneth Grant, Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God, p.12.
4. Schnoebelen, Man, Myth and Magic, p.2159.


Page 56
It is evident that death, destruction and carnage follow this symbol
everywhere. It is a key that opens the door to hell; at least
according to sorcerers. What does the Bible say about it?

This star, which has been identified in the Bible as the accursed
"tabernacle of Molech, and the STAR of your god, REMPHAN, figures
which ye made to worship them ... (Acts 7:43, cf. Amos 5:25-27). This
"star" is an idolatrous image sullied by untold centuries of debauched
worship; and yet it is carefully placed right upon our nations

Every bit as staggering is the fact that the central symbol of the
CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR, this nation's highest military award for
bravery, is the pentagram. The five pointed inverted star, within a
circle is the highest form of Satanic expression, representing
BAPHOMET, THE GOAT OF MENDES, or the embodiment of LUCIFER as god!

Of course, nearby the main part of Washington, D.C. is one of the
famous and distinctly shaped buildings in America, the PENTAGON.
Although most recognize the Pentagon as the nerve center of our
nation's defense establishment; few realize that the Pentagon itself
is a geometric design used in magic and witchcraft as well.

The Pentagon, through its use of the number 5 is associated profoundly
with the planet Mars and the ancient


Page 57
god of war, called variously ARIES, HORUS, or MARS.5 This is because
Mars is the fifth planet on the magical diagram, the Tree of Life;
among other reasons.

The Pentagon is also one of the two secret symbols of the highest
(aka the Illuminati) - the other being the Pentagram. It may be
observed that every pentagram has a pentagon within it; and that every
proper pentagram can fit perfectly point-to-point within a pentagon.

Thus, the magician sees the Pentagon as a gigantic talisman of war or
battle. Bill Schnoebelen points out that throughout the witchcraft
underground in the U.S. there has been circulated a rumor that a
demonic war-god is imprisoned inside the Pentagon and that he is what
keeps causing wars. During the anti-war movement of the Vietnam era,
in the midst of a demonstration at the Pentagon, some "witches for
peace" were actually present and actually attempted to levitate the
Pentagon and "exorcise" the demon god YOG SOTHOTH from within.
Needless to say, the building remained unlevitated.

Freemasonry boasts 16 Presidents, including Ronald Reagan, 41 Federal
Judges, 60 Congressmen, 14 members of the Judiciary Committee and 18
Senators. One can only guess at the numbers involved within the many
governmental departments. There is no doubt that Masonic conspirators
plotted against this nation from its very inception to the present
hour. Thank God that there have been that many real Christians praying
for this country and its leaders, to keep a righteous God from
bringing deserved judgment against this nation.


5. See: A Practical Guide To Kabalistic Symbolism, by Gareth Knight,
p. 124ff.


Page 58
Is it any wonder that the battle seems so difficult? How have such
evils like greed and conspiracy within our nation's leadership been
able to rock this nation? How has the Federal Judicial system become
such a power cult that it is able to violate our inalienable rights
with total freedom? How have such Biblical opposed acts as abortion
and homosexuality become accepted and even welcomed practices? When
did our people give up the right of freedom OF (and not FROM)
Religion? When did we say it was OK for the practice of Witchcraft and
Satanism in our government and schools. When did humanism and the New
Age philosophies replace Christianity as the Rock upon which this
nation was built?

It began, when we allowed the soothsayers and worshipers of JAO-BUL-ON
to lay out the National Capital as a giant, Satanic Talisman, an open
door to the demonic world of darkness. IT'S TIME WE TOOK THIS NATION

Christian brothers and sisters, WE have the authority and power of the
believer. WE have the Biblical promise and examples of the power of
prayer, the miracle of intercession. WE have the need and the right to
go to our knees in private and in our congregations to break the power
of these demonic abominations in our Nation, Church, and families. LET
NO-LONGER-SECRET door of the enemy in our NATIONAL CAPITAL!

To those of you may read this and make light of this urgent message,
the Bible speaks directly of this national sin:

2 Corinthians 6:14, 15.
14 "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion
hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord (agreement) hath Christ with Belial? Or what part
hath he that believeth with an infidel?


Page 59
Then verse 17 says:
2 Corinthians 6:17
17 "Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and
touch not the unclean thing; and I (God) will receive you."
Even Elijah called out to his ancient people:

1 Kings 18:18
18 "Ye have forsaken the commandments of the LORD and thou hast
followed Baal!
1 Kings 18:21
21 I cry out, How long halt ye between two opinions? If the LORD be
God, follow Him: But if Baal (be your god), then follow Him.

If you are a member of a Masonic Lodge, I charge you to choose Jesus
Christ and the church, or the Lodge and Lucifer, but stop playing
games with God, your family and your own soul. There is a good reason
why Masons do not allow Lodge prayers to include the name of Jesus.
It's not His temple you worship in, but that of JABULON, or Lucifer!
You are not bound by these blood oaths! RENOUNCE JAO-BUL-ON AND HIS
I pray that you will choose Jesus Christ, repent and be set free from
this wicked power unto whom you have submitted your soul. If this is
your desire, remember we have this promise in 1 John 1:9 -"If we
CONFESS or sins, He (Jesus Christ) is faithful and just to forgive us
our sins and to cleanse us from ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS."

This is something your Lodge and your Lodge affiliations can never and
will never do. If you have a desire to know more about this true
freedom in Jesus Christ, write to: FREE THE MASONS MINISTRY, P.O. Box
1077, Issaquah, WA 98027.

* * * * * * *

It has been truthfully said that aliens control our country by
controlling Congress. We have not had a truly American Government in
Washington, D.C. for well over fifty years, no matter whether
Republicans or Democrats have been in


Page 60
power. This alien control is seen when we take into account that there
is very little change in government policies, when we see a change of
Administration from one major party to the other. They are all
controlled from the same international sources. Strangely enough, the
majority of this pressure comes from a group of people we know as
Ashkenazi Jews. This group, working with the Esau-Edom population of
the United States, makes up about 95% of the present world Jewish
population. We have been led to believe by Jewish statistics that this
number is around 15 million, although, personally, I have reason to
believe it is much higher. The Esau-Edomite Jews have been a parasitic
people who have never been able to exist on their own, so we find them
inter-breeding with anyone who will help them. They have made
tremendous inroads into the royal families of Europe and have
contaminated the royal blood line of King David until it is difficult
to tell the difference between the Jew and the Israelite.

On pg. 76, of Rabbi Jack Moline's book GROWING UP JEWISH, we read:

"For years, anti-Semites have accused Jews of controlling Congress,
and for years it has been denied. Ironically, as of 1984, the Jews do
control Congress. A recent survey of the 435 representatives, shows
that for all practical purposes, 219 are practicing Jews.
Interestingly, twelve members of the Black Congressional Caucus are
Ethiopian Jews. On the Senate side, an astounding 62 out of 100
Senators identify themselves as Jews." (What he means by this I am not
sure; possibly that they are Christian Zionists who vote the straight
Zionist ticket every time - ED).
Appropriations to the State of Israeli are so high, because all 62
Senators have responded to the United Jewish Appeals with the cliche:
"I gave at the office." Then suddenly they realize it was a matter of
public record.
What we are going to seek to ascertain in the remainder of this book,
is how this Talmudic Jewish influence has permeated Freemasonry and
further increased the dictatorial control over the Christian world.


Page 61

Before we get into our in-depth discussion of the Masonic Lodge and
its connection with Zionist Talmudism, I believe it would be
beneficial for us to look at some of the multitude of symbols which
are used in worldwide FREEMASONRY and discuss their implication.

A great deal of the information in this chapter comes from Dr.
Shepherd, a Mason for many years, who rose to a high degree before he
became a Christian and saw the desperate need of exposing the Lodge.
Dr. Shepherd is one of those rare, brave men, to whom God and country
mean more than populof ty and personal safety. He has literally put
his life on the line in order to expose this evil which has crept into
our midst, in the "guise of sheep's clothing."

What I will share with you in this chapter, is a series of letters he
wrote to me regarding FREEMASONRY and their ZIONIST CONNECTIONS. These
letters may seem to be somewhat disconnected, but if you read them
all, I believe you will see the underlying message.

Both TALMUDISM and FREEMASONRY are awash in animal symbolism. Each has
its place in the ritual worship of the Talmudic and Masonic god.

First Letter: "The Masonic Lodge is the Jew-lodge and every lodge is -
no matter what name they use, Masonic or Jew. The fact which deceives
so many, is that various names, titles, and lodges are given, but when
you get to their roots you will see; First that a Jew started it;
second, a Jew will be its Supreme Commander, or Grand Dragon as the
Jews call them. Jacobites, Rosicrucians, Knights Templer, Knights of
Columbus, Elks, Moose,


Page 62
NOTE. The lion figure below adorned the wall of the throne-room in the
palace of Nebuchadnezzar at Babylon (pg. 86). It is made of glazed
brick in the brightest colors, which produced a gorgeous effect as
architectural adornment. This art arose in Egypt, passed thence to
Assyria and Babylonia, and was then adopted by the Persians.

Eastern Star, Shriners, are for all intents and purposes all
FREEMASONS. These have fought my attempts to expose them and four
attempts have been made against my life. Why? Because I know too much
about them and try and alert others. In this first letter, I intend to
show you who the Great Beast of Revelation 13 is and when I point this
out, you will probably say: "Why didn't I see this. before?"
Revelation 13:1 and 2
"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of
the sea ... and the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his
feet were the feet of a bear, and his mouth the mouth of a lion."
The word CUSH is used many times in the Bible to represent peoples
from Africa and means LEOPARD to many people. When Jacob prophesied
concerning his family in Genesis 49:9, he said of Judah:
"Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son thou art gone up; he
stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall
rouse him up?"
The modern Ethiopians called themselves CUSHITES, or LEOPARDS In
Revelation 11:8, we read about "that great city, which spiritually is
called Sodom and EGYPT." The Great image of the SPHINX is found in
Egypt, near Cairo


Page 63
and is known in that part of the world as THE GREAT CAT! In the
Egyptian BOOK OF THE DEAD the great god Toth says: "I am RE, the
MAUMAU" MAU and LEOPARD have the same meaning!

In Genesis 4:7, when God spoke to Cain, after Cain became angry
because God did not accept his offering, God said: "... sin lieth at
the door." The Jews who translated this deliberately changed the
meaning of this verse, for the Chaldean word for SIN, as used here is
CHATTAH or CHEETAH or LEOPARD. The word "lieth" should be "couches,"
and is the act of the female cat as she prepares to breed. In other
words, this verse should have read: "The leopardess couches before


Page 64
When the question arises as to who was Cain's wife, the answer of

Not how closely the HOLYCAT (CATholic)is bound up in these verses.
Don't say: "That's Rome," since Rome is only a small part of it. All
seven churches in the book of Revelation claim to be catholic. The
Apostle's Creed in its original form read: "I believe in the holy
catholic (universal)

church." CATHOLIC goes back to the Garden of Eden and Genesis 3. In
Numbers 26:44, we read about the JESUITS Have you ever heard that name
before? Of course you have! The JESUITS are the HOLY-CATS (CATholics)
Old Cain was a CATholic who sacrificed the EU-CHRIST.

In the above picture of Herod's coin, 37 - 4 B.C., it had no
connection with Rome
but was of Jewish origin. A close perusal of Albert Pike's monumental
work on
Second Letter: Surprising enough, I begin my discussion of FREEMASONRY
with Genesis 3:1. This serpent was not a snake. The Hebrew word under
here is NAHASH The Navajo Indians still use this word today, it is
pronounced NAH-GAH-OSHEE and means: "witch doctor; guru; voodoo;
sorcerer." That's what Cain was!

In Genesis 3, the Creator said to the "serpent," "on thy belly you
shall go." But the word "BELLY," should have


Page 65
read: "On all fours shall you go." A cat travels on all fours doesn't
WITCHES AND WITCHCRAFT, I believe the serpent was a CAT.

For further proof - What did Adam and Eve do when they disobeyed God
by eating of the forbidden fruit? The Bible says they hid themselves
among the trees of the garden, this is a characteristic of the CAT.

The LEOPARD, LEO (Lion), PAN (PANther) all come from the same word.
Here are words with a similar meaning: PARD; panther; panthera;
of these were HOLY CATS and were worshiped in their area and today,
the cat is worshiped worldwide. In Central and South America it is the
JAGUAR. But note carefully that the CAT is named after CUS H. This is
what the Jews call "transmigration of the soul." The cat, according to
them, is actually CUSH living in the CAT. This is why many Africans
call themselves CUSHITES.

(When I was a Game Warden in Ethiopia, 1958-62, I was impressed by the
reverence the animist [worshipers of the spirits of nature] natives
had for the Hyena, called "fisi," which is one of the most horrible of
the animals God created. In this part of the country, when a man or
woman becomes too old to work, or benefit the family, they are often
left outside the village fence and become living prey for the hyenas.
The natives themselves, will not kill these horrible animals, although
they prey on both human and cattle, because they believe the spirits
of their ancestors, who the hyenas have devoured, live on in the
animal - ED.)
The big CAT is the LION. The mouth of the LION is its most dangerous
part and the MOUTH of the ancient family was called the PATRIARCH.
This opens a fact which has been hidden for thousands of years. We
know that Catholics literally worship ST. PETER, he his called
PATRA-arch, which means ANCIENT STONE.


Page 66
It is interesting to note that the word HAM is HA'MER or STONE. The
PATRA-arch of the family is the ANCIENT STONE of the family. Since the
head of the family, HAM was called the LION, therefore the church
calls itself CATholic.

If you will look closely at any picture of the Great CAThedral of
Babylon, some call it the TEMPLE you will notice on each side of the
entrance, a large stone lion with a man's head. The word "HEDRA," from
which the last part of the word CAT-HEDRAL comes, means "head," orin
most cases "cat's head." This does not refer to leopards or cheetah's
but to the King of Beasts, the LION. Thus the head of the ROMAN
CATHOLIC CHURCH, St. Peter, is known in Egypt as PTAH, which means
"Ancient Stone."

In the Egyptian BOOK OF THE DEAD, the word mouth is the LION. PTAH was
Egypt's great god. The Bible tells us that Egypt is the land of HAM.
You make the connection.

In CHALDEAN the Word BAB also means "mouth." Thus again "the LION'S
MOUTH." The LEOPARD also has a mouth like a LION and the native word
for him is PARD. What is a PARD? It is a PANTHER LION-LEOPARD the
mouth or religion. In the U.S. the religion of the Beast is LIONISM or
HAMISM or more commonly known as BABYLONIANISM Revelation 11:8 refers
to "That great city Babylon in Egypt." It is symbolic, since there was
no great city in Egypt called BABYLON

It is interesting to note, that when you travel to Egypt and see the
great SPHINX, you see a cat body with a human head, the same as in the
doorway of the BABYLONIAN TEMPLE.

Many Jews carry a "cat's paw." Twelve LIONS stood on the six steps
leading to Solomon's throne and Jacob said that JUDAH, representative
of the JEWS was a "crouching lion," (Gen. 49:9).


Page 67
The cat represents a witch, witchcraft and the word "cat" in the
ancient tongue meant "whore." This is where the term "cat house" came
from. The cat is also called a "Pussy," which is the vulgar term used
for a woman's sexual parts. These things, unknown to most Christians,
had their beginnings from the time of Cain.

Third Letter: (I am only printing those things which pertain to
FREEMASONRY. Dr. Shepherd has sent me much more, dealing with the
Seedline theory and other matters, which we will not be covering in
this book. This will be the concluding remarks from Dr. Shepherd. If
any of my readers would like to contact him, please write me for his
address -ED.)

Eve's penalty for eating the "forbidden fruit" was "death." (Gen.
2:17). When Cain offered his sacrifice to God, it was refused, not
because it was a vegetable sacrifice, as some preachers say, but
because it was "devil's bread."

The root word for CAIN, or CANA, is "black" and this takes us to the
root of FREEMASONRY The MASONIC password is TU-BAL-CAIN (See Gen.
4:20-22). It is CAIN, or the devil himself who admits one into the
Masonic Lodge. If you don't want to take my word for it, then take the
word of a strict Jew-Mason, who was converted to Christianity and had
his life completely changed, the Apostle Paul. In Philippians 3:2 he
says: "beware of DOGS, beware of EVIL WORKERS, BEWARE OF THE
CONCISION." (The Greek word for "concision" is "karatome" which means:
"to mutilate." Like in ''circumcision.'') Masons call themselves DOGS.

In Isaiah 56:10 we read about "...dumb dogs that cannot (or will not)
bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy
DOGS which can never have enough (are never satisfied) ..." In John
8:44 they are called: "Of their father the devil," an apt description
for Masons and Jews alike.


Page 68
The MAFIA, KGB, CIA, MOSSAD, the spies of MASONRY are the DOGS or
DEVILS of FREEMASONRY. There is not a place on earth which is free
from their spies. On every continent, in every country, city and town,
these spies are present.

Albert Pike, the chief "guru" of MASONRY, says that Masons call their
god THE GREAT ARCHITECT. If you read Genesis 4:17, you will find the
name of the first Mason, CAIN, the builder, the architect.

Archaeologists do not know who built the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the
greatest building project the world has ever known. They do not know
who erected the mammoth images on Easter Island or the monoliths of
Stonehenge, or the pyramids in Mexico on this continent.

Could CAIN have been called THE GREAT ARCHITECT, because he built the
first recorded city? Could the builder of the Egyptian pyramids have
been called THE GREAT ARCHITECT? Do you doubt that Masons are
builders? Jesus hints at this when He spoke to the JEW-MASON Sin
Matthew 21:42 and told them: "... The stone which the builders
(masons) rejected, the same is become the head of the corner.

If Masons worship Lucifer, as Albert Pike affirms, then THE GREAT
ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE must of necessity be the devil - the

No one has ever been able to figure how the mammoth stones of the
Great Pyramid, many weighing a hundred tons or more, were lifted 490
feet to be fitted in place. We have no modern machinery that can
accomplish this. Could it have been done by demonic power?

(When I was in Ethiopia, I became acquainted with a Coptic priest who
was a graduate of Cambridge University. He showed me the massive
obelisk at Axum, the ancient capital of the Queen of Sheba's Empire.
This huge stone is 97 feet tall, by 24 feet at the base and is
estimated to weigh about


Page 69
2700 tons. It is hewn from a solid piece of black granite, the closest
quarries of which are in Yemen, across 400 miles of land and the Red
Sea. This monument, which is over 5,000 years old, was erected on a
mountain plateau, about 7,000 feet elevation, which means this huge
stone would have had to be moved up an almost perpendicular cliff,
some 2,000 feet from the valley below. Again, modern engineers marvel
at how this was done. This Coptic priest told me that the ancients had
the power of "levitation." They were able to overcome gravity, he told
me, through "spirit power." Is this how the Great Pyramid at Giza,
Egypt was erected? - ED)
Could it have been demonic power that made these feats possible? The
Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Thes. 2:9 about one whose coming would be
"after the working of Satan, with ALL POWER ... " Does Satan have the
power to move huge stones?
There is an authentic account of a scientist who was in the Amazon in
1987 and watched as natives erected a pyramid, moving huge stones into
position through "spirit power." No, my skeptical friends, there is
little doubt that Satan can lift huge stones and that the builder of
the Great Pyramid was the GREAT ARCHITECT.


1 - In Arabic, the word CAIN, or CANA means "devil." In Revelation
18:2, we are told that great BABYLON has "become the habitation
(dwelling place) of devils, and the hold (cage) of every foul spirit
... " The first city, built by CAIN, was a "city of devils."

2 - ENOS, or ENOCH, after whom this first city was named, was the son
of CAIN. This city was utterly depraved.

3 - LAMECH - the great-great-great (I think I have this right)
grandson of CAIN married a woman whose name was ADAH. It is
interesting to note that in India today, ADA or ADAH, is one of their
most feared goddesses. She


Page 70
can cast deadly diseases on persons, they believe, on animals and even
fish and crops and has been known to have her adherents burn the
houses of those who refuse to sacrifice to her. ZILLAH, LAMECH'S
second wife, means "shade," "ghost," or "demon." The question might be
asked: "Is it possible for a man to live with a demon in a woman's
form?" I believe it is and that demons can take any form they desire.
There are documented reports of men who had lived with demons in human
form. (Unfortunately, Dr. Shepherd does not give us this documentation

4 - GIANTS - Genesis 6:4. The word used here for GIANTS is GIGANTE
which does not refer to men of great size but to "demon possessed
men." Could this be the meaning of verse 5 which says:

"And God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that
every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
In other words, these men were "devils; witches; swamies; Masons."
5 - HAM was the founder of the city of SODOM after the Flood. Would
you call this a "city of devils?"

6 - The TOWER OF BABEL (Gen. 11:1-5) was built by CUSH the "Great
Cat," and NIMROD, the "hunter of men." Would you call this tower an
evil place? All these places mentioned, were built by the Masonic god,

7 - The PYRAMIDS were probably built by the same god.

8 - SOLOMON'S TEMPLE, which many people believe was built for the
glory of God, was a "temple of the devil.." It was erected for the
worship of Lucifer, the Masonic god and this is why it is so important
in Masonry.


Page 71
9 - JEZEBEL -this evil woman, who led her husband, the king of Israel
and the Israel people into idolatry, was a witch. We see her mentioned
in the "end times" as seducing the church at Thyatira (see Rev. 2:20).

10 - JERUSALEM - Many false religious prophets have taught that this
was the "holy city." Not so! There is no letter "3" in the Hebrew
language, so the name of this city in Palestine is GURU-SALEM "OU"
means "black," "RU" means "stones." Why do the Jews and Masons want
that place in Palestine? Because it was and is the BABYLONIAN SYSTEM.
In Isaiah 57:3, 6 we read:

"But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorcerers (witches) among the
smooth stones of the stream is thy portion ..."
The "smooth stones" represent the high gurus, witches, sorcerers, and
officials of JUDAISM and FREEMASONRY.
11- MYSTERY BABYLON - Called in Revelation 18:2 "the home of devils

Masonry, my dear brothers, is of the devil. It is the city of the
devil. It is:

a. -The "great hypocrisy."
b. -The "great conspiracy."
c. -The "great beast."
d. -The "great whore."
e. -The "great sorceress."

The Hidden Power
Behind Freemasonry
Part 4 of 8

Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr,

LETTER #5 - When Adam and Eve sinned, God made them coats of skin. Our
pastors have told us these were sheep skins. I believe they were the
skins of the lion and leopard and this is the reason why heathen high
priests still use these skins as a sign of their high office.
In their KABALLAH, the Jewish TALMUD-MISHNA, the Jewish rabbis say:
"Ham smuggled and hid the coat of


Page 72
Adam in the ark and used it after the Flood to gain power." Could this
have been the same garment that Achan took at Jericho (Joshua 7:21),
some believe it was. The TALMUD says that NIMROD had received this
garment which gave him great power and that this was stolen by ESAU,
when he assassinated NIMROD. This is the reason, they claim, that Esau
was so exhausted the day he sold his birthright to his brother Jacob
(see Gen. 25:30-32). The story goes that he had been fleeing from
NIMROD'S MEN, after he had killed their king.

The NEW AGE of FREEMASONRY is nothing new. It is the same old
demonism, Satanism and voodooism which has been practiced worldwide
since the Garden of Eden.

The god that Masons demand their "proselytes," or initiates" worship
is Satan or Lucifer (see Matt. 23:15). This is confirmed by Albert
Pike in his MORALS AND DOGAM. Masons believe there are two gods -
brothers, if you will. There is LUCIFER, the "good guy," whom they
worship, and ADONAY-JESUS Christ, who is the "bad guy." A constant
warfare is going on between these forces of "good" and "evil." But of
this you can be sure, THE GREAT ARCHITECT OF MASONRY is not the God of
the Bible, or Christianity. Their symbol worldwide is that of the CAT.

It is interesting also to note that God calls PHARAOH, the king of
Egypt, "the great dragon," (Ezek. 29:3). This is the same term used in
Rev. 12:9. It does not refer to a man. You no doubt have heard Egypt
called the "land of the PHARAOHS?" But in all actuality, it should be
called "the land of the devil."

Ignorance of facts is the destruction of our white, Christian people.
Hosea 4:6 tells us that "My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge." Not "lack of education," but "lack of knowledge." -THE


Page 73
I would like to thank Dr, Shepherd for his contribution. Many of you,
no doubt will not agree with him and if you would like to contact him,
please let me know.

* * * * * * *

In the next few pages, we will look at some of the occult symbols and
advertisements which appear daily in American newspapers and
magazines. Our country has literally been taken over by Satanism and
the occult and both JUDAISM and FREEMASONRY has given their consent.

Illustration for Bottom of Page 73

Illustration for Page 74

Illustration for Page 75

Illustration for Page 76

Illustration for Page 77

Illustration for Page 78


Page 79

Beginning with this chapter we will get into an in-depth discussion of
FREEMASONRY and the "Hidden Power" which makes it operate and

Much has been said about the Jewish, or maybe it would be more
accurate to say the Zionist, interests which influence Freemasonry.
Few members of the lower orders know the significance of this, or its
importance to them, This is especially true if they are Christians.

There is no doubt that the Zionist question MUST be linked with the
MASONIC question. At present, as in the past, Zionist world leaders,
and men in high positions with the Masonic organization, have worked
"hand in glove" for a universal world revolution, which will bring in
the One-World Church and a One-World Government. Many Masonic Lodges
are exclusively Jewish, as are the B'nai B'rith Lodges, the mother of
the infamous and very dangerous Anti-Defamation League, which is an
unregistered agent of a foreign government (Israeli) which has been
allowed by our government to operate unhindered on American soil.
Although this Jewish organization is totally illegal, such is the
strength of both the Masonic and Zionist Lobby in Washington, D.C.,
that the Government refuses to do anything to curb their power or
control their operations on American soil, often at the expense of
American citizens.

Wherever you look, you will find Freemasonry upholding and defending
Zionist interests, even to the detriment of the safety of this
country. This in itself should give you a good idea of the entwining
interests of the two which can be seen in the seventy U.S. Senators
who are


Page 80
Zionist controlled and vote a "straight Zionist ticket" when the
interests of Zionism come to the fore. These men in Washington, who
have taken an oath to defend this country and its Constitution from
all enemies, both foreign and domestic, will vote for Israeli
interests, even when they are contrary to the well being of this
country. For all intents and purposes, these men are TRAITORS. in the
Constitution, ARTICLE III, Section 3, gives a definition of TREASON,
which is so clear that even a Fifth Grader can understand it. It says:
"Treason shall consist only in levying war against them (the US.)
adhering to their enemies; giving them aid and comfort." If what has
been done for the Israelis in recent years, has not been "giving aid
and comfort to our enemies," then I fail to understand the meaning of
the English language.

For all intents and purposes, the A.D.L. has become an unofficial part
of the U.S. Justice Department, giving them periodic biased reports on
"terrorism and anti-Semitism" in the U.S., which is "extremely
prejudicial" to Christian patriots. Every effort to investigate the
power of the A.D.L. has been thwarted by establishment lawyers in high
places, almost all of whom are either Jews and/or Masons.

There are two theories regarding the TALMUDIC influence in

1.- That the Jewish leadership, worldwide, created Masonry in order to
corrupt the nations of Christendom and propagate the final world
domination for Zionism. In other words, this idea says that
Freemasonry is merely a tool of world Jewry.

This idea is supported by an article written by Dr. Isaac M. Wise, a
Jew, and published in THE ISRAELITE OF AMERICA, Aug. 3, 1866. He said:

"Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history, degrees, charges,
passwords and explanations are Jewish from end to end."


Page 81
One can easily believe this, if they compare the oaths of Freemasonry
with those of the TALMUD, which is the "life blood" of modern Judaism.

2.- Second, is the idea that Freemasonry was a good, sound institution
in principle, but that revolutionary agitators, principally Jewish,
took advantage of its organization as a secret society and penetrated
it little by little until they gained control of it. These Zionists,
they say, corrupted Masonry and turned it from its moral and
philanthropic aim, to employ it for revolutionary purposes.

In support of this contention, we have the writings of such men as the
Jew Bernard Lazare in his book L 'ANTISEMITISME, in which he states:

"What were the relations between the Jews and the secret societies?
That is not easy to elucidate, for we lack reliable evidence . . .
they are not necessarily in the head, the soul, the Grand Masters of
Masonry. It is certain, however, that there were Jews at the very
cradle of Masonry, kabalistic Jews, as some of their rites prove."


BY REASON: These arguments can be summed up as:

a.- Freemasonry is a secret society
b.- Freemasonry is directed by an international minority, and,
c. -Freemasonry has sworn implacable hatred for Christianity.
These are some of the same characteristics which can be found in
international Judaism and which could prove Jewish influence in the
Lodge. Jews have more to gain from Freemasonry than anyone else.


Page 82

1.- Many of the external trappings of Freemasonry, such as its ritual,
symbols, terminology, legends, etc., are of Jewish origin.
2.- The philosophy or religion of esoteric Freemasonry (that
understood only by the inner circle) is practically identical to that
of the Jewish Cabala.
3.- Certain small groups of Jews, of immense influence and wealth, are
leading Freemasons, and;
4.- A larger group of very influential Jews, pursue the same goals as
Freemasonry, using similar means and are in close alliance with them.
I believe it would only be honest to say here, that although the
Jewish element in Freemasonry is of greatest importance, and that
Jewish Masonic leaders often exploit the Lodge for their own nefarious
purposes, it is unjust to accuse all Jews, or all Masons of being
involved in this scheme for world control. Many of the "Lesser Jews,"
the ones which you and I are most apt to rub shoulders with, just as
many members of the Masonic Blue Lodge, know very little about this
international scheme for world control, and are innocent dupes of a
power that is over them. Many of these people are against One-World
government, without realizing that their leaders are pushing them into
it. These are the ones who must be reached with the truth. We know
that it will be next to impossible to reach those in high positions,
as their mind is already "set in cement," but we hope to reach those
who have been "hoodwinked" into a society they really know very little
about and which many of them would repudiate if they knew the truth.
The Jewish people have suffered, are suffering, and will suffer
severely in the future, because of wicked, unscrupulous atrocities
committed by the ruling Jewish-Masonic junta.


Page 83

It is necessary for you to have at least a "nodding acquaintance" with
the Babylonian Talmud, which is the heart blood of modern Judaism, in
order for you to understand the influence it exerts on Freemasonry.

Modern Judaism, according to Jewish sources, is modern Pharisaism.
Rabbi Louis Finkeistein, head of the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America, in the foreword to his first edition of THE PHARISEES, THE

"... Judaism ... Pharisaism ... Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism;
Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout all the
changes in name; the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives
Rabbi Michael Rondkinson, in his book THE HISTORY OF THE TALMUD,
"The source from which Jesus of Nazareth drew His teachings, which
enabled Him to revolutionize the world ... is the Talmud ... the
written form of that which, in the times of Jesus, was called the
'Traditions of the Elders."'
The falsity of this statement can easily be seen, when one does some
research into this religious book of the Jews and then looks at the
statements made by Jesus Christ in regard to them in both Matt. 15:9
and Mark 7:7, 13. In this latter Scripture, speaking directly to the
Pharisees, He said:
"You make the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which
ye have delivered; and many such things do ye."
The TALMUD is so filthy and absurd, that it is blasphemy to say that
Jesus drew the teachings of Christianity from this religious cesspool.
The second major source of Judaism is the Cabala, sometimes spelled
Kabbala. This is the mystic, corrupt,


Page 84
occult teachings that apostate Judeans brought home with them when
they returned from seventy years of Babylonian captivity. The TALMUD
was begun about 500 B.C. and was finally completed, in its written
form, about 500 A.D. at the great Jewish center in Alexanderia, Egypt.
It contains the arguments of leading Jewish Rabbis as they argue over
points in the Jewish religion. Today, the vast majority of religious
Jews look to the TALMUD as their guide in religious and civil matters
and it has rightly been called by them, the "heart blood of modern
Judaism." In the minds of most Jews, it has replaced the ancient
TORAH. Even in the time of Jesus, the Pharisees bragged about how they
followed the teachings of Moses and were repudiated by Christ when He
told them: "Had you believed Moses, you would have believed me; for he
wrote of me." (John 5:46). In another place (Matt. 23:2) -

"The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses' seat (in other words they had
usurped the authority of Moses); All therefore whatsoever they bid you
observe, that observe and do; but do not do after their works; for
they say, and do not."
In other plainer words, they were "hypocrites" and this is what He
called them to their face (See Matt. 23:15) -"Woe, unto you, scribes
and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass (go over) sea and land to
make one proselyte (convert), and when he is made, you make him
two-fold more a child of hell than yourself."
Pretty plain talk, isn't it?

The Jewish apologist, Bernard Lazare refers to the TALMUD as "the
creator of the Jewish nation, and the mould of the Jewish soul" (L

The TALMUD is impregnated with hatred for Jesus Christ and the
Christian church, although some of the more virulent passages have
been removed from the English translations and are unknown to many
liberal and non-religious Jews. They are still taught in the Jewish


Page 85
The Cabala was originally used to indicate that portion of the Mosaic
law which was handed down by tradition. Since about the Thirteenth
Century, however, it has come to refer to the esoteric (understood
only by the upper elite) and occult doctrines of Judaism, which were
learned in Babylon and are woven into the tapestry of Freemasonry. The
most authoritative work on the Jewish Cabala can be found in the ZOHAR

These books contain the mystical, occult teachings of modern Judaism
and Freemasonry and are often tied in closely with mystic occult
teachings from the Far East. This system of occultism is sometimes
called "hermeticism, "named after the god Hermes, who was the Greek
god of wisdom, corresponding to the Roman god Mercury. (We see his
symbol in many areas of modern life, such as the telegraph service.)

This belief takes in "Theosophism," which means the "physical
appearance of God to man." Christian Science, Neo-Platonism, Judaism
and Jewish heathen Cabalism. It is actually part of the revival of the
Gnostic heresies which played such havoc in the First century
Christian church and which provided the Christian world of
Constantine, with an acceptable substitute for Christianity. Their
adherents are still attempting to do this in Freemasonry.

The major connection between Judaism and Freemasonry can be seen in
the Cabala, where there is a very close association between the secret
teachings and doctrines of Judaism and Freemasonry.

One school of thought is that Freemasonry was brought into existence
by the Jews, for the destruction of Christianity. This view, of
course, is accepted by acknowledged anti-Jewish writers. However, it
does not come into accord with established facts, since the Jews were


Page 86
excluded from many of the early English and French Lodges of the 18th

The second school of thought is that Jewish Cabalistic tradition is
one of the principle means through which Eastern occultism has been
transmitted to the Christian world. This can be seen most clearly in
the NEW AGE MOVEMENT, which has swept like wildfire through the
Christian world in recent months. When men begin to lean on their own
understanding, rather than the Word of God, and seek to "do their own
thing," instead of obeying His law, they are easy prey for
philosophies such as the NEW AGE.

Most of the leaders in Illuminism and Communism were initiated into
the secrets by Jewish cabalists, as were early Masonic leaders such as
Albert Pike. They drew their inspiration from secret Jewish writings.
This can be clearly seen by an honest perusal of Pike's MORALS AND
DOGMA. (It can also be seen by reading Nesta Webster's SECRET

Many of the Jewish cabalists were MARRANOS a name given to them in
Spain, where they supposedly converted to Catholicism in order to
avoid the persecution of the Inquisition. During the day, they were
Catholics, sometimes even priests and Cardinals, but at night they
would revert back to Judaism and in their secret enclaves, they
followed the occult practices of ancient Babylon, even including human
sacrifices. When war between England and Spain became a reality, many
of these Marannos threw off their protective cloak of Christianity and
openly reverted to Judaism and were welcomed by the English.

To see how these secret Jews operate, it is only necessary to look at
the controversial book The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion.
(Many who have read this far, will state: "But those have been proven
to be counterfeit."


Page 87
This was disapproved in a Swiss court of law. But be that as it may, I
would use the same argument used by Henry Ford, Sr., in 1926, when he
said concerning the PROTOCOLS words to the effect that whether they
are counterfeit or not, didn't really matter, because it was an
established fact that world Jewry was using them as a "blueprint" and
were following them to the letter.)

I do not have time here to go into a discussion of this much maligned
document, except to say that it follows very closely a much simpler
blueprint of a similar document which printed in 1889, by James de
Rothschild and was a copy of a document which was sent out to European
Jews in 1289, by Rabbi Chemor, head Rabbi of France.

Chemor wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin of France: "The advice of the
Grand Satraps (world governors of the Jews) and Rabbis is as follows:

1.- Make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil
Christians of their possessions.
2.- Make of your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take
away Christian lives.
3.- Make of your sons, canons and clerics (clergies), that they may
destroy Christianity from within. (There is hardly a Christian
Seminary in America, which is not infiltrated by Jewish professors on
their faculty).
4.- Arrange for your sons to become advocates and lawyers, and see
that they mix themselves up with the affairs of the State, in order
that by putting Christians under your yoke, you may dominate the world
and be avenged on them
- SIGNED: V. S. S. V. F. F. Prince of the Jews.

It is not difficult to see how international Judaism, especially
Zionism, has followed this Protocol and how they have been helped into
positions of world power by FREEMASONRY.


Page 88
There is no question, among those who have studied the Illuminati and
their plan for world conquest, that their leadership was composed
almost entirely of Jewish Masons. Mirabeau, a French Jew, in his
MEMOIRS DE MIRABEAU, vol.III, p.60, stated that the program of the
Illuminati which involved him, came about because of his intimate
involvement in the inner circle of Freemasonry. He was a member of the
Lodge of St. Theodore, to which Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the
Illuminati, belonged.

There is much evidence available that the program for revolution which
was carried out in France, was formulated in the Lodges of German
Freemasons, who formed the nucleus of the Illuminati in 1776.

(Although Weishaupt used Freemasonry as a step towards more power, he
hated it and was its enemy.)

Arthur Pruess, an American author, in his book A STUDY IN FREEMASONRY,
shows the close connection between Masonry and the Jewish Cabal. He
sums up his arguments from the celebrated Masonic leader, Albert Pike:

"All true dogmatic (stating an opinion without proof) religions come
from the Kabbala and lead back to it; all that is scientific and great
in the religious dream Of all the illuminated such as Bachme,
Swedenborg, St. Martin, and others similar, is borrowed from the
Kabbalah. All the Masonic associations owe their secrets and symbols
to it."1

In 1901, a German Mason by the name of Findel wrote:

"It is less a question of a struggle for the interests of humanity,
than a struggle for the interests and domination of Judaism. In this
struggle, Judaism reveals itself as the dominant power to which
Freemasonry must submit. Indeed, we should not be astonished by this,
for in a hidden and carefully disguised manner, Judaism is already the
dominate power in many lodges in Europe.

1. Taken from Pike's Morals and Dogma, pp. 744-745.


Page 89
"So far as Germany is concerned, it must not be forgotten that it
(Judaism) is the master of the financial and commercial markets,
master of the press, both political and Masonic, and that millions of
Germans are financially its (Judaism's) debtors."2

It might be of interest to note that at this time, International
Judaism was preparing the takeover of the world by the destruction of
two great Christian nations in Europe. They knew that both Russia and
Germany stood in their path of world aggression, so as early as 1900,
the Jewish Cabal had a war chest of some $2-billion, laid aside
specifically for the destruction of Christian Germany. This was long
before a little Austrian "paperhanger" by the name of Adolf Hitler
came on the scene.

The International Jewish Cabal, planned in its long range scheme of
things, the ultimate destruction of Canada and the United States, in
order to control the Western Hemisphere. Those of us who have been a
student of the Jewish question, have seen this assault in operation in
this country for over fifty years. (For those who would like more
information on this phase of the conspiracy, I would suggest you write

The Cabala and the Talmud
Nahmanides, Solomon ibn Adret, Joseph Caro, Moses Isserles, and Elijah
b. Solomon of Wilna were not only supporters of the Cabala, but even
contributed largely to its development. As these men were the actual
representatives of true Talmudic Judaism, there must have been
somethingiblythe Cabala that attracted them. It can not have been its
and the metaphysics; for Talmudic Judaism was not greatly interested
in such speculations. It must be, then, that the psychology of the
Cabala, in which a very high position is assigned to man, appealed to
tile Jewish mind. - from: The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. III, "CABALA"
pg. 478 (1903).

2. J. G. Findel, Die Als Freimaurer, 1901.


Page 90

The leaders of Freemasonry love to boast about their leadership in the
French Revolution. So do the Jews! "When the Bastile fell," said
Bonnet, the speaker at the Grand Orient Assembly in 1904, "Freemasonry
had the supreme honor of giving humanity the chart which it had
lovingly elaborated."

On August 15, 1789, the Constitutional Assembly of France, of which
more than 300 members were Masons, adopted almost word for word, the
form determined in the Lodges, which became known as the 'Declaration
of the Rights of Man." It was a simple denunciation of the Kingship of
Jesus Christ, and membership in His body, the church. The French State
openly declared in this Masonic prepared document, that they no longer
acknowledged any duty towards God or Jesus Christ and that they no
longer recognized the dignity of membership in the Christian church.
It organized a vicious attack against Jesus Christ and His Kingdom,
which has been carried on relentlessly until the present day.

That was their first step. The subservience of Freemasonry to Judaism
soon showed itself. When the question of Jewish emancipation came up
in the Constitutional Assembly (1789-1791), it was Masonic deputy
Mirabeau, who linked up with the Jews of Berlin and A. DuPont, who
rendered the first secret service of Judaism by Freemasonry. There
were many more such acts to follow

By 1789, the French State had completely ostracized Christianity,
while admitting Jews to full membership. This accounted for the
domination of state after state in Europe by the Jews. During
successive Masonic


Page 91
revolutions from 1789 to the Spanish Revolution in 1931, the world had
heard of the enlightening reforms which separated church from state.

With these reforms came a proliferation of divorce, secularization of
education, the suppression of Christianity, the neutralization of
private property and the unrestrained license of the press for the
glorification of world Zionism and Masonry.

As early as 1922, the Assembly of the Grand Lodge of France began to
work towards the formation of a United States of Europe, as the
forerunner of their Federation of the World.

In North America - Canada and the United States - Masonry and Zionism
worked hand in hand, as they invited these two Christian nations to
give up their sovereignty and enter a world Federation which would be
controlled by Masonic Jews. But we had enough patriotic Congressmen in
Washington at that time, that their dream was disrupted and our
entrance into the League of Nations was voted down.

In April of 1919, Mr. Outerdyke, the Dutch minister to Russia at St.
Petersburg, wrote in a British "white paper:"

"Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to
spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world. It is
organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one
object is to destroy for their own ends, the existing order of
His warning went unheeded, in England particular
In G. K. WEEKLY, Feb. 4, 1937, renowned writer Hilliare Belloc wrote:

"As for any who does not know that the present revolutionary movement
in Russia is Jewish, I can only say that he must be a man who is taken
in by the suppression of our deplorable press."


Page 92
All branches of Freemasonry at their highest levels are essentially
opposed to Christianity. As a rule, Freemasons admit the existence of
God, but they themselves openly confess that they do not adhere to
this truth. They allow their members the greatest license on this
point, as they are at liberty to believe that God exists, or that He
does not.

The recognition by the Grand Lodges of the article relating to the
GRAND ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, does not signify that this branch of
Freemasonry accepts the supremacy of Jesus Christ. Like all sections
of Masonry, which put Buddha and Confucius on the same level as Jesus
Christ, they deny Christ's role as mediator between God and man. Many
of the English Lodges are made up completely of Jews, who of course
deny the divinity of Jesus Christ.

The formation of Masonic "toleration of all religions," is actually a
positive hatred of the Divine plan for man's salvation, through the
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Some Masons believe that their association goes back to Adam and we
have seen in Dr. Shepherd's explanation, that he believes it goes back
to CAIN at least. Other Masons try and trace its foundation back to
Abraham, Moses, or David and Solomon.

The modern version of Freemasonry had its roots in Europe during the
rapid rise of atheism and anti-Christianity. By the beginning of the
Nineteenth Century, the Reformation Movement had about run its course.
The principles of the Reformation, which had allowed private
interpretation of the Scriptures and which had been introduced with
the best of intentions as the pure worship of Jesus Christ, had ended,
as men's efforts often do, by leaving no part of Christ's teaching
unchallenged. Men began to attack His divinity, His resurrection and
His very existence. These were men who called themselves Christian.


Page 93
It was during this time, about 150 years ago, that a German Jewish
philosopher named Ludwig Feurbach declaimed: "Man will finally be
truly free, when he realizes there is no god of man, but man himself"
This idea became so deeply implanted in the diseased brain of a young
Jewish radical named Karl Mordecal Marx, that it became the foundation
of both Illuminism and Communism.

A LEAGUE was begun in Germany by a man named Socinus, which bound
groups of Polish and German Protestants into a League, or Lodge, if
you will, where the only requirement was an undying hatred and
opposition to the Roman Catholic Church.

A man by the name of Boyle threw doubt on everything which had been
taught by Christianity, while Spinoza destroyed what little respect
was left for the Deity. Both deists and pantheists (the doctrine that
God is not a personality but that all forces are t, wnifestation of
the self-existing universe and are therefore gods). This theory made
so much headway in Europe and England in the early 1800's as to almost
destroy Christianity.

What had once been Protestantism, often turned into what was popular
called "Free Thinking." France owed its evil pre-eminence in a great
degree to a man named Voltaire. He was an extraordinary man and was
possibly the greatest disciple of atheism and "Free Thinking" the
world has ever known. Abetted and aided by Judaism, he set out to
destroy the Christian world. He once bragged that what Christ and His
disciples had taken almost 2,000 years to develop, he would destroy in
one generation. He was the son of ardent Roman Catholic parents, with
excellent schooling and had been trained by the Jesuits. (It may be of
interest to note here that the Jesuits were controlled by Jews who had
infiltrated the order begun by Fr. Ignatis Loyola in 1534).

Voltaire had been trained to be a lawyer and apparently learned all
the guile and trickery for which the Jesuits were


Page 94
noted. At this time, the courts of Europe were rotten to the core.
Many of their leaders, often professing to be Christian, were
libertarians of the worst sort, showing very little Christian fruit in
their lives.

The court of Catherine the Great, in Russia, for instance, was noted
for its unabashed lewdness, while the court of Frederick the Great of
Prussia was so corrupt that it cannot even be

ribed by decent language. The Regent of Orleans and Louis XV of
France, had carried sexual license to such an extent that the Court at
Versailles was in utter confusion. Vice became the order of the day
and as a consequence, the libertines hated anyone who took exception
to their excesses.

Voltaire, appearing in the midst of this scene was a witty, sarcastic,
vicarious fellow who found himself at home with the voluptuaries who
filled Paris.

His conduct was so bad however, and his habit of ridiculing royalty so
open, that he landed in the Bastille at the age of 27. He was
liberated in 1727, on the condition that he leave France and never
return. He crossed the English Channel and lived in England for half a
century in what was described as: "the most perfect incarnation of
Satan the world had ever seen."

At this time, the society of Freemasonry was just beginning to gain a
foothold in London, and Voltaire became an enthusiastic member of one
of the Lodges. He returned to the continent during the years
1726-1728, where he became an adept, not only for Freemasonry, but
also of infidelity. His hatred of the monarchial government of France,
which had imprisoned him, was almost beyond human understanding.

He was a master of French prose and his writings against morality and
Christianity were received with great favor by the corrupt, reading
public of his day. He was adept at the


Page 95
use of ridicule and blasphemy, which he used against anything that
smacked of Christianity.

Nothing was sacred to him and he viciously attacked Joan D'Arc, the
"Maid of Orleans," with as little scruples as he attacked
Christianity. His teaching was that a reign of terror would spread
over the world and that it would continue as long as there was a
vestige of Christianity left. His teaching was actually the forerunner
of Communist terror today.

He was an adept liar and wrote to his disciple Theriot: "lying is a
vice when it does evil. It is a great virtue when it does good. Be
therefore more virtuous than ever. It is necessary to lie like a
devil, not timidly, and for a time, but boldly and forever."

He was a profound hypocrite who used religion when it became necessary
for his evil purposes. Writing to a man named Damilaville, he said:
"The Christian religion is an infamous religion, an abominable hydra
which must be destroyed by a hundred invisible hands. It is necessary
that philosophers course through the streets to destroy it. Let us
crush the wretch!"

At one point in his life when he had an accident and broke a blood
vessel, he thought he was about to die and called a priest to whom he
made confession and even signed a written confession in which he
decried his evil life and asked God to forgive him. He went so far as
to have this retraction printed in the newspapers. But as soon as he
had recovered, he commenced his war against God with a new fury and
died screaming imprecations against God and Christianity.

Freemasonry spread the ideas taught by Voltaire. The first Lodge
established in France was in 1727 under English obedience. Its founder
was a celebrated Jacobite named Lord Derwentwater. It was accepted
almost immediately by the degenerate nobility who clamored for
membership. In a short time, Freemasons had lodges in every city of


Page 96
in Europe and England. Noted Christian leaders of the Eighteenth
century realized that the real secret of Freemasonry was their
disbelief in the divinity of Jesus Christ and a determination to
replace this truth with the doctrine of "Naturalism" and
"rationalism." There are some authorities who believe that Oliver
Cromwell was a follower of Socinus and that he introduced Masonry into
England, calling them FREEMASONS for the first time and inventing the
allegory of Solomon's Temple, now so much used by Freemasons
everywhere. This temple, which was destroyed by the Roman General
Titus, in 70 A.D., in fulfillment of Christ's prophecy in Matt. 24:2
and Luke 19:43, 44 and in the Old Testament in Jeremiah 26:18 and
Micah 3:12, was to be rebuilt by Freemasons.

Freemasons planned to restore this temple after Christianity had been
obliterated by the conspiratorial revolution. The statue of Nature,
was the Hiram, whose murder Freemasonry was supposed to avenge, and
which previously, having removed Christ, was to resurrect Hiram by
rebuilding the temple as it was before.

The Talmudic-Cabalistic mind for centuries previous to the
Reformation, had formed secret societies for their own protection and
for the destruction of Christianity.

As early as 1290, Edward I of England had banished the Jews, not
because of their religion itself, but because of the grave offenses on
the part of the Jews, which endangered his realm. These acts were
enacted against the Jews by His Parliament in 1290, with the House of
Commons playing a prominent role.

In 1255, about 40 years after the Magna Charta was signed, Henry III
ordered a trial in the murder of St. Hugh of Lincoln, who had been
killed by "Jewish ritualistic murder." Eighteen Jews were executed by
the crown, after being proven guilty of this heinous crime.


Page 97
In 1275, Parliament passed the "Statute of Jewry," which confined the
Jews to certain areas of the country, forbid them from practicing
usury, or to own land, and requirud, hem to wear yellow identification

In 1290, Edward I, banished all Jews from England. The Baptist
evangelist and author Hal Lindsay says this was done because the Jews
"were God's Chosen people and Satan hated them." This seems to
contradict the words of Jesus Himself, when He said to their leaders
in John 8:44 -

"Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will
do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,
because there is no truth in him ."
Then in John 10:26, He told these same leaders: "Ye believe not,
(Emphasis mine). This statement seems mighty clear to me! Even
"brainwashed" Judeo-Christians should be able to understand the
significance of these words.

Without the Jewish conspiracy gnawing at their vitals, England
prospered for a time. Then in 1657, Oliver Cromwell, financed by the
Jew Moses Caraja, came into power and the Jewish parasites were
allowed to return. It has been "downhill" for England ever since.

In 1689, Amsterdam Jews financed the rebellion against James II. The
chief of these was Solomon Medina, who was also a high ranking member
of Freemasonry.

In 1694, the Bank of England was set up under International Jewish
control and the National Debt was instituted, securing for Jewish
money lenders a first chance on the taxes of the English people, who
paid for the interest on their loans. Sometimes this interest reached
the exorbitant rate of 250%. The right of the Crown to print money was
transferred to the Bank of England, in much the same manner that this
right was taken away from the American Congress and given to the
Jewish owned Federal Reserve System in 1913.


Page 98
In 1707, economic and political union was forced on Scotland, against
the vote of the Scottish people in every borough of the land and the
National Debt of England became the National Debt of Scotland also. It
was during this same period that the Jews took over economic control
of Europe and Freemasonry began to thrive under their leadership.

M. Gaugenot-Demousseaux, in his book, THE JEW. JUDAISM. AND THE

"Masonry, that immense association, the rare initiates of which, that
is to say, the real chiefs of which, whom we must be careful not to
confound with the nominal chiefs of the Blue Lodge, live in a strict
and intimate alliance with the militant members of Judaism ... For
that elite of the order - these real chiefs whom so few of the
initiated know, are employed in the profitable and secret dependence
of the cabalistic Jews. This phenomenon is accomplished, thanks to the
habits of rigorous discretion to which they subject themselves by
oaths and terrible menaces, thanks also to the majority of Jewish
members which the mysterious constitution of Freemasonry seats in its
sovereign council."
What we are actually seeing in Freemasonry, is something like what has
happened in the governments of England, Canada and the United States,
and other nations of Christendom. In these countries, due to the
"terrible power of the purse," International Jewry now controls the
economic life and politics of most of the Israelite nations. (These, I
believe, are the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian and related
peoples who make up that part of the world we call Christendom).
It has been estimated by respected members of the U.S. Senate, that at
least 70 members of that august body vote "Zionist first and America
second" vote. In spite of the fact many claim to be Christians, they
are to all intents and purposes a "bastard combination" called
Christian-Zionists or Judeo-Christians, which is like saying something
can be


Page 99
"hot-cold" or "wet-dry." A great majority of them, by their actions,
have proven to be "duel loyalists," and strangely enough, most of them
are members of the Masonic Lodge.

Voltarie learned that Masonry, which he had joined while living in
London, was a capital means of spreading his doctrines among
courtiers, men of letters, and the general public of both England and
France. His major successes were in France. Operating under the guise
of philanthropy and religion, few of the lower order members of
Freemasonry knew that it was anything more than a fraternal
organization which helped them in business and where they could obtain

A man named Ashmale, introduced the Bible into Freemasonry along with
the "square and compass." These became important accouterments of
Masonry, which witnessed to the world that Masons believed in a god,
whom they called THE GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE. This insignia
featured an "open eye," which they were told represented the "all
seeing eye of Providence. This eye, they were told, made it impossible
for a Mason to escape his fate, if he ever revealed any secrets of the
society or failed to obey orders he was selected to carry out. (It was
on this basis alone, that I refused membership. I could not bring
myself to pledge such allegiance to any man, or group of men.)

In its secret conclaves and ascending degrees, it had means to tell
the victim that the ARCHITECT meant a "circle of nothing!" That the
open Bible represented the "universe;" that the "Square and compass"
were simply the fitness of things - the means to make all men,
"fraternal, equal and free!" But like Orson Wells' ANIMAL FARM they
were not told that in Masonry, "some pigs were more equal than
others," and that the top Masons "lord it over" the Blue Lodge members
and control not only their thinking, but their actions.


Page 100
In the recesses of the Lodge, the political conspirators found men and
the means to carry out their nefarious purposes in relative secrecy
and security. Those who were interested in public office, found in the
lodges, the means for their advancement. The ribald humor of the
Seventeenth Century "libertarians," was master in their lodges, as
banquets, ribald jests, song, reveling and sin, constituted a leading
part of Masonic life. Things haven't changed all that much in the
Twentieth Century Lodge.

These attractive centers of protected sin, spread over Europe with
great rapidity. The scoundrels of society found employment in them and
within a few years, the lodges of the Freemasons had become a
formidable power throughout the civilized world.

Freemasonry, in particular, spread rapidly among the higher class of
society. It soon began to capitalize on the power of union and
propaganda. A brother in one, was a brother in all.

A Portuguese Jew named Martinez Pasqualis, introduced ILLUMINISM into
the French lodges and his system was noted for its immorality,
anarchy, atheism and blood shed!

Adam Weishaupt, the founder of ILLUMINISM in 1776, told his initiates
in Freemasonry:

"If in the order to destroy all Christianity and religion, remember
that the end justifies the means. (This was a special axiom of the
Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic church, which were also closely
tied in with Judaism). Those we have taken to deliver the human race
from religion, are nothing else but a pious fraud which we will some
day unveil."1
Now that you have learned a brief background of Freemasonry and it's
Jewish connections, we need to take a closer look at the "beast"

1. From: Segur Le Secret De La Frane-Maconnierie, p.49.

The Hidden Power
Behind Freemasonry
Part 5 of 8

Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr,

Page 101


In the preface of his book FREEMASONRY - An Interpretation, Pastor
Martin Wagner, Pastor of the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church in
Dayton, Ohio (1912) says:

"Real Freemasonry is something beside and beneath the ritualistic
forms and monitorial lectures. It is something which comparatively few
Masons understand. Modern Masonry has never possessed the true key for
the interpretation of the secret doctrines. This institution is
esoteric. (Which means that its "secrets" are intended to be
understood only by a few at the top). "Masonic authorities, as well as
the Masonic ritual, declares that secret doctrine which constitutes
the very essence of Freemasonry and which is veiled under terms and
imagery of the builder's craft.
"The essence of Freemasonry is that it's peculiar religious ideas and
doctrines, have survived from the periods of remotest antiquity, until
the present time ... crushed in one form, it will rise in another.
Outlawed, or exposed in one institution, it evades detection by taking
refuge under a different name, ritual, or symbolism."

In its modern form and organization, Freemasonry has had a checkered
career. So long as there is an unregenerate human nature on this
earth, so long will organizations such as the Freemasons find fertile
ground in which to take root. Exposure may check it for a while and
induce its adherents to repudiate it for a time. This was the case in
1826, when William Morgan, a Master Mason, published his exposure of
the Masonic Lodge. For this he was condemned by a Masonic enclave and
sentenced to death. When his murder was exposed by police
investigation, over 45,000 Masons in the United States left the Lodge,
because they believed what Morgan had written, on the basis of what
happened to him. But Morgan had only divulged the form, the clothing
if you will, the cloak under


Page 102
which the real doctrine was concealed and veiled. Freemasonry on the
European continent was scarcely effected by the Morgan affair.

Exposure means little, unless one understands the key to Freemasonry.
Most exposures by seceding Masons, exhibit only the trappings, the
veneer, under which the true essence of Freemasonry is concealed. Not
one Mason in ten thousand ever suspects what lies under the cloak of
secrecy in which his lodge operates, for the real secrets of the Lodge
are not taught in the Lodge.

The majority of Masons see only the outward trappings of the Lodge and
the less the Mason knows about them, the more he admires and believes.
The same is true with the Judeo-Christian church, where the vast
majority of its members seldom if ever study the Scriptures on their
own, preferring to be guided instead, by a pastor who has been as
"brainwashed" as they. The same is true with Freemasonry, for when
broken down to its common denominator, it is a religion. Religion is
its mystical tie! Religion has been from time immemorial, one of the
most powerful factors in the activities of mankind. It has been the
"motor" which has controlled vast armies and founded world empires. It
has been the force behind bloody revolutions and despotic governments.
It has established despotic "priestcrafts" and enforced obedience
through fear generated by its teachings.

Many times you will hear "atheists" and "humanists" accuse
Christianity of being responsible for the bloody deaths of millions of
people. This is not the case! True Christianity has never murdered
innocent men, women and children! Religion has -churchianity has -but
not true Christianity. A good example is the present conflict which
has been going on for years in Lebanon, where so-called Christian
forces have been battling the Moslems. Yet these are Christian in name
only and show none of the "fruits of

Page 103
the Spirit," which Scripture tells us are the mark of true Christians.

In the name of religion, men have been enslaved to build lavish,
costly monuments to its power; call these churches or cathedrals.
These are shrines for the gods of religion. Not to God Almighty!
Religion has never changed any man or woman into a better human being.
When the Communist leader Lenin stated that "Religion is the opiate of
the people," he knew whereof he was speaking, for religion controls
people and makes them slaves of the religious leaders.

On the other hand, true Christianity has been responsible for our
finest art; our sweetest music. It has transformed human perverts from
harden slave drivers to writers of Christian songs who could say:
"Just as I am, without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me."
It has turned human devils of lust, fury and crime, into saints fit
for the Kingdom of God.

Christianity has given timid women and children the courage to face
fear of being torn to bits by wild animals in a Roman arena. It has
caused gentle women to withstand terrible torture for the sake of
their beliefs. It has caused men to sing praises to God, as they were
burned to death at the stake. (Read Fox's BOOK OF MARTYRS, and the
11th Chapter of Hebrews for an account of what Christianity has done
for men and women).

Religion, on the other hand, has been the power behind political
corruption; the power behind armies of evil kings and popes to
destroy. Religion is the most powerful motor in mankind and religion
is the driving engine in Freemasonry. We can see the modern
application of the power of religion, in the upsurge of Moslem
Fundamentalism, which could well sweep this world into World War III,
as it comes up against the "secular religion" of the Zionists in


Page 104
The vital and essential elements in the religion of Freemasonry are
not the spiritual facts and the spiritual mysteries. They are carnal
and physical, what some would call "the facts of life." These are the
"mysteries" involved in "generation" and "reproduction," which Masons
worship. The same "regenerative power" which has been worshipped for
millennia by heathen people around the world. Because of heir "earthy"
nature, they appeal to the lustful spirit of unregenerate men.

These "mysteries" relate to the dominate passion of man to
"procreate." They excite his passion, awaken his emotions, take first
place in his mind and energize his deepest thoughts.

It is difficult to conceive of anything more exquisitely fitted to
appeal to the "natural," the "animalistic" man of the evolutionists,
than the teachings of Freemasonry. It is a religion which makes the
mystery of procreation, the hidden force on which it rests.

Masonry conceives of the divine nature as residing in man, and this
nature is best expressed through sexual passion. The gratification of
this passion, therefore, is pleasing to the Masonic god and becomes
his duty. Although he may claim to be a Christian - and many of its
members do -he has given his allegiance to "another false Christ" who
repudiates the New Testament teachings regarding "unlawful lust" and
"illicit passion."

Our Lord's admonition to men in Matthew 5:28 - "But I say unto you,
That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath already
committed adultery with her in his heart ...is looked on by the Mason
as the height of utter stupidity!

Christians are further admonished in Galatians 5:16 - Walk in the
Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh." Again in
James 1:14 - "But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of HIS


Page 105
enticed. Then when LUST has conceived, it bringeth forth sin
(transgression of God's law, according to 1 John 3:4), and sin, when
it is finished bringeth forth death." (Both physical and spiritual.)
And finally in James 4:1 - From whence come wars and fightings among
you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your

But the god of Freemasonry contradicts the Scriptural account and
shouts: "NOT SO! It is your sacred duty to seek self-gratification! It
is your moral and religious duty to fulfill the lusts of the flesh!"
This is one of the reasons so many men want to become Masons, it is a
religion which caters to the sensuality of men. It does to men, what
the Woman's Liberation Movement has done to women, when they tell
their adherents : "Don't listen to those narrow-minded Christians.
You've come a long way baby! No one can tell you what you can do with
your own body!"

Freemasonry appeals to the unregenerate heart of men, because the
"generation" of human beings is the great work of Masons and is what
they call: "Building a temple for the indwelling of the GREAT
ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE," who is not the God of the Christian.

Today, as never before, a persistent war is being waged, either
directly or indirectly against Christian principles which have been
the strong foundation of our white, Christian civilization. These are
the principles which have freed the slaves; have fed the hungry; have
carried the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world, and which have
built Christian Constitutions on the Word of God. It is what has
brought prosperity, freedom, and relative happiness to more people, in
a shorter period of time, than any other principle which has ever been
practiced on this earth.

As part of any attack against Christianity, there must be an attack
against the Christian family and Masonry has

Page 106
followed this path. Many times governments refuse to see the
indivisible, fundamental value of the Christian family and try and
take over its prerogatives. This always leads to chaos, confusion and
destruction to Christian values. Along with this attack, comes the
attack on the right of the individual to own private property; the
right of the individual to protect himself and his family; the right
of freedom of speech, press, and religion. From time immemorial, our
European ancestors have looked on these as the prime basis for their

Today, the natural organization of labor, which has been founded on
the mutual need between capital and labor and which has been
traditional in all periods of recorded history, has been upset. Now
the worker is proclaimed to be equal in all respects with his
employer, while he is exempted from the duties and responsibilities of
the employer. The result has been a senseless "class struggle" which
has all but destroyed American industry and which was designed to do
just that.

According to both English and European Freemason leaders, Masonry was
defined as; 'fa peculiar system of morality, revealed in allegory and
describes Masonry as:

"the activities of closely related men, who, employing symbolic forms
borrowed principally from the builders art and from architecture, work
for the welfare of mankind, striving morally to enable themselves and
others to thereby bring about a universal league (One-World
Government) of mankind..."
Freemasonry is in the forefront of the One-World Movement. In the
Christian concept of society, morals as well as social rights and
duties must be based on man's revelation of God and his duty to obey
God's law. In Masonry, the idea of human virtue and morality, is
independent of God, and Divine law is ignored if it conflicts with the
issues promulgated by Masonry. Essentially,


Page 107
Masonry is "naturalism" in action and is a modern form of ''ancient

Because of the policy of deception practiced by Masonic leaders, it is
difficult to analyze accurately the underlying essence of Freemasonry.
Essentially, it is founded on Jewish "Pantheism," or the 'deification
and worship of unregenerate man, rather than God." It reflects the
words of the German Jewish philosopher of the Eighteenth Century,
Ludwig Feubrach, when he said:

"Man will finally be truly free, when he realizes there is no god of
man, but man himself."
This is the underlying belief of atheistic communism
Most of Masonic symbolism, in its original and proper meaning, refers
to "phallic worship." This fact is openly testified to by such Masonic
leaders as Albert Pike, Mackey, Thomas, Webb Smith, William Preston
and Hutchins on.

Rogan, a Masonic author of some note states that the Masonic god is
the god of the pyramids, thus identifying Masonry with the ancient
Egyptian religions.

The first three degrees of the order - those of Apprentice, Fellow
Craft (or Companion Mason), and Master Mason, are known as symbolic
degrees. The candidate is admitted through a series of fantastic
ceremonies ... the significance of which is not revealed to the
initiate. He learns nothing but the symbols and sacred words. He is
continually edified by allusions to God and the Bible, the hidden
meanings of which are withheld from him until he reaches the higher

It is not until a member reaches the 33o in the ANCIENT SCOTTISH RITE,
that of Sovereign Grand-Inspector, that the genuine mysteries of
Freemasonry are explained.

In his first initiation stages he learns:


Page 108
1. - That the rite of initiation for Apprentice Masons represents in
dramatic fashion the origin or birth of Nature's god - the GREAT ALL.
It signifies the non-existence of a super-natural person God, such as
that of Christianity. It signifies that the two principles of
''matter'' and "form" "male" and "female," are always eternally
"generating," (reproducing). It looks on God as a hermaphrodite, and
creation as the beginning of the "generation process."1

2. - The initiation rite into the Second Degree, represents the moral
condition of nature's god, always in labor, always reproducing. Again
it looks on God as hermaphroditic, and states that his name JEHOVAH,
means "generation." Meaning to say, HE-SHE, the two sexes in one.2

The dual principle of "male" and "female" is represented by the
"square and compass." The "compass" represents OSIRIS, the male god of
the Egyptians, while the "square" is the symbol representing ISIS, the
female goddess of Egypt - both are sexual symbols.3

3. - The initiation to the Third DEGREE OR MASTER MASON DEGREE,
introduces the initiate to the story of Hiram Abiff, one of the
architects of Solomon's Temple, as related in the TARGUM. (One of the
several translations of Jewish scriptures, written in the vernacular
(Aramaic) language of ancient Judea.)

Hiram is recorded as an allegorical being, symbolizing the GREAT
ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE. (Mackey, pp. 13-99). In this rite, the
process of "generation" is represented as being complete; God, and the
name of God, which the candidates are supposed to be seeking, is

1. Taken from: Speculative Masonry, by Brother J. Yorke, Grand Master
of the Ancient Rite, pp. 3, 54.
2 From: Yorke, p.14; also Mackey's Lexicon, pp.126-129.
3 Taken from: Ragon's Cours. Philosophique, p.102


Page 109
discovered. The name of this deity, not the LORD GOD of the Old
Testament, is MOA-BON. This was the name given to the child born of
Lot, after he had an incestuous affair with one of his daughters. The
story is told in Genesis 19:37. This is explained as the man-child
coming into being through the union of the SUN, with his daughter, the
EARTH.4 This deity is also known as MAC-BENEC, "Offspring of
putrefaction," since death and decomposition must precede the
beginning of life; the seed must die before the plant can live.5

"This," says the Masonic expert Ragon, "is the important phenomenon,
the ineffable mystery, the key to nature, which the ancient sages
succeeded in discovering, and which they adopted as the basis of
Masonic doctrine... It is the subject of Masonic legends. According to
this interpretation, the revolting atrocities of SATURN, and the
incestuous PHARAEDRA, (SATURN was the Roman god of agriculture, and
PHARAEDRA was the Greek wife of Minos, who had an incestuous
relationship with her own son) were considered interesting enigmas,
which involve facts worth our notice." (See Ragon, pp. 218,219).
Throughout his book on Freemasonry, Ragon dwells on the process of
procreation, Isis, Egyptian gods and goddesses, etc.

I believe enough has been said to indicate the "earthy" nature of
Freemasonry and their peculiar system of morality, which we will
discuss later on. All this is in veiled allegory. The contrast between
Scriptural morality and Masonic morality is that between "light" and
darkness;" between the "spirit of the anti-Christ" and the "spirit of
God." It was Jesus who said: "... men loved darkness rather than
light, because their deeds were evil," (John 3:19). He went on in
verse 20 to say: "EveryoneNotes:-

4. See: Ragon, Tyileur General Dc La Franc-Maconnerie, p.28.
5. This principle is taught in Mackey's Lexicon on Masonry.


Page 110
that doeth evil, hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest
his deeds should be reproved."

As fast as men are converted to Freemasonry, so do they repudiate the
principles and claims of Christianity. They may call themselves
Christian, but as Christ Himself said:

Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13.
"No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and
love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other;
ye cannot serve God and MAMMON."
Mammon is the love of fleshly, material things. In other words,
"materialism," which is the very essence of FREEMASONRY
It should be noted that when dealing with Masons, their arguments must
be interpreted in the light of the allegories or symbolism they use.
According to Albert Pike, in his MORALS AND DOGMA

"Almost every one of the ancient Masonic symbols had four distinct
meanings, one, as it were within the other - the moral, the political,
the philosophical, and the spiritual meaning."

Thus, according to Pike; Hiram Abiff, Christ and MOLAY, are regarded
as symbols representing "humanity." Since they are all apostles of
"liberty, equality and fraternity." (These, by the way, were the
watchword of the atheistic French Revolution). The cross in
Freemasonry is by no means looked on as a specific Christian symbol,
but is closely connected with a peculiar cult. The I.N.R.I. on the
cross, to a Mason, does not refer to the passion of our Lord, but is
Masonically read as "Igne Natura Rebovatur Integra," or "All nature is
renewed by Masonic fire."

The picture of Christ dying on the cross for the sins of mankind
becomes for the Masons, the "greatest among the apostles of humanity,
braving Roman despotism, and the fanaticism and bigotry of the


Page 111
Reading from official Masonic documents, one can readily see that the
vast majority of the Masonic Brotherhood, does not understand the
trend or purpose of Masonic teachings and activity.

They are instructed by slow degrees and are only admitted into the
more secret of the degrees, as they have become morally attuned to
Masonic teachings and thus become capable of understanding the higher

Albert Pike, in MORALS AND DOGMA, p.819 says:

"Part of the symbols, are displayed ... to the initiated, but he is
intentionally led astray by false interp">1... Masonry conceals its
secrets from all except the Adepts (Highly skilled experts of
Masonry), the Sages and the Elect; and uses false explanations for its
symbols to mislead those deserving to be misled."
So you can see, from this top Masonic leader, that Masonry is a system
of falsehood, which is used to fool even their own members.
The character of the inner workings of Freemasonry, is one of the
reasons its secrets are hidden behind horrible oaths, which bind its
votaries, especially in the higher degrees, through fear.

If the eminent Masonic authorities declare that few members understand
the mysteries of Masonry, you should not consider it presumptuous if I
say that very few Masons are ever brought to a true understanding of
the organization they support. If they were decent men, and this is
especially true of those who claim to be Christian, they would resign
in disgust in spite of the horrible oaths they have taken.

Many Masons fail to see the truth because of the use of the Bible in
their ceremonies. They see the garment of HIDDEN POWER - Masonry, but
not what it conceals. They get little or no spiritual inspiration from
the Lodge,


Page 112
but appear in its dress parades and feast at its banquets, thinking
they are engaged in a harmless fraternity which is doing good in the
community and is good for their business. But in most cases, in fact,
in a large majority of cases, there is a vast difference between what
Masonry teaches and what it believes.

Martin Wagner, in his book FREEMASONRY- An Interpretation. says on pg.

"The peculiar theological and religious ideas that Freemasonry holds
and aims to inculcate while positively non-Christian, are expressed in
terms of Christian theology, not to express Christian ideas, or to
show their harmony with Christian thought, but to give them a
Christian coloring, the more effective to deceive, mislead and
hoodwink the neophyte, the conscientious member, and the non-Mason
into whose hands Masonic literature may come.

"Thus the Biblical and Christian appellations of God are employed to
denote the Masonic deity, who is known as THE GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE
UNIVERSE. It employs the terms of regeneration; illumination;
resurrection; justification and other Christian ideas, under which
hide Masonic religious operations. These terms have a peculiar and
specific meaning to Masons, and in studying this institution, we must
not permit ourselves to be misled by their use of Christian
theological terms. Many a Mason has been misled to believe that
Freemasonry is a Christian institution."

I see no reason for us to go further into a study of Masonic
symbolism, other than to say that its own leaders indicate it is
heathen in origin and is used for the purpose of misleading its own

Much that appears Christian is in fact nothing but theological
development of certain ancient esoteric doctrines, which were
incorporated into Christianity and contributed much to its
development, and which are also found in Talmudic works and in
Talmudic Judaism.
- from: The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. III, "CABALA," pg. 478 (1903)


Page 113

The utter obedience and subservience of Masonic members is gained
through the use of horrific oaths! The oath for the First Degree, for
instance, contains the promise:

"to hide, conceal and never reveal any part or parts of the secrets of
Masonry which are already known to the candidate, or may in any way be
learned by him at a future time."
Later, after his initiation, he is required to swear:
"To obey all signs and summonses handed, sent, or thrown from a
brother Master Mason, or from the body of a just and lawfully
constituted Lodge of Master Masons."
The absolute subservience of the member to the Lodge is seen in
promises such as:
"to obey without hesitation, any order whatsoever it may be, of
Masonic superiors ... to assist a Companion- Royal Arch Mason when he
is engaged in any difficulty, and to espouse his cause, so far as to
extricate him from the same, WHETHER HE IS RIGHT OR WRONG."
These and other promises are made under the following oath:
"To have his throat cut from ear to ear, his tongue torn out by the
roots, and his body buried in the rough sand of the sea at the
low-water mark, where the tide flows twice in the same twenty-four
"To have his skull severed in two and divided to the North and

South, his bowels burned to ashes in the midst, and scattered to the
four winds of the heavens."

"To have his skull broke off, and his brains exposed to the scorching
rays of the meridian sun, etc."1

1. Taken from: Albert Pike's Inner Sanctuary (quoted here in part).


Page 114
While many of those who read this book will understand the importance
of politics and religion among the European members of the Israelite
nations (the nations we now know as Christendom), most of them will
want to focus their attention on the effects of Freemasonry on the
English speaking world; the British Isles, Canada, the United States,
South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Most of our interests will be
centered on Canada and the United States.

It may be difficult for the average Canadian or American to understand
the tremendous influence exerted by Freemasonry on our respective
countries. The vast majority of Masons in both countries are law
abiding citizens; many of them are church members, active in the
religious activities of their community; many are conspicuous in
charitable efforts to help the unfortunate and are looked on as
pillars of stability in the community. But we need to remember that
most of these Masons have been "brainwashed," just as members of the
Judeo-Christian churches have been. In the church, these Christians,
both Masonic and Judeo-Christian, protect the very enemies which are
seeking to destroy everything they say they believe in as Patriotic

Professor John Robinson, a high ranking English Mason, wrote a very
revealing book - PROOFS OF A CONSPIRACY (1798). He stated on pg. 466:

"Not all secret societies are dangerous, but all societies whose
object is mysterious. The whole history of man is proof of this
position. In no age of our country, has there ever appeared a
mysterious association, which did not in time become a public


Page 115
Remember the quotation from Horace Mann to the effect that we should
question the motives of any man or organization who seeks to hide
their objectives from the public.

The Prime Minister of England, during the reign of Queen Victoria,
when England was at the zenith of her power, was a converted Jew named
Benjamin Disraeli. He stated that Jews were at the head of every
important revolution which had taken place on the continent and in
England, and that the Masonic lodges sought to carry out the aims of
the Jewish revolutionaries.

Over and over again, one can find statements made by both Jewish and
Masonic leaders, concerning their part in these revolutions. Marcus
Eli Ravage, a well-known Jewish author, writing in CENTURY MAGAZINE,
January 1928, stated:

"We Jews are at the bottom of nearly all your wars; not only of the
Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We did it
solely with the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas and
The Jewish author, Oscar Levy, in the Preface to his book THE WORLD
"There is scarcely an event in modern Europe that cannot be traced
back to Jews. We Jews today are nothing else but the world's seducers;
it's destroyers; it's incendiaries; it's executioners."
Yet foolish Christians continue to call these barbarians "God's Chosen
people." How stupid can we become?
These were and are the men who have controlled and now control
Freemasonry. Secret orders within England today, such as the Star of
the East, and the Order of the Round Table, for all practical purposes
control England. They are associated with continental Masons who claim
to be under the direct influence of the Grand Masters, or the Great
White Lodge, which is made up of Jewish cabalists.


Page 116
The same is true of the Council on Foreign Relations in the United
States, the Skull and Bones Club, the Trilateral Commission and other
organizations which are seeking to bring this country under the
international bondage of a One-World Jewish controlled government.
Many of these men are high ranking Masons.

One of the most powerful, but little known orders of Masonry is the
ROSICRUCIANS who pose as an "high and holy order for spiritual
development and service to mankind." They are actually a
pseudo-religious order of occultists who study "high magic."

In most of the modern revolutions in Europe, which were communist or
socialist in origin, we find Jewish Freemasons, who are in positions
of highest power.

Scattered and rendered virtually powerless for almost 2,000 years,
Jews have always been bitter revolutionists. Everywhere you go, you
will find a profound and bitter antagonism between Jew and non-Jew, in
both racial and spiritual realms. The Apostle Paul said of them;
"...they have persecuted us (Christians), and please not God, and are
contrary to all men " (1 Thess. 2:15). This contrariness rises from
their completely different concept of life.

While few Jews were visible in the French Revolution of 1798,
Freemasons did the job for them and were a cloak of secrecy shrouding
Jewish involvement. Often, where Freemasonry is active, the Jews who
manipulate them will remain in the background. This caused the Jewish
Prime Minister of England, Benjamin Disraeli (1868-1880) to say:

"The world is governed by very different personages to what is
imagined by those who are not behind the scenes... That mighty
revolution which is now preparing in Germany, and which will be in
fact, a second and greater Reformation, and of which so little is yet
known in England, is developing under the auspices of the Jews."
He was not warning Englishmen of this fact, but like the Jew he was,
in spite of claiming to be a Christian, he could


Page 117
not resist boasting of the conquests of his people over the hated

It is interesting to note, that down through the ages of history, the
so-called Chosen Race of Judaism, has been willing to walk "hand in
hand" with the scum of society, if it would further their control. In
1919, when Leon Trotsky, with $20-million donated by Jewish banker
Jacob Schiff of New York, was on his way to Europe, he had with him
247 Jews who were the "dregs of society" from the alleys of New York
City. The type of Jews, whom the Jews themselves refer to as "kikes."
These were to become the top leaders in the Russian Revolution which
killed Christians by the millions.

In Russia, where Freemasonry had been forbidden by law, the
revolutionary effort was about 90% Jewish and many of these were
Masons. The scum which followed them was eager for plunder. In
Hungary, according to official Hungarian documents, the revolution was
a Jewish-Masonic effort. When the Hungarian Soviet Republic was
established on March 22, 1918, its top leaders were 100% Freemasons
and Jews.

The Minister of Public Instruction, Brother Kunzi, was a Masonic Jew;
the National Minister of Soviets, Brother Kaszi, the son of a Jewish
millionaire from Budapest, who was also a Mason; and above all, we
must never forget Brother Bela Kuhn, the Jewish-Masonic-Hungarian
butcher of Christians, who was a criminal of the first order and who
operated under the protection of his Masonic connections.

Of the Hungarian Commissariat, 26 in all, 18 were Masonic Jews, an
unheard of proportion, considering the size of the Jewish community in
Hungary. 76 men who had criminal indictments against them, a
preponderance of whom were Masonic Jews, were placed in positions of
leadership in this Christian country. Men with names such


Page 118
as Liebrenecht, Rosa Luxemborough, Kurt Einser, and others.

When the Imperial Government of Germany fell at the end of World War
I, Jews and Masons dominated the new government. The eleven men who
took power over Bavaria were Lowenberg, Dr. Kurt Rosenfeld, Caspar
Wallheim, Max Rothschild, Karl Arnold, Konrald, Rosenheh, Bierbaum,
Reis, and Kaiser. These, along with Kurt Eisner von Israelovich, were
the head of the Revolutionary Tribunal. All were Jews, and all were
FREEMASONS, belonging to Lodge #11 in Munich.

A strange phenomenon exists in Judaism, in that enormous amounts of
labor and money have been expended to minimize the part played by Jews
in the Bolshevik Revolution, while at the same time, world renowned
Jewish leaders brag about the power they exert.

A few years ago, in 1935, Rabbi Stephen Wise, the top Jewish authority
in the United States at that time, was asked to comment on Communism.
He was reported to have said: "Some call it communism; I call it
Judaism. "1

Contrary to what we have been told in the Jewish owned and controlled
press of Canada and the United States, an entirely new breed of
millionaires have risen in Russia. They are all Jews. They live in the
lush resort areas of Kiev and Odessa and own their own factories,
something unheard of in Russia. Many of these are prominent
Freemasons. In Russian cities where the population of Jews exceeds
25%, they are allowed to have their own Yiddish law, Yiddish courts,
Yiddish codes and Yiddish is their official language.

This is in a communist country, where we have been led to believe, by
media propaganda, that the poor Jews are persecuted. Yet as late as
1983, when Andropov was

1. The American Bulletin, May 15, 1935.


Page 119
Premier of the USSR, out of 23 members of the controlling Politburo,
17 were Jews. Virtually all the high ranking military commanders of
Russia today are Jews, as are the party functionaries such as the
Generals of Police, the Director General of the K.G.B., the Director
of Foreign Operations, the Economic Planning Chief and the State
Finance Officer. It is impossible, and probably improper, in this book
to go into detail concerning the brutality of these Jewish-Masons
towards the "bourgeoisie," especially those who are Christian.

In the city of Khorkaff, for example, in recent years, official
documents state that a Masonic Jew named Sanko specialized in scalping
his helpless victim. He would take the skin off their hands, peeling
it off as one would take off a glove. At Kiev, victims were placed in
a large chest, along with decomposed corpses and were buried
underground until they passed out. They then were uncovered, revived
and went through this torture again and again. Do you wonder why many
of these people went mad?

Vicomte Leon de Poccius, in his remarkable book THE SECRET POWER
BEHIND REVOLUTION, says on p.161:

"Without us Aryans being conscious of it, the idealism pertaining to
our race, that idealism which was all that is beautiful, throughout
all ages, for all that was noble, for sincerity, became imperiled by
the seductive concept of Jewry towards a cynical and unscrupulous
materialism, which finds its political expression in the Judeo-Masonic
universal atheist Republic."
The Jewish revolutionary influence has been felt in all the nations of
Christendom, either directly, or indirectly through Freemasonry, or
the Jewish nationals who have managed to insinuate themselves into
positions of political influence. Probably one of the best examples of
this in 1989, is the influence of the Jewish Democratic Senator from
Ohio, Metzenbaum, who has been involved in almost every liberal effort
against this country and is in the


Page 120
forefront of the drive to disarm patriotic Americans. Recently he made
a public statement to the effect that we must fight to preserve
America from the horrible fate of becoming a Christian nation.

I have previously mentioned THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF
ZION, which the Jews and their Christian stooges proclaim as
counterfeit. But the indisputable fact remains, that from as early as
1789, this Machiavellian plan for world control has been used
successfully around the world and Jews and Freemasons are following
its plan like a "blueprint." One French Socialist leader stated:

"The nation is a great herd that only thinks of browsing, and with
good sheep dogs (police) and shepherds (political and religious
leaders), can lead as they please ... Money and hope of plunder is an
all-powerful force with the people."

This force can be seen in operation in America and Canada today, for
wherever you find the $ sign, no matter how evil the project may be,
there you will find the vultures of International Jewry and
Freemasonry. When we see what is happening in these two key countries,
we can better understand what the Apostle Paul meant in 1 Timothy
6:10, when he stated: "The love Of MONEY) is the root of ALL evil."

Our discussion of Freemasonry has taken us back to its beginning and
to the revolutionary period in Europe. But what about now? Has it
mellowed? Has its designs changed? We will delve into this and more in
the following chapters.


One of the fundamental errors expressed by those who write about
Freemasonry, I believe, is that they feel that all Masons hold a
common belief and purpose. The truth is, that Freemasonry is in a
generic (applied to a class or group),


Page 121
simply a system of binding men together for a given purpose.

The allegories (description of one thing under the image of another),
used in Freemasonry, are capable of various interpretations. The
re-building of Solomon's Temple for instance, may refer to progress in
any Masonic undertaking. The same is true about its "sacred
traditions." This system of degrees, of initiations, of binding
members to secrecy by fearful oaths, can be employed for any purpose,
social, political, philanthropic, or religious. It can promote "good,"
or disseminate "evil." It can be used to "defend a concept," or
"overthrow" it; it can "protect" or "destroy."

But unfortunately, in Grand Orient Masonry, we find that it is not
only political in its aims, it is also subversive. Instead of a
peaceful trilogy of "brotherly love, relief and truth," it has added
from its beginning, the war cry of revolution: "Liberty, Equality and
Fraternity," which can never come to pass on this earth as long as it
is controlled by human beings.

The aim of Grand Orient Masonry, from its inception, has been to bring
about "universal equality." In the matter of "liberty," they preach:
"no man shall have a master" and echo the thoughts of the German Jew
Feurbach who stated that: "Man will finally be free, when he realizes
there is no god of man, but man himself" To believe this falsehood, a
man must first divorce himself from any concept of Christianity which
teaches that Jesus is King!

The Grand Orient Lodge attacks all forms of religion. Its basis is
"absolute liberty of conscience and the solidarity of all mankind."
This kind of Freemasonry allows for "freedom of conscience" in the
same sense that atheism does, since all its members must profess a
belief in some form of higher power.


Page 122

The religion of JUDAISM TALMUDISM PHARISAISM whatever you wish to call
it, does not take its stand on the Bible, or the Laws of Moses, as
most Christians seem to think. Our LORD clearly taught this in John
5:46, 47, when He told the Jewish leaders:

46 "For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote
of me.

47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?"

Michael Rodkinsom, the Jewish author and translator of the TALMUD from
Hebrew to English, in his preface to the translation says: "The modern
Jew is a product of the Talmud."

Yet it is interesting to note that the Talmud relegates the TORAH (the
teachings of Moses) to a second place in Jewish teaching. The TALMUD
is not a "law of righteousness" for all mankind, as the Bible is, but
is a strict code which applies only to Jews. You will not find
admonitions in it, such as those found in Micah 6:8 -"He (God) hath
shown thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of
thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy

In the TALMUD the ideas of Justice, equity and charity towards one's
neighbor, depend on whether you are a Jew or not. In fact, the TALMUD
expressly forbids a Jew to save a non-Jew from death, or to restore
lost goods to him, or to have pity on him in any way. How can you deal
justly with your neighbor, when your religion teaches you that he is a
"goyim" (non-Jew animal)?

According to the TALMUD volume Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat
(238): 'A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself; but he
must take care that he is


Page 123
not found out, so that his people suffer." This teaching is almost
identical to the teachings of FREEMASONRY According to volume Sulchan
Aruch, Choszen Hamispat (348):

"All property of other nations belongs to the Jews, who are
consequently entitled to seize upon it without scruples. An orthodox
Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality, if profitable to
himself or to Jews in general."

Volume Baba Mechia (108b) and the JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, both state:
"Only Jews are men... Gentiles (non-Jews) are not classed as men but
as barbarians or beasts."

In Volume Bab Khama IV, (3) we read: "if a Gentile sues a Jew the
verdict is for the defendant; if the Jew is the plaintiff he obtains
full damages." This is almost the same reaction we find when a Mason
goes to court against a non-Mason.

In Volume Sanhedrin (954b) we learn that "Pederasty (sex relations
between men and boys) with a child below the age of nine years is not
deemed as pederasty with a child. If one commits sodomy with a child
of lesser age, no guilt is incurred."

There are many more bestial and obscene comments, some of which cannot
be placed in a book such as this. It is easy to see where the moral
teachings of Freemasonry and Judaism come from. It is from this same
devilish source.

In the CABALA, even more than in the TALMUD, the Jewish dream of world
domination reoccurs over and over again. Although Christian apologists
for the Jews, laugh and scorn at the idea of a Jewish conspiracy to
control the world, yet Jewish leaders talk about it constantly and
brag about the progress they have made towards this goal. It is a
constant theme in Jewish religious books.

This message of world conquest is not the message taught by the Israel
prophets, who were not Jews, by the way, but Israelites.


Page 124
The task of true Israelites is not to control the world, but. in the
words of the Apostle Peter "to shew forth the praises of Him (Christ)
who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." The
task of "true Israel" is to be God's ambassadors, not some dictator,
who like the Jew, desires to have 2,000 "goyim" slaves who wait on him
hand and foot.

In the TALMUD Volume Baba Batra (74b) and in at least three other
volumes, the story is told of what will happen when the Jewish Messiah
comes back to rule the world. It is completely different from the much
more plausible story told in the Bible, regarding Christ's return.
According to the TALMUD version, the Jews will be entertained at a
great banquet. They will be seated at golden tables and will be served
wine from Adam's cellar. Their banquet meal will be made up of a
roasted ox called BEHEMOTH which is so huge that it eats the grass off
a thousand hills every day. There will also be a monster fish called
LEVIATHAN which will be broiled and pickled. A gigantic fowl known as
BAYUCHF will also be served. This bird is so large, that when one of
its eggs fell out of a nest, it crushed 300 large cedar trees and the
white from its broken shell, flooded sixty villages. (This sounds
almost as fantastic as some of the stories Jews tell about the
HOLOCAUST). The final course of this immense banquet will consist of
dessert, including fruit from the 'tree of life,' and pomegranates
from the Garden of Eden." (Again, this story sounds almost like some
of the stories one hears in the Judeo-Christian churches regarding

An 18th Century Jewish commentator named Stehlin states that,
"foreigners (that's you and I, brother) will till the ground of the
Jews in that day of their triumph; that we (foreigners) will build
their houses and cities and plant their vineyards, all without pay,
because it will be such an honor for us to work for them. The nations
which survive the last 'holocaust' will offer the Jews all their
wealth and Gentile princes and princesses will wait on Jews as their
slaves, and


Page 125
be ready at the nod of a head, to do anything the Jew asks." That
sounds like "LIBERTY, EQUALITY, AND FRATERNITY!" now doesn't it?

The hope of world domination - "world conspiracy," if you will, is as
strong now in the Jewish mind as it has been for 2,000 years, and is
being aided and abetted by Masons of high rank. The real dream of
Jewish world power can be seen most clearly in the Cabala.

About the only way the modern Jew relates to the Bible, is in his
arrogant statements concerning the "Ten Commandments, which WE gave to
mankind." It is this type of arrogance, which caused the translators
of the New Testament to translate John 4:22, as having Jesus say:
"salvation is of the Jews," when any clear thinking Christian knows
that salvation does not come through any nation, or group of people,
but only through God's Son, Jesus the Christ. It is this Jewish
arrogance which caused them to change the original, which said: "For
salvation cometh out of Judea." This makes sense, the KJV translation
does not!

The fact that there were no people anywhere in the world known as
Jews, when the Ten Commandments were given to Israel, means absolutely
nothing to the Jews and their intellectually dishonest prostitutes in
the Judeo-Christian churches of America. They deliberately choose to
disregard what Jesus said about the Jewish Pharisees in John 10:26 -
"But ye (Pharisees), believe not BECAUSE YE ARE NOT OF MY SHEEP..."
(Emphasis mine). Instead of heeding what their Master said, they call
His enemies, "God's Chosen people" and support the very ones who are
attempting to destroy them. What fools men be!

The Jews have always bragged about their privileged status with God,
knowing full well that they are the impostors who are spoken of in
Malachi 1:2-4 and Revelation 2:9; 3:9. When people brag about their


Page 126
privileged status, they will always be met with resentment. That is
one reason the Apostle Paul said they are "contrary to all men, " (1
Thess. 2:5).

To represent the Jewish people as a gentle, suffering people, the
victims of gentile persecution, is to show an entire lack of both
spiritual and historical understanding. In the ages past, Jews have
over and over again showed their utter contempt for all mankind and
that they are capable of the utmost cruelties towards those who
disagree with them, especially if they are the hated Nazarites
(Christians). Most of the cruelest persecutions in the Communist
regimes, have been carried out under Jewish supervision. An estimated
140-million people have been murdered by these minions of
Judeo-Masonry. Today, the cruelty of Jews towards the Palestinians,
whose land they have wrongfully usurped, goes far beyond anything that
Hitler ever dreamed.

The Jewish historian, Josephus, in his monumental work titled THE
JEWISH WARS, describes the pogroms carried out by the Jews in
Palestine during the First Century A.D. The "Sicarri," were a band of
Jewish terrorists, who were working with the approval of the Jewish
authorities, much as the MOSSAD works today. Many Christians do not
know that the Jewish leaders Begin and Shamir, were leading terrorists
in 1948. During the First Century, these terrorists wiped out a
village called Engeddim, killing over 700 women and children. In 1948,
Menachem Begin, another Jew terrorist, wiped out a Palestinian village
of some 264 old men, women and children and bragged that he had killed
Arab women with his own hands. Yet this terrorist became Prime
Minister of Israeli.

It is intellectual dishonesty of the worst sort to state, as the
prostitutes of Judaism do, from their pulpits, that the faults of the
modern Jews are due to their persecution at the hands of Christians in
the past. They have been persecuted, there is no doubt about that, but
not because

The Hidden Power
Behind Freemasonry
Part 6 of 8

Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr,

Page 127

they were God's Chosen People, as the Baptist Zionist Jack Van Impe
likes to shout. They were persecuted because of their crooked, immoral
dealings in every country which gave them refuge. Today, that same
resentment is building up in Canada and the United States, as we see
them taking full advantage of Christian hospitality, while attempting
to destroy everything we stand for as Christians. The day of reckoning
will come here, as it has in other countries. It is inevitable, unless
Jewish leaders come to their senses and put a "check rein" on their

Some idea of why cruelty is the norm for these people can be seen in a
mode of execution suggested by the TALMUD. In the Volume Sanhedrin, a
method of execution was to wrap a scarf around the neck of the victim,
tightening it from both ends until his mouth was forced open. Then a
lighted fuse was forced down his throat to burn out his entrails. This
is very similar to some of the "blood thirsty" oaths which Masons are
forced to take. It is interesting in the light of these TALMUDIC
teachings, to see that the liberal Jew is in the forefront of the
fight against Capital Punishment, declaring it to be a "cruel and
unusual punishment."

It is also interesting to note the number of Jewish women who are in
the forefront of the Women's Liberation Movement, the Lesbian
Movement, N.O.W., and Pro-Abortion. Yet the Talmudic religion is
definitely "anti-woman." A good example of this is the daily Jewish
prayer, where the Jewish man says: "Blessed by thou, O Lord our God,
king of the Universe, that thou hast not made me a woman.

We must never forget, when we look at Judaism, that no matter what the
Jewish Rabbis may say at Inter-Faith meetings, Rabbinical Judaism is
the bitter enemy of Christianity. This is not just a matter of ancient
history, but is true today. Ask yourself who is behind the effort to
take prayer and Bible reading from the Public Schools? Who heads most
of the abortion clinics in Canada and the U.S.? Who is behind the
effort to remove Christian scenes from public places? In at


Page 128
least 95% of the cases, you will find these cases brought by the
Jewish led American Civil Liberties Union, in the name of a Jew. Now
there is a concerted move underway to remove the Gideon Bibles from
motel rooms, because of the "prejudiced" words of Jesus Christ, when
He dealt with the Jewish religion. Yet our stupid "goyim Christian
sheep," still call these people, God's Chosen!

The feelings of the Jew, even those who profess Christianity, can be
seen in the actions of a Jewish pastor of an Assembly of God Church in
Lauderdale Lakes, Florida. Pastor Harvey Koelner, a Jew, claims to be
a "born-again" Christian. Yet he has written several pamphlets, with
the Assembly of God logo on them, which are distinctly anti-Christian.
One is, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Jesus. In this tract he
says: "Now comes the hoax of all hoaxes (guess he never heard of the
Jewish HOLOHOAX, the story of Jesus. There is absolutely no piece of
physical evidence on earth that can prove that Jesus existed. There is
no historical evidence that he existed." Yet this man, calls himself a
Christian minister.

A Jewish group in Washington State, called the ABELARDREUCHLIN
FOUNDATION, recently wrote to me: "There is solid proven documentation
which proves that the story of Jesus is false. It was a fictional
story created by Flavius Joseph us and the Romans. The inner circle of
Christian clergymen know this is true." (I was in this "inner circle"
for many years and I never heard a breath of rumor about this Jewish

A Jewish writer in Hollywood by the name of Hecht, said: "The Jews
made a mistake when they crucified Jesus. I would have sent him to
Rome to be fed to the lions. The Christians would have a hard time
making a Savior out of mincemeat."

Another Jewish leader said: "The Jewish religion is reserved for only
people of quality and excellence, those of superior intelligence, who
operate on a higher plane than


Page 129
other people. You must realize that most Jewish people are more
intelligent, better educated, and more successful than Christians,"
With this kind of arrogance, you can readily understand why Jews are
universally detested. If you are really interested in knowing more
about Jewish moral quality, don't go by what they say, or what the
Judeo-Christian "sheeple" say; go directly to their religious book the
TALMUD and see for yourself. But don't try it, unless you have a
strong stomach! If you don't want to go to this effort, just take time
to listen to Jewish comedians on TV or in the movies.

Could it be this national attitude that Jesus censured in Matthew
23:15, when He told the scribes and Pharisees:

"Woe (deep sorrow) unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye
compass (go over) sea and land to make one proselyte (convert), and
when he is made, ye make him two-fold more a child of hell than
Was our Lord being anti-Semitic when He made this clear statement of
facts? No more scathing denunciation of the Jewish religion can be
found anywhere, than this which came direct from the Son of God.

When Pastor Sheldon Emry, of the Lord's Covenant Church in Phoenix,
Arizona, died from cancer a few years ago; his assistant pastor, Ben
Williams, received this letter from a Jew:

Dear Pastor Williams:

"Congratulations on the death of Christian Nazi Sheldon Emry, We
(Jews) prayed to the G-d of Israel (Jews) for a painful and agonizing
death for this Nazi scum, and G-d answered our prayers. We applaud and
rejoice to G-d for snuffing out the life of Nazi Emry, who was a
cancer to the entire world.
G-d assured us that Nazi Emry will take his place in hell along with
Adolf Hitler and Satan (notice nothing is said about Stalin, who the
Jews placed in power), and that the same fate will befall all his


Page 130
Pastor Emry, like Hitler, led a sick, perverted life, dedicated to
Jew-Hatred and anti-Semitism, and he was stamped out by the G-d of
Israel (the Jews) like the cockroach he was. Excrement flowed from his
mouth and every pore of his body, and G-d flushed him down the toilet
to hell. All your prayers to the false Messiah Jesus, the bastard son
of Satan, are for naught! You will all experience the same fate!
You, the Christian Nazi's of America, are to be cursed by G-d and
deserve all the punishments He has planned for you. Your blasphemous
Christianity is an abomination to G-d and man.


Anyone who knew Pastor Emry, and he was a close and valued friend of
mine, knew him for a dedicated Christian Patriot, who was hated by the
Zionists because he told the truth about them. He was not an
anti-Semite and he certainly was not a purveyor of hate.

It is interesting to me, to note that it is the Jews who are in the
forefront of every effort to enforce so-called "hate laws," in Canada
and the United States, yet they are also in the forefront of
dispensing hate towards Christians. These laws, such as the ones now
in existence in Canada, protect the Jews and minorities from hateful
remarks, but cannot and will not be use to defend Christians.

In an anonymous letter from a Jewish woman, written on a paper napkin,
she consigned me to hell, and prayed that my wife would turn into a
hog, my son into a dog, and my daughter into a frog. She said in

"I curse you and damn your soul in the name of YESHUAH HA-MASHIAH.
Thou art ANATHEMA MARANATHA and resigned unto the lake of fire for
eternity . Die you devil! May you burn in hell for eternity! May you
be blind and your flesh melt in the fire of hell!"

- SIGNED (With some name written in Yiddish).


Page 131
According to Judeo-Christian and Masonic leaders, letters such as
these are not "hate mail." But a book, such as this one you are
reading, which tells the truth about these enemies of God and
Christianity, is considered to be authentic "hate literature."

Can you imagine the hue and cry that would take place in the media, or
among Christian and Jewish circles, if a letter such as the two I have
quoted, were to be sent to some Jewish leader? They would literally
"froth at the mouth," and would plaster the front pages of the
nation's news, and the airways of TV, with examples of Identity
Christians hatred towards the poor misused Jews.

The sad thing is, this virulent hatred of everything that has to do
with Jesus Christ, reaches into every organization which is touched by
Judaism, including the Freemason Lodge and the Judeo-Christian church.
Be honest with yourself and ask this question: "What is so awful about
being anti-Jewish, when they openly brag of their hatred for our King
and how they mean to destroy us?" Do you honestly believe these
enemies of our Lord should be allowed to openly blaspheme His name and
ridicule His church, and destroy our Christian beliefs, just because
they have proclaimed themselves to be God's Chosen People?

In Malachi 1:4, we read these words from the LORD God JEHOVAH!
-"Whereas Edom (the Jews) saith, We are impoverisbed, but we will
return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts,
They shall build, but I will throw down; and they (Israel) shall call
them (the Jews), The Border of wickedness, and the people against whom
the LORD bath indignation (anger) forever."


There are three major lines of reasoning used by Judaism in their
fight against Christ and Christianity.


Page 132
1.- The argument that Christ never existed; that He was nothing but
the figment of someone's over-active imagination. This idea will not
stand up under the search light of recorded history.
2.- That Christ was nothing more than a great teacher and that He
should be classified alongside Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, etc.

3.- That Christ was a crazy fanatic, who was carried away by his
visions of being the prophesied Messiah. (See the Jewish Encyclopedia
and Hatelsmann's book WAR JESUS EKSTATIKER. The later book states:
"there must have been an abnormal mental process involved in the
utterances and behavior of Jesus." The TALMUD openly calls Him
"crazy." Some liberals say He was a homosexual, because most of His
time on this earth was spent in the company of twelve men. While
others, such as the writer of the movie, THE LAST TEMPTATION OF
CHRIST, pictured Him as not only crazy, but a lecher.

In reality, down through the ages, true Christianity has been the
greatest protector of the Jews. I do not refer to "churchianity" here,
since there is a great deal of difference. In Canada and the U.S., the
"Jews are the Chosen People Myth" has become so deeply embedded in
most evangelical and fundamental churches, that the pastors and people
believe God's promises made to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 - "I will bless
them that blesses thee, and curse him that curseth thee, "can be
applied to the people we know as Jews today.

Yet the modern Jew is the perfect example of the anti-Christ defined
very clearly in 1 John 2:22,23. In spite of this, the "brainwashed"
Christians of the Judeo-Christian churches, completely overlook the
Scripture warning of 2 Chronicles 19:2 - "...Shouldest thou help the
ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon
thee from before the LORD."


Page 133
There were no people named Jews on this planet when God made His
promise to Abraham and if you look at it very closely and objectively,
it says nothing about these blessings and curses being handed down to
his descendants. The people we know as Jews are first mentioned in the
Bible, in 2 Kings 16:6, almost 1200 years after the time of Abraham,
where we find them fighting against Israel.

The theory of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy, supported by Freemasonry,
does not rest on the evidence of such question able documents as
PROTOCOLS (although world Jewry is following them like a "blueprint").
In PROTOCOL IX, we read:

"The words of the liberal, are in effect our watchword -LIBERTY!
EQUALITY! FRATERNITY! (Strangely enough they are the "watchword" of
world Freemasonry too). When we (Jews) come into our kingdom, we will
change these words, not into a watchword, but an expression of our
idealism. The right to liberty! the duty of equality! the ideal of
brotherhood! That is bow we shall put it! De facto (actually) we have
wiped out every role but our own, although de jure (by rights) there
remain a good many of them."1
By being introduced to this doctrine of "broad-mindedness," under the
guise of Jewish liberality, we have given the Jews "carte blanch"
(discretional powers) to attack liberty and Christianity. What
Christian Americans and Canadians, including the members of the Lodges
of Freemasonry, have been taught, is to "tolerate the intolerances" of
Judaism, since there are no more intolerant and prejudicial people
anywhere on earth, than the Zionist Jews.

In PROTOCOL IX, we read:

at the proper time, we (Jews), the lawgivers, (to all intents and
purposes they now control the Judicial systems of both Canada and the
U.S.) shall exercise judgment and sentence. We shall slay and we shall
spare... We will rule by force... (as they are doing now in Palestine,
as they have in Russia since 1918). The weapons in our hands will be
limitless ambition,



1 For an in-depth discussion of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion, write for my book The Satanic Counterfeit.


Page 134
burning greedivens, merciless vengeance, hatred and malice." (How
would you like to live under the control of such? This will happen,
unless Christian people wake up and stop. it!)

I am inclined to agree with Henry Ford, Sr. the great Christian
industrialist of the early 1900's when he wrote:

"To recognize the Jewish and Masonic question does not mean we have
gone to a national campaign of hatred against Jews and Masons. It
means we must see the stream which has been flowing through our
civilization for years, which has at last accumulated the bulk and
power to be a danger to us all."
Unfortunately, there are Christians within the Identity Movement,
whose hatred for anyone who differs from them, reaches to all people,
not just those who are a danger to us. I do not support this thesis in
any way!

Personally, I am "fed up" with the Jewish and Judeo-Christian
allegations that even to discuss the Jewish question is unfair and
will be punished by God. Jews do not hesitate to criticize Christians,
even those who support them. In fact, they often speak with sarcasm
regarding the "Christian sheeple," they have so blatantly
"hoodwinked," and who they lead around by the nose.

If you will attempt to read books written by Jewish authors, for
"Jewish eyes only," you will see even more clearly what I am trying to
say. I get angry when the Jewish controlled media lie about me and my
people and paint us in the most unfavorable terms imaginable. I am not
being anti-Semitic when I tell you the truth about self-announced
Jewish plans to destroy you, any more than I was anti-German, when I
fought against the Nazi during World War II, fooled as I was by the
Jewish propaganda of World War II, just as were 95% of the veterans
who fought that war; but we were not "anti-German."

Here is a "fact of life" that Freemasons around the world need to take
into account; it is found in PROTOCOL XV:


Page 135
"When we (Jews) come into our kingdom through coups de'etat (violent
overthrow of existing governments), we will make it our task to
destroy every institution of secret societies, whose members will be
WORKED FOR US." (Emphasis mine).

In every country on this earth, where Talmudic Communism has taken
control, this has been their pattern of action. The "goyim"
prostitutes (preachers, politicians, bankers, business men, Lodge
members) who have helped them into power, have been eliminated; no
matter how much you may have helped them, you are on their list for
elimination. They tell you so!

While the Jewish controlled press of America, aided by their Masonic
cohorts, wants us to believe that Jewish terrorist organizations are
on the wane in Canada and the United States, Zionist leaders such as
Irv Rubin of the JEWISH DEFENSE LEAGUE, state that bombings of
synagogues, by members of the JDL, are for the purpose of bestching up
the Jews a little bit!" He says the JDL is trying to head off a
"holocaust" in the United States and Canada by "eliminating all the
white supremacist activities in the United States." (That means anyone
who disagrees with them). This same Jew, who a few years ago offered a
public reward of $500.00 for anyone who would kill a Nazi and $1000.00
if they would bring him their ears, has been above the law. You can
imagine what would happen to an Identity Christian, who would be
stupid enough to make a similar remark in public. He would have the
Federal Government on his back, "like a hawk on a June bug." The
California District attorney who attempted to prosecute this case, in
which Rubin was released, said: "The framers of the American
Constitution would turn over in their graves if they could see the
manner in which the First Amendment is being used to protect people
who offer 'blood money' for the elimination of those they don't like."

Page 136
Recent police reports from the East, show that in at least 2/3 of all
cases where vandalism of synagogues or Jewish cemeteries occur, there
are Jews involved. The JDL delights in efforts such as this, since it
keeps their people "stirred up; full of hate, and ready to contribute
to any cause the JDL desires." This is identical to the process used
in Freemasonry, where the lower degrees obey, because of fear and

We know from documented facts, that Grand Orient Masonry has exerted
profound influence in politics, of all the nations of Christendom. We
are not dealing with suppositions hear, but with proven facts. There
are many cases where the leadership of Freemasons in revolutionary
causes can be pinpointed. We know their aims, because they have
declared them in books such as Pike's MORALS AND DOGMA. We know that
Jewish power, which backs them and is shrouded in secrecy, has fooled
millions of Masons into believing that they are members of an
organization which is completely different from what they claim it is.

It is extremely difficult to convince anyone about the ulterior
motives of Freemasonry, since a mother and father whose child has just
been "saved" by the help of some Shrine Hospital, will not want to
know the truth about those who have helped them. In this manner,
Masonry, like International Zionism, has existed under a shroud of
Mystery. That Jews have played a major role in Grand Orient Masonry,
is a known fact. The JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, in its article under the
heading, FREEMASONRY states:

"The technical language, symbolism, and rites of freemasonry are full
of Jewish ideas and terms... Jews have been most conspicuous in their
connection with Freemasonry... since the French Revolution."2



2 The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. V, pp. 503, 504 (1904).


Page 137

Most of the information in this chapter will be taken from COUNTERBIAS
Box 381, Waterloo, NSW 2017, Australia (Every thing you wanted to know
about the Zionists but were afraid to ask!)

Whether directly or indirectly, the Khazar tribesmen who falsely call
themselves "Jews" are collectively guilty of over one hundred million
wilfully committed murders during the Judeo-Communist rule of terror,
the Judeo-Masonic World Wars and the present Zionist occupation of
Palestine. (For the Bible definition of "pseudo-Jews" see Rev. 2:9;

Falsified history books which are peddled far and wide by Mossad
agents and the prostitute-historians in their employ, "war action
thrillers" and so-called "War documentaries," in the movies and on TV
have all churned out dozens of Judeo-Masonic fantasies. They would
have the gullible American public believe that we won World War II,
just as the Zionist Jew, Henry Kissinger, called our withdrawal from
Viet Nam, a "victory with honor." The truth of the matter is that we,
the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian peoples, lost both World Wars,
which were fought with brother Israel nations, and have lost every
"brush fire" war into which we have been sucked by the Jew-Mason
dominated United Nations.

While Stalin's "red horde" was conquering Eastern Europe, with the
help of men such as Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Gen.
Dwight Eisenhower, the Zionist-Masonic shysters were reclaiming with a
vengeance the western part of the continent, not merely


Page 138
but multiplying a hundred fold their ownership and control of
commerce, industries, education, the media, and the "goyim"
governments. The truth is that World War II was prolonged for two
years, with the loss of millions of extra lives, while the Jew
internationalists hoarded billions more of Christian money. Both
General Patton, and British General Montgomery wanted to invade Europe
in 1944, through the "soft underbelly of Europe." This would have
liberated all the Eastern European countries which are now under
Communist Control. But Gen. Eisenhower, egged on by his boss, Franklin
Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill, the drunken Premier of Great
Britain, backed the "red murderer" Stalin and the war was extended for
two more years, while Stalin consolidated his hold on all of Eastern
Europe; a hold which has not been relinquished to this day. It was
fear of Patton's exposure of this plot, which led to his
assassination, although the official version of his death will not
admit this.

World War II was provoked by the International Jewish-Masonic shysters
in the first place, solely out of pathological greed and plain racial
spite, not because of their "love for dear little Poland." The
National Socialist regime of Adolf Hitler, whatever may be said
against it, had practically eliminated crime and corruption, and had
brought about economic and social reforms, which provided jobs and
low-interest loans for all. This had practically put the "usurers,
stock exchange speculators, all manner of pimps, all slumlords and
other parasites completely out of business."

No one in the West denies that the Soviets either annexed or colonized
nearly a dozen independent European countries, which they had
liberated (7) during World War II, and then proceeded to introduce
them to a "blood bath, ala Stalin style," a class struggle with its
obligatory "liquidation of all hostile elements," which meant


Page 139
principally Christians and near starvation for the rest. How can this
be described as a "victory for Democracy?"

Hitler's invasion of Poland was used as a pretext for the war in
Europe, which the International Judeo-Masonic leaders had been
planning since 1918. Curiously enough, when Stalin invaded the Baltic
states, the western press did not consider this as an invasion, it was
called "liberation of Western Ukraine." (West Ukrainians have yet to
be convinced of this). At the Yalta Conference, a dying American
President, controlled by his Communist advisor Alger Hiss, and a
vacillating drunkard of a British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill,
sold out all of Eastern Europe to the murderer from Russia. In fact,
they handed this area to Stalin "on a platter," possibly as a reward
for his having exterminated 15,000 Polish officers at the Katyn Forest

While attending the Yalta Conference, Winston Churchill, accompanied
by his equally alcoholic daughter, was treated to frequent excursions
of the numerous Crimean wineries liberated by the KGB. He was hardly
ever sober, according to eye witness accounts. Having prostituted
himself at Yalta, he later went on to speechify, with great "crocodile
tears" in his bloodshot eyes, about the "Iron Curtain" which had
descended over Eastern Europe.

Being a Freemason, as well as an agent of the richest Jewish
financiers, Churchill, like Franklin Roosevelt, did everything
possible to instigate the world war, and drag the United States into
it and later on, to arm Stalin's legions to the teeth to assure
victory. It was during the early days of 1942-43, when American troops
were dying on the atolls of the Pacific for lack of military supplies,
that we were sending the Russians $11-billion in Lend Lease, with
priority of shipment to the Communists. This was one of the reasons
that Rudolf Hess, who was I believe a sincere messenger for peace, was
kept incommunicado for the


Page 140
duration of the war. If the British people had been allowed to hear
what Hess had to say, the war could have been over by the end of 1943.
It is strange to see how Churchill vacillated in his intentions
towards Germany. In 1933, on the wake of Hitler's being appointed
Chancellor of the Reich, Churchill spoke with admiration of "Germany's
splendid clear-eyed youth, burning to die for their fatherland." At
that time his interests lay with Germany. But when he was hired
secretly, as an agent of influence for the Board of Deputies of
British Zionists, he started going on about the "Huns" and the
"Barbarians" who were ruling Germany. He was a perfect example of a
"double-minded man," and the Apostle James says of such: "A
double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8).

Having stormed into the Judeo-Masonic trap of the Anglo-French
"guarantees" to Poland, which were laid for him in 1939, Hitler would
have certainly crashed through, if it had not been for the
machinations of this Masonic drunkard from England.

Hitler soon found himself at war, not only with his old enemy from
Russia, but with Britain, the old bastion of the Grand Orient Lodge of
Freemasonry and with the United States which had become the
Judeo-Masonic "arsenal of democracy."

In the late 1930's the Soviet Union was described by many noted
historians as the "colossus on feet of clay." Most of its infantry
soldiers had never seen a semi-automatic rifle. All of its plywood and
canvas covered aircraft were almost as useless in the air as they were
on the ground - it was on the ground where the Soviet Air force was
almost wiped out on the opening day of the war. Most of their tanks
would not move and the mechanics knew little about their upkeep. It
was only the Russian winter, which kept Hitler from overrunning


Page 141
Moscow and ending once and for all, for all time, the
Communist-Masonic danger to the world. But it was not to be. This is
when the "Evil Empire" was at its weakest, and when the Judeo-Masonic
forces set out to bolster her. One wonders where the "latter day
fire-and-brimstone" anti-communists were in those days. Ronald Reagan,
for example, was a class B movie player in Jew-run Hollywood, and a
registered Democrat no less.

Hitler, who was a self-confessed admirer of Great Britain, never
sought a war with the West. That is why he allowed the defeated
British Expeditionary Force at Dunkirk to slip across the channel.
Instead of subjecting them to humiliating surrender, or hopeless
massacre, Hitler's naive racial sentiments concerning "Aryan
Brotherhood" made him blind to the fact that its destruction would
have possibly saved the war for Germany. Of course the Judeo-Masonic
rulers of Britain - its mercenary middle-class, its tainted low-degree
Masons included, were always "replaceable resources," for the
alcoholic Churchill and his ambitions to please his Zionist masters.

The drunkard prime minister of England, became the greatest undertaker
of all times, as he sacrificed millions of his people, in order to win
the praise and backing of his Jewish masters.

He was undoubtedly the most boisterous political prostitute of the
Twentieth Century, exceeding even Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and
that's saying a lot. As a member of the British Parliament and a paid
agent of the Jewish Board of Deputies, he went in for a great deal of
anti-German war mongering, readily forgetting about the "international
Jewish Bolsheviks" he used to rail against. His Zionist paymasters
finally "hit the jackpot" when Churchill finally bullied his way into
10 Downing Street in 1940. Every pound of "human flesh" sacrificed by
the British Commonwealth of Nations and the United States,


Page 142
was at the disposal of the "Shylocks" of International Zionism. About
to begin was the most sacred and mysterious Kabbalistic ritual; a
miraculous transfiguration of tens of millions of "goyim" corpses into
giant piles of Jewish dead, which led to more money for the Zionists
and wider avenues of Zionist world power.

Here is what Churchill said about the Zionists in 1920, as reported in
a Feb. 8, 1920 issue of the ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY HERALD:

"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of
Bolshevism ... by these international and... atheistical Jews ... the
majority of the leading figures are Jews ... the principle inspiration
and driving power comes from the Jews. The predominance of the Jews in
the Soviet institutions is even more astonishing. And, ...the
principal part of the system of terrorism applied by the CHEKA (KGB)
has been taken by the Jews... The same evil prominence was obtained by
Jews during the period of terror during which Bela Kuhn ruled Hungry.
The same phenomenon has been allowed to prey upon the temporary
prostration of the German people... The fact that in many cases Jewish
interests and Jewish places of worship are expected by the Bolsheviks
from their hostility, has tended more and more to associate the Jewish
race ... with the villainies which are being perpetrated."
Not unlike Churchill, and, indeed, not unlike almost all the American
Presidents from George Washington to George Bush, President Franklin
Roosevelt was a Freemason whose prior allegiance was owed to that
nefarious brotherhood, not to America. The Jewish "Usurer" Bernard
Baruch, also a high-degree Mason, was an advisor to FIVE AMERICAN
Presidents and was one of the close associates of FDR. The dissolution
of Freemasonry, the expropriation of the parasitic Jewish finance
capital in Germany by the National-Socialist government and the
newly-won economic independence from the international usurers-bankers
put the whole of Germany on the Judeo-Masonic "hit list."


Page 143
The all too noticeable prosperity of the German people under the new
populist government was bad news for the usurers; and President
Roosevelt came from a long line of bankers and Stock Exchange crooks
to whom a government "of the people, by the people, and for the
people" was bad for business. As far back as September 1938, Harold L.
Ickes, FDR's Secretary of the Interior asked Roosevelt: "Is this
Munich crisis good or bad for us in the United States?" According to
Ickes private diary, Sept. 13, 1938, Roosevelt replied: "Every
European nation is going to have to buy guns and arms and ammunition
from us! Already the gold of Europe is flooding across the Atlantic at
a rate so fast we haven't got enough warships to bring it over! Any
crisis in Europe can do only good." (Of course he was referring to
"good for his Zionist masters.")

It has been pretty well established that Roosevelt willfully committed
high treason and consented to premeditated murder of American citizens
at Pearl Harbor. This moribund paraplegic desperately sought "Casus
belli." He was no doubt, ably advised by his Jewish financiers,
Bernard Baruch and Henry Morgenthau. Sure enough, the planned
sacrifice of thousands of American servicemen was the pound of flesh
which was well invested with the international Judeo-Masonic bankers.
If a common name for traitor in America is Benedict Arnold, since
World War II it should have been Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Instead,
he is held up to the praise of our people as one of our greatest
presidents. If the argument is used that this treason was necessary to
defeat "fascism," it might be well to recall that the worst kind of
"fascism" ever known, was the Judeo-Masonic Stalinism of the Soviet

The Churchill imposed war in Europe and the Roosevelt staged fiasco at
Pearl Harbor, led to the fall of Singapore, the Pacific Islands, as
well as the whole of South East Asia.


Page 144
Thousands of Allied soldiers died in the fighting and millions of
civilians were needlessly killed. Some 27-million Russian slaves were
killed from 1939-45, as they saved the hides of their not-so-Russian
slave drivers from extermination at the hands of the Nazis.

That was the real "New Deal" which the American people were never told
about by their Judeo-Masonic media. There were many things which we
were not told, which are just beginning to surface. As they do, more
and more Americans are beginning to burn with "righteous indignation"
against a government which has become so subservient to a foreign
anti-Christ power, that it will abandon the welfare of its own people.

Although facts prove that the Nations of Christendom, betrayed by the
Judeo-Masonic plutocrnto lost the war in Europe, the
prostitute-historians whose cushy appointments in academia are
controlled by these same plutocrats, have remained conveniently
silent, while the Judeo-homosexual Hollywood and Judeo-Masonic TV
networks keep trumpeting, as if it happened yesterday, that it was
Germany who started the war, that it was Germany who wanted to conquer
the world, when all facts point otherwise. If the invasion of Poland
was the real cause of World War II, which of course it obviously
wasn't, then both the National Socialist regime of Germany and the
Judeo-Communist dictatorship of Russia, must be regarded as being
equally responsibility for this "holocaust,"

While we have heard a great deal about the plight of the poor Jew in
the Soviet Union, the fact still remains that many of the Jews in the
Soviet Union, still hold important, well-paying jobs and have
standards of living and education, much higher than that of the ethnic

Of course, it is natural, that in the ongoing "superpower rivalry," a
great deal of fuss is being made by the Jew megalomaniacs about the
fact that the Jews in Russia are


Page 145
no longer in control of the Soviet Empire; but are instead in control
of Russian natives, who were converted to their Judeo-Marxist dogma by
the Jewish leaders in the first place. The Jews don't really mind,
that the regime they set up in Russia, turned into something
infinitely more repressive than anything under the Tsar. Gorbachev not
excepted. What the Jews are really upset with, is that more and more
native Russians are getting into positions of power and that they can
no longer be considered High Priests of the Communist Cult. To their
way of thinking, this is "anti-Semitism," although not one in ten of
them has any claim to being a Semite. Menachem Begin put this thought
into words a number of years ago, when speaking in New York to a group
of Jewish millionaires, he said: "There would be nothing wrong with
Communism, if we were still running it!" A few million dead "goyim"
means nothing to this Judeo-Masonic crowd!

However, in spite of all those make-believe "anti-Soviet" wailings of
the crypto-Communist New York Jews, the under-the-table dealings
between the Zionists and the Soviets are just as cozy as those which
once took place between the Zionists and the Nazis. If you don't want
to accept this, then ask yourself why 50,000 Jews are being allowed to
enter the United States, and receive hearty contributions from the
largesse of the American people, while you hear nothing of Russian
Christians being allowed to leave enmasse.

That the Jew-Masonic plutocrats are still in charge of the
governments. of Canada, England and the United States is a matter. of
fact. Hence the "Jewish immigration" is a "cherry on the pie" of every
dealing we have with the Soviet Union. It has become an open
invitation for the KGB and the MOSSAD, to send their finest agents to
the United States as "poor, harassed immigrants." How many of you
would like to make a bet, that a majority of the Jews


Page 146
who come to this country are not trained KGB agents for the
not-so-Gentile Soviet Union?

The very subject of the "Jewish immigration" to the United States, is
a classic example of the Zionist-Masonic controlled media's ability to
exercise mass emotional blackmail on behalf of the MOSSAD and the KGB,
in order to persuade the "suckers" of the Christian world," that we
need those "poor Jews" here.

This media has become so clever in subterfuge, that they can now sell
AIDS as a "new and wonderful human experience," since Rock Hudson had
it and Elizabeth Taylor endorsed it - they have even made it sort of
"quasi-respectable." When in God's name will we come to our senses?

Whether directly, or indirectly, the Khazar tribesmen who called
themselves "Jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan" (Rev.
2:9; 3:9), are collectively guilty of over 100-million murders, while
they "scream and wail" over 6-million Jews who were supposed to have
died during World War II, and who never existed. The role of these
Judeo-Masonic gangsters in the economies of the West, is about the
same as that of the New York Gypsy card-sharps and fortune-tellers,
except that the scale of the Judeo-Masonic "ripoff" is astronomical.

There is little doubt that it is the Jewish financial capital that
owns and controls the Western governments of England, Canada and the
United States, and who are telling our people how to act and think.
Even questioning the authority of Jewish financial and political power
is a "horrible thought crime." We will never return to real freedom in
America and Canada, until our "brainwashed" people, yes, most of them
who go by the name of Christian, are willing to wake up, look facts in
the face and recognize who the real enemy is.


Page 147
Karl Marx put it well when he said:

"What is the real god of the Jews? The bill of exchange. Money is the
one jealous god of the Jews, beside which no other god may stand!"
"What is the object of Jew worship? Usury! The organization of society
in such a way as to abolish the possibility of usury, would make the
Jew impossible."1


It appears as though we have strayed a bit "a field" in our major
purpose of showing the "hidden power" behind Freemasonry. Here are a
few more facts which you may find interesting and of importance in
understanding the problems we face.

1.- The masonic coat-of-arms which is still used by the Grand Orient
Lodges of England and Europe was Jewish designed.

2.- Some of the most important legends of Freemasonry come from Jewish
sources. The legend of Hiram Abiff, for instance, on which Freemasonry
is founded and on which many of its rites are based, is of Jewish

3.- The technical language, symbolism and rites of Freemasonry are
full of Jewish ideas and terms. In the Scottish Rite, the dates of all
official documents are given according to the Hebrew months and the
Jewish era: and use is often made of the older Hebrew alphabet. (See
the JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, under "Freemasonry," Vol. 5, p.503.

It may be of interest to note that it was Jews who introduced
Freemasonry to the United States and who



1. Both quotations from Karl Marx's book: A World Without Jews!


Page 148
became a powerful force in American Freemasonry, (See Joudin, "Les
Fideles De La Centre-Eglkise Macons, "pp. 37-45. Full documentation is
given here).

The Masonic rite of MIZRAIN, with at least 90 degrees, is perhaps the
most esoteric and elaborate rite in all of Masonry. It was founded by
Jews, as was the order of B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Alliance), which
is an all-Jewish Lodge and the father of the infamous Anti-Defamation

The order of MIZRAIN is found mainly among the European Lodges, some
of which are exclusively Jewish. The B'nai B'rith is mainly an
American Jewish Lodge, although some do not formally recognize it as
being Masonic. But its organization, intimate alliance with, and its
intimate objects are the same as in Masonry. In the German Masonic
Review LATONIA, Feb. 28, 1928, the lodges of B'nai B'rith were
explicitly referred to as being Masonic, in fact they were recognized
as being the controlling Masonic power in Germany.

In the JEWISH CHRONICLE, Oct. 19, 1889, you can find these remarks on
pp. 77, 78:

"Masonry tolerates everything except a clericalism (Catholicism) and
it possesses a special attraction for Jews. Clericalism has always
persecuted Masonry everywhere. There exists between Jews and
Freemasons an invisible but potent natural alliance against a common
enemy... Together they fight ... against religious fanaticism and
racial antipathies."
Much of the present day liberalism in politics, which encourages
interracial marriages; laws which discriminate against whites in
employment, etc., are promulgated by legislators who are Freemasons.
It is all part of their heritage as Lodge members. It might be of
further interest to note, that the International Bankers who dominate
international finance and who were responsible for the Federal Reserve
Act of 1913, which now controls American economics, were Jewish


Page 149
In a remarkable study, done over a hundred years ago, a French writer,
Gougenot de Mousseauz, collected large numbers of documents which
proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Jews ran the inner circles
of Freemasonry in Europe. On pg. 340 of his book LEJUIF, LAJUDAISME.
el la Judaisarion des Peoyles Chretiens, published in Paris in 1869,
he said:

"The real chiefs of this immense association (Freemasonry) are mostly
Jews, and live in close and intimate relationship with the militant
members of Judaism, those namely, who are leaders of the Cabalist
section. This is known to only an intimate few in Masonry."
M. Daniel, another French writer, quotes from Mons Barbier's

"I have often heard French Masons lament the dominance of Jews... Ever
since the revolution, Jews have taken possession of Masonic rites. The
Cabala rules its mistress in the inner-circle of the Lodge and the
Jewish spirit dominates the lower grades... In the mind of Satan, the
synagogue has an all-important part to play... The greatest enemy
counts on the Jews to control Masonry, as he counts on Masonry to
destroy the Christian faith."
So, as you can see, the infiltration of Masonry by Judaists, is not
something which has happened just recently. The professed aims of the
UNIVERSAL ISRAELITE ALLIANCE, founded in 1860, with its headquarters
in Paris, runs parallel to the professed aims of Freemasonry and its
founder, the Jew Adolf Cremeieux. For years he was the Grand Master of
the Supreme Council of the Ancient Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. (For
a list of the governing committees of this Jewish Alliance, see THE
JEWISH WHO's WHO, published in New York City)

In France, the Jews were refranchised in 1790, under the influence of
the Jacobins, who were the most AGGRESSIVE AND MILITANT OF THE
ANTI-CHRIST FORCES which plagued France at this time. Since then, with
the possible exception of the early Napoleonic era, Masonic Jews and
Masonic societies have dominated the public and political life of
France. Today, Christian Countries such as Canada,


Page 150
Germany, England, the United States, Australia, Sweden, Norway, etc.,
have fallen under an almost complete Judeo-Masonic yoke.

While most Masons will aggressively deny this, the anti-Christian
character of Freemasonry is kept in the dark, and the inner circles of
the Lodge are defended with fanaticism.

To give you an example, the following is part of a speech, delivered
Sept. 20, 1902, by Senator Gelpech, President of the French Grand

"The triumph of the Galilean (Christ) has lasted for many centuries,
but now he dies in turn. The mysterious voice announcing the death of
the impostor god (Jesus), who promised an era of justice and peace to
them who believed him. The illusion has lasted for a long time. The
mendacious (false) god is now disappearing in his turn. Brother
Masons, we rejoice to state that we are not without our share in the
overthrow of this false prophet. The Roman Church, founded on this
Galilean myth, began to decay rapidly in the day in which the Masonic
Association was established." (UNQ).
There are many other such anti-Christ statements which have come from
the lips of the leader's of Freemasonry. (See Albert Pike's MORALS AND
DOGMA). On pg. 582 of this 861 page book (plus a 218 page annex), Pike

"Man was created pure; and God gave him truth, as he gave him light.
He has lost the truth and found error... The soul that is impure and
sinful, and defiled with earthly stains, cannot again unite with God,
until, by long trials and many purifications, it is finally delivered
from the old calamity and Light overcomes Darkness and dethrones it,
in the soul."
This is Oriental Mysticism, chapter and verse. But what does the Bible
say about this? In Romans 6:23, we read; "For the wages of sin
(disobedience of God's law, 1 John 3:4) is death; but the gift of God
is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." And in Ephesians 2:8

- "For by grace (the unmerited favor of God) are ye saved through
faith; and that not of itself; it is a gift of God, not of works, lest
any man should boast." Men and women do

Page 151
not obtain personal salvation through "long trials and many
purifications," as Pike avers.

On pg. 625, Pike again states:
"The Kabalistic doctrine has long been the religion of the Sage and
Savant (eminent scholar); because like Freemasonry, it incessantly
tends towards spiritual perfection, and the fusing of the creeds
(religions) and nationalities of mankind." (Here he is referring to
"miscegenation," the sexual union between different races, which is
forbidden by God's command).
Page 643:
"A man who has a higher concept of God than those about him, is very
likely to be called an atheist by men who are really far less
believers in god than he. These Christians, who say heathen idols are
not gods, were accounted atheists by the people, who accordingly put
them to death. Jesus Christ was crucified as an unbelieving
blasphemer, by the Jews.

"There is a formal atheism, which is a denial of God in terms, but not
in reality ... this absolute denial of God is only formal and not

On pg. 718 Pike states:
"No dispensations of God's providence, no suffering or bereavement, is
a messenger of wrath: none of its circumstances are indications of
God's anger." (UNQ).

I wonder which Bible Pike read, for in Psalm 7:11, it is clearly
written -"God judgeth the righteous and God is ANGRY with the wicked
every day.', (Emphasis mine).

Psalm 76:7 - "Thou, even Thou (God) art to be FEARED: and who can
stand in Thy sight when Thou art ANGRY?"

Isaiah 1:4 - "...they (Israel) have forsaken the LORD, they have
provoked the Holy One of Israel into ANGER..."

Deut. 13:17 - "...that the LORD may turn from the FIERCENESS OF HIS
ANGER and shew mercy, and have compassion upon thee..."


Page 152
Dent 29:24 - "...wherefore hath the LORD done this unto this land?
(destroyed it) what meaneth the HEAT OF THIS GREAT ANGER?"

1 Kings 16:2 - (Spoken to King Jehu of Israel): "...Thou hast made my
people Israel to sin, to provoke me to ANGER with their sins."

Isaiah 12:1 -"...Lord, I will praise Thee: Thou wast ANGRY with me,
Thine ANGER is turned away and Thou comfortest me."

Jeremiah 36:7 - "...For great is the ANGER AND FURY that the LORD hath
pronounced against this people."

In Deuteronomy 28:1-14, we read where God will bless Israel (not the
Jews), if they will obey Him, but in verses 15-68, He lists the curses
which will deliberately disobey.

In the New Testament we read, "For the wrath of God is revealed from
heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold
the truth in unrighteousness" (yes, even Masons!) (Romans 1:18).

Ephesians 5:6 - "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because
of these things cometh the WRATH of God upon the children of
disobedience. "

1 Thessalonians 2:16 - "...For the WRATH of God is come upon them to
the uttermost."

Revelation 6:17 - "For the great day of His (God's) wrath is come."

Revelation 14:10 - "The same shall drink of the WRATH of God upon the

Revelation 16:1 - "...pour out the vials of the WRATH of God upon the

Revelation 19:15 - "...He (Jesus Christ) treadeth the winepress of the

The Hidden Power
Behind Freemasonry
Part 7 of 8

Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr,

Page 153

These are only a few of the many Scriptures relating to God's ANGER
and His WRATH against evil doers in the New Testament. Who are you
going to believe? The "guru" of Freemasonry who says that "God is
incapable of anger," or the Word which says He is not only capable of
it, but will exercise it against those who refuse to bow the knee to

The immediate aim of the practical policy of Freemasonry is to make
its "naturalistic principles" effective in the lives of men
everywhere; and first of all, to enforce them in public life.

The Political and Social Program of Freemasonry, includes:

1.- The removal of Christianity from all departments of government and
from all public institutions. (The policy of removing Christian
symbols, such as Christmas creches, Easter signs of Christian
significance, are carried out mainly through the Jewish Masons in the
AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION). To remove all religious emblems from
legislative assemblies, courts of justice, public hospitals, schools,
universities, and colleges, etc., even though this nation has been
declared by the Supreme Court, to be a Christian nation.
2.- The secularization of marriage and making an easiness of divorce.
These are also principles of Communism.

3.- The establishment of a State system of education which will avoid
all Christian influence and will be based on the religion of "secular

4.- Complete freedom for worship for everyone, including Satanists,

5.- Unrestrained liberty of the press, even to promoting
anti-Christian doctrines and principles subversive to Christian and
American standards. Similar freedom is to be granted on stage,
television and movies. To promote public


Page 154
activities such as betting, gambling, consumption of alcohol, use of
drugs, etc.
This Masonic program favors a "democratic" form of government, with
indiscriminate universal suffrage and the centralization of
bureaucratic power. (In other words, what we are speaking of is a
"socialist dictatorship," with them in control.) It opposes Christian
patriotism, the idea of a strong Christian family, and finally seeks
to organize society into classes which are bound together with common
interests. It's overall policy is towards commercialism, a false
internationalism, a lack of individualism, and Socialist slavery in
the end.

One of the worst features of the present day Lodge is the tyranny of
the moneyed interests which control its top echelons. These men,
working hand-in-glove with the International Jewish Bankers, dominate
high finance and exercise control over the credit of the nation in
every phase of our national life. The number of these elite, who
control the nation from behind the secrecy of the Lodge, is small
indeed, but extremely powerful due to the "power of the purse." For it
has long been known that he who controls the economics of a country,
controls its politics. That is what Amsel Rothschild, many years ago,
was able to say with truth: "Give me control of the economics of a
country; and I care not who makes her laws."

Because of this evil trend, we have not had an American government in
Washington in over fifty years, no matter whether Republicans or
Democrats have been in power. The real power behind the throne has
been the Internationalists, who adhere to the principles of Judaism
and Freemasonry. (For further information on this, send for my book

This is one reason we see little change in foreign or domestic policy,
when there is a change of Administration. They speak completely
different, but are controlled from


Page 155
the same source. This is one reason they fight so fiercely against the
rise of a Third Party, which might "throw a monkey wrench" into their
process of control.

At the present time, the foreign policy of America is under. the
control of Jewish and Masonic interests, personified in the little
German Jew, Henry Kissinger, who during World War II as a Master
Sergeant in the American Army in Germany, was a "double-agent" for the
Communists, and who still embraces their aims. This is the same cartel
which control how Americans dress; what they read; what they see and
hear on radio, TV, and in the movies. It determines what businesses
will succeed and which will go bankrupt. Through their control of a
nation's economics they have the power to destroy anyone who stands in
their way of the One-World Zionist-Communist-Masonic government, which
has been their ultimate goal from the very beginning.

The members of this financial ring, for over fifty years, have been
identified in large part with Jewish-Masonic leadership.

When the great Christian Industrialist Henry Ford, Sr., kicked over
the traces in the early 1920's and began to expose the Jewish-Masonic
conspiracy, they set out by any means at hand, no matter how dirty or
underhanded, to destroy him. After several attempts at assassination
failed, they finally put so much pressure on him and his family, that
he apologized to the Zionist faction he had fought so valiantly for so
many years. Today, through the influences of the Ford Foundation,
which went into the enemy camp on the death of the "grand old man," we
find them building automobiles for the enemy, in a Ford plant in

The spread of "rationalism," "Humanism," and now the "New Age
Movement," all of them virulently anti-Christian, have been successful
mainly because of Jewish and Masonic efforts and cooperation.

Page 156

It would take a full sized book to discuss in full, the Jewish and
Masonic control over the media of the nations of Christendom. Whenever
this control is brought to the attention of the American people,
especially Christians, great cries of anguish go up from the enemy
camp, and especially loud and plaintive is the cry of "anti-Semitism."
While they love to control what the American people hear and see, they
do not like to have this control discussed by the "bourgeoisie," and
they are especially violent against anyone who exposes this control.

Today, in 1990, the great capitalistic presses of the United States,
England, Canada, Germany, and France -presses which are referred to as
"the Free Press," are almost 100% under the control of the great
Jewish-Masonic financiers.

Let's look at some facts which cannot be disputed. In 1982, at least
909 major daily newspapers in the United States, with a daily
readership of some 49-million, were Jewish owned and/or controlled.
The majority of Jews who controlled these newspapers were high ranking
Masons. These included the following:

WALL STREET JOURNAL - 1,406,192 - Warren Henry Philip, (Jew)
LOS ANGELES TIMES - 1,000,866 - Simon Ramo (Jew) Director.

NEW YORK TIMES - 906,498 - Arthur Ochs Sulzburger, (Jew) President.

CHICAGO TRIBUNE - 750,707 - Edward Engle, (Jew) V.P.

DETROIT NEWS - 626,801 - B. Gingold (Jew) V.P.

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES - 554,334 - Howard Seitz, (Jew) Dir.


Page 157
DETROIT FREE PRESS - 623,846 - John Livingston Weinberg (Jew) ,Dir.
WASHINGTON POST - 534,400 - Katherine Myer Graham (Jew), Board

In addition, the vast majority of daily newspapers with distribution
between 250,000 and 500,000, are Jewish owned and/or controlled. These

Over 47 major weekly magazines, with an estimated readership over
78-million, are Jewish owned and/or controlled. These include:

TV GUIDE - 19,168,096 - Walter Annenberg (Jew), President.

McCALL'S MAGAZINE - 6,801,287 - Robert Stein (Jew), Editor.

GOOD HOUSEKEEPING - 5,250,597 - Harrison Aaron Mitnich (Jew),

TIME MAGAZINE - 4,425,270 - Arthur Heiskell (Jew), Chairman of the

SPORTS ILLUSTRATED - 2,267,547 - Katherine M. Graham (Jew), Board

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REP. 2,036,140 - Lester Tanzer (Jew), Ed.

All of the major TV networks are controlled by this Jewish-Masonic

ABC Network - Leonard Goldenson (Jew), Chairman.

CBS Network - William Paley (Jew), Chairman.

NBC Network - Robert Sarnoff (Jew), Chairman.

Metro-Media Network - Herbert Klein (Jew), V.P. & Director.

Do you wonder now, why there is so much pro-Zionist slant in our news.
(For more details, send for my booklet, SATAN'S KIDS,).


Page 158
Even many privately owned newspapers, which are not Jewish owned, have
a great deal of control exerted over them because Jews and Masons
control the nations advertising, which is necessary for a newspaper or
magazine to be successful.

The great world news agencies such as United Press and Associated
Press are Jewish controlled, as are Reuter and Wolff in England and

This is one of the major reasons that the Christian Patriotic Movement
in Canada and the United States will never receive fair coverage. It
is the nature of the Jewish-Masonic beast to "lie."

In his book L'ANTISEMITISAE, Jewish apologist Bernard Lazare says:

"The Jew is not content to dechristianize, he Judaizes; he destroys
Christian beliefs; he provokes religious indifference, but he also
imposes on those whose faith he destroys, his own concept of the
world, of morality, and of human life; he labors at the age-old task -
the destruction of the religion of Christ."
This was not meant as an expose, but was a boast regarding Jewish

The whole Socialist World Movement, from its beginning, was a
Jewish-Masonic operation. It has only been within the last hundred
years, that the objective of a world controlled state, controlled by
Jewish-Masonic power using gold and international money power as its
principle instrument of control, has come to the forefront,

In spite of its claims to the contrary, International Freemasonry has
proven itself to be essentially materialistic, naturalistic and
selfish. The aims of Freemasonry must always be placed first in the
life of a member, before that of God, country, or family.

As far back as 1917, the objective of World Masonry has been openly
declared by its leaders. At a conference

Page 159
of Masonic leaders from the Allied Powers (France, England, Italy,
etc.), held in Paris, January 14, 15, 1917, it was decided to convene
a Congress of Freemasons in June 1918. This would include Masonic
leaders from all the Allied and Neutral Powers. This Congress was for
the primary purpose of making the following declaration:

"To prepare the way for the United States of Europe; to set up a
supra-national (above all nations) authority, whose purpose would be
to settle disputes between nations. Freemasons were to be the
propaganda agents of this venture, which it was said would bring
universal peace and happiness to mankind, viz., this was to be THE
In the Protestant churches of the early 20th Century the nature of
Freemasonry was clearly understood and openly condemned. At a
conference of English Methodist ministers, held at Bradford, England,
June 22, 1927, the following resolution was passed: "Freemasonry in
its ritual and official language is of a theistic nature... The
distinctive faith of Christianity and the Christian message of
salvation through faith in Jesus Christ is wholly incompatible with
the claims put forth by Freemasonry in writing and speech."

This Methodist Conference recommended that Methodist ministers have
nothing to do with Freemasonry. During recent months, the Protestant
clergy of England, have condemned Freemasonry as being anti-Christian.



1. Taken from L'Alpine., May 31, 1917. This was the official organ of
the Masonic Lodge in Switzerland.


Page 160

The foundation of Masonic morality or ethics, is not founded on the
religion of Jesus Christ, the 'faith once delivered unto the saints,"
(Jude 3). It is founded on the false, man-made religion of
Freemasonry, which is "Secular Humanism.

Masonic ethics define the duty of a Mason to his "fellow Masons," not
to mankind as a whole. In this they follow the example of the Jews,
whose code of ethics concerns only the Jews, not the "goyim animals"
they rub shoulders with.

In Freemasonry, the ultimate standard of what is right and wrong, is
wrapped up in what is good for Masonry, not in what the Bible says
about it. They do not follow the Law of God, as given to Israel on Mt.
Sinai, universally known as the TEN COMMANDMENTS. They follow what
Masons call "the law of nature and nature's god." This, they teach, is
the operation of the Divine nature in man, as discerned by human
reason and experience. The Mason is not taught the Scriptural truth,
that the "heart Jewan is desperately wicked and deceitful above all
things" (Jer. 17:12); instead they are taught that through the "innate
goodness" of man, he can become like God. The moral aspects of the
"jaw of nature," cannot be found in Scripture, but in the "lectures,
obligatory oaths, and geometrical figures and terms of Freemasonry."

These moral obligations are veiled to the lower ranks of the Lodge,
under symbolism known only to the higher initiates.

The Ten Commandments, as explained by Jesus Christ, are rejected and
repudiated by Freemasonry, though their retention of what they call
"moral law." The law given to


Page 161
Israel on Mt. Sinai, is considered to be "too narrow" for the higher
intelligentsia of the Lodge to accept. So they substitute the GREAT
ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, for GOD ALMIGHTY, while they substitute
their "natural law," for the "immutable (unchangeable) law of God,"

In MACKEY'S JURISPRUDENCE, p.205, Mackey states:

"The Ten Commandments are not obligatory upon a Mason as a Mason,
because the institution is tolerant and cosmopolite (a citizen of the
world), and cannot require its members to give their adhesion to any
religious dogmas or precepts, excepting those which express belief in
God and the immortality of the soul."
Masonic law, had its roots in "Deism." It was "deism" which
transformed the Masonic guilds in Europe from an operative into a
speculative fraternity. The Masonic Lodges, under the influence of the
Jewish Humanist-Intelligentsia Movement, adopted "natural law" as its
moral law. It is a law which appeals to the carnal nature of man,
because there is no Superior Being to whom one is responsible. In
reality, in Freemasonry, as in Judaism, man becomes his own god.

Findel, a high ranking Mason said:

"The decisive agent in accomplishing the transformation of Masonry was
that intellectual movement under the name of 'deism,' which boldly
rejected all revelation and religious dogma, under the banner of
'Reason,' and 'Higher Criticism!'"1
Early Masonic leaders such Lord Herbert Hobbes, Lord Bolingbroke, Dr.
Tindal, David Hume and others, taught that the indulgence of lust and
anger, self-love, ambition, lust for power, could all be gratified. In
other words, it was to become man's chief duty to gratify all. his
appetites and inclinations. The end result can be seen in the moral
debacle which has overtaken the world and i thee plaintive



1. Frost, Secret Societies of the European Revolution, Vol. 1, p.25


Page 162
cry of American youth: "We are only trying to do our own thing!"

Of course, it does not take a brilliant mind to see that this teaching
is diametrically opposed to Scripture, which teaches us to "Flee
fornication ... he that committeth fornication, sinneth against his
own body" (1 Cor. 6:18). And: "Let us not sin (break God's law, see 1
John 3:4) therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey the
lusts thereof" (Gal. 6:12). Also: "Flee also youthful lusts (greed for
material and fleshly things): but follow righteousness, faith, love,
peace, with them that call on the Lord from a pure heart" (2 Tim.

Masonry does not believe in, or teach this Scriptural restraint of
natural desires. Their motto is: "If it makes you feel good; do it!"

Both the Jewish atheist Voltaire and Helvetius who were early French
Deists and Freemasons, advocated unlimited gratification of carnal
appetites. Rosseau made men's feelings the basic for Masonic

Freemasonry can never be brought into accord with the teachings of
Jesus Christ, for He said without equivocation:

"Whoso putteth away (divorces) his wife, and marries another,
committeth adultery," (Luke 16:18). That's a harsh, uncompromising
statement which few Masons will accept.

It was Christ who also said: "...whosoever looketh on a woman to lust
after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart, "
(Matt. 5:28). This statement was made famous by then President Jimmy
Carter, a Mason, when he admitted freely, and with the idea that it
was a joke, "that he had lusted after many women in his heart." The
media seemed to think this was "funny."



2. See Home's Introduction to the Scriptures, Vol. 1, p.31.


Page 163
The ritual of Freemasonry was based on incestuous acts, the deceptions
and frauds of Zeus, which he practiced on his mother Demeter, and upon
his daughter. These acts are re-enacted before the initiate to impress
him with the moral teachings of the "mysteries."

The "natural law," once practiced by mankind, before the codified law
was given at Mt. Sinai, had become obscured by men's sins; it was no
longer a clear guide to human behavior. The idea of "Let your
conscience be your guide," has never proved workable, because natural
man is sinful. The Bible says that even the very imagination of his
heart are "only evil continually. "(Gen. 6:5).

To the savage in the heartlands of Africa, who has never heard of
God's law concerning murder, he still knows instinctively that murder
is wrong. But his conscience allows him to go against this natural law
and not only kill his enemy, but relish eating him.

Masonic teachings negate the Christian viewpoint concerning family
ties and Christian standards of marriage. Masonry teaches that a woman
who yields to the impulses of her nature, is absolved from all shame
and that a Freemason should renounce the "narrow minded standards" set
up for the Christian by the Scripture.

You get a much better understanding of Freemasonry, when you look at
the oaths and covenants which make a man a Mason. They are the central
ceremony of his initiation into the "brotherhood." They are his formal
declaration of loyalty to the Masonic religion. When the initiate
kneels at the Masonic alter, and places one hand under the Bible and
the other on the "compass and square" which rests on the book, he
evokes the deity to help him in his purpose. Only, unfortunately, this
deity is not the God of Christianity.

Throughout the entire ceremony there is an outward semblance of great
loyalty towards the Bible and God. But


Page 164
the question we must ask is this? What is the meaning of all this
pageantry? An honest look at the rituals of Freemasonry will show you
that this ceremony is symbolic and allegorical (the description of one
thing, under another name), and does not mean what it so solemnly

The Bible, the Square and Compass, the Alter, are all Masonic symbols
which stand for other things. They are substitutes, if you will, for
the real objects venerated by Freemasonry. They have a secret, hidden
meaning which very probably the initiate does not understand, since
its meaning is known only to those of higher rank. The real Masonic
moral ideas are concealed in the allegorical acts of the candidate.

A study of Freemasonry will show that the Masonic candidate is not
bound by his solemn oath, but by the meaning of the symbolism behind
them. It is not reverence for the Bible, that he shows, as he takes
his oath with one hand under the Book, but reverence to what the Bible
symbolizes to the Mason and what the Bible on the Masonic altar really
means to him. He does not swear on the "square and compass," but on
what they symbolically stand for. It is not the name of the Lord God
Jehovah, which he invokes, but what the term 'God' means to the Mason.

When a Mason uses the term "In the name of God," it means by the
authority of the god of Freemasonry, the GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE
UNIVERSE, who is not the Christian God by any stretch of the
imagination. The candidate is bound to faithfulness by the horrible
oaths he takes, which show his condemnation if he is unfaithful. These
are not the moral ethics one expects to find in Christianity. They
contradict the Scripture found in Romans 8:1, which tell the
Christian: "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are
in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."

Page 165

The moral law makes it the duty of every person to speak the truth. We
are told in Proverbs 13:5 - "a righteous man hateth lying." In
Proverbs 12:22 - "Lying lips are an abomination unto the Lord." (Some
thing that makes Him want to "throw up.") The moral law forbids lying,
deceit and "dissembling" (disguising things), concealing them under
false pretenses whether by words or actions. No class of men are
exempt from this obligation.

But in Masonry, as in Judaism, their followers do not follow the same
law as that laid down for Christians. As a result, a Mason is allowed
to lie, if it will help a fellow

Mason; just as a Jew is allowed to lie in order to cheat a hated
"goyim." The very fact that Freemasonry is so secret, fosters the
desire to deceive others. The whole international organization is
based on a lie, teaches it, and encourages its disciples to lie also.
The entire system of Masonic rites, lectures and symbolism is for the
purpose of deceiving others as to their true meaning.

The candidate solemnly swears that he will "forever conceal and never
reveal the (false) secrets of "Masonry." He swears never to reveal the
secrets of a brother Mason which are entrusted to him, even though by
this act, he may become implicated in a crime. In the case of murder
or treason, he may act at his discretion, but in the higher degrees,
even murder and treason are not revealed.

Logically, this means, that in order to be a Mason, and keep your
promise to Masonry, you must be willing to lie, deceive and dissemble
if it is for the good of Masonry.

Sickle says: "Temperance is enjoined, not for its own sake, but for
the reason that when a Mason is intoxicated, he might reveal
unwittingly, the secrets of Masonry."

Page 166
The Masonic fraternity teaches and encourages its members to perjure
themselves as to their civil oaths, if this becomes necessary for the
honor and protection of the Lodge.

The oath of a Mason takes precedence over everything else in his life.
It teaches him that violations of this oath as a witness or as a
citizen, is not perjury, as long as it is for the good of the Lodge.
So just as a Jew may lie, to convict a Gentile, so a Mason may lie
'with impunity, to protect another Mason or his Lodge. The moral
standards of Judaism and Freemasonry are so similar, because they come
from the same un-Godly source.

One of the best examples I can think of' to show how Jews will lie to
convict Christians, can be seen in the recent Canadian trial of Ernst
Zundel, a Canadian of German descent, who has been on trial in
Canadian courts, under their infamous "hate law." They have accused
Zundel of deliberately lying, when he wrote a booklet questioning
whether 6-million Jews really died in Germany during World War II.

Many Jewish witnesses brought by the prosecution, who were supposed to
be victims of German concentration camps, so obviously lied, that
their stories could only be called absurd. For instance, a Polish Jew,
who was an atheist, testified for the defense of Mr. Zundel. He told
the court that if the Jewish witnesses who were testifying against
Zundel, were required to take the oath before a Jewish Rabbi, rather
than a "Gentile" judge, every one would be required to change their
story. But because their oath had been taken before a non-Jew judge,
they were free to lie. This is the plain teaching of the TALMUD. In
Volume BABA KAMA (1 13a) we read: 'Jews must always try and deceive
Christians." In Volume ZOHAR (I,106a) it says: 'A Jew may lie and
perjure himself to condemn a Christian." Again in Volume BABA KAMA (I
13a) it says: "a Jew may lie in court to condemn a Christian."


Page 167
This is the same type of deception practiced by Freemasonry. If a
Mason is required to testify in court, and his testimony conflicts
with his duty as a Mason, his MASONIC DUTY MUST ALWAYS COME FIRST!
When we see the truth of this, then we need to ask a very important
quest- ion: "How can we trust any Jewish or Freemasonic judge or
lawyer, to tell the truth, even when they are under oath?"

The statements of Freemasonry pertaining to the "lambskin apron;" the
"middle chamber of King Solomon's Temple; of "Hiram Abiff;" of the
"pillars" and a host of other things, are all falsehoods, palmed off
on the unsuspecting initiate. Freemasonry, just as Judaism, is based
on a foundation of lies."

Freemasonry binds its members to be true to each other, even while it
lies to them in its innermost secrets. The exotic language it employs
is for the purpose of deception, but the candidate does not know this,
and so is deceived.

Masons say that to expose the secrets of Masonry, is perjury, while at
the same time say that these exposures are not Masonic secrets. It is
similar to the Zionists, who rage and scream against the PROTOCOLS OF
THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, while they follow them like a "blueprint."

Something seems to be lacking, when an organization constantly
contradicts itself. If from the Masonic viewpoint, those who secede
from and expose the Masonic ritual are perjurers, then what they
publish about Masonry must of necessity be fact.

Much of what you have read in this book, comes from men who have held
high positions in Freemasonry. They have no bone to pick with their
fellow Masons, other than the deception which is being perpetrated on
millions of men, by their leaders. My heart goes out to the millions
of men in the Blue Lodge, who have been completely

Page 168
"hoodwinked" by the hierarchy of Freemasonry, so that "they believe
Masonic lies."

Hectethorn, in his (Vol. 2:17) says: "Since the objects that modern
Masonry professes to pursue, are brotherly love, relief and truth,
surely the pursuits of these objects cannot need secret rites,
traditions and ceremonies." In (Vol. 2:18), he goes on to say: "The
true regeneration of mankind needs neither secret signs nor passwords
to recognize each other. True liberty consists in publicity." In (Vol.
2:109), he states: "Masons have been very indignant with me for making
these statements, but honest members of the craft know, and
occasionally admit, that I am right." In (Vol. 2:106): "The more I
study Freemasonry, the more I am repelled by its pretenses. Are not
all its pretenses groundless? Is not its present existence a delusion
and the imposition of childish oaths a farce?"

This is what can be termed the "morality of language." To use names
and words which do not not convey their true meaning, is dishonest in
itself. It is the same underhanded essence we see used by the KGB, the
CIA, and the Israeli MOSSAD in international intrigue.

It is because of this trickery, that Freemasons and Jews have been
able to insinuate themselves into, and practically control, the
Lawyers Guild of this country. They control the laws of America,
through their control in Congress, on the President's Cabinet, as
members of the Supreme Court. In other words, what I am trying to tell
you, is that Canada and the United States are controlled by Jews and
Freemasons, both working for the same purpose, to cause us to give up
our sovereignty, and merge our countries into a One-World system,
controlled by Jews and Freemasons. These men, have an absolute hatred
for those in America and Canada who can honestly be termed as
"Christian Patriots,', and are doing everything in their power to
destroy them.


Page 169
I can give one example with which I am familiar. A few years ago, a
man I knew rather well, shot and killed a State trooper, after he had
received merciless harassment at the hands of the police, not because
of criminal activities, but because he was speaking up against
government injustices and had to be silenced. When the local sheriff
investigated the incident, he contacted the man's wife and said: "Mrs.
____ before I begin this investigation, there is something which is
absolutely essential that I know. Was your husband a Mason?" Why do
you suppose he would ask a question such as this, unless if this man
had been a Mason, he might have been spared much of the grief that the
law brought on him and his family. This is not an isolated incident by
any means!

Masons are urged by their superiors, to perjurer themselves in court
in order to protect their fellow Masons. It is all part of the oath
they take, when they join.

Many Masons, and most non-Masons, do not realize that Masonry uses a
special language to convey Masonic values. It often calls things by
their opposites. It substitutes Masonic legends for facts, and palms
them off as being true historical events. It expresses its pagan
ideals and legendary lore in Scriptural terminology in order to fool
the unsuspecting public as well as its own members.

It calls heathen deities by the Biblical name of God, and heathen
rites by their Christian phrases. It couches its Masonic doctrine in
the terms of Christian theology. This deception in itself' should turn
honest men against it.

Its entire system is based on pretense, delusion and fraud. It hides
its pagan moral and religious ideas under the veil of artful speech,
emblems and types. It inculcates in its members moral and religious
ideals which are completely contrary to the Christian viewpoint and
which are actually viciously immoral. It enjoins practices, which


Page 170
from a Scriptural standpoint are damnable. It makes the crime, the
vice, and the sin inherent in Freemasonry, not in the act of being

What can be more immoral than the pretense that membership in this
international order, gives one the license to live his life as a lie?
From the viewpoint of Biblical Christian ethics, Freemasonry must be
looked on as a stupendous organized falsehood.

Over against the undisputed facts of its falsehood, the Lodge solemnly
professes to be guided solely by truth, even as it admits that it lies
to its disciples.

When a charge of deception is brought against the Lodge, its defenders
often reply: "Our statements cannot be understood by the profane
(those outside the Lodge); there is a secret meaning conveyed by our
expressions that only the craftsmen can discern." So it attempts to
evade the charges of falsehood, by hiding under an esoteric smoke

One of the greatest prophets of Freemasonry, a man named Pythagoras,
instituted an esoteric system of outright deceit and taught his
disciples that "it was not only lawful, but praiseworthy to deceive,
and use the expedient lie to further the cause of truth and piety." 1

The sacred books of Buddha, a religion which is welcomed in
Freemasonry, defines falsehood as: "A statement consists of a lie when
discovered by the person to whom it is told as being untrue." In other
words, it is not a falsehood, as long as this fact is not discovered.

So statements made by the hierarchy of Masonry are to be considered
true, until someone discovers they are lies. This idea keeps the lower
degree Mason from prying into the esoteric secrets off the higher



1. See Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 1, p. 198


Page 171
Most decent people see the need of honesty in dealing with others. In
the Christian life, it is an absolute necessity and an important part
of his religion. But to the Jew and the Mason, it becomes a means of
deceiving and cheating those who disagree with them. In the Jew, this
pertains mainly to the "goyim, non-Jew animal he calls a Gentile."

The well-known Jewish businessman and author, Samuel Roth, in his
startling book, JEWS MUST LIVE (Secrets of Sharp Jewish Business
Practices Revealed), Chap. VI, p.63, says:

"It is my honest belief that nothing the Jew does is subversive to
America's best interests. Like his creature JEHOVAH, a teacher he
never tires of imitating, the Jew is forever engaged in the
fascinating pursuit of creating everything he needs out of nothing. He
is actually a parasite who could not exist without a Gentile host on
which to feed."
The present Jewish State of the Israeli in Palestine is an excellent
example of this. According to Israeli leaders, their country would
collapse within six months, if it were not for the largesse of the
American people, especially its "brainwashed" Judeo-Christian

The Jew is taught from youth that it is ethical to "skin the goyim; to
cheat him and steal from him." After all, he is told, only Jews are
human and the world belongs to them.

Every year on the Day of Atonement (a day which is now being
celebrated in many Christian churches with the ringing of their church
bells), Jews around the world gather to recite the KOL NIDRE. In
English this means 'All Vows Prayer." It is recited three times in the
Jewish synagogue with the congregation standing, while the Rabbis
chant from the altar. Immediately following the recital of this Vow,
the religious ceremonies of the Day of Atonement begin. This is the
holiest "holy day" of the Jewish year and is celebrated by Jews,
worldwide. Even liberal and atheistic Jews, who rarely if ever attend
the synagogue services, make it a point to attend on this day. Why is

Page 172
KOL NIDRE OATH so important to Jews, worldwide? Look at the
translation and see. Here is the official English translation of the

"All vows, obligations, oaths, anathemas, whether called 'kona' or
'konas,' or by any other name which we may vow, or swear, or pledge,
or whereby we may be bound from this DAY OF ATONEMENT until the next,
whose happy coming we await, we do repent! May they be deemed
absolved, forgiven, annulled and void, and made of none effect. They
shall not bind us nor have any power over us. The vows shall not be
reckoned as vows; the obligations as obligations, nor the oaths as

By taking this oath, the Jew is absolved from any agreement he makes
under oath, even if it is taken in a court of law. He is not obliged
by his god, (who by the way, is not the God of Abraham, he claims to
serve) to keep his sworn word, especially to a "Gentile." None of his
vows are valid.

With this in mind, how can we expect a Jewish Congressman, who takes
this KOL NIDRE oath, to fulfill his sworn duty to protect the
Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and
domestic?" How can we expect a Jewish judge or lawyer to fulfill his
sworn duty, when we know his oath is no good? We cannot! Neither can
we expect honesty from a Mason, for they too are absolved from telling
the truth, if it is to the detriment of the Lodge.

Having shown the foundation of Freemasonry in Judaism, do you suppose
that some of the Jewish deceit used by Jews against "gentiles," may
have rubbed off on Masons? I think it is very possible. Notice this
oath, taken by the Master Mason (Rit. 149):

"I solemnly promise and swear that I will not cheat, wrong, or defraud
a Lodge of Masons, or a brother of this rank, knowing them to be such,
but will give them due and timely notice that they may ward off all
approaching danger."
This simply means that a Master Mason may not only cheat non-Masons
with impunity, but that he can also cheat Masons who are of a lower
rank than himself. All others


Page 173
are lawful prey to him. This is almost identical to the Jewish KOL
NIDRE and has the same effect.

When we look at the Ninth Commandment (see Exodus 20), which reads:
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor," and Number
Eight which says: "Thou shalt not steal!", it would appear that we are
to so fear and love God, that we would never defraud our fellowmen,
whether they are members of our Lodge or not. But a Master Mason, by
reason of his oath, may use any unfair, unscrupulous, fraudulent means
to gain advantage and wealth, so long as he does not hurt members of
his own, or higher ranks in Freemasonry. The sin is not in the
sinning, in Masonry, but in being caught and bringing disgrace to the


The Seventh Commandment clearly states: "Thou shalt not commit
adultery!" There is no equivocation here, there is no way we who love
God can by-pass this with impunity. It means that if we fear and love
God, we will remain chaste and pure in our thoughts, words and deeds,
each man honoring his own wife, and that of his fellowman. Being a
man, I know that it is not always easy to avoid impure thoughts, but
our Lord taught that "adultery lies in the heart of men, rather than
in the outward act itself." Men are prone to look on the outward act,
while God judges the heart. The Christian system strives to purify the
hearts and thoughts of both men and women. There is no way a man or
woman who loves God, can escape the finality of this Commandment. But
it is quite different in the Masonic

Page 174
system. Instead of aiming at purifying the thoughts of a man's heart,
Masonry aims to legalize the sin of lust and find accommodation for
the indulgence of the individual within the framework of the Lodge. No
wonder Freemasonry is so popular with so many men.

The essence of vice in the Masonic system is not in the indulgence
itself, but in failing to keep it concealed from the profane
(non-member). As long as the indulgence is concealed, to the Mason it
is a virtue. It is a vice only to the Christians, whom they claim are
too stupid to realize all the fun they are missing.

What makes things "vices" in the estimation of the Christian, is their
erroneous position on morals, according to Freemasonry. This makes the
ethics of Masonry irreconcilable with those of Christianity. This is
why a Christian, who professes to have turned his life over to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ, has no business being a Lodge member. (Now I
realize I will be stepping on a lot of toes by making this statement,
since there are many professing Christians in the Lodge. In fact many
of the clergy of the Southern Baptist Church are Masons. Once they see
the inner workings of the Lodge, they should know better. But whether
they like it or not, this does not change the truth).

Perhaps, it might be well for me to quote to these brethren, the words
of the Apostle Paul to the church at Galatia: 'Am I therefore become
your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" (Galatians 4:16).

To find the truth regarding Masonic ideas of chastity, we need to go
to the Masonic Covenant, since this in essence is what makes a Mason.
There is something in that Covenant which when taken, or entered into,
changes a man into a different "moral order," and marks him as guided
by a system of ethical principles and precepts which are not found in
the Christian system. The Mason becomes a "different order of man,"
bound by his covenant to Freemasonry and a different system of ethics.
He now has, in the eyes of the Lodge, certain rights and liberties,
which the Law of God does not give him.

The Hidden Power
Behind Freemasonry
Part 8 of 8

Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr,

Page 175

The Masonic devotee enters into a new and unique religious and moral
realm, by having renounced the God of revelation, to covenant and make
the "generative principle," under the name of THE GREAT ARCHITECT OF
THE UNIVERSE, his god, and the "law of nature," his ethical standard!

As we examine the Masonic teachings concerning chastity, we need to
look at the Master Mason's Oath relating to virtue (Rit. 149) - "I
solemnly promise and swear that I will not violate the chastity of a
Master Mason's wife, mother, sister or daughter, knowing her as such."

God's law says: "Thou shalt not commit adultery!" It speaks to all men
and women, married and single. It speaks to the Mason and it does not
say: "You may violate this law, as long as you do not violate it with
a Master Mason's females.

But this is a "narrow moral code" which the natural man does not like.
It was given by Almighty God for our protection. In Matthew 7:13, 14
we read where two roads are open to mankind, one is broad and easy and
leads to destruction. The majority opt to follow this road. The
Christian way is narrow and difficult to follow," because it means we
MUST control our illicit desires. Therefore few people want to follow
it, even though it leads to "Eternal Life."

The Masonic teaching follows the "broad road to destruction," because
men would have it so. The Masonic oath insists on chastity within the
rank of Master Mason, but it hedges and "beats around the bush," as
far as the major question goes. It even allows him to have illicit

Page 176
relations with the females of a fellow Master Mason, as long as he
does not know they belong to him.


1.- It forbids adultery with the chaste female members of another
Master Mason's family.
2.- Since even this prohibition is "too narrow" for Masonic
liberalism, a qualifying phrase is added: "knowing her to be such."
"Ignorance is bliss," according to the Masonic way of thinking and the
Seventh Commandment should really be interpreted to read: "Thou, a
Master Mason, shall not commit adultery with a female member of a
Master Mason's family, as long as you know she is chaste."

3.- Assuming the Master Mason respects his Covenant, is it because of
his respect for chastity or because the "holiness" of Masonry demands
it? To all these questions we must give a resounding "NO!" answer.

The Master Mason respects the chastity of a female relative of his
brother Master Mason, because his oath tells him he must. Here again
we see the Jewish influence in Freemasonry, for in Judaism, according
to the TALMUD, a Jewish man may violate a Gentile woman, because she
is looked on as a "piece of fresh meat." This same spiritual authority
(TALMUD) gives him the right to violate a baby girl under the age of
three and to sodomize a boy under the age of nine. You don't have to
go very far in Freemasonry, to see the evil influence of Judaism in
their morals. In Masonry, as in Judaism, fear, love and trust in God
has nothing to do with their moral standards.

If there is virtue in obedience to a man-made covenant, it is the same
virtue and honor known among thieves and cut throats, when they swear
to be true to their fellows, for fear of the punishment which may
befall them, if they break their contract.

Page 177
This is the same kind of "virtue" King Herod showed in Matthew
14:6-11, when for the sake of a stupid promise he made to a
prostitute, and for public appearance sake, he had John the Baptist

Christians believe in obeying God's Law because it proves their fear
of His majesty, and their love for His mercy and love. Christ said:
'if ye love me, keep my commandments." We show our love for Him, by
the way we obey Him (John 14:15). The Mason obeys the Masonic laws,
even when they conflict with those of God, because that is the nature
of the "Masonic beast." They view the Ten Commandments as another form
of "moral law," which is too narrow for them to keep.


With this kind of obtuse (dull and insensitive) thinking, we find
things permitted within the Lodge which are strictly forbidden in the
Christians life. Notice some of these practices and ask yourself
whether they are moral or not:

a. -Notice that the Oath of the Master Mason allows him to commit
adultery with any unchaste female related to a fellow Mason, or with
any other woman if he so desires.
b. - It permits him to conceal his adultery, if he does not know the
female concerned is related to a fellow Master Mason. There is no
evidence anywhere, that he is expected to try and find out if this
relationship exists.

c. - A Masonic Oath is not retroactive, so this feature stimulates
lower degrees to work into the higher degrees where they have more
protection while "doing their own thing."


Page 178
d. - Their Oath permits the Master Mason to commit adultery with any
female who does not belong to the restricted group.
e. - This Oath permits the Master Mason to be an adulterer as long as
he follows the restrictions laid down by his order, or as long as he
keeps his indiscretions secret.

f. - While this Masonic covenant seems to protect female virtue, it
actually undermines it. It makes the guilt for adultery committed, the
fault of the woman, rather than of her Masonic seducer. In all cases
where the Master Mason does not know she is related to another Master
Mason, or when she is not, the Master Mason is considered innocent,
even if his act is an act of rape against her will. To him, she is
"nothing but a piece of meat," to be used anyway the Mason desires.

What a travesty of decency and justice this is; what a contravention
of Christian morality. Yet it is considered the sacred right by many
men, who live under the protective screen of Freemasonry.

In all cases of immorality, not covered by his oath, the Mason is
absolved of guilt, since he is only following the dictates and
inclination of his "natural self," which is the deity he worships.
Matthew 6:24 tells us:

"NO man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and
love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon."

(MAMMON is "materialism," "love of the flesh," "Naturalism.") A man
cannot be a Mason and still serve and love the true God!


Page 179

1. - It assumes that females in general have a high opinion of Masonic
honor and dignity. I believe this to be true. This is one reason a
Mason may be more successful in his seduction of an unwary woman, than
other men.
2. - It assumes that somehow or other, the Master Mason is a
sanctified (saintly, inviolable being), somehow or other holy, and
that he hallows anything he touches. In plain terms, that a woman
should feel honored to be seduced by a Master Mason.

3. - It assumes that womanly chastity is a joke and that women will
gladly sacrifice their virtue and honor for the privilege of being
with a Master Mason. (It's no wonder, that women who have studied
Masonry, feel it is an insult to womanhood, because it definitely is).

4. - It sets no restriction on the chastity and morality of the Master
Mason. He is free to debauch womanhood outside of the restrictions of
his Order and still consider himself to be a good, moral man. It is a
filthy "double standard" of living. Anyone who understands the least
bit about Christian standards, should be able to see the evil in such
a system.

Since the Ten Commandments do not apply to a Master Mason, he becomes
a "law unto himself," and this morality carries over into his business
and political dealings. (I would call your attention to the large
number of politicians, who have been Masons, whose shady deals have
walked the thin edge of treason, according to the Constitutional
definition, Article III, Sect. 3: "Treason shall consist only in
levying war against them (the United States); adhering to their
enemies; giving them aid and comfort." Any Fifth


Page 180
Grader should be able to understand the meaning of this. I dare you to
check out those Senators who voted to give away our canal in Panama
and see for yourself, how many were Masons I dare you to check and see
how many of those Congressmen who have voted to give Foreign Aid, to
countries which are our enemies, are Masons, Jews or both. If after
you have seen this and do not believe this is a reflection on their
Masonic training, then it is because you have deliberately closed your
eyes to the truth.

Could it be possible that this is one of the reasons that so many
politicians who claim to be Christian, are also Masons? They show very
little of the "Christian fruits" in their politics, which reeks of
Masonic intrigue. The old Duck Theory applies here I believe: "When
you see something that looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, has
feathers like a duck, and runs around with other ducks, chances are
you are looking at a duck." So when you see a political figure, who
claims to be a Christian, yet he runs around with an un-Christian
crowd and votes for anti-Christ measures, you can almost bet that he
is a member of a Masonic Lodge, and very possibly a very high ranking

When a man takes the oath of Freemasonry, he is required to step out
of obedience to Almighty God and give his loyalty to the Lodge. He
then places himself under a completely di Areent moral government,
bound by a different set of moral ethics. These are diametrically
opposed to Christianity.

Masonic writers boast: "It is the covenant that makes a Mason; and
once a Mason, always a Mason. Once you have taken the Masonic oath,
you cannot repudiate it."

These remarks make it crystal clear that the Mason becomes a
"different order of man," governed by a different code, which sets him
at variance with the laws of

Page 181
God Almighty. Things which are "unlawful" to the "profane" (those
outside the Lodge), become lawful to the Lodge member, providing he
does his sinning in such a way that it does not bring disgrace to the
Lodge or his fellow Masons.

Masonry legalizes "lustful sinning" in every sphere, save the one
where he is limited in his wanton acts from violating a female member
of a Master Mason's family. (Even then, he has an excuse, if he does
not know they belong to a fellow Master Mason). This gives a man a lot
of leeway in which to fulfill his illicit desires.

If Masonry never changes, as its leaders proudly aver, then men can
never become better by joining it. If it allows its members to sin, by
putting a Masonic label of approval on sin, whether it is committed by
a Master Mason, one of the 33o, or a member of the Blue Lodge, it is
still evil in the sight of God and will earn the death penalty. "The
wages of sin is death," (Romans 6:23). Sin, no matter whether it is
committed by the "mighty" or the "lowly," produces the bitter fruit of
Sodom and Gomorrah, for anything which encourages dishonesty,
deception and unchastity is wrong in the eyes of God. We have His Holy
Word to confirm this!

Yet, unfortunately, in spite of the anti-Christ character of this
immoral system, we find thousands of good men who belong to it and
defend it. Many of these claim to be Christian. Can this be a measure
of their apostasy? 1

Timothy 4 says:

1 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some
shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and
doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a
hot iron
7 But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself
rather unto Godliness."


Page 182
Because of these apostates, many of them Christian ministers who
support Freemasonry, we find ourselves in the "perilous times"
predicted in 2 Timothy 3:1 - 5

1 "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men will be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers,
incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, beady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of
5 Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such
turn away."
This is a pretty good "word description" of the Masonic Lodge, and
certainly of any Christian pastors who belongs to it. It is no wonder
our churches have lost their power, with these "wolves in sheep's
clothing" standing behind the pulpits of our churches. Can a true,
"born from above" Christian have fellowship with such a strange and
immoral institution? I think not! It doesn't make much sense!

In 1 John 2:23, we are given a very clear definition of an
anti-Christ. It is anyone who denies the Divinity of Jesus Christ; who
denies Him as Savior. This fits any man, whether he is Jew, a Mason, a
Heathen, a Baptist, or whatever. In 2 John 10, 11, we are told how
Christians should act towards these anti-Christs:

"If any come unto you and bring not this gospel (that Jesus is the Son
of God, the Savior of the world), receive him not into your house,
neither bid him God Speed; For he that biddeth him God speed, becomes
partakers of his evil deeds."
According to Masonic tradition, the Mason is a builder, who is free to
go anywhere in pursuit of his avocation. To the Mason, this means he
is free from the moral and spiritual restraints organized society
imposes on its members; he is a "jaw unto himself," doing what makes
him feel good,

Page 83

The Bible teaches that marriage is a union between man and woman for
life, when it is sanctified in the eyes of God. The very essence of
Christian marriage is in the consent of both parties, who join
together before God and publicly acknowledge their troth
(faithfulness; loyalty) to each other. This act, according to the
Bible, makes them "one flesh." (See Gen. 2:23; Matt. 19:5,6; Mark
10:8; 1 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 5:31). This covenant between man and wife can
only be broken by the unfaithfulness of one or the other, or by death.
The marriage bond may only be broken through the "adultery" of one
party or the other, never for incompatibility.'' No man has the
authority to break this marriage bond; no judge, no preacher.

The marriage ceremony is a covenant, which imposes on both parties,
certain mutual duties and invests both with certain inalienable,
God-given rights. These rights must be jealously guarded by both
parties. By becoming "one flesh," they have become something special
in the eyes of God. The mutual duty of husband and wife is to remain
pure and chaste, honoring and loving each other. Neither may lawfully
(God's law) join in covenants with others, which will infringe on
these conjugal rights.

This Christian Covenant comes into immediate conflict with the Masonic
and Judaic Covenants, since both of these protect the man's right to
commit adultery. If either of these covenants are accepted in lieu of
Christianity, it will doom Christian marriage and the Christian
family. Of course, this is the purpose of both Masonry and Judaism.

The wife in a Christian marriage covenant has the inalienable right to
know the nature of any contract her husband

Page 184
may enter into with others, especially if this contract might weaken
or annul his duty to remain chaste and pure. There is a Divine law
involved here, which neither the man nor woman may evade with
impunity. Their agreement is a matter of written record and neither
has the moral nor spiritual right to overstep the bounds of this

The husband is bound to respect the law of God and follow it, just as
he should expect his wife to do. There can be no such thing as a
"double-standard" for either of them, as has been so common in both
Masonry and Judaism.

In the Masonic contract, the wife is not consulted on the matter of
the man's morals, neither by the Lodge, or by her husband. Even if she
agrees with him becoming a Mason, she knows nothing about the nature
of the covenant he has made with the Lodge and how it may effect her
marriage. To all intents and purposes, she has become a "chattel." The
Masonic Covenant supersedes any other covenant the Mason may make with
God or his fellowmen. He must subordinate everything, even his family,
to his Masonic belief.


When Freemasonry is traced back to its source, we discover three ideas
which are common to most oriental cults:

1. - The initiation process:
2 .- The Lodge secrets, and;
3. - The penal features dealing with punishment of recalcitrant Lodge
From the very beginning of our search for truth, we will discover that
the character of Freemasonry and Christianity are diametrically

Page 185
Where Christianity wins followers by propagating the truth, taught by
its founder, Jesus Christ, Masonry aims to preserve and propagate its
faith by keeping secret. It does not rely on the power of its
doctrines to do this, since it does not present its claims openly and
honestly, nor does it meet its opponents in an open and fair
discussion. Like Judaism, from which it sprang, it instead attacks its
opponents secretly, through institutions it controls, such as the
media. On the basis of its own confusion, it cannot stand the light of
truth and exposure. The Christian, on the other hand, is told to "Let
your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know
how ye ought to answer every man', (Col. 4:6).

To protect its secrecy, Masonry found it necessary to install a
catalog of oaths and terrible covenants, which were set up for the
purpose of destroying those who sought to expose their nefarious
activities and terrify its own members into a strict and total
obedience to the Masters of the Lodge.

According to their own admissions, which can be found in the Masonic
oaths, they employ any means of discrediting or destroying their
opponents. They may with impunity, through false testimony, discredit
or completely destroy an opponent's reputation, may discomfort, or
even completely annihilate them. This extends to the point of
committing murder, if that is deemed necessary for the protection of
the Lodge, as was the case in the murder of William Morgan in the
1820's. He was assassinated on order of the Lodge authorities, when he
sought to expose them.

Masons infer that they are rendering service to the GREAT ARCHITECT OF
THE UNIVERSE, when they destroy any one who seeks to expose them. This
is a murderous spirit, similar to that found among some of the
extremists in t>


Page 186

Masons are willing, according to their oaths, to inflict barbarous and
horrible penalties on any brother Mason who strays from their way and
exposes them. This reveals the true spirit which pervades Freemasonry
and which most certainly does not exhibit the "fruits of the Spirit,"
which are the attributes of true Christians (See Gal. 5:22, 23).

When it becomes necessary to enforce obedience to an idea, in order to
promulgate it, you can automatically know that idea is wrong. If, as
some members of Masonry aver, Masonry does not have this cruel,
vindictive spirit, then why do they exhibit it in their oaths which
cause them to become members? That most Masons believe these oaths, is
an established fact, for very few leave the Order, once they become
members. This is not because they know their way is true, but because
they fear the consequences. It takes an extremely brave man to leave
Freemasonry, and then expose it!

That the threats implied in the Masonic oaths are made in good faith,
can be ascertained from the past. French, Italian and Spanish Masons
cited before their Masonic tribunals for breaking their oaths, were
the Emperor Napoleon III; the Emperor of Germany; the Crown Prince of
Germany; a Pope and Marshall Prim. of France. These men paid no
attention to the citations made against them by the Lodge and all were
marked for assassination. (See Hecthorn, Vol. II, p. 108).

The murder of William Morgan, in obedience to a Masonic decree, almost
destroyed Masonry in America in 1826. Judge Whitney of the Belvedere
Lodge in Illinois, escaped assassination at the hands of Master
Masons, only because they feared public vengeance if they killed this
popular man.

The very initiation into the Third Degree, is a dramatic "acting out"
of a symbolic murder. The candidate for all intents and purposes is
murdered by these ruffians, who inflict on him the horrible penalties
inherent in the first


Page 187
three degrees. When these are apprehended, they are theoretically
executed by having the penalties of the first three degrees inflicted
on them. This is done to impress the Masonic candidate with the
seriousness of his pledge and the vengeance which will follow if he
breaks his oath. The Knights of Kadash deliberately promise to commit
murder on any traitor to Freemasonry.

Judge Whitney, who was mentioned earlier, testified in the case of a
Miss Ellen Slade, who had been murdered in Boone County Illinois for
resisting the law laid down by the Grand Lodge of Illinois. In his
testimony, Whitney said:

"The resistance of the law by Masons, in the case of the death of Miss
Slade, was well known to the Grand Lodge and their committees, who
approved it and this Lodge (Belvedere #6, F.A.M.) has quietly
acquiesced; and having their charter restored by the present Grand
Master, several of the most culpable of its members have been elected
to the most important positions in the Lodge." (UNQ).
This action was taken by Master Masons who had full knowledge of the
crime they were covering up, as well adequately proven in court. These
murderers resisted the law of the State of Illinois and escaped its
consequences through the machinations of high ranking Masons in the
Judicial system.

Pres. C. G. Finney, himself a Mason, characterized Masonry as follows:

"Freemasonry has no mercy, but swears candidates to avenge violations
of Masonic obligations, the most unlawful and un-Christian deeds; to
deliver each other from difficulty, whether right or wrong; to unduly
favor Masons in business transactions. It's members are sworn to
retaliate, and persecute unto death, the violators of Masonic
obligations." (Wagner's Freemasonry -An Interpretation- p.554).
Because of the Masonic murder of William Morgan, facts came to light
by testimony of witnesses before the courts; by action of the New York
State Legislature, and the defense of Morgan's assassins by the Grand
Lodge of Rhode Island. All this was led by John Quincy Adams


Page 188
initiating an investigation of Masonry, from a purely patriotic
viewpoint. Here are his views as expressed in his ADDRESS TO THE
PEOPLE OF MASSACHUSETTS. This is only part of his address:

"I saw a code of Masonic legislation adopted to prostrate every
principle of justice and to corrupt every sentiment of virtuous
feeling in the soul of him who bound his allegiance to it. I saw the
practice of common honesty, of Christian benevolence, even the
abstinence of atrocious crimes, limited exclusively by lawless oaths
and barbarous penalties to the sacred relations between the
brotherhood of the craft. I saw slander organized into a secret
widespread and affiliated agency, fixing its invisible fangs into the
hearts of its victims, sheltered by the darkness of the Lodge room,
and armed with never ceasing penalties of death. I saw self-invoked
imprecations of throats cut from ear to ear; of hearts and vitals torn
out and cast off...
I saw wine drunk from a human skull with solemn invocations of all the
sins of its owner upon the head of him who drank it. I saw a wretched
human man damning himself to eternal punishment when the last trump
shall sound, as a guarantee for idle and ridiculous promises. Such are
the laws of Masonry; such are their indelible character ... a
conspiracy of the few, against the equal rights of many!
Anti-republican in its sap from the first blushing of the summit of
the plant to the deepest fiber of its roots."1

The experience of Elder David Vernard, an influential and
well-esteemed minister of the Baptist Church is a confirmation of what
I have been trying to say. As a Master Mason, he was required by the
Master to attend a meeting where he was charged with making derogatory
remarks against the Lodge. For several hours he was harangued,
harassed and insulted. When he was finally allowed to defend himself,
he told how he had spoken against the Lodge, because he had the right
of free opinion and freedom of speech and liberty of the press all of
which were God-given rights which could not be controlled by the
Lodge. He stated that these rights had been



1. Bernard, Light on Freemasonry, p.5. Wagner, Freemasonry, pp. 555,

Page 189
purchased by the blood of his fathers. Yet his request to defend
himself was refused.

Soon after this he was expelled from the Lodge and a vicious campaign
of vilification was launched against him. Professing ministers of the
Gospel, joined with drunkards, infidels and prostitutes in a drive to
destroy him. He was warned by his friends that he should go armed for
his protection, since there was a plot afoot to murder him and so
strong and dirty was the Masonic campaign against him, that his
friends would not allow him to travel alone, even from the parsonage
to the church.

Once again I repeat the words of Horace Mann: (It must be an evil
project which will not allow for open discussion." This is the same
means organized Jewry uses to stifle opposition. They act through
their strong-arm KGB, the Anti-Defamation League, and its bully boys

A few years ago I was invited to speak at the LaPorte, Colorado,
Church of Christ, by a young pastor, Pete Peters, who was just
becoming acquainted with the Identity message and the Jewish problem.
We were subjected to unbelievable harassment, most of it coming from
the Fort Collins Ministerial Alliance and the Denver A.D.L. The
Alliance threatened Pastor Peters with dire trouble unless he had me
leave town at once. I was accused of being "anti-Semitic, a Fascist) a
Neo-Nazi, and a Hate Monger." However, no one from the Ministerial
Alliance or the ADL had ever bothered to come and hear me speak. It
was all hearsay.

My first message, on Sunday night was on my deliverance from a
Communist prison in Korea in 1948. It was in this prison that I was
"saved" and promised God to do everything within my power to see that
the terrible things I had seen in South Korea would never happen here.
I did not mention Jews, Jewry, or Zionism in this message. The meeting
ended about 10 p.m.


Page 190
The next morning, a Letter to the Editor appeared in the Denver Post,
some 70 miles away. It was written by a Jewish lady in which she
expressed shock at the terrible anti-Semitic language I used and said
that my statements reminded her of Adolf Hitler. Now anyone with any
common sense, would know that a letter written after 10 p.m. the night
before, could never arrive in Denver in time for a midnight
"deadline." It was quite obvious this letter had been written before I
arrived in La Porte. Interestingly enough, there had been no Jewish
lady at the Sunday night meeting.

Pastor Peters offered to allow the Alliance members to listen to the
tapes of my messages, since none had been in attendance. None of them
desired to do this, although all their complaints were based on
hearsay. When I arrived home, I found a letter from the Denver JEWISH
DEFENSE LEAGUE in which they stated: "You Nazi S.O.B., if you ever
come back to Denver we will blow you away!" Notification to the Denver
police of this threat brought absolutely no action.

Pastor Peters, not to be intimidated, scheduled me for more meetings
in the fall and took out advertisements in the Denver Post, stating
when I would be there and the essence of my messages, which this time
were definitely Zionist exposures. I offered to host a breakfast for
members of the Ministerial Alliance, where we could talk over our
differences. None accepted. It became quite evident that they did not
know what I preached, that they did not care what I preached, but that
they were being led around by the nose by the ADL.

This is the Masonic mentality, which they learned from their Zionist
mentors "'for men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds
are evil" (John 3:19).

Masonry, like Judaism, is a system of ethics and religion, in which
there is some truth, but it is shrouded


Page 191
and mutilated by the evil it conceals. It is a system held and
defended by men of learning; men of wealth and power; men of liberal
tendencies; men who are pious "having a form of godliness, but denying
the power thereof" (1 Tim. 3:5). The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians
1:26, 27, said:

26 "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men
after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
27 For God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the
wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the
These men wallow around in the indulgences which Freemasonry allows
them to enjoy, but which must never be spoken of in public. Any system
of ethics may stand high in the eyes of men; it may even seem to be a
thing of beauty to them. But if it repudiates the Law of God, no
matter how charming it may seem to the beholder, it is a thing of
hidden danger and evil. Any system which gives license to human lust,
will ruin souls and kindle revolution against God. This is always
fatal to the rebel!

Freemasonry is a danger to the freedom of America and to the welfare
of the Christian community. As long as it maintains its ties with
Zionism, it will be a danger to freedom and justice, for it is
impossible for a people to have freedom and justice without having
God's blessing

These blessings do not come when men set themselves in rebellion
against God. In Psalm 2:1-4, we read:

1. "Why do the heathen (nations) rage, and the people imagine a vain
2. The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers (Masonic and
Jewish alike) take counsel together, against the LORD, and against His
Anointed, saying;
3. 'Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from
4. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have
them in derision (contempt)."


The End


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1599 Geneva Bible Online
1 Corinthians 14:8 And also if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to battle?

"Let not Geneva be forgotten or despised. Religious liberty owes it
most respect." John Adams, the second president of the United States

Yahoo Group Owner
2004-07-25 17:56:25 UTC
Quit morphing. It's a sign that you're an idiot looking for attention.

I've already trolled you, I have no further use for you.

*plonk* again
Frank Trebor
2004-07-25 22:08:36 UTC
Post by Larry
Quit morphing. It's a sign that you're an idiot looking for attention.
I've already trolled you, I have no further use for you. *plonk* again
This ng does not need wankers like you who waste bandwidth
with useless and unnecessary posts - your dead
2004-07-26 00:52:55 UTC
Post by Frank Trebor
Post by Larry
Quit morphing. It's a sign that you're an idiot looking for attention.
I've already trolled you, I have no further use for you. *plonk* again
This ng does not need wankers like you who waste bandwidth
with useless and unnecessary posts - your dead
You have an unusual sense of priority. Kooks post megabytes of drivel
and you complain of my posting? And threats with poor grammar?

To each his own, I guess.
2004-07-26 04:39:23 UTC
Post by Larry
Post by Frank Trebor
Post by Larry
Quit morphing. It's a sign that you're an idiot looking for attention.
I've already trolled you, I have no further use for you. *plonk* again
This ng does not need wankers like you who waste bandwidth
with useless and unnecessary posts - your dead
You have an unusual sense of priority. Kooks post megabytes of drivel
and you complain of my posting? And threats with poor grammar?
To each his own, I guess.
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Ed King
2004-07-26 10:50:16 UTC
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?

For shame....

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
2004-07-26 13:48:50 UTC
Post by Ed King
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?
For shame....
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.

2004-07-26 14:12:00 UTC

Master Mason Handbook


by J.S.M. Ward


THE third degree in Freemasonry is termed the Sublime Degree and the
title is truly justified. Even in its exoteric aspect its simple, yet
dramatic, power must leave a lasting impression on the mind of every
Cand.. But its esoteric meaning contains some of the most profound
spiritual instruction which it is possible to obain to-day.

Even the average man, who entered The Craft with little realisation of
its real antiquity and with the solemnity of this, its greatest
degree. In its directness and apparent simplicity rests its tremendous
power. The exoteric and esoteric are interwoven in such a wonderful
way that it is almost imopssible to separate the one from the other,
and the longer it is studied the more we realise the profound and
ancient wisdom concealed therein. Indeed, it is probable that we shall
never master all that lies hidden in this degree till we in very truth
pass through that reality of which it is a allegory.

The two degrees which have gone before, great and beautiful though
they be are but the training and preparation for the message which the
third degree holds in almost every line of the ritual. Here at length
we learn the true purpose of Freemasonry. It is not merely a system of
morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols, but a great
adventure, a search after that which was lost; in other words, the
Mystic Quest, the craving of the Soul to comprehend the nature of God
and to achieve union with Him.

Different men vary greatly; to some the most profound teachings
appeal, while to others simpler and more direct instruction is all
they crave. But there is hardly a man who has not, at some time or
other, amid the turmoil and distraction of this material world, felt a
strange and unaccountable longing for knowledge as to why he was ever
sent here, whence he came, and whither he is wending. At such times he
feels Iike a wanderer in a strange land, who has almost forgotten his
native country, because he left it so long ago, but yet vaguely
realises that he is an exile, and dimly craves for some message from
that home which he knew of yore.

This is the voice of the Divine Spark in man calling out for union
with the Source of its being, and at such times the third degree
carries with it a message which till then, perhaps, the brother had
not realized. The true s...ts are lost, but we are told how and where
we shall find them. The gateway of d. opens the way to the p. within
the c., where the longing spirit will find peace in the arms of the
Father of All.

Thus it will be seen that the third degree strikes a more solemn note
thane even that of d. itself, and I have endeavoured in this little
book to convey in outline form some part at least of this sublime

As in my previous books, I freely confess that I have not covered the
whole ground. Not only would it be impossible to do so in a book of
this size, but in so doing I should have defeated one of my principal
objects in writing namely, to inspire others to study for themselves
and endeavour to find in our ceremonies further and deeper meanings.

The success of the earlier books shows clearly that my efforts have
not been in vain, and that the brethren are more than anxious to
fathom the inner meaning of the ceremonies we all love so well. This
book completes the series dealing with the meaning of the three craft
degrees, but their popularity has convinced me that the experiment of
producing a small and inexpensive handbook has been completely
justified. I have therefore been encouraged to write further volumes,
and the next of the series will be an outline history of Freemasonry "
from time Immemorial."


The success of the first edition of this book has necessitated a
second wherein I have corrected a few printing errors and added a few
points which may help my brother students.

From the number of letters I have received from all parts of the
world, thanking me for the light these books throw on the meaning of
our ceremonies, it is clear that the new members who are entering our
Order are tending to take an increasing interest in the meaning of our
Rites and are no longer content to regard the Ceremonies merely as a
pastime for an idle hour.



Introduction by The Hon. Sir John Cockburn, M.D., K.C.M.G.,
P.G.D.Eng., P.D.G.M. S.Australia

Chapter 1 Questions and P.W.

Chapter 2 The Opening

Chapter 3 The Symbolical Journeys, etc.

Chapter 4 The Exhortation

Chapter 5 The S..s

Chapter 6 The Badge

Chapter 7 The Legend

Chapter 8 The Tracing Board, etc.

Chapter 9 Closing

Chapter 10 Conclusion


By Sir John A. Cockburn,

W.Bro. Ward has lost no time in supplying his large circle of readers
with this little book on the 3 degree. With becoming reverence he
touches on the last great lesson which Masonry presents to the mind of
the Craftsman. Among the manifold blessings that Freemasonry has
conferred on mankind none is greater than that of taking the sting
from death and robbing the grave of victory. No man can be called Free
who lives in dread of the only event that is certain in his life.
Until emancipated from the fear of death, he is all his life long
subject to bondage. Yet how miserably weak is this phantom king of
Terrors who enslaves so many of the uninitiated. As Francis Bacon
remarked, there is no passion in the mind of man that does not master
the dread of death. Revenge triumphs over it; love slights it; honour
aspireth to it; grief flieth to it. Death has always been regarded as
the elucidation of the Great Mystery. It was only at the promise of
dissolution that the seeker after the Elixir of Life exclaimed Eureka.
Masonry regards death but as the gate of life, and the Master Mason
learns to look forward with firm but humble confidence to the moment
when he will receive his summons to ascend to the Grand Lodge above.

Brother Ward very properly attaches much significance to the Pass Word
leading to the 2 degree and 3 degree. In the Eleusinian Mysteries an
ear of corn was presented to the Epoptai. This, as an emblem of Ceres,
represented by the S.W., is appropriate to the F.C.'s, who are under
the guidance of that officer, while the name of the first artificier
in metals, which is reminiscent of Vulcan, the Celestial Blacksmith,
seems specially befitting to the attributes of the J.W., as it was in
the days before 1740. The author sees in the lozenge formed by two of
the great lights a representation of the Vesica Piscis. This symbol,
whose literal meaning is "the bladder of the fish,' is of deep
significance. Some see in it the essential scheme of ecclesiastical
architecture. But as the spiritually blind are unable to discern
similitudes, so those who are gifted with deep insight are apt to over
estimate analogies. The Vesica Piscis being, as Brother Ward rightly
states, a feminine emblem, and therefore one sided, can hardly
represent the equilibrium attained by the conjunction of the square
and compasses. These respectively stand for the contrasted
correlatives which pervade Creation, and, like the pillars, are
typical when conjoined of new stability resulting from their due
proportion in the various stages of Evolution. The progressive
disclosures of the points of the compasses seems to indicate the
ultimate realisation of the spirituality of matter; the at-one-ment
and reconciliation at which Freemasonry and all true religions aim.
Brother Ward repeatedly points out the similarity that exists between
the lessons of Christianity and of Freemasonry. It is indeed difficult
to distinguish between them, The Ancient Mysteries undoubtedly
possessed in secret many of the truths proclaimed in the gospel. St.
Augustine affirms that Christianity, although not previously known by
that name, had always existed. But whereas the hope of immortality was
formerly in the Mysteries confined to a favoured few, the new
Convenant opened the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers. Incidentally
this little volume clears up many passages which are obscure in the
Ritual. For example, there could be no object in directing that the
F.C's, who, on account of their trust-worthiness, were selected by the
King to search for the Master, should be clothed in white to prove
their innocence. That was already beyond question. The order was
evidently meant for the repentant twelve who took no actual part in
the crime. This and similar inconsistencies in the Ritual may be
accepted as evidence of its antiquity. Had it been a modern
compilation such contradictions would have been studiously avoided.

It is probable that many earnest Masons may not agree with all Brother
Ward's interpretations. Nor can such unanimity reasonably be expected.
Freemasonry, as a gradual accretion of the Wisdom of Ages Immemorial,
bears traces of many successive schools of thought. But all its
messages are fraught with hope for the regeneration of humanity. The
author intimated his desire in this series of handbooks to lead others
to prosecute the study of Masonry for themselves; and indeed he has
abundantly proved that in its unfathomable depths there are many gems
of priceless ray serene which will well repay the search. Brother Ward
is heartily to be congratulated on having attained the object he had
in view.

John A. Cockburn.



Those of our Brethren who have read the previous two books of this
series will not need much help in understanding the significance of
the questions which are put to the Cand. before being raised.
Practically every question has been dealt with in detail in the
previous books; the majority of them are taken from incidents in the
Lectures and Tracing Board, and since the latter was explained at some
length we shall not now detain our readers long.

The manner of preparation for the second degree stressed the masculine
side, which is characteristic of it. The admission on a S. indicated
that the Cand. had profited by the moral training rcceived in the
First degree, and that his conduct had always been on the S.. There
is, however a deep esoteric meaning in the apparent platitude that it
is the fourth part of a circle. Among all the ancient nations the
circle is a symbol of God the Infinite, Whose name we discovered in
the second degree in the M.Ch., where we leamt that it consisted of
four letters. Thus the Cand. was admitted on one letter of the Mystic
Name, and if the four Sq.s are united with the circle in a peculiar
way they form the cosmic cross, emblem of matter, within the circle of
the Infinite.

We have in the last book considered at such length what is implied by
the words "Hidden mysteries of nature and science," that we need here
only refer our readers to that section, wherein we saw that in former
times these hidden mysteries undoubtedly referred to certain occult
powers, which would be dangerous if acquired by a man who had not
proved himself to be of the highest moral character.

The "wages" we receive consist of the power to comprehend the nature
of God, Who resides in the M.Ch. of the Soul of every Mason. The F.C.
receives his wages without scruple or diffidence because the Spiritual
benefit he receives from Freemasonry is in exact proportion to his
desire, and ability, to comprehend its inner meaning.

He cannot receive either more or less than he has earned, for if he
has not understood the profound lesson of the Divinity within him,
naturally he cannot benefit therefrom.

His employers are the Divine Trinity, of Whom Justice is one of the
outstanding attributes. God could not be unjust and remain God. This
conception is almost a platitude, but the average man, while realising
that God will not withhold any reward earned, is at times apt to
assume that because God is love He will reward us more than we
deserve. This is clearly a mistake, for God could not be partial
without ceasing to be God, therefore the F.C. receives exactly the
Spiritual wages he has earned, and neither more nor less, but some
F.C.'s will nevertheless obtain a greater reward than others, because
spiritually they have earned it.

The significance of the names of the P....rs was explained in the last
book, but in view of the nature of the third degree it seems advisable
to point out once more that their secret Kabalistic meaning is (1)
Being fortified by every moral virtue, (2) you are now properly
prepared, (3) to undergo that last and greatest trial which fits you
to become a M M.. Thus we see that even the w..ds of the preceding
degrees lead up to this, the last and greatest.

As in the former case, the remark of the W.M. that he will put other
questions if desired indicates the possibility of members of the Lodge
asking qucstions based on the Lectures of the Second Degree, or even
on the Tracing Board. It is, indeed, a pity that this right is
practically never exercised. For example, a particularly appropriate
question would be "What was the name of the man who cast the two great
p....rs ? " As it is, the Cand. in a dramatic way represents the
closing incidents in the life of this great man, whose importance till
then he has hardly had any opportunity of realising.

Having answered these test questions, the cand. is again entrusted
with a P.W., etc., to enable him to enter the Lodge after it has been
raised to the Third degree during this temporary absence. We have in
the previous book explained that the raising of a Lodge should alter
the vibrations of those present by a process well recognised in the
ceremonies of Magic, and, to enable the Cand. quickly to become in
ttme with these higher spiritual vibrations, a word of "power" is
given him, which in a moment places him on the same plane as the other
members of the Lodge. This word he has to give, not only outside the
d....r of the Lodge, but also immediately before his presentation by
the S.W. as "Properly prepared to be raised to the Third Degree." It
is only after this has been done that the real ceremony of the Third
Degree, so far as the c. is concerned, begins, and therefore that the
full force of the vibrations of the M.M.'s come into play.

The P.W. itself is of the greatest significance, more especially when
combined with the P.W. leading from the First to the Second degree. At
one time the P.W.'s were reversed. T.C. being the W. leading to the
Second, and Sh... . the W. leading to the Third. This is still the
case in those foreign Grand Lodges, such as the Dutch and the French,
which derive from us before 1740, when the W.s were altered owing to
certain un-authorised revelations. This alteration was one of the just
grievances which brought about the secession of the so-called
"Ancients," who charged Grand Lodge with altering the Ancient
Landmarks. When the Irish followed our example they continued the
prohibition of the introduction of m..ls until the Third degree, which
is a logical procedure, for clearly you have no right to bring them
into Lodge until you have been symbolically introduced to the first
artificer in that material. As the W.s now stand they convey the
following spiritual lesson:- the F.C. is one who finds the simple
necessities of life, such as C. and W., sufficient for his
requirements. They are plenty to the spiritually minded man, whose
soul becomes clogged and hampered by the acquistion of worldly
possessions and since it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom
of Heaven, immediatdy the Cand. has symbolically received W.P. he is

T.C. conveys the lesson that W.P. in themselves bring death to the
soul and prevent its upward progress. To-day, the river of death
connected with the P.W. leading to the Second degree has largely lost
its significance, whereas when it was a P.W. leading to the Third, it
was in itself a fine allegory.

We must remember that Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress was well known and
widely read at the beginning of the 18th Century, and those who were
re-organising our rituals at that time could not have been blind to
the similarity of the allegory hidden in the w. Sh. and the account by
Bunyan of Christian's fording the river of death on the way to the
Holy City. The change of about 1740 destroyed this allegory, and its
survival in the Tracing Board is now merely one of those numerous
footnotes which, to the careful student, are invaluable indications of
the various transformations though which our ritual has passed during
the course of years. Nevertheless, I do not regret the change, as I
think the present spiritual lesson is even finer than the former one,
but the other arrangement was more logical. Firstly, from the
practical point of view the F.C. required the use of m..1 tools to
perform his operative tasks, and in the process of his work acquired
W.P., in contradiction to the E.A., who did only rough work and
received only maintenance: i.e., corn, wine , and oil. Secondly, from
the symbolical standpoint the sequence was also more logical, for the
F.C., having acquired wealth by means of his skill, was brought to the
river of d., and passed through it in the Third Degree.

According to Bro. Sanderson, in his "Examination of the Masonic
Ritual," the actual translation of the Hebrew w. Sh. is an " e. of c.,
or a f. of w."- hence the manner in which it is depicted in a F.C.'s
Lodge-while the w. T.C. in Hebrew means only a blacksmith, though
another w. similarly pronounced means acquisition. Hence, as he points
out, " an allegorical title has, in translating the Old Testament,
been mistaken for the name of an actual person, for the name itself
means `A worker in M...t...ls'" Therefore the connection with H.A.B.
is obvious. Bro. Sanderson, quoting from the "Secret Discipline," by
S. L. Knapp, says, "In a work on ancient ecclesiastical history the
following occurs, 'By a singular plasus linguae the moderns have
substituted T.C. in the Third Degree for tymboxein-to be entombed.' "
While I am unable to say whether Knapp is justified in this statement,
it is quitee probable that this P.W., and indeed all the P.W.s are
comparatively modern substitutes, taken from the Bible to replace
ancient W.s of power whose full meaning was lost and whose form in
consequence had become corrupt and unintelligible. The Greek word
tymboxein would be peculiariy suitable for a P.W. leading to the Third
Degree, in view of its meaning, and mediaeval magical ceremonies are
full of corrupt Greek words indiscriminately mingled with equally
corrupt Hebrew and Arabic. There is, therefore, nothing intrinsically
improbable in the suggestion that this ancient Greek word was the
original from which T.C. has been evolved. We know as a fact that
large pieces of Biblical history were imported wholesale into our
rituals in the 18th Century, and what is more likely than that an
unintelligible work, already so corrupt as not even to be recognisable
as Greek, should be amended into a well known Biblical character?
However, the word as it stands, because of its Hebrew meaning of
acquisition, can correctly be translated as W.P., while as meaning an
artificer in M. it clearly refers to H.A.B., who made the two
p.....rs, and whom the Cand. is to represent. Thus, following this
line of interpretation, we perceive that the Cand. really represents
H.A.B. when he enters the Lodge, although under the disguised title
conveyed by the P.W..

In dealing with these P.W.s I have endeavoured to show that there are
meanings within meanings, and the same is true of practically every
important incident in the whole ceremony. In a book of thissize it is
obviously impossible to attempt to give all of these meanings, and
even if one did the result would be to befog the young reader and so
prevent him from getting a clear and connected interpretation of the
ceremony. It is for this reason that, in the main, I am concentrating
on one line of interpretation, but I have thought it desirable in this
section to give a hint to more advanced students, so that they can
follow up similar lines of investigation for themselves.


In English and Scotch workings there is no c.t. around the Cand. in
preparation for the Third Degree, but in the Irish working it is wound
once around his n., in the Second degree twice, and the First three
times. If we regard the c.t. as symbolising those things which hamper
a man's spiritual progress, the gradual unwinding of it as used in
Irish workings becomes of great significance. This interpretation
implies that the Cand. is hampered in Body, Soul and Spirit in the
First Degree, whereas by the time he has reached this point in the
Third Degree the Body and Soul have triumphed over the sins which
peculiarly assail them, and in that stage symbolised by the Degree
itself the Spirit has only to triumph over Spiritual sins, such as
Spiritual Pride. With this exception the manner of preparation is the
same in all these British workings, and indicates that the Cand. is
now about to consecrate both sides of his nature, active and passive,
creative and preservative, etc., to the service of the Most High.

The explanation already given in the previous books of the various
details, such as being s.s., holds here, and a brief glance at the
other volumes will render it unnecessary for me to take up valuable
space therewith in this third book. The Can. is then brought to the
Lodge door and gives the Kn.s of a F.C. These Kn's indicate that Soul
and Body are in union, but the Spirit is still out of contact whereas
the proper Kn's of a M.M. (2/1) indicates that the Spirit dominates
the Soul and is in union with it, the body having fallen away into
significance. It will be remembered that in the first book of this
series I pointed out that the three separate kn's of an E.A. symbolise
that in the uninitiated man, Body, Soul and Spirit are all at
variance. Meanwhile the Lodge has been raised to a Third Degree by a
ceremony whose profound significance demands consideration in a
separate chapter.



Having satisfied himself that all present are symbolically upright and
moral men, the W.M. asks the J.W. if his spiritual nature has evolved
sufficiently to control both soul and body. The J.W. suggests that he
should be tested, not only by the emblem of upright conduct, but also
by the Compasses. Now these combined with the Square form a lozenge,
which is itself a symbol for the Vesica Piscis, emblem of the female
principle. The Compasses, moreover, are the instruments with which
geometrical figures are created, and more especially the Circle. By
means of two circles the triangle, emblem of the triune nature of
God,. is produced, while the Cirde itself is the emblem of Eternity
and therefore of Spirit. A point within the cirle forms the symbol for
the Hindu conception of the Supreme Being, Paramatma, whence we have
come and whither we shall all ultimately return. At the centre of the
circle rests all knowledge; there shall we find every lost secret. Now
such a figure can only be drawn with the help of the Compasses, and in
drawing it the following significant symbolical act takes place.

One point of the Compass rests at the centre, and the other makes the
circle of the Infinite. No matter how far the legs of the Compass be
extended, or how large the Circle, the fact remains that one leg is
always at the centre. Thus the Compasses, while they travel through
infinity, are at the same time never separated from the centre, and
from that point cannot err.

This instrument may therefore be considered as standing for the Divine
Spark in Man, in all its manifestations. One of these is conscience;
but the Divine Spark has many attributes and names.

So the J.W.'s reply indicates that he is prepared to be tested both by
the moral code and by the spiritual laws of our being.

But after these preliminaries the proceedings become of an even more
exalted nature. All that has gone before has been but preparation for
the Great Quest on which we must now set forth. It is the quest of the
Soul for realisation of God, and at-one-ment with Him. This is the
Mystic Quest of all ages, and, true to the ancient symbolism, it
starts from the East, the place of Light, and goes towards the West,
the place of darkness and death.

The East represents God, Who is our home. It indicates that each soul
comes out from the place of Light, from Light itself, that is, from
the very substance of God, descends through the Gateway of the Dawn
and becomes incarnate in Matter. But it brings with it a sense of loss
and separation, for it has come out from God, and the Divine Spark
within it longs return whence it came. Having lost the secret of its
true nature and the way of return, it wanders in darkness, seeking and
for most men the way of return is through the Western portal, the
gateway of Death, for so long as we are finite beings we cannot hope
to comprehend the Infinite.

Yet there are some few exceptions to the general rule, who, while
still in the flesh, have a vision of the Divine splendour, are caught
up in it, and became one with God. To such men the return to ordinary
mundane existence seems unreal and shadowy. Where others believe in
God they Know Him, but it is almost impossible for them to convey to
others the experience through which they have gone. Yet that such
experiences are real, as real as any other fact in life, is attested
by a long line of witnesses right throughout the ages.

To the average man, however, the first real step towards the
realisation of what constitutes God is through the portal of physical
death; - but even then the end is still far off.

Hence the answer explaining how the true secrets came to be lost
indicates, not the cause of the loss, but the first step towards the
recovery, and this fact is borne out by the subsequent events in the
ceremony itself.

Note, it is the body only that dies, and by its death enables the Soul
and Spirit to re-discover in part the secrets which were last. Yet
this death of the Body effectually debars the communication of these
secrets to the sorrowing F.C.'s left behind. It is the passing through
that veil which separates life and death which stars us on the road
which ends with God.

It must never be forgotten, however, that the genuine secrets are
never recovered in the Craft, although symbolically we rise from the
grave, for that secret can only be discovered at or with the C.-i.e.,
with God. To that exalted position we can only attain after long
journeys through the planes of existence beyond the grave. In our
symbolism there is nothing which indicates that immediately after
death man is fit to pass into the presence of the King of Kings.

But the Divine Spark within us is never really separated from the
Great and All-Pervading Spirit. It is still part of it, though its
glory is dimmed by the veil of flesh. Therefore, just as one arm of
the compasses ever rests on the centre, no matter how far the other
leg travels; so however far we may travel from God, and however long
and hard may be the journey, the Divine Spark within us can never be
truly separated from Him, or err from that Centre. Thus the point of
the Compasses at the centre of the circle may be considered to be the
Spirit, the head of the Compasses the Soul, and the point on the
circumference the body.

So the task is set and the brethren go forth on the quest, that quest
which must lead through the darkness of death, as the ceremony that
follows tells in allegory. It is not correct to say that the search
hinted at in the Opening ceremony is suddenly abandoned, and those who
think this misinterpret the whole meaning of the legend. Never in
earthly life shall we find the answer we seek, nay, even death itself
will not give it; but, having passed beyond the grave, through the
four veils of the Scottish rite, and so into the H.R.A., we find an
excellent answer in allegorical and symbolical language, whilst the
jewel of the degree emphasises what the end of the quest is.

Nor must it be forgotten that the body alone cannot realise the nature
of God, and that is why without the help of the other two, H.A.B.
neither could, nor would, disclose the S........t.

The W.M.'s promise to help indicates that the Spirit will render
assistance, but though the Spirit subsequently raises man from the
grave it is not sufficiently evolved to give him the true secret. This
can only come about when the Spirit has raised the Soul to a far
higher stage of spirituality.

Though this is the degree of Destruction, that form of the Trinity is
not invoked, and the title used corresponds more closely to the Hindu
name for the All-Embracing than to their form of the Destroyer. This
no doubt is deliberate, for the symbol of this degree is the same
emblem which among the Hindus denotes the Most High, namely the Circle
with a Point within it. v In some Scotch rituals, after the Lodge has
been opened in the first degree the I.P.M., or the D.C., opens the
V.S.L., and, strange to say, does so with the words, "In the beginning
was the Word." Similarly, when the Lodge is closed in the first degree
the book is closed with the words, "And the word was with God." Here
then we get two striking features: 1) the use of words from the first
chapter of the Gospel according to St. John, and 2) their correlation
with the phrase in the Third Degree, "At, or with the C." This
procedure suggests that the lost W. is the Logos, or Christ, and
remembering what we have previously pointed out in the earlier books,
i.e., that there is a perfectly logical Christian interpretation of
the whole of the Craft ceremonies, this fact becomes of increasing

Before closing this chapter, I would like to add that the Third Degree
lends itself to a Christian interpretation even more markedly than the
former ones, and several of the higher degrees in Freemasonry adopt
and expand this line of teaching.

In view of the fact that in the Middle Ages Freemasonry was
undoubtedly Christian, we cannot lightly reject this view of the inner
meaning of the ceremonies, but as the frame work of our ceremonies
apparently goes back before Christian times, a non-Christian
interpretation is equally permissible.



The Can. is admitted on he C....... s, and this fact is of far greater
significance than most brethren probably realise. Firstly, as has been
noted, one arm of the C.s is always at the C., no matter how far the
other may travel, and from the point of view of the Can., though he
knows it not, this act in a sense indicates that his heart, and
therefore he himself, is at or on the C........e. Secondly, the C....s
in this degree link up with the Sq. used in the former degree on a
similar occasion. We have seen in the previous books that the Sq. and
C........s are united on the Ped. in such a way as to form the vesica
piscis, the emblem of the female principle, and the symbol of birth
and rebirth. Hence symbolically thc Can. passes through the vesica
piscis. Also after entering the Lodge in this, as in the previous
degrees, he kn....s while the blessing of Heaven is invoked, and as he
does so the wands of the deacons are crossed above his head. He thus
kn........s in a triangle, the emblem of Spirit, and itself connected
with the lozenge. Two equilateral triangles make a lozenge, which is
produced from the vesica piscis-formed by two circles, as shown by the
first proposition in Euclid. In view of the great stress laid upon
Geometry throughout the whole of our rituals these facts cannot be
ignored. Our Operative Brn. must have realised that the whole science
of Geometry arises out of this first proposition, which shows how to
make a triangle (the emblem of the Trinity and the Spirit) by means of
two circles whose circumferences pass through the centre of each
other. In doing so they form the vesica piscis, which gives birth
first of all to the triangle, and secondly, to the double triangle, in
the form of a lozenge. This last emblem is symbolised by the sq.,
denoting matter, and the c...s, denoting spirit. The above facts throw
a flood of light upon the interplay between these Masonic emblems.

Before leaving this subject it is worth while pointing out that the
Can. likewise takes every Ob. in Craft masonry within this triangle,
and that the same method is employed in other ancient rites, including
those of the Society of Heaven and Earth in China, where the Can.
kn...s on one sword, while two others are held over his head so as to
form a triangle of steel.

The Can. now starts on his three symbolical journeys. He first
satisfies the J.W., representing the Body, that he is an E.A., i.e., a
man of good moral character. He next satisfies the S.W., representing
the Soul, that he has benefited by the lessons of life and acquired
intellectual knowledge. Then comes the third journey, when he is once
more challenged by the Soul, who demands the P.W., the full
significance of which has already been explained. Let us combine these
meanings! He comes laden with worldly possessions, which in themselves
carry the seeds of death, unconsciously representing in his person the
worker in metals who made the twin colunms, and is about to be
entombed. (tymboxein).

Therefore the Soul presents him to the Spirit as one properly prepared
to carry out the part of his great predecessor. There is a point here
which we need to realise, for it is one which is often overlooked. In
the previous degrees only one Deacon was instructed to lead the Can.
by the proper S...ps to the E., but here both are needed. From the
practical point of view there is no obvious reason why the help of the
J.D. should be invoked at all, and as the ceremony is usually carried
out he does nothing but look on. I believe, however, the S.D. should
first go through the S...ps and the J.D., should assist the Can. to
copy his example. If thus were so we should get an almost exact
repetition of the analogous ceremony in the R.A. where the p.s.,
corresponding to the S.D., is helped by an assistant. Thus, with the
Can., in both cases we get a Trinity, only one of whom actually
descends into the g., or, in the other case, into the v.

As Major Sanderson has pointed out in An Examination of the Masonic
Ritual, among the primitive, races usually, a man who stepped over an
o.g. would be considered to have committed sacrilege, and almost
certainly would be slain, but, on the other hand, we do know that in
many Initiatory Rites either the Can., or someone else for him, steps
down into a gr., and is subsequently symbolically sl...n therein. If
this be the true interpretation of this part of the ceremony, the
reason for the presence of the two deacons in addition to the Can.
becomes clear. It is only the Body that descends into the clear the
Soul and the Spirit have no part therein. Thus, for the moment, though
only temporarily, these three represene the triune nature of man,
while the three principal officers represent the triune nature of God.
The fact that this is undoubtedly true in the case of the R.A., makes
it almost certain that the same idea underlies this apparently
unimportant diffirence between the arrangements in the third degree,
and those followed in the first and second.

Again and again when one comes to study carefully the details of our
ritual, one finds little points, such as these, which would certainly
not have survived the drastic revision of 1816 if there had not been
present some men who really did understand the inner meaning of our
ceremonies, and refused to allow important lessons to be lost by the
removal of what, at first sight, appear to be unnecessary details.

Therefore, those of us who value the inner meaning of our ceremonies
owe a deep debt of gratitude to these men, even though their actual
names be unknown to us, and on our part a duty is imposed on us that
we shall not hastily tamper with the rituals, merely because we do not
ourselves see the full significance of a phrase or think that by
revising it we can make the wording run more smoothly.

The next factor we must consider most carefuUy is the actual sp...s
themselves. These make the Latin cross of suffuring and sacrifice.

Sometimes the sp..s are not done quite correctly, for the Can. should
be careful to face due North, due South, and due East respectively.
This procedure undoubtedly refers to the three entrances of the Temple
through which H.A.B. endeavoured to escape. Hence it is we see that
the Master himself trod out the cross of Calvary during the tragedy,
and in a sense made the Consecration Cross of the Temple.

In a mediaeval church, and even to-day at the consecration of a church
according to the Anglican ordinance, there should be a dedication
cross marked on the building. In the Middle Ages these were usually
marked on the pillars, and apparently corresponded to the mark made by
an illiterate person when witnessing a deed. The Consecrating Bishop
sometimes drew this cross on the pillar or wall, or sometimes merely
traced over a cross already painted there for the purpose. Any new
piece of work in a church, even if only a new fresco, had its
dedication cross. For example :-At Chaldon Church, Surrey, the
dedication cross is marked on the margin of a fresco depicting The
Brig of Dread, described at length in Freemasonry and the Ancient

Bearing these facts in mind, we shall perceive that, even from the
Operative point of view, the manner of advancing in this degree, and
the manner in which H.A.B. met his end, had a peculiar significance.
The Great Architect of the Temple must have traced the dedication
cross the whole length and breadth of the Temple in his own blood.
Moreover, such dedication crosses as have actually survived are nearly
always found to be painted in red. Thus, H.A.B.'s last work was, as it
were, to commence the consecration of the Temple which was completed
by K.S., for until that cross had been marked either on the wail or
pavement, according to mediaeval Operative ideas the building could
not be consecrated. Therefore, the Can., who is reenacting the same
drama, must obviously do likewise, and in so doing dedicates the
Temple of his body.

But there is still more hidden within this ceremonial act. The ancient
Knights Templar were accused of trampling on the cr., and a careful
examination of the evidence taken at the trial shows that in reality
they took a ritual sp., somewhat similar to those taken by the Can. in
this degree.

One of the esoteric meanings indicated is the Way of the Cross which
leads to Calvary. Furhermore, having thus traced out a cr. he is
subsequendy laid on it, and this fact is emphasised by the position in
which his legs or feet are placed. The foot of this cr. reaches to the
Ped., on which rests the O.T. If, therefore, this symbolical cr. were
raised as it was on Calvary it would rest on the O.T., and the Can.
would face the E., and would be, as it were, on a mountain. This fact
should be borne in mind by those who seek a Christian interpretation
of our Craft ceremonies. Mystically interpreted, it indicates that
every aspirant for union with the Divine must tread the Way of the
Cross, and suffer and die thereon, in order that he may rise to a new
life, a realisation of his union with the Infinite. v Even those who
are disinclined to admit the possibility of a Christian
interpretatior, of the Craft degrees, must recognise the fact that
this cr. is the cr. of sacrifice and means that the true aspirant must
be prepared to sacrifice everything in his search after Truth.

The number of the sp...s is the combination of the Trinity and of the
four elements, representing matter. It is the same number as forms the
perfect lodge, and also the seven elements which form man, whether we
interpret it according to the ancient Egyptian system, or in the more
modern form of the five physical senses, the Soul and the Spirit. In
the latter case it indicates that the man must be prepared to
sacrifice, or shall we say dedicate to God, Body, Soul and Spirit.

There are yet other profound meanings in this one ritual act, but
enough has been written to set my readers pondering for themselves,
and we will therefore proceed to consider the next point in the

The Ob. itself contains one or two interesting points. Thus it
indicates that a M.M.'s Lodge must always be open on the C.. This
shows us at once that we are dealing with a ceremony with a mystical
meaning, for the C. means the same as the middle ch. in the second
degree-the secret chamber of the heart, where dwells the Divine
Spark-and so tells us in veiled language that all that happens
thereafter is a spiritual experience, which sooner or later comes to
every mystic. The special moral obligations which the Can. undertakes
should be noted, but require no explanation. It is, however, difficult
to understand why they should be deferred until this stage. In the
ancient charges similar obligations are imposed apparently on the
E.A., and this seems more logical.

The Py. varies even in different parts of England, but in essentials
is always the same. You are s. at the c., and the manner of disposal
is very reminiscent of the way in which the dead are cremated in India
in honour of Shiva. There the corpse is burnt near running water,
preferably near the Ganges, and the ashes are thrown into the air over
the river to the four cardinal points, that the winds may scatter
them. It must be remembered that Shiva represents the destructive
attribute of the Diety and he makes the P.S. of a M.M. on his statues.
His is the element of fire, and all these facts must be born in mind
when considering our own Py.

The position of the Sq. and Cs., in addition to the explanation given,
indicates that the spirit, represented by the Cs., now dominates the
body, typified by the Sq..



The opening part of the exhortation gives a convenient summary of the
previous degress and quite clearly indicates that the first inner
meaning of the series is Birth, Life which is of course educational
and preparatory for its sequel, and Death. The phrase relating to the
second degree "And to trace it, from its devlopment through the paths
of Heavenly Science even to the throne of God Himself," shows plainly
its real significance. As pointed out in the F.C. Handbook, in the
Mid. Ch. the F.C. discovers not only the name of God, but that he
himself is the fifth letter Shin which transforms the name Jehovah
into the name Jeheshue, or Messias, the King.

But according to the old Kabala Jeheshue must be raised on the cross
of Tipareth, and the significance of this fact is impressed on our
Can. by the incidents now to take place. The average Christian need
not trouble about the subtleties of the Kabala, for the story in the
New Testament supplies him with a very similar interpretation.

The W.M. having, almost casually, given him this key to the inner
meaning of what is about to follow, proceeds at once to the most
dramatic part of the ceremony. Up to this point almost all forms of
our ritual are practically the same, but henceforward there are many
marked differences. "Emulation" ritual may be regarded as containing
the bare minimum, but the additional details found in many Provincial
workings in England, and in Scotland, Ireland, America, and many of
the Continental Lodges, are too important to be ignored. There is no
reason to assume that they are innovations; on the contrary all the
evidence points to the fact that they are integral parts of the
ceremony which, for various reasons, were omitted by the revisers of
our ritual who met in the Lodge of Reconciliation. I shall therefore
proceed to note and explain them where necessary.

Whereas in Emulation working as soon as the Ws. are called on the
deacons retire, in most others, in the Provinces, etc., they fall back
to the head of the g.. Thus with the W.M. the W.s form the triangle of
Spirit, and with the D.s the Sq. of matter, on which the triangle
rests, for the M. descends from his chair and stands in front of the
Ped.. As a practical piece of advice I would recommend that the J.W.
should not direct the Can. to c. his f. until after the S.W. has dealt
with him, for it is impossible for him to drop on his respective k...s
if his f. are c., whereas by carrying out these instructions before
the last attack he will fall the more readily.

In most of the old Scotch rituals the Can. journeys round the Lodge,
is attacked by the J.W. in the S., by the S.W. in the W. (note that),
and returns to the M. in the E., where the final incident takes place.
I think, however, our English system of having the attack in the N.
instead of in the W. is preferable, and is probably the correct form.
In the Scotch ritual the three villains have names, and the same is
the case in America. They are Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum. The word
itself clearly comes from the Latin word meaning "To command," and
refers to the fact that they commanded him to give up the S....s. But
the terminations of the three names appear to have a curious esoteric
reference to India. It can hardly be by accident that these three
names form the mystic word AUM. The U in India in this case is
pronounced almost like O, and when this word is disguised, as it
usually is, it is written OMN. If this be so we have the Creative
Preservative, and Annihilative aspects of the Deity emphasised in the
Third Degree, and it is the Destructive aspect, symbolised by the
letter M, which deals the final stroke.

This variation is therefore of importance, but I must warn my readers
that not all Scotch workings have it, some of them being much more
akin to our own, even having the attack in the N.. Practically all of
them, however, have the perambulations, during which solemn music is
played. The usual procedure is for the brethren to pass round the gr.
once making the P. S. of an E.A.. When this is done the J.W. makes his
abortive attempt. The second round is made with the H. S. of an F.C.,
after which the S.W. tries and fails. The third round is made with the
S. of G. and D. of a M.M., on the conclusion of which the Can. is r...
by the lion's g.... It is a great pity that the use of this name for
the M. M.'s g. is falling into disuse in London, for it has in itself
important symbolical references, to which we shall refer later in the

In many parts of England it is still customary to place the Can.,
either in a c----n or in a g. made in the floor, and the same method
is found in most other parts of tke world. Indeed, in the Dutch ritual
the Can. is first of all shown a c..n in which is a human skeleton.
This is subsequently removed, though he does not know it and he thinks
when he is laid therein he will find himself in its bony clutches.
Even as near London as Windsor there is a Masonic Temple which has a
special chamber of d. with a g. actually in the floor and until
recently it was still used although whether it is to-day I cannot say.

Let us now turn to consider the meanings of the main incidents. The
first meaning of the degree is obvious; it prepares a man for his
final end and hints of a possibility of life beyond the grave but it
must be admitted that the lesson is not driven home with the same
force as it is in most of the ancient mysteries. Osiris Himself rose
from the dead and became the Judge of all who followed after Him, and
because of this fact His worshippers believed that they too would
rise. In our legend, however, it is only the dead body of H.A.B. which
is lifted out ofthe g. in a peculiar manner, and in the legend there
is not even a hint as to what befell his Soul. The question is often
asked why they should have raised a c..s and placed it on its feet.

(1) See Ward, Who Was Hiram Abiff?

One explanation probably is, by analogy with the Greek story of the
manner in which Hercules recovered Alcestis and ransomed her from the
bondage of Thanatos-Death himself. We are told that Hercules wrestled
with Thanatos and would nor let him go until he had agreed to allow
Hercules to bring her back from the realm of the Shades to the land of
living men. It may be that the corpse here represents Death. It is
also worth noting that Isis joined together the fragments of the body
of Osiris, and the "Setting up" of the backbone of the God was a
ceremony carried out every year by the ancient Egyptian Priests. The
body of Osiris apparently was raised from the bier by Anubis in
precisely the same way as the M.M. is r.. When it was set on its feet
life returned to it. One fact is certain, that in every Rite which has
as its central theme symbolic d. the Can. is r. by the same g., and in
precisely the same manner, and this manner becomes a method of
greeting and of recognition among all who have passed through this
type of ceremony. For example :-it is known and used in the Dervish
Rite, among West African Negroes, among the Red Indians of Central
America, and was apparently known to the ancient Druids, for it is
carved on a stone found at Iona. In the ancient rites of Mithra it
also appears to have been the method used upon a similar occasion.
These facts show that it is an ancient landmark and one to be most
carefully guarded.

The use of the phrase The Lion Grip is peculiarly significant, as
Major Sanderson shows in his work, An Examination of the Masonic
Ritual. Therein he points out that in the Book of the Dead the Supreme
God, whether Ra or Osiris, is appealed to as the " God in the Lion
form," and in all such cases the prayer of the Soul is that he may be
permitted to " Come forth " in the East, rising with the sun from the
d..s of the g.. In Egypt the lion was the `personification of strength
and power, but it is usually associated with the idea of the
regeneration of the Sun, and therefore with the resurrection. Major
Anderson goes on to point out as follows. "Shu (Anheru, `the Lifter')
who as the light of the Dawn was said to lift up the sky-goddess from
the arms of the sleeping Earth, is often represented as a lion, for
only through him was the rebirth of the Sun made possible. Osiris is
called the lion of yesterday, and Ra the Lion of tomorrow : the bier
of Osiris is always represented as having the head and legs of a
lion." Thus as Major Sanderson indicates, the expression "the lion
grip" is a survival from, the Solar cult, and therefore a landmark
which should be carefully preserved.

The Bright Morning Star whose rising brings peace and Salvation,
almost certainly was originally Sirius, but to Englishmen it must seem
strange that Sirius should be said to bring peace and Salvation. The
association of these ideas with the Dog Star is undoubtedly a fragment
which has come down from Ancient Egypt, for the rising of Sirius
marked the beginning of the inundation of the Nite, which literally
brought salvation to the people of Egypt by irrigating the land and
enabling it to produce food. That Sirius was an object of veneration
to the philosophers of the ancient world is well known to all
archaeologists, and many of the Temples in Egypt have been proved to
have been oriented on Sirius. There is also a good deal of evidence
showing that some of the stone circles in Great Britain were similarly
oriented on Sirius by the Druids. It is therefore not surprising that
this star is still remembered in our rituals. Naturally it has
acquired a deeper spiritual meaning in the course of years, and may be
regarded as representing the First Fruits of the Resurrection, the
sure hope of our Redemption. This aspect is set forth in the lectures
drawn up by Dunckerley, who regarded it as the star of Bethlehem, and
as typifying Christ. See Rev. xxii, 16.

At this point the Can.. who has been carefully put in the N., the
place of darkness, is moved round by the right to the South. From the
practical point of view this is to enable the M. to re-enter his chair
from the proper side, but there is also an inner meaning. Immediately
after death the Soul is said to find itself on the earth plane amid
murk and darkness. Lacking mortal eyes, it cannot perceive the sun,
and, on the other hand, is still so immersed in matter that it cannot
yet see clearly with its spirit eyes; but this stage rapidly passes
away, and the Soul is received into a higher plane of existence, being
brought thither by messengers of Light. The position in the North
represents this period of darkness on the earth plane, and that this
is not accidental is shown by the fact that in most rituals the lights
are not turned up until the phrase "That bright morning star, etc."
has been uttered. Then the M., representing one of these spirit
messengers, leads the Can. gently round to the South, thereby
symboling his entry into the place of light. And who is this
messenger? Every installed master who has received the P.W. leading to
the Chair should realise that, no matter how unworthy, he represents
the risen Christ. Thus we see the peculiarly appropriate nature of the
act coming after the reference to the bright morning star, which also
in another sense represents the risen Christ.



Having thus been brought into the place of light the Can. is given not
the Gen. Ss, but only substitued ones. This fact must often have
puzzled the Can.. The pratical reason given in the ritual, though
perfecdy inteligible to a R.A. mason, cannot be the real one. In view
of the unexpected calamity no-one could have thought K.S. was breaking
his ob. by nominating a successor to H.A.B. and giving him the full
ss..ts. Actually according to the R.A. story he did something much
worse, for he wrote them down and placed them somewhere, in the hopes
that they would be subsequently rediscovered, and he had no assurance
that their discoverers would even be masons, much less that they would
keep their discovery secret. Of course this is also an allegory, and
from this stand-point perfectly correct. The lost s...ts are the
nature and attributes of God, which must be realised by each man for
himself, and no other man can really communicate them. Moreover, this
complete realisation of the nature of God, and the union of the Divine
Spark within us with the Source of All, can never be achieved during
mortal life. Even after death we shall need to leave the world long
behind and travel far, before we can hope to attain that state of
spiritual evolution which will enable us to approach the Holy of
Holies, and gaze with unveiled eyes upon Him, Who is the beginning and
the end of all.

With regard to these substituted s..ts. let us note that they grow out
of those used by the F.C.. Having already shown in the last book that
the sn.s of the F.C., and in fact the real s..t of that degree, is the
transformation of Jehovah into Jeheshue,

we see that this is most appropriate. To use modern language, the
second degree teaches of the birth of the Christ Spirit within us,
while the third indicates that mystically we, like the great Master,
must die and rise again. As St. Paul says, " Die daily in Christ."

The sn.s given are probably all of great antiquity. Of some we have
evidence which shows that they were venerated in ancient Egypt and
Mexico, are still employed in the primitive Initiatory Rites of the
savages, and are associated with the Gods in India. For example, the
P.S. is used by Shiva, the Great Destroyer, Who when He makes it,
holds in His hand the lariet of death. The sn. of G. and D. is found
all round the world, as I have shown in full detail in Sign Language
of the Ancient Mysteries. Ancient Mexico, where Quetzacoatl makes it,
can be matched with Easter Island in the far Pacific, Peru, West
Africa, East Africa, New Guinea, Malaya and many other places.

Major Sanderson points out that the second Cas. Sn. is depicted in
Egyptian pictures as being used by those who are saluting Osiris in
his coffin. Those who desire will find it in Papyrus 9,908 in the
British Museum.

The English sn. of g. and d. (for up till now we have been speaking of
the Scotch form) is almost certainly not the correct one. Its general
appearance would incline one to believe that it is a penal sn., though
whence derived it is difficult to say. A little thought will indicate
the nature of the penalty as being somewhat similar to that of one of
the higher degrees. So far as I can find it is not recognised as a sn.
of g. and d. to-day, except among masons who are descended masonically
from the Grand Lodge of England, but in a picture by Guercino of
Christ cleansing the Temple, in the Palazzo Rosso, Crenoa, both this
and the Scotch form are shown, while the G. of H. constantly appears
in mediaeval paintings, e.g., in the Raising of Lazarus. (1)

The so-called Continental form undoubtedly comes from a well known
high degree, where it is much more appropriate: it is apparently
restricted to the Latin countries, whereas even in Germany it is the
Scotch form that is employed.

The sn. of Exul. is a form used to this day in of Asia to indicate
worship, and was similarly employed in Ancient Egypt. Major Sanderson
suggests that it was copied from the position in which Shu upheld the

Thus we see that six out of the so-called seven sn.s can be shown to
be of ancient origin, and it is quite probable that further research
will enable us to prove that the other one is equally old. Such sn.s
as these originally had a magical significance, and the explanation
given in the ritual as to their

(1) see The Sign Language of the Mysteries by Ward.

origin is no doubt of a much later date than the sn.s themselves.
Indeed, a careful study of certain of the sn.s will show that they are
not the natural sn.s which would have been used to indicate the
feeling they are said to express. For example, in the sn. of h...r the
left hand would not naturally be placed in the position in which we
are taught to put it, if this sn. had originated as related in. the
story. So obvious is this that some modern preceptors of Lodges of
Instruction have to my knowledge altered the position of the left hand
in order to make it conform to the story, but I venture to think that
in so doing they are committing a very serious mistake, nothing less
than the removal of an ancient landnrark.

Some day we shall probably discover the real origin of this sn., but
if it is altered that will of course become impossible.

The lion's grip and the actual position of r..s...g are equally old,
and, so far as we can find, this manner of r..s...g is employed in
every rite, whether ancient or primitive, which deals with the
dramatic representation of d.. As a manner of greeting it is employed
by the initiated men in many Red Indian Trihes, in West Africa, among
the Senussi in North Africa, and in the Dervish Rites. (1)

The parts of the b. brought in contact with each other are all parts
presided over by some sign of the Zodiac, and there would appear to be
some old astrological meaning which has now become lost. It may
possibly have been connected with Gemini, the Twins, and this fact is
made the more probable by the survival of the name "The Ln's Gr." The
explanation given, although possibly of a fairly recent origin,
nevertheless contains a valuable inner meaning, for it shows that we
cannot hope to advance towards God unless we do our duty to our fellow
men. Thus in dramatic form is shown that the brotherhood of man
necessitates the Fatherhood of God.

It hardly seems necessary in this book to point out again that the
regular st. forms a tau cross and teaches us that we must trample
under foot our animal passions, if we desire to approach near to God.
We note, however, that the Can., in advancing to obtain the s..ts, has
perforce to make three tau crosses, and the Christian Mystic will

(1) For further explanation see Ward, Who Was Hiram Abiff?

doubtless perceive in this a hidden reference to the three crosses on

Finally, as has already been pointed out, the penalties of the first
and second degrees draw attention to two important occult centres, and
so also in this degree the Solar Plexus, the most important occult
centre of all, is indicated, and since the object of every Mystic is
to achieve the Beatific vision, the fact that the monks of Mt. Athos,
near Salonica, do so by fixing their eye on this part, shows that
there is a very special reason for the special form of the p.s of the
third degree.



On his re-entering the Lodge the Can. is presented, and in due course
invested by the S.W., as in the previous degrees, thereby indicating
that even after death man's spiritual advancement is registered by the
Soul. The Badge itself, however, is full of symbolic meaning, and
though in its present form it is of comparatively recent date, it is
evident that those who designed it had a much deeper knowledge of
symbolism than some modern critits are apt to believe.

Firstly, the colour, which is that of Cambridge University, and
likewise that used by Parliament when fighting King Charles, has a
much deeper significance than is generally known. It is closely
related to the colour of the Virgin Mary, which itself had been
brought forward from Isis and the other Mother Goddesses of the
ancient world. It is possible that the designers were also influenced
by the existence of certain Orders of Knighthood which had their
appropriate colours, for the aprons of Grand Lodge Officers have
Garter blue, but this blue is also the colour of Oxford, and the
colour associated with the Royalist cause at the time of the Civil
War. At any rate, it is appropriate that our aprons should thus employ
the colours of the two great Universities of England. There is, of
course, an exception in the case of the red aprons allocated to Grand
Stewarts, for which there are historical reasons into which we need
not now enter. We may, however point out that the dark blue aprons of
Grand Lodge are often, though erroneously, spoken of as the Purple,
indicating a Royal colour, and thereby implying no doubt that Brn.
entitled to wear this colour are rulers in the Craft, and represent
the masculine element. Light blue, on the other hand, represents the
feminine or passive aspect, and is most appropriate for the ordinary
M.M., whose duty it is to obey, and not to command. Indeed, the M.M.'s
apron contain: other emblems which indicate this feminine aspect.
These are the three rosettes, which symbolise the rose, itself a
substitute for the Vesica Piscis, and they are arranged so as to form
a triangle with the point upwards, interpenetrating the triangle
formed by the flap of the apron. The two triangles only interpenetrate
half way, therein differing from the double triangles seen on the
jewels worn by R. A. Masons, which completely overlap. These two
triangles deserve a little careful study. The lower triangle with its
point upwards is the triangle of fire, the emblem of Shiva, and the
symbol of the Divine Spark. The triangle made by the flap of the
apron, which has its point directed downwards, is the triangle of
water, and is thus to some extent representative of the Soul. These
two triangles are within a sq., the emblem of matter, and therefore of
the body, and so we see that the M.M.'s apron symbolically represents
the triune nature of man, whereas the R.A. jewel, (the only high
degree jewel which may be worn in a Craft Lodge) has these two
triangles within a circle, which is the emblem of the Infinite. In
this case the triangle of water presents the preservative aspect, the
triangle of fire, the destructive aspect, the point or eye at the
centre, the creative aspect, and the circle, the everlasting nature of
the Supreme Being. There is therefore a curious correspondence, and
also a marked difference, between the jewel of the R.A. Mason, and the
apron of the M.M..

Viewed from another standpoint the apron has another set of meanings.
The triangle represents Spirit, and the Sq., matter. The flap forms a
triangle entering into the sq., and so depicts the entry of Spirit
into matter, and therefore, man. The E.A.'s apron should have the flap
pointing upward, indicating that the Divine Wisdom has not yet truly
penetrated the gross matter of our bodies. This custom is
unfortunately going out of use in modern Masonry, which is a great
pity, as undoubtedly a valuable lesson is thus lost. The F.C. has the
flap pointing downward for several reasons. Firstly, to indicate that
wisdom has begun to enter and therefore to control matter; secondly,
to represent the triangle of water and thus indicate that Soul and
Body are acting in unison; thirdly, because this triangle is the
emblem of Vishnu the Preserver, and so emphasises - the fact that the
aspect of God taught in this degree is the preservative aspect,
whereas the addition of the three rosettes in the third degree shows,
not only the union of Body, Soul and Spirit, but also that the great
lesson of this degree is the importance of the Destructive side of the
Diety, or as we may prefer to tall it, the Transformative side.

What, however, of the two rosettes worn by the F.C.? Firstly, they
stress the dual nature of man, and have a very clear reference to the
two p...rs. Similarly, no doubt, they indicate that the F.C. is not
yet a complete and united being ; Body and Soul are in union, but
unlike the M.M., these two are not in complete accord with the Spirit.
Thus we obtain a correspondence between the knocks of the F.C. and the
two rosettes. Furthermore, the triangle is incomplete, showring that
the F.C. is not yet a complete F.M., and this correlates with the
position of the C.s when taking the ob. in the F. C. degree.

Two other features of the apron must also be considered. Firstly, the
tassels, which appear originally to have been the ends of the string
with which the apron was bound round the waist. There is little doubt
that in the 18th century the aprons had not the present symbolic
tassels, but were fastened round the body in a very similar way to
that in which the E.A. and F.C. aprons are to this day. It is
interesting to note in this connection that the actual aprons worn by
the officers of Grand Lodge for the year, as distinct from the Past
Grand Officers' aprons, have no tassels at all.

In the course of years, no doubt, the ends of the strings were
ornamented by tassels, and to this day the aprons of the Royal Order
of Scotland are bounmd round the body by an ornamental cord with
tassels, which are tied in front in such a way that the two tassels
stick out from underneath the flap. These tassels, when the final form
of our aprons was fixed, were separated from the bands which fasten
the apron, and attached to the apron itself, becoming as we now see
simply strips of ribbon on which are fastened seven chains. When this
change took place it is clear that those who made the alteration
deliberately chose the number 7, and intended thereby to convey a
symbolic meaning. We have already explained the numerous symbolic
meanings of the number 7; for example, it represents God and Man,
Spirit and Matter, etc.

Naturally they had to have two tassels to balance, and it would have
been very inartistic to have had four chains on one tassel and three
on the other, and so it would be unwise to lay too much stress on the
number 14, which is the sum total. We may regard it merely as a
curious and interesting coincidence that the body of Osiris was stated
to have been divided by Set into 14 pieces. But in addition to these
details as to the historical development of the tassels, we must not
forget that in many of the 18th century aprons the two p....rs are
depicted. These aprons were usually decorated by paintings on the
leather, and varied considerably from Lodge to Lodge, but one of the
most usual kinds of decoration included the two p..rs, and the
remembrance of these may very probably have influenced those who
designed our present apron.

The modern arrangement by which the apron is fastened, namely, a piece
of webbing with a hook and eye attachment, gave a fine opportunity for
some really profound symbolism, and I feel certain that it was not an
accident which led to the universal adoption of the snake to serve
this purpose.

There are two kinds of symbolism attached to the snake in all ancient
religions. Firstly, the snake as the enemy of man, and therefore as
the representative of the powers of evil; and secondly the snake as
emblem of the Divine Wisdom. " Be ye wise as serpents" does not refer
to the craftiness of the Devil, but to the Divine Wisdom itself.

In Ancient Egypt the Soul as he passed through the Underworld met with
serpents of evil, and also with serpents of good. In India, legend
tells us of a whole order of beings, the Serpent Folk, who are of a
Spiritual nature different from man, possessed their own rulers, and
were endowed with superhuman wisdom. Some of these are considered to
be friendly to man, while others are hostile. The Sacred Cobra is well
known to every student of Hindu religions, and is essentially good.
Actual worship is paid to the Serpent throughout the whole of India,
and in many other parts of the world, and in the Kapala we get clear
traces of the fact that under certain circumstances the serpent is
regarded as "The Shining One" -the Holy Wisdom Itself. Thus we see
that the serpent on our apron denotes that we are encircled by the
Holy Wisdom.

Finally, the serpent biting its tail, and thus forming a circle, has
always been regarded as the emblem of eternity, and more especially of
the Eternal Wisdom of God. Nor must we forget that the snake is
peculiarly associated with Shiva, whose close symbolic association
with the third degree has already been clearly shown.

Much more might be written on the meaning of the apron, but we cannot
devote any more space to this subject, interesting though it may be,
although before considering our next point it will perhaps be well to
recall what has already been mentioned in the E.A. handbook, viz.,
that aprons, in addition to their Operative significance, have right
through the ages been employed in connection with religious
ceremonial. On the monuments of Egypt a garment, which can best be
described as a triangular apron with the point upward, is depicted in
circumstances indicating that the wearer is taking part in some kind
of ceremony of initiation. In ancient Mexico the Gods are depicted
wearing aprons, and it is not without interest to note that the modern
Anglican bishop wears an apron, although it appears to have developed
from a long flowing robe somewhat the shape of a cassock.



After the ceremonial investiture of the Cand. the W.M. continues the
narrative of the traditional history. At least this is the case in
most English workings, but in some Scotch workings the whole story is
told first, and subsequently the Cand. and the other Brn. act the
chief parts. Perhaps one of the most important points to realise is
the correct meaning of the name H.A.B. . Major Sanderson in An
Examination of the Masonic Ritual gives the following interesting
interpretations, which we will proceed to expand further.-" The title
H.A.B. is taken direct from the Hebrew of 2 Chron., Chapter 4, verse
16., and means, ` H. His father.' H. means 'Exaltation of light, their
liberty or whiteness, he that destroys'; It is of interest to note
that abib in Hebrew means `Ears of corn,' or `Green fruits,' and there
is just a possibility that this is the correct title of H."

Bearing these translations in mind we at once perceive a whole series
of inner meanings hidden in the name of the principal Architect.
Taking the Christian interpretation of our rituals :-firstly, we shall
remember that Christ said " If I am raised up (or exalted) I shall
draw all men unto me." Secondly, Christ died to make us free, that is,
to give us liberty from the bonds of death and hell. Thirdly,
mediaeval divines were never tired of referring to Christ's whiteness
and purity, and relate many beautiful legends and allegories to drive
home this lesson. One phrase alone will suffice to bring this aspect
of the Christ to our minds, i.e. , that He is constantly spoken of as
" the lily of the valley." Fourthly, He came to destroy the bonds of
death and hell, nor must we forget the old prophecy spoken concerning
the coming Christ and the serpent, representing Satan, " It (Christ)
shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel," Gen. 3. v. 15.
It is of interest to note that Quetzacoatl, the Mexican Preserver, who
fought and overthrew the great giant of evil, was himself smitten in
the foot, near to a fall of water, subsequently died from the wound,
and ultimately rose again from the grave. In India Krishna similarly
died from an arrow wound in the heel. Moreover, in mediaeval frescoes
Christ is constantly represented as crushing the head of the great
dragon under His left foot, while in His right hand He upraises a
staff on which is a cross. Such scenes are usually described as " The
Harrowing of Hell."

Fifthly, if the word abib is the correct rendering for the second half
of the name in question, we get a clear reference to the Sacramental
bread. The ears of corn are obviously synonymous with the wafer or
consecrated bread, which in mediaeval days alone was given to the
laity: while the alternative translation, "Green Fruits," brings to
our mind the Biblical saying that Christ is "the first fruits of them
that slept" (1 Corin, 15. 20). Bearing this possible Christian
interpretation in mind, installed masters will perceive the deep
significance of the P.W. which leads from the degree of M.M. to that
of I.M.

But in addition to these Christian interpretations of H.A.B. there was
yet another, which in some senses may be regarded as older, and the
key to which is supplied by India. In this sense H.A.B. takes on the
characteristics of Shiva, the Destroyer.

Firstly, "Exaltation of life" reminds us of the legend that Shiva on a
certain day increased in stature until He overtopped the universe,
and, as a result, overthrew Brahma, the Creator, and was ackowledged
by Vishnu as His superior. On that great day He gathered unto Himself
the beginning and the end of all things, Alpha and Omega, and
henceforth birth and death alike were in His hands.

Secondly, "Their liberty" refers to the fact that, to the pious Hindu,
Shiva by death grants liberty from the toil and anguish of this world,
and sets the soul free to mount to greater heights of spiriruality.

Thirdly, Shiva is always spoken of as the "Great White God, white with
the ashes of the dead who are ever burned in His honour." Nor must we
forget that these ashes are always scattered to the four cardinal
points of Heaven.

Fourthly, He is in His very essence " The Great Destroyer."

The "Ears of corn" are symbols of Vishnu the Preserver, Who Himself,
according to numerous Hindu legends, was slain and rose from the dead,
thereby paying allegiance to the Lord of Death ; and so:

Fifthly, we obtain the idea of the Resurrection as symbolised by the
ears of corn, which are planted in the earth and bring forth an
abundant harvest, the "Green fruits" of the fields. In this connection
it is as well to remember that the central theme of the Eleusinian
Mysteries was the ear of corn which was shown to the Cand. at the most
solemn point of the whole ceremony, and similarly taught the doctrine
of the resurrection from the dead.

The next point that strikes us in the legend is the number of
craftsmen who "went in search." The Irish version is of peculiar
interest, for it relates that it was the twelve who relented who
afterwards "went in search," and not a new company of ffiteen. In many
ways this is more logical, and certainly has a deep symbolic meaning.
It is logical in that it shows that the penitent twelve did their best
to make amends for ever having allowed themselves to listen to the
wicked schemes of the other three, and the subsequent decree of K.S.,
ordering them to wear white gloves and white aprons as a mark of their
innocence, is most appropriate. It was a public announcement that K.S.
forgave them their indiscretion and acquitted them of responsibility
for the crime.

On the other hand, in our version there seems no logical reason why
K.S. should order an entirely new batch of F.C.'s to wear these
emblems of their innocence, since they clearly had nothing to do with
the crime, and moreover, all the others, except the penitent twelve,
were equally innocent, and should therefore likewise have been
instructed to wear white gloves and aprons. It must be remembered that
these white gloves, etc., were not bestowed as a reward for having
taken part in the search, but are specifically stated to have been
ordered to be worn to denote innocence.

The Irish account goes on to state that the twelve set out from the
Temple and went together in one company until they came to a place
where four roads met, and formed a cross; then they divided into four
companies, and three went North, three East, three South, and three
West. Thus they trod the Way of the Cross. In some old Irish workings
we are told that the three who went North never returned. This
symbolically implies that they went into the Place of Darkness. As the
tendency in modern Irish masonry appears to be to adjust its ritual in
main essentials to our English workings, it is but fair that I should
say that I have a tangible proof of this form of legend, in the shape
of an old Irish apron dated 1790, which, unlike modern Irish aprons,
has a number of paintings on it depicting incidents in the ritual. One
of the paintings shows the twelve F.C.'s separating at the four cross
roads. (See frontispiece).

It is clear from all accounts, whether English, Irish, Scotch or
American, that the scoundrels, the agents of death, were found by
those who went in the direction of Joppa, that is in the W., but we
are left in considerable doubt as to whether the b. was found in the
E. or in the S.. Symbolically, however, it would clearly be in the S.,
for H.A.B., like the Christ, was struck down at High Twelve, when the
sun is in the S.. From a practical point of view it is fairly obvious
that the scoundrels who were carrying away the b. could never have
reached Joppa if they had once gone E., for they would have had to
fetch half a circle round Jerusalem, a procedure which would have
rendered their chance of escape almost hopeless. By going S. they
might hope to throw their pursuers off the track, and then turn back
at an angle, reach Joppa, and escape by boat. That this was their
intention is clear from many old forms of the legend, and especially
in those worked in America. King S., however, foresaw this possibility
and prevented their escape by forbidding any ships to sail. In the
American working one of the officers of the Lodge enacts the part of a
sea captain, and even wears a yachtman's cap. The villains come to him
and beg him to take them aboard, but he refused because of the embargo
ordered by K.S.. That the same incident was known in the old Irish
working is shown by the little picture on the same Irish apron
depicting the arrest of the villains on the sea shore, for in the back
ground there is a ship.

Let us interpret the meaning of the Irish working first. From the
Christian standpoint the twelve F.C's represent the twelve apostles,
Mathias replacing the traitor Judas. But in the non-Christian, and
possibly earlier interpretation, these twelve would of course be the
twelve signs of the Zodiac, searching for the sun which had been
eclipsed. We must never forget that in addition to the deep spiritual
meaning hidden in our ritual there is also a Solar Myth embedded,
which has in the course of years become allegorized and filled with
deeper spiritual truths.

But being English masons we must be prepared to find an explanation of
the fifteen. In ancient Egyptian times the month consisted of 30 days,
and the year of twelve such months, plus five extra days. Now the
first fifteen, of whom twelve recanted, presumably represent the first
half of that month, while the second half of the month is represented
by the fifteen who went in search. But spiritually the meaning of the
fifteen is fairly clear. Man has five senses and is triune in nature,
and thus implies that Body, Soul and Spirit must cooperate in trying
to find God, and employ on that quest their five senses.

Lest there be any misapprehension here I would explain that man is
considered to have not only the five physical senses, but also
corresponding senses of Soul and Spirit. The phrase "To see with the
eyes of the Spirit" is perfectly well known, and similarly we can
speak of the eyes of the Soul. To give concrete examples :-Students of
psychic science constantly speak of clairaudience and clairvoyance.
While it is not necessary to accept this type of phenomena, it is
clearly obvious that if man survives death at all his Soul must have a
means of communicating with other Souls and that these correspond in
some way to our physical senses. In like manner how are we to describe
the visions of the great seers and prophets, related in the Bible,
except by the possession of spiritual sight ?

Bearing this in mind, we obtain the following interpretation of the
fate which befell the three F.C. Lodges into which the fifteen formed
themselves. Those who found nothing represent the physical senses of
man, which are useless beyond the grave : the next company must
therefore represent the Soul, for despite the logic of the physical
world, it is the Soul which realises that death does not end all, and
so it was one of these who r...d the M But the power which tells us
what is right and wrong, and which ultimately punishes us for our
offences, is what we call conscience, and thus assuredly is the Divine
Spark within us-the Spirit.

Let us now turn to consider the details connected with the dlscovery
of the body. The incident of the shrub is such a striking analogy with
a similar one found in AEneid, wherein AEneas finds the body of the
murdered Polydorus by plucking up a shrub which is near him on the
side of a hill, that some students suggest that in the revision of our
ritual this incident was copied from Virgil. But, in Who was Hiram
Abiff, I show that both refer back to an ancient source and have an
allegorical meaning. One proof supporting this view; is that this
particular tree, the Acacia, has from time immemorial been more or
less sacred in the near East. In ancient Egypt the earliest forms of
the legend of Osiris relate that it was an acacia which grew up round
the coffin of Osiris, and not a tamarisk as in the later versions.
(See An Examination of the Masonic Ritual, by Major Sanderson). In
like manner this tree is sacred in Arabia, India, and many parts of
Africa, while it is the Shittim wood of the Old Testament, from which
the ark was made. No doubt in this reverence for the acacia we have a
survival of the primitive veneration for trees, usually spoken of as
"tree and serpent worship." In India the assouata tree is stated to be
a symbol of Trimurti, The Three in One. Its roots represent Brahma,
its trunk Vishnu, and its branches Shiva, the Destroyer.

At any rate we can regard the acacia tree as in itself an emblem of
the resurrection, for the tiny seed which is buried brings forth a
mighty tree, covered with fragrant blossoms.

The account of the manner in which the Cas. S...s came into existence,
though ingenious, can hardly be taken as historic. As we have already
dealt with this point previously, we shall only say that every
folk-lore student is well aware that, in the vast majority of cases,
legends purporting to explain the origin of a certain custom do not
give the real origin at all, but merely indicate that the origin of
the custom has been lost, owing to its great antiquity. The very
manner in which some of the S..s are given is sufficient to indicate
that they did not originate in the way suggested, while, on the other
hand, we find these same S...s all round the world, with entirely
different explanations as to their origin. They are indeed ancient
landmarks, and the utmost care should be taken not to alter them in
any way.

The next incident in the legend is the capture of the scoundrels. In
some rituals it is given with much interesting detail of a picturesque
nature. All agree that they were apprehended in a tavern, and many say
explicidy that it was near the sea shore. Some of the rituals state
that the fugitives were overheard lamenting as follows:- "One said,
'Oh, that my t. had been c.a. rather than I should have done it;'
while another more sorrowfully exclaimed, `Oh, that my h...t had been
t.o. rather than that I should have struck him;' and a third voice
brokenly said, `Oh, that my b. had been s. in t. rather than that I
should have smitten him,' " This last version is of interest as
explaining the legendary origin of the py. of the three degrees, and
incidentally it shows how legend incorporates facts into a story, in
order to explain something whose original meaning is lost. It would
also appear from this version as if the scoundrels had not intended to
actually kill their victim but merely to terrorise him, and in the
excitement of the moment lost their heads. Symbolically this contains
a valuable piece of teaching. According to one interpretation the
three scoundrels represent "The lust of the flesh, and the lust of the
eyes, and the pride of life" (1 John, 2. 16). In other words, the sins
of the flesh, the sins of the Soul, such as covetousness, and
spiritual pride, the most deadly of all.

These sins assuredly destroy man both physically and spiritually, yet
it can truly be said that in giving way to them no man intends to
destroy himself. From the more strictly Christian standpoint the three
scoundrels are Herod, Caiaphas, and Pontius Pilate, and it is
perfectly clear that Pilate and Herod, at any rate, did not wish to
kill our Lord; but were caught in a position from which they found it
impossible to escape.

Returning to the deeper mystical interpretation we notice that the
scoundrels were found in the West, the region of Death, which teaches
us that the just retribution for all our sins, whether of body, soul,
or spirit, will overtake us after death, and that though in one sense
it is God, here shadowed forth by K.S., who punishes, yet in another
sense it is our five spiritual faculties which themselves rise up in
judgment against us. We ourselves, doom ourselves, and therefore we
can obtain nothing but strict justice.

Without pretending that we have exhausted this subject, this brief
explanation of the true character of the scoundrels and their captors
must suffice, and we will only mention in passing that here also there
appears to be a half forgotten astrological reference to the three
winter months which oppress the sun.



The next part of the narrative is incorporated in most English
workings with the Tracing Board. The most interesting feature is the
description of the g.. It is obvious that peculiar stress is laid on
the centre, even in the present form of our ritual, because of the way
in which the measurements are given. Why should it not have been said
that it was six feet long? In some old rituals the g.. or rather the
monument, is described as a dome, which made a complete circle at its
base, and was three feet from the centre every way. If so it must have
been like a small replica of the earliest form of the Buddhist Pagoda,
and the Master was thus buried at the centre. In that case the top of
the dome would have been five feet from the surface of the ground, and
we should thus get the correct symbolic use of 5 as representing the
body, and 3 as representing the spirit, while enabling the human body
to be decorously interred. It seems probably that when the g.. was
made to conform to the type familiar in England, a desperate effort
was made to retain the 3 and 5. It is worth noting that there is no
mention of the use of any c...f...n, despite the picture on the
tracing board, and if a c...f....n had been used at the supposed date
of the incident it certainly would not have been of the European shape
depicted, but much more like an Egyptian Sarcophagus. Nevertheless,
though the ritual does not justify the existence of any c..f....n on
the tracing board, it was an integral part of the ancient mysteries of
Osiris, and its retention in other ritual is almost certainly an
ancient landmark. On the same tracing board may be seen certain
letters in the Masonic cypher, which are practically never explained.
Very often when transliterated, among other things, they will be found
to give the P.W. leading to the three degree. This fact is of
interest, for the true meaning of that W., as already explained, is a
w...k...r in m...ls, the correct description of H.A.B. The fact that
he was buried as near the Sanctum Sanctortum as possible, symbolically
denotes that he had reached the centre, and was in union with the
Source of All.

The Dormer window historically is the hypostyle, the method by which
Egyptian and classical temples obtained light. The pillars of the
central nave of such temples rose considerably higher than the roofs
of the aisles, thus leaving openings through which the light could
enter the building. These, however, were many in number, and it is
difficult to justify the apparent statement that there was only one
such opening. Symbolically it is intended to represent the means by
which the Divine Light penetrates into the deepest recesses of every
man's nature.

The squared pavement has already been explained under the section
dealing with the mosaic pavement, in the first degree, and our readers
are therefore referred to it. Briefly, it indicates that man's
progress towards the centre is through alternate experiences of good
and evil, darkness and light, mercy and severity, life and death.

The Porch which is the entrance to the Sanctum Sanctorum is the
gateway of death.

The working tools, "as in other cases, contain much sound moral
teaching of typical 18th Century work, but there is one implement
which deserves rather more than passing attention. For what follows I
must express my indedtedness to W. Bro. Sir John Cockburn, P.G.D. The
s..k...t does not appear to be much in use among Operative masons. It
is used by gardeners, but the Operative mason has other means for
marking out the ground for the foundations. This implement has more
than a superficial resemblance to the Caduceus of Mercury, and Sir
John Cockburn suggests that it has been employed to replace this
"Heathen" emblem. For my part, I think this is most probable, for it
is clear that at the beginning of the 19th century a deliberate
attempt was made to eliminate this emblem from our ceremonies. The
jewel of the Deacons in the 18th century was not a dove, but a figure
of Mercury, bearing the Caduceus. A number of these old jewels can be
seen in the library of Grand Lodge, and there are still a few old
Lodges which continue to use them, instead of the modern jewel. Now
this jewel is far more appropriate to the Deacons than is a dove. A
dove is the emblem of peace and a carrier pigeon bears messages, but
neither of these birds do all the work of the Deacons. Mercury,
however, was the Messenger of the Gods, and carried the instructions
of Jupiter, thus fulfilling one set of the duties of a deacon. He was
also the conductor of souls through the underworld; taking the dead by
one hand, and uplifting the Caduceus in the other, he led the Shade
from the grave, through the perils of the underworld, to the Elysian
Fields; before his Caduceus the powers of evil fled. In mediaeval
escatology it is Christ who leads the Souls on a similar journey,
uplifting in His Hand the Cross of Salvation. Even to-day the jewels
of the Deacons in a Mark Lodge bear the Caduceus, a mute but
convincing witness to the use of this emblem in Freemasonry.

We can thus see that on the one hand a deliberate effort was made to
delete from our ceremonies the Caduceus, probably because it was
considered to be Pagan, while on the other hand it was clearly quite
easy for ignorant masonic furnishers, in the course of years, to make
the Caduceus approximate more and more to a masonic tool, so as to fit
it in with other avowedly masonic implemens. As a masonic tool it has
very little significance, even to a Speculative, and is of no
practical value to an Operative, but the Caduceus would be peculiarly
appropriate to the third degree. In short, it is an ancient landmark,
an emblem of the dead and forgotten Mysteries, and symbolical of Him
who leads the soul from the darkness of the grave to the light of the

Before leaving the M.M. degree let me say to all installed masters
that if they have received the P.W., not the W. of an Installed
master, but the P.W. leading from the M.M. to that further degree,
they will find in it evidence not of a mere hint of the resurrection,
but of the Resurrection itself, and a close association with the
version of that doctrine set forth in the life of the Perfect Master.



Here we are reminded that we are working in symbolism, for we come
back from the West, i.e., the grave, to this material world. But we
have only obtained substitutes, and we offer them as some consolation
to the spirit, i.e., the W.M. The advance to the centre of the room is
an obvious reference to the other centre. The s...s are communicated
by the body to the soul, which passes them on to the spirit. The
meaning of these s....s is dealt with in the ceremony, but it is worth
noting that the word shows clearly that the s....t is to be found only
through the death of the body. The actual Hebrew word whose corrupt
form we use really means " My son is slain." It is also well to
remember that the p.s. and the s. of G.& D. (Scottish form) are, old
signs which come down from the ancient mysteries, and are still found
throughout the world. A brief summary of that has already been said
may be helpful. The p.s. is often associated with Shiva, the
Destroyer, and is also found appropriately used at Burobudor in Java;
it refers to that occult centre, the solar plexus. In view of what the
lost s...t is, this sign is therefore most significant. In other
words, it is a hint to those who deserve to know while it conceals
from those who do not.

The Scottish sign of G. & D. is found all round the world, and always
has the same meaning of an appeal for heIp. It is used in the most
primitive initiatory rites of a boy into manhood, and in Kenya the boy
takes it to indicate that he is ready for the operation of
circumcision to begin. In Nyasaland, among the Yaos, it is associated
with a grave, and in Mexico the Preserver is shown making it. He was
slain and rose from the dead, and it is constantly found in Mexico in
the form of a carving, consisting of a skeleton cut in half at the
centre and making this sign, as, for example, at the Temple of Uxmal.

The manner of communicating the s..s and the gr. are equally old.
Indeed, the lion's grip appears to be the grip of all the Mysteries.
It was the Grip of Mithra, and by this grip Osiris was raised. Among
the Druids it was also known, as is shown by a carving at Iona. I
have, however, gone into the evidence for the antiquity of our signs
so fully that I will not take up further space here.

We may as well add, however, that the number "5" no doubt refers to
the five senses of man, just as the seven steps remind us of the
Egyptian sub-division of every mortal.

Having received the sub. s...s the W.M., or Spirit, confirms their use
till the true ones are discovered. This last remark indicates that the
quest is not ended or abandoned, in reality it has just begun; the
first stage only has been passed, which stage is death. It also tells
every Craft Mason that he a good craftsman till he has at least taken
the Royal Arch.

Thus the spirit acknowledges that death is a step forward. It has
freed the soul of the trammels imposed on it by the body, and so our
life's work on earth, as symbolised in the Lodge, is closed. The
knocks indicate that the spirit now dominates the soul and body and
before we leave these heights it is well to point out that almost all
the great religious teachers have taught that in some mysterious way
this physical body will be transformed, and still be used after death.
In short, that matter, as well as spirit, is part of God. Science has
shown that matter is indestructable, though its form may be changed
completely, and so even after the symbolical death and resurrection,
three knocks are still required.



This then concludes the third degree. More than any other degree in
Craft Masonry it has embedded in it ancient landmarks, brought down
from a long distant past. Under the surface lie hidden, meanings
within meanings, which I make no pretence to have exhausted. Already
this book has exceeded in length either of the two previous ones, but
to do full justice to the sublime degree one would require a volume
four times as large as this. I trust, however, that I have given some
help, more especially to younger brethren, which will aid them to
glimpse the deeper side of Freemasonry. If they too will strive to
discover further alternative meanings, I shall feel this labour of
mine has been well repaid.

Let me again warn them that just because Masonry is so old, its
rituals, in the course of years, have been again and again revised,
and newer meanings have continually been grafted on to the old stock.
We are not entitled to say one meaning is right and another wrong.
Both may be right. Christianity itself has taken over a vast mass of
pre-Christian ceremonies and symbols, and the student is perfectly
entitled to consider that both the Christian and the pre-Christian
interpretations of these symbols are equally deserving of respect.

There is also another point which should be borne in mind. Again and
again we find that incidents and phrases which appear to have come
from the Bible, on closer investigation are found not to correspond
exactly with the Biblical narrative. At one time there was a tendency
to say that in these cases it was our duty to substitute the Biblical
version for the "Inaccurate" traditional form. With all due respect I
venture to say that such action is totally unjustifiable. Masonry is
not the Bible. It is a traditional ritual into which 18th century
revisers inserted fragments from the Bible, because that was the only
book dealing with the period of the masonic incidents which was then
available to them. To-day, we know a great deal more about this period
than did our 18th century predecessors, and the modern investigator
has just cause to lament the well meaning, but misdirected, zeal of
these worthy masons, who thereby have probably destroyed for ever
valuable landmarks, which would have helped us to discover the
historical growth and the symbolic meaning of many parts of our

Such apparent contraditions, and even mistakes, as appear to exist,
should be carefully retained, for they are sure indications to the
conscientous student of a connection with a long distant past, which
modern methods of research may enable us finally to trace to its
origin. If, however, they are revised out of existence, future
generations will have nothing to help them in the task of unravelling
the true history and meaning of Freemasonry.

If a Sn. does not correspond with the explanation of the manner in
which it is said to have originated, don't alter the way of giving the
Sn., for it is an ancient landmark. Rather try to discover if anywhere
in the world that Sn. is still used in some old ceremony which may
throw light on its true origin. If H.A.B. was not buried in a
c...f...n, don't eliminate the c...f...n from the tracing board, but
rather bear in mind that his great prototype, Osiris, was so buried
and that the c...f...n played a peculiarly important part in the
legend which recounts his death : which legend was hoary with
antiquity before K.S. was born.

Finally, let me say that even if a man can never fathom the full
meaning of the third degree, yet there is no man worthy of the name
who has passed through that third degree but will certainly have
learnt one important lesson, namely, how to d., and thereby will be
the better man.

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The Higher Degrees Handbook


by J.S.M. Ward


In attempting to give an outline sketch of the various degrees in
Freemasonry in a book of this description, I am faced by many
difficulties, not the least of which is how to write in an interesting
way about degrees, which many of my readers have not taken, without
giving away more than is permissible.

One of my reasons for writing this book is to encourage Brethren to
take these "Advanced Degrees." We still meet Brethren who say that
there is nothing beyond the Craft worth taking. As one who has taken
all the degrees for which he is qualified, I can state from personal
experience that, with one or two small exceptions, practically all the
degrees are of the greatest value.

Of course, my readers must bear in mind that a Brother gets out of
Masonry in proportion to what he brings into it. If he approaches it
with a keen intellectual mind, based on a reasonable amount of study
of the meaning of symbolism, he naturally will learn far more than if
he approaches it merely from the point of view of a man who knows a
good dinner when he eats one, and cares nothing about the meaning of
the ceremonies which take place in the Lodge Room.

In conclusion I must express my indebtedness to Messrs. Toye & Co. for
the loan of the blocks which illustrate this book.



Chapter 1. Historical Survey

Chapter 2. The Mark Degree.............10

Chapter 3. The Holy Royal Arch.........17

Chapter 4. The Cryptic Degrees.........28

Chapter 5. The Allied Degrees .........35

Chapter 6. The Ancient and Accepted Rite........................43

Chapter 7. The Royal Order of Scotland..54

Chapter 8. The Knights Templar and Knights of Malta.............66

Chapter 9. The Remaining Degrees........78

Conclusion........................... 83



The early history of the so-called "Higher Degrees" is even more
obscure than that of the Craft, and in consequence a tendency has
grown up to regard them as "Manufactured" during the 18th century.

In my opinion this is too hasty a conclusion, for some of these
degrees at any rate bear every evidence of antiquity, and contain that
wisdom which has been handed down from generation to generation.

The third degree clearly foreshadows a subsequent degree, wherein the
lost s...s will be finally recovered, in fact without such a degree
the whole of the Craft ceremonies would be meaningless. Moreover, as
we shall show later, the most important Higher Degrees use Sns. of
great antiquity, which have been clearly handed down from ancient days
in precisely the same way as have our Craft Sns., of which full
evidence has been given in the History Handbook. There is also
documentary evidence to show that the legends of some of these degrees
were well known by our medieval ancestors, and actually incorporated
in the Ancient Charges. As, for example, the two pillars which were
set up before the flood, survived that deluge, and were subsequently
re-discovered by masons. This legend forms the theme of the 13th
degree of the A. and A. Rite which is called the Royal Arch of Enoch.

The earliest printed references to any of the Higher Degrees are to
the Royal Arch in 1741, and to the Royal Order of Scotland in 1743,
when it was in such a vigorous state of health that it had a
Provincial Grand Lodge in London, with at least two Chapters under its

The Higher Degrees appear to fall into three main groups:-(1) Those
that extend the story of the Craft; (2) Those which purport to restore
the lost S..s; and (3) The Chivalric Degrees. With regard to the first
group two tendencies seem to have been at work during the 18th
century. The one being to cut out of the Craft various parts of the
legend, and the other being to enlarge certain incidents referred to
in the Craft stories, add picturesque detail, and evolve out of them a
new degree. My own convictio n is that the root matter of nearly all
the Higher Degrees comes from traditions and legends cherished by our
medieval predecessors.

There is no doubt that all our rituals, the Craft included, underwent
considerable revision during the 18th century. In the case of the
Craft Degrees a considerable amount of excision was necessitated by
the alteration of the clause in the constitution which changed Masonry
from a Christian to a non-Christian basis. This process of excision of
all Christian references was not completed until the time of the
Treaty of Union, in 1813, and one example for England will suffice.
Dunckley, in the second half o f the 18th century, declared that the
"Blazing Star" meant the star at Bethlehem which guided the wise men
to the infant Christ. In Scotland to this day there still survives a
distinct reference to the Christ in the Craft Degrees, for the V.S.L.
is opened by the D.C. with a quotation from the opening verse of the
gospel of St. John, - "In the beginning was the Word," - whilst the
Lodge is closed with the following quotation from the same sou rce,
"And the Word was with God." Now this clearly indicates the e xistence
of a Christian explanation of the lost S..s which, though no longer
countenanced in the Craft Degrees in England, survives in such degrees
as the Rose Croix.

We thus see that anything Christian was eliminated from the lower
degrees, and this explains the probable origin of some of the Higher
Degrees. At the same time, the general style of our Craft Rituals has
been altered. Apparently in early days the actual part taken by the
candidate during the ceremony was comparatively small, and the bulk of
the work consisted of lectures, some parts being by question and
answer, while other parts contained various legends connected with the
Order. Gradually the tendency arose to make the candidate take a more
active and dramatic part in the ceremony, and in order to do this
legends and incidents which did not immediately connect with the main
theme began to be dropped. These parts were prized by the older
members, and rather than see them perish they made them into side
Degrees, nor are we justified in assuming that they invented the Sn..s
to go with these degrees. In the Royal Order of Scotland to-day the
bulk of the cer emony consists of questions and answers put by the M.
to the Wardens, and include the giving of S..ns at certain points in
the catechism, which S..ns, however, are not specifically taught to
the candidate. No doubt when similar portions were cut out and became
Christian degrees the Sns. went with them, and naturally became tests
to prove that a Brother had taken this new Side Degree, which was
nevertheless in reality very ancient.

A characteristic example of a degree which has been cut out of an
existing craft degree is the Mark, which was almost certainly part of
the ceremony of a F.C., although no doubt it has been amplified since
it started on its independent career. On the other hand some of the
intermediate degrees of the A. and A Rite, such as the Knights Elect
of Nine, are merely amplifications of incidents dismissed in a few
words in the Craft ceremony. The Knights Elect of Nine relates in
dramatic form the apprehension of one of the criminals.

To an entirely different order belong degrees like the Royal Arch, the
Royal Order of Scotland, and the Rose Croix. Each of these in its own
way claims to be the completing degree, in which the lost s..s are
discovered. The explanation in the case of the last two is Christian,
in the case of the R.A. non-Christian, whilst their survival indicates
the existence of two diametrically opposed traditions. The Christian
Degrees represent the solution put forward in Medieval times, whereas
the R.A., though now overlaid with Jewish matter taken from the O.T.
in the 18th century, has still within it traces of a tradition which
goes right back to pre-Christian times, and clearly comes in part from
Egypt, and in part from India.

The third group claim to carry on the teaching of the Chivalric Orders
of the Middle Ages, and contain evidence of a mystical tradition which
was not entirely orthodox. A characteristic example of these degrees
is the Knights Templar.

With regard to these Chivalric Degrees, it may at first sight appear
difficult to justify the claim of a building guild to be linked in any
way with the proudest Order of Chivalry known to exist in the Middle
Ages, but those who hastily brush away this tradition ignore certain
salient features of the Templar organisation. The Templars contained
at least three sections, or sub-orders, within their ranks, i.e., the
Knights themselves, the Templar Priests, and the so-called Serving
Brethren, among whom were m any Masons.

When the Order was suppressed thousands of Knights escaped the general
persecution, and simply disappeared from history. How did they do it,
and what became of them? The most reasonable explanation is that they
disguised themselves as Serving Brothers and Lay Brothers of the
Temple, and were shielded by these humbler members of their own Order,
who entirely escaped persecution. I have gone into this question at
great length in "Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods," and will therefore
content myself by saying here that there was undoubtedly a link
between Masonry and the Templars, which is quite sufficient to explain
a partial survival of Templar Rites among the Masonic Brotherhood. The
Templars certainly had a mystical teaching very similar to that
enshrined in Freemasonry, and traces of it can still be detected in
the present rituals of the Masonic Knights Templar, despite the fact
that they have been considerably revised in the last half century .


Those of my readers who have already studied the first three Handbooks
of this series will realise that the true S..s of a M.M. are not
restored to them. The real S.. which was lost was comprehension of the
Nature of God, and our Third Degree quite clearly indicates that,
despite popular beliefs, we shall not be able to comprehend God as
soon as we are dead. The Craft degrees, in short, take us through
birth, life and death, and shadow forth the Creative, Preservative and
Destructive sides of the Deity. The majority of the other degrees
either deal with what befalls a man after death, or else endeavour to
explain, or fill in, certain gaps in that historic narrative which is
the allegorical basis of the Craft Degrees.

The Mark degree in part belongs to the latter group, and is in reality
the completion of the Second Degree. Unquestionably a Brother should
receive his Mark when he becomes a F.C., and the degree itself still
shows strong operative influence.

It is ruled by Mark Grand Lodge, which meets and has its offices at
the Temple in Great Queen Street, next door to the Connaught Rooms.
All who love the Higher Degrees owe a debt of gratitude to Mark Grand
Lodge, which has acted as Fairy Godmother to many of the Higher
Degrees which were left stranded after the Treaty of Union in 1813.
Indeed, in many cases it has more or less taken them under its wing,
and in consequence we shall have to refer again and again to the fact
that the Grand Body which rules a particular degree has its Head
Quarters at "Mark Mason's Hall."

The Mark Degree has its own regalia and a special jewel, and perhaps
our younger Brethren will be glad of the warning that, with the
exception of the R.A., no jewels of the Higher Degree may be worn in a
Craft Lodge.

The jewel of the Mark Degree consists of a keystone, made usually of
white cornelian, on which are engraved certain mystic letters, the
meaning of which are revealed to members of the Degree. It is
suspended from a blue and red ribbon. The aprons and collars are also
made of blue and red silk.

The teaching of this Degree is largely an amplification of the Second,
and tells of education and reward for labour. It also contains a
dramatic warning against attempting to obtain wages to which we are
not justly entitled, and there is a Messianic hint in the fact "That
the stone which the builders rejected has become the headstone of the
corner." Incidentally the stone is a keystone, hence the origin of the
jewel of the degree.

Several facts lead us to suspect that at one time the Degree may have
been more pronouncedly Christian than it is to-day. We know that it
was flourishing as far back as 1760 in Lodges attached to the
Ancients, who were unquestionably strongly pro-Christian.

The legend as now given relates to a period in the building of the
Temple previous to the tragedy, although there is abundant evidence to
show that as late as the time of the formation of Mark Grand Lodge,
1856, many Mark Lodges in the North had a somewhat similar legend to
that now used, but associated it with the second Temple instead of
with the first.

Mark therefore, is, or should be, really part of our Craft system, and
in Scotland Craft Lodges still have the power to confer it, and
constantly do so. In that country it is a necessary qualification for
the Excellent Master which itself is an essential qualification for
the Royal Arch. We shall refer to the Excellent Master more fully when
we come to the Royal Arch, but it is desirable to point out that in
Scotland Royal Arch Chapters also have the right to confer the Mark
Degree, if a candidate has not already taken it in his Craft Lodge.

The Mark, as we have said, is the completion of the Second Degree, and
in itself contains what are practically two degrees, namely, Mark Man
and Mark Master. There has been much learned controversy as to whether
the Mark Master was at one time conferred on a man as soon as he
received his Second Degree. Since it is impossible at the moment to
decide when the Mark Degrees arose in their present form, all we can
say definitely is that so far as documentary evidence goes, i.e., back
to 1760, it appears as if there were always the Degrees of Mark Man
and Mark Master, and that although at any rate in theory, Mark Man
might be conferred on a F.C., Mark Master seems always to have been
restricted to Master Masons. In modern times both Mark Degrees are
conferred together, and always on a M.M., although the Mark ritual
throughout emphasises the connection with the Second Degree.


The Mark Degree, or Degrees, also have associated with them, but in a
separate "Lodge," the Royal Ark Mariner Degree. This appears to be old
"Operative" work, probably built up in the 18th century by genuine
operative masons in the North of England, anxious to have some way of
distinguishing a real "Working" mason from a "Speculative." The same
explanation probably brought into existence the Degree of St. Laurence
the Martyr, of which more anon. The Ark Mariner legend relates to the
Deluge, and is taken d irect from the Bible. The most interesting
features are the use of a stone, instead of the V.S.L., on which to
take the Ob.. The reason for this is explained in the ritual, but it
may be that we have here a survival of the old custom of swearing on a
stone altar, which was the earliest form of a binding oath. There is
also some interesting work with a triangle, but in the main it must be
confessed that there is not much really deep teaching in the Degre e.
It is, however, quite a pretty little Degree, and has many ardent
supporters. It is under the direct rule of Mark Grand Lodge.



The Mark completes the Second Degree, but to the youngest Master Mason
it must be obvious that a further degree is needed to complete the
Third Degree.

The genuine S..s were lost; but were they never re-discovered?
Moreover, since they were known to three people, why could not the two
survivors have appointed a successor and given him the lost S..s? The
Royal Arch sets out to give at any rate one answer to the question -
"What were the Gen. S..s of a M.M.?"

Briefly, it is a lost W., but that W. conveys in symbolism a most
interesting and illuminating explanation of the nature of God. Indeed,
the teaching of the Craft may be summed up by saying that it teaches a
man his duty to his neighbour, whereas the "Arch" instructs him in his
duty towards God. What is the nature of God therein depicted? It is a
trinity, but not the Christian Trinity; it is more like the Hindoo
Trinity of Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer. It also clearly
indicates the union of Body, Sou l, and Spirit, and shows that by that
Union we become united with God. Thus, in its very essence the Royal
Arch is supremely mystical, and teaches of the Beatific Vision.

The legend deals with the "Discovery" of the lost S..s at the
re-building of the Temple after the return from the Captivity. It will
thus be seen that the "Setting" of the degree is from the Old
Testament, and this fact must be noted, for there is another
explanation of the "Lost Word" which is given in some of the other
"Higher" degrees, namely, that the "Lost Word" is Christ, the Logos.

But we have not yet obtained an answer to the very natural question,
"Why could not the other two, who knew the S., appoint a successor?"
The full exoteric explanation, and also how it was that the S.s came
to be deposited in a place of security is given in one of the "Cryptic
Degrees," to which we shall refer later in this book. Briefly however,
three persons were necessary in order to convey it, but in reality, of
course, this is symbolism, and implies that Body, Soul and Spirit must
be in union before t hey can fully comprehend the Divine Trinity.
While, on the one hand, no living man, trammelled by the bonds of the
flesh, can really comprehend the nature of God, nor even do so
immediately after death, for our souls will not yet be sufficiently
evolved, on the other, hand it is clearly taught that our body does
not completely perish, but is rather transmuted, even as St. Paul
himself says will take place at the day of judgment. This is no doubt
a very profound dogma and difficult for us to understand, bu t if we
can realise the fact that matter as well as Spirit is in its original
a manifestation of God, and therefore a part of Him, we shall perceive
that Matter also is indestructible, although its form may change. This
fact is perfectly well recognised by modern science.

In the original form of the Royal Arch, which still survives in
Bristol, in Scotland, and in America, the Candidate must pass through
four veils, which correspond to various spiritual states of existence
which lie beyond the grave, each being a little nearer to the Divine
Being than was the previous one. The four Veils are coloured
respectively Blue, purple, red and white, and at each Veil the
Candidate is challenged by a "Guardian of the Veil" who demands of him
the W. and Sn. of the previous Veil. This ceremony in Scotland forms a
distinct degree known as the Excellent Master, and the Jewel thereof
is a pentacle set with brilliants, which jewel, of course, represents,
among other things, man and his five senses. The penal S. of this
degree is of great antiquity, and is made by Vishnu when in the form
of the Lion Incarnation. Vishnu descended to earth to overthrow an
evil giant which was oppressing the world, and slew him by
disembowelling him. In Scotla nd no English Royal Arch Mason can be
admitted to a Scotch Chapter unless he previously receives the Degree
of Excellent Master, which degree he cannot receive unless he has
first taken the Mark.

The Passing of the White Veil is really an integral part of the Arch
ceremony, and the Sn. corresponding to the S.s of the other Veils is
one well known to English Royal Arch Masons. It is only after having
passed this barrier that the candidate is enabled to obtain the real
S.s of an M.M., the ceremony being very similar to our own Royal Arch.
In other words, it is only when we have passed through various
spiritual stages of existence that we shall at length be able to
comprehend the nature of God. The deletion of the Veils from our
ceremony has tended to obscure this important lesson in the English
form of the R.A.

A slightly different lesson is taught us by the fate of our
predecessor in the Craft. He could not have revealed the S. even if he
had wished to do so, for it was an experience, and therefore could not
be communicated by words to any living man. We cannot go into a
detailed explanation of this deeply mystical ceremony in a book of
this nature, but a brief explanation of a certain vault which plays a
prominent part therein is essential. Like all symbols in Freemasonry
it has several meanings, but the two most important are (a), the
underworld, or the grave into which man descends at death, and from
which his Soul ultimately ascends to realms of Light. (b) The Mystical
interpretation is that it is the M.Ch., that dark recess of the Soul,
where dwells the Divine Spark.

The jewel of this degree depicts quite clearly the nature of God. The
Double Triangle within the Circle and the Point therein, which is
represented by the All-Seeing Eye, is the age-old symbol for God. The
triangle within the Circle represents the Spirit within the Circle of
Infinity, and is peculiarly associated with God the Creator. R.A.
Masons will perceive the significance of this fact in connection with
the Altar. The Point within a Circle, among the Hindoos, stands for
Paramatma, the All-pervading , the Source and End of All. The triangle
with the point downwards is the symbol of rain (water) and represents
the preservative side of God (Vishnu), while the triangle with the
point upward represents fire, whose flames go up to Heaven, and is
therefore the emblem of the Destructive, or rather the transformative,
side of God (Shiva). This great symbol was sacred to Babylonian,
Egyptian and Jew, and had to each the same inner meaning. It is also
sacred to the modern Hindoo, and was so to the ancient Mex ican, and
indeed is one of the most venerated symbols in the world.

It will thus be seen that the jewel of the R.A., far from being a mere
ornament, contains in itself a summary of the sublime teachings of
that degree; the more so as it also has a triple tau. With regard to
the tau cross, we have already shown in our earlier handbooks that in
its origin it was a Phallic symbol representing the Creative power. We
shall remember also that we make a tau cross every time we receive the
S.s in the Craft Degrees. Thus the M.M. has himself made the triple
tau. It is also worth reminding our readers that only those who have
passed the chair and actually ruled a Lodge are entitled to wear three
tau crosses on their aprons.

As a Phallic symbol it became an emblem of the Creator, and also, in
time, of our animal passions, which must be trampled under foot if we
are to advance in Spiritual knowledge. By the time we have reached the
Arch, symbolically this has been done, and we are reminded of this by
the Union of these three taus beneath the triangles, emblems of the
spirit. Moverover, though this is essentially a non-Christian degree
we cannot forget that there were three Crosses on Calvary.

The presence of the triple tau, after the experience we have had of it
in the Craft, shows how carefully each degree leads on to the next,
and it also conveys this important lesson. Each degree in the Craft
taught the evolution and purification of (1) the body; (2) the soul;
(3) the spirit. These three, now in perfect union, rest under the
Shadow of the Supreme Being depicted by the Double Triangles. Thus the
presence of the tau crosses teaches us that Man will ultimately rest
in the Presence of the King of Kings.

In fact the Royal Arch is full of interesting symbolism: the colours
of the regalia, red and purple, the shape of the altar, the position
of the three Principals, all convey important lessons, but we cannot
spare the space in a small Handbook like this to enlarge further on
this degree. Nevertheless, one cannot omit pointing out that as in the
Craft the W.M. represented the Spirit, the S.W. the Soul, and the J.W.
the Body, so do the corresponding officers in the R.A., although here
they are no longer separa ted, but are side by side, and in all cases
act as one. The reason for this is that the R.A. depicts that sublime
state wherein Body, Soul and Spirit are truly one, and are at Peace in
the Presence of God - now properly comprehended.

Our readers will thus perceive that no Craft Mason can consider he has
fulfilled his duty as a Mason, until he has taken the Royal Arch, for
he has not recovered those lost S..s which he has promised to try and

The regalia includes apron and a sash of purple and red.


The Cryptic Degrees are four in number and are ruled by a Grand
Council of their own which, however, in reality is in close alliance
with Mark Grand Lodge, whose Hall is their Head Quarters.

They are "The Most Excellent Master," "The Royal Master," "The Select
Master," and "The Super-Excellent Master," and their legends bridge
the gap, historically, between the first Temple and its destruction.
The "Most Excellent Master" must not be confounded with the "Excellent
Master" which is worked in Scotland and is really the "Passing of the
Veils" in the Royal Arch, although it is kept separate and given
first. Its Legend, therefore, is associated with the Second Temple,
while the "Most Excellent Master" on the contrary deals with the
completion and dedication of the first temple. The apron, which is
seldom worn, is white edged with purple, and there is a purple collar.
The colour refers to the grief felt by the Brethren for the loss of
the third Principal, whose chair is vacant. The most striking feature
in the Lodge room is a small replica of the Ark of the Covenant. In
theory the qualification for the "Most Excellent Master" is only Mark,
but as it is always followed by the "Royal Master," for which the
Qualification is Mark and Arch, in practice the Cand. must hold both
these degrees.

The Royal Master is a most interesting degree, for it shows how the
R.A. S..s came to be deposited in the place in which they were
subsequently found. Though H.A.B.'s chair was vacant in the "Most
Excellent Master," in the Royal Master he is the chief character, and
his disquisition on the subject of "Death" is one of the most
beautiful pieces of ritual in Freemasonry.

The apron in this degree is black, edged with red, but it is seldom
worn. The three Principals, however, wear robes similar to those worn
by the same officers in the R.A.

The "Select Master," unlike the preceding degrees, has a special jewel
of its own, namely a silver trowel within a triangle of the same
metal, which is suspended from a black collar edged and lined with
red. The apron is white, edged with red and gold, and is of a
triangular shape, but in England neither it nor the jewel are usually
worn. In Scotland the jewel of the Cryptic Degrees combines the
triangle and the trowel, whereas in England we wear the Jewel of the
"Super-Excellent Master" to represent all four degrees.

The "Select Master" is supposed to be held in a crypt (hence the name
"Cryptic Degrees") which is the same crypt in which the S..s of the
R.A. were at a later date discovered. The legend is similar to that of
one of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, and relates how a
well known mason employed by K.S. accidentally intruded into this
crypt when K.S. and H., K. of T., were present. The intruder was
subsequently pardoned, but the O.G. who should have prevented his
entry, was punished in his place. This is undoubtedly an old legend
which crops up again in a third degree, namely, the "Grand Tyler of
K.S." one of the Allied Degrees. Its symbolic meaning is that those
who push their occult investigation beyond reasonable limits, and
without the assistance and protection of more experienced
investigators, run serious risks.

The "Super-Excellent Master" is short and not very interesting, but it
brings the story of the first Temple down to the time of its
threatenened destruction and so bridges the gap between the "Most
Excellent Master" and the R.A.. The lesson taught is unswerving
loyalty to Jehovah. The colour of this degree is crimson, and a
crimson collar should be worn. In practice, however, this is worn only
by members of the Grand Council. The Jewel of these degrees is a white
enamel triangle with the point downwards, that is, the triangle of the
Preserver, and is as a rule the only regalia worn.

The most interesting part of this degree is a carpet on the floor with
the following design thereon. Inside a square is a circle, within
which is a triangle pointing towards the West, and within the triangle
is the C. of the C. on which rests an altar, and on the altar is the
ark of the covenant. As the "Floor" design is not adequately
explained, the following will be of use.

The triangle pointing West is the symbol of the Preserver, and has
been adopted as the jewel of all these degrees in England, and it
certainly denotes the underlying principle of the series.

(1). The "Most Excellent Master" teaches us that despite the loss of
the chief architect God preserved the work of the Temple and it was
duly completed.

(2). The "Royal Master" tells us how the R.A.S..s came to be

(3). In the "Select Master" the over zealous friend of K.S. was
preserved from the dire fate which threatened him.

(4). In the "Super-Excellent Master" we are shown how God preserved a
remnant of the people because they preserved their faith in Him.

The triangle within a square denotes the Descent of the Spirit into
Matter, while the Circle symbolises Infinity - whence the Spirit
comes. The point links the Infinite with the emblem for the
All-Pervading - it also refers to each individual "Ego."

The whole symbol, therefore, means that God the Preserver descended
from Eternity, and entering into Matter became flesh, and He is one
with the All-Pervading. It is therefore a most sacred emblem, and the
fact that the Ark of the Covenant stands on the C. shows that the New
Dispensation arises out of the old, and the Prophetic reference to
this fact is emphasised by the real g. which should remind us of Him
Who died upon the Cross. Thus this degree has a Messianic, esoteric
meaning, often overlooked by t hose who have taken it.


Under this heading are grouped a number of different degrees having
little in common. In theory the Grand Council which meets at Mark
Masons' Hall controls a large number of degrees, including five which
are androgamous, but in practice they only work six degrees. At
Newcastle-on-Tyne, however, the Time Immemorial Council also works one
or two others, including the Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest, a
highly mystical and beautiful ceremony.

The six degrees worked in London are not restricted to Christians, and
the only qualifications are Mark and Arch. This is despite the fact
that St. Laurence the Martyr and the Knights of Constantinople are
clearly Christian degrees. Most of these degrees are of secondary
importance, but the Red Cross of Babylon and the High Priest are old
and important. The degrees are as follows:-

(1). St. Laurence the Martyr. The Jewel is a gridiron, and it is quite
possible that it is to this fact that we owe the ribald tales current
in the outside world as to what befalls a man at his initiation into
Freemasonry. The legend of this degree in reality has nothing whatever
to do with Freemasonry, and is well known to every student of Medieval
legends of the Saints. The lesson taught is that of fortitude. This
degree appears to be a piece of old Operative ritual brought from
Lancashire, and original ly worked up into a degree in order to enable
a genuine "Working mason" to distinguish other Operatives from "These
newfangled Speculatives."

(2). The Knights of Constantinople is associated with the Emperor
Constantine, and inculcates the useful lesson of universal equality.
The Jewel is a cross surmounted by a crescent moon, hardly a happy
choice, for it suggests the triumph of the Crescent over the Cross.

(3). The Secret Monitor is very similar to the first degree of the
Secret Monitor as worked by the Grand Conclave, and is associated with
David and Jonathan. Its presence among the Allied Degrees bears
testimony to an unfortunate split which occurred during the early
years of the organisation of the Grand Conclave of the Secret Monitor.
It is the only degree in English Freemasonry which is under the
control of two entirely distinct bodies. The Jewel is a "Hackle"
suspended from a crown, and on the ribbon above the jewel is a bow.

(4). The Grand Tyler of King Solomon relates the story of the
accidental intrusion of a F.C. into the secret vaults where K.S., K.H.
of T., and H.A.B. were met in consultation. The legend is very similar
to that related in the "Select Master" though there are interesting
variations, in particular. "The Period" of the legend being earlier.
The Jewel is the triangle of the Preserver, point downwards, with
certain Hebrew letters engraven in gilt upon a black enamel

All these degrees are interesting, but can hardly be called really
important, whereas the next two stand in quite a different category.

(5). The Red Cross of Babylon is undoubtedly old, and the sixteenth
degree of the A. and A. Rite also bears on the same theme, while
similar incidents likewise occur in the Royal Order of Scotland. The
Degree in historical order follows, and is closely associated with,
the Royal Arch and the rebuilding of the second Temple, and in
Scotland is actually controlled by the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter. It
has many interesting details, but its outstanding feature is the
crossing of the Bridge. This, although tr ansformed into a physical
and historical bridge, undoubtedly symbolises something quite
different. We are here in the region of eschatology and are being told
what befalls a man after death. In all the great religions of the
world there is a tradition that sooner or later after death the soul
must cross a certain "Bridge." Clearly this "Bridge" means the passing
from one state of existence in the world beyond the grave to another,
and indicates a further advancement of the Soul away from earth
conditions and towards God. The Japanese, Chinese, Parsees,
Mahomedans, and Medieval Christians, all speak of this bridge. For
example, the Parsees say that the mourners must rise at dawn on the
third day after the death of their friend and pray for him, for at
that hour he comes to the bridge which he must cross to reach
Paradise. The bridge spans the gulf of Hell, and in the middle of the
Bridge the Soul will be met by a female form. If his life has been
good this form will be that of a beautiful woman who will lead him
into Paradise, but if his life has been evil it will be a hideous hag
who will meet him and fling him from the bridge into the bottomless

In England this bridge was called "The Brig of Dread," and is depicted
in a twelfth century fresco at Chaldon Church, Surrey, where it is
shown as if built like a saw. Among those attempting to cross it is a
Mason with his tools in his hand. It is also spoken of in an old
Lancashire dirge which relates what befalls the Soul of the dead man
immediately after it has left its dead body.

"When thou from hence away art passed Every night and alle; To
whinny-muir thou comest at last And Christ receive thy soule."

"From whinny-muir when thou mayest pass Every night and alle; To 'Brig
of Dread' thou comest at last And Christ receive thy soule."

The exoteric lesson of the degree is "Great is Truth," but the hidden
reference to the Bridge of Testing which the soul must pass on its
journey towards Paradise is the most striking feature. The Jewel is
two crossed swords on a dark green background of enamel.

(6). The High Priest, unlike the other degrees, can only be conferred
on a mason who has been a 3rd Principal in a R.A. Chapter. It deals
with the Priesthood "after the Order of Melchisedic," and the jewel is
the triangle with the point upwards, on which is imposed a mitre.

Briefly then the Allied Degrees link the Old Testament with the New,
and the most important are the Red Cross of Babylon and the High
Priest, although the other four are not without interest.


The Rose Croix of Heredom is now regarded as the 18th Degree of the A.
and A. Rite, whose total number of degrees is 33, in reference to the
33 years of our Lord's Life. In practice, however, only the 18th,
30th, 31st, 32nd and 33rd are worked in full in England, and the last
three are but sparingly conferred.

In America all the intermediate degrees are worked, i.e., 4th to 33rd
inclusive, but in England the 4th to the 17th are merely conferred by
name. The 18th is worked in full, but the 19th to the 29th inclusive
are similarly conferred by name only.

The qualification for the 18th is one year a Master Mason, and for the
30th it has usually been Prelate or M.W.S., the latter being the title
of the ruler of a Rose Croix Chapter. The 18th degree is a highly
mystical degree and full of the deepest interest, and in England is
restricted to professing Christians. In the U.S.A. and on the
Continent of Europe, however, it is not usually regarded as Christian,
and non-Christians can become members. One school of Masonic research
has prepounded a theory that t he Rose Croix was originally Roman
Catholic, and invented by the Jacobites. Personally, I have, after
very careful search, been unable to find any evidence in support of
this view, and frankly I cannot conceive of any conscientious Roman
Catholic taking part in the ceremonies.

It seems more probable that the degree is due to Rosicrucian
influence, and the earliest historic evidence we can find of these
mystics shows that they were Lutheran, but it is quite probable that
they inherited an earlier tradition. There appear to be references to
Rosicrucian doctrines in Dante, and the Commacine Masons carved the
Rose and Compasses over their Lodge door at Assisi in the opening
years of the 15th century. Moreover, the ancient Aztecs who likewise
venerated the cross had a very similar R ite with the same Sn..s and
many of the same incidents. Finally, we cannot ignore the fact that
Henry Adamson, M.A., in "The Muses Threnodie" written in 1636, says:-

"For we are Brethren of the Rosie Cross, We have the Mason's Word and
Second Sight:"

Now this shows an association of the "Mason's Word" with the Rosie
Cross. Personally, I think this refers, not to the present 18th
degree, but to the Rosy Cross of the Royal Order of Scotland.

It indicates, however, Rosicrucian influence on Freemasonry long
before the rise of the Jacobite movements, and is in a poem describing
Protestant Perth.

To revert to the 18th degree as we know it to-day, we find it has four
distinct sections. The first consists of the conferring by name of the
intermediate degrees, and the other sections form the Rose Croix
Degree itself. It is a highly mystical piece of symbolism, and
expresses the passage of Man through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
accompanied by the Masonic Virtues F.H. and C.. It ends with his final
acceptance into the abode of Light, life and Immortality, and with his
recovery of the L.W.

The Badge is twofold; on one side it is black, having in its centre a
red calvary cross; on the other side it is white, edged with rose
colour; on the apron itself is embroidered a Pelican feeding its
young, while on the flap is a triangle within which are certain Hebrew

There is a collar which is similarly two faced; on the reverse it is
black with three red crosses, and on the front rose pink, richly
embroidered. Among the symbols depicted are the crown of thorns and
the serpent holding its tail in its mouth, the emblem of Eternity. The
jewel which is suspended from the collar is a golden compass extended
to an angle of 60 degrees, surmounted by a celestial crown. On the one
side is a scarlet cross within the compasses, and beneath it a Pelican
feeding its young. On t he reverse the cross is silver, with a silver
eagle rising towards the heavens, and on both sides at the joint of
the compasses is a rose.

Despite its present Christian setting it appears that this degree in
its main details is a very ancient ceremony. All its essential
features are found in the Bora Ceremony of the Australian Aborigines,
one of the most primitive races still living. In India and China the
Sns. of this degree are associated with God the Preserver. In Ancient
Egypt certain parts of the Book of the Dead cover the same ground and
show the same Sns. in use. The Ancient Aztecs in Mexico appear to have
had practically the same c eremony, as already stated, and some of the
Sns. which they make have survived among the Red Indians to this day.
In Medieval Europe we find constant examples of the use of the two
principal Sns. employed, as for example at Coire Cathedral, - in both
12th and 15th century work, - in a fresco at Basle, painted in the
opening years of the 16th century, and in a 17th century panelled room
now in the Engadine Museum at St. Moritz. Moreover, a certain Sn.
associated with the 9th degree of the A. and A. Rite wh ich indicates
sorrow is also found side by side with these Rose Croix Sns. in every
one of the above mentioned cases in Europe. Facts like these cannot be
brushed aside lightly, and preclude us from accepting the view that
the Rose Croix was invented in the 18th century. Indeed, the Mexican
Codices, which practically show the complete ceremony, are at least
two and a half centuries earlier than the date at which it has been
suggested that this degree was invented.


The other name for this, the 30th degree, is Knight of the Black and
White Eagle. In Latin Countries it is strongly Templar in tone, and
has acquired a sinister significance because in some of the rituals
the duty of avenging the Death of Molay, and the other slaughtered
Knights Templars, is taught in a dramatic way. Since the chief
culprits responsible for the slaughter of Molay and his Knights were
Philip, King of France, and Clement, the Pope, this fact is stated to
have been utilised to teach the Cands . that King and Church are the
oppressors of the People. Probably this inner meaning is by no means
so universally applied on the Continent as anti-masonic writers
pretend, but in any ease the English Ritual has been purged of any
such idea, if indeed it ever possessed it.

The degree is an elaborate one, necessitating three chambers and an
ante-room when worked in full, and only the Supreme Council itself can
confer it. The regalia, which may be worn in Rose Croix Chapters,
consists of a broad black sash suspended from the left shoulder, the
point fringed with silver bullion, and on it are embroidered the
emblems of the degree. These are an eagle soaring towards the sun,
holding the Anchor of Hope in his talons; on the extremity is the
banner of England and Wales, which is on a red ground three golden
lions; this is crossed by the banner of the Supreme Council, and below
it is a red cross formed of four tau crosses, usually called the Cross
of Jerusalem.

The breast jewel is a cross pattee in red enamel, with the number "30"
upon a blue enamel ground in the centre. From a collarette of black
ribbon with a silver edging is hung a black double spreading-eagle,
surmounted by a crown, and holding a sword in its claws.

The word "Kadosh" is Hebrew, and means "separated" or "consecrated."
The remaining three degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite are but
sparingly conferred, and take the place to a large extent of Grand
Rank in other, degrees.

It will be many years before the young mason attains to these exalted
heights, and therefore any detailed description even of the regalia is
hardly necessary in a Handbook of this nature. As soon, however, as he
becomes a Rose Croix mason he is certain to have an opportunity of
seeing from time to time members of these exalted degrees, and
learning from them as much as he is entitled to know before they are
conferred upon him.

The Ancient and Accepted Rite as now organised derives its authority
from the charter granted to it in 1845 by the Supreme Council of the
Southern Jurisdiction of the U.S.A., but the Rose Croix, Kadosh, the
28th degree, and several other intermediate degrees were fully
established and at work in the 18th century, as historic records show,
although how much further they date back is still a matter of dispute.

With regard to the intermediate degrees it is a mistake to assume that
they are of no value or interest. They vary considerably in merit, but
such degrees as the Royal Arch of Enoch, with its clear indication of
Rosicrucian influence, and the account of the discovery of one of the
Ancient Pillars inscribed with old time learning, (mentioned in the
Ancient Charges), is worthy of careful study, and the same is true of
several of the other degrees. For this reason I strongly urge all Rose
Croix Masons to att end the annual festival of King Edward VII. Rose
Croix Chapter of Improvement, which is held in the Spring each year at
Mark Masons' Hall, when two of the intermediate degrees are rehearsed
in full.

This then is the Ancient and Accepted Rite; a great Rite undoubtedly,
which is full of mystical lore, and sets out to show its members that
the quest of the lost word ends, not at the Temple at Jerusalem, but
on Mount Calvary.



This Order rules two degrees, the Harodim and the Rosy Cross. The
Harodim is conferred in a body called a Chapter, and so in this Order
a Chapter is below a Lodge. In practice, however, these two bodies are
the same.

The Royal Order has many peculiar features, and it is impossible to do
it justice in one chapter of this book.

Firstly, we may note that the Order is unique in that it has one
governing body for the whole world, and is the only English Masonic
body of which this is true. Grand Lodge must always meet in Scotland.

Qualifications, as laid down by the Grand Lodge in Scotland, is five
years a Master Mason, but the Metropolitan Provincial Grand Lodge in
practice will only admit members of the 30th degree of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite. London Masons, who have not attained to that degree,
must therefore go to the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Southern
Counties, which meets at Windsor.

These degrees are of great antiquity, and, personally, I consider them
the greatest of all our masonic degrees. They are not so dramatic as
certain others, such as the Order of the Knights Templar, but they
have a unity of purpose and an ancient ritual which is full of the
most profound mystical teaching.

It is in curious old Border verse, for the most part, and from
internal evidence would appear to ante-date our present form of even
the Craft degrees, though it clearly presupposes their existence.

From historical records we know that these "Scotch" degrees were at
work in 1743 in London, for there is a record of a Provincial Grand
Lodge in London, having at least two Chapters under its control, at
that time.

The mere fact that there were at least two Chapters of Harodim at work
at this date precludes the possibility of the Order having come into
existence in 1743, and the fact that it had to travel from Scotland,
and then establish itself and spread in London, justifies us in
considering that it can hardly be later in origin than the date of the
formation of the Craft Grand Lodge of Scotland itself, which was in
1736. Seven years is, I consider, far too short a time to allow a new
degree to spread from Scotlan d to London and establish itself firmly
therein, but if we take this date we shall see that the Royal Order
takes precedence in antiquity of any high degree. But, in view of
these facts, we cannot dismiss lightly the evidence of Henry Adamson's
metrical description of Perth, "The Muses Threnodie," written in 1638,
practically a century earlier, in which he writes :-

"For we are brethren of the Rosie Cross We have the Mason's Word,

Note. - He uses the phrase "Rosie Cross," the exact title of the 2nd
degree of the Royal Order, and adds that "We have the Mason's Word."

Now the Royal Order purports to give its members the lost "Mason's

Therefore, if language means anything, it means that the brethren of
the Rosie Cross claimed to have the true Mason's Word, a claim still
made by the Brethren of the Rosy Cross of the Royal Order.

My firm conviction is, therefore, that Adamson, who was a M.A. and a
clergyman, was a member of the Royal Order of Scotland, and since the
style and language of the ritual fits in with this period, or with one
even earlier, I consider that the Royal Order goes back to that period
at least. In connection with this it is well to remember that the
first record of the initiation of a speculative into Freemasonry in
England is on the 20th May, 1641, when Robert Moray, "General
Quartermaster of the armie of Scotl and," was initiated at Newcastle
by members of the Lodge of Edinburgh, who were with the Scottish Army,
which had entered England in arms against King Charles.

Moreover, Moray, was "Protector" of Vaughan, the famous 17th century
Rosicrucian. If therefore beyond the Craft lay a Rosicrucian Masonic
Order, which could only be entered by those who had first qualified as
Freemasons, then we can see an excellent reason why Moray, who was
clearly interested in Mysticism in general, and Rosicrucianism in
particular, should trouble to be initiated into a Lodge despite the
fact that the Army of which he was Quartermaster-General was actually
on a campaign.

Incidentally, these facts go clean counter to the theory still held by
a few students that the Royal Order was Jacobite. Indeed, the closer
one studies this Order the less grounds can one find for this view.

In such a case one would naturally look for some reference to the
Martyr King himself. Be it noted this could have been done with
perfect safety, for in the Prayer Book of the Established Church of
England there was, during the Eighteenth Century, a special service in
memory of Charles, King and Martyr. Thus the inclusion of reference to
the White Rose, or Charles the Martyr, could easily and safely have
been worked into this ritual.

Secondly, let us consider the teaching of the degree. Both the Old and
the Young Pretender were Roman Catholics; we should therefore expect
that either there would be traces of Roman Catholic teaching in the
ritual, or at least that care would be taken to avoid anything that
would be in direct opposition to the faith of the hero of the
Jacobites. Yet, on looking into the ritual, we find certain most
significant omissions. There is no mention of the "Holy Catholic"
Church, nor of the "Communion of Saints," both relies of medieval days
left standing intact in the Episcopal Churches of Scotland and of
England, but further, the ritual goes out of its way to declare we
shall obtain salvation through Christ only, thus hitting at the
doctrine of the Intercession of the Saints, and even says that our
salvation is by Faith alone.

Now this is just one of the particular points of cleavage between
Protestantism and Catholicism, for the latter always has maintained
the necessity of faith being proved by good works. Salvation by faith
alone was one of the outstanding tenets of the Presbyterians, and
shows clearly that the ritual in its present form is Presbyterian, and
emphatically so.

Would men who were inventing a degree to foster the Jacobite cause go
out of their way to insert phrases which must wound their hero, and
many of his loyal supporters?

This aspect is further emphasised by the fact that among all the
paraphernalia employed in the degrees there is neither cross nor
crucifix, although we find them in other Masonic High Degrees. The
omission must be deliberate, for from the nature of the ritual these
emblems might well have been employed.

Against these facts, no word in the ritual of a pro-Jacobite nature
can be adduced, and so I can see no reason for claiming these degrees
were made up to help the Jacobites.

The degrees themselves are highly mystical, and take the candidate
from the Master Mason stage, through the Old Testament, over the
"Bridge," onto the second Temple, and finally trace Christ's life and
death, and show that He is the L.W. .

There are clear traces of that outlook on life which is called
"Rosicrucian," and so they are good argument for those who claim that
Rosicrucianism did influence Freemasonry. Keeping strictly to the
Royal Order, we find in it the root matter of many of our Higher
Degrees, and it is possible that some of these have been elaborated
out of incidents passed over beliefly in the Royal Order rituals.

As some guide I will indicate references to ideas which were probably
subsequently developed further, though it is but fair to add that the
alternative also is possible, namely, that these degrees also already
existed, and had contributed to the ritual of the Royal Order, instead
of having simply evolved from them. These are Royal Arch, Mark, Red
Cross of Babylon - the latter very clearly - Templar and Rose Croix.
In addition there are many sections entirely unrepresented elsewhere
in Masonry.

The ritual works mainly by question and answer, as in the Craft
lectures, but one significant ritual practice deserves particular
mention. At certain times the Brn. travel the reverse way of the Sun.
This is correct, for they are then supposed to be in the region of the
D - d, and popular tradition has always taught that the ghosts of men
go reverse of the Sun.

The Tower too is most significant, and calls to mind a somewhat
similar building described in the Mystical and "Chimycal" Marriage of
Christian Rosy Cross, translated by W. Bro. Waite.

The Sns. used in this degree are many in number, and every one is of
great antiquity and can be found in various parts of the world
associated with Heathen Gods and ancient Rites of Initiation. The
actual Sn. of the Harodim is to be seen in the ancient Aztec
manuscripts, and is shown in a scene on a vase found at Chama, Mexico.
This scene clearly depicts a cand. being initiated into a Mexican
Rite, and being taught the Sn.. The case is certainly not later than
1500 A.D. and was only dug up a few years ago . In India the Sn. of
Harodim is associated with Vishnu the Preserver. In Ancient Egypt it
is shown on a fresco from Thebes dated about 1500 B.C., fragments of
which are in the British Museum. Numerous examples could be quoted
from Medieval work in Europe, for example in the 17th century panelled
room known as the "Audience Chamber of the Visconti-Venosta," which is
now in the Engadine Museum at St. Moritz, to which we referred in the
previous chap ter. This room also shows examples of the Sn. attached t
o the Rosie Cross degree, and, in the corners of it are figures making
the Drinking Sn. of the Royal Order of Scotland. These figures are
arranged in pairs as if answering each other.

Perhaps, however, the most significant fact of all is that the ritual
of the Hung Society in China, known also as the Triad Society, or the
Society of Heaven and Earth, is almost precisely the same in its main
incidents as the ceremonies of this Scotch Order.

The regalia of the Order is fairly elaborate. It consists of a Garter,
star and two sashes, one red for the Harodim, and one green for the
Rosy Cross, and an elaborate apron of white, edged with bands of red
and green.

Each candidate receives . . . which is supposed to show his
characteristic virtue, and which, as a rule, is spelt without any

This must suffice for the Royal Order, though it deserves far more



The Knights Templar carry on the tradition of the Medieval Order, and
may be regarded as teaching the Christian life in action. How far
there is any historical connection between the Masonic Order and their
Medieval predecessors is a question on which Masonic students are at
variance. The writer considers that a strong probability exists that
there is a definite connection, and has given his reasons at
considerable length in "Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods."

It is not proposed to go fully into this controversy in this book,
since its purpose is to indicate, so far as is permissible, the
meaning of the Degrees, rather than their history. Certain facts,
however, deserve to be placed on record:

(1) That in England, and still more in Scotland, the Order, though
nominally suppressed in 1307 et seq., did not suffer the merciless
slaughter of its members which fell upon them in France. Moreover,
owing to the fact that Scotland was in open revolt against Edward II.,
who was supposed to rule it, enforcement of the edicts against the
Knights was quite impossible.

(2) That certain branches of the Order - e.g., in Spain and Portugal -
unquestionably survived, merely adopting a new name.

(3) The Charter of Transmission claims to carry on the succession in
France. That Charter now hangs in Mark Masons' Hall, and if it were
generally accepted as genuine it would practically settle the matter.
The fact that it anathematizes the Scotch Templars, if it is genuine,
would indicate a separate organisation of the survivors in Scotland,
and therefore explain whence Scotch and English Templary derive.

(4) The undoubted fact that not only many Knights, but also the whole
of the Templar Priests and lay Brothers, some of whom were Masons,
were not even imprisoned, points to another possible line of descent.

Be that as it may, the Ritual worked to-day, though it has been
revised several times in recent years, contains many curious features
which would indicate considerable antiquity.

At Bristol a man may not take the Rose Croix unless he is a Templar,
and this supports the theory of those who believe that originally the
Rose Croix was the inner working of the Templars. The Royal Order of
Scotland also shows clear indications of a connection with Templary,
both in the legend of its foundation and in the use of a certain word
common to both Orders, and used in no other Degrees.

In view of the fact that the Royal Order has its Knightly Degree of
the "Rosy Cross," these points are of special significance.

The Legend of the foundation of the Royal Order is that Bruce, after
Bannockburn, created the Degree of the Rosy Cross so as to reward
those Masons who had assisted him in the battle, and conferred on them
the honour of Knighthood. Now we know that the Templar Knights,
instead of surrendering themselves to Edward II. when he sent his
commissioners into Scotland to arrest them, joined his enemy, Bruce.

Is it then not probable that Bruce, by the foundation of this new
Order, thus rewarded these Templars and restored to them the
Knighthood which by the abolition of the old Order had lapsed?

The Ritual as used to-day has undergone drastic revision recently. To
give but one example, there appears no doubt that the altar in the
East is a modern innovation, beautiful though it is. Formerly there
was only a sepulchre, and there are still a few preceptories where the
old Ritual is permitted. Even in the modern Ritual members will
recollect that they took the O. at the sepulchre, which significantly
is in the C., and not at the East.

This is a matter of great importance as we shall see in a moment. In
Scotland the Degree is divided into Novice, Esquire, and Knight. In
England there are still three points corresponding to these Medieval
divisions, though the fact is rather slurred over. If we recollect

(a) The Robe marks the Novice; (b) The Tunic marks the Esquire; (c) It
is only the Knight who is invested with the Mantle;

we shall perceive that the Ritual still bears witness to these three

The Cup of Remembrance in the U.S.A. is still drunk from an unusual
resectable, and is emphatically the Cup of Mystical Death.

The Ritual of the Knight Templar, as we know it to-day, has obviously
an exoteric and an esoteric meaning. The exoteric lesson, and a very
good lesson too, is that the Christian soldier must have ever before
his eyes in his struggle with the world the precepts of the Master -
Christ. He must be a good soldier of Christ outside the doors of
Temple; he must uphold truth and justice, defend the weak, and set a
fine example of chivalrous conduct in his daily life. In short, he
must not only profess Christian ity but really live it.

It will thus be seen that a candidate would need to be a Christian,
even if he was not definitely called upon to defend the Christian
faith - which he is. But within this sound practical lesson there lies
a high mystical message. We are taught of the Lamb who was mystically
slain before the beginning of the world. We enter as a pilgrim
striving to escape from the worldly spirit. We dedicate ourselves to
Christ at the C., that is to say, in the hidden recesses of our souls.

In that hidden place our past life of sin lies dead, even as the
earthly body of the Redeemer lay in the tomb. Therefore, on it we
dedicate ourselves, finding that over our dead past rises, as it were,
the figure of The Crucified.

Armed with the weapons of the Spirit we go forth on our spiritual
journey, and after long and painful travels return victorious from our
conflict with the spiritual foes of man. Note the symbolical three
years, corresponding with the three years of Christ's life of ministry
on Earth.

But after action must come penance and meditation, and above all we
must meditate, not merely on physical death, but still more on that
greater mystery, the mystical death; and being thus prepared, we must
offer our sacrifice. Nay, more, we must be marked with the sign of His
sacrifice, but in Christian mysticism we are taught that the true
mystic must spiritually crucify himself, even as the Great Master
physically suffered on the Cross, and this is the mystical death. Is
that last incident in the life of the mystic forgotten in the Ritual
of this great Order? Think it over, Brother Knights.

This is veiled language, and as far as is permissible, I have
endeavoured to indicate that Masonic Templary has a great mystical
lesson. There are countless small points in the Ritual which support
this view, but for obvious reasons I have omitted them, e.g., the
gradual investiture of the candidate indicates the acquisition by
degrees of certain spiritual qualities.


If we regard the Knights Templar as one Degree we find that the Order
has two, or possibly three Degrees in all. After the K.T. comes the
Mediterranean Pass. It is now, practically, merely a passing Degree
leading to the Malta, but it has a significance of its own. The sign,
to begin with, is undoubtedly old. Major Sanderson found the same sign
in use among the Yaos in Central Africa, and it was also known and
venerated by the Arabs. In view of the tradition connecting the
Mediterranean Pass and the Ma lta Degrees with the Arabs, this fact is
obviously significant. Nor, esoterically, can we ignore the importance
of the serpent in connection with a mystical journey, and in like
manner "The Sea" is a phrase well known among mystics to imply certain
spiritual facts, and is always said to lie beyond the mystical

To make myself clear to non-mystical readers, let me add that mystical
death and resurrection are well recognised stages in the development
of the soul of the man who, while still in the body, is striving to
reach spiritual union with God. St. Paul says that he died daily in

When we reach the Hall in which the degree of Malta is to be worked,
we pass certain emblems which we are told indicate birth, life, death,
resurrection and ascension. These are a symbolic summary of our whole
Masonic career from the time we entered the Craft till the time we axe
finally made a Knight of Malta. Further, resurrection is a new birth
which, in itself, presupposes a new life, and in the mystical world we
must, like St. Paul, be prepared to die daily in Christ.

The Malta, then, is a Degree of mystical, not physical resurrection,
and the fact is emphasised by the linking up of the symbolical acts
with the true history of the old Knights of St. John of Malta. The
symbols on the table should be studied with this key, particularly
that of the galley which bore the souls to safety though it perished
itself. Our body must one day die, but if we have lived aright it will
bring our souls in safety to the "Islands of the Blest." This is true
whether viewed mystically, or in regard to life in the world of

The Sns. used in this Degree are certainly old, and the Pen. most
peculiar and significant. It could hardly have been invented in the
18th century. The Sn. in the Templar degree is shown in the room of
the Visconti Venosta to which we have already referred, and in the
same room are to be seen figures making the Sn. of the Knights of

The colour of the Templar robes are white with a red cross, i.e., the
"Blood of the Lamb," in which we have washed and become thereby as
white as snow. But those of Malta are black, with a white cross: out
of the black night of the Soul, out of the darkness of mystical death,
the cross of Salvation rises, no longer a cross of suffering, but one
of resplendent glory.


There still remains another Order of Christian Chivalry and its
outstanding feature is that it is the only Order open to English
masons which avowedly sets out to give a Christian interpretation of
the Craft and Royal Arch. The degrees which constitute this Order

(a) The Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine, and

(b) The Knights of St. John and the Holy Sepulchre.

Like the Knights Templar this Order has its Head Quarters at Mark
Masons' Hall.

The Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine teach us the well-known
story of how Constantine came to be converted, but the Lecture
contains a most interesting reference to the Roman College of
Architects, whom I personally regard as the direct ancestors of the
Comacine Masons, from whom Freemasonry descends. I must admit,
however, that I should require fairly strong evidence to convince me
that Constantine himself was a member of one of the Collegia.

But in any case this degree is merely a stepping stone to the really
great degree of the Knights of St. John and the Holy Sepulchre. This
degree appears to have consisted once of three degrees and even now
has at least three "points," in it, though these may be interpreted as
corresponding to novice, esquire, and knight. The ceremonies are
solemn, dramatic and of deep mystical significance, but their most
striking feature is an attempt to explain the Craft and Royal Arch
Ceremonies in a Christian sense.

While not prepared to admit that this is the only, or even the
original inner meaning of these degrees, I do consider that the
interpretation given is of a most interesting and instructive nature,
and if we realise that all through the middle ages Freemasonry was
avowedly Christian, and demanded of its members belief in the
essential doctrines of the Church, we shall see that this
interpretation is deserving of very great respect.

Since those desirous of obtaining this interpretation can do so by
joining these degrees, no good purpose would be served in disclosing
the points interpreted, beyond saying that the Architect of the Temple
is identified with Christ, and the various incidents in the history of
our hero are similarly interpreted in the light of the Christian
story. The outstanding fact, however, is that here we are definitely
told that our ceremonies have a secret inner meaning and this is the
only degree in English Freemas onry, of which I am aware, which does
endeavour to give the meaning of the Craft and Arch.

The degrees enumerated up to this point are all that can be called
strictly masonic which are open to the average English Freemason, but
there are several quasi-masonic Orders, or Societies as they are
usually called, which for all practical purposes are masonic, since
they require a masonic qualification, and like other masonic degrees
work a ritual with special secrets. These we will now consider.


The Secret Monitor which works under the Grand Conclave is one of the
best known of these Societies, only Master Masons are admitted, and
there are two degrees and a Chair degree. Attached to it is the order
of the Scarlet Cord, which has no less than seven degrees. The real
object of the Secret Monitor is to strengthen the bonds of Brotherhood
and enforce the principle that a Brother should, whenever possible,
help another Brother. The Conclaves often do possess more warmth than
the average London Lodge , but there is not much inner meaning in the
ceremonies and no very valuable lessons will be learnt from them.

Of quite a different type is the Soc. Ros. in Anglia. This, like the
Secret Monitor, admits none but Master Masons, and its rulers are
eminent members of the Craft. There are nine degrees and the higher
ones are said to be conferred only for merit. The Order always has a
Lecture at each of its meetings on some abstruse subject. The Soc.
Ros., as it is affectionately called by its members, claims to have
the same objects as the Medieval Rosicrucians, and it seems probable
that there is some historical con nection. It is, however, not the
only body which puts forth this claim, even in England, but these are
in no sense Masonic.

The Soc. Ros. is also linked with the Illustrious Order of Light which
works only at Bradford, at present, and with another Order. It is not
so much that these orders are under the control of the Soc. Ros. as
that the leading spirits in each are closely associated with the Soc.
Ros. and that the members of the Orders are derived only from that


Thus it will be seen that practically all the degrees in Freemasonry
have a definite lesson to teach, and an inner meaning to their
ceremonies. Some, no doubt, are more important than others, degrees
but the man who has never gone beyond the Craft has still much to
learn. He has made no real effort to recover that which was lost, and
therefore has signally failed to make a daily advancement in Masonic,
knowledge. If he has not time to take all the degrees, at least let
him try to complete his second degr ee by taking the Mark, and obtain
one answer to the question of what was lost, by taking his Royal Arch.

If he has done this, and has gone no further, let him still avoid
saying "I don't think much of the Higher Degrees" Until he has taken
them he is in no position to form any kind of opinion, and after he
has done so I feel sure that he will no longer speak slightingly of
some of the greatest mysteries of this or any Age.

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1 Corinthians 14:8 And also if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to battle?

"Let not Geneva be forgotten or despised. Religious liberty owes it
most respect." John Adams, the second president of the United States

Yahoo Group Owner
M. Epling
2004-07-26 14:50:34 UTC
Feeemasonry has but three degrees. The Blue Lodge does not go further than
3. York Rite, and SR, are all additions for the theatrical aspect of
furtering possible symbolism to the BL. You simply must be a mason to be a
part of the SR or YR. It has nothing with being a Blue Lodge Mason. The Blue
Lodge is the only acceptable Lodge for a Mason to be acknowledged as one.
Stevez176 quote,"The moral law makes it the duty of every person to speak
the truth. We
are told in Proverbs 13:5 - "a righteous man hateth lying." In
Proverbs 12:22 - "Lying lips are an abomination unto the Lord."

Stevez words in action: He states, "It is a known fact that during Masonic
Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are."

You be the judge.
Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
Post by Stevez176
The Higher Degrees Handbook
by J.S.M. Ward
In attempting to give an outline sketch of the various degrees in
Freemasonry in a book of this description, I am faced by many
difficulties, not the least of which is how to write in an interesting
way about degrees, which many of my readers have not taken, without
giving away more than is permissible.
One of my reasons for writing this book is to encourage Brethren to
take these "Advanced Degrees." We still meet Brethren who say that
there is nothing beyond the Craft worth taking. As one who has taken
all the degrees for which he is qualified, I can state from personal
experience that, with one or two small exceptions, practically all the
degrees are of the greatest value.
Of course, my readers must bear in mind that a Brother gets out of
Masonry in proportion to what he brings into it. If he approaches it
with a keen intellectual mind, based on a reasonable amount of study
of the meaning of symbolism, he naturally will learn far more than if
he approaches it merely from the point of view of a man who knows a
good dinner when he eats one, and cares nothing about the meaning of
the ceremonies which take place in the Lodge Room.
In conclusion I must express my indebtedness to Messrs. Toye & Co. for
the loan of the blocks which illustrate this book.
Chapter 1. Historical Survey
Chapter 2. The Mark Degree.............10
Chapter 3. The Holy Royal Arch.........17
Chapter 4. The Cryptic Degrees.........28
Chapter 5. The Allied Degrees .........35
Chapter 6. The Ancient and Accepted Rite........................43
Chapter 7. The Royal Order of Scotland..54
Chapter 8. The Knights Templar and Knights of Malta.............66
Chapter 9. The Remaining Degrees........78
Conclusion........................... 83
The early history of the so-called "Higher Degrees" is even more
obscure than that of the Craft, and in consequence a tendency has
grown up to regard them as "Manufactured" during the 18th century.
In my opinion this is too hasty a conclusion, for some of these
degrees at any rate bear every evidence of antiquity, and contain that
wisdom which has been handed down from generation to generation.
The third degree clearly foreshadows a subsequent degree, wherein the
lost s...s will be finally recovered, in fact without such a degree
the whole of the Craft ceremonies would be meaningless. Moreover, as
we shall show later, the most important Higher Degrees use Sns. of
great antiquity, which have been clearly handed down from ancient days
in precisely the same way as have our Craft Sns., of which full
evidence has been given in the History Handbook. There is also
documentary evidence to show that the legends of some of these degrees
were well known by our medieval ancestors, and actually incorporated
in the Ancient Charges. As, for example, the two pillars which were
set up before the flood, survived that deluge, and were subsequently
re-discovered by masons. This legend forms the theme of the 13th
degree of the A. and A. Rite which is called the Royal Arch of Enoch.
The earliest printed references to any of the Higher Degrees are to
the Royal Arch in 1741, and to the Royal Order of Scotland in 1743,
when it was in such a vigorous state of health that it had a
Provincial Grand Lodge in London, with at least two Chapters under its
The Higher Degrees appear to fall into three main groups:-(1) Those
that extend the story of the Craft; (2) Those which purport to restore
the lost S..s; and (3) The Chivalric Degrees. With regard to the first
group two tendencies seem to have been at work during the 18th
century. The one being to cut out of the Craft various parts of the
legend, and the other being to enlarge certain incidents referred to
in the Craft stories, add picturesque detail, and evolve out of them a
new degree. My own convictio n is that the root matter of nearly all
the Higher Degrees comes from traditions and legends cherished by our
medieval predecessors.
There is no doubt that all our rituals, the Craft included, underwent
considerable revision during the 18th century. In the case of the
Craft Degrees a considerable amount of excision was necessitated by
the alteration of the clause in the constitution which changed Masonry
from a Christian to a non-Christian basis. This process of excision of
all Christian references was not completed until the time of the
Treaty of Union, in 1813, and one example for England will suffice.
Dunckley, in the second half o f the 18th century, declared that the
"Blazing Star" meant the star at Bethlehem which guided the wise men
to the infant Christ. In Scotland to this day there still survives a
distinct reference to the Christ in the Craft Degrees, for the V.S.L.
is opened by the D.C. with a quotation from the opening verse of the
gospel of St. John, - "In the beginning was the Word," - whilst the
Lodge is closed with the following quotation from the same sou rce,
"And the Word was with God." Now this clearly indicates the e xistence
of a Christian explanation of the lost S..s which, though no longer
countenanced in the Craft Degrees in England, survives in such degrees
as the Rose Croix.
We thus see that anything Christian was eliminated from the lower
degrees, and this explains the probable origin of some of the Higher
Degrees. At the same time, the general style of our Craft Rituals has
been altered. Apparently in early days the actual part taken by the
candidate during the ceremony was comparatively small, and the bulk of
the work consisted of lectures, some parts being by question and
answer, while other parts contained various legends connected with the
Order. Gradually the tendency arose to make the candidate take a more
active and dramatic part in the ceremony, and in order to do this
legends and incidents which did not immediately connect with the main
theme began to be dropped. These parts were prized by the older
members, and rather than see them perish they made them into side
Degrees, nor are we justified in assuming that they invented the Sn..s
to go with these degrees. In the Royal Order of Scotland to-day the
bulk of the cer emony consists of questions and answers put by the M.
to the Wardens, and include the giving of S..ns at certain points in
the catechism, which S..ns, however, are not specifically taught to
the candidate. No doubt when similar portions were cut out and became
Christian degrees the Sns. went with them, and naturally became tests
to prove that a Brother had taken this new Side Degree, which was
nevertheless in reality very ancient.
A characteristic example of a degree which has been cut out of an
existing craft degree is the Mark, which was almost certainly part of
the ceremony of a F.C., although no doubt it has been amplified since
it started on its independent career. On the other hand some of the
intermediate degrees of the A. and A Rite, such as the Knights Elect
of Nine, are merely amplifications of incidents dismissed in a few
words in the Craft ceremony. The Knights Elect of Nine relates in
dramatic form the apprehension of one of the criminals.
To an entirely different order belong degrees like the Royal Arch, the
Royal Order of Scotland, and the Rose Croix. Each of these in its own
way claims to be the completing degree, in which the lost s..s are
discovered. The explanation in the case of the last two is Christian,
in the case of the R.A. non-Christian, whilst their survival indicates
the existence of two diametrically opposed traditions. The Christian
Degrees represent the solution put forward in Medieval times, whereas
the R.A., though now overlaid with Jewish matter taken from the O.T.
in the 18th century, has still within it traces of a tradition which
goes right back to pre-Christian times, and clearly comes in part from
Egypt, and in part from India.
The third group claim to carry on the teaching of the Chivalric Orders
of the Middle Ages, and contain evidence of a mystical tradition which
was not entirely orthodox. A characteristic example of these degrees
is the Knights Templar.
With regard to these Chivalric Degrees, it may at first sight appear
difficult to justify the claim of a building guild to be linked in any
way with the proudest Order of Chivalry known to exist in the Middle
Ages, but those who hastily brush away this tradition ignore certain
salient features of the Templar organisation. The Templars contained
at least three sections, or sub-orders, within their ranks, i.e., the
Knights themselves, the Templar Priests, and the so-called Serving
Brethren, among whom were m any Masons.
When the Order was suppressed thousands of Knights escaped the general
persecution, and simply disappeared from history. How did they do it,
and what became of them? The most reasonable explanation is that they
disguised themselves as Serving Brothers and Lay Brothers of the
Temple, and were shielded by these humbler members of their own Order,
who entirely escaped persecution. I have gone into this question at
great length in "Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods," and will therefore
content myself by saying here that there was undoubtedly a link
between Masonry and the Templars, which is quite sufficient to explain
a partial survival of Templar Rites among the Masonic Brotherhood. The
Templars certainly had a mystical teaching very similar to that
enshrined in Freemasonry, and traces of it can still be detected in
the present rituals of the Masonic Knights Templar, despite the fact
that they have been considerably revised in the last half century .
Those of my readers who have already studied the first three Handbooks
of this series will realise that the true S..s of a M.M. are not
restored to them. The real S.. which was lost was comprehension of the
Nature of God, and our Third Degree quite clearly indicates that,
despite popular beliefs, we shall not be able to comprehend God as
soon as we are dead. The Craft degrees, in short, take us through
birth, life and death, and shadow forth the Creative, Preservative and
Destructive sides of the Deity. The majority of the other degrees
either deal with what befalls a man after death, or else endeavour to
explain, or fill in, certain gaps in that historic narrative which is
the allegorical basis of the Craft Degrees.
The Mark degree in part belongs to the latter group, and is in reality
the completion of the Second Degree. Unquestionably a Brother should
receive his Mark when he becomes a F.C., and the degree itself still
shows strong operative influence.
It is ruled by Mark Grand Lodge, which meets and has its offices at
the Temple in Great Queen Street, next door to the Connaught Rooms.
All who love the Higher Degrees owe a debt of gratitude to Mark Grand
Lodge, which has acted as Fairy Godmother to many of the Higher
Degrees which were left stranded after the Treaty of Union in 1813.
Indeed, in many cases it has more or less taken them under its wing,
and in consequence we shall have to refer again and again to the fact
that the Grand Body which rules a particular degree has its Head
Quarters at "Mark Mason's Hall."
The Mark Degree has its own regalia and a special jewel, and perhaps
our younger Brethren will be glad of the warning that, with the
exception of the R.A., no jewels of the Higher Degree may be worn in a
Craft Lodge.
The jewel of the Mark Degree consists of a keystone, made usually of
white cornelian, on which are engraved certain mystic letters, the
meaning of which are revealed to members of the Degree. It is
suspended from a blue and red ribbon. The aprons and collars are also
made of blue and red silk.
The teaching of this Degree is largely an amplification of the Second,
and tells of education and reward for labour. It also contains a
dramatic warning against attempting to obtain wages to which we are
not justly entitled, and there is a Messianic hint in the fact "That
the stone which the builders rejected has become the headstone of the
corner." Incidentally the stone is a keystone, hence the origin of the
jewel of the degree.
Several facts lead us to suspect that at one time the Degree may have
been more pronouncedly Christian than it is to-day. We know that it
was flourishing as far back as 1760 in Lodges attached to the
Ancients, who were unquestionably strongly pro-Christian.
The legend as now given relates to a period in the building of the
Temple previous to the tragedy, although there is abundant evidence to
show that as late as the time of the formation of Mark Grand Lodge,
1856, many Mark Lodges in the North had a somewhat similar legend to
that now used, but associated it with the second Temple instead of
with the first.
Mark therefore, is, or should be, really part of our Craft system, and
in Scotland Craft Lodges still have the power to confer it, and
constantly do so. In that country it is a necessary qualification for
the Excellent Master which itself is an essential qualification for
the Royal Arch. We shall refer to the Excellent Master more fully when
we come to the Royal Arch, but it is desirable to point out that in
Scotland Royal Arch Chapters also have the right to confer the Mark
Degree, if a candidate has not already taken it in his Craft Lodge.
The Mark, as we have said, is the completion of the Second Degree, and
in itself contains what are practically two degrees, namely, Mark Man
and Mark Master. There has been much learned controversy as to whether
the Mark Master was at one time conferred on a man as soon as he
received his Second Degree. Since it is impossible at the moment to
decide when the Mark Degrees arose in their present form, all we can
say definitely is that so far as documentary evidence goes, i.e., back
to 1760, it appears as if there were always the Degrees of Mark Man
and Mark Master, and that although at any rate in theory, Mark Man
might be conferred on a F.C., Mark Master seems always to have been
restricted to Master Masons. In modern times both Mark Degrees are
conferred together, and always on a M.M., although the Mark ritual
throughout emphasises the connection with the Second Degree.
The Mark Degree, or Degrees, also have associated with them, but in a
separate "Lodge," the Royal Ark Mariner Degree. This appears to be old
"Operative" work, probably built up in the 18th century by genuine
operative masons in the North of England, anxious to have some way of
distinguishing a real "Working" mason from a "Speculative." The same
explanation probably brought into existence the Degree of St. Laurence
the Martyr, of which more anon. The Ark Mariner legend relates to the
Deluge, and is taken d irect from the Bible. The most interesting
features are the use of a stone, instead of the V.S.L., on which to
take the Ob.. The reason for this is explained in the ritual, but it
may be that we have here a survival of the old custom of swearing on a
stone altar, which was the earliest form of a binding oath. There is
also some interesting work with a triangle, but in the main it must be
confessed that there is not much really deep teaching in the Degre e.
It is, however, quite a pretty little Degree, and has many ardent
supporters. It is under the direct rule of Mark Grand Lodge.
The Mark completes the Second Degree, but to the youngest Master Mason
it must be obvious that a further degree is needed to complete the
Third Degree.
The genuine S..s were lost; but were they never re-discovered?
Moreover, since they were known to three people, why could not the two
survivors have appointed a successor and given him the lost S..s? The
Royal Arch sets out to give at any rate one answer to the question -
"What were the Gen. S..s of a M.M.?"
Briefly, it is a lost W., but that W. conveys in symbolism a most
interesting and illuminating explanation of the nature of God. Indeed,
the teaching of the Craft may be summed up by saying that it teaches a
man his duty to his neighbour, whereas the "Arch" instructs him in his
duty towards God. What is the nature of God therein depicted? It is a
trinity, but not the Christian Trinity; it is more like the Hindoo
Trinity of Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer. It also clearly
indicates the union of Body, Sou l, and Spirit, and shows that by that
Union we become united with God. Thus, in its very essence the Royal
Arch is supremely mystical, and teaches of the Beatific Vision.
The legend deals with the "Discovery" of the lost S..s at the
re-building of the Temple after the return from the Captivity. It will
thus be seen that the "Setting" of the degree is from the Old
Testament, and this fact must be noted, for there is another
explanation of the "Lost Word" which is given in some of the other
"Higher" degrees, namely, that the "Lost Word" is Christ, the Logos.
But we have not yet obtained an answer to the very natural question,
"Why could not the other two, who knew the S., appoint a successor?"
The full exoteric explanation, and also how it was that the S.s came
to be deposited in a place of security is given in one of the "Cryptic
Degrees," to which we shall refer later in this book. Briefly however,
three persons were necessary in order to convey it, but in reality, of
course, this is symbolism, and implies that Body, Soul and Spirit must
be in union before t hey can fully comprehend the Divine Trinity.
While, on the one hand, no living man, trammelled by the bonds of the
flesh, can really comprehend the nature of God, nor even do so
immediately after death, for our souls will not yet be sufficiently
evolved, on the other, hand it is clearly taught that our body does
not completely perish, but is rather transmuted, even as St. Paul
himself says will take place at the day of judgment. This is no doubt
a very profound dogma and difficult for us to understand, bu t if we
can realise the fact that matter as well as Spirit is in its original
a manifestation of God, and therefore a part of Him, we shall perceive
that Matter also is indestructible, although its form may change. This
fact is perfectly well recognised by modern science.
In the original form of the Royal Arch, which still survives in
Bristol, in Scotland, and in America, the Candidate must pass through
four veils, which correspond to various spiritual states of existence
which lie beyond the grave, each being a little nearer to the Divine
Being than was the previous one. The four Veils are coloured
respectively Blue, purple, red and white, and at each Veil the
Candidate is challenged by a "Guardian of the Veil" who demands of him
the W. and Sn. of the previous Veil. This ceremony in Scotland forms a
distinct degree known as the Excellent Master, and the Jewel thereof
is a pentacle set with brilliants, which jewel, of course, represents,
among other things, man and his five senses. The penal S. of this
degree is of great antiquity, and is made by Vishnu when in the form
of the Lion Incarnation. Vishnu descended to earth to overthrow an
evil giant which was oppressing the world, and slew him by
disembowelling him. In Scotla nd no English Royal Arch Mason can be
admitted to a Scotch Chapter unless he previously receives the Degree
of Excellent Master, which degree he cannot receive unless he has
first taken the Mark.
The Passing of the White Veil is really an integral part of the Arch
ceremony, and the Sn. corresponding to the S.s of the other Veils is
one well known to English Royal Arch Masons. It is only after having
passed this barrier that the candidate is enabled to obtain the real
S.s of an M.M., the ceremony being very similar to our own Royal Arch.
In other words, it is only when we have passed through various
spiritual stages of existence that we shall at length be able to
comprehend the nature of God. The deletion of the Veils from our
ceremony has tended to obscure this important lesson in the English
form of the R.A.
A slightly different lesson is taught us by the fate of our
predecessor in the Craft. He could not have revealed the S. even if he
had wished to do so, for it was an experience, and therefore could not
be communicated by words to any living man. We cannot go into a
detailed explanation of this deeply mystical ceremony in a book of
this nature, but a brief explanation of a certain vault which plays a
prominent part therein is essential. Like all symbols in Freemasonry
it has several meanings, but the two most important are (a), the
underworld, or the grave into which man descends at death, and from
which his Soul ultimately ascends to realms of Light. (b) The Mystical
interpretation is that it is the M.Ch., that dark recess of the Soul,
where dwells the Divine Spark.
The jewel of this degree depicts quite clearly the nature of God. The
Double Triangle within the Circle and the Point therein, which is
represented by the All-Seeing Eye, is the age-old symbol for God. The
triangle within the Circle represents the Spirit within the Circle of
Infinity, and is peculiarly associated with God the Creator. R.A.
Masons will perceive the significance of this fact in connection with
the Altar. The Point within a Circle, among the Hindoos, stands for
Paramatma, the All-pervading , the Source and End of All. The triangle
with the point downwards is the symbol of rain (water) and represents
the preservative side of God (Vishnu), while the triangle with the
point upward represents fire, whose flames go up to Heaven, and is
therefore the emblem of the Destructive, or rather the transformative,
side of God (Shiva). This great symbol was sacred to Babylonian,
Egyptian and Jew, and had to each the same inner meaning. It is also
sacred to the modern Hindoo, and was so to the ancient Mex ican, and
indeed is one of the most venerated symbols in the world.
It will thus be seen that the jewel of the R.A., far from being a mere
ornament, contains in itself a summary of the sublime teachings of
that degree; the more so as it also has a triple tau. With regard to
the tau cross, we have already shown in our earlier handbooks that in
its origin it was a Phallic symbol representing the Creative power. We
shall remember also that we make a tau cross every time we receive the
S.s in the Craft Degrees. Thus the M.M. has himself made the triple
tau. It is also worth reminding our readers that only those who have
passed the chair and actually ruled a Lodge are entitled to wear three
tau crosses on their aprons.
As a Phallic symbol it became an emblem of the Creator, and also, in
time, of our animal passions, which must be trampled under foot if we
are to advance in Spiritual knowledge. By the time we have reached the
Arch, symbolically this has been done, and we are reminded of this by
the Union of these three taus beneath the triangles, emblems of the
spirit. Moverover, though this is essentially a non-Christian degree
we cannot forget that there were three Crosses on Calvary.
The presence of the triple tau, after the experience we have had of it
in the Craft, shows how carefully each degree leads on to the next,
and it also conveys this important lesson. Each degree in the Craft
taught the evolution and purification of (1) the body; (2) the soul;
(3) the spirit. These three, now in perfect union, rest under the
Shadow of the Supreme Being depicted by the Double Triangles. Thus the
presence of the tau crosses teaches us that Man will ultimately rest
in the Presence of the King of Kings.
In fact the Royal Arch is full of interesting symbolism: the colours
of the regalia, red and purple, the shape of the altar, the position
of the three Principals, all convey important lessons, but we cannot
spare the space in a small Handbook like this to enlarge further on
this degree. Nevertheless, one cannot omit pointing out that as in the
Craft the W.M. represented the Spirit, the S.W. the Soul, and the J.W.
the Body, so do the corresponding officers in the R.A., although here
they are no longer separa ted, but are side by side, and in all cases
act as one. The reason for this is that the R.A. depicts that sublime
state wherein Body, Soul and Spirit are truly one, and are at Peace in
the Presence of God - now properly comprehended.
Our readers will thus perceive that no Craft Mason can consider he has
fulfilled his duty as a Mason, until he has taken the Royal Arch, for
he has not recovered those lost S..s which he has promised to try and
The regalia includes apron and a sash of purple and red.
The Cryptic Degrees are four in number and are ruled by a Grand
Council of their own which, however, in reality is in close alliance
with Mark Grand Lodge, whose Hall is their Head Quarters.
They are "The Most Excellent Master," "The Royal Master," "The Select
Master," and "The Super-Excellent Master," and their legends bridge
the gap, historically, between the first Temple and its destruction.
The "Most Excellent Master" must not be confounded with the "Excellent
Master" which is worked in Scotland and is really the "Passing of the
Veils" in the Royal Arch, although it is kept separate and given
first. Its Legend, therefore, is associated with the Second Temple,
while the "Most Excellent Master" on the contrary deals with the
completion and dedication of the first temple. The apron, which is
seldom worn, is white edged with purple, and there is a purple collar.
The colour refers to the grief felt by the Brethren for the loss of
the third Principal, whose chair is vacant. The most striking feature
in the Lodge room is a small replica of the Ark of the Covenant. In
theory the qualification for the "Most Excellent Master" is only Mark,
but as it is always followed by the "Royal Master," for which the
Qualification is Mark and Arch, in practice the Cand. must hold both
these degrees.
The Royal Master is a most interesting degree, for it shows how the
R.A. S..s came to be deposited in the place in which they were
subsequently found. Though H.A.B.'s chair was vacant in the "Most
Excellent Master," in the Royal Master he is the chief character, and
his disquisition on the subject of "Death" is one of the most
beautiful pieces of ritual in Freemasonry.
The apron in this degree is black, edged with red, but it is seldom
worn. The three Principals, however, wear robes similar to those worn
by the same officers in the R.A.
The "Select Master," unlike the preceding degrees, has a special jewel
of its own, namely a silver trowel within a triangle of the same
metal, which is suspended from a black collar edged and lined with
red. The apron is white, edged with red and gold, and is of a
triangular shape, but in England neither it nor the jewel are usually
worn. In Scotland the jewel of the Cryptic Degrees combines the
triangle and the trowel, whereas in England we wear the Jewel of the
"Super-Excellent Master" to represent all four degrees.
The "Select Master" is supposed to be held in a crypt (hence the name
"Cryptic Degrees") which is the same crypt in which the S..s of the
R.A. were at a later date discovered. The legend is similar to that of
one of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, and relates how a
well known mason employed by K.S. accidentally intruded into this
crypt when K.S. and H., K. of T., were present. The intruder was
subsequently pardoned, but the O.G. who should have prevented his
entry, was punished in his place. This is undoubtedly an old legend
which crops up again in a third degree, namely, the "Grand Tyler of
K.S." one of the Allied Degrees. Its symbolic meaning is that those
who push their occult investigation beyond reasonable limits, and
without the assistance and protection of more experienced
investigators, run serious risks.
The "Super-Excellent Master" is short and not very interesting, but it
brings the story of the first Temple down to the time of its
threatenened destruction and so bridges the gap between the "Most
Excellent Master" and the R.A.. The lesson taught is unswerving
loyalty to Jehovah. The colour of this degree is crimson, and a
crimson collar should be worn. In practice, however, this is worn only
by members of the Grand Council. The Jewel of these degrees is a white
enamel triangle with the point downwards, that is, the triangle of the
Preserver, and is as a rule the only regalia worn.
The most interesting part of this degree is a carpet on the floor with
the following design thereon. Inside a square is a circle, within
which is a triangle pointing towards the West, and within the triangle
is the C. of the C. on which rests an altar, and on the altar is the
ark of the covenant. As the "Floor" design is not adequately
explained, the following will be of use.
The triangle pointing West is the symbol of the Preserver, and has
been adopted as the jewel of all these degrees in England, and it
certainly denotes the underlying principle of the series.
(1). The "Most Excellent Master" teaches us that despite the loss of
the chief architect God preserved the work of the Temple and it was
duly completed.
(2). The "Royal Master" tells us how the R.A.S..s came to be
(3). In the "Select Master" the over zealous friend of K.S. was
preserved from the dire fate which threatened him.
(4). In the "Super-Excellent Master" we are shown how God preserved a
remnant of the people because they preserved their faith in Him.
The triangle within a square denotes the Descent of the Spirit into
Matter, while the Circle symbolises Infinity - whence the Spirit
comes. The point links the Infinite with the emblem for the
All-Pervading - it also refers to each individual "Ego."
The whole symbol, therefore, means that God the Preserver descended
from Eternity, and entering into Matter became flesh, and He is one
with the All-Pervading. It is therefore a most sacred emblem, and the
fact that the Ark of the Covenant stands on the C. shows that the New
Dispensation arises out of the old, and the Prophetic reference to
this fact is emphasised by the real g. which should remind us of Him
Who died upon the Cross. Thus this degree has a Messianic, esoteric
meaning, often overlooked by t hose who have taken it.
Under this heading are grouped a number of different degrees having
little in common. In theory the Grand Council which meets at Mark
Masons' Hall controls a large number of degrees, including five which
are androgamous, but in practice they only work six degrees. At
Newcastle-on-Tyne, however, the Time Immemorial Council also works one
or two others, including the Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest, a
highly mystical and beautiful ceremony.
The six degrees worked in London are not restricted to Christians, and
the only qualifications are Mark and Arch. This is despite the fact
that St. Laurence the Martyr and the Knights of Constantinople are
clearly Christian degrees. Most of these degrees are of secondary
importance, but the Red Cross of Babylon and the High Priest are old
and important. The degrees are as follows:-
(1). St. Laurence the Martyr. The Jewel is a gridiron, and it is quite
possible that it is to this fact that we owe the ribald tales current
in the outside world as to what befalls a man at his initiation into
Freemasonry. The legend of this degree in reality has nothing whatever
to do with Freemasonry, and is well known to every student of Medieval
legends of the Saints. The lesson taught is that of fortitude. This
degree appears to be a piece of old Operative ritual brought from
Lancashire, and original ly worked up into a degree in order to enable
a genuine "Working mason" to distinguish other Operatives from "These
newfangled Speculatives."
(2). The Knights of Constantinople is associated with the Emperor
Constantine, and inculcates the useful lesson of universal equality.
The Jewel is a cross surmounted by a crescent moon, hardly a happy
choice, for it suggests the triumph of the Crescent over the Cross.
(3). The Secret Monitor is very similar to the first degree of the
Secret Monitor as worked by the Grand Conclave, and is associated with
David and Jonathan. Its presence among the Allied Degrees bears
testimony to an unfortunate split which occurred during the early
years of the organisation of the Grand Conclave of the Secret Monitor.
It is the only degree in English Freemasonry which is under the
control of two entirely distinct bodies. The Jewel is a "Hackle"
suspended from a crown, and on the ribbon above the jewel is a bow.
(4). The Grand Tyler of King Solomon relates the story of the
accidental intrusion of a F.C. into the secret vaults where K.S., K.H.
of T., and H.A.B. were met in consultation. The legend is very similar
to that related in the "Select Master" though there are interesting
variations, in particular. "The Period" of the legend being earlier.
The Jewel is the triangle of the Preserver, point downwards, with
certain Hebrew letters engraven in gilt upon a black enamel
All these degrees are interesting, but can hardly be called really
important, whereas the next two stand in quite a different category.
(5). The Red Cross of Babylon is undoubtedly old, and the sixteenth
degree of the A. and A. Rite also bears on the same theme, while
similar incidents likewise occur in the Royal Order of Scotland. The
Degree in historical order follows, and is closely associated with,
the Royal Arch and the rebuilding of the second Temple, and in
Scotland is actually controlled by the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter. It
has many interesting details, but its outstanding feature is the
crossing of the Bridge. This, although tr ansformed into a physical
and historical bridge, undoubtedly symbolises something quite
different. We are here in the region of eschatology and are being told
what befalls a man after death. In all the great religions of the
world there is a tradition that sooner or later after death the soul
must cross a certain "Bridge." Clearly this "Bridge" means the passing
from one state of existence in the world beyond the grave to another,
and indicates a further advancement of the Soul away from earth
conditions and towards God. The Japanese, Chinese, Parsees,
Mahomedans, and Medieval Christians, all speak of this bridge. For
example, the Parsees say that the mourners must rise at dawn on the
third day after the death of their friend and pray for him, for at
that hour he comes to the bridge which he must cross to reach
Paradise. The bridge spans the gulf of Hell, and in the middle of the
Bridge the Soul will be met by a female form. If his life has been
good this form will be that of a beautiful woman who will lead him
into Paradise, but if his life has been evil it will be a hideous hag
who will meet him and fling him from the bridge into the bottomless
In England this bridge was called "The Brig of Dread," and is depicted
in a twelfth century fresco at Chaldon Church, Surrey, where it is
shown as if built like a saw. Among those attempting to cross it is a
Mason with his tools in his hand. It is also spoken of in an old
Lancashire dirge which relates what befalls the Soul of the dead man
immediately after it has left its dead body.
"When thou from hence away art passed Every night and alle; To
whinny-muir thou comest at last And Christ receive thy soule."
"From whinny-muir when thou mayest pass Every night and alle; To 'Brig
of Dread' thou comest at last And Christ receive thy soule."
The exoteric lesson of the degree is "Great is Truth," but the hidden
reference to the Bridge of Testing which the soul must pass on its
journey towards Paradise is the most striking feature. The Jewel is
two crossed swords on a dark green background of enamel.
(6). The High Priest, unlike the other degrees, can only be conferred
on a mason who has been a 3rd Principal in a R.A. Chapter. It deals
with the Priesthood "after the Order of Melchisedic," and the jewel is
the triangle with the point upwards, on which is imposed a mitre.
Briefly then the Allied Degrees link the Old Testament with the New,
and the most important are the Red Cross of Babylon and the High
Priest, although the other four are not without interest.
The Rose Croix of Heredom is now regarded as the 18th Degree of the A.
and A. Rite, whose total number of degrees is 33, in reference to the
33 years of our Lord's Life. In practice, however, only the 18th,
30th, 31st, 32nd and 33rd are worked in full in England, and the last
three are but sparingly conferred.
In America all the intermediate degrees are worked, i.e., 4th to 33rd
inclusive, but in England the 4th to the 17th are merely conferred by
name. The 18th is worked in full, but the 19th to the 29th inclusive
are similarly conferred by name only.
The qualification for the 18th is one year a Master Mason, and for the
30th it has usually been Prelate or M.W.S., the latter being the title
of the ruler of a Rose Croix Chapter. The 18th degree is a highly
mystical degree and full of the deepest interest, and in England is
restricted to professing Christians. In the U.S.A. and on the
Continent of Europe, however, it is not usually regarded as Christian,
and non-Christians can become members. One school of Masonic research
has prepounded a theory that t he Rose Croix was originally Roman
Catholic, and invented by the Jacobites. Personally, I have, after
very careful search, been unable to find any evidence in support of
this view, and frankly I cannot conceive of any conscientious Roman
Catholic taking part in the ceremonies.
It seems more probable that the degree is due to Rosicrucian
influence, and the earliest historic evidence we can find of these
mystics shows that they were Lutheran, but it is quite probable that
they inherited an earlier tradition. There appear to be references to
Rosicrucian doctrines in Dante, and the Commacine Masons carved the
Rose and Compasses over their Lodge door at Assisi in the opening
years of the 15th century. Moreover, the ancient Aztecs who likewise
venerated the cross had a very similar R ite with the same Sn..s and
many of the same incidents. Finally, we cannot ignore the fact that
Henry Adamson, M.A., in "The Muses Threnodie" written in 1636, says:-
"For we are Brethren of the Rosie Cross, We have the Mason's Word and
Second Sight:"
Now this shows an association of the "Mason's Word" with the Rosie
Cross. Personally, I think this refers, not to the present 18th
degree, but to the Rosy Cross of the Royal Order of Scotland.
It indicates, however, Rosicrucian influence on Freemasonry long
before the rise of the Jacobite movements, and is in a poem describing
Protestant Perth.
To revert to the 18th degree as we know it to-day, we find it has four
distinct sections. The first consists of the conferring by name of the
intermediate degrees, and the other sections form the Rose Croix
Degree itself. It is a highly mystical piece of symbolism, and
expresses the passage of Man through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
accompanied by the Masonic Virtues F.H. and C.. It ends with his final
acceptance into the abode of Light, life and Immortality, and with his
recovery of the L.W.
The Badge is twofold; on one side it is black, having in its centre a
red calvary cross; on the other side it is white, edged with rose
colour; on the apron itself is embroidered a Pelican feeding its
young, while on the flap is a triangle within which are certain Hebrew
There is a collar which is similarly two faced; on the reverse it is
black with three red crosses, and on the front rose pink, richly
embroidered. Among the symbols depicted are the crown of thorns and
the serpent holding its tail in its mouth, the emblem of Eternity. The
jewel which is suspended from the collar is a golden compass extended
to an angle of 60 degrees, surmounted by a celestial crown. On the one
side is a scarlet cross within the compasses, and beneath it a Pelican
feeding its young. On t he reverse the cross is silver, with a silver
eagle rising towards the heavens, and on both sides at the joint of
the compasses is a rose.
Despite its present Christian setting it appears that this degree in
its main details is a very ancient ceremony. All its essential
features are found in the Bora Ceremony of the Australian Aborigines,
one of the most primitive races still living. In India and China the
Sns. of this degree are associated with God the Preserver. In Ancient
Egypt certain parts of the Book of the Dead cover the same ground and
show the same Sns. in use. The Ancient Aztecs in Mexico appear to have
had practically the same c eremony, as already stated, and some of the
Sns. which they make have survived among the Red Indians to this day.
In Medieval Europe we find constant examples of the use of the two
principal Sns. employed, as for example at Coire Cathedral, - in both
12th and 15th century work, - in a fresco at Basle, painted in the
opening years of the 16th century, and in a 17th century panelled room
now in the Engadine Museum at St. Moritz. Moreover, a certain Sn.
associated with the 9th degree of the A. and A. Rite wh ich indicates
sorrow is also found side by side with these Rose Croix Sns. in every
one of the above mentioned cases in Europe. Facts like these cannot be
brushed aside lightly, and preclude us from accepting the view that
the Rose Croix was invented in the 18th century. Indeed, the Mexican
Codices, which practically show the complete ceremony, are at least
two and a half centuries earlier than the date at which it has been
suggested that this degree was invented.
The other name for this, the 30th degree, is Knight of the Black and
White Eagle. In Latin Countries it is strongly Templar in tone, and
has acquired a sinister significance because in some of the rituals
the duty of avenging the Death of Molay, and the other slaughtered
Knights Templars, is taught in a dramatic way. Since the chief
culprits responsible for the slaughter of Molay and his Knights were
Philip, King of France, and Clement, the Pope, this fact is stated to
have been utilised to teach the Cands . that King and Church are the
oppressors of the People. Probably this inner meaning is by no means
so universally applied on the Continent as anti-masonic writers
pretend, but in any ease the English Ritual has been purged of any
such idea, if indeed it ever possessed it.
The degree is an elaborate one, necessitating three chambers and an
ante-room when worked in full, and only the Supreme Council itself can
confer it. The regalia, which may be worn in Rose Croix Chapters,
consists of a broad black sash suspended from the left shoulder, the
point fringed with silver bullion, and on it are embroidered the
emblems of the degree. These are an eagle soaring towards the sun,
holding the Anchor of Hope in his talons; on the extremity is the
banner of England and Wales, which is on a red ground three golden
lions; this is crossed by the banner of the Supreme Council, and below
it is a red cross formed of four tau crosses, usually called the Cross
of Jerusalem.
The breast jewel is a cross pattee in red enamel, with the number "30"
upon a blue enamel ground in the centre. From a collarette of black
ribbon with a silver edging is hung a black double spreading-eagle,
surmounted by a crown, and holding a sword in its claws.
The word "Kadosh" is Hebrew, and means "separated" or "consecrated."
The remaining three degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite are but
sparingly conferred, and take the place to a large extent of Grand
Rank in other, degrees.
It will be many years before the young mason attains to these exalted
heights, and therefore any detailed description even of the regalia is
hardly necessary in a Handbook of this nature. As soon, however, as he
becomes a Rose Croix mason he is certain to have an opportunity of
seeing from time to time members of these exalted degrees, and
learning from them as much as he is entitled to know before they are
conferred upon him.
The Ancient and Accepted Rite as now organised derives its authority
from the charter granted to it in 1845 by the Supreme Council of the
Southern Jurisdiction of the U.S.A., but the Rose Croix, Kadosh, the
28th degree, and several other intermediate degrees were fully
established and at work in the 18th century, as historic records show,
although how much further they date back is still a matter of dispute.
With regard to the intermediate degrees it is a mistake to assume that
they are of no value or interest. They vary considerably in merit, but
such degrees as the Royal Arch of Enoch, with its clear indication of
Rosicrucian influence, and the account of the discovery of one of the
Ancient Pillars inscribed with old time learning, (mentioned in the
Ancient Charges), is worthy of careful study, and the same is true of
several of the other degrees. For this reason I strongly urge all Rose
Croix Masons to att end the annual festival of King Edward VII. Rose
Croix Chapter of Improvement, which is held in the Spring each year at
Mark Masons' Hall, when two of the intermediate degrees are rehearsed
in full.
This then is the Ancient and Accepted Rite; a great Rite undoubtedly,
which is full of mystical lore, and sets out to show its members that
the quest of the lost word ends, not at the Temple at Jerusalem, but
on Mount Calvary.
This Order rules two degrees, the Harodim and the Rosy Cross. The
Harodim is conferred in a body called a Chapter, and so in this Order
a Chapter is below a Lodge. In practice, however, these two bodies are
the same.
The Royal Order has many peculiar features, and it is impossible to do
it justice in one chapter of this book.
Firstly, we may note that the Order is unique in that it has one
governing body for the whole world, and is the only English Masonic
body of which this is true. Grand Lodge must always meet in Scotland.
Qualifications, as laid down by the Grand Lodge in Scotland, is five
years a Master Mason, but the Metropolitan Provincial Grand Lodge in
practice will only admit members of the 30th degree of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite. London Masons, who have not attained to that degree,
must therefore go to the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Southern
Counties, which meets at Windsor.
These degrees are of great antiquity, and, personally, I consider them
the greatest of all our masonic degrees. They are not so dramatic as
certain others, such as the Order of the Knights Templar, but they
have a unity of purpose and an ancient ritual which is full of the
most profound mystical teaching.
It is in curious old Border verse, for the most part, and from
internal evidence would appear to ante-date our present form of even
the Craft degrees, though it clearly presupposes their existence.
From historical records we know that these "Scotch" degrees were at
work in 1743 in London, for there is a record of a Provincial Grand
Lodge in London, having at least two Chapters under its control, at
that time.
The mere fact that there were at least two Chapters of Harodim at work
at this date precludes the possibility of the Order having come into
existence in 1743, and the fact that it had to travel from Scotland,
and then establish itself and spread in London, justifies us in
considering that it can hardly be later in origin than the date of the
formation of the Craft Grand Lodge of Scotland itself, which was in
1736. Seven years is, I consider, far too short a time to allow a new
degree to spread from Scotlan d to London and establish itself firmly
therein, but if we take this date we shall see that the Royal Order
takes precedence in antiquity of any high degree. But, in view of
these facts, we cannot dismiss lightly the evidence of Henry Adamson's
metrical description of Perth, "The Muses Threnodie," written in 1638,
practically a century earlier, in which he writes :-
"For we are brethren of the Rosie Cross We have the Mason's Word,
Note. - He uses the phrase "Rosie Cross," the exact title of the 2nd
degree of the Royal Order, and adds that "We have the Mason's Word."
Now the Royal Order purports to give its members the lost "Mason's
Therefore, if language means anything, it means that the brethren of
the Rosie Cross claimed to have the true Mason's Word, a claim still
made by the Brethren of the Rosy Cross of the Royal Order.
My firm conviction is, therefore, that Adamson, who was a M.A. and a
clergyman, was a member of the Royal Order of Scotland, and since the
style and language of the ritual fits in with this period, or with one
even earlier, I consider that the Royal Order goes back to that period
at least. In connection with this it is well to remember that the
first record of the initiation of a speculative into Freemasonry in
England is on the 20th May, 1641, when Robert Moray, "General
Quartermaster of the armie of Scotl and," was initiated at Newcastle
by members of the Lodge of Edinburgh, who were with the Scottish Army,
which had entered England in arms against King Charles.
Moreover, Moray, was "Protector" of Vaughan, the famous 17th century
Rosicrucian. If therefore beyond the Craft lay a Rosicrucian Masonic
Order, which could only be entered by those who had first qualified as
Freemasons, then we can see an excellent reason why Moray, who was
clearly interested in Mysticism in general, and Rosicrucianism in
particular, should trouble to be initiated into a Lodge despite the
fact that the Army of which he was Quartermaster-General was actually
on a campaign.
Incidentally, these facts go clean counter to the theory still held by
a few students that the Royal Order was Jacobite. Indeed, the closer
one studies this Order the less grounds can one find for this view.
In such a case one would naturally look for some reference to the
Martyr King himself. Be it noted this could have been done with
perfect safety, for in the Prayer Book of the Established Church of
England there was, during the Eighteenth Century, a special service in
memory of Charles, King and Martyr. Thus the inclusion of reference to
the White Rose, or Charles the Martyr, could easily and safely have
been worked into this ritual.
Secondly, let us consider the teaching of the degree. Both the Old and
the Young Pretender were Roman Catholics; we should therefore expect
that either there would be traces of Roman Catholic teaching in the
ritual, or at least that care would be taken to avoid anything that
would be in direct opposition to the faith of the hero of the
Jacobites. Yet, on looking into the ritual, we find certain most
significant omissions. There is no mention of the "Holy Catholic"
Church, nor of the "Communion of Saints," both relies of medieval days
left standing intact in the Episcopal Churches of Scotland and of
England, but further, the ritual goes out of its way to declare we
shall obtain salvation through Christ only, thus hitting at the
doctrine of the Intercession of the Saints, and even says that our
salvation is by Faith alone.
Now this is just one of the particular points of cleavage between
Protestantism and Catholicism, for the latter always has maintained
the necessity of faith being proved by good works. Salvation by faith
alone was one of the outstanding tenets of the Presbyterians, and
shows clearly that the ritual in its present form is Presbyterian, and
emphatically so.
Would men who were inventing a degree to foster the Jacobite cause go
out of their way to insert phrases which must wound their hero, and
many of his loyal supporters?
This aspect is further emphasised by the fact that among all the
paraphernalia employed in the degrees there is neither cross nor
crucifix, although we find them in other Masonic High Degrees. The
omission must be deliberate, for from the nature of the ritual these
emblems might well have been employed.
Against these facts, no word in the ritual of a pro-Jacobite nature
can be adduced, and so I can see no reason for claiming these degrees
were made up to help the Jacobites.
The degrees themselves are highly mystical, and take the candidate
from the Master Mason stage, through the Old Testament, over the
"Bridge," onto the second Temple, and finally trace Christ's life and
death, and show that He is the L.W. .
There are clear traces of that outlook on life which is called
"Rosicrucian," and so they are good argument for those who claim that
Rosicrucianism did influence Freemasonry. Keeping strictly to the
Royal Order, we find in it the root matter of many of our Higher
Degrees, and it is possible that some of these have been elaborated
out of incidents passed over beliefly in the Royal Order rituals.
As some guide I will indicate references to ideas which were probably
subsequently developed further, though it is but fair to add that the
alternative also is possible, namely, that these degrees also already
existed, and had contributed to the ritual of the Royal Order, instead
of having simply evolved from them. These are Royal Arch, Mark, Red
Cross of Babylon - the latter very clearly - Templar and Rose Croix.
In addition there are many sections entirely unrepresented elsewhere
in Masonry.
The ritual works mainly by question and answer, as in the Craft
lectures, but one significant ritual practice deserves particular
mention. At certain times the Brn. travel the reverse way of the Sun.
This is correct, for they are then supposed to be in the region of the
D - d, and popular tradition has always taught that the ghosts of men
go reverse of the Sun.
The Tower too is most significant, and calls to mind a somewhat
similar building described in the Mystical and "Chimycal" Marriage of
Christian Rosy Cross, translated by W. Bro. Waite.
The Sns. used in this degree are many in number, and every one is of
great antiquity and can be found in various parts of the world
associated with Heathen Gods and ancient Rites of Initiation. The
actual Sn. of the Harodim is to be seen in the ancient Aztec
manuscripts, and is shown in a scene on a vase found at Chama, Mexico.
This scene clearly depicts a cand. being initiated into a Mexican
Rite, and being taught the Sn.. The case is certainly not later than
1500 A.D. and was only dug up a few years ago . In India the Sn. of
Harodim is associated with Vishnu the Preserver. In Ancient Egypt it
is shown on a fresco from Thebes dated about 1500 B.C., fragments of
which are in the British Museum. Numerous examples could be quoted
from Medieval work in Europe, for example in the 17th century panelled
room known as the "Audience Chamber of the Visconti-Venosta," which is
now in the Engadine Museum at St. Moritz, to which we referred in the
previous chap ter. This room also shows examples of the Sn. attached t
o the Rosie Cross degree, and, in the corners of it are figures making
the Drinking Sn. of the Royal Order of Scotland. These figures are
arranged in pairs as if answering each other.
Perhaps, however, the most significant fact of all is that the ritual
of the Hung Society in China, known also as the Triad Society, or the
Society of Heaven and Earth, is almost precisely the same in its main
incidents as the ceremonies of this Scotch Order.
The regalia of the Order is fairly elaborate. It consists of a Garter,
star and two sashes, one red for the Harodim, and one green for the
Rosy Cross, and an elaborate apron of white, edged with bands of red
and green.
Each candidate receives . . . which is supposed to show his
characteristic virtue, and which, as a rule, is spelt without any
This must suffice for the Royal Order, though it deserves far more
The Knights Templar carry on the tradition of the Medieval Order, and
may be regarded as teaching the Christian life in action. How far
there is any historical connection between the Masonic Order and their
Medieval predecessors is a question on which Masonic students are at
variance. The writer considers that a strong probability exists that
there is a definite connection, and has given his reasons at
considerable length in "Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods."
It is not proposed to go fully into this controversy in this book,
since its purpose is to indicate, so far as is permissible, the
meaning of the Degrees, rather than their history. Certain facts,
(1) That in England, and still more in Scotland, the Order, though
nominally suppressed in 1307 et seq., did not suffer the merciless
slaughter of its members which fell upon them in France. Moreover,
owing to the fact that Scotland was in open revolt against Edward II.,
who was supposed to rule it, enforcement of the edicts against the
Knights was quite impossible.
(2) That certain branches of the Order - e.g., in Spain and Portugal -
unquestionably survived, merely adopting a new name.
(3) The Charter of Transmission claims to carry on the succession in
France. That Charter now hangs in Mark Masons' Hall, and if it were
generally accepted as genuine it would practically settle the matter.
The fact that it anathematizes the Scotch Templars, if it is genuine,
would indicate a separate organisation of the survivors in Scotland,
and therefore explain whence Scotch and English Templary derive.
(4) The undoubted fact that not only many Knights, but also the whole
of the Templar Priests and lay Brothers, some of whom were Masons,
were not even imprisoned, points to another possible line of descent.
Be that as it may, the Ritual worked to-day, though it has been
revised several times in recent years, contains many curious features
which would indicate considerable antiquity.
At Bristol a man may not take the Rose Croix unless he is a Templar,
and this supports the theory of those who believe that originally the
Rose Croix was the inner working of the Templars. The Royal Order of
Scotland also shows clear indications of a connection with Templary,
both in the legend of its foundation and in the use of a certain word
common to both Orders, and used in no other Degrees.
In view of the fact that the Royal Order has its Knightly Degree of
the "Rosy Cross," these points are of special significance.
The Legend of the foundation of the Royal Order is that Bruce, after
Bannockburn, created the Degree of the Rosy Cross so as to reward
those Masons who had assisted him in the battle, and conferred on them
the honour of Knighthood. Now we know that the Templar Knights,
instead of surrendering themselves to Edward II. when he sent his
commissioners into Scotland to arrest them, joined his enemy, Bruce.
Is it then not probable that Bruce, by the foundation of this new
Order, thus rewarded these Templars and restored to them the
Knighthood which by the abolition of the old Order had lapsed?
The Ritual as used to-day has undergone drastic revision recently. To
give but one example, there appears no doubt that the altar in the
East is a modern innovation, beautiful though it is. Formerly there
was only a sepulchre, and there are still a few preceptories where the
old Ritual is permitted. Even in the modern Ritual members will
recollect that they took the O. at the sepulchre, which significantly
is in the C., and not at the East.
This is a matter of great importance as we shall see in a moment. In
Scotland the Degree is divided into Novice, Esquire, and Knight. In
England there are still three points corresponding to these Medieval
divisions, though the fact is rather slurred over. If we recollect
(a) The Robe marks the Novice; (b) The Tunic marks the Esquire; (c) It
is only the Knight who is invested with the Mantle;
we shall perceive that the Ritual still bears witness to these three
The Cup of Remembrance in the U.S.A. is still drunk from an unusual
resectable, and is emphatically the Cup of Mystical Death.
The Ritual of the Knight Templar, as we know it to-day, has obviously
an exoteric and an esoteric meaning. The exoteric lesson, and a very
good lesson too, is that the Christian soldier must have ever before
his eyes in his struggle with the world the precepts of the Master -
Christ. He must be a good soldier of Christ outside the doors of
Temple; he must uphold truth and justice, defend the weak, and set a
fine example of chivalrous conduct in his daily life. In short, he
must not only profess Christian ity but really live it.
It will thus be seen that a candidate would need to be a Christian,
even if he was not definitely called upon to defend the Christian
faith - which he is. But within this sound practical lesson there lies
a high mystical message. We are taught of the Lamb who was mystically
slain before the beginning of the world. We enter as a pilgrim
striving to escape from the worldly spirit. We dedicate ourselves to
Christ at the C., that is to say, in the hidden recesses of our souls.
In that hidden place our past life of sin lies dead, even as the
earthly body of the Redeemer lay in the tomb. Therefore, on it we
dedicate ourselves, finding that over our dead past rises, as it were,
the figure of The Crucified.
Armed with the weapons of the Spirit we go forth on our spiritual
journey, and after long and painful travels return victorious from our
conflict with the spiritual foes of man. Note the symbolical three
years, corresponding with the three years of Christ's life of ministry
on Earth.
But after action must come penance and meditation, and above all we
must meditate, not merely on physical death, but still more on that
greater mystery, the mystical death; and being thus prepared, we must
offer our sacrifice. Nay, more, we must be marked with the sign of His
sacrifice, but in Christian mysticism we are taught that the true
mystic must spiritually crucify himself, even as the Great Master
physically suffered on the Cross, and this is the mystical death. Is
that last incident in the life of the mystic forgotten in the Ritual
of this great Order? Think it over, Brother Knights.
This is veiled language, and as far as is permissible, I have
endeavoured to indicate that Masonic Templary has a great mystical
lesson. There are countless small points in the Ritual which support
this view, but for obvious reasons I have omitted them, e.g., the
gradual investiture of the candidate indicates the acquisition by
degrees of certain spiritual qualities.
If we regard the Knights Templar as one Degree we find that the Order
has two, or possibly three Degrees in all. After the K.T. comes the
Mediterranean Pass. It is now, practically, merely a passing Degree
leading to the Malta, but it has a significance of its own. The sign,
to begin with, is undoubtedly old. Major Sanderson found the same sign
in use among the Yaos in Central Africa, and it was also known and
venerated by the Arabs. In view of the tradition connecting the
Mediterranean Pass and the Ma lta Degrees with the Arabs, this fact is
obviously significant. Nor, esoterically, can we ignore the importance
of the serpent in connection with a mystical journey, and in like
manner "The Sea" is a phrase well known among mystics to imply certain
spiritual facts, and is always said to lie beyond the mystical
To make myself clear to non-mystical readers, let me add that mystical
death and resurrection are well recognised stages in the development
of the soul of the man who, while still in the body, is striving to
reach spiritual union with God. St. Paul says that he died daily in
When we reach the Hall in which the degree of Malta is to be worked,
we pass certain emblems which we are told indicate birth, life, death,
resurrection and ascension. These are a symbolic summary of our whole
Masonic career from the time we entered the Craft till the time we axe
finally made a Knight of Malta. Further, resurrection is a new birth
which, in itself, presupposes a new life, and in the mystical world we
must, like St. Paul, be prepared to die daily in Christ.
The Malta, then, is a Degree of mystical, not physical resurrection,
and the fact is emphasised by the linking up of the symbolical acts
with the true history of the old Knights of St. John of Malta. The
symbols on the table should be studied with this key, particularly
that of the galley which bore the souls to safety though it perished
itself. Our body must one day die, but if we have lived aright it will
bring our souls in safety to the "Islands of the Blest." This is true
whether viewed mystically, or in regard to life in the world of
The Sns. used in this Degree are certainly old, and the Pen. most
peculiar and significant. It could hardly have been invented in the
18th century. The Sn. in the Templar degree is shown in the room of
the Visconti Venosta to which we have already referred, and in the
same room are to be seen figures making the Sn. of the Knights of
The colour of the Templar robes are white with a red cross, i.e., the
"Blood of the Lamb," in which we have washed and become thereby as
white as snow. But those of Malta are black, with a white cross: out
of the black night of the Soul, out of the darkness of mystical death,
the cross of Salvation rises, no longer a cross of suffering, but one
of resplendent glory.
There still remains another Order of Christian Chivalry and its
outstanding feature is that it is the only Order open to English
masons which avowedly sets out to give a Christian interpretation of
the Craft and Royal Arch. The degrees which constitute this Order
(a) The Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine, and
(b) The Knights of St. John and the Holy Sepulchre.
Like the Knights Templar this Order has its Head Quarters at Mark
Masons' Hall.
The Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine teach us the well-known
story of how Constantine came to be converted, but the Lecture
contains a most interesting reference to the Roman College of
Architects, whom I personally regard as the direct ancestors of the
Comacine Masons, from whom Freemasonry descends. I must admit,
however, that I should require fairly strong evidence to convince me
that Constantine himself was a member of one of the Collegia.
But in any case this degree is merely a stepping stone to the really
great degree of the Knights of St. John and the Holy Sepulchre. This
degree appears to have consisted once of three degrees and even now
has at least three "points," in it, though these may be interpreted as
corresponding to novice, esquire, and knight. The ceremonies are
solemn, dramatic and of deep mystical significance, but their most
striking feature is an attempt to explain the Craft and Royal Arch
Ceremonies in a Christian sense.
While not prepared to admit that this is the only, or even the
original inner meaning of these degrees, I do consider that the
interpretation given is of a most interesting and instructive nature,
and if we realise that all through the middle ages Freemasonry was
avowedly Christian, and demanded of its members belief in the
essential doctrines of the Church, we shall see that this
interpretation is deserving of very great respect.
Since those desirous of obtaining this interpretation can do so by
joining these degrees, no good purpose would be served in disclosing
the points interpreted, beyond saying that the Architect of the Temple
is identified with Christ, and the various incidents in the history of
our hero are similarly interpreted in the light of the Christian
story. The outstanding fact, however, is that here we are definitely
told that our ceremonies have a secret inner meaning and this is the
only degree in English Freemas onry, of which I am aware, which does
endeavour to give the meaning of the Craft and Arch.
The degrees enumerated up to this point are all that can be called
strictly masonic which are open to the average English Freemason, but
there are several quasi-masonic Orders, or Societies as they are
usually called, which for all practical purposes are masonic, since
they require a masonic qualification, and like other masonic degrees
work a ritual with special secrets. These we will now consider.
The Secret Monitor which works under the Grand Conclave is one of the
best known of these Societies, only Master Masons are admitted, and
there are two degrees and a Chair degree. Attached to it is the order
of the Scarlet Cord, which has no less than seven degrees. The real
object of the Secret Monitor is to strengthen the bonds of Brotherhood
and enforce the principle that a Brother should, whenever possible,
help another Brother. The Conclaves often do possess more warmth than
the average London Lodge , but there is not much inner meaning in the
ceremonies and no very valuable lessons will be learnt from them.
Of quite a different type is the Soc. Ros. in Anglia. This, like the
Secret Monitor, admits none but Master Masons, and its rulers are
eminent members of the Craft. There are nine degrees and the higher
ones are said to be conferred only for merit. The Order always has a
Lecture at each of its meetings on some abstruse subject. The Soc.
Ros., as it is affectionately called by its members, claims to have
the same objects as the Medieval Rosicrucians, and it seems probable
that there is some historical con nection. It is, however, not the
only body which puts forth this claim, even in England, but these are
in no sense Masonic.
The Soc. Ros. is also linked with the Illustrious Order of Light which
works only at Bradford, at present, and with another Order. It is not
so much that these orders are under the control of the Soc. Ros. as
that the leading spirits in each are closely associated with the Soc.
Ros. and that the members of the Orders are derived only from that
Thus it will be seen that practically all the degrees in Freemasonry
have a definite lesson to teach, and an inner meaning to their
ceremonies. Some, no doubt, are more important than others, degrees
but the man who has never gone beyond the Craft has still much to
learn. He has made no real effort to recover that which was lost, and
therefore has signally failed to make a daily advancement in Masonic,
knowledge. If he has not time to take all the degrees, at least let
him try to complete his second degr ee by taking the Mark, and obtain
one answer to the question of what was lost, by taking his Royal Arch.
If he has done this, and has gone no further, let him still avoid
saying "I don't think much of the Higher Degrees" Until he has taken
them he is in no position to form any kind of opinion, and after he
has done so I feel sure that he will no longer speak slightingly of
some of the greatest mysteries of this or any Age.
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Yahoo Group Owner
2004-07-26 14:53:18 UTC
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:50:34 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by M. Epling
Feeemasonry has but three degrees. The Blue Lodge does not go further than
3. York Rite, and SR, are all additions for the theatrical aspect of
furtering possible symbolism to the BL. You simply must be a mason to be a
part of the SR or YR. It has nothing with being a Blue Lodge Mason. The Blue
Lodge is the only acceptable Lodge for a Mason to be acknowledged as one.
The post is clear that you are lying, there are clearly more degrees,
stop the lies.

Refuted again, boy the Freemasons are whining a lot here lately.


M. Epling
2004-07-26 15:06:02 UTC
No sir. You are mistaken. the Scottish Rite and York Rite have nothing to do
with the Blue Lodge. the third degree makes you a Master Mason. The so
called higher degrees you refer to are options and not requirements, as
their thoughts are simply opinions from which masons can observe. They
aren't not related to the Blue Lodge. They are separate clubs that Masons
may join. They are not connected in any other way except you have to be a
mason to be a member. Just like the Shrine.

Now, your turn.
Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
Post by Steve8675
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:50:34 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by M. Epling
Feeemasonry has but three degrees. The Blue Lodge does not go further than
3. York Rite, and SR, are all additions for the theatrical aspect of
furtering possible symbolism to the BL. You simply must be a mason to be a
part of the SR or YR. It has nothing with being a Blue Lodge Mason. The Blue
Lodge is the only acceptable Lodge for a Mason to be acknowledged as one.
The post is clear that you are lying, there are clearly more degrees,
stop the lies.
Refuted again, boy the Freemasons are whining a lot here lately.
2004-07-26 15:41:15 UTC
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 11:06:02 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by M. Epling
No sir. You are mistaken. the Scottish Rite and York Rite have nothing to do
with the Blue Lodge. the third degree makes you a Master Mason. The so
called higher degrees you refer to are options and not requirements, as
their thoughts are simply opinions from which masons can observe. They
aren't not related to the Blue Lodge. They are separate clubs that Masons
may join. They are not connected in any other way except you have to be a
mason to be a member. Just like the Shrine.
Now, your turn.
Nice try, but it is all Freemasonry, the higher degrees are for Masons
to continue on their path to be illuminated by Lucifer their

Freemasonry is all about Pride and Satan is the king of Pride, thus
Freemasonry is of Satan's and the articles I have posted this week are
more than enough to prove this.

Refute over.

Ed King
2004-07-26 22:45:52 UTC
Post by Steve8675
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 11:06:02 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by M. Epling
No sir. You are mistaken. the Scottish Rite and York Rite have nothing to do
with the Blue Lodge. the third degree makes you a Master Mason. The so
called higher degrees you refer to are options and not requirements, as
their thoughts are simply opinions from which masons can observe. They
aren't not related to the Blue Lodge. They are separate clubs that Masons
may join. They are not connected in any other way except you have to be a
mason to be a member. Just like the Shrine.
Now, your turn.
Nice try, but it is all Freemasonry, the higher degrees are for Masons
to continue on their path to be illuminated by Lucifer their
How puerile. How old are you, Steve?
Post by Steve8675
Freemasonry is all about Pride and Satan is the king of Pride, thus
Freemasonry is of Satan's and the articles I have posted this week are
more than enough to prove this.
Are you proud of your 'work' in alt.freemasonry, Steve?

You certainly seem to be....
Post by Steve8675
Refute over.
You seem to have missed my question in several posts: what religion are you,

Or are you too embarrassed to tell us?

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
Hammond of Texas
2004-07-26 15:42:03 UTC
Post by Steve8675
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:50:34 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by M. Epling
Feeemasonry has but three degrees. The Blue Lodge does not go further than
3. York Rite, and SR, are all additions for the theatrical aspect of
furtering possible symbolism to the BL. You simply must be a mason to be a
part of the SR or YR. It has nothing with being a Blue Lodge Mason. The Blue
Lodge is the only acceptable Lodge for a Mason to be acknowledged as one.
The post is clear that you are lying, there are clearly more degrees,
stop the lies.
Once again, Steve whips out his pathetic "It IS true, because I deny
that it isn't" defense of the lies he spews...
2004-07-26 15:56:07 UTC
No, there are only three Craft degrees. The "higher degrees" are more like
optional additions, they are not the next required progression from Third.

Post by Steve8675
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:50:34 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by M. Epling
Feeemasonry has but three degrees. The Blue Lodge does not go further than
3. York Rite, and SR, are all additions for the theatrical aspect of
furtering possible symbolism to the BL. You simply must be a mason to be a
part of the SR or YR. It has nothing with being a Blue Lodge Mason. The Blue
Lodge is the only acceptable Lodge for a Mason to be acknowledged as one.
The post is clear that you are lying, there are clearly more degrees,
stop the lies.
Refuted again, boy the Freemasons are whining a lot here lately.
2004-07-26 16:06:41 UTC
So they say to cover up their higher degrees, no person is allowed in
these higher degrees unless they are Master Morons/Masons

So they are Freemasonry in the Higher Degrees, the Shriners are

Facts to ponder.
Post by Jani
No, there are only three Craft degrees. The "higher degrees" are more like
optional additions, they are not the next required progression from Third.
Post by Steve8675
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:50:34 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by M. Epling
Feeemasonry has but three degrees. The Blue Lodge does not go further
Post by Steve8675
Post by M. Epling
3. York Rite, and SR, are all additions for the theatrical aspect of
furtering possible symbolism to the BL. You simply must be a mason to be
Post by Steve8675
Post by M. Epling
part of the SR or YR. It has nothing with being a Blue Lodge Mason. The
Post by Steve8675
Post by M. Epling
Lodge is the only acceptable Lodge for a Mason to be acknowledged as one.
The post is clear that you are lying, there are clearly more degrees,
stop the lies.
Refuted again, boy the Freemasons are whining a lot here lately.
M. Epling
2004-07-26 14:26:30 UTC

Now you are showing your true colors. You are a liar, plain and simple.
There is no such action that has ever occurred in our Jurisdiction. That is
not a Ritual of the Blue Lodge, nor SR, and YR.

So specifically show this evidence now. Or you are just waning to be
slanderous. That shows you are not a true Christian yourself does it not?
Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
Post by Stevez176
Post by Ed King
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?
For shame....
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
Pastor Dave
2004-07-26 14:33:39 UTC
While skydiving off of the Empire State Building on
Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:26:30 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by Frank Trebor
Now you are showing your true colors. You are a liar, plain and simple.
There is no such action that has ever occurred in our Jurisdiction. That is
not a Ritual of the Blue Lodge, nor SR, and YR.
If there were and it was secret, would you know it? :)
± Pastor Dave Raymond ±

"As for me, I have not hastened from being a pastor
to follow thee: neither have I desired the woeful day;
thou knowest: that which came out of my lips was right
before thee." - Jeremiah 17:16

"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of
the Spirit, which is the word of God:" - Ephesians 6:17


"Evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason
Jesus' earthly life was supposedly made necessary.
Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin and in the
rubble, you will find the sorry remains of the Son of
God. If Jesus was not the Redeemer... and this is what
evolution means, then Christianity is nothing."
- Richard Bozarth, Atheist

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
M. Epling
2004-07-26 14:43:28 UTC
Pastor Dave. Is it that easy to use the excuse of secrecy over and over.
There is no more secrecy in the Blue Lodge than your churches business
meeting. Symbolism secrecy and activity secrecy are two very different
things. There is no such activity that occurs in freemasonry. And there is
no such symbolic secrecy that goes on. Do you allow anyone who walks in to
your church to be involved in your business meetings at the church? Do you
allow them to vote on issues? Then you too are a secret society. The Blue
Lodge is nothing more than an venue to teach morality among men. You show me
one shed of evidence that proves the accusations of a Masonic ritual where
men put on animal masks and have sex with one another. That is just an
outright lie sir. To call yourself a Christian, or better yet, a pastor, and
vouch for such an evil lie. Sad indeed. Especially to have a position where
you are to be as cunning as a serpent and peaceful as a dove. Cunning you
are not, and your words do not promote peace.
Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
Post by Pastor Dave
While skydiving off of the Empire State Building on
Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:26:30 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by Frank Trebor
Now you are showing your true colors. You are a liar, plain and simple.
There is no such action that has ever occurred in our Jurisdiction. That is
not a Ritual of the Blue Lodge, nor SR, and YR.
If there were and it was secret, would you know it? :)
± Pastor Dave Raymond ±
"As for me, I have not hastened from being a pastor
to follow thee: neither have I desired the woeful day;
thou knowest: that which came out of my lips was right
before thee." - Jeremiah 17:16
"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of
the Spirit, which is the word of God:" - Ephesians 6:17
"Evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason
Jesus' earthly life was supposedly made necessary.
Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin and in the
rubble, you will find the sorry remains of the Son of
God. If Jesus was not the Redeemer... and this is what
evolution means, then Christianity is nothing."
- Richard Bozarth, Atheist
-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
2004-07-26 14:46:32 UTC
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:43:28 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by M. Epling
Pastor Dave. Is it that easy to use the excuse of secrecy over and over.
There is no more secrecy in the Blue Lodge than your churches business
meeting. Symbolism secrecy and activity secrecy are two very different
things. There is no such activity that occurs in freemasonry. And there is
no such symbolic secrecy that goes on. Do you allow anyone who walks in to
your church to be involved in your business meetings at the church? Do you
allow them to vote on issues? Then you too are a secret society. The Blue
Lodge is nothing more than an venue to teach morality among men. You show me
one shed of evidence that proves the accusations of a Masonic ritual where
men put on animal masks and have sex with one another. That is just an
outright lie sir. To call yourself a Christian, or better yet, a pastor, and
vouch for such an evil lie. Sad indeed. Especially to have a position where
you are to be as cunning as a serpent and peaceful as a dove. Cunning you
are not, and your words do not promote peace.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace, and safety, then
shall come upon them sudden destruction, as the travail upon a woman
with child, and they shall not escape,

Freemasons serve that serpent called Lucifer.

M. Epling
2004-07-26 14:56:32 UTC
Post by Steve8675
1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace, and safety, then
shall come upon them sudden destruction, as the travail upon a woman
with child, and they shall not escape,
Freemasons serve that serpent called Lucifer.
Where is your prove of who I serve? I am a born again Christian through the
blood of Jesus Christ and I know how I live. And as a mason, I am a Master
Mason of the Blue Lodge, a 32 degree Scottish Rite member, and a Shriner. So
now tell me without copy and paste tactics, where is your evidence that I
serve Satan? I read the same bible, and I am a devout believer in Christ, as
well as a man who has been through all of the Masonic rituals, and you sir
are just being Satan by spreading lie after lie. Now show me the proof of
your so called knowledge of the below statement you made:
Stevez176 quote,"The moral law makes it the duty of every person to speak
the truth. We
are told in Proverbs 13:5 - "a righteous man hateth lying." In
Proverbs 12:22 - "Lying lips are an abomination unto the Lord."

Stevez words in action: He states, "It is a known fact that during Masonic
Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are."

You be the judge.
2004-07-26 15:51:21 UTC
Don't be deceived, you are going to Hell if you serve Freemasonry and
think Jesus is your Lord and Saviour.

Jesus must be our Lord, but Freemasonry is not compatible with
Christianity, and since you are a Shriner you have been through some
rather evil ceremonies to say the least, stop being deceived, leave
and renounce Freemasonry before you die and just maybe you'd make it
into heaven.


On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:56:32 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by M. Epling
Post by Steve8675
1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace, and safety, then
shall come upon them sudden destruction, as the travail upon a woman
with child, and they shall not escape,
Freemasons serve that serpent called Lucifer.
Where is your prove of who I serve? I am a born again Christian through the
blood of Jesus Christ and I know how I live. And as a mason, I am a Master
Mason of the Blue Lodge, a 32 degree Scottish Rite member, and a Shriner. So
now tell me without copy and paste tactics, where is your evidence that I
serve Satan? I read the same bible, and I am a devout believer in Christ, as
well as a man who has been through all of the Masonic rituals, and you sir
are just being Satan by spreading lie after lie. Now show me the proof of
Frank Trebor
2004-07-26 22:51:58 UTC
Post by M. Epling
Post by Steve8675
Freemasons serve that serpent called Lucifer.
Where is your prove of who I serve? I am a born again Christian through the
blood of Jesus Christ and I know how I live. And as a mason, I am a Master
Mason of the Blue Lodge, a 32 degree Scottish Rite member, and a Shriner. So
now tell me without copy and paste tactics, where is your evidence that I
serve Satan? I read the same bible, and I am a devout believer in Christ, as
well as a man who has been through all of the Masonic rituals, and you sir
are just being Satan by spreading lie after lie.
A Pastor and Freemasonry: What's a Pastor to do? by Harmon R. Taylor

International Director H R T Ministries, Box 12, Newtonville NY 12128

I write this article as a pastor and as a former Mason. I served as
head of Welcome Lodge in Amsterdam, New York in 1980, and as Grand
Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of
New York from 1983. Then a Christian brother's witness caused me to
flee and to study the roots of Freemasonry. The more I have studied
since November 25, 1984 when I renounced Freemasonry, the more
embarrassed I have become that I was ever a member, much less spiritual
supervisor of 150,00 Masons in New York State.

Pastors need to consider the relationship of their church, their
ministry and their flock relative to Freemasonry. Masons are in the
pulpits, in other positions of leadership in the church and in the
pews. In every case they are either grossly deceived as I was for
eleven years, or they are not truly Christians.

Charles G. Finney, the greatest of the 19th Century evangelists,
left Freemasonry when he acknowledged Christ as Savior and Lord of his
life. He wrote a book on the subject of Freemasonry. It has been
reissued by Crown Publication, Burlington, Ontario, Canada under the
title, The Antichrist of the Masonic Society. On page 139 he states
correctly: "God hold the church and every branch of it, responsible for
its opinions and actions in accordance with the best light, which, in
His providence, is afforded them.

"While Masonry was a secret, the church had no light, and no
responsibility respecting it ... Hence God did not require the church
to bear any testimony on the subject as long as Masonry was secret.
"Freemasonry is now revealed. It is no longer a secret from any who
wish to be informed.

"Since these revelations (the rituals) have been made, and both the
church and the world can know what Masonry really is, God demands, and
the world has a right to expect, that the church will take due action
and bear a truthful testimony in respect to this institution. She
cannot now innocently hold her peace. The light has come. Fidelity to
God, and to the souls of men, require that the church, which is the
light of the world, should speak out, and should take such actions as
will plainly reveal her views of the compatibility or incompatibility
of Freemasonry with the Christian religion.

"...How can we fail to pronounce Freemasonry an anti-Christian
institution? .. Its morality is unchristian, ... its oath-bound secrecy
is unchristian, .. taking of its oaths are unchristian, ... Masonic
oaths pledge its members to commit most unlawful and unchristian acts,
deliver each other from difficulty whether right or wrong, favor
Masonry in political action and business transactions, sworn to
retaliated, to persecute unto death the violators of Masonic
obligations, ...its oaths are profane, the taking of the name of God in
vain, ...the penalties of these oaths are barbarous and even savage,
...its teachings are false and profane, ...its design is partial and
selfish, ...it is an enormous falsehood.

"Every local branch of the Church of Christ is bound to examine this
subject, and pronounce upon this institution, according to the best
light they can get. God does not allow individuals, or churches, (or
pastors), to withhold action, and the expression of the opinion, until
other churches are as enlightened as themselves.

"If churches who are known to have examined the subject withhold
their testimony; if they continue to receive persistent and intelligent
Freemasons; if they leave the public to infer that they see nothing in
Freemasonry inconsistent with a creditable profession of the Christian
religion, it will be justly inferred by other branches of the church,
and by the world, that there is nothing in it so bad, so dangerous and
unchristian as to call for their examination, action, and testimony.

"It is almost universally conceded that persistent Freemasons, who
continued to adhere and cooperate with them, ought not to be admitted
to Christian churches."


What shall we as pastors say to our flocks that contain perhaps a
great number of professed Christians who are Freemasons? Again we look
to Brother Finney:

"Let them (Freemasons) have no more to do with it. Let Christian men
labor with them, plead with them, and endeavor to make them see that
their duty is to abandon it."

To these words of Brother Finney I can lend an "AMEN!" What can
pastors do? They can receive this article into their hands, perhaps
from one of their lambs, and prayerfully consider it. They can study at
their library. Albert Pike, Albert Mackey, 33rd degree, Henry Wilson
Coil, 33rd degree, and Arthur Edward Waite are all recognized
authorities by State Grand Lodges. They may contact me or this ministry
for further information. They can read an excellent sermon,
"Freemasonry and Christianity" by Dr. Alva J. McClain, founder and
first president of of Grace Theological Seminary.

You will find and excellent resource in a six-part series on
Freemasonry which aired across the country in April and May of 1986.
The series is entitled, "THE MASONIC LODGE; Behind closed doors." It is
available through The John Ankerberg Show, Box 8977, Chattanooga, TN
37411 in audio or VHS cassettes as well as in written transcript form.


A pastor is accountable to God Almighty for Christ's sheep in their
flock. I would never become involved in Freemasonry if a pastor had
preached even the poorest of sermons against Freemasonry in my youth.
If he even whispered in my ear! I spent eleven years in Masonry. I
defended it to my family, my church, my colleagues. God forgive me!

Thank God my teenagers didn't swallow my line. One went and educated
himself and both of them prayed, one for four years, and one for two
years, that I might be set free from the abomination of the cult of
Freemasonry. The day came when a Christian brother and former Mason,
had the courage to risk our friendship. He opened up his Masonic bible
and shared the Light as he there had found it in Jesus, the Light of
the World. That Light showed the light of Freemasonry to be darkness
and deception. Each verse he shared brought out Masonic debris like
"Salvation by Works" from the closets of my life. With the living room
of my life now cluttered with the false doctrines of Freemasonry, I
renounced it that very day! I will never forget the joy in the voices
of my children as I told them over the phone! I will never forget the
tears on my mother's cheeks as she exclaimed, "Another prayer answered!
One more to go before I die!" Yes, and the joyous embrace of my
obedient wife!


In the year after I renounced Freemasonry, I personally sat with
each Mason in my congregation and shared my testimony. Most defended
the Fraternity. Some even began a campaign against their pastor. So be
it! "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!" Some
left their positions of authority in the church without ever being
asked. On October 13, 1985 I delivered a sermon entitled, "Mixing Oil
With Water -- Christianity & Freemasonry." That light exposed the
darkness of Masonry and unrenouncing Masons still in positions of
authority fled in shame. In their place God sent new people literally
from across this country to take up the slack. Finances that were
threatened by these Masonic families, instead, increased by 40%! The
pledging units increased by 25%! Pastor, stand for God and He will

I thank God for Bible-believing pastors. If you are one, know that
in love I say to you, "Pastor, you preach the Word with me! Yes, there
will be opposition. In the world you will have tribulation, said Jesus,
but be of good cheer because I have overcome the world."

Preach boldly as we are instructed in Acts 18:9, Col. 1:28, 2 Tim.
4:2-5, Heb. 2:11. Know that there will be rewards for any persecution
that you may face as recorded in James 1:3, 12.

Pastor, did you know that Freemasonry will not permit the Name of
Jesus to be used in any regular and well governed Lodge? Did you know
that when they use a passage such as 1 Pet. 2:5 or 2 Thes. 3:6, they
delete the phrase that includes the name of our blessed and only
Saviour, Jesus Christ? That is not just an oversight, as reference to
it states (*slight, but necessary modifications have been made). Would
you call deleting Jesus Christ a "slight" or "necessary" modification?
No! No Christian should! 1 John 2:22-23 says "Who is a liar but he who
denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is Antichrist who denies the Father
and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he
who acknowledges the Son has the Father also." Read also 1 John 4:2 in
relation to this same thought.

Pastor, Hosea 4:6 declares, "My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you
from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your
God, I also will forget your children."


As fellow pastors, we must agree that we do not want to see anyone
perish. Certainly, not the lambs in our own flock! Labor with me. As I
share with you, 433 men have renounced Masonry and are living more
productive Christian lives. They discovered that the "friendships" of
the Lodge were based on a Masonic bond and not upon genuine friendship.
In every instance they found Christians coming forward who had held
back from fellowship with them, not knowing how to confront their
Christian brother in his error. Without exception, they have confessed
that their present friends are more genuine and more fulfilling to
their lives than what they thought they had in the fraternity.

If you have Masons in the membership of Christ's church, you, as
pastor, need to become educated and confront them in love. I was
delivered from my love of Freemasonry and left with an abiding love for
Masons. I pray daily for their release from the cult of Freemasonry.
With prayer, preparation, and sharing, they will come out of either
Freemasonry or the Church.


Dwight L. Moody said, "I do not see how any Christian, most of all a
Christian minister, can go into these secret lodges with unbelievers.
They say they can have more influence for good: but I say they can have
more influence for good by staying out of them, and reproving their
evil deeds. Abraham had more influence for good in Sodom than Lot had."

For this, D. L. Moody was challenged, "If you talk this way, you
will drive all the members of secret societies out of your meetings and
out of our churches."

To this the bold pastor proclaimed, "But what if I did? Better men
will take their places. Give them the truth anyway, and if they would
rather leave their churches than their lodges, the sooner they get out
of the churches, the better. I would rather have ten members who are
separated from the world than a thousand such members. Better one with
God than a thousand without Him."


- Pray for guidance and direction. - Study Freemasonry together with
your Bible. - Write down your thoughts. - Share them with Masons when
you're sure enough not to be deceived by their uninformed or
misinformed tales. - Proclaim from your pulpit the dangers of the
double walk of a Christian in Freemasonry. Let your flock know again
that they cannot serve two masters, nor can they have any other God
before them. (Masonry permits any and every god at the altar.)

If you are a pastor, thank you for listening and may God bless you
as you serve Him and your flock for the glory of God. If you are a
layman, your pastor needs your support and your help. Pray for your
Pastor; then share this article. Continue to pray with expectation for
your pastor and be ready to assist your pastor in proclaiming the Truth
and setting free the oppressed.

Free The Masons P.O. Box 1077 Issaquah, Wa. 98027
Pastor Dave
2004-07-26 15:27:34 UTC
While skydiving off of the Empire State Building on
Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:43:28 -0400, "M. Epling"
Post by M. Epling
Pastor Dave. Is it that easy to use the excuse of secrecy over and over.
I didn't say it was. I asked a question, which you
didn't answer, btw. :)
± Pastor Dave Raymond ±

"As for me, I have not hastened from being a pastor
to follow thee: neither have I desired the woeful day;
thou knowest: that which came out of my lips was right
before thee." - Jeremiah 17:16

"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of
the Spirit, which is the word of God:" - Ephesians 6:17


The church does not determine what Scripture teaches;
Scripture determines what the church teaches.

If a tradition or experience is contrary to the
teachings of Scripture, it is not of the Lord.

Reason is a significant authority. But it too,
must be placed under the dominion of Scripture.

In other words, we cannot seek Biblical truths,
while questioning the authority of the Bible.

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Hammond of Texas
2004-07-26 16:23:18 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by M. Epling
Now you are showing your true colors. You are a liar, plain and simple.
There is no such action that has ever occurred in our Jurisdiction. That is
not a Ritual of the Blue Lodge, nor SR, and YR.
If there were and it was secret, would you know it? :)
Oh please. Like the grade-school paradox "Can God (who is omnipotent)
creat rock so heavy that even He could not lift it?" Pretty
disingenuous, Dave, not to mention more than a bit cliche...

If he answers yes, he's a "keeper of the secret". No, and he can't
refute your assertion. You've proved NOTHING.

If you're going to assert that a thing exists, YOU must provide the
proof that it does. Lack of evidence that it does not is not the same

Back to Logic-101 with you.
Pastor Dave
2004-07-26 23:45:47 UTC
While skydiving off of the Empire State Building on
Mon, 26 Jul 2004 09:23:18 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by M. Epling
Now you are showing your true colors. You are a liar, plain and simple.
There is no such action that has ever occurred in our Jurisdiction. That is
not a Ritual of the Blue Lodge, nor SR, and YR.
If there were and it was secret, would you know it? :)
Oh please. Like the grade-school paradox "Can God (who is omnipotent)
creat rock so heavy that even He could not lift it?" Pretty
disingenuous, Dave, not to mention more than a bit cliche...
If he answers yes, he's a "keeper of the secret". No, and he can't
refute your assertion. You've proved NOTHING.
1) Note the smiley.
2) If he answered yes, he would only be saying he
wouldn't know.
± Pastor Dave Raymond ±

"As for me, I have not hastened from being a pastor
to follow thee: neither have I desired the woeful day;
thou knowest: that which came out of my lips was right
before thee." - Jeremiah 17:16

"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of
the Spirit, which is the word of God:" - Ephesians 6:17



-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
M. Epling
2004-07-26 14:28:43 UTC
Brothers, I must say I am sorry for posting to this psychologically
challenged individual. I did not realize, or take the time to look at his
cross forum posting with this thread. I am sorry to all those NG's who had
to listen to my reply.

This will not happen again.

Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
Post by Stevez176
Post by Ed King
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?
For shame....
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
2004-07-26 15:53:12 UTC
Oh, you carry on. I for one am thoroughly sick of listening to my Mason
friends slandered by the likes of "Steve". Yes, OK, he's just a troll, but
there are people who actually *believe* such nonsense if it isn't

Post by M. Epling
Brothers, I must say I am sorry for posting to this psychologically
challenged individual. I did not realize, or take the time to look at his
cross forum posting with this thread. I am sorry to all those NG's who had
to listen to my reply.
This will not happen again.
Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
Post by Stevez176
Post by Ed King
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?
For shame....
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
2004-07-26 15:53:41 UTC
What is there to challenge?

I have provided evidence, and the swine are squealing loudly in here.

Post by Jani
Oh, you carry on. I for one am thoroughly sick of listening to my Mason
friends slandered by the likes of "Steve". Yes, OK, he's just a troll, but
there are people who actually *believe* such nonsense if it isn't
Post by M. Epling
Brothers, I must say I am sorry for posting to this psychologically
challenged individual. I did not realize, or take the time to look at his
cross forum posting with this thread. I am sorry to all those NG's who had
to listen to my reply.
This will not happen again.
Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
Post by Stevez176
Post by Ed King
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?
For shame....
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
2004-07-26 16:07:00 UTC
You haven't provided "evidence", you've provided several cut-and-paste
websites and unfounded accusations about sexual practices. Why don't you do
some actual research into the history of Freemasonry? There's plenty of
material available these days for anyone who's genuinely interested, and
then you could talk from an informed stance rather than coming across as an

Post by Steve8675
What is there to challenge?
I have provided evidence, and the swine are squealing loudly in here.
Post by Jani
Oh, you carry on. I for one am thoroughly sick of listening to my Mason
friends slandered by the likes of "Steve". Yes, OK, he's just a troll, but
there are people who actually *believe* such nonsense if it isn't
Post by M. Epling
Brothers, I must say I am sorry for posting to this psychologically
challenged individual. I did not realize, or take the time to look at his
cross forum posting with this thread. I am sorry to all those NG's who had
to listen to my reply.
This will not happen again.
Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
Post by Stevez176
Post by Ed King
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?
For shame....
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
2004-07-26 16:15:56 UTC
I HAVE DONE the research, and I am presenting the facts that Ex-Masons
have written about, now go back into your hole and stop lying about
Post by Jani
You haven't provided "evidence", you've provided several cut-and-paste
websites and unfounded accusations about sexual practices. Why don't you do
some actual research into the history of Freemasonry? There's plenty of
material available these days for anyone who's genuinely interested, and
then you could talk from an informed stance rather than coming across as an
Post by Steve8675
What is there to challenge?
I have provided evidence, and the swine are squealing loudly in here.
Post by Jani
Oh, you carry on. I for one am thoroughly sick of listening to my Mason
friends slandered by the likes of "Steve". Yes, OK, he's just a troll,
Post by Steve8675
Post by Jani
there are people who actually *believe* such nonsense if it isn't
Post by M. Epling
Brothers, I must say I am sorry for posting to this psychologically
challenged individual. I did not realize, or take the time to look at
Post by Steve8675
Post by Jani
Post by M. Epling
cross forum posting with this thread. I am sorry to all those NG's who
Post by Steve8675
Post by Jani
Post by M. Epling
to listen to my reply.
This will not happen again.
Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
Post by Stevez176
Post by Ed King
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?
For shame....
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
2004-07-26 16:18:22 UTC

Subtitle: Too many Christians are enthusiastically celebrating pagan
holidays, thinking they are Christian. Once you understand how very
pagan America and the rest of the Western world has become, you can
see how God's judgment cannot be far behind.
"She has become a resort and dwelling place for demons, a dungeon
haunted by every loathsome spirit, an abode for every filthy and
detestable bird ... I then heard another voice from heaven saying,
Come out from her, my people, so that you may not share in her sins,
neither participate in her plagues." [Rev 18:2, 4]

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what
this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually
implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the
same way again.




Biblical Call For Complete and Utter Separation From Evil

"Choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your
fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods
of the Amorites ..." [Josh 24:15]

"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and
love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." [Matt 6:24]

"Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after
their works." [Ex 23:24]

"... if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee."
[Ex 23:33]

"And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that
believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God
with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said,
I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and
they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye
separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will
receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons
and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." [2 Cor 6:15-18]


Throughout Scripture, God has warned His people they were not to serve
foreign false gods, nor copy their "works". Yet, generation after
generation of Jews in the Old Testament found the idolatrous worship
system of the pagan countries surrounding them to be absolutely
irresistible. As you read throughout the Old Testament, you will
discover God warning His people time and again not to follow the
religion, the traditions, or the practices of the Satanic worshipping
nations surrounding Israel.

Yet, time and again, Israel refused to heed God's warnings, and
plunged deeply into the pagan worship of their neighbors. This
paganism even took hold in the inner government circles, led by wicked
kings and queens, and in the Temple, by idolatrous Jewish priests. On
numerous occasions, God raised up a righteous king who would
immediately begin a physical purge of the temples, the priests, and
the Jewish followers of Baal, the favorite demon-god of that era. God
recorded these times of purging for us, so let us examine some of the
passages where God ordered a purging of Baal worship.

"But you shall destroy their altars, dash in pieces their pillars
(obelisks, images), and cut down their Asherim [symbols of the goddess
Asherah]." [Exodus 34:13; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible

"They brought out the pillars or obelisks of the house of Baal and
burned them." [2 Kings 10:26; Ibid.]

"He took away the foreign altars and high places and broke down the
idol pillars or obelisks and cut down the Asherim [symbols of the
goddess Asherah]. [2 Chronicles 14:3; Ibid.]

"NOW WHEN all this was finished, all Israel present there went out to
the cities of Judah and broke in pieces the pillars or obelisks, cut
down the Asherim, and threw down the high places [of idolatry] and the
altars in all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim and Manasseh, until they
had utterly destroyed them all." [2 Chronicles 31:1; Ibid.]

"Nebuchadrezzar shall break also the images and obelisks of Heliopolis
[called On or Beth-shemesh--house of the sun] in the land of Egypt,
and the temples of the gods of Egypt shall he burn with fire."
[Jeremiah 43:13; Ibid.] NOTE: One of the obelisks in our picture is
the intricately carved obelisk of Heliopolis!

"ISRAEL IS a luxuriant vine that puts forth its [material] fruit.
According to the abundance of his fruit he has multiplied his altars
[to idols]; according to the goodness and prosperity of their land
they have made goodly pillars or obelisks [to false gods]." [Hosea
10:1; Ibid.]

In this last verse, we see that, when God allowed Israel to become
financially wealthy and its citizens to become well off, Israel
stampeded even further in the direction of pagan worship. It seems
that riches and a high standard of living are a spiritual snare, for
the citizens feel less need for God and are drawn away by their own
physical lusts to the pagan religions that cater to those lusts.
Obviously, a direct parallel could be drawn to America for we are
nearly as pagan as Israel was during the time of God's judgments in
the Old Testament, and we have obelisks strewn throughout this land!

[NOTE: We have devoted an entire seminar to this subject, Seminar 1,
"America's Leadership of the New World Order". You will see for
yourself the many parallels between Ancient Israel at the time of her
physical judgment and America today]

Christianity began to be corrupted through this same type of paganism
during the reign of Constantine. This king began the practice of
combining Christian doctrine, art, and objects with those of paganism.
This process is called "Syncretization". While Constantine began the
practice, the Roman Catholic Church perfected it! As you can see in
this picture, an obelisk is standing in the middle of St. Peter's
Basilica! Catholic popes have falsely believed that they could
"Christianize" a Satanic symbol of worship by praying over it and/or
anointing it with "holy oil", thus making the object suitable for
Christian use.

Look closely at this obelisk and you will note that it is standing in
the middle of an eight-fold path of Satanic Enlightenment [Read
NEWS1134 for full details]! In Satanism, the obelisk is the symbol of
the Male phallus, while the circle represents the Female vulva.
Remember, paganism is defined as worshipping the creature rather than
the Creator [Romans 1:25], and the easiest creation to worship is sex.
Whenever Satanists wanted to represent the Great Sex Act, they merely
placed the phallus of the obelisk into the vulva of the circle. It was
slick and it was easy.

One of the greatest ironies of all time is that the Roman Catholic
Church has had this permanent symbol of the Satanic Great Sex Act
sitting in their St. Peter's Basilica since the 7th Century, where the
Pope faces it daily -- even though the Vatican is the world's greatest
proponent of celibacy!

For the past 1,400 years, the Roman Catholic Church has led Western
Civilization down the horrid road of Syncretization, where matters
Satanic were mixed with matters Christian. The result is a putrid mess
that Jesus Christ will always reject! Too many people will awaken to
find themselves at the White Throne Judgment, realizing too late that
Jesus did not approve one iota of this mingling of paganism and true

It is to this subject we now turn; if we understand the pagan
foundations of many of our holidays, then we shall find it easier to
refuse to participate in the holidays that have their origins in the
world of the Satanic. You will also discover why certain events have
occurred as they have, so you can further your quest to fulfill Jesus'
proclamation that we are to be "wise as serpents and harmless as
doves" [Matthew 10:16]


As we have repeatedly stated, the Satanist believes that numbers
contain inherent power. Thus, they literally order their lives by
occult numerology -- such numerology also is a key component in
astrology, another system of divining that Satanists observe very
closely. The occult calendar is divided into four (4) segments of 13
weeks each. The number, "13" is considered divine by the occultist for
a couple of reasons:

1. The Bible assigns '13' the meaning of "rebellion against
constituted authority", plus the depravity that caused Satan to rebel
against God.

2. The occultist assigns '6' to represent the number of man, and the
number '7' to represent the number of divine perfection. Thus, as a
person climbs that "Jacob's Ladder" toward self-perfection in the
realm of the occult, the number '13' represents the state of divine
perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination (6+7 = 13).

Thus, the occult calendar is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks
each. We list these periods for you, below. Then, after listing them,
we shall come back to talk about each of them in detail.

1. Winter Solstice -- 13 weeks -- Minor sabbath

a. December 21 -- Yule

b. December 21-22 -- Winter Solstice/Yule. One of the Illuminati's
Human Sacrifice Nights

c. February 1 and 2 -- Candlemas and Imbolg, a.k.a. Groundhog's Day.
One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

d. February 14 -- Valentine's Day

2. Spring Equinox -- 13 weeks -- Minor sabbath but does require human

a. March 21-22 -- Goddess Ostara -- Note: Easter is the first Sunday
after the first new moon after Ostara. March 21 is one of the
Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

b. April 1 -- All Fool's Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year's Day!

c. April 19 - May 1 -- Blood Sacrifice To The Beast. Fire sacrifice is
required on April 19.

d. April 30 - May 1 -- Beltaine Festival, also called Walpurgis Night.
This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar. May 1 is the
Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required

3. Summer Solstice -- 13 weeks -- When the sun reaches its
northernmost point in its journey across the sky

a. June 21 - 22 -- Summer Solstice

b. June 21 - Litha is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

c. July 4, America's Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha
and 66 days from April 30

d. July 19 -- 13 days before Lughnasa

e. July 31 - August 1 -- Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August --
One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

4. Autumnal Equinox -- 13 weeks -- Minor Sabbath but does require
human sacrifice

a. September 21 - Mabon -- one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice

b. September 21 -22 -- Autumnal Equinox

c. October 31 -- Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve.
This date is the Illuminati's highest day of human sacrifice

Isn't it interesting how the "profane" -- you and me -- are led like a
flock of sheep to observe the important festival days of the
Mysteries' Religion? You may not understand that you are ordering your
year after pagan holidays, but you are! The annual calendar for the
entire Western world is ordered by these Satanic festival times and

Now that we have seen the entire occult calendar, let us go back to
the significant holidays to see how the Western world has slipped into
a worship of the same pagan holidays and are using many of the same
pagan symbols that are so important to the pagan worshipper. The human
sacrifice required during many of these occult dates needs to contain
the following elements, each one of which is exaggerated to the
highest possible degree:

1. Trauma, stress, and mental anguish, sheer terror

2. The final act in the drama should be destruction by a fire;
preferably a conflagration.

3. People must die as human sacrifices, especially children, since
Lord Satan looks upon a younger human sacrifice as his most desirable


1. Winter Solstice -- 13 weeks

a. December 21- 22 -- Yule -- When the sun begins its northward trek
in the sky, and days began to grow longer again, pagans celebrated the
Winter Solstice by burning the Yule log. Since the sun had reversed
itself and was now rising in the sky, pagans believed this was a sign
that the human sacrifices carried out in Samhain (Halloween) had been
accepted by the gods.

We continue to sing: "Deck the halls with boughs of holly ... troll
the ancient Yuletide carol ... See the blazing Yule before us. Fa la
la la la la la la." ["Pagan Traditions of the Holidays", David
Ingraham, p. 71]

The Roman Catholic Church later changed the day of celebration to
December 25, calling it Christmas.

Consider the pagan roots of our popular symbols of Christmas:

(1) Christmas Tree -- The sacred tree of the winter-god; Druids
believed the spirit of their gods resided in the tree. Most ancient
pagans knew the tree represented Nimrod reincarnated into Tammuz!
Pagans also looked upon the tree as a phallic symbol.

(2) Star -- Pentalpha, the five-pointed star. The pentalpha is a
powerful symbol of Satan, second only to the hexagram. The star is the
sacred symbol of Nimrod, and has nothing whatsoever to do with

(3) Candles represent the sun-gods' newly-born fire. Pagans the world
over love and use candles in their rituals and ceremonies. Certain
colors are also thought to represent specific powers. The extensive
use of candles is usually a very good indication that the service is
pagan, no matter what the outward trappings might be.

(4) Mistletoe is the sacred plant of the Druids, symbolizing pagan
blessings of fertility; thus, kissing under the mistletoe is the first
step in the reproductive cycle! Witches also use the white berries in

(5) Wreaths are circular, and so they represent the female sexual
organs. Wreaths are associated with fertility and the "circle of

(6) Santa Claus -- Former Satanists have told me that "Santa" is an
anagram for "Satan". In the New Age, the god, "Sanat Kamura", is most
definitely an anagram for "Satan". The mythical attributes and powers
ascribed to Santa are eerily close to those possessed by Jesus Christ.
We have written a perennial favorite article describing these
similarities, NEWS1132. We encourage to read this article, for you
will see that our popular tradition of Santa Clause has spiritually
replaced Jesus Christ!

(7) Reindeer are horned animals representing the "horned-god" or the
"stag-god" of pagan religion! Santa's traditional number of reindeer
in his team is eight (8); in Satanic gematria, eight is the number of
"new beginnings", or the cycle of reincarnation. The Illuminati views
the number "eight" as a symbol of their New World Order.

(8) Elves are imp-like creatures who are Santa's (Satan's) little
helpers. They are also demons.

(9) Green and Red are the traditional colors of the season, as they
are the traditional pagan colors of winter. Green is Satan's favorite
color, so it is appropriate it should be one of the traditional colors
for Christmas; red is the color of human blood, Satan's highest form
of sacrifice -- for this reason, Communism adopted red as it main

(10) December 25 is known as the "nativity" of the sun. This date is
the birthday of Tammuz, the son, the reincarnation of the sun god.
Traditionally, December 21 is known as Yule. The Roman Catholic Church
moved the celebration of Yule to December 25.

(11) December 25 is also known to the Romans as "Saturnalia", a time
of deliberate debauchery. Drinking through repeated toasting -- known
as 'wassail' -- was a key to the debauchery of this celebration.
Fornication was symbolized by the mistletoe, and the entire event was
finished with a Great Feast, the Christmas Dinner.

(12) Even the name, "Christmas" is pagan! "Christi" meant "Christ",
while "Mas" meant Mass. Since all pagan Masses are commemorating
"death", the name, "Christmas" literally means the "death of Christ".
A deeper meaning lies in the mention of "Christ" without specifying
Jesus. Thus, Antichrist is in view here; the pagans celebrate
"Christmas" as a celebration of their coming Antichrist, who will deal
a death blow to the Jesus Christ of Christianity.

Early American Christian Pilgrims refused to celebrate this day.

b. February 1 and 2 -- Candlemas and Imbolg, popularly called
Groundhog's Day. The popular "Punxsutawney Phil" groundhog comes out
of his burrow to divine the next few weeks of weather. If he sees his
shadow, we will have 6 more weeks of bad weather until Spring finally
arrives; if he does not see his shadow, the next 7 weeks before Spring
will be good weather. Notice this pagan tradition features both the
number '6' and '7', which when added, equals '13'.

What most people do not realize is that the pagan view of Groundhog's
Day (Imbolg) represents the Earth Mother. Consider these uncanny
parallels between the Groundhog and the Earth Mother:

1. As the Earth goddess sleeps inside the earth during the winter
season, so does the Groundhog

2. Both the Earth goddess and the Groundhog bridge the two time
periods: Winter and Spring

3. Both the goddess and the Groundhog are "earth" creatures

4. Both the goddess and the Groundhog "awaken" in Springtime

5. Both the Earth goddess and the Groundhog complete the "cycle of

6. Annually, both the Earth goddess and the Groundhog represent the
cycle of "rebirth" and "renewal"

The name, "Groundhog" was substituted for the Satanic name of the
holiday, Imbolg, a night requiring human sacrifice.

c. February 14 -- Valentine's Day -- is a pagan festival that
encourages love and physical lust. It is celebrated precisely 13 days
after Imbolg, thus imprinting upon it the number '13', Satan's number
of extreme rebellion. While most people view this day as the day to
honor your wife or your lover, this celebration is steeped in paganism

Consider the camouflaged occult gods in Valentine's Day:

1. Cupid, the son of Venus, is really Tammuz, son of Semiramis

2. Venus, daughter of Jupiter, is really Semiramis herself. Jupiter is
the head deity, a sun god -- Nimrod, Semiramis' husband, is considered
a sun god in the Babylonian Mysteries.

Listen to a pagan author describe February, the month in which
Valentine's Day falls. "The name of this month comes from the Roman
goddess Februa and St. Febronia (from Febris, the fever of love). She
is the patroness of the passion of love ... Her orgiastic rites are
celebrated on 14 February -- still observed as St. Valentine's Day --
when, in Roman times, young men would draw billets naming their female
partners ... This is a time of clear vision into other worlds,
expressed by festivals of purification. On 1 February is the
celebration of the cross-quarter day, or fire festival (Imbolc) a
purificatory festival. It is followed on the 2nd by its Christian
counterpart, Candlemas, the purification of the Virgin Mary." ["The
Pagan Book of Days", Nigel Pennick, p. 37]

Valentine's Day is a day of "orgiastic rites" in which the pagans
encouraged the flow of lustful passion.

2. Spring Equinox -- 13 weeks -- Minor Sabbath but does require human

a. March 21-22 -- Goddess Ostara (Ishtar, also spelled, "Eostre"), for
whom "Easter" is named -- March 21 is one of the Illuminati's Human
Sacrifice Nights

Easter is a shifting date using the common practice of Astrology; it
is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first new moon after

This date also has nothing to do with the resurrection of our Lord
Jesus Christ! Rather, this day in the pagan tradition celebrates the
return of Semiramis into her reincarnated form of the Spring Goddess.
The pagans even have an equivalent to our Good Friday! It is "Easter
Friday", and has historically been timed to be the third full moon
from the start of the year. Since the marrying of pagan Easter to
Jesus' resurrection, Good Friday is permanently fixed on the Friday
prior to Easter.

Easter is steeped in the Babylonian Mysteries, the single most evil
idolatrous system ever invented by Satan! All throughout the prophetic
Scriptures, we see God declaring His final judgment upon wicked
Babylon! Yet, every year, Christian pastors intone "Easter" as though
it were Christian. Many Independent Baptist preachers have begun
referring to this day celebrating Jesus' resurrection as "Resurrection
Sunday", in order to separate the day from the pagan celebration.

The Babylonian goddess, Ishtar, is the one for whom Easter is named;
["Pagan Traditions of Holidays", p. 9] in reality, she was Semiramis,
wife of Nimrod, and the real founder of the Satanic Babylonian
Mysteries. After Nimrod died, Semiramis created the legend that he was
really her Divine Son born to her in a Virgin Birth. She is considered
to be the co-founder of all occult religions, along with Nimrod.

Easter -- the day of Ishtar -- is celebrated widely among various
cultures and religions on earth.

1. Babylon - Ishtar (Easter) also called the Moon Goddess
2. Catholics -- Virgin Mary (Queen of Heaven)
3. Chinese -- Shingmoo
4. Druids -- Virgo Paritura
5. Egypt -- Isis
6. The Pagan Ephesians -- Dianna
7. Etruscans -- Nutria
8. Germans (Ancient) -- Hertha
9. Greeks -- Aphrodite/Ceres
10. India -- Isi/Indrani
11. Ancient Jews -- Ashtaroth (Queen of Heaven)
12. Krishna -- Devaki
13. Rome -- Venus/Fortuna
14. Scandinavians -- Disa
15. Sumerians -- Nana ["America's Occult Holidays", Doc Marquis and
Sam Pollard. p. 13]

The Babylonians celebrated the day as the return of Ishtar (Easter),
the goddess of Spring. This day celebrated the rebirth, or
reincarnation, of Nature and the goddess of Nature. According to
Babylonian legend, a huge egg fell from heaven, landing in the
Euphrates River. The goddess, Ishtar (Easter) broke out of this egg.
Later, the feature of an egg nesting was introduced, a nest where the
egg could incubate until hatched. A "wicker" or reed basket was
conceived in which to place the Ishtar egg.

The Easter Egg Hunt was conceived because, if anyone found her egg
while she was being "reborn", she would bestow a blessing upon that
lucky person! Because this was a joyous Spring festival, eggs were
colored with bright Spring colors. [Ibid.]

The Easter Bunny

"The Goddess' totem, the Moon-hare, would lay eggs for good children
to eat ... Eostre's hare was the shape that Celts imagined on the
surface of the full moon ...." ["Pagan Traditions of Holidays", p.
10.] Do not bother to tell me that bunnies do not lay eggs, for I know
that; we are dealing with a legend here, and an occult legend at that.
These types of legends traditionally play loose and fast with facts.

Thus, "Easter" -- Eostre, or Ishtar -- was a goddess of fertility.
Since the bunny is a creature that procreates quickly, it symbolized
the sexual act; the egg symbolized "birth" and "renewal". Together,
the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg symbolizes the sex act and its
offspring, Semiramis and Tammuz.

Thus, it is a very serious spiritual matter, indeed, when christian
churches incorporate "Resurrection Eggs" as part of their Easter
celebration. At the very least, these churches are confusing the minds
of their precious young children, by blurring the dividing line
between pagan symbols and their meanings and Christian meanings of
Resurrection Day. Young children who participated in "Resurrection
Eggs" in church will be conditioned later in their life to accept the
fullness of the pagan tradition revolving around the same symbols.

At worst, a church participating in the pagan Easter tradition by
promoting "Resurrection Eggs" and perhaps an Easter Egg Hunt, is
guilty of combining Christianity with paganism, the very lethal
cocktail the Lord Jesus will always reject! Remember our key verse:

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the
Lord, and touch not the unclean thing"

If your church has "Resurrection Eggs", that is a church you should
consider leaving immediately; if the Senior Pastor is Liberal enough
to use "Resurrection Eggs" in his Resurrection Day celebrations, he is
probably Liberal in Doctrine and Theology, but may not be far enough
along for you to see it yet.

Other Pagan Ingredients

Easter Offerings are derived from the tradition where the priests and
priestesses would bring offerings to the pagan temples for Easter.
They brought freshly-cut Spring flowers and candies to place on the
altar of the idol they worshipped. They would also bake Hot Cross
Buns, decorating them with crosses symbolizing the cross of Wotan, or
some other pagan god; these crosses were not originally the cross of
Jesus Christ. This is another instance where Satan counterfeited a
pagan tradition that could later be passed off as "Christian" in a
church seriously compromised by Syncretization.

In fact, the first instance of Hot Cross Buns can be traced back to
about 1,500 BC, to Cecrops, the Founder of Athens [Marquis, p. 18] In
Old Testament celebrations in apostate Israel, we see women angering
God because they baked these type of cakes to offer them in worship to
the Queen of Heaven [Jeremiah 17:17-18]. The footnote for this title,
"Queen of Heaven" in the Amplified Bible Commentary says, "A goddess
of fertility, probably the Babylonian title for Ishtar. She is
identified with the planet, Venus. Offerings to this goddess included
cakes made in the shape of a star." Later pagans used not just the
shape of a Pentalpha star, but also the Hot Cross Bun.

Another popular Easter offering were freshly made or purchased
clothes! The priests would wear their best clothes, while the Vestal
Virgins would wear newly-made white dresses. They would also wear
headgear, like bonnets, while many would adorn themselves in garlands
of Spring flowers. They would carry wicker baskets filled with foods
and candies to offer to the pagan gods and goddesses.

Easter Sunrise Services were originated by the priest serving the
Babylonian Ishtar to symbolically hasten the reincarnation of
Ishtar/Easter. Once again, we see how Satan knew that Jesus' rising
from the grave would be discovered in the early sunrise hours, and
that the Christian Church would want to hold Sunrise Services to
celebrate. Satan and his demons know and believe God's Word and its
prophecies literally, and they are allowed a certain amount of
foreknowledge. Just as Satan counterfeited the Divine birth of a male
child to a Virgin Mother fully 1,000 years before Jesus was actually
born, so he counterfeited this Sunrise Service.

Lent is purely pagan, and yet has been accepted by the Roman Catholic
Church and apostate christian churches as "christian". If the church
you are attending celebrates Lent, you need to inform the Senior
Pastor of the pagan roots of this tradition; if he will not listen you
should leave that church, for if they will accept Lent as "Christian",
you can bet they are very Liberal in critical Biblical areas as well.

Lent is a commemoration of Tammuz' death; the legend of his death says
that he was killed by a wild boar when he was 40 years old. Therefore,
Lent celebrates 1 day for each year of Tammuz' life. [Marquis,
"America's Occult Holidays"] Participants are to express their sorrow
over Tammuz' untimely death by weeping, fasting, and

Lent was commemorated for exactly 40 days prior to the celebration of
Ishtar/Esotre and other goddesses by the following cultures:
Babylonians, Roman Catholics, Koordistan, Mexicans, Ancient Israel,
and today, Liberal, apostate Protestant churches.

We can see God's anger over this commemoration of Lent in Ezekiel
8:14-18; God's judgment for this commemoration is described in Ezekiel
9, a chapter we suggest you read carefully, for God has stated that He
will similarly punish any nation who does not "hear and obey" His
commands (Jeremiah 12:17).

b. April 1 -- All Fool's Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year's Day!

c. April 19 - May 1 -- Blood Sacrifice To The Beast, a most critical
13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.

April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to
fire -- the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known
as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil). This day is a major human
sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children.
This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as
such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.

Remember, the Illuminati considers war to be a most propitious way to
sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults.

Some of the very important historic dates that were staged according
to this blood sacrifice day are:

(1). April 19, 1775 -- Battle of Lexington & Concord, which made the
Masonic-led Revolutionary War inevitable

(2). April 19, 1943 -- After trapping the last Jewish Resistance
Fighters in a storm drain in Warsaw, and holding them for several
days, Nazi Storm Troopers began to pour fire into each end of the
storm drain, using flame-throwers. They continued pouring the fire
into the drain until all fighters were dead. Blood sacrifice brought
about by a fiery conflagration.

(3) April 19, 1993 -- 50 years later, to the day, government troops,
tanks, and other military equipment stormed the compound of David
Koresh and his followers at Waco, Texas. Certainly, this operation
fulfilled the basic requirements for a human sacrifice: trauma, fire,
and young sacrificial victims.

(4) April 19, 1995 -- Oklahoma City bombing -- Once again, many young
children were killed this day

April 19 of any year in the 20th Century is a day of fearful
contemplation, for it seems that, as we head into the final stretch of
time, Satan is becoming more and more bold, and is using April 19 more

d. April 30 - May 1 -- Beltaine Festival, also called "Walpurgis
Night". This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar, while
May 1 is the Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice
is required. Since the celebration officially began the night before
Beltaine, the tradition has developed among occultists to celebrate
Beltaine as a 2-day ceremony. This tradition was strong enough that
Adolf Hitler decided to kill himself on April 30 at 3:30pm, thus
creating a "333" and placing his suicide sacrifice within the Beltaine
time frame.

Great bonfires are lit on the Eve of Beltaine, April 30, in order to
welcome the Earth Goddess. Participants hope to gain favor with this
goddess so she will bless their families with procreative fertility.
We find it interesting that the Royal House of Windsor lights a
Beltaine "Balefire" every year ["America's Occult Holidays", Doc
Marquis, p. 30]

The "Maypole" originated from the celebration of Beltaine. Since
fertility is being asked of the Earth Goddess, the Maypole is the
phallic symbol and the circular dance around the pole forms the circle
that is symbolic of the female sex organ. Four six-foot alternating
red and white ribbons were connected to the pole; the men would dance
counterclockwise, while the ladies danced clockwise. The union of the
intertwining red and white ribbons symbolized the act of copulation --
remember, this is a "fertility" celebration day!

To demonstrate their occult, Illuminist ties, Communists have always
celebrated "May Day". If you have not been taught how the Illuminati
created Communism, and for which purpose, you need to hear our Seminar
2, "America Determines The Flow of History".

3. Summer Solstice -- 13 weeks -- When the sun reaches its
northernmost point in its journey across the sky

a. June 21 - 22 -- Summer Solstice

b. June 21 - Litha is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

c. July 4, America's Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha
and 66 days from April 30

d. July 19 -- 13 days before Lughnasa

e. July 31 - August 1 -- Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August --
One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

4. Autumnal Equinox -- 13 weeks -- Minor Sabbath but does require
human sacrifice

a. September 21 - Mabon -- one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice

b. September 21 -22 -- Autumnal Equinox -- From this date through
Halloween, occultists believe the veil separating the earthly
dimension from the demonic realm gets progressively thinner, with the
thinnest night being October 31; this thinning of the separating veil
makes it easier for the demonic realm to enter the earthly dimension.
Thus, on Halloween, evil spirits, ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black
cats, fairies, and demons of all sorts were believed to be running
amok across the land. They had to be back in their spiritual dimension
before midnight, Halloween, for the separating veil would then get

Once again, I reiterate, this is occult belief, not mine! October is a
most propitious month to the Illuminati.

c. October 31 -- Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve
as designated by the Catholic Church. This date is the Illuminati's
highest day of human sacrifice

Halloween has been changed over the past 30 years in two important
ways. First, children have been encouraged to participate by donning
such inoffensive costumes as Barbie, Wonder Woman, Batman and
Superman. Secondly, adult costuming and parties have reached a
tremendous apex and has become a most macabre day of celebration.

Historically, Halloween is the deadliest holiday ever celebrated in
human history. This Satanic night is dedicated to the Celtic Lord of
the Dead, also symbolized by the Horned-god and the Stag-god. The
Druids celebrated Samhain as a 3-day fire festival, building huge
bonfires, thought to ward off demons that roamed around; additionally,
the fires provided the means by which the required human sacrifice
would be presented to the sun god. In enormous wicker baskets, the
priests caged both human and animal sacrifices, which they then
lowered into the flames. The priests would carefully watch the manner
in which the victim died in order to predict whether the future held
good or evil. ["Pagan Traditions of the Holidays", p. 71]

Origin of Popular Halloween Traditions

Sweets and Trick or Treat

This pagan practice is over 2,000 years old. For the sake of their
safety and well-being, people put outside their home sweets, the best
mutton legs, vegetables, eggs, and poultry, honey and even wine, so
the wandering evil spirits would consume them on their way back to the
netherworld. Failure to "treat" these evil spirits might result in a
curse being put on the home! The people literally believed that, when
these spirits came to your door, they would trick you if you did not
treat them.

"The American version of Halloween came from Ireland ... The potato
famine in 1840 brought thousands of immigrants from the Emerald Isle.
With them came goblins, jack-0-lanterns, bonfires, apples, nuts, and
pranks ... The Irish are also responsible for bringing trick or
treating to great popularity in America. In Ireland on October 31,
peasants went from house to house to receive offerings to their Druid
god, Muck Olla. This procession stopped at each house to tell the
farmer his prosperity was due to the benevolence of Muck Olla ... or
else misfortune might befall the farmer and his crops. Few farmers
risked any such displeasure of the pagan deity, so the procession
returned home with eggs, butter, potatoes, and in some cases, coins
... To the Irish farmers this was no joke; they greatly feared the
Celtic god might destroy their homes and barns ... Trick or treat is
part of this pagan heritage." ["Pagan Traditions of the Holidays". p.

Horrifying Costumes

People would also take burning wisps from the bonfire and wave them
around to frighten the many evil spirits roaming the earth; in case
the burning wisp alone would not work, revelers clothed themselves in
the most hideous and terrifying costumes. These people believed that,
if you dressed in a terrifying costume and went trooping around with
the spirits all night, they would think you were one of them and would
leave you alone. ["Halloween and Satanism", Phil Philips, p. 26-27]

Huge Bonfires

Satan's obsession with fire has produced human obsession with building
huge bonfires. As we stated earlier, these bonfires were practical, in
that they provided the means by which the priests sacrificed the human
and animal sacrifices so crucial to Halloween. When the last fires
died out, people would race each other down the hills shouting, "The
Devil gets the last one down". [Philips, p. 27-28]


Samhain (Halloween) was also the time to engage the Devil's assistance
in divining the future. Questions concerning marriage, luck, health,
and the time of one's death were most popular subjects of divination.
In Scotland, young people assembled for games and pulled shoots out of
the ground to ascertain which of them would marry during the coming
year, and in what order the marriages should occur.

Snap Apple Night

Apples have long been a token of love and fertility. At Halloween
parties, people bobbed for apples in tubs of water. If a boy came up
with an apple between his teeth, he was assured of the love of his
girl. The Snap Apple game was one in which the boys delighted. Each
boy, in his turn, would spring up to attempt to bite an apple that was
being twirled on the end of a stick; the first boy to succeed would be
the first to marry.

Apple seeds were also used to tell fortunes. Peeling an apple in one
long piece was supposed to tell a young girl about her future. The
girl would swing the apple peal three times around her head, then
throw it over her left shoulder. If the peeling fell unbroken, the
girl would examine the shape into which it fell to see if she could
ascertain the initials of her future husband!

Witch's Familiar Spirits

Owls, bats, cats and toads are an essential part of Halloween, and for
a very good reason: they are known as "the witch's familiars". A
divining familiar was the species of animal whose shape Satan would
assume to aid the witch in divining the future. A witch would closely
watch the animal's movements -- whether slow or fast -- and she would
see the direction in which the animal moved and the kinds of sounds it
made, in order to foretell the length of life and/or an impending

Other "familiar spirit" shapes include hens, geese, small dogs, rats,
butterflies, wasps crickets, and snails. Witches considered these
creatures to be demon-possessed and controlled. If you look closely at
most Halloween decorations, you will see these animals, but now you
know they represent demon possessed creatures! ["Pagan Traditions of
Holidays", p. 75-76]

Jack-O-Lantern and Trick-or-Treat

Various names for Jack-O-Lantern were 'Lantern Men', 'Hob-O-Langer',
and "Will-O-The-Wisp". The 'Lantern Men' got their name from pale
eerie lights that appeared over bogs and marshes in England. These
ghostly lights, which bobbed along like a lantern in someone's hand,
were called 'Corpse Candles'.Candles were said to be signals from the
souls of men lost at sea. ["Halloween and Satanism", Philips, p.

Celts often hollowed out a turnip and carved a grotesque face on it to
fool demons. They carried such lanterns to light their way in the dark
and to ward off evil spirits ... While the turnip continues to be
popular in Europe today, the pumpkin has replaced it in America.
'Jack' is a nickname for 'John', which is a common slang word meaning
'man'. Jack-O-Lanterns literally means 'man with a lantern'. [Pagan
Traditions of the Holidays", p. 79-80]

Druid Trick-or-Treat

The Druids originated the practice of hollowing out the
Jack-O-Lanterns and filling them with human fat. Whenever a raiding
party came to a home to demand of the husband that someone inside be
surrendered as a human sacrifice, they would light a Jack-O-Lantern
filled with human fat; if the husband relented and provided one of his
loved ones as a sacrifice, the Druid party would leave Jack-O-Lantern
on the porch. This lantern would be tell the other raiding parties and
the demonic host that this party had surrendered a human for sacrifice
and that the remaining people inside were to be left alone.
Guaranteeing that no one else in the house would be killed that night
was the "Treat".

If the husband refused to surrender one of his loved ones, a "Trick"
would be placed upon the house. The members of the raiding party would
draw a large hexagram using human blood on the front door; they got
the blood for the hexagram from a dead body they dragged around with
them using a cabletow. The demonic host would be attracted to this
hexagram and would invade the house, causing one or more of the
inhabitants to either go insane or die from fright. ["America's Occult
Holidays", p. 20]

This is the true origin of "Trick-or-Treat" and the Jack-O-Lantern. Do
you really want to take your kids "Trick-or-Treating"?

Forbidden Practices Specially Associated With Halloween

God lists Satanic practices that He absolutely forbids, on the pain of
death! Every one of them is uniquely associated with Halloween!

1. Enchantment -- Act of influencing by charms and incantation using
the practice of magical arts. Such practices draw directly upon the
power of Satan! God forbids it in many places, chief among which is
Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

2. Witchcraft -- Dealing with demonic spirits, using their prescribed
methods, commonly called rituals and the "magick arts". The Bible
forbids it, as in Galatians 5:19-20. Today, thanks to "Harry Potter
and The Lord of the Rings, witchcraft is skyrocketing in popularity.
TV shows that depict witches are "Bewitched" and "Buffy The Vampire
Slayer", to just mention a couple. Go to a video store sometime and
walk down the "Horror" aisle, where you will see the popularity of
Witchcraft in America today.

3. Sorcery -- Use of power gained from the prescribed rituals demanded
by the demonic host. Once the witch or wizard performs the particular
ritual correctly, the demonic host is required to provide the power to
accomplish that action desired by the witch.

4. Divination -- Fortune telling and seeing into the future. God wants
us to trust in Him and His power, and not worry about tomorrow. Satan,
on the other hand, loves to get people consumed by the idea that they
can know what lies ahead of them. Forbidden in the Bible, Jeremiah
29:8-9 and Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

5. Wizardry -- The art or practices of a wizard, sorcery. A wizard or
witch is one skilled in the magick arts, a sorcerer. God forbids such
practices in Deuteronomy 18:10-12 and Leviticus 19:31.

6. Necromancy -- Communication with the dead. Specifically, conjuring
up the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the
future or influencing the course of events. Forbidden in Deuteronomy
18:10-12 and Isaiah 8:19.

7. Charm -- The practice of putting a spell on someone in order to
change or control their mind and/or behavior. Wizards love to get
their enemies "one-on-one" because they can "charm" them through the
use of ritual done before the meeting, and by the demonic host
residing within him. Adolf Hitler followed this practice closely as he
dealt with the leaders of Europe, Britain, and Russia. British Prime
Minister Chamberlain was totally charmed by Hitler as he sought to
appease the German dictator in Munich in 1938; Chamberlain was so
totally "charmed" by Hitler, he enthusiastically proclaimed after
returning from Munich that he had achieved "peace in our time".

When dealing with a powerful member of the Illuminati, do not attempt
to meet with him, nor place any confidence in the testimony of people
who have met with him. A "charm" ritual is easily performed and
results in the leader exuding confidence, character, and sincerity
they most assuredly do not possess. God forbids this activity in
Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

8. Stargazing or Astrology -- Divination of the supposed influence of
the stars and other heavenly bodies upon human lives and the affairs
of nations. Occultists literally order their lives according to
Astrology and numerics. God forbids this activity in Deuteronomy
18:10-12 and Jeremiah 10:2. Also called "Observing the Times".

9. Soothsaying -- foretelling events and prophesying through a spirit
other than the Holy Spirit. Forbidden in Micah 5:12 and implied
strongly in Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

10. Prognostication -- To foretell from signs and symptoms, also
prophesying without the Holy Spirit. Forbidden in Isaiah 47:12-13.

11. Magic -- Tapping into the power of the demonic realm through the
use of prescribed ritual so that the action carried out is
accomplished through demonic power. Forbidden in Deuteronomy 18:10-12,
2 Chronicles 33:6, 1 Samuel 15:23.

All these activities are uniquely associated with the activities and
traditions of Halloween! Christians have no business participating in
Halloween. To do so is to act against a great number of Scriptures in
which God uses the strongest possible language to forbid it. In fact,
in most instances, God decreed that people practicing these activities
be put to death!

Yet, we see many churches having Halloween parties in which many of
these pagan practices are followed! The Apostle Paul gave us strong
warning that should stop us dead in our tracks. Listen:

"Let no one delude and deceive you with empty excuses and groundless
arguments for these sins, for through these things the wrath of God
comes upon the sons of rebellion and disobedience." Ephesians 5:6]

Stop listening to people giving you "empty excuses and groundless
arguments for these sins", for if you go ahead and participate in this
most evil holiday, God shall surely not look away.

One final note on Halloween: if you have been paying attention, you
will know that these practices form the heart and soul of the Harry
Potter novels and movies. Harry Potter is a wizard, and he comes from
a family of witches and wizards [Generational Witchcraft]. His entire
existence within these novels revolves around the Hogwarts School of
Wizardry and Witchcraft, where Harry and his friends learn all of
these 11 forbidden practices.

Author Rowling makes all this Satanic activity seem so cool and so
much fun that tens of millions of young children have been attracted
to the Dark Arts forbidden by God. Yet, Christian parents and some
Christian ministries foolishly swallow the lie that, somehow, these
prohibitions do not apply to them as they read and watch Harry Potter.

Truly, I view this unbelievable phenomenon as a symptom of the
"apostasy" of the Christian Church foretold by the Apostle Paul as a
key sign of the approach of Antichrist.

"Let no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not
come except the apostasy comes first [unless the predicted great
falling away of those who have professed to be Christians has come..."
[2 Thessalonians 2:2; KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary].

Literally, Christians participating in practices like these opens the
door to Antichrist!


Since we are obviously living in the End of the Age, what manner of
living ought we to be following? The Apostle Peter, speaking through
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, told us exactly what kind of life
we should be persuing.

"Since all these things are thus in the process of being dissolved,
what kind of person ought each of you to be, in the meanwhile, in
consecrated and holy behavior and devout and godly qualities, While
you wait and earnestly long for (expect and hasten) the coming of the
day of God ... So, beloved, since you are expecting these things, be
eager to be found by Him, at His coming, without spot or blemish and
at peace, in serene confidence, free from fears and agitating passions
and moral conflicts." [2 Peter 3:11, 14; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified
Bible Commentary]

The Apostle Peter urges us who realize the closeness of the hour to

"consecrated, holy behavior, devout and godly"

"without spot or blemish and at peace, in serene confidence, free from
fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts"

Further, Jesus told us that we would find these Holy Spirit qualities
in our life by "separating" from evil. Listen to the sequence in 2 Cor

Step #1 -- Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate

Step #2 -- Touch not the unclean thing

Step #3 -- and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and
ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty

Whether you like it or not, Jesus will not receive those who try to
serve paganism and Christianity. If you are participating in any of
these activities that have been spawned by Satanism, you need to
closely examine your heart, soul, and mind, ruthlessly purging
anything and everything that might hinder you from receiving Jesus'
blessing. Believe me, the infilling of the Holy Spirit will more than
compensate you for any pleasure you have given up by doing these pagan

Jesus is coming soon, but first Antichrist must come. Are you
spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your
loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to
first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop
strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been
thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open
the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use
it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result.
These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for
Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have
been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to
immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly
forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to
realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to
accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the
privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are
spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were
already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of
Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate
and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order --
Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

God bless you.

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Home Page
1599 Geneva Bible Online
1 Corinthians 14:8 And also if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to battle?

"Let not Geneva be forgotten or despised. Religious liberty owes it
most respect." John Adams, the second president of the United States

Yahoo Group Owner
Brenda G. Kent
2004-07-26 18:32:23 UTC
1. The Bible assigns '13' the meaning of "rebellion against
constituted authority", plus the depravity that caused Satan to rebel
against God.

**oh dear..then Jesus would be considered in that lot as he rebelled
against the constituted authority by working on the sabbath..etc.

As for much of the rest of this...I find it interesting and humourous.
Illuminati human sacrifices on all of those days? wow...amazing humanity
has no record of these "sacrifices". Just like all of those Satanic baby
sacrifices that supposedly are being held all the time despite the lack of
any evidence...



"Knowledge without wisdom is like stacking books

on the back of an ass"

Old Japanese saying.

Come visit my webpage at http://www.victoria.tc.ca/~wt211

2004-07-26 16:30:27 UTC
If you'd done the research, you'd know the difference between the three
degrees and the additional degrees, and why the one doesn't automatically
follow on from the other.

Post by Steve8675
I HAVE DONE the research, and I am presenting the facts that Ex-Masons
have written about, now go back into your hole and stop lying about
Post by Jani
You haven't provided "evidence", you've provided several cut-and-paste
websites and unfounded accusations about sexual practices. Why don't you do
some actual research into the history of Freemasonry? There's plenty of
material available these days for anyone who's genuinely interested, and
then you could talk from an informed stance rather than coming across as an
Post by Steve8675
What is there to challenge?
I have provided evidence, and the swine are squealing loudly in here.
Post by Jani
Oh, you carry on. I for one am thoroughly sick of listening to my Mason
friends slandered by the likes of "Steve". Yes, OK, he's just a troll,
Post by Steve8675
Post by Jani
there are people who actually *believe* such nonsense if it isn't
Post by M. Epling
Brothers, I must say I am sorry for posting to this psychologically
challenged individual. I did not realize, or take the time to look at
Post by Steve8675
Post by Jani
Post by M. Epling
cross forum posting with this thread. I am sorry to all those NG's who
Post by Steve8675
Post by Jani
Post by M. Epling
to listen to my reply.
This will not happen again.
Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
Post by Stevez176
Post by Ed King
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?
For shame....
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
Hammond of Texas
2004-07-26 16:47:21 UTC
Post by Steve8675
I HAVE DONE the research, and I am presenting the facts that Ex-Masons
have written about, now go back into your hole and stop lying about
That your sources, and thereby, your conclusions are seriously flawed
has been well established here. Stamping your feet and insisting
otherwise is childish, to say the least.

Please, do it some more. You're fun to watch.
2004-07-26 17:26:45 UTC
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 09:47:21 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by Steve8675
I HAVE DONE the research, and I am presenting the facts that Ex-Masons
have written about, now go back into your hole and stop lying about
That your sources, and thereby, your conclusions are seriously flawed
has been well established here. Stamping your feet and insisting
otherwise is childish, to say the least.
Please, do it some more. You're fun to watch.
Hammond, stop stamping your feet then.
2004-07-26 17:42:21 UTC

Masonic Child Baptism

The ceremony of Masonic Baptism has always been used in the Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Order, as all know who have read Des Etangs and
the Actes du Supreme Conseil de France.

It has been censured as an irreverent imitation of the Christian rite
of Baptism. But any Mason at all well informed cannot but know that
purification by washing was used in all the mysteries thousands of
years before our era. In India, Persia, Egypt, and at Eleusia,
initiates were always so purified: and John the Baptist merely adopted
a rite in ordinary use among the Essenes.

In every cavern of Salsette, in India, was a carved basin, to contain
the consecrated water of ablution, used in initiation. In the
mysteries of Mithras, in Persia, there were lavers (as it were of
regeneration) in which the priest washed the neophytes, purifying them
and symbolically expiating their sins. The followers of Zoroaster
baptized children, as a token of the purification of the soul.
Sometimes they immersed them in a great vessel of water; at other
times they were washed in water brought in the bark of the palm-tree.
Every Mithraic grotto or cavern was furnished with numerous basins,
for lavation in the initiations; for the candidate was purified with
water and fire. In the Eleusinian mysteries and those of Isis, the
neophyte was purified by bathing in the sea or a river. The Etruscans
of baptized with air, fire, and water. Gorius gives two pictures of
ancient Etruscan baptisms. In one, a youth is held in the arms of one
priest, and another pours water on his head. In the second the youth
undergoes the same ceremony, kneeling on a kind of alter. Ages before
Numa Pompilius, this rite was practiced in Etruria. The Druids used
the same ceremony
Beansobre says (Book ix. ch. vi. sec. xvi.): "The ancient Persians
carried their infants to the Temple a few days after they were born,
and presented them to the priest, before the sun, and before the fire,
which was his symbol. Then the priest took the child and baptized it
for the purification of the soul. Sometimes he plunged it into a great
vase of water, and it was in the same ceremony that the father gave a
name to the child. When the child had arrived at fifteen years of age,
he was presented again to the priest, who confirmed him by giving him
the robe called the sudra, and the girdls. These were the symbols or
the sacrements of the promise that he made to the Deity to serve him
according to the religion of the Persians."

The Reverend Mr. Reeves says (Notes on Justin Martyr): "Thus were men
initiated into the mysteries of Eleusis, and he who initiated them was
called "Hydranus, the Waterer'" Tertullian says that thus men were
initiated into the mysteries of Isis and Mithra; and Apuleius
describes purification by water as part of the ceremonial of the Isiac
initiation. Those initiated into the mysteries of the Goddess Cotytto
were called Baptes, from the ceremony of Baptism, which was part of
the initiation; and Eupoles, rival of Aristophanes, wrote a comedy
called The Baptes, ridiculing them. That was in the time of Socrates.

The Egyptian sign Portal says, is the abridgment of the scene which
represents the Egyptian baptism, or the pouring of the celestial dew
on the head of the neophyte. Horus and Thoth-Lunus pour water over the
head of the neophyte, which is transformed into the Divine Life (the
Crux Ansata) and into purity. The legend accompanying it reads: Horus,
Son of Isis, baptizes with water and fire (twice), Horus baptizes with
water and fire (twice); discourse pronounced four times.

Conditions and Preliminaries

The ceremony of Baptism may be performed by any Masonic body whatever;
but by whatsoever performed, even if by a Supreme Council, the body is
for the time being at work as a Symbolic Lodge, and in the degree of

A child of either sex may be baptized, by this ceremony alone, until,
if a boy, he has attained the age of twelve years; or, if a girl, she
has reached that of eighteen. A boy over the age of twelve years can
be baptized only when received a Louveteau, or when he is to be
afterward adopted; and a girl over eighteen only when afterward to be

The ceremony is particularly intended for infants. It secures to a
child of either sex the protection and assistance of the Lodge or
other body performing the ceremony, and to a boy the right to be
received a Louventeau at the age of twelve years.

Either the father of the child must be a Mason, or its mother the
daughter or grand-daughter of a Mason. In the latter case the child
may be baptized, but, though a boy, cannot become a Louveteau.

The father or grandfather, as the case may be, must, if living, be a
Mason in good standing; if dead, he must have been so at the time of
his death. If long unaffiliated, without reasonable excuse, he ought
not to be deemed in good standing.

Nevertheless, if the mother of the child is a ward or adopted child of
the Lodge or other body, the good standing or affiliation of her
husband or father is not important.

It needs no vote of the Lodge or other body to consent to the baptism
of a child or youth. Every one that comes within the conditions is
entitled to it as of right

If inquiry, however is necessary to ascertain the existance of the
requisite facts, a committee may be appointed for that blah, blah,

When a child is to be baptized, the Lodge will select one of its
members to be its godfather, and the wife, sister, or daughter of a
Brother of the Lodge to be its godmother...

The committee will provide white garments for the child, and, if the
father and mother be unable to procure them for themselves, garments
of black for the father and of white for the mother.

They will also procure, at the expense of the Lodge or other body, a
small locket of gold for the child, if it be a girl under twelve years
of age, or a bracelet if she be over that age; and if it be a boy, a
plain gold ring. Upon whichsoever of these may be procured, will be
engraved the letters [unintelligable atbash mumbo jumbo], the
Samaritan initials of [more unintelligable weirdness] (masc.), and
[more unintellible occult hieroglphys], Somur Adonai and Somurah
Adonai; Ward of God.

Arrangement of the Hall or Lodge

The ceremony of Baptism ought, by preference, to take place in the
spring of the year, when flowers and green leaves can be had.

In the East is suspended a radiant equilateral triangle, apex
downward, within which is a transparency, and on this, in crimson
letters, the Ineffable Name [insert unintelligable martian
hieroglphys]. This is lighted during the ceremony, at the moment
hereinafter indicated.

In front, to the right of the Master, is a pedestal or short square
column, covered with a purple cloth, sprinkled with stars of gold. On
this area vase of flowers, a silver basin of water, a silver vessel of
perfumed oil, and one of salt.

There must be Three lights in the North, Five in the South, Seven in
the West, and Nine in the East. The three form an equilateral
triangle; the five, a square, with one in the centre; the seven, a
triangle and square, side by side; and the nine three equilateral
triangles side by side.

The East is hung in white. Around the radiant triangle are garlands of
leaves and flowers. Evergreens and garlands hang on the walls,
displaying the Triangle, the Square, the Level, the Plumb, and other
implements of Masonry

Over the West is a transparency, on which appears, in letters of green
and gold, "Suffer Little Children To Come Unto Me; For Of Such Is The
Kingdom Of Heaven."

The alter is covered with a white cloth, fringed with gold. Upon it
lies the Holy Bible, open; on it the Square and Compass, and on these
a passion-cros of gold. On each side of the Bible is a censer,
containing perfume, and ready to be lighted.

The Officers and members are in full dress, all wearing the cordons
and decorations of their highest degrees. They occupy their usual

Masonic Baptism: Reception of a Louventeau and Adoption
Albert Pike
210 pages ISBN 1-564-59-348-7
Kessinger Publishing

But Freemasonry isn't a Religion, right?

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Our MasonStoppers Line
Send us in confidence details of cases where you think
Organized Freemasonry has personally hurt yourself,
family, friends, aquaintances, or community. We would
also appreciate any additional background information,
links, and references on Freemasonry and the Occult.
Help us take a bite out of Freemasonry.

Home Page
1599 Geneva Bible Online
1 Corinthians 14:8 And also if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to battle?

"Let not Geneva be forgotten or despised. Religious liberty owes it
most respect." John Adams, the second president of the United States

Yahoo Group Owner
Hammond of Texas
2004-07-26 18:12:14 UTC
Post by Steve2875
Masonic Child Baptism
Utter fabrication.
2004-07-26 19:05:53 UTC
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 11:12:14 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by Steve2875
Masonic Child Baptism
Utter fabrication.
Another word for truth, you guys keep chnging the meanings of words,
gay used to mean happy now it means Queer.

So now Fabrication means Truth.

2004-07-26 19:11:58 UTC
Post by Steve2875
Another word for truth, you guys keep chnging the meanings of words,
gay used to mean happy now it means Queer.
So now Fabrication means Truth.
And Steve means unreasonable fool (my regrets to all the other Steves reading
this NG).

George K.
Hammond of Texas
2004-07-26 19:28:50 UTC
Post by Steve2875
Another word for truth, you guys keep chnging the meanings of words,
gay used to mean happy now it means Queer.
Anybody else notice Steve's fascination with homosexuality? Wassamatter,
Steve? Afraid to face your latent gayness? It's alright. Just let it go.
2004-07-26 20:07:20 UTC

Masonic Burial Ritual

Sam Cantey Revised Masonic Burial Service

(Adopted December, 1959 by The Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F.&A.M.)

Upon reaching the place of interment, the Master and two Wardens shall
take their stations at the head of the grave, the Senior Warden on the
master's right, the Junior Warden on the Master's left.

Worshipful Master: Let us unite with our Chaplain in prayer.

Chaplain: Unto Thee, O God, Father of all men, do we come in our hour
of grief and bereavement. Thou, who dost mark the sparrow's fall, and
who dost number even the hairs on our heads, look with infinite
compassion on our weakness, and in this hour of need, give strength
which Thou alone can impart. As we commit the body of our Brother to
its resting place, may we realize how weak is every human arm, and may
we trust in Thy might alone. Grant Thy grace to these dear ones this
day and may Thy comfort be theirs as they await that day when death
shall be swallowed up in victory. Amen.

Response: (By the Brethren assembled): So mote it be.

Worshipful Master: Loved ones, friends and Brethren: We assemble today
to perform the last duty the living can render the dead. We pay our
tribute of love and esteem to our departed friend and Brother, who was
a beloved member of __________ Lodge, Number _____, Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons. We mourn the loss of our Brother whose spirit has
been summoned into the presence of the Lord and Father of all men.
While we are assured that the storms of life can no longer disturb
him, we should consider the certainty of death, and the vanity of all
earthly ambitions.

From time immemorial, it has been the custom among the Fraternity of
Free and Accepted Masons, at the request of a Brother or of his
family, to perform the last rites with the usual ceremonies of the
Craft. In conformity to this usage, we are assembled in the character
of Masons to offer to the memory of our Brother, this tribute of our

The passing of our Brother from the cares and troubles of this
transitory existence has removed another link from the fraternal chain
by which we are united man to man. May we who survive him be more
strongly bound in the ties of friendship and union. Unto the earth we
consign the body of our deceased Brother. We trustingly leave his
spirit in the hands of Him who doith all things well. With those of
his immediate family we sincerely and deeply and most affectionately
sympathize, and we place you in the arms of our Heavenly Father who
grants his love and protection to those who put their trust in him.

When we look about us we see the marks of change and decay written
upon every living thing. The cradle and the coffin stand side by side
-- and, it is a solemn truth that as soon as we begin to live, that
moment we begin to die. Yet how seldom do we seriously consider our
own approaching end? We go on from design to design, add hope to hope,
and lay out the plans for the employment of many years. Then the
messenger of death comes when we least expect him. What are all the
externals of majesty, the pride of wealth, or charms of beauty when
nature has paid her last just debt? In the grave all fallacies are
detected, all ranks leveled, all distinctions are done away. Here the
scepter of the prince and the staff of the beggar lie side by side.

Let us see to it, and so regulate our lives by the plumb line of
justice, ever squaring our actions by the square of virtue, that when
the Grand Warden of Heaven shall call us from our labors we may be
found ready. Let us cultivate the noble tenets of our profession --
Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Then when our summons draws nigh,
let us with joy obey and go forth from our labors on earth to eternal
refreshment in the presence of an All Wise Governor, where because of
an unshaken faith in the merits of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, we
shall gain admission into the celestial Lodge above where the Supreme
Architect of the Universe presides.

Then the Worshipful Master, holding the apron, will continue:

The lambskin or white apron -- the first gift of Freemasonry to our
departed Brother, is an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason.
This I now deposit in the grave of our Brother. (Deposits it upon the
casket) We are reminded by this of the universal dominion of death.
The arm of friendship cannot interpose to prevent his coming; the
wealth of the world cannot purchase exemption; nor will the innocence
of youth or the charms of beauty or the serenity of age change his

Then the Worshipful Master shall hold the evergreen in his hand and

This evergreen is an emblem of enduring faith in the immortality of
the soul. by it we are reminded that we have a life within us that
shall survive the grave, and which shall never, never, never die. By
it we are reminded that we, too, like our Brother, shall soon be
clothed in the habiliments of death, yet through our belief in the
mercy of God, we may confidently hope that our souls will bloom in
eternal spring.

The Master and the two Wardens shall deposit the evergreen in the
grave or upon the casket.

The Worshipful Master and Wardens then shall say:

Worshipful Master: We consign the body of our Brother to the earth.

Senior Warden: We cherish his memory here.

Junior Warden: We commend his spirit to the God who gave it.

The Worshipful master here takes the sand or earth (or petals of
flowers) in his hand, and as he repeats the following, he shall
deposit a small quantity in the grave or upon the casket.

Worshipful Master: The dust shall return to the earth as it was and
the spirit shall return to God who gave it.

The two Wardens will repeat this ceremony with the same words:

The dust shall return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall
return to God who gave it.

The Worshipful Master then says:

Worshipful Master: Let us unite in prayer.

Almighty God, we now turn from this solemn service to the duties of
life. As we go, we pray, O God, that Thy hand will lead us in all the
paths our feet will be called upon to tread, and when the journey of
this life is ended, may light from our immortal home illuminate the
dark valley and voices of loved ones, gone before, welcome us home to
that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens. Amen.

Response by the Brethren: So mote it be.

If desired, the Lord's Prayer may be offered by the Brethren present.

The Worshipful Master shall then pronounce the following benediction:

Worshipful Master: May the blessings of Heaven rest upon us and all
regular Masons. May brotherly love prevail, and every moral and social
virtue cement us. Amen.

Response by the Brethren: So mote it be.

The Worshipful Master shall then state:

Worshipful Master: This concludes the public memorial to our Brother.

Then the non-public portion commences...

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Our MasonStoppers Line
Send us in confidence details of cases where you think
Organized Freemasonry has personally hurt yourself,
family, friends, aquaintances, or community. We would
also appreciate any additional background information,
links, and references on Freemasonry and the Occult.
Help us take a bite out of Freemasonry.


Home Page
1599 Geneva Bible Online
1 Corinthians 14:8 And also if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to battle?

"Let not Geneva be forgotten or despised. Religious liberty owes it
most respect." John Adams, the second president of the United States

Yahoo Group Owner
2004-07-26 23:38:05 UTC

Freemasonry Watch Mailroom


(Note to FW E-Mailers: We will generally respond to your e-mail right
here on this page as you see below. However the e-mail account we are
using fills up quickly these days due to the barrage of spam. If your
e-mail gets bounced this is the cause. Try resending periodically or
ask a question on the new trial guestbook, or newly relaunched FW
discussion forum)


Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004
From: " C"
Subject: A request....
To: ***@yahoo.com

I discovered your website after doing some searching for information
online about the Masons and the Illuminati. I am a saved Christian and
my childhood and also my adulthood I knew from personal experience
that God and the devil existed. I won't go into great detail but my
"searching" brings me here to your site. It's filled with GREAT
information that I think everyone should know. Unfortunately most of
my talks about this subject is left with two kinds of ways people
respond. The first response is disbelief and the second response is a
reaction of disinterest. But, that isn't my goal right now to educate
"everyone" on the evils of Masonry or Illuminati but to educate the
people who are involved or interested in these organizations. My
grandfather is a 33 degree Freemason. He is a very intelligent man who
is a Christian and deep into his church and the affairs of the church
and finding out what I know about Masonry I find it very hard to
believe that not only is he is in this organization but he is the head
of his lodge. What I am trying to do is educate myself enough to talk
with him and show him the things they are doing is for the wrong side.
My aunt's boyfriend is a 32 degree Mason (I have seen a Knights
Templar news letter in his papers) and head of his lodge. I bought the
Bill Schnoebelen videos about Masonry and Illuminati which was very
informative. I have probably about 10 books on my list to order that
he also authored and I really think he knows what he is talking about.
Your site has also been a great wealth of information on this. I am
starting a community online at the Livejournal site about this subject
and also about Witchcraft, Illuminati, Occult, Pagans, and other
mysterious religions. I am sharing this with you because I would like
to use some of your materials as reference and I am asking your
permission to do so. If you have never been to livejournal it's a
growing community of personal journals and discussion communities and
I have found a huge following of the occult and pagan religions and
now Freemasonry. The community I'm working on starting will discuss
the dangers and the real force these religions hide. When I am done
with my community's foundation and setup I will invite you to join. I
have a few other sites that I would like to link up and hopefully gain
some support to help educate the livejournalers. Thanks for you time
and God bless.



Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004
From: "B" Subject: Canberra - Australia - Griffin
To: ***@yahoo.com


Here is something that may be of interest to you.

I've been living in Canberra (capital of Australia) for some time, and
noticed that the layout of the streets were very well planned. This is
obvious as the city was a totally planned city only about 60 years ago
- being the capital of Australia.

A few months ago, there was an exhibition of the original drawings of
the architect of Walter Burley Griffin. What struck me immediately was
that his original drawings were *very* much like those for Washington
DC - the angles etc. So, I went and bought a projector and went back
to the exhibition and started measuring the angles - guess what! 19.5
and 33 degrees everywhere.

So, with my interest sparked, I started to do a little digging. Was
Griffin a Mason? No one knew. It's kept very secret.

In that same exhibition were the original discussions in parliament
about Griffin and lots of controversy about him. Why did an American
(Chicago) win the design competition to design the new capital of
Australia? At that time, Australia was *very* much aligned with the
UK, not the US.

I found that Griffin worked in the same office as Frank Lloyd Wright
(a well known Mason). So, putting 2 and 2 together - it's pretty
obvious. Then, talking to a friend (who is a Mason), I suggested this
theory, and he nodded his head and said Yes, Griffin was indeed a
Mason (well known by Masons). Even more interesting is that the Mason
Lodge for Canberra is situated right across the road from the Prime
Ministers office. (it's clearly marked with large symbol on the
building - it's housed in the same building as a major law firm).

So, the street layout, in fact the entire city is built on the sacred
angles - with major landmarks (surrounding hills) used as the anchor
points for this design. Oh, there is also a major spire (like
Washington Monument) here as well. What is interesting, is that (maybe
it's folk lore, but I did hear this from a tour guide), is that if
look down from the top of Mount Ainslie (one of the major anchor
points for the design), down Kings avenue, and you open up all the
doors of the new Parliament House (which is not that new now, but it's
site was always planned originally in Griffins plan), then the desk of
the Prime Minister can view the top of Mount Ainslie (why?)

Then, after talking to a few friends who think I'm mad...I just
dropped it...but then the major (Govt) free to air television station
did a great expose of Griffin - and mentioned everything - *except*
that he was a Mason.

Here is a link to their story:


I just thought this may be of interest to you.

Oh, I come to States every so often, and last time (early this year),
I went to the amazing Mason centre in SF - (interesting that it's
street address is 1111 California Street)...and tried to search for
info on Griffin - but couldn't find anything...but it's an amazing
place - well the library is (that's all that is open to the public).

I've no idea if Mason's are good or bad - or whatever. I just like to
find the patterns in history, and so far, this link of Australia to US
(in it's early history) with the Masons was something not known by
many folks.


Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004
From: "m"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Just a comment regarding the www.freemasonrywatch.org website

Your ezboard discussion forum has been banned and locked down, so it
would be a good idea to remove the links to that forum in the
freemasonrywatch.org website.

Also, I don't know who was responsible for the reason of that ban,
which is stated as "Uncontrolled violations of privacy and abusive
content...", and if this was due to any of you and you sincerely wish
to inform people about important matters, then I'd encourage going a
little easier, lighter; instead of creating an atmosphere of war,
attack, etc.

It is possible to denounce evil and other wrongful doings without
applying ourselves in overly offensive ways, which can cause even
people who'd otherwise want to read your materials to also wish to
abstain. Too much flaming can get to anyone.

However, if you were not responsible for the uncontrolled violations
of privacy and abusive content, then this would certainly be good.

Abusive content could simply be, in this case anyway, simply the
denunciation of the problems Freemasonry represent for society(ies),
and if this is the real reason why the forum was banned and locked
down, then it's an unfortunate choice on the part of the ezboard
administrators, etc., while nonetheless understandable in the sense
that it's foreseeable. This kind of denunciation is not going to be
easily accepted by many people, including folks who are sincere and
honest; people having varying abilities to deal with truths about evil
doings, many people preferring to live in ignorance of such matters,
being so sensitive or psychologically fragile that they're unable to
deal with the fact that real evil doings do occur.

Anyway, this website is very new to me, having had little time to read
much of the content, so far, and I'll be examining it further in order
to decide whether or not to make other people aware of it. I
appreciate factual information about secret societies, particularly
when they considerably represent evil; however, before making other
people aware of your site, well, I'm going to be a little careful. The
best kind of approach for presenting this kind of information is
impartially, neutrally, factually, informatively, not based on
personal or otherwise subjective bases conveyed in manners which can
be offensive even to people who'd otherwise want the factual parts of
the information.

Using a pen, instead of a club, can work wonders.




Date: Wed, 26 May 2004
From: "P P"
Subject: Moron
To: ***@yahoo.com

Your a very paranoid person... also an idiot... why do I say this?
Well, when you tried to say the password with the symbol of it you say
this, "Note the THIRD sale item, number C"

C is a number? HAHA... dumbass.

Dear P P,

It is clear that Masonry has made you a better man.

S & F, etc.


From: "C B"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: mail
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004


I've been reading some of the letters people send you. It's too bad
you don't publish their emails (or at least the Masons' emails),
because I'd like to have a word with some of them.

Just for the record, Masons, Illuminists, Assassins, CIA, all these
bastards all work for the same guy- Satan. Thus, they are very
powerful, but we must not worry: God knows what to do, and He is doing
that right now.

Dear B B,

Masonry is not very powerful, it is just very criminal.

Jesus will look after Satan and Cain.

Lawful authority will be restored to the Vicar of Christ.




Date: Thu, 6 May 2004
From: "J"
Subject: I have let other organizations know of my case, and how my
life is in danger...
To: ***@yahoo.com

I am not an anti-mason, nor am I an enemy of the masons...

However, two of my uncles are freemasons, and they are being protected
by the police, lawyers, etc...

I have let other organizations know of my situation, and now I want
you to know...

My name is J

If something should happen to me:

I want the world to know that it was done by free masons...

I am not sure if this is posted on your site or not, therefore I am
not going to say much here... however, I am in grave danger...

Do you have a private e-mail address that I could send all information
too??? along with names, etc...

I have informed other organizations, and they will let you know all
the details if something should happen to me... However, I would like
to tell you the details in confidence, and only have them revealed, if
something should happen to me... as I am not against the masons, but
my uncles are Masons, and have everyone from the police, to lawyers,
etc... misleading me, lying to me, etc... I have been traumatized by
my two uncles...

However, we may be able to work this out, as I have informed the grand
lodge of about my two uncles, and have also informed them of my
knowledge, and that if something should happen to me, it will be
worldwide news... So I may be able to work this out with one of my

It concerns my fathers estate...

Two of my uncles , and especially , have defrauded the estate... and
were planning on defrauding more... The police I talk to won't even
investigate, and before I even show, or tell them all of the evidence,
they keep telling me that it is a civil matter... One cop told me this
on the phone before he even heard any evidence, or had seen any
evidence... When he visited me, he kept cutting me off, and looking at
his partner, and saying things like... I haven't seen anything yet...

The bottom line is, I have told the Grand Lodge by e-mail about my two
uncles, and I have told them that this is not me verses masons, etc...
this is about my fathers estate, and that the brothers should not be
protecting my uncles, etc...

Anyway, I hope this does not end up posted on your site... I don't
want it posted if it does...

However, I want to let you know in more detail, as I have let other
organizations know my situation, and I am worried about my life...

Please, send me a private e-mail address, and if this is posted take
it down...

I sent you $10.00 us dollars by paypal yesterday, and will send you
more money if you can do as I ask... Please don't post what I am
telling you...


worried to death in Canada

Please get right back to me... This is serious, and urgent...



is ***@myself or something like that... an e-mail where I can send you
more information... This is urgent... and I need the safety of as many
organizations knowing my situation as possible... (without revealing
this to the public, unless something is to happen to me)

Thank You

Dear J,

As we said in the e-mail you should immediately report all of this in
full to the R.C.M.P. and don't leave out the part about Masonic
involvement, this is very important.

Yes there are many Masons in the R.C.M.P., and yes this can cause
concern about corruption and nepotism, however if your report is made
officially and their is a record of it, and if you keep a copy of the
record and forward it to other organizations such as your member of
Parliament, Federal and Provincial, as well as the Media then you
should be o.k..

It is important that you do this for your protection, then the Masons
will fear acting against you using "combined power, and secret
combinations" as is their usual methodology.

It is quite common for Masons to conspire to enrich themselves,
whether this be wills, property etc.. They use the Masonic contacts in
government especially at the local level, where the membership numbers
are often concentrated. This is why it is so important for Freemasonry
to be made a mandatory declarable interest, and for the public to
become aware of the true effects of Freemasonry on Democracy.

Take care and good luck.



p.s. thank-you for the contribution


Date: Sat, 8 May 2004
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Banned from templarhistory.com...
www.webspawner.com/users/luci fers lodge
From: j

Hey friend [FW],

Thankyou for the advice on how to handle the crew at
www.templarhistory.com, much appreciated.

There's nothing more satisfying than sending some Truth their way.

The funny thing was, just as I had posted a quote from your page on
Leo Taxil["Brother" Gabriel Jogand] they immediately wiped any record
of me from their message board!!! Their reaction to debate on this
subject, especially when confronted with 'the facts' from their own
history as an organisation, they wither!!

Truth will be the last man standing, or is our case, Christ.

I truely do understand now how effective the Truth really is. Truth is
the same as it has always been, lies need continual reinvention, these
atheists seem to be recreating the wheel as if there where any need
to. There wheel is square, ours is round, no wonder they have trouble
selling there product. I am so surprised by how many people are fooled
by their lies and folly.

Well friend, it is a true blessing that your website is up and
running, let's continue to keep them on the run, I am only starting,
the best is to come...

Your friend in Christ,



Date: Mon, 10 May 2004
From: "p"
Subject: need help
To: ***@yahoo.com


i am married to a 32 degree mason. i am fearing for my life right now.
i feel like my husband is trying to do something evil to me. i need
help and dont know what to do.i am living in fear.can you please help
me? give me a number to call and talk to someone.my health is not
well. god has revealed somethings to me, of what is going on. iam
going to chruch and giving all to the lord.but it is very hard.i feel
like they have put a curse on my family.please help me.

thanks, p

Dear P,

You should lay down the rubicon with your husband about his
involvement in Freemasonry as the ritual he performs opens a doorway
to the demons, where the hidden "powers" occultists seek come from.

However the Demons price for this is their attachment and use of the
initiate which often extends to family members.

The Christian Prayer entitled 'The Breastplate of St. Patrick' is very
effective against demonic attacks.

It should be said out loud before sleep, crucifixe's above the bed are
also quite effective.

Jesus loves you and is the only effective protection against Demonic
Attacks; it is all about lawful authority, Lucifer and the Demons MUST
submit to his authority.



From: "F" To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: freemasonry?
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004

I was simply wondering exactly what organization you are talking
about, because frankly I know what freemasonry is and your site is a
bunch of shit. The pictures are right so I was wondering did you
perhaps copy and paste the wrong document to go with them?

You are an idiot,


Dear M,

You sound like a typical Occultist.

Congratulations, you've finally hit bottom.

Now you can contact a Christian Priest and get some help.


Date: Wed, 5 May 2004
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Banned from templarhistory.com...
www.webspawner.com/users/lucifers lodge
From: j

Hey friend,

www.webspawner.com/users/luciferslodge here again...

I was having a discussion regarding Lucifer and the masonic lodge on
the Templars discussion board, and I guess they couldn't handle the
Truth, they banned me and deleted all 4 posts!!!!!! didn't have time
to mirror them!!!ah well, I'll just sign up again and mirror them next
time!!! Here's some info on what happened...

They banned me from the EZ discussion board at: www.templarhistory.com

Wont let me sign in anymore!!!pity!!!

Here's the link that shows that they deleted my post!


Here is another rediculous debate on the same site that banned me,
on-whether the 'Green Man' or 'Baphomet' is in the stone work of
Garway Church!!!



A friend in Christ & Truth,


Hello Friend in Christ & Truth

That is Dafoe's operation, it is closely tied into "M.A.S.O.N.", a
group of e-masons who spend a considerable amount of time trying to
get Freemasonry Watch shut down via organized complaints. We had a
board on ezboard which they use also and they got it shut down by mass
written complaints. You see they have numbers on their side and they
are highly organized. They also of course won't let "anti's" post on
any of their boards and make very hatefull statements against us, but
hypocrisy has never stopped them.

Hard core Masons, you hit the jackpot my friend.

We put a new link to your site on our links page, you've added a lot
of interesting content lately which is very nice to see.

They will probably try and get your site shut down by complaining to
hosting outfits, like they have done to a number of sites which
criticize freemasonry. They got us thrown off 50megs.com and
100megs.com using those tactics. Get ready for it, they will expect
you to give up, or over react and "threaten" them, which they will
then use to make complaints to authorities. Don't play their game,
just set the site up somewhere else if that happens and document what
they did to you using it against them to show people what Orwellian
control freaks they are.

Just keep plugging away, be the tortise, not the hare.




From: "g"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Why do you go after the Masons?
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004

Dear Sir,

I watched the film "From Hell", and then decided to do some digging on
the internet first about these rituals that the Masons do on each
other, and to see if anyone else agreed with the Steven Knight theory
of who Jack The Ripper was.

So, naturally, I stumbled upon your website. You don't have a mission
statement on your site, so I was just curious, Why the Masons? Do you
list a reason on your site somewhere that I may have missed? And how
often do you update the site?



Dear S;

Our Mission Statement is Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.

The MASONS were not providing much in that area in regard to their
activities so we volunteered.

We update the site on a need to know basis...




Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 From: "W"
Subject: Priory of Sion
To: ***@yahoo.com

Dear Webmaster,

Your websites mailroom has recently claimed is Editor-in-Chief the
Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. This accusation is false. Mr.
Hagan has never served or been elected as leader of the above
mentioned organization.

Mr. Hagan is a Freemason and is very proud of his affiliation of this
most ancient and honourable fraternal organizations.

It also appears that the letter, if its source is legitimate, could be
in violation of the Official Secrets Act of the United Kingdom. If so
this is a serious crime against Her Majestys Government.

Sincerely yours,


Director of Public Relations

The Civilized Male Magazine


Dear J;

That's funny because someone by that very name e-mailed me the

Mind you it was April 1st.

It would seem MASONS have very little to say of a useful, or truthful




From: ***@.gov.uk
To: "'***@yahoo.com'"
Subject: From a visitor of your website
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004

Dear Mason Stopper

I would just like to say that you have done excellent work on the

I thank you for all the knowledge I have gained through your website.

Greetings from Londonistan
Project Engineer
Traffic and Road Safety
Tel: 020
Fax: 020

From: D
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004
Subject: KKK Question
To: ***@yahoo.com


I was watching a History Channel show on the KKK last night and I did
a little math. K is the 11th letter of the alphabet; KKK or
11+11+11=33. I immediately thought of the Freemasons. Is this just a
coincidence? Has this been noticed before? I'd love some feedback.


Interesting observation D.

The 'Royal' number of Freemasonry is 333. Also if you click on the
image of the Manlicher Carcano rifle that appears at the bottom of the
'First Degree of Freemasonry Watch' page it will take you to the
official U.S. Government Warren Commission Archives page of same rifle
where you will notice the URL of the webpage ends with 33/33/33.

The Grand Lodge of Scotland still uses today the 'K' in place of the
letter C in it's correspondance and official website, this is where
the use of the K in the KKK comes from. There are of course 33 degrees
in the Scottish Rite.

So I would say D. you are probably close if not right on the money.




From: "L" ok
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Thank You, You've enlightened me..
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004

To whoever this is going to, i would from the very bottom of my heart,
like to thank you.

I had no idea what Masons were, and though i had known about The
Illuminati, i had no idea it was like this. Today i have explored your
entire site and have printed it out page by page.

What a sick world this is, run by Satanists and showing their
deception even in our currency. I don't know how i can even hold a one
dollar bill anymore..

Its all gotten to me, and i don't know how i can even live.

Knowledge is truly dangerous.. But im glad i experienced this. Thank

-B, 15.


From: A
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004
To: ***@yahoo.com




Blessings from God on you,

When studying the Books of Exodus and Joshua, it seemed very obvious
their foreshadowing of things prophesied for the end of this Godless
age. The events of Moses' life are a type of the tribulation period
(I'll explain). The events of Joshua's life are a type of the 2nd
coming of Jesus in taking the land of Israel back from the Roman
anti-christ. But for years I couldn't figure out where the wandering
in the desert fit in. Suprisingly, sadly, and yet happily, I think I
figured it out. If it is true, it must be near the time. For what I'm
about to show, I feel, is so top secret, the Lord could kill me to
keep it from being revealed, yet their is nothing the enemy could do
to stop it any way. So here we go.

The book of Exodus is a type of the book of Revelation


Moses and Aaron are a type of the two prophets, Enoch and Elijah (Book
of Enoch), Jannes and Jambres are a type of the False Prophet with
lying signs. The plagues happen while the Saints are still here but
are protected from the plagues but the antichrist is given power over
the saints. The rapture (exodus) comes at the end, The Anti-Christ is
thrown into the Lake of Fire. They took the bones of Joseph with them
back to the promised land (a type of the resurrection at the rapture).

Elijah and Elisha are also a type of the two prophets. Fire from
heaven = fire out of there bellies consume those that would hurt them
(The Holy Siprit now dwells in us so the false prophet will call down
fire in the sight of men, ie. the pope.) Elijah was caught up to
heaven = these two witnesses do too, after their resurrection tipified
by the man rising from the dead when he touched Elisha's bones. No
rain for 31/2 years is mentioned of both. Elisha curses the children
and two bears tear 42 of them / these two witness for 42 months. ETC

When the Jews spent 40 years in the wilderness is a type of the Jews
going into the wilderness of Jordan and Arabia for 42 month's during
the Tribulation

MAT 24:15. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,
spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso
readeth, let him understand:) 16. Then let them which be in Judaea
flee into the mountains:

Zacariah says two thirds of Israel will be destroyed, this maybe those
behind the security fence. The people Of Israel, are building the
fence wanting to protect themselves from the terrorists in the
Palestinian areas, all the while boxing themselves in against the sea
to be attacked by Europe, and weapons of Mass destruction from Syria
and Iran.

ZECH 13:8. And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the
Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall
be left therein. 9. And I will bring the third part through the fire,
and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold
is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will
say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.

Those in the occupied territories go to Edom and Moab which escape the

DAN 11:41. He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many
countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand,
even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. (KJV) 45
He will halt between Jerusalem and the sea, and there pitch his royal
tents, but while he is there his time will suddenly run out and there
will be no one to help him. (LB)

I believe the Ark is in Mt. Nebo in Jordan,

2 MACCABEES 2:4. `The same document also describes how the prophet,
warned by an oracle, gave orders for the tent and the ark to go with
him, when he set out for the mountain which Moses had climbed to
survey God's heritage.

5. On his arrival, Jeremiah found a cave-dwelling, into which he put
the tent, the ark and the altar of incense, afterwards blocking up the

6. Some of his companions went back later to mark out the path but
were unable to find it.

7. When Jeremiah learned this, he reproached them, `The place is to
remain unknown', he said, `until God gathers his people together again
and shows them his mercy.

8. Then the Lord will bring these things once more to light, and the
glory of the Lord will be seen, and so will the cloud, as it was
revealed in the time of Moses and when Solomon prayed that the holy
place might be gloriously hallowed.'

They'll have the cloud and the whole deal, YUM! Manna and rock fed
springs. Joel speaks of pillars of cloud and probably fire

JOEL 2:30. And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth,
blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

As in Exodus Exodus 13:21. And the Lord went before them by day in a
pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of
fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:

These 144 settlements in Judea and Samaria will have a place prepared
in the wilderness for 42 months.

REV 12:6. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a
place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two
hundred and threescore days.

13. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he
persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.

14. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she
might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished
for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

Let's look at the 144,000.

Revelation 7

1. And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four
corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the
wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

2. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of
the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to
whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

3. Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we
have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

4. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were
sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the
children of Israel.

5. Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of
Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed
twelve thousand.

6. Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of
Nepthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were
sealed twelve thousand.

7. Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of
Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed
twelve thousand.

8. Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe
of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were
sealed twelve thousand.

Revelation 14

1. And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him
an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written
in their foreheads.

2. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and
as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers
harping with their harps:

3. And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before
the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but
the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the

4. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are
virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.
These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and
to the Lamb.

5. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault
before the throne of God.

I believe these 144,000 wil be male children who are or will be living
in Israel, virgins, without guile as Jesus said, "For of such is the
kingdom of Heaven." All these people who despise Israel today, whether
for what they did to Jesus, or for what they've done to the
Palestinians. These children are innocent of these matters. It also
reminds me of the concept of the cities of refuge. Though someone had
slain a man by accident, he could flee to a designated city of refuge
and be spared till he could get a fair trial, or more aplicable, the
concept of taking hold of the horns of the Alter, so these will be in
His presence. One reason the children of Israel spent 40 years in the
wilderness was so the generation 20 years old and up could die. These
144,000 will only spend 42 months in the wilderness, by passing the
older generation. Though I believe there parents will probably be with

The 4 angels can't do their work till these 144,000 are sealed so they
have to be alive, if they were resurrected, they wouldn't have to be
sealed to protect them. I think an angel could find the descendance of
Israel, especiaaly when they've already been gathered in Israel today
from all over the Middle East and the world.

I don't care who anybody claims is the 144,000, they don't match their
discription of being virgins and without guile. They have to be males
because "They haven't defiled themselves with women. Children are the
only possible large group that can apply. The scripture that I think
of is,

Num 3:11. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

12. And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of
Israel instead of all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among the
children of Israel: therefore the Levites shall be mine;

13. Because all the firstborn are mine;

Just as the Levites were his inner circle, so to these 144,000 will
be. No one was giving their firstborn to the Lord of all the tribes,
so it was just given to the whole tribe of Levi. Jesus also shows this
with his choosing 12 to be his inner circle. 12 times 12= 144

Isaiah 17 says Damascus will be destroyed but also says, because so
are the cities of Israel.

Isaiah 17:1. This is God's message to Damascus, capital of Syria:Look,
Damascus is gone! It is no longer a city--it has become a heap of

2. The cities of Aroer are deserted. Sheep pasture there, lying quiet
and unafraid, with no one to chase them away.

3. The strength of Israel and the power of Damascus will end, and the
remnant of Syria shall be destroyed. For as Israel's glory departed,
so theirs, too, will disappear, declares the Lord Almighty.

4. Yes, the glory of Israel will be very dim when poverty stalks the

5. Israel will be as abandoned as the harvested grain fields in the
Valley of Rephaim.

6. Oh, a very few of her people will be left, just as a few stray
olives are left on the trees when the harvest is ended, two or three
in the highest branches, four or five out on the tips of the limbs.
That is how it will be in Damascus and Israel--stripped bare of people
except for a few of the poor who remain.

:7 At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.

8. They will no longer ask their idols for help in that day, neither
will they worship what their hands have made! They will no longer have
respect for the images of Ashtaroth and the sun-idols.

9. Their largest cities will be as deserted as the distant wooded
hills and mountain tops and become like the abandoned cities of the
Amorites, deserted when the Israelites approached (so long ago ).

10. Why? Because you have turned from the God who can save you--the
Rock who can hide you; therefore, even though you plant a wonderful,
rare crop of greatest value,

11. and though it grows so well that it will blossom on the very
morning that you plant it, yet you will never harvest it--your only
harvest will be a pile of grief and incurable pain.

12. Look, see the armies thundering toward God's land.

13. But though they roar like breakers rolling upon a beach, God will
silence them. They will flee, scattered like chaff by the wind, like
whirling dust before a storm.

14. In the evening Israel waits in terror, but by dawn her enemies are
dead. This is the just reward of those who plunder and destroy the
people of God.

But the abomination doesn't happen till 42 months in, then Jesus says
flee. Wanna meet me at the brook of Arnon east of the Dead Sea.

IS 16:2. For it shall be, that, as a wandering bird cast out of the
nest, so the daughters ...shall be at the fords of Arnon.

3. Take counsel, execute judgment; make thy shadow as the night in the
midst of the noonday; hide the outcasts; bewray not him that

4. Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab; be thou a covert to them
from the face of the spoiler: for the extortioner is at an end, the
spoiler ceaseth, the oppressors are consumed out of the land.

5. And in mercy shall the throne be established: and he shall sit upon
it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment,
and hasting righteousness.

They Jews won't need Petra, the ground will open up and swallow the
armies of Antichrist like the Red Sea swallowed Pharoahs Army.

15. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the
woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

16. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth,
and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

17. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with
the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have
the testimony of Jesus Christ.

There is something to this too, Mary comes from Miriam (Moses' sister)
and means rebel. She mocked Moses and his black Ethiopian wife and God
struck her with leprosy for 7 days.



Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004
From: "G"
Subject: contact us
To: ***@yahoo.com

Hi friends, just to tell you, yur ding a great job by exposing secret
societies, this circus must to stop.

I didn't found the "contact us" button, but i hope you include it

Just one cuestion, i have heard that the massons have, not 33 degress,
but 360, at that top is lucifer, is this correct?

You guys have any articule on this subject? Thanks, i'll be back
visiting your great web page.


Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004
From: "r"
To: ***@yahoo.com

Do you or any of your colleagues happen to know where the EX Assistant
to HM Inspector of Constabulary DOUGLAS MCMURDO - see for ref. the
Dunblane shooting - may be staying. Rumour has it he may be in

Information required for film and filmscript. See website below.

Thank you.




From: "d"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: I know the TRUTH!
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004

My Dad is a Mason. He talks to the aliens every night on his secret
radio, then grabs his gun, goes outside and waits. Every night, this
giant Panda Bear wearing a vest and a cowboy hat, rides up on an
alligator and gives him a secret message, wrapped in duct tape. He
spends 3 or 4 hours trying to carefully open the message without
tearing it. It's hard to do because he's shaking, and holding a gun in
the other hand.

Sometimes, a space craft lands in the yard. I've only seen the
creature in the space craft once, but he looks alot like Nat King Cole
and offers my Dad his assistance and a bowl of green jello. After
reading the message, my dad takes off his clothing and dances around
while smearing the jello all over his face. He yells some kind of
secret code at the moon a couple of times, then comes back into the
house. He puts the gun away, and immediately drives down to his Lodge
to give a report on what the aliens want them to do next in the BIG
CONSPIRACY. Just thought you might want to know. But something BIG is
about to happen. It involves the Masons, the Aliens, and the Board of
Directors of Chuck E Cheese Pizza Parlors. Get your gun and hide.
Signed, Big Cheese.


Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004
From: "L"
To: ***@yahoo.com

Please leave my name out of this as I am an active freemason. I
learned today from a source in France that an American writer and
artist named William Hagan has been elected Grandmaster of the Priory
of Sion or Ordre de Sion as they call themselves.

I don ; know much about him but he has a website
http://www.williamhagan.com and it makes no mention of his activities.
I was told that he has lived in Paris. Interestingly at the Place des
Vosage next door to the Maison de Victor Hugo. He also played some
type of role in the downfall of the Yugoslavian (something) to do with
Croatia. He worked with the CIA. He also maintains a large home in
London; Royal Borough of Kensington on West Cromwell Road in walking
distance to Kensington Palace.

He is of noble blood and descends from the House of York. Ive been
told that he is related to Richard III of England and an Irish Monk
named Emir (or Imar) O Hagan.

Please let me know what you have heard about this. My information
comes from a high ranking official in the French government.




Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004
To: ***@yahoo.com
From: "M"
Subject: Top Site Award


Congratulations on having a very useful and relevant web site. We have
included you in the largest, and most prestigious Spiritual Directory
on the internet, spiritandsky.com

This is no small matter. This directory, with over 100,000 links, has
strict guidelines and your site has made it into this exclusive,
high-end directory.

Because your site is on-topic and informative for the category it is
in, we have decided to issue you the Spirit And Sky Top Site Award.
You may display this award anywhere on your web site, either with or
without a link to us. You can download the award, or let our server
host it, either way is fine. Congratulations!

The page we looked at in making this decision is:


Skeptics are very important to spirituality. Without a balancing
viewpoint we fail to see to big picture.


Note: if the code below appears as a button and link, please go to the
links page and copy it there:


Your Code:

Spirit And Sky
Top Spiritual Site

Your listing can be viewed here:

If you find the page listed here is not your main or home page, it is
because that page was on-topic and relevant to the category it is in.
Most likely the main page is in there too, do a search for it. If it
is not in the directory, feel free to drill for the appropriate
category and submit it. Since you are flagged as a Top Site in the
database, our editors will look at your submissions first over others.
(Since you have proven you provide good content.)

We are working on code for the directory to flag Top Sites as being
awarded right on the category pages the public sees, right now there
shows no distinction, but you are flagged in the database (as
mentioned above).

Please feel free to write me if you have any questions, and again,





Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004
From: "B"
Subject: site
To: ***@yahoo.com


You know my work and I'm very grateful you've let others see it. Now I
have my own site.

Please tell your readers to have a look a http://www.barrychamish.com

Best, B


Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Google suspended my 'luciferslodge' webpage, here's their
email to me. ..
From: j

Hey friend,

This is where freespeech got me with google!!

I have contacted you before, and sent you jpegs of masonic deceptions.
Here is the email they sent me, advertise it if you want! Have you any
suggestions in what I should do about advertising my web page with

here is my webpage: http://www.webspawner.com/users/luciferslodge/

I have your site in my links section.



Thank you for advertising with Google AdWords. After reviewing your
account, I have found that one or more of your ads or keywords does
not meet our guidelines. The results are outlined in the report below.

Campaign: 'Campaign #1,' Ad Group: 'shriner, lucifer, lodge,


lucifers masonic lodge
How lucifer has infiltrated masons
freemasonry and lucifer
Action taken: Suspended - Pending Revision
Issue(s): Inaccurate Display URL, Unacceptable Content

KEYWORD(S): lucifer satan freemasonry grandlodge scottish rite albert

Action taken: Disapproved
Issue(s): Keywords entered all on one line


Content: At this time, Google policy does not permit the advertisement
of websites that contain "language that advocates against an
individual, group, or organization". As noted in our advertising terms
and conditions, we reserve the right to exercise editorial discretion
when it comes to the advertising we accept on our site.

Keywords: Your ad will not appear if you have entered all of your
keywords on the same line. In order to see your ad on Google, please
edit your keyword list.

Please read below for definitions of the issues I found:

Inaccurate Display URL: Your Display URL must accurately reflect the
URL of your website; it must be a viable web address that is part of
your ad's destination domain and include the domain extension, for
example: .com, .net, or .org. If your Destination URL is too long for
your ad, please use a shortened version, such as your homepage, that
meets the character limit for this field.

Unacceptable Content: Google believes strongly in freedom of
expression and therefore offers broad access to content across the web
without censoring search results. Please note that the decisions we
make concerning advertising in no way affect the search results we

Keywords entered all on one line: When you create your keyword list,
you must type each keyword or keyword phrase and then hit the 'Enter'
key after each entry.

Dear Googled,

Freemasonry is spending alot of money in advertising on Google's
search engine.

Of course these guidelines work two ways as no doubt many of the
Masonic sites provide "information" about Freemasonry's "critics". I.e
they are doing exactly the same thing Google is accusing you of doing
- criticizing a "group".

But you can bet Google is pretty selective about this enforcement of
it's "no critics of groups" rules - did they reject Republican Party
advertising because it contains criticism of the "group" of Democrats,
or Unions etc, etc? Hardly.

Jesus said hypocrisy was the yeast of the Pharasee's, and it is so
true today.

Try complaining to Google after doing some research of your own on
Masonic for Profit sites and other "information" sites that are now
advertising on Google. If any of them provide "information links" or
belong to Masonic web rings which have site after bile filled site
attacking "anti's" then make a formal complaint to Google.

At the least it will provide some content for your site by documenting
the hypocrisy. What you just experienced is exactly what comes with
this territory of criticising Freemasonry.

The road less travelled...

Good luck friend, and welcome aboard.

By the way I liked your images, good research - but don't be surprised
if the Lodge tries to take your site down, they've been able to knock
out a half dozen in the last two years.

From: "T"
To: t
Subject: Shadow of the Dalai Lama
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004

The Shadow of the Dalai Lama - Sexuality, Magic and Politics in
Tibetan Buddhism

In the whole debate concerning the Construction of a New World Order
one of the most sophisticated and enigmatic persons is nearly unknown
as Co-player: The Dalai Lama. This really may surprise because the
Tibetan "God-King" is practicing since more than 30 years all around
the world an intriguing ritual - the Kalachakra-Tantra-Initiation, the
deeper intention of which is the establishment of a world wide
Buddhocracy. The weird connection of sexuality, magic and politics in
this ritual shows a new dimension of Metapolitics which could
infiltrate the West without being noticed. Now the magical dimensions
of Tibetan Buddhism have been brought to light.

1.) The versatile activities of the Dalai Lama are the content of an
internet-book of Victor and Victoria Trimondi with the title: "The
Shadow of the Dalai Lama - Sexuality, Magic and Politics in Tibetan
Buddhism". You find the text under:
http://www.trimondi.de/SDLE/Index.htm ,
http://www.trimondi.de/SDLE/Contents.htm The German original has been
a bestseller.

2.) Beginning the April 25th until May 5th the Dalai Lama will perform
the Kalachakra-Tantra-Ritual in Toronto/ Canada.
(http://www.kalachakra2004.com/ ) This so called peace ritual is in
reality is the magical invocation of a Buddhist Armageddon Scenario.
See the critique: http://www.trimondi.de/Kalachakra/ec.eng..htm

3.) Here you will find an interview with the authors which has been
done with by James C. Stephens on the occasion of the Dalai Lama's
September 2003 Visit to America : www.trimondi.de/EN/interv03.html

4.) Here you find a list of critical links to Buddhism, Lamaism and
the Dalai Lama. (http://www.trimondi.de/EN/links.htm ) The diffusion
of this link-list in the Internet is very helpful because one of the
always repeated arguments of the Dalai Lama supporters is that the
critique of Lamaism can be overlooked as a negligible fringe problem.
The link-list on the contrary shows this is not right and there are a
lot of voices who will not accept the mainstream deification of the
Tibetan "God-King". We are steadily actualizing this list showing that
Buddhism can not infiltrate the West without being questioned.

It would be a contribution to enlightenment in a world of
misinformation and forgeries to bring the debate about the occult
backgrounds of Lamaism on your website.

With kind regards


To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: BlackPlanet.com: View This PersonalPage!
From: r
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004

Dear ***@yahoo.com,

r has requested that you check out
reparationsatty's BlackPlanet.com
PersonalPage. To do so, simply click on the link below:


***@BlackPlanet.com has also sent you a message: I love
your website, refer it to others, and share your frustration that the
guestbook was shut down.

The attached is my personal page on BlackPlanet.com, warning about
what had been done to me by masons both black and white. Further
details, as well as a press release, may be found at my website,

The press release has been censored by the major news agencies in both
the black and white communities. We are indeed battling against the
beast, but God is on our side. We shall prevail.

Please acknowledge receipt of this this email at

Thanks in advance for visiting BlackPlanet.com.


From: "P"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: is it too late for me ? Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004

Hi, i have been to a satanic flower of life workshop in england, back
in ( www.floweroflife.org ) and now i have a question: have i already
" received " the mark of the beast ? is it too late for me to get
saved by Jesus ? having done this " breathing mediatation " is it
possible for me to take away / renounce this mark ? they had some kind
of weird instructions about light & breathing &numbers.... 34 to the
left & 21 to the right. do you think that Jesus will send me to hell
?....... or do i still have a chance to get to heaven ?


The purpose of all occult ritual initiation, especially Freemasonry
and it's direct spinoffs such as Wiccan, Theosophy, etc is Possession.

That is a simple statement of fact, and one which probably has not
been explained or emphasised sufficiently on this website.

The Possession, i.e. possession by a demon of a part or whole of a
human's will when done in a ritual occult setting is done in such a
way that a specific demon is sought and as the ritual gets more
elaborate demons of greater power become attached. This is almost
never explained to the initiate. Later senior Masons will say to the
initiate we have noticed a change in you - more "alert", more
"intuitive" etc.. All occult "powers" come from demonic possession in
whole or part. It is the bait, the trap.

Some of the leading Freemason Occultists have written about this, and
even described the different demons.

This is the cause of the violent, aggressive, uniform behaviour often
exhibted by Freemasons and fellow travellers.

If you have gone through occult initiation rituals you need to seek a
Christian Priest, preferabably from a traditional denomination such as
the R.C. Church.

A good book to purchase that describes Demonic Possession one written
by Father Malachi Martin listed on this site in the book section of
the site index page called Hostage to the Devil. It contains five
cases of Possession and Exorcism.

You must seek the counsel of a Priest under the authority of a Diocene
Bishop, there is no other way to exorcise a Demon if you have gotten
something attached to you from an Occult Ritual Initiation.



Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004
From: "T"
Subject: Question
To: ***@yahoo.com

I think I've been involved in a situation where I feel the freemasons
are at least tangentially involved. I'm trying to get to the bottom of
it and it has been difficult. Are there any groups or other resources
you know of that can help? Also - are there any other print or
internet resources you know of?

I realize you can probably get some information about me from this
e-mail, but for now I'd like to maintain my anonymity and keep the
details of my situation confidential and I'd appreciate it if you
could respect that request. It's very hard to talk about any of this
stuff without sounding like a loon.

Thanks for setting up your website, it provides some much-needed
information. And thanks in advance for any information or assistance
you can provide.


Masonry uses "combined power" operating in secret. It operates as
pseudo state.

If you get them involved in a legal way you may be able to use supeona
power to prove the connections, although knowing which body to supeona
can be difficult.



From: M
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004
Subject: Hoping I may shed light on the subject for your ramblings of
this site...
To: ***@yahoo.com

I am a newly raised Master Mason in the lodge of your heavily revered
masonic idle by the aol screenname "MasonTruth". What I dont
understand is why would you devote so much of your time to the
complete misinterpretations of such a noble order. I understand that
you may have come across what you think is a direct correlation to
Satanism and Freemasonry, yet I must inform you that you are deeply
wrong. Through everything that you have posted on this site you STILL
have not given any direct proof of Freemasonry and its supposed
"sinister undermining of this wonderful nation". I will congratulate
you in the facts of displaying your constitutional right to post your
freedom of speech, but what I dont think you understand is that the
rights that you enjoy so much in a country with more freedom than any
other country in the world-WAS WRITTEN MY FREEMASONS!!! There is no
connection between any type religion and freemasonry at all!! In fact
the discussing of politics or religion is absolutely prohibited, and
why do you ask?....It is because that we have open arms to every man
on this planet, country, town...it doesnt matter.

Let me ask you this, do you feel that Benjamin Franklin, George
Washington, Michael Richards(Kramer from seinfeld if your are unaware)
Scottie Pippen and myself are truly satanic? I think not...it is just
a fraternity...the first and most prestigious, yes....nationwide
recognition, yes, built our nations capital, yes, were its members
when the Pilgrims set foot on this nation, yes, and in addition were
guarded by the knights templar,yes,...but satanic, no!!!

I find it quite amusing that one can sit in front of a computer and
just enjoy the wonderful freedoms that this country has to offer(which
were created by masons with conjunction with the nations people!) and
yet bite the hand that has given and freed all of your rights,
freedoms, and benefits, and still call it satanic and morally wrong.

Freedom isnt free, I should know, I just recently fought for it in
Al-Nassiriyah Iraq as a 22 year old mechanized Infanryman in our
wonderful Army, which i must say is about as masonic as Freemasonry

If anything I'm not mad at your for chastising my craft, people are
afraid of what they know nothing about, though ignorance conotes
stupidity and stupidity is the direct denotation of the want for
education...its just that most of those in need of it are too afraid
to ask.

With that being said I implore you to ask whatever question you may so
that I can give you any information to where i may shed some of the
wonderful masonic light that i have recently received to help you in
your TRUE quest for masonic education.

I dont think that nobody is denying your want for information to help
clear things up but I think that you have misconstrewed your delusions
of Freemasonry in general to the point of you missing our true
foundations of our wonderful fraternity.....FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY.

Bro. J 3*
Moreno Valley Lodge 804
The "Masonic Sponge"

Dear Masonic Sponge:

The purpose of your Masonic initiation is the ever increasing DEMONIC

The purpose of Freemasonry is first the enslavement, and then the
complete destruction of mankind by LUCIFER.

There is NOTHING good in or about Freemasonry.

Has this answered you questions regarding the subject of FREEMASONRY?



From: "B"
To: "'***@yahoo.com'"
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004

I decided to become a Mason to infiltrate the organization and learn
from the inside out what others were dying to find out..Well to wrap
it all up this is the reality of the situation. Masonry is really
nothing different than lets say "Santeria" which stems from
Afro-Caribbean religion. At the time when Ancient Egypt was in its
golden age, the high priests taught "initiates" the mysteries of the
occult and symbolism. When the Romans invaded Egypt, many of the
priests fled to Ethiopia before migrating to the Western side of the
continent ( Ghana and so forth)..now..this is all in a nutshell
really..just providing a simple picture to go by..so for many years
Western African tries were practicing the Egyptian methods of
religion..When the slave trade began, many of these practices were
brought to the New World and refined in Cuba, Dominican Republic and
as far as Brazil and Mexico (Mexico was the original founder of the
secret during the Mayan civilization).

From: "C
To: ***@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004

Enterprisemission.com has some interesting things about the free
masons and NASA. Their ritulistic practices are hard to believe, but

Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004
From: "S
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Shriner's Funding

I have been in a discussion with a mason, who has attempted to
convince me of all the good they do. He brought up the Shriner's
Hospital as an example. I believe the much of the funding comes from
non-masonic sources and that much of what they do collect is wated on
social functions, conventions, partying, etc.

I remember at one time in the larger cities they would be out in the
streets blocking traffic, solicting donations, and I have read about
thewild drunken conventions they hold. What can you tell me about this
selfserving bunch of hypocrites?


From: "g
To: ***@yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004

I first ran into masonry when I was stationed in the Philippines. ALL
of the leaders in the squadron I was in were Masons. Masonic symbolism
adorned many prominent buildings(until I complained about it and they
were taken down)...we called them "ring-knockers", and all of them
were morally bankrupt hedonists..It is now my belief that organized
masonry will become the "One World Religion", that which was
prophesized in Revelations. Christians, Bhuddists et al will be forced
to swear allregiance to this synagogue of satan or face death. But, as
I know that Christ has conquered death, I do not fear their wrath,
only the wrath of the one true God. Thank you for having this website
and reminding me of this sinister false-brotherhood. I now have a
better understanding of the gospel, just from your reminder of
masonry's dangerous nature. May God Bless You, from my heart I record
this rejection of Satan.

Yours Truly,


P.S. - May I link your site for free on mine? Please let me know.


What would the WWW be without links?



Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004
From: "L
Subject: web site
To: ***@yahoo.com

I visit your site quite often. It is quite charming. I do enjoy a good
conspiracy theory story (my favorite is how the masons faked the lunar
landings). Perhaps you should consider adding "Foucault's Pendulum" by
Umberto Eco to your reading list, I am sure you will like it as much
as I did.

Primarily I use your site as a source of images for my masonic
education as they are sometimes hard to find on pro-mason sites.
Anyhow as an open minded mason who is not threatened in the least by
websites such as yours I urge you to continue the work. I do hope that
that you are able to continue operating your site as it is the source
of much entertainment for me at least.

The American e-masons may not like you but free speach is a bit more
realistic up here in Canada and we are not threatened by differing
points of view. Besides, we need differing points of view to have
stimulating conversations on our cold snowey winter nights.

Good luck.


New Brunswick, Canada

From: "r
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: General Interest regarding freemasonry
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004

I have read this site on a few occasions. The amount of info. and
research is tremendous.

Just had a conversation with my father about freemasonry. He was
raised Episcopalian and my mother Catholic, we were raised in a devout
Catholic home. Anyway lifelong neighbors are now elderly and may be in
need of an eldercare home. My father was saying that there is a rift
in their plans, the elderly man is a 30+ degree Mason and wants to go
into a Masonic home for the elderly. His wife is Catholic and she and
her family are against the move. I had no idea about his affiliation.
They never had any children of their own. They seemed nice enough
through the 30 years that they were neighbors. My father told me how
the wife (an accountant) who did taxes from home for years, did the
taxes for the most well connected, political and powerful people in
our area....now we know that they were probably masons, as well.

I have just some general observations with regard to masons. Most I
have heard of are married, but have no children of their own. Their
funeral rites when listed in an obituary only consist of a masonic
service, and do not include a church mass. They usually have positions
of power within a community, e.g.....political, spiritual, leaders of

After reading through your website, it seems apparent the current
state of our affairs have been directed by these people in secret. I
can think of the recent Episcopal appointments of homosexuals as
priests. The cover-up regarding decades of homosexual misconduct
within the Catholic Church.....which I feel is probably more
widespread than reported. The spread and seeming acceptance of
homosexuality, pornography and pedophilia that permeates our society.

When I graduated college, my first "real" job was for a governmental
agency. I was with this agency for five years. One thing that I
remember is the amount of information that is kept from the general
public. The position that I held was in computer programming and
training, back in the 1980's, so I can just imagine the info. that is
being gathered and kept now. Anyway one other thing that has stayed
with me over the past 16+ years is the amount of children that go
missing on an annual basis, the number that cannot be attributed to
parental divorce, or runaways......back in the 80's there were lists
and lists of the missing. These are never publicised, unless
hi-profile or if they are from families of prominence. Many are never
found. I just have a nagging feeling that many are missing due to
occultist practices. Some have been sold to foreign nations. It all
sounds very much like a conspiracy nuts fantasy. But I believe that it
is real. I will always believe that Jon Benet Ramsey and her family
were involved in occultist practice and that they paid the ultimate
price. The case has all the markings of a cover-up from people who
were involved being well connected. Which goes back to those in our
society who are connected being involved in Freemasonry.

In February, Mel Gibson's film regarding Christ is going to be
released. I have read about Mel and his father recently. Mel's father
is a believer that the current Catholic Church has been corrupted by
the Masons. He and his family believe in an original Latin rite
Catholic theology. The film has been receiving so much criticism, even
before it has been released. I find it ironic that the media has been
condemning something that has not yet been released, but never has
such criticism for the violent, demonic, homosexual, pathetic movies
that are out every year. I believe that the corporations that gain
from the filth that they propogate are trying to debase the morals of
the general public to such a degree that people are desensitized to
what is truely right and wrong.

I would like an answer to my hypothisis regarding the Bush family. One
part of my conservative Republican side wants to believe that he is a
Christian man with high morals who wants to lead our country in the
right direction. But I have a nagging question, regarding their
affiliation with the Yale secret society of the Skull and
Bones.....which I feel could also be a masonic organization. Secrets
of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of
Power by Alexandra Robbins (Author).....this book give a great
background to this society and those in power who have been affiliated
with this society through history.

I have enjoyed your site and it's thought provoking information. Thank
you for taking the time to read my email.

Kindest regards,


From: "D
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Info
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2004


Is there someone I could talk to who can rpove their integrity on an
issue of occult in British Columbia or particularily the south coast?
I'm having a lot of trouble with a certain group of royalty.

I'll check back periodically. Thank-you

From: "L
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Thanks
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003

Thank you for maintaining the website. I looked for you a while back
and couldn't find you.

I am hoping to stop some crime in the future. Information provided by
your site will help me.


From: "J
To: ***@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003



From: "R
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: encyclopedia?
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003

I wonder how much objective research you have done, and if indeed you
there at mason stoppers even know the meaning of the term "objective."
It would seem you have a view that is just as clouded as that of
Irenaeus. Perhaps you should delve just a little into the world of
quantum physics. Try reading a little David Bohm (if you can wrap your
brain around it) and perhaps you will come to understand that the
created reflects accurately the Creator, and no, I am not referring to
Samael or Ialdobaoth or any of the other demiurges you claim are
running rampant in our society. The only evil force running rampant in
our society is flagrant unabashed stupidity. People are all too ready
to agree with someone just because of the way they present themselves,
which, last time I checked, is called sophistry. You should be
concerned with finding the truth for yourself instead of relying on
the Jewish Encyclopedia or Iraneaus's Heresies. Here's something you
can investigate in your Encyclopedia: The greatest enemy of truth is
concensus. By the way, I like your banner ads. It's neat to see
someone combining so-called truth with capitalism. Makes me feel all
warm and fuzzy. Hope you're comfortable.


From: "d
To: ***@yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003

It's a little late for this one, (the crime occurred in 1877) but I'm
investigating it nonetheless. before I divulge much of it, I have to
ask if you've ever heard of the Molly Maguire hangings in the hard
coal regions in Pennsylvania

Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: exposing freemasons
From: j

hey friend,

I hope you are well, your site is very informative.

first, I would like to ask your permission to use some of your
research for a newsletter I am going to start soon?

I am from MA.

I a sick to my teeth of having to look at masonic street signs and
inverted star lodges of the eastern star in the community!the female
eastern star group now have their own fez hat with an inverted
star(satanic star) on the front!gets more weirder as I research.

Have you ever noticed that an arial view of a baseball field is their
compass!!!as far as I know I am the first to notice this!

here is an interesting site with lots of info on the freemasons, the
sites attitude is very masonic favorable, but the info is good to hang
them all the same!


I found this part of the site to be a nice anarchist freemasonic


From: p
To: ***@yahoo.com
Wed 12/10/03
Dear Author of Freemasonrywatch.org,

I challenge you to post this on the front page your website, but only
if you post it in its entirety and with nothing taken out of context.
By the way, no one man speaks for Masonry.. I do not speak for Masonry
but speak as an indivdual who is a Mason. I noticed that on your
website you do not include your name or an email address that people
may refute evedince posted on your website. Something you should
probably do. I would like to mention a few things about your website.
I actually stumbled upon your website when I was first joining my
local Masonic Lodge. I was looking for info on an organization that I
knew little about. I have found that seeing your website before and
after, I realize how silly most your claims are. yes, by the way, i am
a Mason. the first thing i would like to say is that although some
infamous people have been Masons (according to you some serial killers
and other unsavory persons) they are humans first.. That is to say
that their actions do not personify the group, as when lets say a Boy
Scout leader who murders personifies the Boy Scouts. The other
laughable porton of your website is that the fact that just because
you have our supposed rituals and secret handshakes and the lot,
doesn't mean you can't find it for a buck twenty in late charges at
your local library. It seems funny that the Mason who wrote in had
such a terrible time coping with the fact that you had that on your
internet, becuase he probably wasn;t aware of how readily available
the information really is. Again, he only represents himself, and not
all of masonry.

The next part of my email is to discover what malice you have ot an
organization that you have only heard about through hear-say. I don't
particularly like the JFK statement you have poosted, because it is
exactly that freedom which we have in this country to be able to form
whatever religious belief, social interactions, and speech we deem
approproate. I won't tell you what group to belong to as long as you
don't tell me which one to belong to either. And if everyoone is
killed that reveals secrets about our organization, you wouldn't be
around, and neither would sean connery or michael cain (See: "The Man
Who Would be King"). So really your entire website is setup to instill
fear into the hearts of average people about an organization you know
nothing personally about. People already fear what is unknown to them,
why do you feel the necessity to add fuel to the fire? well, I have
put in my two cents. I guess I would encourage you to check out our
fraternity yourself, and you will probably (probably) see the light
and end this childish and immature website. If you put just as much
effort into helping other people as you have building this
Anti-Freemasonry website, you would probably amount to about half of a
half of a percent the amount of good deeds Masonry does in a given

I would also like to share an experience I had as a Mason that most
people will probably never feel in their life. I was in a parade as a
Shriner (you must be a Mason to be a Shriner) not too long ago, having
an absolute ball waving at people. I heard this probably about 3 times
in the parade which lasted about 3 miles "Thank you, Thank you!!!" at
the top of the yelller's lungs. Now, I had just joined this group the
night before, and already people were associating me with all the help
that we give the crippled and burn victim children both in this
country and others. Thses were probably benefactors of our great
service to children. What an amazing and reaffirming feeling. Now, I
don't know about you, but most people don';t yell "thank you" at the
top of their lungs to just any old float that goes by in a parade.
Maybe that story will give you some real insight as to what Masonry is
all about, instead of all this hullabaloo on your website.

Feel free to respond


From: "w"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: i have a story for you
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003

the masonic order in my community bought my son shoes when my wife and
myself could not afford them, this has been years ago but not many.
maybe 7 years. they offered to send my son to the doctor for glasses
because i didnt have insurance to cover it. my neighbor that lives a
little down the road has a daughter that was club footed, and would
not be able to walk if it was not for the shriners, which if im not
mistaken is a branch of the masons.

they didnt charge them a dime. im not a mason, but every man i know
that is one is a good man. why is it that you think the masonic order
is so bad?

i hear the crap all the time..........turn 1999 upside down and its
666 this is the end of time. social security number is the mark of the
beast...........on and on. get a life! on one of your many pages, you
had a guy that posted 2 years ago saying " if the lodge was so bad you
would be killed". you are obviously not.

i think you are sad and must not have a life. must have been turned
down by a lodge at some point or denied entry. go jump on the
organizations that dont any work for there community. when was the
last time you did anything for the people in your community? im not
talking about a church dinner now. post this on your page. you dont
have the nerve. you wont because it is the truth and thats something
you are not after.


p.s. im a paramedic now and i do good in my community everyday. learn
to help those around you and not be a thorn in the ass of society.

freedom to practice religion as they saw fit. that was what this
country was founded on. if you dont like it, go to mexico or somewhere

stop trying to push your crap down eveyones throat.

From: "H"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: info?
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003

Dear Sir, Madam

Thank you for your excllent web-site on Free Masons. Please could you
help me? I am investigating as a private person the works of the
Robber Barons in Russia. In particular Mikhail Friedman, who steals
and sells Russian timber all over the world. I would like to know
whether he is a Mason. I would also like to know more about his Alpha
Bank. Could you send me an answer back? I would apreciate that very
much. Thank you.

Kind regards


From: "n "
To: ***@yahoo.com
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003

I find you page amusing, but every inteligent person with a little
knowledge on this complicated subject understands that masooners are
just old scared"wanna be knights" too rich,and lack of knowledge, and
its a fact that you all have done much more harm thru time,than good,
on this middle pillar that you are developing directly too hell!

-Ace Of Sword-

From: "h"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Cardinal Siri elected Pope 3 times. Full excerpts
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2003

Last Sunday after Pentecost, November 23, 2003

The Church in Eclipse

Those who are "filled with knowledge of God's will, in all spiritual
wisdom and understanding" (Col.1:9), are able to read the signs of the
times. They look for those things spoken of by Jesus in today's Gospel
from the twenty-fourth chapter of St. Matthew, by which we may know
that His Second Coming is near. Christians have always looked for
signs of the Lord's return, although St. Paul says in Second
Thessalonians that the proximate signs of His coming are the "the
great apostasy" and the appearing of the "man of sin" the Antichrist.

"We beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and
our being gathered together unto him, not to be hastily shaken from
your right mind, nor terrified, whether by spirit, or by utterance, or
by letter attributed to us, as though the day of the Lord were near at
hand. Let no one deceive you in any way, for the day of the Lord will
not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of sin is
revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and is exalted above all
that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sits in the
temple of God and gives himself out as if he were God" (2Thess.2:1-4).

To ignore the signs sent by God is to invite disaster. God sent the
Blessed Virgin to Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, to warn the world of the
dangers threatened by Communist Russia. If her requests for prayer and
sacrifice were not heeded, she said that Russia "will spread her
errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the
Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to
suffer; various nations will be annihilated." Pope Pius XII, the
"Fatima Pope," took her message seriously, although he failed to make
the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart together with all
the bishops of the world, as she had requested.

If the Revolution of which Our Lady spoke, which began in France and
was exported to Russia, were to succeed in becoming global, it would
first have to neutralize the Catholic Church, the greatest enemy of
the Revolution. Popes like Pius XII could no longer be tolerated. At
the time of his death in 1958, the Church and the hierarchy were
already riddled with Communist and Masonic infiltrators, agents of
change ready to move in for the kill.

Pope Pius had promoted as his successor Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, ardent
foe of Communism and defender of the true faith, who would no doubt
have followed through with Our Lady's wishes. At the conclave that
followed the death of the old Pope, Siri was elected both on the third
and fourth ballots, and took the name of Gregory XVII, a fact which is
attested to even by documents recently declassified by the FBI, and
cited in a recent book. [This book is by Paul Williams, Prometheus
Books, Amherst, NY, 2003. In it Williams cites as his sources the
Department of State secret dispatch, "John XXIII" , November 20, 1958,
declassified November 11, 1974, and "Cardinal Siri", April 10, 1961,
declassified February 28, 1994; the book Murder in the Vatican,
Manhattan, page 29-32; and by John Cooney in his book The American
Pope: The Life and Times of Francis Cardinal Spellman, 1988, Times
Books, as well as Louis Remy in his article "The Pope: Could he be
Cardinal Siri?" in Sous La Banniere. All these were cited as sources
by Williams for his deductions].

This should finally be enough to convince the skeptics that the
so-called "Siri Theory" is no theory at all, but an historical fact.
It is the best explanation why for more than forty years under the
"conciliar popes" the Church has been revolutionized, and the true
Church is now in a state of eclipse.

The world had watched expectantly as white smoke signaled the election
of the new pope, the crowds cheered, the papal guard assembled to
welcome him, church bells rang all over Italy, and reports of his
election flashed around the world. But a momentous struggle was taking
place within the conclave, the outcome of which was already "fixed".
Pope Gregory XVII would not be permitted to take his rightful place in
the line of the successors of Peter. The papal office was wrested from
Siri, and that friend of Communists and Freemasons, Angelo Roncalli,
usurped the papal throne as John XXIII.

John XXIII's address at the opening of Vatican II, the instrument
which was to bring about Revolution within the Church, are a rebuke
for Pius XII, Cardinal Siri, and the Blessed Virgin Mary herself: "In
these modern times," he said, "they can see nothing but prevarication
and ruin. They behave as though at the time of former Councils,
everything was a full triumph of the Christian idea and life. We must
disagree with these prophets of gloom. Divine Providence is leading us
to a New Order of things" (John XXIII, October 11, 1962).

The Freemasons could not conceal their delight that a pope who would
implement their "New Order of things" was finally seated on the papal
throne, something for which they had long plotted and conspired. He
was immediately labeled "Good Pope John." No friend of Fatima,
considering it a hoax, "Good Pope John" would put a stop to it,
beginning by refusing to publish the Third Secret of Fatima in 1960,
as Our Lady had requested. Fatima would not be allowed to interfere
with his grandiose plans for dialogue with Communism, the Great Red
Dragon that threatened to envelop both world and Church in its godless

The dire consequences of ignoring Our Lady's message at Fatima may be
understood from the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Sr. Lucy at
Rianjo in August, 1931: "Make it known to my ministers that given they
follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of
My request, that they shall follow him into misfortune." Our Lord was
referring to the failure of the King of France to consecrate France to
His Sacred Heart, as He had requested through St. Margaret Mary
Alacoque. The result?evolution against throne and altar, bloodshed,
apostasy, from which France has never recovered. King Louis XVI, the
last king of France before the Revolution, was imprisoned and finally
executed in 1793. "They shall follow him into misfortune." Misfortune
indeed has fallen upon the papacy and the Church. As a result of
ignoring Our Lady's pleas we have seen two great world wars and
worldwide Revolution, while the "great apostasy" predicted by St. Paul
marches through the Church like the grim reaper.

A sad epilogue to these events confirms their reality. The final
insult to the Blessed Virgin Mary is that her beloved Shrine at Fatima
has fallen into the hands of apostates who plan to convert it into an
ecumenical center "where all the religions of the world will gather to
pay homage to their various gods," as the recent news release from
Portugal put it. Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, President of the
Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue has denied the report,
but plans are already underway, and a hideous new basilica will be
built to house the strange new Fatima pilgrims.

But we are getting somewhere. Gradually, the truth leaks out, and
everyone will soon realize that the true Church has been eclipsed by a
monstrous deception. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will finally
triumph, and Jesus Christ will return to claim His Bride, the Church,
purified and made holy and immaculate through present trials. "He who
testifies to these things says, 'It is true, I come quickly!' Amen!
Come, Lord Jesus!" (Apoc.22:20). - Father Louis Campbell

[Note: Excerpt from book "The Vatican Exposed", "The Pink Pope"
chapter, pgs. 90-92 and NOTES, p. 243: ...the age of eleven he entered
a minor seminary and twelve years later was ordained a priest. In
1918, after serving as a chaplain, Roncalli was assigned to teach
church history at the Pontifical Lateran Seminary in Rome. He was
dismissed from this position because of his Communist sympathies and
modernist ideas, including approval of "mixed marriages" (the marriage
between Catholics and non-Catholics). The so-called pink priest came
to serve as a letter copier in the Oriental Congregation of the Holy
See before receiving a commission to serve as the apostolic visitor to
Bulgaria--a post that required he be made a bishop.(2)

At the close of World War II, Roncalli was sent to Paris as papal
nuncio, where he became close friends with French President Vincent
Auriol; Maurice Thorez, the leader of the French Communists; and
Edouard Herriot, leader of the Radical Party. Thorez had sent a
glowing report about Roncalli to the Kremlin. Roncalli was an ideal
prelate, Thorez wrote to the Soviet officials, he understood Marxism
like a Marxist, and if the Communist Party had not been sponsoring a
program of militant atheism, he might have been the best "Christian
comrade" in the Roman Catholic Church.(3)

When Pius XII condemned and disbanded pro-Communist clerics, Roncalli
protested the condemnation in a private audience with the Holy Father
and then encouraged the worker-priests to go about their political
business but "not too openly."

In 1948, when Pius XII was threatening any prelate who supported
Communism, Roncalli, now serving as the Vatican's first permanent
observer at the United Nations, established close ties with Palmi
Togliatti and other members of the Italian Communist Party. The matter
of the "pink priest" could no longer be ignored, especially since
Togliatti informed Soviet officials that Roncalli would be the "ideal
man" to establish a "working compromise" between the Church and

In 1954 Count Della Torre, editor of the Vatican newspaper
L'Osservatore Romano, warned Pius XII of Roncalli's Communist
sympathies. Other members of the "Black Nobility" expressed similar

Nor did Roncalli escape the attention of the FBI and CIA. The agencies
began to accumulate thick files on him and the questionable activities
of other "progressives" within the Vatican, including Monsignor
Giovanni Battista Montini (the future Paul VI).

At the close of World War II, Roncalli was sent to Paris as papal
nuncio, where he became close friends with French President Vincent
Auriol; Maurice Thorez, the leader of the French Communists; and
Edouard Herriot, leader of the Radical Party. Thorez had sent a
glowing report about Roncalli to the Kremlin. Roncalli was an ideal
prelate, Thorez wrote to the Soviet officials, he understood Marxism
like a Marxist, and if the Communist Party had not been sponsoring a
program of militant atheism, he might have been the best "Christian
comrade" in the Roman Catholic Church.(3)

Pius XII had appointed Cardinal Guiseppe Siri as his desired
successor.(7) Siri was rabidly anti-Communist, an intransigent
traditionalist in matters of church doctrine, and a skilled bureaucrat
who had been personally trained in the intricacies of Vatican finances
by Bernardino Nogara. Moreover, Siri had the support of a group of
cardinals known as "the Pentagon." The group included Cardinals
Canali, Pizzardo, Mucara, Ottaviani, Mimmi, and Spellman. Few paid
heed to the formation of a progressive or anti-Pentagon group composed
of Polish primate Wyszynski, the Indian cardinal Garcias, the French
cardinals, Cardinal Lercaro, and Roncalli. The progressives were
concerned about the rigidly of Pius XII's regime, including the
centralization of all power and authority in the person of the pope,
the unwillingness to initiate reform, and the crusading anti-Communism
that was creating a chasm between the east and the west.

In 1958, when the cardinals were locked away in the Sistine Chapel to
elect a new pope, mysterious event began to unfold. On the third
ballot, Siri, according to FBI sources, obtained the necessary votes
and was elected Pope Gregory XVII.(8) White smoke poured from the
chimney of the chapel to inform the faithful that a new pope had been
chosen. The news was announced with joy at 6 P.M. on Vatican radio.
The announcer said, "The smoke is white...There is absolutely no
doubt. A pope has been elected.(9) The Palatine and Swiss Guards were
alerted. The former were summoned from their barracks and ordered to
report to St. Peter's Basilica for the announcement of the name of the
Holy Father. Thousands gathered beneath the windows of the apostolic
palace waiting to receive the blessing of the new pope.

But the new pope failed to appear. Question began to arise whether the
smoke was white or gray. To quell such doubts, Monsignor Santaro,
secretary of the Conclave of Cardinals, informed the press that the
smoke, indeed, had been white and that a new pope had been elected.
The waiting continued. By evening Vatican radio announced that the
results remained uncertain. On October 27, 1958, the Houston Post
headlined: "Cardinals Fail to elect pope in 4 Ballots: Mix-Up in Smoke
Signals Cause False Reports."(10)

But the reports had been valid. On the fourth ballot, according to FBI
sources, Siri again obtained the necessary votes and was elected
supreme pontiff. But the French cardinals annulled the results,
claiming that the election would cause widespread riots and the
assassination of several prominent bishops behind the Iron

The cardinals opted to elect Cardinal Frederico Tedischini as a
"transitional pope," but Tedischini was too ill to accept the

Finally, on the third day of balloting, , Roncalli received the
necessary support to become Pope John XXIII. The conservative
cardinals believed that Roncalli, at the age of seventy-eight, was too
old to wreak havoc within the Vatican and would only serve as a
"guardian pope" until the next conclave. They were mistaken.

John XXIII's first act as pope was to appoint Archbishop Giovanni
Battista Montini, his fellow "progressive" who had been "exiled" to
the North of Italy, as a cardinal. He next appointed twenty-three
additional cardinals to ward off any attempt by the "ultras" (as the
new pope called the old guard) to regain control of the Vatican. Many
of the new cardinals were well known for their leftist sentiments;
others were from Third World countries.(12) Returning to the United
States from the conclave, Cardinal Spellman announced his disdain of
the new pope by saying: "He's no Pope. He should be selling
bananas."(13) [END OF QUOTE pgs. 90-92]

[BEGIN QUOTE: page 243, NOTES, "The Vatican Exposed", by Paul
Williams] 2. John Cooney, The American Pope: The Life and Time of
Francis Cardinal Spellman (New York: Times Books, 1988) p. 260. 3.
Department of State secret dispatch, "John XXIII," issue date:
November 20, 1958, declassified: November 11, 1974; see also
Manhattan, Murder in the Vatican, p. 29. 4. Department of State
confidential biography, "John XXIII," issue date: no date,
declassified: February 15, 1974; see also, Manhattan, Murder in the
Vatican, pp. 29-30. 5. Department of State confidential biography,
"John XXIII"; see also Manhattan, Murder in the Vatican, p. 31. 6.
Department of State confidential biography, "John XXIII"; see also
Manhattan, Murder in the Vatican, p. 32. 7. Cooney, American Pope, p.
259. 8. Department of State secret dispatch, "John XXIII." News of
this bizarre event was leaked to foreign journalists, including Louis
Remy, who later wrote an article entitled "The Pope: Could He Be
Cardinal Siri?" The article appeared in Sous La Banniere 6
(July/August 1986). 9. The announcer's words appeared in the London
Tablet, November 1, 1958, p. 387. 10. Houston Post, October 27, 1958,
pp. 1 and 7. 11. Department of state secret file, "Cardinal Siri",
issue date: April 10, 1961, declassified: February 28, 1994; see also
Remy, "The Pope: Could He Be Cardinal Siri?" 12. Manhattan, Murder in
the Vatican, p. 37; Richard P. McBrien, Lives of the Popes (San
Francisco: Harper, 1997), pp. 371-72. 13. Cardinal Spellman, quoted in
Cooney, American Pope, p. 261. 14. Manhattan, Murder in the Vatican,
pp. 37-38. 15. "Mater et Magistra," in Renewing the Earth: Catholic
Documents of Peace, Justice, and Liberation, ed. David O'Brien and
Thomas Shannon (Garden City, N.Y.: Image Books, 1977), pp. 50-116. 16.
"Pacem in Terris," in ibid., pp. 125-70. 17. John XXIII, quoted in
Manhattan, Murder in the Vatican, p. 41. 18. John XXIII, quoted in
McBrien, Live of the Popes, p. 373. 19. Manhattan, Murder in the
Vatican, p. 44. 20. Harry Herder, Italy: A Short History (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 259-60. [END QUOTE]

From: "p"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Donation 4u - URGENT
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2003


Great site.well done!!!

I would like to pay you a Donation or Consultancy fee in order that
you may advise me of the best way to get "the
establishment/Freemasons" off my case.

I have LOST everything.



From: "w"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: i have a story for you
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003

the masonic order in my community bought my son shoes when my wife and
myself could not afford them, this has been years ago but not many.
maybe 7 years. they offered to send my son to the doctor for glasses
because i didnt have insurance to cover it. my neighbor that lives a
little down the road has a daughter that was club footed, and would
not be able to walk if it was not for the shriners, which if im not
mistaken is a branch of the masons. they didnt charge them a dime. im
not a mason, but every man i know that is one is a good man. why is it
that you think the masonic order is so bad? i hear the crap all the
time..........turn 1999 upside down and its 666 this is the end of
time. social security number is the mark of the beast...........on and
on. get a life! on one of your many pages, you had a guy that posted 2
years ago saying " if the lodge was so bad you would be killed". you
are obviously not. i think you are sad and must not have a life. must
have been turned down by a lodge at some point or denied entry. go
jump on the organizations that dont any work for there community. when
was the last time you did anything for the people in your community?
im not talking about a church dinner now. post this on your page. you
dont have the nerve. you wont because it is the truth and thats
something you are not after.


p.s. im a paramedic now and i do good in my community everyday. learn
to help those around you and not be a thorn in the ass of society.
freedom to practice religion as they saw fit. that was what this
country was founded on. if you dont like it, go to mexico or somewhere
else. stop trying to push your crap down eveyones throat.

Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003
From: "s"
To: ***@yahoo.com

Dear editor,

I have sent this email before, as I have not had a reply I am sending
it again.

I have some very interesting information about those in power and the
freemasons that I would like to send to you. This information I gained
through persona;l experiences with a man who works for those in power.

Is an attachment of a word document OK?. Can I have a mailing address.

Look forward to hearing from you.


From: A
Subject: Hi
To: "***@yahoo.com
CC: "m", "w", "t", "a", "f", "i", "a"

Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003



From: "F"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003

You're a complete asshole .. and this is from a Mason...


From: "R and L"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: incorrect
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003

I put masonry into the Google search engine and clicked on a site that
read "100 megs freemasonry” and was astonished.

The way in which you talk about Freemason's is "retarded” at best. I
think that the individual that authored this site as NOT ONE CLUE
about the GOOD that Masonry does for society. Information on this site
should be carefully considered. The Art Bell listener of this site
should disclose this much and as this site is a Freemasonry watch site
I will be watching THIS site for more misrepresentation!


From: "P"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: The Royal Bank of Freemasons ???
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003


Attached is a copy of some "information" that may be of some interest
to you

I have had a complaint with NatWest "the Royal Bank of Freemasons" (as
I now call them) for 3 years now...

The 'RBF' have argued many things to me over the last 3 years. I
obtained a copy of my Banking records under the Data Protection Act
1998, and these records proved that the Bank was not telling the
truth. I have been to the Information Commissioner & the Banking
Ombudsman - they both accepted the Banks stories instead of the truth
& the Banks own records.

To us, the fact that these 'people' were accepting lies over the
'truth' was crazy, however, we found it easy to accept that fact. And
when NatWests' credit card advert came out, well, that just confirmed
what we had suspected all along.




From: " L"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: sign
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003


I do hope I am writing to the right place! If not, I apologise.
Anyway, I remember from my childhood a special way of folding a sheet
of paper as a Masonic sign. I wonder if you could detail as to how
this was done, if you have heard of it.





Not familiar with folding paper sign.

We know they have a special handkerchief fold, a special way of
writing the letter A, a special way of salutations in letter writing.
The permutations of clever ritual regurgitation are practically
endless. There is much unique regional variation as well.

The fold would probably mimic apron flap folds, there is a few ways of
doing that depending on degree and rite.

Mind numbing stuff.

The Devil has a lot of time on his hands...




From: "G & S"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: masonry
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003

If only you knew what you were talking about I might take you somewhat
seriously. You don't have a clue! I am very cross at the way you
portray freemasonry without facts. If you bothered to take the time to
study the ritual and what freemasonry stands for you may get blown
away by its teachings. You obviously have looked at it or listened to
someone talk about it and been totally misled. Facts are what you need
not stories or opinions and impressions. It teaches us to live by the
values and teachings in the bible or whatever faith you believe in,
probably more so and better than the churches do.

It also teaches us to live in harmony with our fellow creatures, not
in conflict. Everything has good and bad side to it and it is
unfortunate that when they do crop up it makes it difficult for the
masons that are trying to make this world a better place. There are a
lot of good men out there just trying, not for profit, to improve
themselves in the sight of God and man So please, before casting
dispersions on anyone, make sure you get all the info and also take a
look at oneself. For in the bible is says" Those who are not guilty
may cast the first stone!" Who is innocent! BTW . We are an
organisation of religious people, NOT a religious organistion.

I would suggest you talk to a mason and he will probably show you
inside if you ask him politely and he will probably give you all of
what to want to know. I would like to tell you more but I haven't the
time now.


Freemasonry Watch is the most complete and accurate site on the
internet about Freemasonry.

Satan is the Master of the Lodge.




From: "r "
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: reactivation
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003

hello sir,

My message seems to be strange, but please take my request as serious.

I am lebanese, my grandfather was a freemason in the 30's and 40's and
50's, unfortunatly he passed away, and I want to reactivate his
membership through myself.

please reply my e-mail discussing my chances to join again.


P.S: I have inhereted a valuable watch that has the logo of the mason,
it is a gift from queen Elizabeth, the watch was granted to my
grandfather by the queen in Egypt.


Indeed your request is a strange one "R".

Perhaps you haven't quite caught ahold of the jist of this website.



From: "T"
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003
Subject: myself
To: ***@yahoo.com


Just got on your site, came to this portion of it. I am married to a
mason. I know all about, their games, they became involved with my
marriage when things stated going bad, to say it in short terms.

It has been a nasty 3 years and getting to the end, I would say. As i
sit here tonight at our home here in NC, I feel I have helped earn
this house, if you read between the lines. Are you a ex-mason? I am
going though hell and back, but God has opened my eyes to the very
real things that has happened in my marriage, over a total of 14 yrs
all together.

At one point I was scared for my ownself, due to my husband's 32
degree masonry, which as you know is very high. A handshake, is their
way of life, and it could be your end of life. If someone has not seen
the forefront of circumstances, as i have, if my husband didn't know
that I know what is going on.

I have told family members about the .......[redacted]


From: "s"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Freemasons
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003

No problem and good luck to you. Perhaps a MYsql database for your
guestbook and forum would help to protect you against future raids?
You can always backup the database daily.

You have to understand that these people either know exactly what they
are doing or have no clue. That's because they are being brainwashed.
Very powerful stuff! They have to protect their brainwashing
techniques so members won't realize what is going on.

I've set up a page pointing out this very fact. It shows the doctrine
of the Masons and then applies the brainwashing techniques being used
on them. They go hand and hand. Feel free to mirror the site if you
feel it would be powerful for you site. (Cute and paste the html
source code - it'll save you a ton of time with the tables). I realize
you have some information about brainwashing on your site, but this is
a side by side comparison.

Again, if you ever need any help with the site, let me know. One of
the best things you can do is go to as many free hosting companies,
sign up and upload your home page (index.html). They won't be able to
keep up with you on that one.


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003
From: "b"
Subject: Masonary
To: ***@yahoo.com

you are the worst person ever...how dare you critize a organization
that is based from the Bible. I am a part of the Masonic Family. You
are a disgrace to this world and to the human race. You are putting
information out thats not even true. Theres nothing in Masons that
says that they worship Satan. You need to check your facts before you
put things out. You asked for people to send you an email about how
Masonary hurt them or their friends or family. Well let me tell you,
you are hurting me because you have all this stuff thats not even

- a member of the Masonic Family


From: "l"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: No Comm:
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003

Since there has been no response to my previous e-mails I must
conclude you are bogus. I am disappointed.


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003
From: "L"
Subject: Question
To: ***@yahoo.com

Dear Sir/Mrs,

I came across your website, I am doing some research for my book about
the free masons what they stand for and what they do. I would like to
ask you if you would like to co-operate and help me to write my book
with all the secrets about free masonary, including where exactly you
have this information from. I am not interested in becoming a free
mason I am writing a book about it. All info is welcome including the
History the presence and images. I would also like to know if your
name may be offically mentioned in my book, if you do not want this I
will by no means mention your name. I sincerly hope you would like to
co-operate, and communicate with me via e-mail, so I can ask you any
questions along the way. It is all on a voluntary base there are no
compensations money.

I would like to thank you in advance for your time and effort and I
hope to hear from you soon,

Your sincerly L


Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003
From: "a"
Subject: Be more succint in your efforts
To: ***@yahoo.com

your information takes so long to read, and at times is so confusing,
be more succinct!!!!


From: "s"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Freemasons
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003


I have visited your site and link to your site from my web pages all
the time. I see you have had trouble with the Freemasons on your site.
You must be hurting them deeply :). Listen, I'm a web designer and if
you need any help whatsoever with your site, you let me know. I can
install a database for better protection of your guestbook and forums.
I can also send you a simple java script that will automatically relay
your old pages to your new domain.

You just let me know what you need done. Just to let you know, someone
is on your side. I am currently working on a redesign of my site. I
had to get it up quickly as our county commissioner is a mason (I'm
fairly confident and he will not deny it) and my web site really
ticked him off. So I just threw it together and put an ad in the local
paper directing our locals to my web site (Know the TRUTH about your
government). You're doing great in the search engines, so if possible,
don't take down your old site, just relay it!

I hope I can help in some way. Don't let them get to you! If we come
together we can get you back up in no time...better, stronger and
faster (and more secure).



From: "T"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Why not petition?
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003


I would like to share with you a story involving my husband me and the
Masonic lodge. About a year ago my husband decided he wanted to become
a mason at our local lodge. I was fine with that and supported him
until I found (nosy lil critter I am...lol) his practice sheet for a
ritual (I'm sure I still have a copy of it somewhere if I can find it
I will forward it to you) When reading it I could not keep from
getting horrible cold chills. It spoke of weird satanic things one of
the things was something like if you broke their vowel of
confidentiality you would be beheaded and laid at the shore of the
ocean to be washed away or eaten by wild animals. Also I was very
upset by the fact that he was to undress totally (including his
wedding band which is the bond of our marriage) and place one of their
robs on with a noose around his neck in order for this ritual to be
conducted. I immediately ask him to quit...we had several rounds of
fire over this issue and I even told him if he insisted on continuing
this I would divorce him. It went as far as my hiring a lawyer and
serving him with divorce papers before he came to his senses. But he
still will not discuss anything about the mason's with me. I am
wondering if it would be possible that he has just told me he would
stop with the lodge but in actuality has been just keeping it from me.
Can you just stop being a mason?

Any way that is my story in short...Why don't people petition the
mason's are they that stronger group? I think they are Satan, KKK
supporter's...I also think they hide behind their good deed's in order
to cover for their evilness.

Thanks for listening,



From: "d"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: A Friendly Letter
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003

I have to admit, I find your site quite humorous and an interesting
"twist" on things. As you, with all your research should know... there
are actually only very few "secrective" things involved in Free
Masonry. You, I am sure with all your indepth research into the
subject should know this. As a mason myself, I take delight in
browsing your sight sometimes, just to take a moment to reflect on how
others see and think of us.

I have found that we are perceived to be a fraternity to be "watched".
Well, quite honestly, I do not feel that would be a bad thing.......It
would probably dispell alot of the myths and accusations that are
asserted on your website. As someone once said, " this too shall pass
". I am sure as long as there are noble and just men in the world,
FreeMasonry shall not pass, however...time is the final judge on these
matters...FreeMasonry, as it is known, has been us for several
hundered years....the Internet???

As with any form of communication, be it a play at a theatre, a
recording,or a written work, the person to whom it is communicated to
has the the ability to judge it accordingly. Do we concentrate only on
the bad traits and failings of the lead character in the works, or do
we judge the character as a whole? Do we leave a play wondering what
the moral was, only to overhear someone talking about it afterwards,
forming our opinions around theirs? It seems that the FreeMasonryWatch
hopes to have the same results...take what you have read and form the
same opinion...sounds like the same type things that the Masons are
accused of..."brain washing"...I have to wonder if somewhere along the
line the conspericy believers are willing to believe any story that
comes along......perhaps, may I be so bold as to say " brain washed "
into believing that anything that may be good has to be bad.

Fraternaly yours,
Bro. D


Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003
From: "J"
Subject: re your web site masonic hassles by the unseeing eyes of
To: ***@yahoo.com

Dear Sir,

I was reading articles on your web site and I noticed you had your
information at 50 megs. dot com confiscated, etc. and removed many of
the discussion boards. I assume you have a copy of your web site
materials on local hard disks.

I am an amateur web publisher preferring christian based publishing,
non apostacy as much as possible. It is usually easy to set up an ftp
program to copy your 50 megs web site materials to your local hard
drive and visa versa in case of the event as such as you experienced,
i.e. harassment from the ungodly. It is also easy to setup regular
backups of your data, discussion boards, etc. in case someone at one
web site goes under economically, or political harassment and keep
backups on a dvd writer, cdrw etc. either would do. I assume your web
publishers know how easily this is done.

I appreciated your publishing articles though I find what the masons
and secret societies (i.e. people trying to hide their sins from GOD
because ignorantly they do not know he sees what they think and feel.)
try to use in deceiving others. May Jesus and GOD Bless your efforts.
May Jesus in whom there is no evil bless your efforts but be wary of
the levin of pagan practices, for I wonder if by looking at the
abominations do we corrupt our minds with the sick and wrong levin of
their doctrines?



Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003
From: "D & C"
To: ***@yahoo.com

hey this is in regards to the problem with Joes juke box you sorry son
of bitch have no right to mess with the music i would greatly
appreciate if you dumb fucks would stop

thank you

C & D


Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003
From: "G"
Subject: Military Freemasonry
To: ***@yahoo.com

I knew about the decision in Britain to disallow membership in the
Masons. It now puts proof in what I have been saying all along. It's
really hard to tell the story and have people believe what I am

I am a disabled Veteran and cannot type or write for more than a
couple minutes without taking a 15 minute break. The VA is buying me
some speech recognition software and once I know how to use it I am
going to write a book about everything that has happened to me and
others in the military. I hope to start it by the end of November.

I get tired of telling the stories over and over again and several
people have said I should write a book so I am going to give it a

I am using "G..." as my alias fearing I will lose my VA benefits if
they find out who I really am. I worked for the VA for several months
and there are hundreds of Masons employed by the VA. If you know of
any other servicemembers who have told of similar experiences feel
free to put them in contact with me.

I look forward to your page on Masons in the Military.




From: "se"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Hi
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003

Hi there,

I am form Brazil, and FM has been doing many bad things here as usual.

The thing is that my town, called [.....] which is just 45 minutes by
car from Sao Paulo city, is the centre of FM in Brazil. It is a half
million peoplo town, and there are more than 15 masonic lodges! They
just control everything over here, I just hate them all.

I have recently established 15 anti-masonic lists on the internet, but
FM's public relation made Yahoo.groups banned all of them. See below
the English version of 4 of them.

Now I am constructing a new anti-masonic web site, and I have to admit
that I am based on your web site
http://freemasonwatch.freepress-freespeech.com/ I was thinking in
doing a Brazilian version of your web site, I mean, in Portuguese
language, as it is spoken in Brazil.

I have lost lots of material when Yahoo banned my groups. The files
and photos section of my groups were full of anti-masonic material.
What would you say? Any advice or suggestion?



Grupo: Anti-Freemasons


Anti-Freemasons is a completely independent discussion group aiming to
counter the subversion of public institutions by the Freemasons. There
are approximately 6 million Freemasons in regular lodges scattered
around the world. Of this number, more than 3 million are to be found
in the United States, where there are numerous distinct Masonic

Anti-Freemasons group will analyze and discuss Freemasonry and its
suspicious activities, scope, and influence in American national
social and political life, its opposition to the practice of religion,
and its activities in various other countries like Italy, Germany,
France, Japan, China, Brazil, the Philippines, etc. It is open to all
ethinic minorities groups.

'I have spoken openly to the world; I always taught in synagogues, and
in the temple where all the Jews come together; and I spoke nothing in
secret'." (John 18:20)

Freemasonry is a religion and is a secret organization. According to
John F. Kennedy-address to newspaper publishers, in April 27, 1961,
''the very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and
we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret
societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long
ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of
pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers, which are cited to justify

The group will also discuss the York Rite, the Scottish Rite, the
Shriners, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Order of De Molay, the
Order of Job's Daughters and the Order of Rainbow.

Post message: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subscribe: anti_freemasons-***@yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: anti_freemasons-***@yahoogroups.com
List owner: anti_freemasons-***@yahoogroups.com


Grupo: Christianity and Freemasonry


This is a completely independent internet based discussion group
focused on the incompatibility between Christianity and Freemasonry.
Most major denominations including the Anglicans, Roman Catholics,
Church of Scotland and Methodists have all clearly stated at one time
or another that Freemasonry and Christianity are definitely
incompatible. We are told in Ephesians 5 not to have fellowship with
'the unfruitful works of darkness' but rather expose them.
Christianity is God's revealed religion, has to do with light and
open-ness, and secrecy is condemned. Read Isaiah 45:19 and John 18:20.
Freemasonry is in direct opposition to Christianity. In this group we
will discuss and exposes the evil of freemasonry at its most basic, as
well as advanced levels.

Group Email Addresses

Post message: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subscribe: christianity_freemasonry-***@yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: christianity_freemasonry-***@yahoogroups.com
List owner: christianity_freemasonry-***@yahoogroups.com


Group: Catholic Church x Freemasonry


This is a completely independent internet based discussion group
focused on the incompatibility between Christianity and Freemasonry.
Freemasonry is incompatible with the Catholic faith. Freemasonry
teaches a naturalistic religion that espouses indifferentism, the
position that a person can be equally pleasing to God while remaining
in any religion. Masonry is a parallel religion to Christianity. The
New Catholic Encyclopedia states, "Freemasonry displays all the
elements of religion, and as such it becomes a rival to the religion
of the Gospel. It includes temples and altars, prayers, a moral code,
worship, vestments, feast days, the promise of reward and punishment
in the afterlife, a hierarchy, and initiative and burial rites" (vol.
6, p. 137). Masonry is also a secret society. 'I have spoken openly to
the world; I always taught in synagogues, and in the temple where all
the Jews come together; and I spoke nothing in secret'." (John 18:20)

Group Email Addresses

Post message: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subscribe: Catholichurch_Freemasonry-***@yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: Catholichurch_Freemasonry-***@yahoogroups.com
List owner: Catholichurch_Freemasonry-***@yahoogroups.com


Group: Descrimination and racism masonic


Freemasons institutionalized the descrimination and racism against
black people, women, disabled persons, and homosexuals through its own
Constitution. According to the Masonic Anderson's Constitutions (1723)
III Of LODGES, ''The persons admitted Members of a Lodge must be good
an true Men, free-born, and of mature and discreet Age, no Bondmen no
Women, no immoral or scandalous men, but of good Report.''
Discrimination, in Freemasonry, can be defined as the unequal
treatment of equals. Another way of putting it is to say that a person
is denied equal opportunity for reasons that are not relevant to the
task at hand. Racism as practised by freemasonry, states that
inherited physical characteristics, such as skin color, facial
features, hair texture, and the like, determine behavior patterns,
personality traits, or intellectual abilities. In practice, racism in
freemasonry typically takes the form of a claim that freemasons are
superior to others. Freemasonry express a concept of differences among
peoples, it has contributed to prejudice and discrimination among
groups in many parts of the world.

Post message: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subscribe: masonic_discrimination-***@yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: masonic_discrimination-***@yahoogroups.com
List owner: masonic_discrimination-***@yahoogroups.com


From: "N"
Subject: Hi
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003



From: " D"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: The Dying God
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2003

Dear Mason Stoppers,

I would like inform you of my book, The Dying God: The Hidden History
of Western Civilization.

There are many books that expose the modern role of the occult.
However, others, which claim to trace its origins in ancient hitory,
have been written generally by occultists.

Therefore, there has been lacking a critical study of the progress of
occult thought and organizations from an objective point of view.

I hope my book fills that gap. Occultists falsely claim their
doctrines to be traced far back in ancient times, particularly to
Egypt or Mesopotamia. These assertions are merely partly correct.

In the sixth century BC, in Babylon, the ancient worship of a dying
god was assimilated to Chaldean astrology and magic, creating the cult
that came to be known as that of the Magi. Being the century of the
Exile, when an important part of the Jewish population was found in
the city, it also led to the formation of the Kabbalah of Judaism, if
the two movements were not one and the same.

When Babylon came within the bounds of the Persians, they helped to
then spread these doctrines with the expansion of their empire. While
generally aknowledged as the birth of "rational" thought, Greek
philosophy more properly represented the elaboration of Magian or even
Kabbalistic ideas among the Greeks.

Following the conquests of Alexander, this tradition was disseminated
throughout the Roman Empire, flourishing, particularly, at Alexandria,
in Egypt, where it fostered the outgrowth of various mystical schools,
founded on "mystery teachings", that is, Kabbalah, and known as
Gnosticism, Hermeticism, and Neoplatonism.

Following the downfall of Rome, it was the Arabs of Islam who
continued this tradition, among whom it led to the creation of Sufism,
and a mystical branch of Shia Islam, known as Ismailism, the most
notorious of which were the Assassins.

There are claims that the Templars learned their teachings from these.
Whatever the case may be, there was a renaissance of Kabbalistic
teaching that took place in Southern France, in the last half of the
twelfth century, with which Chivalry, Catharism and the legends of the
Holy Grail were interconnected.

The Florentine Renaissance again featured the revival of the occult
tradition, represented in the rediscovery of Hermeticism and
Neoplatonism, which was then promoted by the Rosicrucians and the
Enlightenment, representing interest inimical to Christianity, and
culminating ultimately in the French Revolution.

For more information, I invite you to visit my site:


Best regards,



Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003
From: "J"
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: Masonry

Never before have I seen a web site with so much misinformation and
fabricated stories. It must have taken quite some time to collect all
these tales. I have been a Mason since October 2001. I was lucky
enough to have been exposed to Freemasonry by my Father-in-law.
Although he never asked me to join, I was interested by the pride he
took in his Fraternity. Which is what Freemasonry is. It is a
fraternity like the others. My niece is/was in a Sorority. There are
things that happened during her initiation that she can't tell me or
anyone else either. So I guess that makes her a Satanic person as
well. You people are truly unbelievable. You prove that people
ridicule and are afraid of what they don't understand.

God Bless The U.S.A.

Brother J 32*
Lodge #
Valley of


Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003
From: "R"
To: ***@yahoo.com


I have spent many hours on your website reading about Freemasonary,
and the evils that they have portraid in your eye's. But, I have a
question for you that I want YOU to answer. How powerful do you think
Free Masonary really is?

I always read about X-Masons saying that Masonary makes them believe
in Satan or has no place for God. If Freemasonary is so bad why do
they quit A.S.A.P. Now I dont know as much as you do about
Freemasonary, but it seem to me that your website tie's Masonay into
many bad elements within our society. That is why I ask this question

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you


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Our MasonStoppers Line
Send us in confidence details of cases where you think
Organized Freemasonry has personally hurt yourself,
family, friends, aquaintances, or community. We would
also appreciate any additional background information,
links, and references on Freemasonry and the Occult.
Help us take a bite out of Freemasonry.


Home Page
1599 Geneva Bible Online
1 Corinthians 14:8 And also if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to battle?

"Let not Geneva be forgotten or despised. Religious liberty owes it
most respect." John Adams, the second president of the United States

Yahoo Group Owner
Ed King
2004-07-26 22:00:32 UTC
Post by Steve2875
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 11:12:14 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by Steve2875
Masonic Child Baptism
Utter fabrication.
Another word for truth, you guys keep chnging the meanings of words,
gay used to mean happy now it means Queer.
"you guys"?

So does this mean:


or all of the above?

Since you've crossposted to alt.christnet.christianlife,
alt.christnet.evangelical, alt.freemasonry,
alt.religion.christian.adventist, alt.religion.christian.baptist,
Post by Steve2875
So now Fabrication means Truth.
When did that change?

<Crossposts left intact since it appears that "Steve" wants to condemn
everyone - except, of course, himself>

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
Ed King
2004-07-26 22:00:35 UTC
http://www.freemasonrywatch <snip>
Hey, Steve: have you asked "Watchy" what religion he espouses?

Have you asked him if he still hates Orientals?


<Silly childish cross-posts retained>

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
2004-07-26 22:06:32 UTC
Post by Ed King
http://www.freemasonrywatch <snip>
Hey, Steve: have you asked "Watchy" what religion he espouses?
Have you asked him if he still hates Orientals?
<Silly childish cross-posts retained>
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
Sure, TRY to discredit the messenger, but the facts that I posted are
there for all to see and realize that Freemasonry is of Satan.
Hammond of Texas
2004-07-26 18:14:38 UTC
Post by Steve875
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 09:47:21 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Please, do it some more. You're fun to watch.
Hammond, stop stamping your feet then.
Thank you.

All too easy...
Ed King
2004-07-26 22:00:36 UTC
Post by Steve875
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 09:47:21 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by Steve8675
I HAVE DONE the research, and I am presenting the facts that Ex-Masons
have written about, now go back into your hole and stop lying about
That your sources, and thereby, your conclusions are seriously flawed
has been well established here. Stamping your feet and insisting
otherwise is childish, to say the least.
Please, do it some more. You're fun to watch.
Hammond, stop stamping your feet then.
<Chuckle> Whatsamatta? All this hash you're posting has been addressed a
thousand times before. You're a one-trick pony with a filthy mouth to boot.

Such a _good_ example of Christianity!

You talk about Masons being 'unequally yoked' but in your case, you're
yoked perfectly with those just like you: anonymous liars, racists, and
those whose mouth isn't fit to pray with.

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
2004-07-26 22:09:49 UTC
Post by Ed King
Post by Steve875
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 09:47:21 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by Steve8675
I HAVE DONE the research, and I am presenting the facts that Ex-Masons
have written about, now go back into your hole and stop lying about
That your sources, and thereby, your conclusions are seriously flawed
has been well established here. Stamping your feet and insisting
otherwise is childish, to say the least.
Please, do it some more. You're fun to watch.
Hammond, stop stamping your feet then.
<Chuckle> Whatsamatta? All this hash you're posting has been addressed a
thousand times before. You're a one-trick pony with a filthy mouth to boot.
Such a _good_ example of Christianity!
You talk about Masons being 'unequally yoked' but in your case, you're
yoked perfectly with those just like you: anonymous liars, racists, and
those whose mouth isn't fit to pray with.
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
That's alright, keep lying and twisting what I said, your Masonicinfo
site is laughable to those that are Ex-Masons and know the truth that
you hide with your Snopes type website.

Ed King
2004-07-26 22:45:53 UTC
Post by Steve8675
I HAVE DONE the research, and I am presenting the facts that Ex-Masons
have written about, now go back into your hole and stop lying about
Could you please tell us what ex-Masons have claimed that
Post by Steve8675
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
Names, please?

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
Frank Trebor
2004-07-26 22:57:11 UTC
Post by Jani
Oh, you carry on. I for one am thoroughly sick of listening to my Mason
friends slandered by the likes of "Steve". Yes, OK, he's just a troll, but
there are people who actually *believe* such nonsense if it isn't
Jani - It is NOT possible for one to be a true servant of God (Christian)
and a mason at the same time...........Please refer to my other post
2004-07-26 14:51:17 UTC
Boy, you have some strange fantasies, Steve.

Post by Stevez176
Post by Ed King
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?
For shame....
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
Frank Trebor
2004-07-26 23:01:48 UTC
Post by Jani
Boy, you have some strange fantasies, Steve.
As do you, Jani, are you a freemason?
Hammond of Texas
2004-07-26 16:15:18 UTC
After being repeatedly barraged with irrefutable evidence that he is
little more than a remarkably prolific, but otherwise typically
pathetic, lying, usenet troll, AND after being challenged repeatedly to
defend his lies with credible evidence, or even evindence of his own
reasoning, however flawed that might be...
Post by Stevez176
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
Proving, once and for all that he is that anti-social, lying, usenet
troll who really CAN'T form his own line of coherent reasoning.

One is tempted to plonk him, but the gawker's "train wreck" impulse is
still strong...
Frank Trebor
2004-07-26 23:32:53 UTC
Post by Hammond of Texas
After being repeatedly barraged with irrefutable evidence that he is
little more than a remarkably prolific, but otherwise typically
pathetic, lying, usenet troll, AND after being challenged repeatedly to
defend his lies with credible evidence, or even evindence of his own
reasoning, however flawed that might be...
Proving, once and for all that he is that anti-social, lying, usenet
troll who really CAN'T form his own line of coherent reasoning.
One is tempted to plonk him, but the gawker's "train wreck" impulse is
still strong...
Hammond, you are nothing but "spambait"........
I can cut and paste with the best of them, and I challenge
you to read and try to refute the following:-

Why Albert Pike's Statue Must Fall, The Scottish Rite's KKK Project

by Anton Chaitkin

{The following is the edited text of the speech delivered by Mr.
Chaitkin to the Labour Day weekend conference of the Schiller Institute in
suburban Washington, D.C.}

In the heart of Washington, D.C., there is a large statue and monument
honouring the most important founder of the Ku Klux Klan.

Inscribed on the base of the statue are the words, ``poet''--the
terrorist anthem of the KKK was his most famous literary work--and
``jurist''--he was called the KKK's chief judiciary officer, and
reputedly wrote the organization manual for the terrorist anti-black
movement after the U.S. Civil War.

The immense, bearded figure of Confederate General Albert Pike is
looming over a public square in the nation's capital. Why has it never
been pulled down in that predominantly black city?

The statue is a tribute to the influence of Pike's organization. It has
power in the Executive Branch, and the Congress, and it is decisive in the
courts. It has great power in all branches of
law enforcement and the military.

Do I mean that the Ku Klux Klan has such sway over the government? No, I'm
speaking here of the ``Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern
Jurisdiction,'' of which Pike was the chief, or ``Sovereign Grand

The Ku Klux Klan, the Southern Confederacy, and the pre-Civil War
secession movement were a single, continuous project, with Pike's
``Scottish Rite'' at its centre. Though the Confederacy was defeated,
this project lives on today, and now dominates U.S. political life.

Look at Baker & Botts, the Houston family firm and power base of
Secretary of State James A. Baker III. This law firm was formed after the
Civil War by die-hard Confederate and Masonic officials in Albert Pike's
Scottish Rite and military clique. With their British imperial racial
notions, Baker & Botts and Scottish Rite freemasonry have dominated
the Texas power structure ever since.

Secretary Baker's grandfather, Captain James A. Baker, brought English
race scientist Julian Huxley in to supervise the ``race purification''
study program for Texas, at Rice University. Secretary Baker's family
wealth and power came from their representing Harriman, the
international oil companies and George Bush's Zapata Petroleum, all
sponsors of the population control, or ban-dark-babies movement. This
movement is synonymous with the Scottish Rite.

Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, a state infested by the tradition of
Albert Pike, who was the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in
Arkansas. Look closely at the mind-set. Bill Clinton supports and
carries out the death penalty, which in practice means executions of
black people and poor people; and Clinton supports abortion. Clinton sat
down, and worked out his views on these issues with his Baptist
minister, the late Rev. W.O. Vaught, who was Clinton's spiritual guide and
virtual foster father.

As Vaught's son recently told me, Clinton and his pastor agreed that
their religion permits the killing of prisoners and unborn children. The
authority for this version of Christianity is derived from a peculiar,
neo-pagan reading of the Old Testament. And the New Testament, with its ban
on revenge and requirement to love, is considered irrelevant: They say that
Christ was primarily concerned with fulfilling the Old Law of the Hebrews
(as interpreted by this faction), and when Christ said love your enemy and
turn the other cheek, he was really trying to reinforce and impose the
authority of the Roman Empire.

But whose religion is this? Well, the Reverend W.O. Vaught was a 32nd
Degree Mason, a {Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret} within the Scottish
Rite hierarchy.

What Is the Scottish Rite?

What, then, is the Scottish Rite? Freemasonry was founded in the early
1700s in England by the so-called Venetian Party. This clique of British
philosophical liberals had a few other experiments in human misery, for
example: the East India Company, the royal African Company of slavers, and
the slave colony of South Carolina.

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, in particular, has a feudalist lore and
legend, that is rooted in the black slave trade through the
Caribbean Islands. In those islands, the pagan cults of slavers in
ancient Rome, and Venice, were reused as anti-Judeo-Christian or Satanic
cults and rituals for the amusement and gratification of the
slave-traders, the British, Dutch, Bostonian, and Jewish-ethnic slave

The Scottish Rite was formally organized in the U.S.A. in 1801, as a
group of Tory partisans on the losing side of the American Revolution. The
Scottish Rite came to rule over American Freemasonry during the
nineteenth century.

American colonial leaders had used the British Empire's Freemasonic
lodges as political clubs, and had turned them against the British Crown in
the American Revolution. But in the 1820s and 1830s, Masonry had been widely
condemned and virtually run out of the U.S.A. as a would-be dictatorial
grouping, an unwanted ``British underground'' intrusion into America.

With British assistance, the Masonic lodges were reintroduced, under the
control of the Scottish Rite based in Charleston, South Carolina, as a
force for Southern secession. Since the 1840s, the U.S. Freemasonic
structure has been strictly dominated by the Scottish Rite. The Scottish
Rite dispenses the 4th and higher Masonic ``degrees'' of initiation, up to
the 33rd. The Scottish Rite was divided into a Southern Jurisdiction, and a
Northern Jurisdiction based in Boston, that is politically subordinate.

As for Bill Clinton: A spokesman for the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of
Arkansas told me that although Clinton was a member of Freemasonry's
Order of DeMolay as a young man, he is not now a Mason. I have been
informed, however, that DeMolay membership is in fact a life membership.

The influence of Scottish Rite-dominated Freemasonry is shockingly
pervasive in American government and culture, particularly in the South. But
it has come under attack from some surprising quarters. The Southern Baptist
Convention recently voted to conduct an investigation of Freemasonry
in all forms, and to prepare a report on whether Masonry is compatible with

The Southern Baptist Convention, predominantly white, is the largest
U.S. Protestant denomination, with 18 million church-goers. Freemasons
make up a sizable proportion of this church's male membership, perhaps 20
percent. So this is a dramatic, emotional issue, a strongly factional issue
within Protestant Christianity.

At their annual meeting last June in Indianapolis, the Baptists also
adopted a resolution against secret societies, which reads in part: ``we ...
call upon all Christians to ... [avoid] any association which
conflicts with clear Biblical ... teachings concerning the taking of
oaths, the secrecy of activities, mystical knowledge, or racial

A leader of this initiative, Dr. James Holly of Beaumont, Texas, told me
this was aimed at the known fact that white Freemasonry is affiliated
with the Ku Klux Klan.

The 2.5 million member Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod says in its
official Handbook: ``The Synod has declared itself firmly opposed to all
societies, lodges and organizations of an un-Christian or anti-Christian
character.'' The Lutheran Missouri Synod has also printed an attack on
Freemasonry, which attacks its racialism and quotes from an absurd
Masonic explanation of why blacks are excluded from white lodges: ``There
are excellent reasons for this apparent race discrimination which only a
Mason can fully understand ... [racial integration] would endanger the
harmony of the lodge.... Secondly, although Negroes today may technically
fulfil the Masonic requirement of being `free,' their subordinate
economic, educational, and cultural position is such that they hardly
fulfil the spirit of that prerequisite to initiation.''

`The True Religion of Masonry'

But let us ask, does Mr. Pike's organization have an ``un-Christian or
anti-Christian character''? Albert Pike responded in 1861 to a Mason who
tried to claim the Scottish Rite was somehow Christian. Pike said that if
the Scottish Rite ``had a Christian basis, how did it chance that most of
those who had possession of it in this country from 1763 to 1800 were

In fact, Pike and the Scottish Rite borrowed a good deal of numerology and
other superstition from the Jewish cabala, a neo-pagan tradition in direct
opposition to the Mosaic law underlying the Jewish religion. We shall deal
later on with the relationship of Jews to the Scottish Rite.

But if the Rite is not specifically Christian, is it anti-Christian?

We may judge this from Sovereign Grand Commander Pike's words, on his
{method}, and on the {true religion}. In Pike's book, {Morals and
Dogma,} the Scottish Rite's main guide to the
universe, he explains his method: ``Magic is the science of the ancient
magi.... ``Magic unites in one and the same science, whatsoever Philosophy
can possess that is most certain, and Religion of the Infallible and the
Eternal. It perfectly ... reconciles these two terms ... faith and reason
... those who accept [magic] as a rule may give their will a sovereign
power that will make them the masters of all inferior beings and of all
errant spirits; that is to say, will make them the Arbiters and Kings of the

Pike wrote this particular section to instruct ``Sublime Princes of the
Royal Secret'' gentlemen of the 32nd Degree, such as was Bill Clinton's

Thus, Pike is an illusionist, a conjurer, teaching his priesthood the
means of controlling their squads of initiates. But what is the
underlying belief? In France in 1889, Pike said: ``That which we must say
to the crowd is, we worship a God, but it is the God one adores without
superstition.... The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates
of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian
Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the
Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man,
barbarism and repulsion to science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate
him? ``Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the
eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without
ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two
Gods.... Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure
philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay;
but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity
against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.''

This quote, by the way, is available in French and English in the Albert
Pike vertical file at the library of the Scottish Rite Southern
Jurisdiction at 1733 16th St. NW, Washington D.C.

The Terror Project

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, an instrument of British Empire
strategy, directed a continuous offensive of murder and racist terrorism
against the U.S.A. and neighbouring countries, during the middle decades of
the last century. We shall trace this endeavour, from the U.S.
occupation of Mexico in the Mexican War (1846-48), to the slaveowners'
rebellion or U.S. Civil War (1861-65), through the Ku Klux Klan's war
against Reconstruction of the South (1867-1870s).

A few individuals will come into view repeatedly as gang leaders and
project directors: Boston's {Albert Pike}, boss of Arkansas; New York's
{John A. Quitman}, boss of Mississippi; New York's {John Slidell}, boss of
Louisiana; Slidell's nephew and partner, British banker{ August
elmont, }boss of the Democratic Party; Slidell's trainee and partner,
Britain's {Judah Benjamin}, boss of the Confederate secret service.

Patriots such as then-Congressman Abraham Lincoln saw the 1846 U.S.
invasion of Mexico as a crime and folly, pushed by strategists of
slavery who also aimed at the destruction of the U.S.A. Transplanted
Southern Democrat John Slidell, and Whig leader Caleb Cushing, spokesman
for Boston's opium and slave-running fortunes, had both planned and
promoted the attack on Mexico.

As that first U.S. war of aggression drew to a close, volunteer General
John A. Quitman became the military governor and dictator over Mexico
City. The U.S.A. prepared to seize Mexico's northern territory, the area
from California to Texas. Yet Quitman proposed to President Polk a plan for
the forcible annexation of all Mexico, to be an area for negro slave

During the peace negotiations, Quitman travelled as a conquering hero to
Charleston, South Carolina. He was crowned a Sovereign Grand Inspector
General of the Scottish Rite, and became the most powerful and prominent
member of the Rite's Supreme Council.

John Quitman's grandfather was governor of the island of Curacao, the
Dutch West India Company's slave concentration camp; his parents had fled
the Caribbean slave revolts, taking their slaves with them to New York
where John was born. In 1830, young Quitman had been formally
commissioned by the Scottish Rite, leaders of the secession movement, to
establish their organization in the state of Mississippi.

In the autumn of 1849, General Quitman held a meeting of anti-Union
operatives from throughout the South. They resolved to call a formal
convention of the Southern states for the following June, to begin the
break-up of the United States.

Quitman became governor of Mississippi in January 1850, and his
Nashville secession convention met from June 3 to 12. Delegates from
nine states proclaimed the rights of slaveholders. Quitman and his
clique meanwhile moved to provoke immediate civil war. He proposed to
lead a private army from Texas, to conquer the new U.S. territory of New
Mexico on behalf of slavery.

President Zachary Taylor faced Quitman down. President Taylor was
determined to bring the new southwest into the Union as free states. On
June 21, 1850, nine days after the secession convention, Governor
Quitman was indicted by a federal grand jury for violating the U.S.
Neutrality Laws!

The charge was based on Quitman's leadership of a well-financed
conspiracy to invade and ``liberate'' Cuba from Spanish rule. Then two
weeks later, on July 3, President Taylor threatened to hang those
``taken in rebellion against the Union.'' The next day the President
fell ill, vomited blackish material, and died soon after. The Quitman
prosecution was delayed. (You may recall that Taylor's body was recently dug
up by Kentucky authorities, looking for evidence of arsenic

The following summer, 1851, Quitman brought fellow Mississippian
Jefferson Davis to Massachusetts to meet with Caleb Cushing. They picked the
man to be nominated by the Democrats for the U.S. presidency: volunteer
General Franklin Pierce, a member of their clique in the Mexican War.
Pierce surprised everyone by taking the nomination at the convention.
Then, August Belmont, the U.S. representative of Britain's Rothschild
paid for Pierce's 1852 election campaign.

Though this blatant foreign intrusion caused a flare-up of resentment
among the voters, Pierce was elected the 14th President, and his foreign and
domestic backers took over. Caleb Cushing became U.S. attorney general.
Jefferson Davis became secretary of war. Banker August Belmont became
ambassador to Holland.

Scottish Rite chief John Quitman was now ready for serious business.
Some months earlier, when he had finally gone to trial, he was fortunate
that Louisiana private attorney Judah Benjamin had been specially hired by
the federal government to run the prosecution against Quitman. The jury
was hung (rather than Quitman), and the charges were dropped. This outcome
should not be too surprising to us, given prosecutor Benjamin's own growing
role in the faction of which Gen. Quitman was then the shining star.
Benjamin joined Slidell as a U.S. senator from Louisiana at the next
election, and was a top leader of the slaveowners' insurrectionary

Let's look for a minute at the trio of Slidell, Belmont, and Benjamin.
Slidell had a master's degree in political dirty tricks, learned as a
member of Aaron Burr's machine in New York and Louisiana. Slidell had
politically schooled Belmont and had brought him into the Democratic
Party, and Belmont married Slidell's niece. Slidell had also virtually
adopted, taught and brought into politics the young Judah Benjamin, a
British West Indian Jew living in Louisiana. Both Belmont, and his
banking client Benjamin, were passionate backers of the expansion of
slavery into Latin America.

When he was a young private secretary for the Rothschild family, Belmont had
toured continental Europe doing financial and political intelligence work
for the Rothschild bank, a pillar of the British royal family. With Britain
meddling in Spain's civil war, the Rothschilds had sent Belmont off to the
Spanish colony of Cuba in 1837 to ``take charge of Rothschild interests''
in Cuba. Belmont's ship stopped over in New York and he never went on
to Cuba, but his subsequent U.S. banking and political career was often
focused on Cuba's wealth and strategic location.

Following the 1853 presidential inauguration of their candidate Pierce,
Scottish Rite chief John Quitman and his New York financiers signed a
formal agreement making Quitman the ``civil and military chief of the
revolution'' which they would impose on Cuba. Once he had seized the
island, Quitman was due to receive $1 million from the proceeds of the
revolutionary bonds the financiers were floating.

Quitman's criminal enterprise recruited as many as 50,000 U.S.
mercenaries for the intended invasion. But the Spanish authorities
brought these plans to grief. They emancipated most of Cuba's slaves,
encouraged racial intermarriage, armed the freed blacks and recruited them
into a militia through which they could defend their own freedom from the
gringo attackers. The Spanish governor arrested Quitman's intriguer,
Captain James D. Bulloch, when Bulloch brought his ship, the {Black
Warrior}, into Havana.

Senator John Slidell of Louisiana demanded the U.S. neutrality laws be
repealed. Attorney General Caleb Cushing called for a naval blockade
around Cuba. But given the military realities, saner heads prevailed, and
Quitman was placed under legal restraint.

After the {Black Warrior} affair, the Quitman mercenary force was
absorbed into a new, more aggressive movement with enlarged aims. The
{Knights of the Golden Circle} appeared first in Cincinnati, under the
supervision of the Scottish Rite's midwest organizer Killian Van
Rensselaer, a longtime underground military operative for Britain in
North America. So Cincinnati was the northern capital of the
pro-slavery, Masonic terrorist underground. From there the Knights
spread throughout Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, down the Mississippi to the
Gulf south, and into Maryland and Virginia to surround the national capital.

The Golden Circle was to be a new slave empire cantered in Cuba. It
would break up the U.S.A. and conquer Mexico, Central America and the
Caribbean. The Knights armed and drilled up to 100,000 would-be
emigrants, raiders, rapists, and slaveholders. They were organized into
lodges called ``castles,'' with Masonic signs, grips, and passwords.
They were to kill the hated Catholic Hispanics, and fill their places
with black slaves brought fresh from Africa. This is the first ``North
American Free Trade Agreement''!

(The Masonic imperialism of the Franklin Pierce administration lives on as
the romantic, elite legend of the Eastern Establishment. They
celebrate that legend in the marriage of President Pierce's blood
relative Barbara Pierce to George Bush, whose imperial ideas are rooted in
the events of the 1850s.)

Led by Quitman and his allies in the lower South, the Knights of the
Golden Circle formed the heart of the secession military machine as the
crisis of the Union deepened.

But John Quitman died in July 1858. The Scottish Rite leadership was
then totally reorganized. Albert Pike was brought into the Supreme
Council and, in 1859, Pike was elevated to Commander of the Southern
Jurisdiction. While the Knights of the Golden Circle intensified their
terrorist activities in Texas, and their ``filibuster'' raids into
Mexico and Central America, Albert Pike pulled together the inner core of
a revolutionary government for the U.S. southern states.

As Albert Pike said himself, Pike had not even heard of the Scottish
Rite until 1853. Sponsored by his fellow Bostonian, Attorney General
Caleb Cushing, who inserted Pike's croneys into office for him in the
1840s, Pike had become the boss of Arkansas politics. He had proven his
``Southernness'' by running racial hysteria campaigns against Arkansas's
handful of freed blacks and against America's Catholic immigrants.

Joining Pike's new Scottish Rite Supreme Council in 1859 was the U.S.
vice president, John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky. He would soon run for
President on a secession platform, his campaign managed by Caleb

In March 1860, the U.S. treasury secretary, Howell Cobb, joined Pike's
Supreme Council. (Cobb was a ruler of the Georgia Masonic mafia with
Robert Toombs and James Bulloch.) If you are going to lead a revolt
against a government, it is handy to have the head of that government's
treasury take charge of your finances, as Cobb did for his Masonic boss
Albert Pike.

Cobb resigned his treasury post in December 1860, following Abraham
Lincoln's election to the U.S. presidency. Two months later, Cobb was
president of the convention in Alabama, which created the Confederate
government and broke up the United States. Cobb's name appears at the top
of signers of the Confederate Constitution, a document which Cobb and
Albert Pike are supposed to have drafted together.

The Lost Cause

The rebellion of the Southern slaveowners, which brought on the Civil
War, was a British Empire-sponsored insurrection. The British supplied the
arms used by the anti-U.S. insurgents, and coordinated the
Confederate secret service activities in North America and Europe. These
expanded efforts continued the political and irregular military
operations of the Scottish Rite which had been led by Quitman, and by
Pike after Quitman's death.

For the final three years of the four-year Civil War, Judah P. Benjamin
served as Confederate secretary of state. Benjamin supervised the
financial and supply relations to the British Empire and its ally,
Napoleon III of France, and ran the Confederacy's international network of
spies and saboteurs.

Benjamin's secret service liaison man in England and the Confederacy's
chief arms procurer there was James Bulloch. We remember Bulloch as the man
who had been arrested in Cuba during Quitman's 1854 fiasco.

John Slidell became the famous Confederate commissioner to France, where he
married off his daughter Mathilde to Baron Emil Erlanger. The baron was an
eminent German-French Jewish banker, closely tied to the British government
and the highest levels of British freemasonry. Slidell and Benjamin
negotiated the famous Erlanger Loan, the series of Confederate war bonds
floated by this banker. They sold the bonds primarily to British
oligarchs who felt poisonous hatred for the American republic. The
collateral for the Erlanger loan was Southern slave cotton, that was
smuggled out past the Union blockade.

John Slidell handled relations between the French Empire and the Masonic
``filibusters,'' the raiders of Latin America. Slidell promoted the
joint European/Confederate invasion of Mexico in the 1860s.

The Confederate secret service, meanwhile, attempted to weaken the
resolve of the Union to carry on the war. The key to their strategy was the
old Knights of the Golden Circle, still in place in the north, midwest
and southwest, involving pro-slavery whites--and American Indians.

Sioux Indians, strangely organized into military Masonic lodges, wiped out
700 citizens of New Ulm, Minnesota and the surrounding area, while the
town's young men were off in the Union Army. Albert Pike was at the time
the Confederate general officially in charge of arranging Indian attacks
against the Union; Minnesota was also part of Commander Pike's Masonic
Southern Jurisdiction.

Judah Benjamin based his main secret service group in Montreal, a safe
haven since Canada was then still British territory. They coordinated
across the border with Golden Circle networks in Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio, and Wisconsin, and with the August Belmont Democratic Party
machine in New York. Agents led by Jacob Thompson planned prison breaks,
tried to burn down northern cities, and instigated anti-draft riots in
which drunken mobs lynched black people and burned orphanages.

This ugliness was in vain. But just when Lincoln's nationalist money
policies and our industrial strength overwhelmed the rebellion,
President Lincoln was murdered. A dragnet went out for the Confederate
secret service operators, accused of participation in the assassination.
Albert Pike escaped and joined Jacob Thompson in Canada. Judah Benjamin
fled to England, joining the exiled Robert Toombs and James Bulloch.
John Slidell stayed permanently in France.

Confederate secret service agent John Surratt made it to Italy and hid in
the Vatican, while Surratt's mother was convicted and hanged on the charge
of plotting with John Wilkes Booth to kill Lincoln. John Surratt was
discovered and returned for trial. He was acquitted. But in 1870, Surratt
admitted publicly that he had plotted with Booth to ``abduct'' Lincoln. He
told of the days preceding the murder, of his trip to Montreal
carrying money and messages from Judah Benjamin. The secret service bank
in Montreal, where gold from Britain was deposited for Benjamin's crew,
was the same bank in which Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth had made
his deposits six months before the killing.

The war was over. But the defeated Confederacy was transformed into the
romantic {Lost Cause}, an object of cultish reverence.

During Reconstruction

Anti-slavery congressmen pressed ahead with plans for Reconstruction,
designed to break up the power of what was called the ``chivalry,'' the
feudalist lords of the pre-war South. In Tennessee, the pro-Union faction
tried to increase its political strength by putting through a law,
granting the right to vote to the newly freed blacks.

The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was a terrorist counterattack, beginning in
Tennessee, designed to block Reconstruction and reverse the outcome of the
Civil War. The Klan and the Scottish Rite were one and the same enterprise,
continuing the imperial effort behind the slaveowners' rebellion.

Pike, Benjamin, Slidell, Toombs, Bulloch, and Thompson were all in exile at
war's end. Though Judah Benjamin had quickly become a wealthy lawyer for
the British merchant oligarchs, his continuing preoccupation with
defeating Reconstruction is indicated in letters he wrote back to the
U.S.A. with complaints such as these:

``I have always looked with the utmost dread and distrust on the
experiment of emancipation so suddenly enforced on the South by the
event of the war. God knows how it will all end!''; and: ``the South is
kept crushed under negro rule''; and: ``I can never consent to go to New
Orleans and break my heart witnessing the rule of negroes and
carpetbaggers''; and: ``nothing is so abhorrent to me as Radicalism
which seeks to elevate the populace into the governing class.''

From Albert Pike's British sanctuary in Canada, on July 15, 1865, Pike
issued a summons to the Supreme Council, to resume the operations of the
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction. Six weeks later,
``under pressure from Masonic officials in the government,'' the new
President Andrew Johnson permitted Pike to re-enter the U.S.A. The Rite was
reborn over the next few years, as money and messengers went back and
forth between Pike and the Confederacy's sponsors in England.

In April 1866, a year after the murder of Abraham Lincoln, Albert Pike's
Supreme Council met in full costume inside the White House. There
Lincoln's successor President Andrew Johnson granted a pardon to Pike. The
following year, the awed and grateful Johnson was granted advanced degrees
4 through 32 by the Scottish Rite. The Masons claim that Johnson's
Freemasonic involvement was an important reason why the
pro-Reconstruction congressmen tried to impeach Johnson.

Albert Pike could not go home to Arkansas, however. He was still under
indictment for treason by state authorities there, for inciting the
Indians to break laws or treaties. So he settled in Memphis, Tennessee,
just across the Mississippi River from Arkansas, becoming a newspaper
publisher, lawyer--and president of the Tennessee Bar Association.

Tennessee blacks got the right to vote in February 1867. Beginning that
spring, Albert Pike and a small group of Confederate generals held
several meetings in Nashville, at the Maxwell House Hotel, to form the
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

The name was taken from the Greek, {kyklos}, meaning ``circle.'' It was no
mystery to the pro-Unionists: The Knights of the [Golden] Circle had

Pike was appointed chief judicial officer of the Invisible Empire. He is
said to have written the Klan's military manual and ritual, and was the
Klan's expert on secrecy of organization--its secret grips, signs, and
passwords. At one of the later Nashville meetings, General Nathan
Bedford Forrest was chosen Imperial Wizard of the Klan. Albert Pike
organized the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas after General Forrest appointed Pike
the Grand Dragon of that Realm.

The Tennessee leaders of the Klan at the time of its founding were
prominent Masons subordinate to Grand Commander Pike. Pike's old comrade and
financial backer Robert Toombs returned from England in 1868. Toombs was
appointed dictator of Scottish Rite activities inside Georgia, and Toombs
and his family ran all aspects of the Klan within Georgia.

President Ulysses Grant said that the Klan worked ``by force and terror to
prevent all political action not in accord with the views of the
members; to deprive collared citizens of the right to bear arms and of
the right to a free ballot; to suppress [i.e. burn] schools in which
collared children were taught and to reduce the collared people to a
condition akin to that of slavery.''

In his newspaper {The Memphis Daily Appeal{ for April 16, 1868,
publisher Albert Pike wrote: ``With negroes for witnesses and jurors, the
administration of justice becomes a blasphemous mockery. A Loyal League
of negroes can cause any white man to be arrested, and can prove any charges
it chooses to have made against him.

``The disenfranchised people of the South ... can find no protection for
property, liberty or life, except in secret association.... We would
unite every white man in the South, who is opposed to negro suffrage,
into one great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an organization
complete, active, vigorous, in which a few should execute the
concentrated will of all, and whose very existence should be concealed
from all but its members.''

In the latter decades of the nineteenth century, British-cantered
finance gained supremacy over American industry and U.S. policy-making.
Under British sponsorship, Pike's Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction,
came to rule over much of the world's Freemasonry. At length its
headquarters moved from South Carolina to Washington, D.C.

Theodore Roosevelt, a racialist Anglophile and passionate Freemason,
became U.S. President September 14, 1901, upon the shooting death of
William McKinley. Teddy Roosevelt's reign was the Lost Cause triumphant:
Roosevelt's revered exiled uncle, James Bulloch, Judah Benjamin's secret
service chief in England, had ghostwritten young Teddy's book on naval
history; and Teddy's clique had finally conquered Cuba in the 1898 U.S. War
with Spain.

The Washington, D.C. statue honouring Klan founder Albert Pike was
dedicated 39 days after Teddy Roosevelt's inauguration.

The B'nai B'rith and `Egyptian Principles'

In his admiring biography of Judah Benjamin, Eli Evans quotes the famous
attack against Benjamin's pro-slavery fanaticism by Ohio's Senator Ben
Wade: ``when old Moses, under the immediate inspiration of God Almighty,
enticed a whole nation of slaves, and ran away ... to old Canaan, I
suppose that Pharaoh and all the chivalry of old Egypt denounced him as a
most furious abolitionist.... There were those who loved Egypt better than
they loved liberty.... They were `Israelites with Egyptian

Senator Wade's barb hit its mark. Judah Benjamin had deserted the
religion of Moses. He had spat on the law of freedom, the gift that Jews
celebrate in the Passover seder (which was also Christ's last supper).

Since then, other ``Israelites with Egyptian principles,'' those Jews who
like Benjamin attached their destinies to the British Empire and its
racialism, have become a vital component of the Anglo-American Eastern
Establishment; ``honorary Anglo-Saxons,'' they have helped transform the
United States into an essentially mindless British model imperium. And the
racialism they coauthored has brought tragedy to Jews as well as to others
outside the racial pale.

In the Civil War, twice as many Jews fought for the Union as for the
Confederacy. Northern Jews, many of them recent German immigrants, were
strongly pro-republican and anti-slavery.

The predominant Jewish tradition in the South was not only pro-slavery, but
overwhelmingly Freemasonic. The Independent Order of B'nai B'rith formed
in 1843 as a Jewish community sub-project in the restoration of Masonry by
the Scottish Rite and the British foreign office. Though most of its
lodges were in the North, B'nai B'rith was openly
pro-Confederate. Though it claimed to be neutral in the war, many of the
Order's Northern spokesmen were stridently pro-slavery. B'nai B'rith's
post-Civil War leaders were pro-Confederate operatives, including later
president Simon Wolf, who had been arrested by the War Department in
Washington, D.C. as the lawyer for a Confederate spy ring.

Rabbi Isaac Wise established B'nai B'rith's centre for the
``liberalizing'' of Judaism in Cincinnati, Ohio--coinciding with
Cincinnati's other great Scottish Rite scheme, the launching of the
Knights of the Golden Circle. Wise was officially neutral in the Civil War.

Core leaders of the B'nai B'rith from then on have been Scottish Rite
Masons. The political establishment associated with the Order has always had
its headquarters in London.

In Richmond, the Confederate capital, Gustavus A. Myers was Secretary of
State Judah Benjamin's closest friend and Benjamin's channel to banker
August Belmont. The former president of the Richmond City Council, and the
undisputed head of Richmond's Jewish community, Myers was Freemasonry

Myers's maternal grandfather, Moses Michael Hays, had brought the
original ``patent'' and rituals from England to found the Scottish Rite in
the American colonies. A tory and financial partner of Boston's slave trade
millionaires, Hays passed his fortune and his Masonic and British
underground connections to his daughter's husband and sons, the Richmond
Myers clan.

Moses Myers, merchant partner of the Richmond family, was head of
Norfolk's Jewish community. His house is now a public museum, located on
Norfolk's Freemason Street. Inside is a large wooden plaque given to the
family by Queen Victoria, in recognition of the family's long service to the
British crown and cause. Several generations, living in that same Moses
Myers house, were British consuls.

All of Virginia's Jewish leaders then were Masons, one of them
Rothschilds' official Virginia agent who was grand master of Virginia
Masons during the war of 1812.

After the Civil War, the Belmont/Rothschild faction took absolute
control over the Jewish leadership within New York and trans-Atlantic
finance. Joseph Seligman, who had been pro-Union like most American
Jews, joined the British banking syndicate of Rothschild and J.P.
Morgan, which ran U.S. government finance from the 1870s onward.

London's Anglo-Saxon and Jewish employees, banking partners of the
Confederates against Lincoln's nationalist money policies, were now
merged as the Eastern Liberal Establishment.

While Alabama cotton broker Emanuel Lehman lived in Civil War New York, he
sailed back and forth to England raising money for the Confederate war
machine. Continuing the family tradition, his Lehman Brothers firm
supported the racialist eugenics movement, and tenaciously defended
their investments in Nazi Germany.

But the bigshot was Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb private bank. Schiff's
power was entirely trans-Atlantic: Travelling back and forth between
London and New York, Schiff was Sir Ernst Cassel's U.S. partner and
representative; Cassel--the personal banker and the most intimate friend of
Prince Edward VII, the grand master of British freemasonry. (Edward's
son Albert Victor was supposed to be the subject of the Jack the Ripper
story: His unapproved marriage was broken and covered up by the Freemasonic
murders of witnesses.)

On behalf of the royal family, Ernst Cassel managed the finances of the
British Fabian Society leaders, and the British Round Table in its
outrageous African racialist endeavours such as {apartheid}.

At Kuhn Loeb in the 1890s, partner Otto Kahn (a British subject)
directly supervised Schiff and Cassel's project to build up a certain
snarling little railroad man who was a favourite of the old Belmont
Confederate machine, Mr. E.H. Harriman. At that same time, the Warburg
family joined Kuhn Loeb; the Warburgs' preoccupations were anchored in
their Masonic Occult Institute in Hamburg and London.

Look at the first years of this century: Teddy Roosevelt is President,
Edward VII is King, and the racist cult-master Lord Arthur Balfour is his
Prime Minister. The British Masonic clique at Kuhn Loeb founded the American
Jewish Committee, and made its president, Louis Marshall, the official
legal advisor to the Harriman eugenics laboratory--mother of this
century's nightmare race theories. It was Kuhn Loeb and the Warburgs
who officially brokered New York's banking ties to Hitler's Nazis, as well
as Harriman's entree to the Soviet dictatorship.

A striking instance of the Confederate ``Lost Cause,'' persisting and
haunting the present century, is to be seen in the attic of {The New
York Times.}

Iphigenie Ochs married Arthur Hays Sulzberger in 1917. He succeeded her
father Adolphe Ochs as publisher of {The Times}, which Mr. Ochs had
bought in the 1890s.

Adolphe Ochs and his father founded the ``Baroness Erlanger'' Hospital in
Chattanooga, Tennessee. The hospital was named for John Slidell's
daughter who married the Confederacy's chief financier Baron Emil
Erlanger. The Baron had bought up the main railways between the bankrupt
South and Cincinnati. Adolphe Ochs had married Iphigenie Wise, the
daughter of B'nai B'rith's Cincinnati leader Isaac Wise. When the Ochs
family had lived in Cincinnati during the war, Adolphe's mother Bertha had
been arrested for smuggling drugs to the Confederate army.

In 1991, Arthur Sulzberger's daughter Ruth sponsored the visit to
America of British banker Rodolphe d'Erlanger, John Slidell's
great-great grandson. At a reception for Erlanger hospital, he said that his
great grandfather, Baron Emil, was the partner of Cecil Rhodes in his
nightmare race projects in Africa, and that Emil and his wife Mathilde
Slidell had introduced Wagner's {Tannhauser} to the stage in Paris--which
booed off the stage.

Arthur Sulzberger's Philadelphia Uncle David Sulzberger joined the
Confederate army in Arkansas. Cousin Cyrus Adler, born on the
Sulzbergers' Arkansas slave plantation, became the occult, psychic,
Masonic, and gnostic expert for the New York Jewish establishment and for
London and Cambridge Freemasonic strategists. At the same time, under
the Teddy Roosevelt regime, cousin Mayer Sulzberger was president of B'nai
B'rith International and president of the American Jewish Committee.
At that time, B'nai B'rith leaders (such as the Sulzberger's partners the
Morgenthaus) directly represented British crown interests in the Middle
East, and worked as a bridge for Scottish Rite Masonry between the Middle
East and Washington.

In the 1930s, Cyrus Adler, president of the American Jewish Committee,
coordinated with the family's B'nai B'rith, and the family's {New York
Times}, to crush all U.S. political action against Adolf Hitler in
Germany. The B'nai B'rith was the one Jewish organization that Hitler
deliberately {left open }and functioning under Nazi rule from 1933 on.

In 1939, Britain made a dramatic change in its policy toward
Hitler--after teaching Hitler his race theories, after forcefully
backing his takeover of Germany, after financing and equipping his
armies, Britain now changed publicly to opposing Hitler. Only at that
point, in 1939, about a year after Hitler finally closed B'nai B'rith's
Nazi-authorized German operations, B'nai B'rith decided to ``approve'' an
international boycott against the Nazi regime.

B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League recently opened a vicious campaign to
label American black leaders as anti-Semites, aiming at a racial
conflict, and stomping on the memory of the young Jews who fought for
civil rights in the 1960s. It is essential that the religious, national, and
historical character of this racialism be precisely understood.

Now a surprising breakthrough has occurred. Leaders of U.S. black
Freemasonry have attacked white Masonry, particularly the Scottish Rite, as
a centre of racialism. The attack is contained in the latest issue of the
{News Quarterly}, official publication of the [``Supreme Council, Scottish
Rite, Southern Jurisdiction,''] Prince Hall affiliation, in an article by
Joseph A. Walkes, editor of the {Quarterly.}

Walkes exposes Albert Pike as the national Chief Justice of the
Invisible Empire of the Ku Klux Klan, and the organizer and Grand Dragon of
the Klan in Arkansas. Walkes describes Albert Pike as a ``traitor to his
country.'' The article carries a photograph of the Washington memorial
statue to the KKK founder. Walkes calls the statue ``an affront'' to
the residents of the nation's capital, a majority of whom are black.

With this and similar initiatives, a strong potential now exists for
members of all faiths and ethnic groups to think about and to solve a
central problem of our era:

Fanatical Zionists are urged on by Anglo-American backers, to brutalize and
displace Arab residents and Muslim religious institutions from Israeli
occupied territory. Among the Anglo-Saxons cheering them on in their blind
racialism are many known as ``fundamentalist Christians.'' They have seen a
vision of Semitic warfare in the Holy Land, ending in mankind's
annihilation, which they cheer as ``God's will'' and ``Bible Prophesy.''

This madness has been called the British balance-of-power strategy. But its
familiar name is, British Freemasonry.
2004-07-27 00:04:09 UTC

Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of

Before The Secret Doctrine and Mein Kampf there was the Occult Magnum
Opus-Political Manifesto of Freemasonry: Morals and Dogma, by Albert


MORALS AND DOGMA of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
FREEMASONRY Prepared For The Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third
Degree (Mother Council of the World) for the Southern Jurisdiction of
the United States and Published by its Authority HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE
Washington, D.C. 1966 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the
year 1871, by ALBERT PIKE New and Revised Edition; copyright 1950;
published in 1966 The Supeme Council (Mother Council of the World) of
the Inspectors General Knights Commanders of the House of the Temple
of Solomon of the Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted
Scotish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United
States of America The Roberts Publishing Company; Washington, D.C.

The following work has been prepared by authority of the Supreme
Council of the Thirty-third Degree, for the Southern Jurisdiction of
the United States, by the Grand Commander, and is now published by its
direction. It contains the Lectures of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite in that jurisdiction, and is specially intended to be
read and studied by the Brethren of that obedience, in connection with
the Rituals of the Degrees.

Morals and Dogma

by, Albert Pike 33°

Table of Contents

Chapter I - 1° Apprentice

Chapter II - 2° The Fellowcraft

Chapter III - 3° The Master

Chapter IV - 4° Secret Master

Chapter XIV - 14° Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason

Chapter XVII - 17° Knight of the East and West

Chapter XVIII - 18° Knight Rose Croix

Chapter XXXI - 31° Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander

Chapter XXXII - 32° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret

M & D Chapter I



by Albert Pike



FORCE, unregulated or ill-regulated, is not only wasted in the void,
like that of gunpowder burned in the open air, and steam unconfined by
science; but, striking in the dark, and its blows meeting only the
air, they recoil and bruise itself. It is destruction and ruin. It is
the volcano, the earthquake, the cyclone;-not growth and progress. It
is Polyphemus blinded, striking at random, and falling headlong among
the sharp rocks by the impetus of his own blows.

The blind Force of the people is a Force that must be economized, and
also managed, as the blind Force of steam, lifting the ponderous iron
arms and turning the large wheels, is made to bore and rifle the
cannon and to weave the most delicate lace. It must be regulated by
Intellect. Intellect is to the people and the people's Force, what the
slender needle of the compass is to the ship--its soul, always
counselling the huge mass of wood and iron, and always pointing to the
north. To attack the citadels built up on all sides against the human
race by superstitions, despotisms, and prejudices, the Force must have
a brain and a law. Then its deeds of daring produce permanent results,
and there is real progress. Then there are sublime conquests. Thought
is a force, and philosophy should be an energy, finding its aim and
its effects in the amelioration of mankind. The two great motors are
Truth and Love. When all these Forces are combined, and guided by the
Intellect, and regulated by the RULE of Right, and Justice, and of
combined and systematic movement and effort, the great revolution
prepared for by the ages will begin to march. The POWER of the Deity
Himself is in equilibrium with His WISDOM. Hence the only results are

It is because Force is ill regulated, that revolutions prove failures.
Therefore it is that so often insurrections, coming from those high
mountains that domineer over the moral horizon, Justice, Wisdom,
Reason, Right, built of the purest snow of the ideal after a long fall
from rock to rock, after having reflected the sky in their
transparency, and been swollen by a hundred affluents, in the majestic
path of triumph, suddenly lose themselves in quagmires, like a
California river in the sands.

The onward march of the human race requires that the heights around it
should blaze with noble and enduring lessons of courage. Deeds of
daring dazzle history, and form one class of the guiding lights of
man. They are the stars and coruscations from that great sea of
electricity, the Force inherent in the people. To strive, to brave all
risks, to perish, to persevere, to be true to one's self, to grapple
body to body with destiny, to surprise defeat by the little terror it
inspires, now to confront unrighteous power, now to defy intoxicated
triumph--these are the examples that the nations need and the light
that electrifies them.

There are immense Forces in the great caverns of evil beneath society;
in the hideous degradation, squalor, wretchedness and destitution,
vices and crimes that reek and simmer in the darkness in that populace
below the people, of great cities. There disinterestedness vanishes,
every one howls, searches, gropes, and gnaws for himself. Ideas are
ignored, and of progress there is no thought. This populace has two
mothers, both of them stepmothers--Ignorance and Misery. Want is their
only guide--for the appetite alone they crave satisfaction. Yet even
these may be employed. The lowly sand we trample upon, cast into the
furnace, melted, purified by fire, may become resplendent crystal.
They have the brute force of the HAMMER, but their blows help on the
great cause, when struck within the lines traced by the RULE held by
wisdom and discretion.

Yet it is this very Force of the people, this Titanic power of the
giants, that builds the fortifications of tyrants, and is embodied in
their armies. Hence the possibility of such tyrannies as those of
which it has been said, that "Rome smells worse under Vitellius than
under Sulla. Under Claudius and under Domitian there is a deformity of
baseness corresponding to the ugliness-of the tyranny. The foulness of
the slaves is a direct result of the atrocious baseness of the despot.
A miasma exhales from these crouching consciences that reflect the
master; the public authorities are unclean, hearts are collapsed,
consciences shrunken, souls puny. This is so under Caracalla, it is so
under Commodus, it is so under Heliogabalus, while from the Roman
senate, under Caesar, there comes only the rank odour peculiar to the
eagle's eyrie."

It is the force of the people that sustains all these despotisms, the
basest as well as the best. That force acts through armies; and these
oftener enslave than liberate. Despotism there applies the RULE. Force
is the MACE of steel at the saddle-bow of the knight or of the bishop
in armour. Passive obedience by force supports thrones and
oligarchies, Spanish kings, and Venetian senates. Might, in an army
wielded by tyranny, is the enormous sum total of utter weakness; and
so Humanity wages war against Humanity, in despite of Humanity. So a
people willingly submits to despotism, and its workmen submit to be
despised, and its soldiers to be whipped; therefore it is that battles
lost by a nation are often progress attained. Less glory is more
liberty. When the drum is silent, reason sometimes speaks.

Tyrants use the force of the people to chain and subjugate--that is,
enyoke the people. Then they plough with them as men do with oxen
yoked. Thus the spirit of liberty and innovation is reduced by
bayonets, and principles are struck dumb by cannonshot; while the
monks mingle with the troopers, and the Church militant and jubilant,
Catholic or Puritan, sings Te Deums for victories over rebellion.

The military power, not subordinate to the civil power, again the
HAMMER or MACE of FORCE, independent of the RULE, is an armed tyranny,
born full-grown, as Athene sprung from the brain of Zeus. It spawns a
dynasty, and begins with Caesar to rot into Vitellius and Commodus. At
the present day it inclines to begin where formerly dynasties ended.

Constantly the people put forth immense strength, only to end in
immense weakness. The force of the people is exhausted in indefinitely
prolonging things long since dead; in governing mankind by embalming
old dead tyrannies of Faith; restoring dilapidated dogmas; regilding
faded, worm-eaten shrines; whitening and rouging ancient and barren
superstitions; saving society by multiplying parasites; perpetuating
superannuated institutions; enforcing the worship of symbols as the
actual means of salvation; and tying the dead corpse of the Past,
mouth to mouth, with the living Present. Therefore it is that it is
one of the fatalities of Humanity to be condemned to eternal struggles
with phantoms, with superstitions, bigotries, hypocrisies, prejudices,
the formulas of error, and the pleas of tyranny. Despotisms, seen in
the past, become respectable, as the mountain, bristling with volcanic
rock, rugged and horrid, seen through the haze of distance is blue and
smooth and beautiful. The sight of a single dungeon of tyranny is
worth more, to dispel illusions, and create a holy hatred of
despotism, and to direct FORCE aright, than the most eloquent volumes.
The French should have preserved the Bastile as a perpetual lesson;
Italy should not destroy the dungeons of the Inquisition. The Force of
the people maintained the Power that built its gloomy cells, and
placed the living in their granite sepulchres.

The FORCE of the people cannot, by its unrestrained and fitful action,
maintain and continue in action and existence a free Government once
created. That Force must be limited, restrained, conveyed by
distribution into different channels, and by roundabout courses, to
outlets, whence it is to issue as the law, action, and decision of the
State; as the wise old Egyptian kings conveyed in different canals, by
sub-division, the swelling waters of the Nile, and compelled them to
fertilize and not devastate the land. There must be the jus et norma,
the law and Rule, or Gauge, of constitution and law, within which the
public force must act. Make a breach in either, and the great
steam-hammer, with its swift and ponderous blows, crushes all the
machinery to atoms, and, at last, wrenching itself away, lies inert
and dead amid the ruin it has wrought.

The FORCE of the people, or the popular will, in action and exerted,
symbolized by the GAVEL, regulated and guided by and acting within the
limits of LAW and ORDER, symbolized by the TWENTY-FOUR-INCH RULE, has
for its fruit LIBERTY, EQUALITY, and FRATERNITY,--liberty regulated by
law; equality of rights in the eye of the law; brotherhood with its
duties and obligations as well as its benefits.

You will hear shortly of the Rough ASHLAR and the Perfect ASHLAR, as
part of the jewels of the Lodge. The rough Ashlar is said to be "a
stone, as taken from the quarry, in its rude and natural state." The
perfect Ashlar is said to be "a stone made ready by the hands of the
workmen, to be adjusted by the working-tools of the Fellow-Craft." We
shall not repeat the explanations of these symbols given by the York
Rite. You may read them in its printed monitors. They are declared to
allude to the self-improvement of the individual craftsman,--a
continuation of the same superficial interpretation.

The rough Ashlar is the PEOPLE, as a mass, rude and unorganized. The
perfect Ashlar, or cubical stone, symbol of perfection, is the STATE,
the rulers deriving their powers from the consent of the governed; the
constitution and laws speaking the will of the people; the government
harmonious, symmetrical, efficient, --its powers properly distributed
and duly adjusted in equilibrium.

If we delineate a cube on a plane surface thus:

we have visible three faces, and nine external lines, drawn between
seven points. The complete cube has three more faces, making six;
three more lines, making twelve; and one more point, making eight. As
the number 12 includes the sacred numbers, 3, 5, 7, and 3 times 3, or
9, and is produced by adding the sacred number 3 to 9; while its own
two figures, 1, 2, the unit or monad, and duad, added together, make
the same sacred number 3; it was called the perfect number; and the
cube became the symbol of perfection.

Produced by FORCE, acting by RULE; hammered in accordance with lines
measured by the Gauge, out of the rough Ashlar, it is an appropriate
symbol of the Force of the people, expressed as the constitution and
law of the State; and of the State itself the three visible faces
represent the three departments,--the Executive, which executes the
laws; the Legislative, which makes the laws; the Judiciary, which
interprets the laws, applies and enforces them, between man and man,
between the State and the citizens. The three invisible faces, are
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, the threefold soul of the
State--its vitality, spirit, and intellect.

Though Masonry neither usurps the place of, nor apes religion, prayer
is an essential part of our ceremonies. It is the aspiration of the
soul toward the Absolute and Infinite Intelligence, which is the One
Supreme Deity, most feebly and misunderstandingly characterized as an
"ARCHITECT." Certain faculties of man are directed toward the
Unknown--thought, meditation, prayer. The unknown is an ocean, of
which conscience is the compass. Thought, meditation, prayer, are the
great mysterious pointings of the needle. It is a spiritual magnetism
that thus connects the human soul with the Deity. These majestic
irradiations of the soul pierce through the shadow toward the light.

It is but a shallow scoff to say that prayer is absurd, because it is
not possible for us, by means of it, to persuade God to change His
plans. He produces foreknown and foreintended effects, by the
instrumentality of the forces of nature, all of which are His forces.
Our own are part of these. Our free agency and our will are forces. We
do not absurdly cease to make efforts to attain wealth or happiness,
prolong life, and continue health, because we cannot by any effort
change what is predestined. If the effort also is predestined, it is
not the less our effort, made of our free will. So, likewise, we pray.
Will is a force. Thought is a force. Prayer is a force. Why should it
not be of the law of God, that prayer, like Faith and Love, should
have its effects? Man is not to be comprehended as a starting-point,
or progress as a goal, without those two great forces, Faith and Love.
Prayer is sublime. Orisons that beg and clamour are pitiful. To deny
the efficacy of prayer, is to deny that of Faith, Love, and Effort.
Yet the effects produced, when our hand, moved by our will, launches a
pebble into the ocean, never cease; and every uttered word is
registered for eternity upon the invisible air.

Every Lodge is a Temple, and as a whole, and in its details symbolic.
The Universe itself supplied man with the model for the first temples
reared to the Divinity. The arrangement of the Temple of Solomon, the
symbolic ornaments which formed its chief decorations, and the dress
of the High-Priest, all had reference to the order of the Universe, as
then understood. The Temple contained many emblems of the seasons--the
sun, the moon, the planets, the constellations Ursa Major and Minor,
the zodiac, the elements, and the other parts of the world. It is the
Master of this Lodge, of the Universe, Hermes, of whom Khurum is the
representative, that is one of the lights of the Lodge.

For further instruction as to the symbolism of the heavenly bodies,
and of the sacred numbers, and of the temple and its details, you must
wait patiently until you advance in Masonry, in the mean time
exercising your intellect in studying them for yourself. To study and
seek to interpret correctly the symbols of the Universe, is the work
of the sage and philosopher. It is to decipher the writing of God, and
penetrate into His thoughts.

This is what is asked and answered in our catechism, in regard to the

* * * * * *

A "Lodge" is defined to be "an assemblage of Freemasons, duly
congregated, having the sacred writings, square, and compass, and a
charter, or warrant of constitution, authorizing them to work." The
room or place in which they meet, representing some part of King
Solomon's Temple, is also called the Lodge; and it is that we are now

It is said to be supported by three great columns, WISDOM, FORCE or
STRENGTH, and BEAUTY, represented by the Master, the Senior Warden,
and the Junior Warden; and these are said to be the columns that
support the Lodge, "because Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty, are the
perfections of everything, and nothing can endure without them."
"Because," the York Rite says, "it is necessary that there should be
Wisdom to conceive, Strength to support, and Beauty to adorn, all
great and important undertakings." "Know ye not," says the Apostle
Paul, "that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God
dwelleth in you? If any man desecrate the temple of God, him shall God
destroy, for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."

The Wisdom and Power of the Deity are in equilibrium. The laws of
nature and the moral laws are not the mere despotic mandates of His
Omnipotent will; for, then they might be changed by Him, and order
become disorder, and good and right become evil and wrong; honesty and
loyalty, vices; and fraud, ingratitude, and vice, virtues. Omnipotent
power, infinite, and existing alone, would necessarily not be
constrained to consistency. Its decrees and laws could not be
immutable. The laws of God are not obligatory on us because they are
the enactments of His POWER, or the expression of His WILL; but
because they express His infinite WISDOM. They are not right because
they are His laws, but His laws because they are right. From the
equilibrium of infinite wisdom and infinite force, results perfect
harmony, in physics and in the moral universe. Wisdom, rower, and
Harmony constitute one Masonic triad. They have other and profounder
meanings, that may at some time be unveiled to you.

As to the ordinary and commonplace explanation, it may be added, that
the wisdom of the Architect is displayed in combining, as only a
skillful Architect can do, and as God has done everywhere,--for
example, in the tree, the human frame, the egg, the cells of the
honeycomb--strength, with grace, beauty, symmetry, proportion,
lightness, ornamentation. That, too, is the perfection of the orator
and poet--to combine force, strength, energy, with grace of style,
musical cadences, the beauty of figures, the play and irradiation of
imagination and fancy; and so, in a State, the warlike and industrial
force of the people, and their Titanic strength, must be combined with
the beauty of the arts, the sciences, and the intellect, if the State
would scale the heights of excellence, and the people be really free.
Harmony in this, as in all the Divine, the material, and the human, is
the result of equilibrium, of the sympathy and opposite action of
contraries; a single Wisdom above them holding the beam of the scales.
To reconcile the moral law, human responsibility, free-will, with the
absolute power of God; and the existence of evil with His absolute
wisdom, and goodness, and mercy,-- these are the great enigmas of the

You entered the Lodge between two columns. They represent the two
which stood in the porch of the Temple, on each side of the great
eastern gateway. These pillars, of bronze, four fingers breadth in
thickness, were, according to the most authentic account--that in the
First and that in the Second Book of Kings, confirmed in Jeremiah--
eighteen cubits high, with a capital five cubits high. The shaft of
each was four cubits in diameter. A cubit is one foot and 707/1000.
That is, the shaft of each was a little over thirty feet eight inches
in height, the capital of each a little over eight feet six inches in
height, and the diameter of the shaft six feet ten inches. The
capitals were enriched by pomegranates of bronze, covered by bronze
net-work, and ornamented with wreaths of bronze; and appear to have
imitated the shape of the seed-vessel of the lotus or Egyptian lily, a
sacred symbol to the Hindus and Egyptians. The pillar or column on the
right, or in the south, was named, as the Hebrew word is rendered in
our translation of the Bible, JACHIN: and that on the left BOAZ. Our
translators say that the first word means, "He shall establish;" and
the second, "In it is strength."

These columns were imitations, by Khurum, the Tyrian artist, of the
great columns consecrated to the Winds and Fire, at the entrance to
the famous Temple of Malkarth, in the city of Tyre. It is customary,
in Lodges of the York Rite, to see a celestial globe on one, and a
terrestrial globe on the other; but these are not warranted, if the
object be to imitate the original two columns of the Temple. The
symbolic meaning of these columns we shall leave for the present
unexplained, only adding that Entered Apprentices keep their
working-tools in the column JACHIN; and giving you the etymology and
literal meaning of the two names.

The word JACHIN, in Hebrew, probably pronounced Ya-kayan, and meant,
as a verbal noun, He that strengthens; and thence, firm, stable,

The word Boaz is Baaz which means Strong, Strength, Power, Might,
Refuge, Source of Strength, a Fort. The prefix means "with" or "in,"
and gives the word the force of the Latin gerund,

The former word also means he will establish, or plant in an erect
position--from the verb Kun, he stood erect. It probably meant Active
and Vivifying Energy and Force; and Boaz, Stability, Permanence, in
the passive sense.

The Dimensions of the Lodge, our Brethren of the York Rite say, "are
unlimited, and its covering no less than the canopy of Heaven." "To
this object," they say, "the mason's mind is continually directed, and
thither he hopes at last to arrive by the aid of the theological
ladder which Jacob in his vision saw ascending from earth to Heaven;
the three principal rounds of which are denominated Faith, Hope, and
Charity; and which admonish us to have Faith in God, Hope in
Immortality, and Charity to all mankind." Accordingly a ladder,
sometimes with nine rounds, is seen on the chart, resting at the
bottom on the earth, its top in the clouds, the stars shining above
it; and this is deemed to represent that mystic ladder, which Jacob
saw in his dream, set up on the earth, and the top of it reaching to
Heaven, with the angels of God ascending and descending on it. The
addition of the three principal rounds to the symbolism, is wholly
modern and incongruous.

The ancients counted seven planets, thus arranged: the Moon, Mercury,
Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. There were seven heavens
and seven spheres of these planets; on all the monuments of Mithras
are seven altars or pyres, consecrated to the seven planets, as were
the seven lamps of the golden candelabrum in the Temple. That these
represented the planets, we are assured by Clemens of Alexandria, in
his Stromata, and by Philo Judaeus.

To return to its source in the Infinite, the human soul, the ancients
held, had to ascend, as it had descended, through the seven spheres.
The Ladder by which it reascends, has, according to Marsilius Ficinus,
in his Commentary on the Ennead of Plotinus, seven degrees or steps;
and in the Mysteries of Mithras, carried to Rome under the Emperors,
the ladder, with its seven rounds, was a symbol referring to this
ascent through the spheres of the seven planets. Jacob saw the Spirits
of God ascending and descending on it; and above it the Deity Himself.
The Mithraic Mysteries were celebrated in caves, where gates were
marked at the four equinoctial and solstitial points of the Zodiac;
and the seven planetary spheres were represented, which souls needs
must traverse in descending from the heaven of the fixed stars to the
elements that envelop the earth; and seven gates were marked, one for
each planet, through which they pass, in descending or returning.

We learn this from Celsus, in Origen, who says that the symbolic image
of this passage among the stars, used in the Mithraic Mysteries, was a
ladder reaching from earth to Heaven, divided into seven steps or
stages, to each of which was a gate, and at the summit an eighth one,
that of the fixed stars. The symbol was the same as that of the seven
stages of Borsippa, the Pyramid of vitrified brick, near Babylon,
built of seven stages, and each of a different colour. In the Mithraic
ceremonies, the candidate went through seven stages of initiation,
passing through many fearful trials--and of these the high ladder with
seven rounds or steps was the symbol.

You see the Lodge, its details and ornaments, by its Lights. You have
already heard what these Lights, the greater and lesser, are said to
be, and how they are spoken of by our Brethren of the York Rite.

The Holy Bible, Square, and Compasses, are not only styled the Great
Lights in Masonry, but they are also technically called the Furniture
of the Lodge; and, as you have seen, it is held that there is no Lodge
without them. This has sometimes been made a pretext for excluding
Jews from our Lodges, because they cannot regard the New Testament as
a holy book. The Bible is an indispensable part of the furniture of a
Christian Lodge, only because it is the sacred book of the Christian
religion. The Hebrew Pentateuch in a Hebrew Lodge, and the Koran in a
Mohammedan one, belong on the Altar; and one of these, and the Square
and Compass, properly understood, are the Great Lights by which a
Mason must walk and work.

The obligation of the candidate is always to be taken on the sacred
book or books of his religion, that he may deem it more solemn and
binding; and therefore it was that you were asked of what religion you
were. We have no other concern with your religious creed.

The Square is a right angle, formed by two right lines. It is adapted
only to a plane surface, and belongs only to geometry,
earth-measurement, that trigonometry which deals only with planes, and
with the earth, which the ancients supposed to be a plane. The Compass
describes circles, and deals with spherical trigonometry, the science
of the spheres and-heavens. The former, therefore, is an emblem of
what concerns the earth and the body; the latter of what concerns the
heavens and the soul. Yet the Compass is also used in plane
trigonometry, as in erecting perpendiculars; and, therefore, you are
reminded that, although in this Degree both points of the Compass are
under the Square, and you are now dealing only with the moral and
political meaning of the symbols, and not with their philosophical and
spiritual meanings, still the divine ever mingles with the human; with
the earthly the spiritual intermixes; and there is something spiritual
in the commonest duties of life. The nations are not bodies politic
alone, but also souls-politic; and woe to that people which, seeking
the material only, forgets that it has a soul. Then we have a race,
petrified in dogma, which presupposes the absence of a soul and the
presence only of memory and instinct, or demoralized by lucre. Such a
nature can never lead civilization. Genuflexion before the idol or the
dollar atrophies the muscle which walks and the will which moves.
Hieratic or mercantile absorption diminishes the radiance of a people,
lowers its horizon by lowering its level, and deprives it of that
understanding of the universal aim, at the same time human and divine,
which makes the missionary nations. A free people, forgetting that it
has a soul to be cared for, devotes all its energies to its material
advancement. If it makes war, it is to subserve its commercial
interests. The citizens copy after the State, and regard wealth, pomp,
and luxury as the great goods of life. Such a nation creates wealth
rapidly, and distributes it badly. Thence the two extremes, of
monstrous opulence and monstrous misery; all the enjoyment to a few,
all the privations to the rest, that is to say, to the people;
Privilege, Exception, Monopoly, Feudality, springing up from Labour
itself: a false and dangerous situation, which, making Labour a
blinded and chained Cyclops, in the mine, at the forge, in the
workshop, at the loom, in the field, over poisonous fumes, in
miasmatic cells, in unventilated factories, founds public power upon
private misery, and plants the greatness of the State in the suffering
of the individual. It is a greatness ill constituted, in which all the
material elements are combined, and into which no moral element
enters. If a people, like a star, has the right of eclipse, the light
ought to return. The eclipse should not degenerate into night.

The three lesser, or the Sublime Lights, you have heard, are the Sun,
the Moon, and the Master of the Lodge; and you have heard what our
Brethren of the York Rite say in regard to them, and why they hold
them to be Lights of the Lodge. But the Sun and Moon do in no sense
light the Lodge, unless it be symbolically, and then the lights are
not they, but those things of which they are the symbols. Of what they
are the symbols the Mason in that Rite is not told. Nor does the Moon
in any sense rule the night with regularity.

The Sun is the ancient symbol of the life-giving and generative power
of the Deity. To the ancients, light was the cause of life; and God
was the source from which all light flowed; the essence of Light, the
Invisible Fire, developed as Flame manifested as light and splendour.
The Sun was His manifestation and visible image; and the Sabaeans
worshipping the Light--God, seemed to worship the Sun, in whom they
saw the manifestation of the Deity.

The Moon was the symbol of the passive capacity of nature to produce,
the female, of which the life-giving power and energy was the male. It
was the symbol of Isis, Astarte, and Artemis, or Diana. The "Master of
Life" was the Supreme Deity, above both, and manifested through both;
Zeus, the Son of Saturn, become King of the Gods; Horus, son of Osiris
and Isis, become the Master of Life; Dionusos or Bacchus, like
Mithras, become the author of Light and Life and Truth.

* * * * *

The Master of Light and Life, the Sun and the Moon, are symbolized in
every Lodge by the Master and Wardens: and this makes it the duty of
the Master to dispense light to the Brethren, by himself, and through
the Wardens, who are his ministers.

"Thy sun," says ISAIAH to Jerusalem, "shall no more go down, neither
shall thy moon withdraw itself; for the LORD shall be thine
everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. Thy
people also shall be all righteous; they shall inherit the land
forever." Such is the type of a free people.

Our northern ancestors worshipped this tri-une Deity; ODIN, the
Almighty FATHER; FREA, his wife, emblem of universal matter; and THOR,
his son, the mediator. But above all these was the Supreme God, "the
author of everything that existeth, the Eternal, the Ancient, the
Living and Awful Being, the Searcher into concealed things, the Being
that never changeth." In the Temple of Eleusis (a sanctuary lighted
only by a window in the roof, and representing the Universe), the
images of the Sun, Moon, and Mercury, were represented.

"The Sun and Moon," says the learned Bro.'. DELAUNAY, "represent the
two grand principles of all generations, the active and passive, the
male and the female. The Sun represents the actual light. He pours
upon the Moon his fecundating rays; both shed their light upon their
offspring, the Blazing Star, or HORUS, and the three form the great
Equilateral Triangle, in the centre of which is the omnific letter of
the Kabalah, by which creation is said to have been effected."

The ORNAMENTS of a Lodge are said to be "the Mosaic Pavement, the
Indented Tessel, and the Blazing Star." The Mosaic Pavement, chequered
in squares or lozenges, is said to represent the ground-floor of King
Solomon's Temple; and the Indented Tessel "that beautiful tessellated
border which surrounded it." The Blazing Star in the centre is said to
be "an emblem of Divine Providence, and commemorative of the star
which appeared to guide the wise men of the East to the place of our
Saviour's nativity." But "there was no stone seen" within the Temple.
The walls were covered with planks of cedar, and the floor was covered
with planks of fir. There is no evidence that there was such a
pavement or floor in the Temple, or such a bordering. In England,
anciently, the Tracing-Board was surrounded with an indented border;
and it is only in America that such a border is put around the Mosaic
pavement. The tesserae, indeed, are the squares or lozenges of the
pavement. In England, also, "the indented or denticulated border" is
called "tessellated," because it has four "tassels," said to represent
Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice. It was termed the
Indented Trassel; but this is a misuse of words. It is a tesserated
pavement, with an indented border round it.

The pavement, alternately black and white, symbolizes, whether so
intended or not, the Good and Evil Principles of the Egyptian and
Persian creed. It is the warfare of Michael and Satan, of the Gods and
Titans, of Balder and Lok; between light and shadow, which is
darkness; Day and Night; Freedom and Despotism; Religious Liberty and
the Arbitrary Dogmas of a Church that thinks for its votaries, and
whose Pontiff claims to be infallible, and the decretals of its
Councils to constitute a gospel.

The edges of this pavement, if in lozenges, will necessarily be
indented or denticulated, toothed like a saw; and to complete and
finish it a bordering is necessary. It is completed by tassels as
ornaments at the corners. If these and the bordering have any symbolic
meaning, it is fanciful and arbitrary.

To find in the BLAZING STAR of five points an allusion to the Divine
Providence, is also fanciful; and to make it commemorative of the Star
that is said to have guided the Magi, is to give it a meaning
comparatively modern. Originally it represented SIRIUS, or the
Dog-star, the forerunner of the inundation of the Nile; the God
ANUBIS, companion of ISIS in her search for the body of OSIRIS, her
brother and husband. Then it became the image of HORUS, the son of
OSIRIS, himself symbolized also by the Sun, the author of the Seasons,
and the God of Time; Son of ISIS, who was the universal nature,
himself the primitive matter, inexhaustible source of Life, spark of
uncreated fire, universal seed of all beings. It was HERMES, also, the
Master of Learning, whose name in Greek is that of the God Mercury. It
became the sacred and potent sign or character of the Magi, the
PENTALPHA, and is the significant emblem of Liberty and Freedom,
blazing with a steady radiance amid the weltering elements of good and
evil of Revolutions, and promising serene skies and fertile seasons to
the nations, after the storms of change and tumult.

In the East of the Lodge, over the Master, inclosed in a triangle, is
the Hebrew letter YOD. In the English and American Lodges the Letter
G.'. is substituted for this, as the initial of the word GOD, with as
little reason as if the letter D., initial of DIEU, were used in
French Lodges instead of the proper letter. YOD is, in the Kabalah,
the symbol of Unity, of the Supreme Deity, the first letter of the
Holy Name; and also a symbol of the Great Kabalistic Triads. To
understand its mystic meanings, you must open the pages of the Sohar
and Siphra de Zeniutha, and other kabalistic books, and ponder deeply
on their meaning. It must suffice to say, that it is the Creative
Energy of the Deity, is represented as a point, and that point in the
centre of the Circle of immensity. It is to us in this Degree, the
symbol of that unmanifested Deity, the Absolute, who has no name.

Our French Brethren place this letter YOD in the centre of the Blazing
Star. And in the old Lectures, our ancient English Brethren said, "The
Blazing Star or Glory in the centre refers us to that grand luminary,
the Sun, which enlightens the earth, and by its genial influence
dispenses blessings to mankind." They called it also in the same
lectures, an emblem of PRUDENCE. The word Prudentia means, in its
original and fullest signification, Foresight; and, accordingly, the
Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the
All-seeing Eye, which to the Egyptian Initiates was the emblem of
Osiris, the Creator. With the YOD in the centre, it has the kabalistic
meaning of the Divine Energy, manifested as Light, creating the

The Jewels of the Lodge are said to be six in number. Three are called
"Movable," and three "Immovable." The SQUARE, the LEVEL, and the PLUMB
were anciently and properly called the Movable Jewels, because they
pass from one Brother to another. It is a modern innovation to call
them immovable, because they must always be present in the Lodge. The
immovable jewels are the ROUGH ASHLAR, the PERFECT ASHLAR or CUBICAL,
STONE, or, in some Rituals, the DOUBLE CUBE, and the TRACING-BOARD, or

Of these jewels our Brethren of the York Rite say: "The Square
inculcates Morality; the Level, Equality; and the Plumb, Rectitude of
Conduct." Their explanation of the immovable Jewels may be read in
their monitors.

Our Brethren of the York Rite say that "there is represented in every
well-governed Lodge, a certain point, within a circle; the point
representing an individual Brother; the Circle, the boundary line of
his conduct, beyond which he is never to suffer his prejudices or
passions to betray him."

This is not to interpret the symbols of Masonry. It is said by some,
with a nearer approach to interpretation, that the point within the
circle represents God in the centre of the Universe. It is a common
Egyptian sign for the Sun and Osiris, and is still used as the
astronomical sign of the great luminary. In the Kabalah the point is
YOD, the Creative Energy of God, irradiating with light the circular
space which God, the universal Light, left vacant, wherein to create
the worlds, by withdrawing His substance of Light back on all sides
from one point.

Our Brethren add that, "this circle is embordered by two perpendicular
parallel lines, representing Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the
Evangelist, and upon the top rest the Holy Scriptures" (an open book).
"In going round this circle," they say, "we necessarily touch upon
these two lines as well as upon the Holy Scriptures; and while a Mason
keeps himself circumscribed within their precepts, it is impossible
that he should materially err."

It would be a waste of time to comment upon this. Some writers have
imagined that the parallel lines represent the Tropics of Cancer and
Capricorn, which the Sun alternately touches upon at the Summer and
Winter solstices. But the tropics are not perpendicular lines, and the
idea is merely fanciful. If the parallel lines ever belonged to the
ancient symbol, they had some more recondite and more fruitful
meaning. They probably had the same meaning as the twin columns Jachin
and Boaz. That meaning is not for the Apprentice. The adept may find
it in the Kabalah. The JUSTICE and MERCY of God are in equilibrium,
and the result is HARMONY, because a Single and Perfect Wisdom
presides over both.

The Holy Scriptures are an entirely modern addition to the symbol,
like the terrestrial and celestial globes on the columns of the
portico. Thus the ancient symbol has been denaturalized by incongruous
additions, like that of Isis weeping over the broken column containing
the remains of Osiris at Byblos.

* * * * * *

Masonry has its decalogue, which is a law to its Initiates. These are
its Ten Commandments:

I. God is the Eternal, Omnipotent, Immutable WISDOM and Supreme
INTELLIGENCE and Exhaustless Love. Thou shalt adore, revere, and love
Him !
Thou shalt honour Him by practising the virtues!

II. Thy religion shall be, to do good because it is a pleasure to
thee, and not merely because it is a duty.
That thou mayest become the friend of the wise man, thou shalt obey
his precepts !
Thy soul is immortal ! Thou shalt do nothing to degrade it !

III. Thou shalt unceasingly war against vice!
Thou shalt not do unto others that which thou wouldst not wish them to
do unto thee !
Thou shalt be submissive to thy fortunes, and keep burning the light
of wisdom !

IV. Thou shalt honour thy parents !
Thou shalt pay respect and homage to the aged!
Thou shalt instruct the young!
Thou shalt protect and defend infancy and innocence !

V. Thou shalt cherish thy wife and thy children!
Thou shalt love thy country, and obey its laws!

VI. Thy friend shall be to thee a second self !
Misfortune shall not estrange thee from him !
Thou shalt do for his memory whatever thou wouldst do for him, if he
were living!

VII. Thou shalt avoid and flee from insincere friendships !
Thou shalt in everything refrain from excess.
Thou shalt fear to be the cause of a stain on thy memory!

VIII. Thou shalt allow no passions to become thy master !
Thou shalt make the passions of others profitable lessons to thyself!
Thou shalt be indulgent to error !

IX. Thou shalt hear much: Thou shalt speak little: Thou shalt act well
Thou shalt forget injuries!
Thou shalt render good for evil !
Thou shalt not misuse either thy strength or thy superiority !

X. Thou shalt study to know men; that thereby thou mayest learn to
know thyself !
Thou shalt ever seek after virtue !
Thou shalt be just!
Thou shalt avoid idleness !

But the great commandment of Masonry is this: "A new commandment give
I unto you: that ye love one another! He that saith he is in the
light, and hateth his brother, remaineth still in the darkness."

Such are the moral duties of a Mason. But it is also the duty of
Masonry to assist in elevating the moral and intellectual level of
society; in coining knowledge, bringing ideas into circulation, and
causing the mind of youth to grow; and in putting, gradually, by the
teachings of axioms and the promulgation of positive laws, the human
race in harmony with its destinies.

To this duty and work the Initiate is apprenticed. He must not imagine
that he can effect nothing, and, therefore, despairing, become inert.
It is in this, as in a man's daily life. Many great deeds are done in
the small struggles of life. There is, we are told, a determined
though unseen bravery, which defends itself, foot to foot, in the
darkness, against the fatal invasion of necessity and of baseness.
There are noble and mysterious triumphs, which no eye sees, which no
renown rewards, which no flourish of trumpets salutes. Life,
misfortune, isolation, abandonment, poverty, are battle-fields, which
have their heroes,--heroes obscure, but sometimes greater than those
who become illustrious. The Mason should struggle in the same manner,
and with the same bravery, against those invasions of necessity and
baseness, which come to nations as well as to men. He should meet
them, too, foot to foot, even in the darkness, and protest against the
national wrongs and follies; against usurpation and the first inroads
of that hydra, Tyranny. There is no more sovereign eloquence than the
truth in indignation. It is more difficult for a people to keep than
to gain their freedom. The Protests of Truth are always needed.
Continually, the right must protest against the fact. There is, in
fact, Eternity in the Right. The Mason should be the Priest and
Soldier of that Right. If his country should be robbed of her
liberties, he should still not despair. The protest of the Right
against the Fact persists forever. The robbery of a people never
becomes prescriptive. Reclamation of its rights is barred by no length
of time. Warsaw can no more be Tartar than Venice can be Teutonic. A
people may endure military usurpation, and subjugated States kneel to
States and wear the yoke, while under the stress of necessity; but
when the necessity disappears, if the people is fit to be free, the
submerged country will float to the surface and reappear, and Tyranny
be adjudged by History to have murdered its victims.

Whatever occurs, we should have Faith in the Justice and overruling
Wisdom of God, and Hope for the Future, and Lovingkindness for those
who are in error. God makes visible to men His will in events; an
obscure text, written in a mysterious language. Men make their
translations of it forthwith, hasty, incorrect, full of faults,
omissions, and misreadings. We see so short a way along the arc of the
great circle! Few minds comprehend the Divine tongue. The most
sagacious, the most calm, the most profound, decipher the hieroglyphs
slowly; and when they arrive with their text, perhaps the need has
long gone by; there are already twenty translations in the public
square--the most incorrect being, as of course, the most accepted and
popular. From each translation, a party is born; and from each
misreading, a faction. Each party believes or pretends that it has the
only true text, and each faction believes or pretends that it alone
possesses the light. Moreover, factions are blind men, who aim
straight, errors are excellent projectiles, striking skillfully, and
with all the violence that springs from false reasoning, wherever a
want of logic in those who defend the right, like a defect in a
cuirass, makes them vulnerable.

Therefore it is that we shall often be discomfited in combating error
before the people. Antaeus long resisted Hercules; and the heads of
the Hydra grew as fast as they were cut off. It is absurd to say that
Error, wounded, writhes in pain, and dies amid her worshippers. Truth
conquers slowly. There is a wondrous vitality in Error. Truth, indeed,
for the most part, shoots over the heads of the masses; or if an error
is prostrated for a moment, it is up again in a moment, and as
vigorous as ever. It will not die when the brains are out, and the
most stupid and irrational errors are the longest-lived.

Nevertheless, Masonry, which is Morality and Philosophy, must not
cease to do its duty. We never know at what moment success awaits our
efforts--generally when most unexpected--nor with what effect our
efforts are or are not to be attended. Succeed or fail, Masonry must
not bow to error, or succumb under discouragement. There were at Rome
a few Carthaginian soldiers, taken prisoners, who refused to bow to
Flaminius, and had a little of Hannibal's magnanimity. Masons should
possess an equal greatness of soul. Masonry should be an energy;
finding its aim and effect in the amelioration of mankind. Socrates
should enter into Adam, and produce Marcus Aurelius, in other words,
bring forth from the man of enjoyments, the man of wisdom. Masonry
should not be a mere watch-tower, built upon mystery, from which to
gaze at ease upon the world, with no other result than to be a
convenience for the curious. To hold the full cup of thought to the
thirsty lips of men; to give to all the true ideas of Deity; to
harmonize conscience and science, are the province of Philosophy.
Morality is Faith in full bloom. Contemplation should lead to action,
and the absolute be practical; the ideal be made air and food and
drink to the human mind. Wisdom is a sacred communion. It is only on
that condition that it ceases to be a sterile love of Science, and
becomes the one and supreme method by which to unite Humanity and
arouse it to concerted action. Then Philosophy becomes Religion.

And Masonry, like History and Philosophy, has eternal duties--
eternal, and, at the same time, simple--to oppose Caiaphas as Bishop,
Draco or Jefferies as Judge, Trimalcion as Legislator, and Tiberius as
Emperor. These are the symbols of the tyranny that degrades and
crushes, and the corruption that defiles and infests. In the works
published for the use of the Craft we are told that the three great
tenets of a Mason's profession, are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.
And it is true that a Brotherly affection and kindness should govern
us in all our intercourse and relations with our brethren; and a
generous and liberal philanthropy actuate us in regard to all men. To
relieve the distressed is peculiarly the duty of Masons--a sacred
duty, not to be omitted, neglected, or coldly or inefficiently
complied with. It is also most true, that Truth is a Divine attribute
and the foundation of every virtue. To be true, and to seek to find
and learn the Truth, are the great objects of every good Mason.

As the Ancients did, Masonry styles Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence,
and Justice, the four cardinal virtues. They are as necessary to
nations as to individuals. The people that would be Free and
Independent, must possess Sagacity, Forethought, Foresight, and
careful Circumspection, all which are included in the meaning of the
word Prudence. It must be temperate in asserting its rights, temperate
in its councils, economical in its expenses; it must be bold, brave,
courageous, patient under reverses, undismayed by disasters, hopeful
amid calamities, like Rome when she sold the field at which Hannibal
had his camp. No Cannae or Pharsalia or Pavia or Agincourt or Waterloo
must discourage her. Let her Senate sit in their seats until the Gauls
pluck them by the beard. She must, above all things, be just, not
truckling to the strong and warring on or plundering the weak; she
must act on the square with all nations, and the feeblest tribes;
always keeping her faith, honest in her legislation, upright in all
her dealings. Whenever such a Republic exists, it will be immortal:
for rashness, injustice, intemperance and luxury in prosperity, and
despair and disorder in adversity, are the causes of the decay and
dilapidation of nations.

M & D Chapter II

The Fellowcraft


by Albert Pike


In the Ancient Orient, all religion was more or less a mystery and
there was no divorce from it of philosophy. The popular theology,
taking the multitude of allegories and symbols for realities,
degenerated into a worship of the celestial luminaries, of imaginary
Deities with human feelings, passions, appetites, and lusts, of idols,
stones, animals, reptiles. The Onion was sacred to the Egyptians,
because its different layers were a symbol of the concentric heavenly
spheres. Of course the popular religion could not satisfy the deeper
longings and thoughts, the loftier aspirations of the Spirit, or the
logic of reason. The first, therefore, was taught to the initiated in
the Mysteries. There, also, it was taught by symbols. The vagueness of
symbolism, capable of many interpretations, reached what the palpable
and conventional creed could not. Its indefiniteness acknowledged the
abstruseness of the subject: it treated that mysterious subject
mystically: it endeavored to illustrate what it could not explain; to
excite an appropriate feeling, if it could not develop an adequate
idea; and to rmake the image a mere subordinate conveyance for the
conception, which itself never became obvious or familiar.

Thus the knowledge now imparted by books and letters, was of old
conveyed by symbols; and the priests invented or perpetuated a display
of rites and exhibitions, which were not only more attractive to the
eye than words, but often more suggestive and more pregnant with
meaning to the mind.

Masonry, successor of the Mysteries, still follows the ancient manner
of teaching. Her ceremonies are like the ancient mystic shows,--not
the reading of an essay, but the opening of a problem, requiring
research, and constituting philosophy the arch-expounder. Her symbols
are the instruction she gives. The lectures are endeavors, often
partial and one-sided, to interpret these symbols. He who would become
an accomplished Mason must not be content merely to hear, or even to
understand, the lectures; he must, aided by them, and they having, as
it were, marked out the way for him, study, interpret, and develop
these symbols for himself

* * * * * *

Though Masonry is identical with the ancient Mysteries, it is so only
in this qualified sense: that it presents but an imperfect image of
their brilliancy, the ruins only of their grandeur, and a system that
has experienced progressive alterations, the fruits of social events,
political circumstances, and the ambitious imbecility of its
improvers. After leaving Egypt, the Mysteries were modified by the
habits of the different nations among whom they were introduced, and
especially by the religious systems of the countries into which they
were transplanted. To maintain the established government, laws, and
religion, was the obligation of the Initiate everywhere; and
everywhere they were the heritage of the priests, who were nowhere
willing to make the common people co-proprietors with themselves of
philosophical truth.

Masonry is not the Coliseum in ruins. It is rather a Roman palace of
the middle ages, disfigured by moderll architectural improvements, yet
built on a Cyclopcean foundation laid by the Etruscans, and with many
a stone of the superstructure taken from dwellings and temples of the
age of Hadrian and Antoninus.

Christianity taught the doctrine of FRATERNITY; but repudiated that of
political EQUALITY, by continually inculcating obedience to Caesar,
and to those lawfully in authority. Masonry was the first apostle of
EQUALITY. In the Monastery there is fraternity and equality, but no
liberty. Masonry added that also, and claimed for man the three-fold

It was but a development of the original purpose of the Mysteries,
which was to teach men to know and practice their duties to themselves
and their fellows, the great practical end of all philosophy and all

Truths are the springs from which duties flow; and it is but a few
hundred years since a new Truth began to be distinctly seen; that MAN
empire over all institutions. They are for him, aecording to his
development; not he for them. This seems to us a very simple
statement, one to which all men, everywhere, ought to assent. But once
it was a great new Truth,--not revealed until governments had been in
existence for at least five thousand years. Once revealed, it imposed
new duties on men. Man owed it to himself to be free. He owed it to
his country to seek to give her freedom, or maintain her in that
possession. It made Tyranny and Usurpation the enemies of the Human
Race. It created a general outlawry of Despots and Despotisms,
temporal and spiritual. The sphere of Duty was immensely enlarged.
Patriotism had, henceforth, a new and wider meaning. Free Government,
Free Thought, Free Conscience, Free Speech! All these came to be
inalienable rights, which those who had parted with them or been
robbed of them, or whose ancestors had lost them, had the right
summarily to retake. Unfortunately, as Truths always become perverted
into falsehoods, and are falsehoods when misapplied, this Truth became
the Gospel of Anarchy, soon after it was first preached.

Masonry early comprehended this Truth, and recognized its own enlarged
duties. Its symbols then came to have a wider meaning; but it also
assumed the mask of Stone-masonry, and borrowed its working-tools, and
so was supplied with new and apt symbols. It aided in bringing about
the French Revolution, disappeared with the Girondists, was born again
with the restoration of order, and sustained Napoleon, because, though
Emperor, he acknowledged the right of the people to select its rulers,
and was at the head of a nation refusing to receive back its old
kings. He pleaded, with sabre, musket, and cannon, the great cause of
the People against Royalty, the right of the French people even to
make a Corsican General their Emperor, if it pleased them.

Masonry felt that this Truth had the Omnipotence of God on its side;
and that neither Pope nor Potentate could overcome it. It was a truth
dropped into the world's wide treasury, and forming a part of the
heritage which each generation receives, enlarges, and holds in trust,
and of necessity bequeaths to mankind; the personal estate of man,
entailed of nature to the end of time. And Masonry early recognized it
as true, that to set forth and develop a truth, or any human
excellence of gift or growth, is to make greater the spiritual glory
of the race; that whosoever aids the march of a Truth, and makes the
thought a thing, writes in the same line with MOSES, and with Him who
died upon the cross; and has an intellectual sympathy with the Deity

The best gift we can bestow on man is manhood. It is that which
Masonry is ordained of God to bestow on its votaries: not sectarianism
and religious dogma; not a rudimental morality, that may be found in
the writings of Confucius, Zoroaster, Seneca, and the Rabbis, in the
Proverbs and Ecclesiastes; not a little and cheap common-school
knowledge; but manhood and science and philosophy.

Not that Philosophy or Science is in opposition to Religion. For
Philosophy is but that knowledge of God and the Soul, which is derived
from observation of the manifested action of God and the Soul, and
from a wise analogy. It is the intellectual guide which the religious
sentiment needs. The true religious philosophy of an imperfect being,
is not a system of creed, but, as SOCRATES thought, an infinite search
or approximation. Philosophy is that intellectual and moral progress,
which the religious sentiment inspires and ennobles.

As to Science, it could not walk alone, while religion was stationary.
It consists of those matured inferences from experience which all
other experience confirms. It realizes and unites all that was truly
valuable in both the old schemes of mediation,--one heroic, or the
system of action and effort; and the mystical theory of spiritual,
ccntemplative commullion. "Listen to me," says GALEN, "as to the voice
of the Eleusinian Hierophant, and believe that the study of Nature is
a mystery no less important than theirs, nor less adapted to display
the wisdom and power of the Great Creator. Their lessons and
demonstrations were obscure, but ours are clear and unmistakable."

We deem that to be the best knowledge we can obtain of the Soul of
another man, which is furnished by his actions and his life-long
conduct. Evidence to the contrary, supplied by what another man
informs us that this Soul has said to his, would weigh little against
the former. The first Scriptures for the human race were written by
God on the Earth and Heavens. The reading of these Scriptures is
Science. Familiarity with the grass and trees, the insects and the
infusoria, teaches us deeper lessons of love and faith than we can
glean from the writings of FENELON and AUGUSTINE. The great Bible of
God is ever open before mankind.

Knowledge is convertible into power, and axioms into rules of utility
and duty. But knowledge itself is not Power. Wisdom is Power; and her
Prime Minister is JUSTICE, which is the perfected law of TRUTH. The
purpose, therefore, of Education and Science is to make a man wise. If
knowledge does not make him so, it is wasted, like water poured on the
sands. To know the formulas of Masonry, is of as little value, by
itself, as to know so many words and sentences in some barbarous
African or Australasian dialect. To know even the meaning of the
symbols, is but little, unless that adds to our wisdom, and also to
our charity, which is to justice like one hemisphere of the brain to
the other.

Do not lose sight, then, of the true object of your studies in
Masonry. It is to add to your estate of wisdom, and not merely to your
knowledge. A man may spend a lifetime in studying a single specialty
of knowledge,-- botany, conchology, or entomology, for instance,--in
committing to memory names derived from the Greek, and classifying and
reclassifying; and yet be no wiser than when he began. It is the great
truths as to all that most concerns a man, as to his rights,
interests, and duties, that Masonry seeks to teach her Initiates.

The wiser a man becomes, the less will he be inclined to submit tamely
to the imposition of fetters or a yoke, on his conscience or his
person. For, by increase of wisdom he not only better knows his
rights, but the more highly values them, and is more conscious of his
worth and dignity. His pride then urges him to assert his
independence. He becomes better able to assert it also; and better
able to assist others or his country, when they or she stake all, even
existence, upon the same assertion. But mere knowledge makes no one
independent, nor fits him to be free. It often only makes him a more
useful slave. Liberty is a curse to the ignorant and brutal.

Political science has for its object to ascertain in what manner and
by means of what institutions political and personal freedom may be
secured and perpetuated: not license, or the mere right of every man
to vote, but entire and absolute freedom of thought and opinion, alike
free of the despotism of monarch and mob and prelate; freedom of
action within the limits of the general law enacted for all; the
Courts of Justice, with impartial Judges and juries, open to all
alike; weakness and poverty equally potent in those Court.s as power
and wealth; the avenues to office and honor open alike to all the
worthy; the military powers, in war oY peaee, in strict subordination
to the civil power; arbitrary arrests for acts not known to the law as
crimes, impossible; Romish Inquisitions, Star-Chambers, Military
Commissions, unknown; the means of instruction within reach of the
children of all; the right of Free Speech; and accountability of all
public omcers, civil and military.

If Masonry needed to be justified for imposing political as well as
moral duties on its Initiates, it would be enough to point to the sad
history of the world. It would not even need that she should turn back
the pages of history to the chapters written by Tacitus: that she
should recite the incredible horrors of despotism under Caligula and
Domitian, Caracalla and Commodus, Vitellius and Maximin. She need only
point to the centuries of calamity through which the gay French nation
passed; to the long oppression of the feudal ages, of the selfish
Bourbon kings; to those times when the peasants were robbed and
slaughtered by their own lords and princes, like sheep; when the lord
claimed the firstfruits of the peasant's marriage-bed; when the
captured city was given up to merciless rape and massacre; when the
State-prisons groaned with innocent victims, and the Church blessed
the banners of pitiless murderers, and sang Te Deums for the crowning
mercy of the Eve of St. Bartholomew.

We might turn over the pages, to a later chapter,--that of the reign
of the Fifteenth Louis, when young girls, hardly more than children,
were kidnapped to serve his lusts; when lettres de cachet filled the
Bastile with persons accused of no crime, with husbands who were in
the way of the pleasures of lascivious wives and of villains wearing
orders of nobility; when the people were ground between the upper and
the nether millstone of taxes, customs, and excises; and when the
Pope's Nuncio and the Cardinal de la Roche-Ayman, devoutly kneeling,
one on each side of Madame du Barry, the king's abandoned prostitute,
put the slippers on her naked feet, as she rose from the adulterous
bed. Then, indeed, suffering and toil were the two forms of man, and
the people were but beasts of burden.

The true Mason is he who labors strenuously to help his Order effect
its great purposes. Not that the Order can effect them by itself; but
that it, too, can help. It also is one of God's instruments. It is a
Force and a Power; and shame upon it, if it did not exert itself, and,
if need be, sacrihce its children in the cause of humanity, as Abraham
was ready to offer up Isaac on the altar of sacrifice. It will not
forget that noble allegory of Curtius leaping, all in armor, into the
great yawning gulf that opened to swallow Rome. It will TRY. It shall
not be its fault if the day never comes when man will no longer have
to fear a conquest, an invasion, a usurpation, a rivalry of nations
with the armed hand, an interruption of civilization depending on a
marriage-royal, or a birth in the hereditary tyrannies; a partition of
the peoples by a Congress, a dismemberment by the downfall of a
dynasty, a combat of two religions, meeting head to head, like two
goats of darkness on the bridge of the Infinite: when they will no
longer have to fear famine, spoliation, prostitution from distress,
misery from lack of work, and all the brigandages of chance in the
forest of events: when nations will gravitate about the Truth, like
stars about the light, each in its own orbit, without clashing or
collision; and everywhere Freedom, cinctured with stars, crowned with
the celestial splendors, and with wisdom and justice on either hand,
will reign supreme.

In your studies as a Fellow-Craft you must be guided by REASON, LOVE
and FAITH.

We do not now discuss the differences between Reason and Faith, and
undertake to define the domain of each. But it is necessary to say,
that even in the ordinary affairs of life we are governed far more by
what we believe than by what we know; by FAITH and ANALOGY, than by
REASON. The "Age of Reason" of the French Revolution taught, we know,
what a folly it is to enthrone Reason by itself as supreme. Reason is
at fault when it deals with the Infinite. There we must revere and
believe. Notwithstanding the calamities of the virtuous, the miseries
of the deserving, the prosperity of tyrants and the murder of martyrs,
we must believe there is a wise, just, merciful, and loving God, an
Intelligence and a Providence, supreme over all, and caring for the
minutest things and events. A Faith is a necessity to man. Woe to him
who believes nothing!

We believe that the soul of another is of a certain nature and
possesses certain qualities, that he is generous and honest, or
penurious and knavish, that she is virtuous and amiable, or vicious
and ill-tempered, from the countenance alone, from little more than a
glimpse of it, without the means of knowing. We venture our fortune on
the signature of a man on the other side of the world, whom we never
saw, upon the belief that he is honest and trustworthy. We believe
that occurrences have taken place, upon the assertion of others. We
believe that one will acts upon another, and in the reality of a
multitude of other phenomena that Reason cannot explain.

But we ought not to believe what Reason authoritatively denies, that
at which the sense of right revolts, that which is absurd or
self-contradictory, or at issue with experience or science, or that
which degrades the character of the Deity, and would make Him
revengeful, malignant, cruel, or unjust.

A man's Faith is as much his own as his Reason is. His Freedom
consists as much in his faith being free as in his will being
uncontrolled by power. All the Priests and Augurs of Rome or Greece
had not the right to require Cicero or Socrates to believe in the
absurd mythology of the vulgar. All the Imaums of Mohammedanism have
not the right to require a Pagan to believe that Gabriel dictated the
Koran to the Prophet. All the Brahmins that ever lived, if assembled
in one conclave like the Cardinals, could not gain a right to compel a
single human being to believe in the Hindu Cosmogony. No man or body
of men can be infallible, and authorized to decide what other men
shall believe, as to any tenet of faith. Except to those who first
receive it, every religion and the truth of all inspired writings
depend on human testimony and internal evidences, to be judged of by
Reason and the wise analogies of Faith. Each man must necessarily have
the right to judge of their truth for himself; because no one man can
have any higher or better right to judge than another of equal
information and intelligence.

Domitian claimed to be the Lord God; and statues and images of him, in
silver and gold, were found throughout the known world. He claimed to
be regarded as the God of all men; and, according to Suetonius, began
his letters thus: "Our Lord and God commands that it should be done so
and so;" and formally decreed that no one should address him
otherwise, either in writing or by word of mouth. Palfurius Sura, the
philosopher, who was his chief delator, accusing those who refused to
recognize his divinity, however much he may have believed in that
divinity, had not the right to demand that a single Christian in Rome
or the provinces should do the same.

Reason is far from being the only guide, in morals or in political
science. Love or loving-kindness must keep it company, to exclude
fanaticism, intolerance, and persecution, to all of which a morality
too ascetic, and extreme political principles, invariably lead. We
must also have faith in ourselves, and in our fellows and the people,
or we shall be easily discouraged by reverses, and our ardor cooled by
obstacles. We must not listen to Reason alone. Force comes more from
Faitll and Love: and it is by the aid of these that man scales the
loftiest heights of morality, or becomes the Saviour and Redeemer of a
People. Reason must hold the helm; but these supply the motive power.
They are the wings of the soul. Enthusiasm is generally unreasoning;
and without it, and Love and Faith, there would have been no RIENZI,
or TELL, or SYDNEY, or any other of the great patriots whose names are
immortal. If the Deity had been merely and only All-wise and
All-mighty, He would never have created the Universe.

* * * * * *

It is GENIUS that gets Power; and its prime lieutenants are FORCE and
WISDOM. The unruliest of men bend before the leader that has the sense
to see and the will to do. It is Genius that rules with God-like
Power; that unveils, with its counsellors, the hidden human mysteries,
cuts asunder with its word the huge knots, and builds up with its word
the crumbled ruins. At its glance fall down the senseless idols, whose
altars have been on all the high places and in all the sacred groves.
Dishonesty and imbecility stand abashed before it. Its single Yea or
Nay revokes the wrongs of ages, and is heard among the future
generations. Its power is immense, because its wisdom is immense.
Genius is the Sun of the political sphere. Force and Wisdom, its
ministers, are the orbs that carry its light into darkness, and answer
it with their solid reflecting Truth.

Development is symbolized by the use of the Mallet and Chisel; the
development of the energies and intellect, of the individual and the
people. Genius may place itself at the head of an unintellectual,
uneducated, unenergetic nation; but in a free country, to cultivate
the intellect of those who elect, is the only mode of securing
intellect and genius for rulers. The world is seldom ruled by the
great spirits, except after dissolution and new birth. In periods of
transition and convulsion, the Long Parliaments, the Robespierres and
Marats, and the semi-respectabilities of intellect, too often hold the
reins of power. The Cromwells and Napoleons come later. After Marius
and Sulla and Cicero the rhetorician, CAESAR. The great intellect is
often too sharp for the granite of this life. Legislators may be very
ordinary men; for legislation is very ordinary work; it is but the
final issue of a million minds.

The power of the purse or the sword, compared to that of the spirit,
is poor and contemptible. As to lands, you may have agrarian laws, and
equal partition. But a man's intellect is all his own, held direct
from God, an inalienable fief. It is the most potent of weapons in the
hands of a paladin. If the people comprehend Force in the physical
sense, how much more do tlley revelence the intellectual! Ask
Hildebrand, or Luther, or Loyola. They fall prostrate before it, as
before an idol. The mastery of mind over mind is the only conquest
worth having. The other injures both, and dissolves at a breath; rude
as it is, the great cable falls down and snaps at last. But this dimly
resembles the dominion of the Creator. It does not need a subject like
that of Peter the Hermit. If the stream be but bright and strong, it
will sweep like a spring-tide to the popular heart. Not in word only,
but in intellectual act lies the fascination. It is the homage to the
Invisible. This power, knotted with Love, is the golden chain let down
into the well of Truth, or the invisible chain that binds the ranks of
mankind together.

Influence of man over man is a law of nature, whether it be by a great
estate in land or in intellect. It may mean slavery, a deference to
the eminent human judgment. Society hangs spiritually together, like
the revoiving spheres above. The free country, in which intellect and
genius govern, will endure. Where they serve, and other influences
govern, the national life is short. All the nations that have tried to
govern themselves by their smallest, by the incapables, or merely
respectables, have come to nought. Constitutions and Laws, without
Genius and Intellect to govern, will not prevent decay. In that case
they have the dry-rot and the life dies out of them by degrees.

To give a nation the franchise of the Intellect is the only sure mode
of perpetuating freedom. This will compel exertion and generous care
for the people from those on the higher seats, and honorable and
intelligent allegiance from those below. Then political public life
will protect all men from self-abasement in sensual pursuits, from
vulgar acts and low greed, by giving the noble ambition of just
imperial rule. To elevate the people by teaching loving-kindness and
wisdom, with power to him who teaches best: and so to develop the free
State from the rough ashlar:-- this is the great labor in which
Masonry desires to lend a helping hand.

All of us should labor in building up the great monument of a nation,
the Holy House of the Temple. The cardinal virtues must not be
partitioned among men, becoming the exclusive property of some, like
the common crafts. ALL are apprenticed to the partners, Duty and

Masonry is a march and a struggle toward the Light. For the individual
as well as the nation, Light is Virtue, Manliness, Intelligence,
Liberty. Tyranny over the soul or body, is darkness. The freest
people, like the freest man, is always in danger of relapsing into
servitude. Wars are almost always fatal to Republics. They create
tyrants, and consolidate their power. They spring, for the most part,
from evil counsels. When the small and the base are intrusted with
power, legislation and administration become but two parallel series
of errors and blunders, ending in war, calamity, and the necessity for
a tyrant. When the nation feels its feet sliding backward, as if it
walked on the ice, the time has come for a supreme effort. The
magnificent tyrants of the past are but the types of those of the
future. Men and nations will always sell themselves into slavery, to
gratify their passions and obtain revenge. The tyrant's plea,
necessity, is always available; and the tyrant once in power, the
necessity of providing for his safety makes him savage. Religion is a
power, and he must control that. Independent, its sanctuaries might
rebel. Then it becomes unlawful for the people to worship God in their
own way, and the old spiritual despotisms revive. Men must believe as
Power wills, or die; and even if they may believe as they will, all
they have, lands, houses, body, and soul, are stamped with the royal
brand. "I am the State," said Louis the Fourteenth to his peasants;
"the very shirts on your backs are mine, and I can take them if I

And dynasties so established endure, like that of the Caesars of Rome,
of the Caesars of Constantinople, of the Caliphs, the Stuarts, the
Spaniards, the Goths, the Valois, until the race wears out, and ends
with lunatics and idiots, who still rule. There is no concord among
men, to end the horrible bondage. The State falls inwardly, as well as
by the outward blows of the incoherent elements. The furious human
passions, the sleeping human indolence, the stolid human ignorance,
the rivalry of human castes, are as good for the kirlgs as the swords
of the Paladins. The worshippers have all bowed so long to the old
idol, that they cannot go into the streets and choose another Grand
Llama. And so the effete State floats on down the puddled stream of
Time, until the tempest or the tidal sea discovers that the worm has
consumed its strength, and it crumbles into oblivion.

* * * * * *

Civil and religious Freedom must go hand in hand; and Persecution
matures them both. A people content with the thoughts made for them by
the priests of a church will be content with Royalty by Divine
Right,-- the Church and the Throne mutually sustaining each other.
They will smother schism and reap infidelity and indifference; and
while the battle for freedom goes on around them, they will only sink
the more apathetically into servitude and a deep trance, perhaps
occasionally interrupted by furious fits of frenzy, followed by
helpless exhaustion.

Despotism is not dimcult in any land that has only known one master
from its childhood; but there is no harder problem than to perfect and
perpetuate free government by the people themselves; for it is not one
king that is needed: all must be kings. It is easy to set up
Masaniello, that in a few days he may fall lower than before. But free
govermnent grows slowly, like the individual human faculties; and like
the forest-trees, from the inner heart outward. Liberty is not only
the common birth-right, but it is lost as well by non-user as by
mis-user. It depends far more on the universal effort than any other
human property. It has no single shrine or holy well of pilgrimage for
the nation; for its waters should burst out freely from the whole

The free popular power is one that is only known in its strength in
the hour of adversity: for all its trials, sacrifices and expectations
are its own. It is trained to think for itself, and also to act for
itself. When the enslaved people prostrate themselves in the dust
before the hurricane, like the alarmed beasts of the field, the free
people stand erect before it, in all the strength of unity, in
self-reliance, in mutual reliance, with effrontery against all but the
visible hand of God. It is neither cast down by calamity nor elated by

This vast power of endurance, of forbearance, of patience, and of
performance, is only acquired by continual exercise of all the
functions, like the healthful physical human vigor, like the
individual moral vigor.

And the maxim is no less true than old, that eternal vigilance is the
price of liberty. It is curious to observe the universal pretext by
which the tyrants of all times take away the national liberties. It is
stated in the statutes of Edward II., that the justices and the
sheriff should no longer be elected by the people, on account of the
riots and dissensions which had arisen. The same reason was given long
before for the suppression of popular election of the bishops; and
there is a witness to this untruth in the yet older times, when Rome
lost her freedom, and her indignant citizens declared that tumultuous
liberty is better than disgraceful tranquillity.

* * * * * *

With the Compasses and Scale, we can trace all the figures used in the
mathematics of planes, or in what are called GEOMETRY and
TRIGONOMETRY, two words that are themselves deficient in meaning.
GEOMETRY, which the letter G. in most Lodges is said to signify, means
measurement of land or the earth--or Surveying; and TRIGONOMETRY, the
measurement of triangles, or figures with three sides or angles. The
latter is by far the most appropriate name for the science intended to
be expressed by the word "Geometry." Neither is of a meaning
sufficiently wide: for although the vast surveys of great spaces of
the earth's surface, and of coasts, by which shipwreck and calamity to
mariners are avoided, are effected by means of triangulation;--though
it was by the same method that the French astronomers measured a
degree of latitude and so established a scale of measures on an
immutable basis; though it is by means of the immense triangle that
has for its base a line drawn in imagination between the place of the
earth now and its place six months hence in space, and for its apex a
planet or star, that the distance of Jupiter or Sirius from the earth
is ascertained; and though there is a triangle still more vast, its
base extending either way from us, with and past the horizon into
immensity, and its apex infinitely distant above us; to which
corresponds a similar infinite triangle below--what is above equalling
what is below, immensity equalling immensity; yet the Science of
Numbers, to which Pythagoras attached so much importance, and whose
mysteries are found everywhere in the ancient religions, and most of
all in the Kabalah and in the Bib]e, is not sufficiently expressed by
either the word "Geometry" or the word "Trigonometry." For that
science includes theseJ with Arithmetic, and also with Algebra,
Logarithms, the Integral and Differential Calculus; and by means of it
are worked out the great problems of Astronomy or the Laws of the

* * * * * *

Virtue is but heroic bravery, to do the thing thought to be true, in
spite of all enemies of flesh or spirit, in despite of all temptations
or menaces. Man is accountable for the uprightness of his doctrine,
but not for the rightness of it. Devout enthusiasm is far easier than
a good action. The end of thought is action; the sole purpose of
Religion is an Ethic. Theory, in political science, is worthless,
except for the purpose of being realized in practice.

In every credo, religious or political as in the soul of man, there
are two regions, the Dialectic and the Ethic; and it is only when the
two are harmoniously blended, that a perfect discipline is evolved.
There are men who dialectically are Christians, as there are a
multitude who dialectically are Masons, and yet who are ethically
Infidels, as these are ethically of the Profane, in the strictest
sense:--intellectual believers, but practical atheists:-- men who will
write you "Evidences," in perfect faith in their logic, but cannot
carry out the Christian or Masonic doctrine, owing to the strength, or
weakness, of the flesh. On the other hand, there are many dialectical
skeptics, but ethical believers, as there are many Masons who have
never undergone initiation; and as ethics are the end and purpose of
religion, so are ethical believers the most worthy. He who does right
is better than he who thinks right.

But you must not act upon the hypothesis that all men are hypocrites,
whose conduct does not square with their sentiments. No vice is more
rare, for no task is more difficult, than systematic hypocrisy. When
the Demagogue becomes a Usurper it does not follow that he was all the
time a hypocrite. Shallow men only so judge of others.

The truth is, that creed has, in general, very little influence on the
conduct; in religion, on that of the individual; in politics, on that
of party. As a general thing, the Mahometan, in the Orient, is far
more honest and trustworthy than the Christian. A Gospel of Love in
the mouth, is an Avatar of Persecution in the heart. Men who believe
in eternal damnation and a literal sea of fire and brimstone, incur
the certainty of it, according to their creed, on the slightest
temptation of appetite or passion. Predestination insists on the
necessity of good works. In Masonry, at the least flow of passion, one
speaks ill of another behind his back; and so far from the
"Brotherhood" of Blue Masonry being real, and the solemn pledges
contained in the use of the word "Brother" being complied with,
extraordinary pains are taken to show that.Masonry is a sort of
abstraction, which scorns to interfere in worldly matters. The rule
may be regarded as universal, that, where there is a choice to be
made, a Mason will give his vote and influence, in politics and
business, to the less qualified profane in preference to the better
qualified Mason. One will take an oath to oppose any unlawful
usurpation of power, and then become the ready and even eager
instrument of a usurper. Another will call one "Brother," and then
play toward him the part of Judas Iscariot, or strike him, as Joab did
Abner, under the fifth rib, with a lie whose authorship is not to be
traced. Masonry does not change human nature, and cannot make honest
men out of born knaves.

While you are still engaged in preparation, and in accumulating
principles for future use, do not forget the words of the Apostle
James: "For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like
unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass, for he beholdeth
himself, and goeth away, and straightway forgetteth what ma1lner of
man he was; but whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and
continueth, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work,
this man shall be blessed in his work. If any man among you seem to be
religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart,
this man's religion is vain.... Faith, if it hath not works, is dead,
being an abstraction. A man is justified by works, and not by faith
only.... The devils believe,--and tremble.... As the body without the
heart is dead, so is faith without works."

* * * * * *

In political science, also, free governments are erected and free
constitutions framed, upon some simple and intelligible theory. Upon
whatever theory they are based, no sound conclusion is to be reached
except by carrying the theory out without flinching, both in argumcnt
on constitutional qucstions and in practice. Shrink from the true
theory through timidity, or wander from it througll want of the
logical faculty, or transgress against it througll passion or on the
plea of necessity or expediency, and you have denial or invasion of
rights, laws that offend against first principles, usurpation of
illegal powers, or abnegation and abdication of legitimate authority.

Do not forget, either, that as the showy, superficial, impudent and
self-conceited will almost always be preferred, even in utmost stress
of danger and calamity of the State, to the man of solid learning,
large intellect, and catholic sympathies, because he is nearer the
common popular and legislative level, so the highest truth is not
acceptable to the mass of mankind.

When SOLON was asked if he had given his countrymen the best laws, he
answered, "The best they are capable of receiving." This is one of the
profoundest utterances on record; and yet like all great truths, so
simple as to be rarely comprehended. It contains the whole philosophy
of History. It utters a truth which, had it been recognized, would
have saved men an immensity of vain, idle disputes, and have led them
into the clearer paths of knowledge in the Past. It means this,--that
all truths are Truths of Period, and not truths for eternity; that
whatever great fact has had strength and vitality enough to make
itself real, whether of religion, morals, government, or of whatever
else, and to find place in this world, has been a truth for the time,
and as good as men were capable of receiving.

So, too, with great men. The intellect and capacity of a people has a
single measure,--that of the great men whom Providence gives it, and
whom it receives. There have always been men too great for their time
or their people. Every people makes such men only its idols, as it is
capable of comprehending.

To impose ideal truth or law upon an incapable and merely real man,
must ever be a vain and empty speculation. The laws of sympathy govern
in this as they do in regard to men who are put at the head. We do not
know, as yet, what qualifications the sheep insist on in a leader.
With men who are too high intellectually, the mass have as little
sympathy as they have with the stars. When BURKE, the wisest statesman
England ever had, rose to speak, the House of Commons was depopulated
as upon an agreed signal. There is as little sympathy between the mass
and the highest TRUTHS. The highest truth, being incomprehensible to
the man of realities, as the highest man is, and largely above his
level, will be a great unreality and falsehood to an unintellectual
man. The profoundest doctrines of Christianity and Philosophy would be
mere jargon and babble to a Potawatomie Indian. The popular
explanations of the symbols of Masonry are fitting for the multitude
that have swarmed into the Temples,--being fully up to the level of
their capacity. Catholicism was a vital truth in its earliest ages,
but it became obsolete, and Protestantism arose, flourished, and
deteriorated. The doctrines of ZOROASTER were the best which the
ancient Persians were fitted to receive; those of CONFUCIUS were
fitted for the Chinese; those of MOHAMMED for the idolatrous Arabs of
his age. Each was Truth for the time. Each was a GOSPEL, preached by a
REFORMER; and if any men are so little fortunate as to remain content
therewith, when others have attained a higher truth, it is their
misfortune and not their fault. They are to be pitied for it, and not

Do not expect easily to convince men of the truth, or to lead them to
think aright. The subtle human intellect can weave its mists over even
the clearest vision. Remember that it is eccentric enough to ask
unanimity from a jury; but to ask it from any large number of men on
any point of political faith is amazing. You can hardly get two men in
any Congress or Convention to agree;--nay, you can rarely get one to
agree with himself. The political church which chances to be supreme
anywhere has an indefinite number of tongues. How then can we expect
men to agree as to matters beyond the cognizance of the senses? How
can we compass the Infinitc and the Invisible with any chain of
evidence? Ask the small sea-waves what they murmur among the pebbles !
How many of those words that come from the invisible shore are lost,
like the birds, in the long passage ? How vainly do we strain the eyes
across the long Infinite ! We must be content, as the children are,
with the pebbles that have been stranded, since it is forbidden us to
explore the hidden depths.

The Fellow-Craft is especially taught by this not to become wise in
his own conceit. Pride in unsound theories is worse than ignorancc.
Humility becomes a Mason. Take some quiet, sober moment of life, and
add together the two ideas of Pride and Man; behold him, creature of a
span, stalking through infinite space in all the grandeur of
littleness ! Perched on a speck of the Universe, every wind of Heaven
strikes into his blood the coldness of death; his soul floats avvay
from his body like the melody from the string. Day and night, like
dust on the wheel, he is rolled along the heavens, through a labyrinth
of worlds, and all the creations of God are flanling on every side,
further than even his imagination can reach. Is this a creature to
make for himself a crown of glory, to deny his own flesh, to mock at
his fellow, sprung with him from that dust to which both will soon
return? Does the proud man not err? Does he not suffer? Does he not
die? When he reasons, is he never stopped short by difficulties ? When
he acts, does he never succumb to the temptations of pleasure? When he
lives, is he free from pain? Do the diseases not claim him as their
prey? When he dies, can he escape the common grave ? Pride is not the
heritage of man. Humility should dwell with frailty, and atone for
ignorance, error and imperfection.

Neither should the Mason be over-anxious for office and honor, however
certainly he rmay feel that he has the capacity to serve the State. He
should neither seek nor spurn honors. It is good to enjoy the
blessings of fortune; it is better to submit without a pang to their
loss. The greatest deeds are not done in the glare of light, and
before the eyes of the populace. He whom God has gifted with a love of
retirement possesses, as it were, an additional sense; and among the
vast and noble scenes of nature, w e find the balm for the wounds we
have received among the pitiful shifts of policy; for the attachment
to solitude is the surest preservative from the ills of life.

But Resignation is the more noble in proportion as it is the less
passive. Retirement is only a morbid selfishness, if it prohibit
exertions for others; as it is only dignified and noble, when it is
the shade whence the oracles issue that are to instruct mankind; and
retirement of this nature is the sole seclusion which a good and wise
man will covet or command. The very philosophy which makes such a man
covet the quiet, will make him eschew the inutility of the hermitage.
Very little praiseworthy would LORD BOLINGBROKE have seemed among his
haymakers and ploughmen, if among haymakers and ploughmen he had
looked with an indifferent eye upon a profligate minister and a venal
Parliament. Very little interest would have attached to his beans and
vetches, if beans and vetches had caused him to forget that if he vvas
happier on a fann he could be more useful in a Senate, and made him
forego, in the sphere of a bailiff, all care for re-entering that of a

Remember, also, that therc is an education which quickens the
Intellect, and leaves the heart hollower or harder than before. There
are ethical lessons in the laws of the heavenly bodies, in the
properties of earthly elements, in geography, chemistry, geology, and
all the material sciences. Things are symbols of Truths. Properties
are symbols of Truths. Science, not teaching moral and spiritual
truths, is dead and dry, of little more real value than to commit to
the menlory a long row of unconnected dates, or of the names of bugs
or butterflies.

Christianity, it is said, begins from the burning of the false gods by
the people themselves. Education begins with the burning of our
intellectual and moral idols: our prejudices, notions, conceits, our
worth]ess or ignoble purposes. Especially it is necessary to shake off
the love of worldly gain. With Freedom comes the longing for worldly
advancement. In that race men are ever falling, rising, running, and
falling again. The lust for wealth and the abject dread of poverty
delve the furrows on many a noble brow. The gambler grows old as he
watches the chances. Lawful hazard drives Youth away before its time;
and this Youth draws heavy bills of exchange on Age. Men live, like
the engines, at high pressure, a hundred years in a hundred months;
the ledger becomes the Bible, and the day-book the Book of the Morning

Hence flow overreachings and sharp practice, heartless traffic in
which the capitalist buys profit with the lives of the laborers,
speculations that coin a nation's agonies into wealth, and all the
other devilish cnginery of Mammon. This, and greed for office, are the
two columns at the entrance to the Temple of Moloch. It is doubtful
whether the latter, blossoming in falsehood, trickery, and fraud, is
not even more pernicious than the former. At all events they are
twins, and fitly mated; and as either gains control of the unfortunate
subject, his soul withers away and decays, and at last dies out. The
souls of half the human race leave them long before they die. The two
greeds are twin plagues of the leprosy, and make the man unclean; and
whenever they break out they spread until "they cover all the skin of
him that hath the plague, from his head even to his foot." Even the
raw flesh of the heart becomes unclean with it.

Alexander of Macedon has left a saying behind him which has survived
his conquests: "Nothing is nobler than work." Work only can keep even
kings respectable. And when a king is a king indeed, it is an
honorable office to give tone to the manners and morals of a nation;
to set the example of virtuous conduct, and restore in spirit the old
schools of chivalry, in which the young manhood may be nurtured to
real greatness. Work and wages will go together in men's minds, in the
most royal institutions. We must ever come to the idea of real work.
The rest that follows labor should be sweeter than the rest which
follows rest.

Let no Fellow-Craft imagine that the work of the lowly and
uninfluential is not worth the doing. There is no legal limit to the
possible influences of a good deed or a wise word or a generous
effort. Nothing is really small. Whoever is open to the deep
penetration of nature knows this. Although, indeed, no absolute
satisfaction may be vouchsafed to philosophy, any more in
circumscribing the cause than in limiting the effect, the man of
thought and contemplation falls into unfathomable ecstacies in view of
all the decompositions of forces resulting in unity. All works for
all. Destruction is not annihilation, but regeneration.

Algebra applies to the clouds; the radiance of the star benefits the
rose; no thinker would dare to say that the perfume of the hawthorn is
useless to the constellations. Who, then, can calculate the path of
the molecule? How do we know that the creations of worlds are not
determined by the fall of grains of sand ? Who, then, understands the
reciprocal flow and ebb of the inrlnitely great and the infinitely
small; the echoing of causes in the abysses of beginning, and the
avalanches of creation? A fleshworm is of account; the small is great;
the great is small; all is in equilibrium in necessity. There are
marvellous relations between beings and things; in this inexhaustible
Whole, from sun to grub, there is no scorn: all need each other. Light
does not carry terrestrial perfumes into the azure depths, without
knowing what it does with them; night distributes the stellar essence
to the sleeping plants. Every bird which flies has the thread of the
Infinite in its claw. Germination includes the hatching of a meteor,
and the tap of a swallow's bill, breaking the egg; and it leads
forward the birth of an earth-worm and the advent of a Socrates. Where
the telescope ends the microscope begins. Which of them the grander
view ? A bit of mould is a Pleiad of flowers --a nebula is an ant-hill
of stars.

There is the same and a still more wonderful interpenetration between
the things of the intellect and the things of matter. Elements and
principles are mingled, combined, espoused, multiplied one by another
to such a degree as to bring the material world and the moral world
into the same light. Phenomena are perpetually folded back upon
themselves. In the vast cosmical changes the universal life comes and
goes in unknown quantities, enveloping all in the invisible mystery of
the emanations, losing no dream from no single sleep, sowing an
animalcule here, crumbling a star there, oscillating and winding in
curves; making a force of Light, and an element of Thought;
disseminated and indivisible, dissolving all save that point without
length, breadth, or thickness, The MYSEF; reducing everything to the
Soul-atom ; making everything blossom into God; entangling all
activities, from the higllest to the lowest, in the obscurity of a
dizzying mechanism; hanging the flight of an insect upon the movement
of the earth; subordinating, perhaps, if only by the identity of the
law, the eccentric evolutions of the comet in the firmament, to the
whirlings of the infusoria in the drop of water. A mechanism made of
mind, the first motor of which is the gnat, and its last wheel the

A peasant-boy, guiding Blucher by the right one of two roads, the
other being impassable for artillery, enables him to reach Waterloo in
time to save Wellington from a defeat that would have been a rout; and
so enables the kings to imprison Napoleon on a barren rock in
mid-ocean. An unfaithful smith, by the slovenly shoeing of a horse,
causes his lameness, and, he stumbling, the career of his
world-conquering rider ends, and the destinies of empires are changed.
A generous officer permits an imprisoned monarch to end his game of
chess before leading him to the block; and meanwhile the usurper dies,
and the prisoner reascends the throne. An unskillful workman repairs
the compass, or malice or stupidity disarranges it, the ship mistakes
her course, the waves swallow a Caesar, and a new chapter is written
in the history of a world. What we call accident is but the adamantine
chain of indissoluble connection between all created things. The
locust, hatched in the Arabian sands, the small worm that destroys the
cotton-boll, one making famine in the Orient, the other closing the
mills and starving the vvorkmen and their children in the Occident,
with riots and massacres, are as much the ministers of God as the
earthquake; and the fate of nations depends more on them than on the
intellect of its kings and legislators. A civil war in America will
end in shaking the world; and that war may be caused by the vote of
some ignorant prize-fighter or crazed fanatic in a city or in a
Congress, or of some stupid boor in an obscure country parish. The
electricity of universal sympathy, of action and reaction, pervades
everything, the planets and the motes in the sunbeam. FAUST, with his
types, or LUTHER, with his sermons, worked greater results than
Alexander or Hannibal. A single thought sometimes suffices to overturn
a dynasty. A silly song did more to unseat James the Second than the
acquittal of the Bishops. Voltaire, Condorcet, and Rousseau uttered
words that will ring, in change and revolutions, throughout all the

Remember, that though life is short, Thought and the influences of
what we do or say are immortal; and that no calculus has yet pretended
to ascertain the law of proportion between cause and effect. The
hammer of an English blacksmith, smiting down an insolent official,
led to a rebellion which came near being a revolution. The word well
spoken, the deed fitly done, even by the feeblest or humblest, cannot
help but have their effect. More or less, the effect is inevitable and
eternal. The echoes of the greatest deeds may die away like the echoes
of a cry among the cliffs, and what has been done seem to the human
judgment to have been without result. The unconsidered act of the
poorest of men may fire the train that leads to the subterranean mine,
and an empire be rent by the explosion.

The power of a free people is often at the disposal of a single and
seemingly an unimportant individual;--a terrible and truthful power;
for such a people feel with one heart, and therefore can lift up their
myriad arms for a single blow. And, again, there is no graduated scale
for the measurement of the influences of different intellects upon the
popular mind. Peter the Hermit held no office, yet what a work he
wrought !

* * * * * *

From the political point of view there is but a single principle,--
the sovereignty of man over himself. This sovereignty of one's self
over one's self is called LIBERTY. Where two or several of these
sovereignties associate, the State begins. But in this association
there is no abdication. Each sovereignty parts with a certain portion
of itself to form the common right. That portion is the same for all.
There is equal contribution by all to the joint sovereignty. This
identity of concession which each makes to all, is EQUALITY. The
common right is nothing more or less than the protection of all,
pouring its rays on each. This protection of each by all, is

Liberty is the summit, Equality the base. Equality is not all
vegetation on a level, a society of big spears of grass and stunted
oaks, a neighborhood of jealousies, emasculatillg each other. It is,
civilly, all aptitudes having equal opportunity; politically, all
votes having equal weight; religiously, all consciences having equal

Equality has an organ;--gratuitous and obligatory instruction. We must
begin with the right to the alphabet. The primary school obligatory
upon all; the higher school offered to all. Such is the law. From the
same school for all springs equal society. Instruction ! Light ! all
comes from Light, and all returns to it.

We must learn the thoughts of the common people, if we would be wise
and do any good work. We must look at men, not so much for what
Fortune has given to them with her blind old eyes, as for the gifts
Nature has brought in her lap, and for the use that has been made of
them. We profess to be equal in a Church and in the Lodge: we shall be
equal in the sight of God when He judges the earth. We may well sit on
the pavement together here, in communion and conference, for the few
brief moments that constitute life.

A Democratic Government undoubtedly has its defects, because it is
made and administered by men, and not by the Wise Gods. It cannot be
concise and sharp, like the despotic. When its ire is aroused it
develops its latent strength, and the sturdiest rebel trembles. But
its habitual domestic rule is tolerant, patient, and indecisive. Men
are brought together, first to differ, and then to agree. Affirmation,
negation, discussion, solution: these are the means of attaining
truth. Often the enemy will be at the gates before the babble of the
disturbers is drowned in the chorus of consent. In the Legislative
office deliberation will often defeat decision. Liberty can play the
fool like the Tyrants

Refined society requires greater minuteness of regulation; and the
steps of all advancing States are more and more to be picked among the
old rubbish and the new matcrials. The difficulty lies in discovering
the right path through the chaos of confusion. The adjustment of
mutual rights and wrongs is also more difficult in democracies. We do
not see and estimate the relative importance of objects so easily and
clearly from the level or the waving iand as from the elevation of a
lone peak, towering above the plain; for each looks through his own

Abject dependence on constituents, also, is too common. It is as
miserable a thing as abject dependence on a minister or the favorite
of a Tyrant. It is rare to find a man who can speak out the simple
truth that is in him, honestly and frankly, without fear, favor, or
affection, either to Emperor or People.

Moreover, in assemblies of men, faith in each other is almost always
wanting, unless a terrible pressure of calamity or danger from without
produces cohesion. Hence the constructive power of such assemblies is
generally deficient. The chief triumphs of modern days, in Europe,
have been in pulling down and obliterating; not in building up. But
Repeal is not Reform. Time must bring with him the Restorer and

Speech, also, is grossly abused in Republics; and if the use of speech
be glorious, its abuse is the most villainous of vices. Rhetoric,
Plato says, is the art of ruling the minds of men. But in democracies
it is too common to hide thought in words,to overlay it, to babble
nonsense. The gleams and glitter of intellectual soap-and-water
bubbles are mistaken for the rainbow-glories of genius. The worthless
pyrites is continually mistaken for gold. Even intellect condescends
to intellectual jugglery, balancing thoughts as a juggler balances
pipes on his chin. In all Congresses we have the inexhaustible flow of
babble, and Faction's clamorous knavery in discussion, until the
divine power of speech, that privilege of man and great gift of God,
is no better than the screech of parrots or the mimicry of monkeys.
The mere talker, however fluent, is barren of deeds in the day of

There are men voluble as women, and as well skilled in fencing with
the tongue: prodigies of speech, misers in deeds. Too much calking,
like too much thinking, destroys the power of action. In human nature,
the thought is only made perfect by deed. Silence is the mother of
both. The trumpeter is not the bravest of the brave. Steel and not
brass wins the day. The great doer of great deeds is mostly slow and
slovenly of speech. There are some men born and brcd to betray.
Patriotism is their trade, and their capital is speech. But no noble
spirit can plead like Paul and be false to itself as Judas.

Imposture too commonly rules in republics; they seem to be ever in
their minority; their guardians are self-appointed; and tlhe unjust
thrive better than the just. The Despot, like the night-lion roaring,
drowns all the clamor of tongues at once, and speech, the birthright
of the free man, becomes the bauble of the enslaved.

It is quite true that republics only occasionally, and as it were
accidentally, select their wisest, or even the less incapable among
the incapables, to govern them and legislate for them. If genius,
armed with learning and knowledge, will grasp the reins, the people
will reverence it; if it only modestly offers itself for office, it
will be smitten on the face, even when, in the straits of distress and
the agonies of calamity, it is indispensable to the salvation of the
State. Put it upon the track with the showy and superficial, the
conceited, the ignorant, and impudent, the trickster and charlatan,
and the result shall not be a moment doubtful. The verdicts of
Legislatures and the People are like the verdicts of
juries,--sometimes right by accident.

Offices, it is true, are showered, like the rains of Heaven, upon the
just and the unjust. The Roman Augurs that used to laugh in each
other's faces at the simplicity of the vulgar, were also tickled with
their own guile; but no Augur is needed to lead the people astray.
They readily deceive themselves. Let a Republic begin as it may, it
will not be out of its minority before imbecility will be promoted to
high places; and shallow pretence, getting itself puffed into notice,
will invade all the sanctuaries. The most unscrupulous partisanship
will prevail, even in respect to judicial trusts; and the most unjust
appointments constantly be made, although every improper promotion not
merely confers one undeserved favor, but may make a hundred honest
cheeks smart with injustice.

The country is stabbed in the front when those are brought into the
stalled seats who should slink into the dim gallery. Every stamp of
Honor, ill-clutched, is stolen from the Treasury of Merit.

Yet the entrance into the public service, and the promotion in it,
affect both the rights of individuals and those of the nation.
Injustice in bestowing or withholding office ought to be so
intolerable in democratic communities that the least trace of it
should be like the scent of Treason. It is not universally true that
all citizens of equal character have an equal claim to knock at the
door of every public office and demand admittance. When any man
presents himself for service he has a right to aspire to the highest
body at once, if he can show his fitness for such a beginning,--that
he is fitter than the rest who offer themselves for the same post. The
entry into it can only justly be made through the door of merit. And
whenever any one aspires to and attains such high post, especially if
by unfair and disreputable and indecent means, and is afterward found
to be a signal failure, he should at once be beheaded. He is the worst
among the public enemies.

When a man sumciently reveals himself, all others should be proud to
give him due precedence. When the power of promotion is abused in the
grand passages of life whether by People, Legislature, or Executive,
the unjust decision recoils on the judge at once. That is not only a
gross, but a willful shortness of sight, that cannot discover the
deserving. If one will look hard, long, and honestly, he will not fail
to discern merit, genius, and qualification; and the eyes and voice of
the Press and Public should condemn and denounce injustice wherever
she rears her horrid head.

"The tools to the workmen!" no other principle will save a Republic
from destruction, either by civil war or the dry-rot. They tend to
decay, do all we can to prevent it, like human bodies. If they try the
experiment of governing themselves by their smallest, they slide
downward to the unavoidable abyss with tenfold velocity; and there
never has been a Republic that has not followed that fatal course.

But however palpable and gross the inherent defects of democratic
governments, and fatal as the results finally and inevitably are, we
need only glance at the reigns of Tiberius, Nero, and Caligula, of
Heliogabalus and Caracalla, of Domitian and Commodus, to recognize
that the difference between freedom and despotism is as wide as that
between Heaven and Hell. The cruelty, baseness, and insanity of
tyrants are incredible. Let him who complains of the fickle humors and
inconstancy of a free people, read Pliny's character of Domitian. If
the great man in a Republic cannot win omce without descending to low
arts and whining beggary and the judicious use of sneaking lies, let
him remain in retirement, and use the pen. Tacitus and Juvenal held no
office. Let History and Satire punish the pretender as they crucify
the despot. The revenges of the intellect are terrible and just.

Let Masonry use the pen and the printing-press in the free State
against the Demagogue; in the Despotism against the Tyrant. History
offers examples and encouragement. All history, for four thousand
years, being filled with violated rights and the sufferings of the
people, each period of history brings with it such protest as is
possible to it. Under the Caesars there was no insurrection, but there
was a Juvenal. The arousing of indignation replaces the Gracchi. Under
the Caesars there is the exile of Syene; there is also the author of
the Annals. As the Neros reign darkly they should be pictured so. Work
with the graver only would be pale; into the grooves should be poured
a concentrated prose that bites.

Despots are an aid to thinkers. Speech enchained is speech terrible.
The writer doubles and triples his style, when silence is imposed by a
master upon the people. There springs from this silence a certain
mysterious fullness, which filters and freezes into brass in the
thoughts. Compression in the history produces conciseness in the
historian. The granitic solidity of some celebrated prose is only a
condensation produced by the Tyrant. Tyranny constrains the writer to
shortenings of diameter which are increases of strength. The
Ciceronian period, hardly sumcient upon Verres, would lose its edge
upon Caligula.

The Demagogue is the predecessor of the Despot. One springs from the
other's loins. He who will basely fawn on those who have office to
bestow, will betray like Iscariot, and prove a miserable and pitiable
failure. Let the new Junius lash such men as they deserve, and History
make them immortal in infamy; since their influences culminate in
ruin. The Republic that employs and honors the shallow, the
superficial, the base, "who crouch Unto the offal of an office
promised," at last weeps tears of blood for its fatal error. Of such
supreme folly, the sure fruit is damnation. Let the nobility of every
great heart, condensed into justice and truth, strike such creatures
like a thunderbolt ! If you can do no more, you can at least condemn
by your vote, and ostracise by denunciation.

It is true that, as the Czars are absolute, they have it in their
power to select the best for the public service. It is true that the
beginner of a dynasty generally does so; and that when monarchies are
in their prime, pretence and shallowness do not thrive and prosper and
get power, as they do in Republics. All do not gabble in the
Parliament of a Kingdom, as in the Congress of a Democracy. The
incapables do not go undetected there, all their lives.

But dynasties speedily decay and run out. At last they dwindle down
into imbecility; and the dull or flippant Members of Congresses are at
least the intellectual peers of the vast majority of kings. The great
man, the Julius Caesar, the Charlemagne, Cromwell, Napoleon, reigns of
right. He is the wisest and the strongest. The incapables and
imbeciles succeed and are usurpers; and fear makes them cruel. After
Julius came Caracalla and Galba; after Charlemagne, the lunatic
Charles the Sixth. So the Saracenic dynasty dwindled out; the Capets,
the Stuarts, the Bourbc1ns; the last of these producing Bomba, the ape
of Domitian.

Man is by nature cruel, like the tigers. The barbarian, and the tool
of the tyrant, and the civilized fanatic, enjoy the sufferings of
others, as the children enjoy the contortions of maimed flies.
Absolute Power, once in fear for the safety of its tenure, cannot but
be cruel.

As to ability, dynasties invariably cease to possess any after a few
lives. They become mere shams, governed by ministers, favorites, or
courtesans, like those old Etruscan kings, slumbering for long ages in
their golden royal robes, dissolving forever at the first breath of
day. Let him who complains of the shortcomings of democracy ask
himself if he would prefer a Du Barry or a Pompadour, governing in the
name of a Louis the Fifteenth, a Caligula making his horse a consul, a
Domitian, "that most savage monster," who sometimes drank the blood of
relatives, sometimes employing himself with slaughtering the most
distinguished citizens before whose gates fear and terror kept watch;
a tyrant of frightful aspect, pride on his forehead, fire in his eye,
constantly seeking darkness and secrecy, and only emerging from his
solitude to make solitude. After all, in a free government, the Laws
and the Constitution are above the Incapables, the Courts correct
their legislation, and posterity is the Grand Inquest that passes
judgment on them. What is the exclusion of worth and intellect and
knowledge from civil office compared with trials before Jeffries,
tortures in the dark caverns of the Inquisition, Alvabutcheries in the
Netherlands, the Eve of Saint Bartholomew, and the Sicilian Vespers?

* * * * * *

The Abbe Barruel in his Memoirs for the History of Jacobinism,
declares that Masonry in France gave, as its secret, the words
Equality and Liberty, leaving it for every honest and religious Mason
to explain them as would best suit his principles; but retained the
privilege of unveiling in the higher Degrees the meaning of those
words, as interpreted by the French Revolution. And he also excepts
English Masons from his anathemas, because in England a Mason is a
peaceable subject of the civil authorities, no matter where he
resides, engaging in no plots or conspiracies against even the worst
government. England, he says, disgusted with an Equality and a
Liberty, the consequences of which she had felt in the struggles of
her Lollards, Anabaptists, and Presbyterians, had "purged her Masonry"
from all explanations tending to overturn empires; but there still
remained adepts whom disorganizing principles bound to the Ancient

Because true Masonry, unemasculated, bore the banners of Freedom and
Equal Rights, and was in rebellion against temporal and spiritual
tyranny, its Lodges were proscribed in 1735, by an edict of the States
of Holland. In 1737, Louis XV. forbade them in France. In 1738, Pope
Clement XII. issued against them his famous Bull of Excommunication,
which was renewed by Benedict XIV.; and in 1743 the Council of Berne
also proscribed them. The title of the Rull of Clement is, "The
Condemnation of the Society of Conventicles de Liberi Muratori, or of
the Freemasons, under the penalty of ipso facto excommunication, the
absolution from which is reserved to the Pope alone, except at the
point of death." And by it all bishops, ordinaries, and inquisitors
were empowered to punish Freemasons, "as vehemently suspected of
heresy," and to call in, if necessary, the help of the secular arm;
that is, to cause the civil authority to put them to death.

* * * * * *

Also, false and slavish political theories end in brutalizing the
State. For example, adopt the theory that offices and employments in
it are to be given as rewards for services rendered to party, and they
soon become the prey and spoil of faction, the booty of the victory of
faction;--and leprosy is in the flesh of the State. The body of the
commonwealth becomes a mass of corruption, like a living carcass
rotten with syphilis. All unsound theories in the end develop
themselves in one foul and loathsome disease or other of the body
politic. The State, like the man, must use constant effort to stay in
the paths of virtue and manliness. The habit of electioneering and
begging for office culminates in bribery with office, and corruption
in office.

A chosen man has a visible trust from God, as plainly as if the
commission were engrossed by the notary. A nation cannot renounce the
executorship of the Divine decrees. As little can Masonry. It must
labor to do its duty knowingly and wisely. We must remember that, in
free States, as well as in despotisms, Injustice, the spouse of
Oppression, is the fruitful parent of Deceit, Distrust, Hatred,
Conspiracy, Treason, and Unfaithfulness. Even in assailing Tyranny we
must have Truth and Reason as our chief weapons. We must march into
that fight like the old Puritans, or into the battle with the abuses
that spring up in free government, with the flaming sword in one hand,
and the Oracles of God in the other.

The citizen who cannot accomplish well the smaller purposes of public
life, cannot compass the larger. The vast power of endurance,
forbearance, patience, and performance, of a free people, is acquired
only by continual exercise of all the functions, like the healthful
physical human vigor. If the individual citizens have it not, the
State must equally be without it. It is of the essence of a free
government, that the people should not only be concerned in making the
laws, but also in their execution. No man ought to be more ready to
obey and administer the law than he who has helped to make it. The
business of government is carried on for the benefit of all, and every
co-partner should give counsel and cooperation.

Remember also, as another shoal on which States are wrecked, that free
States always tend toward the depositing of the citizens in strata,
the creation of castes, the perpetuation of the jus divinurn to office
in families. The more democratic the State, the more sure this result.
For, as free States advance in power, there is a strong tendency
toward centralization, not from deliberate evil intention, but from
the course of events and the indolence of human nature. The executive
powers swell and enlarge to inordinate dimensions; and the Executive
is always aggressive with respect to the nation. Offices of all kinds
are multiplied to reward partisans; the brute force of the sewerage
and lower strata of the mob obtains large representation, first in the
lower offices, and at last in Senates; and Bureaucracy raises its bald
head, bristling with pens, girded with spectacles, and bunched with
ribbon. The art of Government becomes like a Craft, and its guilds
tend to become exclusive, as those of the Middle Ages.

Political science may be much improved as a subject of speculation;
but it should never be divorced from the actual national necessity.
The science of governing men must always be practical, rather than
philosophical. There is not the same amount of positive or universal
truth here as in the abstract sciences; what is true in one country
may be very false in another; what is untrue to-day may become true in
another generation, and the truth of to-day be reversed by the
judgment of to-morrow. To distinguish the casual from the enduring, to
separate the unsuitable from the suitable, and to make progress even
possible, are the proper ends of policy. But without actual knowledge
and experience, and communion of labor, the dreams of the political
doctors may be no better than those of the doctors of divinity. The
reign of such a caste, with its mysteries, its myrmidons, and its
corrupting influence, may be as fatal as that of the despots. Thirty
tyrants are thirty times worse than one.

Moreover, there is a strong temptation for the governing people to
become as much slothful and sluggards as the weakest of absolute
kings. Only give them the power to get rid, when caprice prompts them,
of the great and wise men, and elect the little, and as to all the
rest they will relapse into indolence and indifference. The central
power, creation of the people, organized and cunning if not
enlightened, is the perpetual tribunal set up by them for the redress
of wrong and the rule of justice. It soon supplies itself with all the
requisite machinery, and is ready and apt for all kinds of
interference. The people may be a child all its life. The central
power may not be able to suggest the best scientific solution of a
problem; but it has the easiest means of carrying an idea into effect.
If the purpose to be attained is a large one, it requires a large
comprehension; it is proper for the action of the central power. If it
be a small one, it may be thwarted by disagreement. The central power
must step in as an arbitrator and prevent this. The people may be too
averse to change, too slothful in their own business, unjust to a
minority or a majority. The central power must take the reins when the
people drop them.

France became centralized in its government more by the apathy and
ignorance of its people than by the tyranny of its kings. When the
inmost parish-life is given up to the direct guardianship of the
State, and the repair of the belfry of a country church requires a
written order from the central power, a people is in its dotage. Men
are thus nurtured in imbecility, from the dawn of social life. When
the central government feeds part of the people it prepares all to be
slaves. When it directs parish and county affairs, they are slaves
already. The next step is to regulate labor and its wages.

Nevertheless, whatever follies the free people may commit, even to the
putting of the powers of legislation in the hands of the little
competent and less honest, despair not of the final result. The
terrible teacher, EXPERIENCE, writing his lessons on hearts desolated
with calamity and wrung by agony, will make thelll wiser in time.
Pretence and grimace and sordid beggary for votes will some day cease
to avail. Have FAITH, and struggle on, against all evil influences and
discouragements! FAITH is the Saviour and Redeemer of nations. When
Christianity had grown weak, profitless, and powerless, the Arab
Restorer and Iconoclast came, like a cleansing hurricane. When the
battle of Damascus was about to be fought, the Christian bishop, at
the early dawn, in his robes, at the head of his clergy, witll trle
Cross once so triumphant raised in the air, came down to the gates of
the city, and laid open before the army the Testament of Christ. The
Christian general, THOMAS, laid his hand on the book, and said, "Oh
God ! If our faith be true, aid us, and deliver us not into the hands
of its enemies!" But KHALED, "the Sword of God," who had marched from
victory to victory, exclaimed to his wearied soldiers, "Let no man
sleep! There will be rest enough in the bowers of Paradise; sweet will
be the repose never more to be followed by labor." The faith of the
Arab had become stronger than that of the Christian, and he conquered.

The Sword is also, in the Bible, an emblem of SPEECH, or of the
utterance of thought. Thus, in that vision or apocalypse of the
sublime exile of Patmos, a protest in the name of the ideal,
overwhelming the real world, a tremendous satire uttered in the name
of Religion and Liberty, and with its fiery reverberations smiting the
throne of the Gesars, a sharp two-edged sword comes out of the mouth
of the Semblance of the Son of Man, encircled by the seven golden
candlesticks, and holding in his right hand seven stars. "The Lord,"
says Isaiah, "hath made my mouth like a sharp sword." "I have slain
them," says Hosea, "by the words of my mouth." "The word of God," says
the writer of the apostolic letter to the Hebrews, "is quick and
powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the
dividing asunder of soul and spirit." "The sword of the Spirit, which
is the Word of God," says Paul, writing to the Christians at Ephesus.
"I will fight against them with the sword of my mouth," it is said in
the Apocalypse, to the angel of the church at Pergamos.

* * * * * *

The spoken discourse may roll on strongly as the great tidal wave;
but, like the wave, it dies at last feebly on the sands. It is heard
by few, remembered by still fewer, and fades away, like an echo in the
mountains, leaving no token of power. It is nothing to tlle living and
coming generations of men. It was the written hulllan speech, that
gave power and permanence to human thought. It is this that makes the
whole human history but one individual life.

To write on the rock is to write on a solid parchment; but it requires
a pilgrimage to see it. There is but one copy, and Time wears even
that. To write on skins or papyrus was to give, as it were, but one
tardy edition, and the rich only could procure it. The Chinese
stereotyped not only the unchanging wisdom of oid sages, but also the
passing events. The process tended to suffocate thought, and to hinder
progress; for there is continual wandering in the wisest minds, and
Truth writes her last words, not on clean tablets, but on the scrawl
that Error has made and often mended.

Printing made the movable letters prolific. Thenceforth the orator
spoke almost visibly to listening nations; and the author wrote, like
the Pope, his cecumenic decreesJ urbi et orbi, and ordered them to be
posted up in all the market-places; remaining, if he chose, impervious
to human sight. The doom of tyrannies was thenceforth sealed. Satire
and invective became potent as armies. The unseen hands of the
Juniuses could launch the thunderbolts, and make the ministers
tremble. One whisper from this giant fills the earth as easily as
Demosthenes filled the Agora. It will soon be heard at the antipodes
as easily as in the next street. It travels with the lightning under
the oceans. It makes the mass one man, speaks to it in the same
comtnon language, and elicits a sure and single response. Speech
passes into thought, and thence promptly into act. A nation becomes
truly one, with one large heart and a single throbbing pulse. Men are
invisibly present to each other, as if already spiritual beings; and
the thinker who sits in an Alpine solitude, unknown to or forgotten by
all the world, among the silent herds and hills, may flash his words
to all tlle cities and over all the seas.

Select the thinkers to be Legislators; and avoid the gabblers. Wisdom
is rarely loquacious. Weight and depth of thougbt are unfavorable to
volubility. The shallow and superficial are generally voluble and
often pass for eloquent. More words, less thought,--is the general
rule. The man who endeavors to say something worth remembering in
every sentence, becomes fastidious, and condenses like Tacitus. The
vulgar love a more diffuse stream. The ornamentation that does not
cover strength is the gewgaws of babble.

Neither is dialectic subtlety valuable to public men. The Christian
faith has it, had it formerly more than now; a subtlety that might
have entangled Plato, and which has rivalled in a fruitless fashion
the mystic lore of Jewish Rabbis and Indian Sages. It is not this
which converts the heathen. It is a vain task to balance the great
thoughts of the earth, like hollow straws, on the fingertips of
disputation. It is not this kind of warfare whicll makes the Cross
triumphant in the hearts of the unbelievers; but the actual power that
lives in the Faith.

So there is a political scholasticism that is merely useless. The
dexterities of subtle logic rarely stir the hearts of the people, or
convince them. The true apostle of Liberty, Fraternity and Equality
makes it a matter of life and death. His combats are like those of
Bossuet,-- combats to the death. The true apostolic fire is like the
lightning: it flashes conviction into the soul. The true word is
verily a two-edged sword. Matters of government and political science
can be fairly dealt with only by sound reason, and the logic of common
sense: not the common sense of the ignorant, but of the wise. The
acutest thinkers rarely succeed in becoming leaders of men. A
watchword or a catchword is more potent with the people than logic,
especially if this be the least metaphysical. When a political prophet
arises, to stir the dreaming, stagnant nation, and hold back its feet
from the irretrievable descent, to heave the land as with an
earthquake, and shake the silly-shallow idols from their seats, his
words vvill come straight from God's own nlouth, and be thundered into
the conscience. He will reason, teach, warn, and rule. The real "Sword
of the Spirit" is keener than the brightest blade of Damascus. Such
men rule a land, in the strength of justice, with wisdom and with
power. Still, the men of dialectic subtlety often rule well, because
in practice they forget their finely-spun theories, and use the
trenchant logic of common sense. But when the great heart and large
intellect are left to the rust in private life, and small attorneys,
brawlers in politics, and those who in the cities would be only the
clerks of notaries, or practitioners in the disreputable courts, are
made national Legislators, the country is in her dotage. even if the
beard has not yet grown upon her chin.

In a free country, human speech must needs be free; and the State must
listen to the maunderings of folly, and the screechings of its geese,
and the brayings of its asses, as well as to the golden oracles of its
wise and great men. Even the despotic old kings allowed their wise
fools to say what they liked. The true alchelllist will extract the
lessons of wisdom from the babblings of folly. He will hear what a man
has to say on any given subject, even if the speaker end only in
proving himself prince of fools. Even a fool will sometimes hit the
mark. There is some truth in all men who are not compelled to suppress
their souls and speak other men's thoughts. The finger even of the
idiot may point to the great highway.

A people, as well as the sages, must learn to forget. If it neither
learns the new nor forgets the old, it is fated, even if it has been
royal for thirty generations. To unlearn is to learn; and also it is
sometimes needful to learn again the forgotten. The antics of fools
make the current follies more palpable, as fashions are shown to be
absurd by caricatures, which so lead to their extirpation. The buffoon
and the zany are useful in their places. The ingenious artificer and
craftsman, like Solomon, searches the earth for his materials, and
transforms the misshapen matter into glorious workmanship. The world
is conquered by the head even more than by the hands. Nor will any
assembly talk forever. After a time, when it has listened long enough,
it quietly puts the silly, the shallow, and the superficial to one
side,--it thinks, and sets to work.

The human thought, especially in popular assemblies, runs in the most
singularly crooked channels, harder to trace and follow than the blind
currents of the ocean. No notion is so absurd that it may not find a
place there. The master-workman must train these notions and vagaries
with his two-handed hammer. They twist out of the way of the
sword-thrusts; and are invulnerable all over, even in the heel,
against logic. The martel or mace, the battle-axe, the great
double-edged two-handed sword must deal with follies; the rapier is no
better against them than a wand, unless it be the rapier of ridicule.

The SWORD is also the symbol of war and of the soldier. Wars, like
thunder-storms, are often necessary to purify the stagnant atmosphere.
War is not a demon, without remorse or reward. It restores the
brotherhood in letters of fire. When men are seated in their pleasant
places, sunken in ease and indolence, with Pretence and Incapacity and
Littleness usurping all the high places of State, war is the baptism
of blood and fire, by which alone they can be renovated. It is the
hurricane that brings the elemental equilibrium, the concord of Power
and Wisdom. So long as these continue obstinately divorced, it will
continue to chasten.

In the mutual appeal of nations to God, there is the acknowledgment of
His might. It lights the beacons of Faith and Freedom, and heats the
furnace through which the earnest and loyal pass to immortal glory.
There is in war the doom of defeat, the quenchless sense of Duty, the
stirring sense of Honor, the measureless solemn sacrifice of
devotedness, and the incense of success. Even in the flame and smoke
of battle, the Mason discovers his brother, and fulfills the sacred
obligations of Fraternity.

Two, or the Duad, is the symbol of Antagonism; of Good and Evil, Light
and Darkness. It is Cain and Abel, Eve and Lilith, Jachin and Boaz,
Ormuzd and Ahriman, Osiris and Typhon.

THREE, or the Triad, is most significantly expressed by the
equilateral and the right-angled triangles. There are three principal
colors or rays in the rainbow, which by intermixture make seven. The
three are the blue, the yelloW, and the red. The Trinity of the Deity,
in one mode or other, has been an article in all creeds. He creates,
preserves, and destroys. He is the generative power, the productive
capacity, and the result. The immaterial man, according to the
Kabalah, is composed of vitality, or life, the breath of life; of soul
or mind, and spirit. Salt, sulphur, and mercury are the great symbols
of the alchemists. To them man was body, soul, and spirit.

FOUR is expressed by the square, or four-sided right-angled figure.
Out of the symbolic Garden of Eden flowed a river, dividing into four
streams,--PISON, which flows around the land of gold, or light; GIHON,
which flows around the land of Ethiopia or Darkness; HIDDEKEL, running
eastward to Assyria; and the EUPHRATES. Zechariah saw four chariots
coming out from between two mountains of bronze, in the first of which
were red horses; in the second, black; in the third, white; and in the
fourth, grizzled: "and these were the four winds of the heavens, that
go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth." Ezekiel saw
the four living creatures, each with four faces and four wings, the
faces of a man and a lion, an ox and an eagle; and the four wheels
going upon their four sides; and Saint John beheld the four beasts,
full of eyes before and behind, the LION, the young Ox, the MAN, and
the flying EAGLE. Four was the signature of the Earth. Therefore, in
the 148th Psalm, of those who must praise the Lord on the land, there
are four times four, and four in particular of living creatures.
Visible nature is described as the four quarters of the world, and the
four corners of the earth. "There are four," says the old Jewish
saying, "which take the first place in this world: man, among the
creatures; the eagle among birds; the ox among cattle; and the lion
among wild beasts." Daniel saw four great beasts come up from the sea.

FIVE is the Duad added to the Triad. It is expressed by the
five-pointed or blazing star, the mysterious Pentalpha of Pythagoras.
It is indissolubly connected with the number seven. Christ fed His
disciples and the multitude with five loaves and two fishes, and of
the fragments there remained twelve, that is, five and seven, baskets
full. Again He fed them with seven loaves and a few little fishes, and
there remained seven baskets full. The five apparently small planets,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, with the two greater ones,
the Sun and Moon, constituted the seven celestial spheres.

SEVEN was the peculiarly sacred number. There were seven planets and
spheres presided over by seven archangels. There were seven colors in
the rainbow; and the Phoenician Deity was called the HEPTAKIS or God
of seven rays; seven days of the week; and seven and five made the
number of months, tribes, ancl apostles. Zechariah saw a golden
candlestick, with seven lamps and seven pipes to the lamps, and an
olive-tree on each side. Since he says, "the seven eyes of the Lord
shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel."
John, in the Apocalypse, writes seven epistles to the seven churches.
In the seven epistles there are twelve promises. What is said of the
churches in praise or blame, is completed in the number three. The
refrain, "who has ears to hear," etc., has ten words, divided by three
and seven, and the seven by three and four; and the seven epistles are
also so divided. In the seals, trumpets, and vials, also, of this
symbolic vision, the seven are divided by four and three. He who sends
his message to Ephesus, "holds the seven stars in his right hand, and
walks amid the seven golden lamps."

In six days, or periods, God created the Universe, and paused on the
seventh day. Of clean beasts, Noah was directed to take by sevens into
the ark; and of fowls by sevens; because in seven days the rain was to
commence. On the seventeenth day of the month. the rain began; on the
seventeenth day of the seventh month, the ark rested on Ararat. When
the dove returned, Noah waited seven days before he sent her forth
again; and again seven, after she returned with the olive-leaf. Enoch
was the seventh patriarch, Adam included, and Lamech lived 777 years.

There were seven lamps in the great candlestick of the Tabernacle and
Temple, representing the seven planets. Seven times Moses sprinkled
the anointing oil upon the altar. The days of consecration of Aaron
and his sons were seven in number. A woman was unclean seven days
after child-birth; one infected with leprosy was shut up seven days;
seven times the leper was sprinkled with the blood of a slain bird;
and seven days afterwards he must remain abroad out of his tent. Seven
times, in purifying the leper, the priest was to sprinkle the
consecrated oil; and seven times to sprinkle with the blood of the
sacrificed bird the house to be purified. Seven times the blood of the
slain bullock was sprinkled on the mercy-seat; and seven times on the
altar. The seventh year was a Sabbath of rest; and at the end of seven
times seven years came the great year of jubilee. Seven days the
people ate unleavened bread, in the month of Abib. Seven weeks were
counted from the time of first putting the sickle to the wheat. The
Feast of the Tabernacles lasted seven days.

Israel was in the hand of Midian seven years before Gideon delivered
them. The bullock sacrificed by him was seven years old. Samson told
Delilah to bind him with seven green withes; and she wove the seven
locks of his head, and afterwards shaved them off. Balaam told Barak
to build for him seven altars. Jacob served seven years for Leah and
seven for Rachel. Job had seven sons and three daughters, making the
perfect number ten. He had also seven thousand sheep and three
thousand camels. His friends sat down with him seven days and seven
nights. His friends were ordered to sacrifice seven bullocks and seven
rams; and again, at the end, he had seven sons and three daughters,
and twice seven thousand sheep, and lived an hundred and forty, or
twice seven times ten years. Pharaoh saw in his dream seven fat and
seven lean kine, seven good ears and seven blasted ears of wheat; and
there were seven years of plenty, and seven of famine. Jericho fell,
when seven priests, with seven trumpets, made the circuit of the city
on seven successive days; once each day for six days, and seven times
on the seventh. "The seven eyes of the Lord," says Zechariah, "run to
and fro through the whole earth." Solomon was seven years in building
the Temple. Seven angels, in the Apocalypse, pour out seven plagues,
from seven vials of wrath. The scarlet-colored beast, on which the
woman sits in the wilderness, has seven heads and ten horns. So also
has the beast that rises Up out of the sea. Seven thunders uttered
their voices. Seven angels sounded seven trumpets. Seven lamps of
fire, the seven spirits of God, burned before the throne; and the Lamb
that was slain had seven horns and seven eyes.

EIGHT is the first cube, that of two. NINE is the square of three, and
represented by the triple triangle.

TEN includes all the other numbers. It is especially seven and three;
and is called the number of perfection. Pythagoras represented it by
the TETRACTYS, which had many mystic meanings. This symbol is
sometimes composed of dots or points, sometimes of commas or yods, and
in the Kabalah, of the letters of the name of Deity. It is thus

, ,
, , ,
, , , ,
(HTML layout error, appears as pyramid arrangement in book )

The Patriarchs from Adam to Noah, inclusive, are ten in number, and
the same number is that of the Commandments.

TWELVE is the number of the lines of equal length that form a cube. It
is the number of the months, the tribes, and the apostles; of the oxen
under the Brazen Sea, of the stones on the breast-plate of the high

M & D Chapter III

The Master


by Albert Pike


* * * * * *

To understand literally the symbols and allegories of Oriental books
as to ante-historical matters, is willfully to close our eyes against
the Light. To translate the symbols into the trivial and commonplace,
is the blundering of mediocrity.

All religious expression is symbolism; since we can describe only what
we see, and the true objects of religion are THE SEEN. The earliest
instruments of education were symbols; and they and all other
religious forms differed and still differ according to external
circumstances and imagery, and according to differences of knowledge
and mental cultivation. All language is symbolic, so far as it is
applied to mental and spiritual phenomena and action. All words have,
primarily, a material sense, however they may afterward get, for the
ignorant, a spiritual non-sense. "To retract," for example, is to draw
back, and when applied to a statement, is symbolic, as much so as a
picture of an arm drawn back, to express the same thing, would be. The
very word "spirit" means "breath," from the Latin verb spiro, breathe.

To present a visible symbol to the eye of another is not necessarily
to inform him of the meaning which that symbol has to you. Hence the
philosopher soon superadded to the symbols explanations addressed to
the ear, susceptible of more precision, but less effective and
impressive than the painted or sculptured forms which he endeavored to
explain. Out of these explanations grew by degrees a variety of
narrations, whose true object and meaning were gradually forgotten, or
lost in contradictions and incongruities. And when these were
abandoned, and Philosophy resorted to definitions and formulas, its
language was but a more complicated symbolism, attempting in the dark
to grapple with and picture ideas impossible to be expressed. For as
with the visible symbol, so with the word: to utter it to you does not
inform you of the exact meaning which it has to me; and thus religion
and philosophy became to a great extent disputes as to the meaning of
words. The most abstract expression for DEITY, which language can
supply, is but a sign or symbol for an object beyond our
comprehension, and not more truthful and adequate than the images of
OSIRIS and VISHNU, or their names, except as being less sensuous and
explicit. We avoid sensuousness only by resorting to simple negation.
We come at last to define spirit by saying that it is not matter.
Spirit is--spirit.

A single example of the symbolism of words will indicate to you one
branch of Masonic study. We find in the English Rite this phrase: "I
will always hail, ever conceal, and never reveal;" and in the
Catechism, these:

Q.'. "I hail."

A.'. "I conceal,"

and ignorance, misunderstanding the word "hail," has interpolated the
phrase, "From whence do you hail."

But the word is really "hele," from the Anglo-Saxon verb elan, helan,
to cover, hide, or conceal. And this word is rendered by the Latin
verb tegere, to cover or roof over. "That ye fro me no thynge woll
hele," says Gower. "They hele fro me no priuyte," says the Romaunt of
the Rose. "To heal a house," is a common phrase in Sussex; and in the
west of England, he that covers a house with slates is called a
Healer. Wherefore, to "heal" means the same thing as to
"tile,"--itself symbolic, as meaning, primarily, to cover a house with
tiles,--and means to cover, hide, or conceal. Thus language too is
symbolism, and words are as much misunderstood and misused as more
material symbols are.

Symbolism tended continually to become more complicated; and all the
powers of Heaven were reproduced on earth, until a web of fiction and
allegory was woven, partly by art and partly by the ignorance of
error, which the wit of man, with his limited means of explanation,
will never unravel. Even the Hebrew Theism became involved in
symbolism and image-worship, borrowed probably from an older creed and
remote regions of Asia,--the worship of the Great Semitic Nature-God
AL or ELS and its symbolical representations of JEHOVA Himself were
not even confined to poetical or illustrative language. The priests
were monotheists: the people idolaters.

There are dangers inseparable from symbolism, which afford an
impressive lesson in regard to the similar risks attendant on the use
of language. The imagination, called in to assist the reason, usurps
its place or leaves its ally helplessly entangled in itsweb. Names
which stand for things are confounded with them; the means are
mistaken for the end; the instrument of interpretation for the object;
and thus symbols come to usurp an independent character as truths and
persons. Though perhaps a necessary path, they were a dangerous one by
which to approach the Deity; in which many, says PLUTARCH, "mistaking
the sign for the thing signified, fell into a ridiculous superstition;
while others, in avoiding one extreme, plunged into the no less
hideous gulf of irreligion and impiety."

It is through the Mysteries, CICERO says, that we have learned the
first principles of life; wherefore the term "initiation" is used with
good reason; and they not only teach us to live more happily and
agrceably, but they soften the pains of death by the hope of a better
life hereafter.

The Mysteries were a Sacred Drama, exhibiting some legend significant
of nature's changes, of the visible Universe in which the Divinity is
revealed, and whose import was in many respects as open to the Pagan
as to the Christian. Nature is thc great Teacher of man; for it is the
Revelation of God. It neither dogmatizes nor attempts to tyrannize by
compelling to a particular creed or special interpretation. It
presents its symbols to us, and adds nothing by way of explanation. It
is the text without the commentary; and, as we well know, it is
chiefly the commentary and gloss that lead to error and heresesy and
persecution. The earliest instructors of mankind not only adopted the
lessons of Nature, but as far as possible adhered to her method of
imparting them. In the Mysteries, beyond the current traditions or
sacred and enigimatic recitals of the Temples, few explanations were
given to the spectators, who were left, as in the school of nature, to
make inferences for themselves. No other method could have suited
every degree of cultivation and capacity. To employ nature's universal
symbolism instead of the technicalities of language, rewards the
humblest inquirer, and discloses its secrets to every one in
proportion to his preparatory training and his power to con1prellend
them. If their philosophical meaning was above the comlirellension of
some, their moral and political meanlngs are within the reach of all.

These mystic shows and performances were not the reading of a lecture,
but the opening of a problem. Requiring research, they were calculated
to arouse the dormant intellect. They implied no hostility to
Philosophy, because Philosophy is the great expounder of symbolism;
although its ancient interpretations were often illfounded and
incorrect. The alteration from symbol to dogma is fatal to beauty of
expression, and leads to intolerance and assumed infallibility.

* * * * * *

If, in teaching the great doctrine of the divine nature of the Soul,
and in striving to explain its longings after immortality, and in
proving its superiority over the souls of the animals, which have no
aspirations Heavenward, the ancients struggled in vain to express the
nature of the soul, by comparing it to FIRE and LIGHT, it will be well
for us to consider whether, with all our boasted knowledge, we have
any better or clearer idea of its nature, and whether we have not
despairingly taken refuge in having none at all. And if they erred as
to its original place of abode, and understood literally the mode and
path of its descent, these were but the accessories of the great
Truth, and probably, to the Initiates, mere allegories, designed to
make the idea more palpable and impressive to the mind.

They are at least no more fit to be smiled at by the self-conceit of a
vain ignorance, the wealth of whose knowledge consists solely in
words, than the bosom of Abraham, as a home for the spirits of the
just dead; the gulf of actual fire, for the eternal torture of
spirits; and the City of the New Jerusalem, with its walls of jasper
and its edifices of pure gold like clear glass, its foundations of
precious stones, and its gates each of a single pearl. "I knew a man,"
says PAUL, "caught up to the third Heaven;.... that he was caught up
into Paradise, and heard ineffable words, which it is not possible for
a man to utter." And nowhere is the antagonism and conflict between
the spirit and body more frequently and forcibly insisted on than in
the writings of this apostle, nowhere the Divine nature of the soul
more strongly asserted. "With the mind," he says, "I serve the law of
God; but with the flesh the law of sin....As many as are led by the
Spirit of God, are the sons of GOD.... The earnest expectation of the
created waits for the manifestation of the sons of God.... The created
shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, of the flesh liable
to decay, into the glorious liberty of the children of God."

* * * * * *

Two forms of government are favorable to the prevalence of falsehood
and deceit. Under a Despotism, men are false, treacherous, and
deceitful through fear, like slaves dreading the lash. Under a
Democracy they are so as a means of attaining popularity and office,
and because of the greed for wealth. Experience will probably prove
that these odious and detestable vices will grow most rankly and
spread most rapidly in a Republic. When office and wealth become the
gods of a people, and the most unworthy and unfit most aspire to the
former, and fraud becomes the highway to the latter, the land will
reek with falsehood and sweat lies and chicane. When the offices are
open to all, merit and stern integrity and the dignity of unsullied
honor will attain them only rarely and by accident. To be able to
serve the country well, will cease to be a reason why the great and
wise and learned should be selected to render service. Other
qualifications, less honorable, will be more available. To adapt one's
opinions to the popular humor; to defend, apologize for, and justify
the popular follies; to advocate the expedient and the plausible; to
caress, cajole, and flatter the elector; to beg like a spaniel for his
vote, even if he be a negro three removes from barbarism; to profess
friendship for a competitor and stab him by innuendo; to set on foot
that which at third hand shall become a lie, being cousin-german to it
when uttered, and yet capable of being explained away,--who is there
that has not seen these low arts and base appliances put into
practice, and becoming general, until success cannot be surely had by
any more honorable means ?--the result being a State ruled and ruined
by ignorant and shallow mediocrity, pert self-conceit, the greenness
of unripe intellect, vain of a school-boy's smattering of knowledge.

The faithless and the false in public and in political life, will be
faithless and false in private. The jockey in politics, like the
jockey on the race-course, is rotten from skin to core. Everywhere he
will see first to his own interests, and whoso leans on him will be
pierced with a broken reed. His ambition is ignoble, like himself; and
therefore he will seek to attain omce by ignoble means, as he will
seek to attain any other coveted object,--land, money, or reputation.

At length, office and honor are divorced. The place that the small and
shallow, the knave or the trickster, is deemed competent and fit to
fill, ceases to be worthy the ambition of the great and capable; or if
not, these shrink from a contest, the weapons to be used wherein are
unfit for a gentleman to handle. Then the habits of unprincipled
advocates in law courts are naturalized in Senates, and pettifoggers
wrangle there, when the fate of the nation and the lives of millions
are at stake. States are even begotten by villainy and brought forth
by fraud, and rascalities are justified by legislators claiming to be
honorable. Then contested elections are decided by perjured votes or
party considerations; and all the practices of the worst times of
corruption are revived and exaggerated in Republics.

It is strange that reverence for truth, that manliness and genuine
loyalty, and scorn of littleness and unfair advantage, and genuine
faith and godliness and large-heartedness should diminish, among
statesmen and people, as civilization advances, and freedom becomes
more general, and universal suffrage implies universal worth and
fitness ! In the age of Elizabeth, without universal suffrage, or
Societies for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, or popular lecturers,
or Lycaea, the statesman, the merchant, the burgher, the sailor, were
all alike heroic, fearing God only, and man not at all. Let but a
hundred or two years elapse, and in a Monarchy or Republic of the same
race, nothing is less heroic than the merchant, the shrewd speculator,
the office-seeker, fearing man only, and God not at all. Reverence for
greatness dies out, and is succeeded by base envy of greatness. Every
man is in the way of many, either in the path to popularity or wealth.
There is a general feeling of satisfaction when a great statesman is
displaced, or a general, who has been for his brief hour the popular
idol, is unfortunate and sinks from his high estate. It becomes a
misfortune, if not a crime, to be above the popular level.

We should naturally suppose that a nation in distress would take
counsel with the wisest of its sons. But, on the contrary, great men
seem never so scarce as when they are most needed, and small men never
so bold to insist on infesting place, as when mediocrity and incapable
pretence and sophomoric greenness, and showy and sprightly
incompetency are most dangerous. When France was in the extremity of
revolutionary agony, she was governed by an assembly of provincial
pettifoggers, and Robespierre, Marat, and Couthon ruled in the place
of Mirabeau, Vergniaud, and Carnot. England was governed by the Rump
Parliament, after she had beheaded her king. Cromwell extinguished one
body, and Napoleon the other.

Fraud, falsehood, trickery, and deceit in national affairs are the
signs of decadence in States and precede convulsions or paralysis. To
bully the weak and crouch to the strong, is the policy of nations
governed by small mediocrity. The tricks of the canvass for office are
re-enacted in Senates. The Executive becomes the dispenser of
patronage, chiefly to the most unworthy; and men are bribed with
offices instead of money, to the greater ruin of the Commonwealth. The
Divine in human nature disappears, and interest, grced, and
selfishness takes it place. That is a sad and true allegory which
represents the companions of Ulysses changed by the enchantments of
Circe into swine.

* * * * *

"Ye cannot," said the Great Teacher, "serve God and Mammon." When the
thirst for wealth becomes general, it will be sought for as well
dishonestly as honestly; by frauds and overreachings, by the knaveries
of trade, the heartlessness of greedy speculation, by gambling in
stocks and commodities that soon demoralizes a whole community. Men
will speculate upon the needs of their neighbors and the distresses of
their country. Bubbles that, bursting, impoverish multitudes, will be
blown up by cunning knavery, with stupid credulity as its assistants
and instrument. Huge bankruptcies, that startle a country like the
earthquakes, and are more fatal, fraudulent assignments, engulfment of
the savings of the poor, expansions and collapses of the currency, the
crash of banks, the depreciation of Government securities, prey on the
savings of self-denial, and trouble with their depredations the first
nourishment of infancy and the last sands of life, and fill with
inmates the churchyards and lunatic asylums. But the sharper and
speculator thrives and fattens. If his country is fighting by a levy
en masse for her very existence, he aids her by depreciating her
paper, so that he may accumulate fabulous amounts with little outlay.
If his neighbor is distressed, he buys his property for a song. If he
administers upon an estate, it turns out insolvent, and the orphans
are paupers. If his bank explodes, he is found to have taken care of
himself in time. Society worships its paper-and-credit kings, as the
old Hindus and Egyptians worshipped their worthless idols, and often
the most obsequiously when in actual solid wealth they are the veriest
paupers. No wonder men think there ought to be another world, in which
the injustices of this may be atoned for, when they see the friends of
ruined families begging the wealthy sharpers to give alms to prevent
the orphaned victims from starving, until they may findways of
supporting themselves.

* * * * * *

States are chiefly avaricious of commerce and of territory. The latter
leads to the violation of treaties, encroachments upon feeble
neighbors, and rapacity toward their wards whose lands are coveted.
Republics are, in this, as rapacious and unprincipled as Despots,
never learning from history that inordinate expansion by rapine and
fraud has its inevitable consequences in dismen1berment or
subjugation. When a Republic begins to plunder its neighbors, the
words of doom are already written on its walls. There is a judgment
already pronounced of God upon whatever is unrighteous in the conduct
of national affairs. When civil war tears the vitals of a Republic,
let it look back and see if it has not been guilty of injustices; and
if it has, let it humble itself in the dust !

When a nation becomes possessed with a spirit of commercial greed,
beyond those just and fair limits set by a due regard to a moderate
and reasonable degree of general and individual prosperity, it is a
nation possessed by the devil of commercial avarice, a passion as
ignoble and demoralizing as avarice in the individual; and as this
sordid passion is baser and more unscrupulous than ambition, so it is
more hateful, and at last makes the infected nation to be regarded as
the enemy of the human race. To grasp at the lion's share of commerce,
has always at last proven the ruin of States, because it invariably
leads to injustices that make a State detestable; to a selfishness and
crooked policy that forbid other nations to be the friends of a State
that cares only for itself.

Commercial avarice in India was the parent of more atrocities and
greater rapacity, and cost more human lives, than the nobler ambition
for extended empire of Consular Rome. The nation that grasps at the
commerce of the world cannot but become selfish, calculating, dead to
the noblest impulses and sympathies which ought to actuate States. It
will submit to insults that wound its honor, rather than endanger its
commercial interests by war; while, to subserve those interests, it
will wage unjust war, on false or frivolous pretexts, its free people
cheerfully allying themselves with despots to crush a commercial rival
that has dared to exile its kings and elect its own ruler.

Thus the cold calculations of a sordid self-interest, in nations
commercially avaricious, always at last displace the sentiments and
lofty impulses of Honor and Generosity by which they rose to
greatness; which made Elizabeth and Cromwell alike the protectors of
Protestants beyond the four seas of England, against crowned Tyranny
and mitred Persecution; and, if they had lasted, would have forbidden
alliances with Czars and Autocrats and Bourbons to re-enthrone the
Tyrannies of Incapacity, and arm the Inquisition anew with its
instruments of torture. The soul of the avaricious nation petrifies,
like the soul of the individual who makes gold his god. The Despot
will occasionally act upon noble and generous impulses, and help the
weak against the strong, the right against the wrong. But commercial
avarice is essentially egotistic, grasping, faithless, overreaching,
crafty, cold, ungenerous, selfish, and calculating, controlled by
considerations of self-interest alone. Heartless and merciless, it has
no sentiments of pity, sympathy, or honor, to make it pause in its
remorseless career; and it crushes down all that is of impediment in
its way, as its keels of commerce crush under them the murmuring and
unheeded waves.

A war for a great principle ennobles a nation. A war for commercial
supremacy, upon some shallow pretext, is despicable, and more than
aught else demonstrates to what immeasurable depths of baseness men
and nations can descend. Commercial greed values the lives of men no
more than it values the lives of ants. The slave-trade is as
acceptable to a people enthralled by that greed, as the trade in ivory
or spices, if the profits are as large. It will by-and-by endeavor to
compound with God and quiet its own conscience, by compelling those to
whom it sold the slaves it bought or stole, to set them free, and
slaughtering them by hecatombs if they refuse to obey the edicts of
its philanthropy.

Justice in no wise consists in meting out to another that exact
measure of reward or punishment which we think and decree his merit,
or what we call his crime, which is more often merely his error,
deserves. The justice of the father is not incompatible with
forgiveness by him of the errors and offences of his child. The
Infinite Justice of God does not consist in meting out exact measures
of punishment for human frailties and sins. We are too apt to erect
our own little and narrow notions of what is right and just into the
law of justice, and to insist that God shall adopt that as His law; to
measure off something with our own little tape-line, and call it God's
love of justice. Continually we seek to ennoble our own ignoble love
of revenge and retaliationJ by misnaming it justice.

Nor does justice consist in strictly governing our conduct toward
other men by the rigid rules of legal right. If there were a community
anywhere, in which all stood upon the strictness of this rule, there
should be written over its gates, as a warning to the unfortunates
desiring admission to that inhospitable realm, the words which DANTE
says are written over the great gate of Hell: LET THOSE WHO ENTER HERE
LEAVE HOPE BEHIND ! It is not just to pay the laborer in field or
factory or workshop his current wages and no more, the lowest
market-value of his labor, for so long only as we need that labor and
he is able to work; for when sickness or old age overtakes him, that
is to leave him and his family to starve; and God will curse with
calamity the people in which the children of the laborer out of work
eat the boiled grass of the field, and mothers strangle their
children, that they may buy food for themselves with the charitable
pittance given for burial expenses. The rules of what is ordinarily
termed "Justice," may be punctiliously observed among the fallen
spirits that are the aristocracy of Hell.

* * * * * *

Justice, divorced from sympathy, is selfish indifference, not in the
least more laudable than misanthropic isolation. There is sympathy
even among the hair-like oscillatorias, a tribe of simple plants,
armies of which may be discovered with the aid of the microscope, in
the tiniest bit of scum from a stagnant pool. For these will place
themselves, as if it were by agreement, in separate companies, on the
side of a vessel containing them, and seem marching upward in rows;
and when a swarm grows weary of its situation, and has a mind to
change its quarters, each army holds on its way without confusion or
intermixture, proceeding with great regularity and order, as if under
the directions of wise leaders. The ants and bees give each other
mutual assistance, beyond what is required by that which human
creatures are apt to regard as the strict law of justice.

Surely we need but reflect a little, to be convinced that the
individual man is but a fraction of the unit of society, and that he
is indissolubly connected with the rest of his race. Not only the
actions, but the will and thoughts of other men make or mar his
fortunes, control his destinies, are unto him life or death, dishonor
or honor. The epidemics, physical and moral, contagious and
infectious, public opinion, popular delusions, enthusiasms, and the
other great electric phenomena and currents, moral and intellectual,
prove the universal sympathy. The vote of a single and obscure n1an,
the utterance of self-will, ignorance, conceit, or spite, deciding an
election and placing Folly or Incapacity or Baseness in a Senate,
involves the country in war, sweeps away our fortunes, slaughters our
sons, renders the labors of a life unavailing, and pushes on,
helpless, with all our intellect to resist, into the grave.

These considerations ought to teach us that justice to others and to
ourselves is the same; that we cannot define our duties by
mathematical lines ruled by the square, but must fill with them the
great circle traced by the compasses; that the circle of humanity is
the limit, and we are but the point in its centre, the drops in the
great Atlantic, the atom or particle, bound by a mys terious law of
attraction which we term sympathy to every other atom in the mass;
that the physical and moral welfare of others cannot be indifferent to
us; that we have a direct and immediate interest in the public
morality and popular intelligence, in the well-being and physical
comfort of the people at large. The ignorance of the people, their
pauperism and destitution, and consequent degradation, their
brutalization and demoralization, are all diseases; and we cannot rise
high enough above the people, nor shut ourselves up from them enough,
to escape the miasmatic contagion and the great magnetic currents.

Justice is peculiarly indispensable to nations. The unjust State is
doomed of God to calamity and ruin. This is the teaching of the
Eternal Wisdom and of history. "Righteousness exalteth a nation; but
wrong is a reproach to nations." "The Throne is established by
Righteousness. Let the lips of the Ruler pronounce the sentence that
is Divine; and his mouth do no wrong in judgment !" The nation that
adds province to province by fraud and violence, that encroaches on
the weak and plunders its wards, and violates its treaties and the
obligation of its contracts, and for the law of honor and fair-dealing
substitutes the exigencies of greed and the base precepts of policy
and craft and the ignoble tenets of expediency, is predestined to
destruction; for here, as with the individual, the consequences of
wrong are inevitable and eternal.

A sentence is written against all that is unjust, written by God in
the nature of man and in the nature of the Universe, because it is in
the nature of the Infinite God. No wrong is really successful. The
gain of injustice is a loss; its pleasure, suffering. Iniquity often
seems to prosper, but its success is its defeat and shame. If its
consequences pass by the doer, they fall upon and crush his children.
It is a philosophical, physical, and moral truth, in the form of a
threat, that God visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children,
to the third and fourth generation of those who violate His laws.
After a long while, the day of reckoning always comes, to nation as to
individual; and always the knave deceives himself, and proves a

Hypocrisy is the homage that vice and wrong pay to virtue and justice.
It is Satan attempting to clothe himself in the angelic vesture of
light. It is equally detestable in morals, politics, and religion; in
the man and in the nation. To do injustice under the pretence of
equity and fairness; to reprove vice in public and commit it in
private; to pretend to charitable opinion and censoriously condemn; to
profess the principles of Masonic beneficence, and close the ear to
the wail of distress and the cry of suffering; to eulogize the
intelligence of the people, and plot to deceive and betray them by
means of their ignorance and simplicity; to prate of purity, and
peculate; of honor, and basely abandon a sinking cause; of
disinterestedness, and sell one's vote for place and power, are
hypocrisies as common as they are infamous and disgraceful. To steal
the livery of the Court of God to serve the Devil withal; to pretend
to believe in a God of mercy and a Redeemer of love, and persecute
those of a different faith; to devour widows' houses, and for a
pretence make long prayers; to preach continence, and wallow in lust;
to inculcate humility, and in pride surpass Lucifer; to pay tithe, and
omit the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy and faith; to
strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel; to make clean the outside of
the cup and platter, keeping them full within of extortion and excess;
to appear outwardly righteous unto men, but within be full of
hypocrisy and iniquity, is indeed to be like unto whited sepulchres,
which appear beautiful outward, but are within full of bones of the
dead and of all uncleanness.

The Republic cloaks its ambition with the pretence of a desire and
duty to "extend the area of freedom," and claims it as its "manifest
destiny" to annex other Republics or the States or Provinces of others
to itself, by open violence, or under obsolete, empty, and fraudulent
titles. The Empire founded by a successful soldier, claims its ancient
or natural boundaries, and makes necessity and its safety tlle plea
for open robbery. The great Merchant Nation, gaining foothold in the
Orient, finds a continual necessity for extending its dominion by
arms, and subjugates India. The great Royalties and Despotisms,
without a plea, partition among themselves a Kingdom, dismember
Poland, and prepare to wrangle over the dominions of the Crescent. To
maintain the balance of power is a plea for the obliteration of
States. Carthage, Genoa, and Venice, commercial Cities only, must
acquire territory by force or fraud, and become States. Alexander
marches to the Indus; Tamerlane seeks universal empire; the Saracens
conquer Spain and threaten Vienna.

The thirst for power is never satisfied. It is insatiable. Neither men
nor nations ever have power enough. When Rome was the mistress of the
world, the Emperors caused themselves to be worshipped as gods. The
Church of Rome claimed despotism over the soul, and over the whole
life from the cradle to the grave. It gave and sold absolutions for
past and future sins. It claimed to be infallible in matters of faith.
It decimated Europe to purge it of heretics. It decimated America to
convert the Mexicans and Peruvians. It gave and took away thrones; and
by excommunication and interdict closed the gates of Paradise against
Nations, Spain, haughty with its dominion over the Indies, endeavored
to crush out Protestantism in the Netherlands, while Philip the Second
married the Queen of England, and the pair sought to win that kingdom
back to its allegiance to the Papal throne. Afterward Spain attempted
to conquer it with her "invincible" Armada. Napoleon set his relatives
and captains on thrones, and parcelled among them half of Europe. The
Czar rules over an empire more gigantic than Rome. The history of all
is or will be the same,--acquisition, dismemberment, ruin. There is a
judgment of God against all that is unjust.

To seek to subjugate the will of others and take the soul captive,
because it is the exercise of thc highest power, seems to be the
highest object of human ambition. It is at the bottom of all
proselyting and propagandism, from that of Mesmer to that of the
Church of Rome and the French Republic. That was the apostolate alike
of Joshua and of Mahomet. Masonry alone preaches Toleration, the right
of man to abide by his own faith, the right of all States to govern
themselves. It rebukes alike the monarch who seeks to extend his
dominions by conquest, the Church that claims the right to repress
heresy by fire and steel, and the confederation of States that insist
on maintaining a union by force and restoring brotherhood by slaughter
and subjugation.

It is natural, when we are wronged, to desire revenge; and to persuade
ourselves that we desire it less for our own satisfaction than to
prevent a repetition of the wrong, to which the doer would be
encouraged by immunity coupled with the profit of the wrong. To submit
to be cheated is to encourage the cheater to continue; and we are
quite apt to regard ourselves as God's chosen instruments to inflict
His vengeance, and for Him and in His stead to discourage wrong by
making it fruitless and its punishment sure. Revenge has been said to
be "a kind of wild justice;" but it is always taken in anger, and
therefore is unworthy of a great soul, which ought not to suffer its
equanimity to be disturbed by ingratitude or villainy. The injuries
done us by the base are as much unworthy of our angry notice as those
done us by the insects and the beasts; and when we crush the adder, or
slay the wolf or hyena, we should do it without being moved to anger,
and with no more feeling of revenge than we have in rooting up a
noxious weed.

And if it be not in human nature not to take revenge by way of
punishment, let the Mason truly consider that in doing so he is God's
agent, and so let his revenge be measured by justice and tempered by
mercy. The law of God is, that the consequences of wrong and cruelty
and crime shall be their punishment; and the injured and the wronged
and the indignant are as much His instruments to enforce that law, as
the diseases and public detestation, and the verdict of history and
the execration of posterity are. No one will say that the Inquisitor
who has racked and burned the innocent; the Spaniard who hewed Indian
infants, living, into pieces with his sword, and fed the mangled limbs
to his bloodhounds; the military tyrant who has shot men without
trial, the knave who has robbed or betrayed his State, the fraudulent
banker or bankrupt who has beggared orphans, the public officer who
has violated his oath, the judge who has sold injustice, the
legislator who has enabled Incapacity to work the ruin of the State,
ought not to be punished. Let them be so; and let the injured or the
sympathizing be the instruments of God's just vengeance; but always
out of a higher feeling than mere personal revenge.

Remember that every moral characteristic of man finds its prototype
an1ong creatures of lower intelligence; that the cruel foulness of the
hyena, the savage rapacity of the wolf, the merciless rage of the
tiger, the crafty treachery of the panther, are found among mankind,
and ought to excite no other emotion, when found in the man, than when
found in the beast. Why should the true man be angry with the geese
that hiss, the peacocks that strut, the asses that bray, and the apes
that imitate and chatter, although they wear the human form? Always,
also, it remains true, that it is more noble to forgive than to take
revenge; and that, in general, we ought too much to despise those who
wrong us, to feel the emotion of anger, or to desire revenge.

At the sphere of the Sun, you are in the region of LIGHT. * * * * The
Hebrew word for gold, ZAHAB, also means Light, of which the Sun is to
the Earth the great source. So, in the great Oriental allegory of the
Hebrews, the River PISON compasses the land of Gold or Light; and the
River GIHON the land of Ethiopia or Darkness.

What light is, we no more know than the ancients did. According to the
modern hypothesis, it is not composed of luminous particles shot out
from the sun with immense velocity; but that body only impresses, on
the ether which fills all space, a powerful vibratory movement that
extends, in the form of luminous waves, beyond the most distant
planets, supplying them with light and heat. To the ancients, it was
an outflowing from the Deity. To us, as to them, it is the apt symbol
of truth and knowledge. To us, also, the upward journey of the soul
through the Spheres is symbolical; but we are as little informed as
they whence the soul comes, where it has its origin, and whither it
goes after death. They endeavored to have some belief and faith, some
creed, upon those points. At the present day, men are satisfied to
think nothing in regard to all that, and only to believe that the soul
is a something separate from the body and out-living it, but whether
existing before it, neither to inquire nor care. No one asks whether
it emanates from the Deity, or is created out of nothing, or is
generated like the body, and the issue of the souls of the father and
the mother. Let us not smile, therefore, at the ideas of the ancients,
until we have a better belief; but accept their symbols as meaning
that the soul is of a Divine nature, originating in a sphere nearer
the Deity, and returning to that when freed from the enthralhment of
the body; and that it can only return there when purified of all the
sordidness and sin which have, as it were, become part of its
substance, by its connection with the body.

It is not strange that, thousands of years ago, men worshipped the
Sun, and that to-day that worship continues among the Parsees.
Originally they looked beyond the orb to the invisible God, of whom
the Sun's light, seemingly identical with generation and life, was the
manifestation and outflowing. Long before the Chaldcean shepherds
watched it on their plains, it came up regularly, as it now does, in
the morning, like a god, and again sank, like a king retiring, in the
west, to return again in due time in the same array of majesty. We
worship Immutability. It was that steadfast, immutable character of
the Sun that the men of Baalbec worshipped. His light-giving and
life-giving powers were secondary attributes. The one grand idea that
compelled worship was the characteristic of God which they saw
reflected in his light, and fancied they saw in its originality the
changelessness of Deity. He had seen thrones crwnble, earthquakes
shake the world and hurl down mountains. Beyond Olympus, beyond the
Pillars of Hercules, he had gone daily to his abode, and had come
daily again in the morning to behold the temples they built to his
worsl1ip. They personified him as BRAHMA, AMUN, OSRIS, BEL, ADONIS,
MALKARTH, MITHRAS, and APOLLO; and the nations that did so grew old
and died. Moss grew on the capitals of the great columns of his
temples, and he shone on the moss. Grain by grain the dust of his
temples crumbled and fell, and was borne off on the wind, and still he
shone on crumbling column and architrave. The roof fell crashing on
the pavement, and he shone in on the Holy of Holies with unchanging
rays. It was not strange that men worshipped the Sun.

There is a water-plant, on whose broad leaves the drops of water roll
about without uniting, like drops of mercury. So arguments on points
of faith, in politics or religion, roll over the surface of the mind.
An argument that convinces one mind has no effect on another. Few
intellects, or souls that are the negations of intellect, have any
logical power or capacity. There is a singular obliquity in the human
mind that makes the false logic more effective than the true with
nine-tenths of those who are regarded as men of intellect. Even among
the judges, not one in ten can argue logically. Each mind sees the
truth, distorted through its own medium. Truth, to most men, is like
matter in the spheroidal state. Like a drop of cold water on the
surface of a red-hot metal plate, it dances, trembles, and spins, and
never comes into contact with it; and the mind may be plunged into
truth, as the hand moistened with sulphurous acid may into melted
metal, and be not even warmed by the immersion.

* * * * * *

The word Khairum or Khurum is a compound one. Gesenius renders Khurum
by the word noble or free-born: Khur meaning white, noble. It also
means the opening of a window, the socket of the eye. Khri also means
white, or an opening; and Khris, the orb of the Sun, in Job viii. 13
and x. 7. Krishna is the Hindu Sun-God. Khur, the Parsi word, is the
literal name of the Sun.

From Kur or Khur, the Sun, comes Khora, a name of Lower Egypt. The
Sun, Bryant says in his Mythology, was called Kur; and Plutarch says
that the Persians called the Sun Kuros. Kurios, Lord, in Greek, like
Adonai, Lord, in Phcenician and Hebrew, was applied to the Sun. Many
places were sacred to the Sun, and called Kura, Kuria, Kuropolis,
Kurene, Kureschata, Kuresta, and Corusia in Scythia.

The Egyptian Deity called by the Greeks "Horus," was Her-Ra, or
Har-oeris, Hor or Har, the Sun. Hari is a Hindu name of the Sun.
Ari-al, Ar-es, Ar, Aryaman, Areimonios, the AR meaning Fire or Flame,
are of the same kindred. Hewnes or Har-mes, (Aram, Remus, Haram,
Harameias), was Kadmos, the Divine Light or Wisdom. Mar-kuri, says
Movers, is Mar, the Sun.

In the Hebrew, AOOR, is Light, Fire, or the Sun. Cyrus, said Ctesias,
was so named from Kuros, the Sun. Kuris, Hesychius says, was Adonis.
Apollo, the Sun-god, was called Kurraios, from Kurra, a city in
Phocis. The people of Kurene, originally Ethiopians or Cuthites,
worshipped the Sun under the title of Achoor and Achor.

We know, through a precise testimony in the ancient annals of Tsur,
that the principal festivity of Mal-karth, the incarnation of the Sun
at the Winter Solstice, held at Tsur, was called his rebirth or his
awakening, and that it was celebrated by means of a pyre, on which the
god was supposed to regain, through the aid of fire, a new life. This
festival was celebrated in the month Peritius (Barith), the second day
of which corresponded to the 25th of December. KHUR-UM, King of Tyre,
Movers says, first performed this ceremony. These facts we learn from
Josephus, Servius on the AEneid, and the Dionysiacs of Nonnus; and
through a coincidence that cannot be fortuitous, the same day was at
Rome the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, the festal day of the invincible
Sun. Under this title, HERCULES, HAR-acles, was worshipped at Tsur.
Thus, while the temple was being erected, the death and resurrection
of a Sun-God was annually represented at Tsur, by Solomon's ally, at
the winter solstice, by the pyre of MAL-KARIH, the Tsurian Haracles.

AROERIS or HAR-oeris, the elder HORUS, is from the same old root that
in the Hebrew has the form Aur, or, with the definite article
prefixed, Haur, Light, or the Light, splendor, flame, the Sun and his
rays. The hieroglyphic of the younger HORUS was the point in a circle;
of the Elder, a pair of eyes; and the festival of the thirtieth day of
the month Epiphi, when the sun and moon were supposed to be in the
same right line with the earth, was called "The birth-day of the eyes
of Horus."

In a papyrus published by Champollion, this god is styled "Haroeri,
Lord of the Solar Spirits, the beneficent eye of the Sun." Plutarch
calls him "Har-pocrates," but there is no trace of the latter part of
the name in the hieroglyphic legends. He is the son of OSIRIS and
Isrs; and is represented sitting on a throne supported by lions; the
same word, in Egyptian, meaning Lion and Sun. So Solomon made a great
throne of ivory, plated with gold, with six steps, at each arm of
which was a lion, and one on each side to each step, making seven on
each side.

Again, the Hebrewword Khi, means "living;" and ram, "was, or shall be,
raised or lifted up." The latter is the same as room, aroom, harum,
whence Aram, for Syria, or Aramoea, High-land. Khairum, therefore,
would mean "was raised up to life, or living."

So, in Arabic, hrm, an unused root, meant, "was high," "made great,"
"exalted;" and Hirm means an ox, the symbol of the Sun in Taurus, at
the Vernal Equinox.

KHURUM, therefore, improperly called Hiram, is KHUR-OM, the same as
Her-ra, Her-mes, and Her-acles, the "Heracles Tyrius Invictus," the
personification of Light and the Son, the Mediator, Redeemer, and
Saviour. From the Egyptian word Ra came the Coptic Ouro, and the
Hebrew Aur, Light. Har-oeri, is Hor or Har, the chief or master. Hor
is also heat; and hora, season or hour; and hence in several African
dialects, as names of the Sun, Airo, Ayero, eer, uiro, ghurrah, and
the like. The royal name rendered Pharaoh, was PHRA, that is, Pai-ra,
the Sun.

The legend of the contest between Hor-ra and Set, or Set-nu-bi, the
same as Bar or Bal, is older than that of the strife between Osiris
and Typhon; as old, at least, as the nineteenth dynasty. It is called
in the Book of the Dead, "The day of the battle between Horus and
Set." The later myth connects itself with Phoenicia and Syria. The
body of OSIRIS went ashore at Gebal or Byblos, sixty miles above Tsur.
You will not fail to notice that in the name of each murderer of
Khurum, that of the Evil God Bal is found.

* * * * *

Har-oeri was the god of TIME, as well as of Life. The Egyptian legend
was that the King of Byblos cut down the tamarisk-tree containing the
body of OSIRIS, and made of it a column for his palace. Isis, employed
in the palace, obtained possession of the column, took the body out of
it, and carried it away. Apuleius describes her as "a beautiful
female, over whose divine neck her long thick hair hung in graceful
ringlets ;" and in the procession female attendants, with ivory combs,
seemed to dress and ornament the royal hair of the goddess. The
palm-tree, and the lamp in the shape of a boat, appeared in the
procession. If the symbol we are speaking of is not a mere modern
invention, it is to these things it alludes.

The identity of the legends is also confirmed by this hieroglyphic
picture, copied from an ancient Egyptian monument, which may also
enlighten you as to the Lion's grip and the Master's gavel.

in the ancient Phcenician character, and in the Samaritan, A B, (the
two letters representing the numbers 1, 2, or Unity and Duality, means
Father, and is a primitive noun, common to all the Semitic languages.

It also means an Ancestor, Originator, Inventor, Head, Chief or Ruler,
Manager, Overseer, Master, Priest, Prophet.

is simply Father, when it is in construction, that is, when it
precedes another word, and in English the preposition "of" is
interposed, as Abi-Al, the Father of Al.

Also, the final Yod means "my"; so that by itself means "My father.
David my father, 2 Chron. ii. 3. (Vav) final is the possessive pronoun
"his"; and Abiu (which we read "Abif") means "of my father's." Its
full meaning, as connected with the name of Khurum, no doubt is,
"formerly one of my father's servants," or "slaves."

The name of the Phcenician artificer is, in Samuel and Kings, [2 Sam.
v. 11; 1 Kings v. 15; 1 Kings vii. 40]. In Chronicles it is with the
addition of [2 Chron. ii. 12]; and of [2 Chron. iv. 16].

It is merely absurd to add the word "Abif," or "Abiff," as part of the
name of the artificer. And it is almost as absurd to add the word
"Abi," which was a title and not part of the name. Joseph says [Gen.
xlv. 8], "God has constituted me 'Ab l'Paraah, as Father to Paraah,
i.e., Vizier or Prime Minister." So Haman was called the Second Father
of Artaxerxes; and when King Khurum used the phrase "Khurum Abi," he
meant that the artificer he sent Schlomoh was the principal or chief
workman in his line at Tsur.

A medal copied by Montfaucon exhibits a female nursing a child, with
ears of wheat in her hand, and the legend (Iao). She is seated on
clouds, a star at her head, and three ears of wheat rising from an
altar before her.

HORUS was the mediator, who was buried three days, was regenerated,
and triumphed over the evil principle.

The word HERI, in Sanscrit, means Shepherd, as well as Savior. CRISHNA
is called Heri, as Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd.

Khur, means an aperture of a window, a cave, or the eye. Also it means

It also means an opening, and noble, free-born, high-born.

KHURM means consecrated, devoted; in AEthiopic. It is the name of a
city, [Josh. xix. 38]; and of a man, [Ezr. ii. 32, x. 31; Neh. iii.

Khirah, means nobility, a noble race.

Buddha is declared to comprehend in his own person the essence of the
Hindu Trimurti; and hence the tri-literal monosyllable Om or Aum is
applied to him as being essentially the same as Brahma-Vishnu-Siva. He
is the same as Hermes, Thoth, Taut, and Teutates. One of his names is
Heri-maya or Hermaya, which are evidently the same name as Hermes and
Khirm or Khurm. Heri, in Sanscrit, means Lord.

A learned Brother places over the two symbolic pillars, from right to
left, the two words IHU and BAL: followed by the hieroglyphic
equivalent, of the Sun-God, Amun-ra. Is it an accidental coincidence,
that in the name of each murderer are the two names of the Good and
Evil Deities of the Hebrews; for Yu-bel is but Yehu-Bal or Yeho-Bal?
and that the three final syllables of the names, a, o, um, make
A.'.U.'.M.'. the sacred word of the Hindoos, meaning the Triune God,
Life-giving, Life-preserving, Life-destroying: represented by the
mystic character ?

The genuine acacia, also, is the thorny tamarisk, the same tree which
grew up around the body of Osiris. It was a sacred tree among the
Arabs, who made of it the idol Al-Uzza, which Mohammed destroyed. It
is abundant as a bush in the Desert of Thur: and of it the "crown of
thorns" was composed, which was set on the forehead of Jesus of
Nazareth. It is a fit type of immortality on account of its tenacity
of life; for it has been known, when planted as a door-post, to take
root again and shoot out budding boughs over the threshold.

* * * * *

Every commonwealth must have its periods of trial and transition,
especially if it engages in war. It is certain at some time to be
wholly governed by agitators appealing to all the baser elements of
the popular nature; by moneyed corporations; by those enriched by the
depreciation of government securities or paper; by small attorneys,
schemers, money-jobbers, speculators and adventurers--an ignoble
oligarchy, enriched by the distresses of the State, and fattened on
the miseries of the people. Then all the deceitful visions of equality
and the rights of man end; and the wronged and plundered State can
regain a real liberty only by passing through "great varieties of
untried being," purified in its transmigration by fire and blood.

In a Republic, it soon comes to pass that parties gather round the
negative and positive poles of some opinion or notion, and that the
intolerant spirit of a triumphant majority will allow no deviation
from the standard of orthodoxy which it has set up for itself. Freedom
of opinion will be professed and pretended to, but every one will
exercise it at the peril of being banished from political communion
with those who hold the reins and prescribe the policy to be pursued.
Slavishness to party and obsequiousness to the popular whims go hand
in hand. Political independence only occurs in a fossil state; and
men's opinions grow out of the acts they have been constrained to do
or sanction. Flattery, either of individual or people, corrupts both
the receiver and the giver; and adulation is not of more service to
the people than to kings. A Ccesar, securely seated in power, cares
less for it than a free democracy; nor will his appetite for it grow
to exorbitance, as that of a people will, until it becomes insatiate.
The effect of liberty to individuals is, that they may do what they
please; to a people, it is to a great extent the same. If accessible
to flattery, as this is always interested, and resorted to on low and
base motives, and for evil purposes, either individual or people is
sure, in doing what it pleases, to do what in honor and conscience
should have been left undone. One ought not even to risk
congratulations, which may soon be turned into complaints; and as both
individuals and peoples are prone to make a bad use of power, to
flatter them, which is a sure way to mislead them, well deserves to be
called a crime.

The first principle in a Republic ought to be, "that no man or set of
men is entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments or privileges from
the community, but in consideration of public services; which not
being descendible, neither ought the omces of magistrate, legislature,
nor judge, to be hereditary." It is a volume of Truth and Wisdom, a
lesson for the study of nations, embodied in a single sentence, and
expressed in language which every man can understand. If a deluge of
despotism were to overthrow the world, and destroy all institutions
under which freedom is protected, so that they should no longer be
remembered among men, this sentence, preserved, would be sufficient to
rekindle the fires of liberty and revive the race of freemen.

But, to preserve liberty, another must be added: "that a free State
does not confer office as a reward, especially for questionable
services, unless she seeks her own ruin; but all officers are employed
by her, in consideration solely of their will and ability to render
service in the future; and therefore that the best and most competent
are always to be preferred."

For, if there is to be any other rule, that of hereditary succession
is perhaps as good as any. By no other rule is it possible to preserve
the liberties of the State. By no other to intrust the power of making
the laws to those only who have that keen instinctive sense of
injustice and wrong which enables them to detect baseness and
corruption in their most secret hiding-places, and that moral courage
and generous manliness and gallant independence that make them
fearless in dragging out the perpetrators to the light of day, and
calling down upon them the scorn and indignation of the world. The
flatterers of the people are never such men. On the contrary, a time
always comes to a Republic, when it is not content, like Liberius,
with a single Sejanus, but must have a host; and when those most
prominent in the lead of affairs are men without reputation,
statesmanship, ability, or information, the mere hacks of party, owing
their places to trickery and want of qualification, with none of the
qualities of head or heart that make great and wise men, and, at the
same time, filled with all the narrow conceptions and bitter
intolerance of political bigotry. These die; and the world is none the
wiser for what they have said and done. Their names sink in the
bottomless pit of oblivion; but their acts of folly or knavery curse
the body politic and at last prove its ruin.

Politicians, in a free State, are generally hollow, heartless, and
selfish. Their own aggrandisement is the end of their patriotism; and
they always look with secret satisfaction on the disappointment or
fall of one whose loftier genius and superior talents overshadow their
own self-importance, or whose integrity and incorruptible honor are in
the way of their selfish ends. The influence of the small aspirants is
always against the great man. His accession to power may be almost for
a lifetime. One of themselves will be more easily displaced, and each
hopes to succeed him; and so it at length comes to pass that men
impudently aspire to and actually win the highest stations, who are
unfit for the lowest clerkships; and incapacity and mediocrity become
the surest passports to once.

The consequence is, that those who feel themselves competent and
qualified to serve the people, refuse with digust to enter into the
struggle for office, where the wicked and jesuitical doctrine that all
is fair in politics is an excuse for every species of low villainy;
and those who seek even the highest places of the State do not rely
upon the power of a magnanimous spirit, on the sympathizing impulses
of a great soul, to stir and move the people to generous, noble, and
heroic resolves, and to wise and manly action; but, like spaniels
erect on their hind legs, with fore-paws obsequiously suppliant, fawn,
flatter, and actually beg for votes. Rather than descend to this, they
stand contemptuously aloof, disdainfully refusing to court the people,
and acting on the maxim, that "mankind has no title to demand that we
shall serve them in spite of themselves."

* * * * * *

It is lamentable to see a country split into factions, each following
this or that great or brazen-fronted leader with a blind, unreasoning,
unquestioning hero-worship; it is contemptible to see it divided into
parties, whose sole end is the spoils of victory, and their chiefs the
low, the base, the venal and the snlall. Such a country is in the last
stages of decay, and near its end, no matter how prosperous it may
seem to be. It wrangles over the volcano and the earthquake. But it is
certain that no government can be conducted by the men of the people,
and for the people, without a rigid adherence to those principles
which our reason commends as fixed and sound. These must be the tests
of parties, men, and measures. Once determined, they must be
inexorable in their application, and all must either come up to the
standard or declare against it. Men may betray: principles never can.
Oppression is one invariable consequence of misplaced confidence in
treacherous man, it is never the result of the working or application
of a sound, just, well-tried principle. Compromises which bring
fundamental principles into doubt, in order to unite in one party men
of antagonistic creeds, are frauds, and end in ruin, the just and
natural consequence of fraud. Whenever you have settled upon your
theory and creed, sanction no departure from it in practice, on any
ground of expediency. It is the Master's word. Yield it up neither to
flattery nor force ! Let no defeat or persecution rob you of it!
Believe that he who once blundered in statesmanship will blunder
again; that such blunders are as fatal as crimes; and that political
near-sightedness does not improve by age. There are always more
impostors than seers among public men, more false prophets than true
ones, more prophets of Baal than of Jehovah; and Jerusalem is always
in danger from the Assyrians.

Sallust said that after a State has been corrupted by luxury and
idleness, it may by its mere greatness bear up under the burden of its
vices. But even while he wrote, Rome, of which he spoke, had played
out her masquerade of freedom Other causes than luxury and sloth
destroy Republics. If small, their larger neighbors extinguish thelll
by absorption. If of great extent, the cohesive force is too feeble to
hold them together, and they fall to pieces by their own weight. The
paltry ambition of small men disintegrates them. The want of wisdom in
their councils creates exasperating issues. Usurpation of power plays
its part, incapacity seconds corruption, the storm rises, and the
fragments of the incoherent raft strew the sandy shores, reading to
mankind another lesson for it to disregard.

The Forty-seventh Proposition is older than Pythagoras. It is this:
"In every right-angled triangle, the sum of the squares of the base
and perpendicular is equal to the square of the hypothenuse."

The square of a number is the product of that number, multiplied by
itself. Thus, 4 is the square of 2, and 9 of 3.

The first ten numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10;

their squares are .........1, 4, 9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100;

and ...........................3,5, 7, 9,11,13,15,17, 19

are the differences between each square and that which precedes it;
giving us the sacred numbers, 3, 5, 7, and 9

Of these numbers, the square of 3 and 4, added together, gives the
square of 5; and those of 6 and 8, the square of 10; and if a
right-angled triangle be formed, the base measuring 3 or 6 parts, and
the perpendicular 4 or 8 parts, the hypothenuse will be 5 or 10 parts;
and if a square is erected on each side, these squares being
subdivided into squares each side of which is one part in length,
there will be as many of these in the square erected on the
hypothenuse as in the other two squares together.

Now the Egyptians arranged their deities in Triads the FATHER or the
Spirit or Active Principle or Generative Power; the MOTHER, or Matter,
or the Passive Principle, or the Conceptive Power; and the SON, Issue
or Product, the Universe, proceeding from the two principles. These
were OSRIS, ISIS, and HORUS. In the same way, PLATO gives us thought
the Father; Primitive Matter the Mother; and Kosmos the World, the
Son, the Universe animated by a soul. Triads of the same kind are
found in the Kabalah.

PLUTARCH says, in his book De Iside et Osiride, "But the better and
diviner nature consists of three,--that which exists within the
Intellect only, and Matter, and that which proceeds from these, which
the Greeks call Kosmos; of which three, Plato is wont to call the
Intelligible, the 'Idea, Exemplar, and Father', Matter, 'the Mother,
the Nurse, and the place and receptacle of generation'; and the issue
of these two, 'the Offspring and Genesis,"' the KOSMOS, "a word
signifying equally Beauty and Order, or the Universe itself." You will
not fail to notice that Beauty is symbolized by the Junior Warden in
the South. Plutarch continues to say that the Egyptians compared the
universal nature to what they called the most beautiful and perfect
triangle, as Plato does, in that nuptial diagram, as it is termed,
which he has introduced into his Commonwealth. When he adds that this
triangle is right-angled, and its sides respectively as 3, 4, and 5;
and he says, "We must suppose that the perpendicular is designed by
them to represent the masculine nature, the base the feminine, and
that the hypothenuse is to be looked upon as the offspring of both;
and accordingly the first of them will aptly enough represent OSIRIS,
or the prime cause; the second, ISIS, or the receptive capacity; the
last, HORUS, or the common effect of the other two. For 3 is the first
number which is composed of even and odd; and 4 is a square whose side
is equal to the even number 2; but 5, being generated, as it were, out
of the preceding numbers, 2 and 3, may be said to have an equal
relation to both of them, as to its common parents."

* * * * * *

The clasped hands is another symbol which was used by PYTHAGORAS. It
represented the number 10, the sacred number in which all the
preceding numbers were contained; the number expressed by the
mysterious TERACTYS, a figure borrowed by him and the Hebrew priests
alike from the Egyptian sacred science, and which ought to be replaced
among the symbols of the Master's degree, where it of right belongs.
The Hebrews formed it thus, with the letters of the Divine name:

The Tetractys thus leads you, not only to the study of the Pythagorean
philosophy as to numbers, but also to the Kabalah, and will aid you in
discovering the True Word, and understanding what was meant by "The
Music of the Spheres." Modern science strikingly confirms the ideas of
Pythagoras in regard to the properties of numbers, and that they
govern in the Universe. Long before his time, nature had extracted her
cube-roots and her squares.

* * * * * *

All the FORCES at man's disposal or under man's control, or subject to
man's influence, are his working tools. The friendship and sympathy
that knit heart to heart are a force like the attraction of cohesion,
by which the sandy particles became the solid rock. If this law of
attraction or cohesion were taken away, the material worlds and suns
would dissolve in an instant into thin invisible vapor. If the ties of
friendship, affection, and love were annulled, mankind would become a
raging multitude of wild and savage beasts of prey. The sand hardens
into rock under the immense superincumbent pressure of the ocean,
aided sometimes by the irresistible energy of fire; and when the
pressure of calamity and danger is upon an order or a country, the
members or the citizens ought to be the more closely united by the
cohesion of sympathy and inter-dependence.

Morality is a force. It is the magnetic attraction of the heart toward
Truth and Virtue. The needle, imbued with this mystic property, and
pointing unerringly to the north, carries the mariner safely over the
trackless ocean, through storm and darkness, until his glad eyes
behold the beneficent beacons that welcome him to safe and hospitable
harbor. Then the hearts of those who love him are gladdened, and his
home made happy; and this gladness and happiness are due to the
silent, unostentatious, unerring monitor that was the sailor's guide
over the weltering waters. But if drifted too far northward, he finds
the needle no longer true, but pointing elsewhere than to the north,
what a feeling of helplessness falls upon the dismayed mariner, what
utter loss of energy and courage ! It is as if the great axioms of
morality were to fail and be no longer true, leaving the human soul to
drift helplessly, eyeless like Prometheus, at the mercy of the
uncertain, faithless currents of the deep.

Honor and Duty are the pole-stars of a Mason, the Dioscuri, by never
losing sight of which he may avoid disastrous shipwreck. These
Palinurus watched, until, overcome by sleep, and the vessel no longer
guided truly, he fell into and was swallowed up by the insatiable sea.
So the Mason who loses sight of these, and is no longer governed by
their beneficent and potential force, is lost, and sinking out of
sight, will disappear unhonored and unwept.

The force of electricity, analogous to that of sympathy, and by means
of which great thoughts or base suggestions, the utterances of noble
or ignoble natures, flash instantaneously over the nerves of nations;
the force of growth, fit type of immortality, Iying dormant three
thousand years in the wheat-grains buried with their mummies by the
old Egyptians; the forces of expansion and contraction, developed in
the earthquake and the tornado, and giving birth to the wonderful
achievements of steam, have their parallelisms in the moral world, in
individuals, and nations. Growth is a necessity for nations as for
men. Its cessation is the beginning of decay. In the nation as well as
the plant it is mysterious, and it is irresistible. The earthquakes
that rend nations asunder, overturn thrones, and engulf monarchies and
republics, have been long prepared for, like the volcanic eruption.
Revolutions have long roots in the past. The force exerted is in
direct proportion to the previous restraint and compression. The true
statesman ought to see in progress the causes that are in due time to
produce them; and he who does not is but a blind leader of the blind.

The great changes in nations, like the geological changes of the
earth, are slowly and continuously wrought. The waters, falling from
Heaven as rain and dews, slowly disintegrate the granite mountains;
abrade the plains, leaving hills and ridges of denudation as their
monuments; scoop out the valleys, fill up the seas, narrow the rivers,
and after the lapse of thousands on thousands of silent centuries,
prepare the great alluvia for the growth of that plant, the snowy
envelope of whose seeds is to employ the looms of the world, and the
abundance or penury of whose crops shall determine whether the weavers
and spinners of other realms shall have work to do or starve.

So Public Opinion is an immense force; and its currents are as
inconstant and incomprehensible as those of the atmosphere.
Nevertheless, in free governments, it is omnipotent; and the business
of the statesman is to find the means to shape, control, and direct
it. According as that is done, it is beneficial and conservative, or
destructive and ruinous. The Public Opinion of the civilized world is
International Law; and it is so great a force, though with no certain
and fixed boundaries, that it can even constrain the victorious despot
to be generous, and aid an oppressed people in its struggle for

Habit is a great force; it is second nature, even in trees. It is as
strong in nations as in men. So also are Prejudices, which are given
to men and nations as the passions are,--as forces, valuable, if
properly and skillfully availed of; destructive, if unskillfully

Above all, the Love of Country, State Pride, the Love of Home, are
forces of immense power. Encourage them all. Insist upon them in your
public men. Permanency of home is necessary to patriotism. A migratory
race will have little love of country. State pride is a mere theory
and chimera, where men remove from State to State with indifference,
like the Arabs, who camp here to-day and there to-morrow.

If you have Eloquence, it is a mighty force. See that you use it for
good purposes--to teach, exhort, ennoble the people, and not to
mislead and corrupt them. Corrupt and venal orators are the assassins
of the public liberties and of public morals.

The Will is a force; its limits as yet unknown. It is in the power of
the will that we chiefly see the spiritual and divine in man. There is
a seeming identity between his will that moves other men, and the
Creative Will whose action seems so incomprehensible. It is the men of
will and action, not the men of pure intellect, that govern the world.

Finally, the three greatest moral forces are FAITH, which is the only
true WISDOM, and the very foundation of all government; HOPE, which is
STRENGTH, and insures success; and CHARITY, which is BEAUTY, and alone
makes animated, united effort possible. These forces are within the
reach of all men; and an association of men, actuated by them, ought
to exercise an immense power in the world. If Masonry does not, it is
because she has ceased to possess them.

Wisdom in the man or statesman, in king or priest, largely consists in
the due appreciation of these forces; and upon the general
non-appreciation of some of them the fate of nations often depends.
What hecatombs of lives often hang upon the not weighing or not
sumciently weighing the force of an idea, such as, for example, the
reverence for a flag, or the blind attachment to a form or
constitution of government!

What errors in political economy and statesmanship are committed in
consequence of the over-estimation or under-estimation of particular
values, or the non-estimation of some among them ! Everything, it is
asserted, is the product of human labor; but the gold or the diamond
which one accidentally finds without labor is not so. What is the
value of the labor bestowed by the husbandman upon his crops, compared
with the value of the sunshine and rain, without which his labor
avails nothing? Commerce carried on by the labor of man, adds to the
value of the products of the field, the mine, or the workshop, by
their transportation to different markcts; but how much of this
increase is due to the rivers down which these products float, to the
winds that urge the keels of commerce over the ocean !

Who can estimate the value of morality and manliness in a State, of
moral worth and intellectual knowledge ? These are the sunshine and
rain of the State. The winds, with their changeable, fickle,
fluctuating currents, are apt emblems of the fickle humors of the
populace, its passions, its heroic impulses, its enthusiasms. Woe to
the statesman who does not estimate these as values !

Even music and song are sometimes found to have an incalculable value.
Every nation has some song of a proven value, more easily counted in
lives than dollars. The Marseillaise was worth to revolutionary
France, who shall say how many thousand men?

Peace also is a great element of prosperity and wealth; a value not to
be calculated. Social intercourse and association of men in beneficent
Orders have a value not to be estimated in coin. The illustrious
examples of the Past of a nation, the memories and immortal thoughts
of her great and wise thinkers, statesmen, and heroes, are the
invaluable legacy of that Past to the Present and Future. And all
these have not only the values of the loftier and more excellent and
priceless kind, but also an actual money-value, since it is only when
co-operating with or aided or enabled by these, that human labor
creates wealth. They are of the chief elements of material wealth, as
they are of national manliness, heroism., glory, prosperity, and
immortal renown.

Providence has appointed the three great disciplines of War, the
Monarchy and the Priesthood, all that the CAMP, the PALACE, and the
TEMPLE may symbolize, to train the multitudes forward to intelligent
and premeditated combinations for all the great purposes of society.
The result will at length be free governments among men, when virtue
and intelligence become qualities of the multitudes; but for ignorance
such governments are impossible. Man advances only by degrees. The
removal of one pressing calamity gives courage to attempt the removal
of the remaining evils, rendering men more sensitive to them, or
perhaps sensitive for the first time. Serfs that writhe under the whip
are not disquieted about tbeir political rights; manumitted from
personal slavery, they be come sensitive to political oppression.
Liberated from arbitrary power, and governed by the law alone, they
begin to scrutinize the law itself, and desire to be governed, not
only by law, but by what they deem the best law. And when the civil or
temporal despotism has been set aside, and the municipal law has been
moulded on the principles of an enlightened jurisprudence, they may
wake to the discovery that they are living under some priestly or
ecclesiastical despotism, and become desirous of working a reformation
there also.

It is quite true that the advance of humanity is slow, and that it
often pauses and retrogrades. In the kingdoms of the earth we do not
see despotisms retiring and yielding the ground to self-governing
communities. We do not see the churches and priesthoods of Christendom
relinquishing their old task of governing men by imaginary terrors.
Nowhere do we see a populace that could be safely manumitted from such
a government. We do not see the great religious teachers aiming to
discover truth for themselves and for others; but still ruling the
world, and contented and compelled to rule the world, by whatever
dogma is already accredited; themselves as much bound down by this
necessity to govern, as the populace by their need of government.
Poverty in all its most hideous forms still exists in the great
cities; and the cancer of pauperism has its roots in the hearts of
kingdoms. Men there take no measure of their wants and their own power
to supply them, but live and multiply like the beasts of the
field,--Providence having apparently ceased to care for them.
Intelligence never visits these, or it makes its appearance as some
new development of villainy. War has not ceased; still there are
battles and sieges. Homes are still unhappy, and tears and anger aud
spite make hells where there should be heavens. So much the more
necessity for Masonry ! So much wider the field of its labors ! So
much the more need for it to begin to be true to itself, to revive
from its asphyxia, to repent of its apostasy to its true creed !

Undoubtedly, labor and death and the sexual passion are essential and
permanent conditions of human existence, and render perfection and a
millennium on earth impossible. Always,--it is the decree of Fate
!--the vast majority of men must toil to live, and cannot find time to
cultivate the intelligence. Man, knowing he is to die, will not
sacrifice the present enjoyment for a greater one in the future. The
love of woman cannot die out; and it has a terrible and uncontrollable
fate, increased by the refinements of civilization. Woman is the
veritable syren or goddess of the young. But society can be improved;
and free government is possible for States; and freedom of thought and
conscience is no longer wholly utopian. Already we see that Emperors
prefer to be elected by universal suffrage; that States are conveyed
to Empires by vote; and that Empires are administered with something
of the spirit of a Republic, being little else than democracies with a
single head, ruling through one man, one representative, instead of an
assembly of representatives. And if Priesthoods still govern, they now
come before the laity to prove, by stress of argument, that they
ougllt to govern. They are obliged to evoke the very reason which they
are bent on supplanting.

Accordingly, men become daily more free, because the freedom of the
man lies in his reason. He can reflect upon his own future conduct,
and summon up its consequences; he can take wide views of human life,
and lay down rules for constant guidance. Thus he is relieved of the
tyranny of sense and passion, and enabled at any time to live
according to the whole light of the knowledge that is within him,
instead of being driven, like a dry leaf on the wings of the wind, by
every present impulse. Herein lies the freedom of the man as regarded
in connection with the necessity imposed by the omnipotence and
fore-knowledge of God. So much light, so much liberty. When emperor
and church appeal to reason there is naturally universal suffrage.

Therefore no one need lose courage, nor believe that labor in the
cause of Progress will be labor wasted. There is no waste in nature,
either of Matter, Force, Act, or Thought. A Thought is as much the end
of life as an Action; and a single Thought sometimes works greater
results than a Revolution, even Revolutions themselves. Still there
should not be divorce between Thought and Action. The true Thought is
that in which life culminates. But all wise and true Thought produces
Action. It is generative, like the light; and light and the deep
shadow of the passing cloud are the gifts of the prophets of the race.
Knowledge, laboriously acquired, and inducing habits of sound
Thought,--the reflective character,--must necessarily be rare. The
multitude of laborers cannot acquire it. Most men attain to a very low
standard of it. It is incompatible with the ordinary and indispensable
avocations of life. A whole world of error as well as of labor, go to
make one reflective man. In the most advanced nation of Europe there
are more ignorant than wise, more poor than rich, more autornatic
laborers, the mere creatures of habit, than reasoning and reflective
men. The proportion is at least a thousand to one. Unanimity of
opinion is so obtained. It only exists among the multitude who do not
think, and the political or spiritual priesthood who think for that
multitude, who think how to guide and govern them. When men begin to
reflect, they begin to differ. The great problem is to find guides who
will not seek to be tyrants. This is needed even more in respect to
the heart than the head. Now, every man earns his special share of the
produce of human labor, by an incessant scramble, by trickery and
deceit. Useful knowledge, honorably acquired, is too often used after
a fashion not honest or reasonable, so that the studies of youth are
far more noble than the practices of manhood. The labor of the farmer
in his fields, the generous returns of the earth, the benignant and
favoring skies, tend to make him earnest, provident, and grateful; the
education of the market-place makes him querulous, crafty, envious,
and an intolerable niggard.

Masonry seeks to be this beneficent, unambitious, disinterested guide;
and it is the very condition of all great structures that the sound of
the hammer and the clink of the trowel should be always heard in some
part of the building. With faith in man, hope for the future of
humanity, loving-kindness for our fellows, Masonry and the Mason must
always work and teach. Let each do that for which he is best fitted.
The teacher also is a workman. Praiseworthy as the active navigator
is, who comes and goes and makes one clime partake of the treasures of
the other, and one to share the treasures of all, he who keeps the
beacon-light upon the hill is also at his post.

Masonry has already helped cast down some idols from their pedestals,
and grind to impalpable dust some of the links of the chains that held
men's souls in bondage. That there has been progress needs no other
demonstration than that you may now reason with men, and urge upon
them, without danger of the rack or stake, that no doctrines can be
apprehended as truths if they contradict each other, or contradict
other truths given us by God. Long before the Reformation, a monk, who
had found his way to heresy without the help of Martin Luther, not
venturine to breathe aloud into any living ear his anti-papal and
treasonable doctrines, wrote them on parchment, and sealing up
theperilous record, hid it in the massive walls of his monastery.
There was no friend or brother to whom he could intrust his secret or
pour forth his soul. It was some consolation to imagine that in a
future age some one might find the parchment, and the seed be found
not to have been sown in vain. What if the truth should have to lie
dormant as long before germinating as the wheat in the Egyptian mummy
? Speak it, nevertheless, again and again, and let it take its chance

The rose of Jericho grows in the sandy deserts of Arabia and on the
Syrian housetops. Scarcely six inches high, it loses its leaves after
the flowering season, and dries up into the form of a ball. Then it is
uprooted by the winds, and carried, blown, or tossed across the
desert, into the sea. There, feeling the contact of the water, it
unfolds itself, expands its branches, and expels its seeds from their
seed-vessels. These, when saturated with water, are carried by the
tide and laid on the sea-shore. Many are lost, as many individual
lives of men are useless. But many are thrown back again from the
sea-shore into the desert, where, by the virtue of the sea-water that
they have imbibed, the roots and leaves sprout and they grow into
fruitful plants, which will, in their turns, like their ancestors, be
whirled into the sea. God will not be less careful to provide for the
germination of the truths you may boldly utter forth. "Cast," He has
said, "thy bread upon the waters, and after many days it shall return
to thee again."

Initiation does not change: we find it again and again, and always the
same, through all the ages. The last disciples of Pascalis Martinez
are still the children of Orpheus; but they adore the realizer of the
antique philosophy, the Incarnate Word of the Christians.

Pythagoras, the great divulger of the philosophy of numbers, visited
all the sanctuaries of the world. He went into Judaea, where he
procured himself to be circumcised, that he might be admitted to the
secrets of the Kabalah, which the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel, not
without some reservations, communicated to him. Then, not without some
difficulty, he succeeded in being admitted to the Egyptian initiation,
upon the recommendation of King Amasis. The power of his genius
supplied the deficiencies of the imperfect communications of the
Hierophants, and he himself became a Master and a Revealer.

Pythagoras defined God: a Living and Absolute Verity clothed with

He said that the Word was Number manifested by Form.

He made all descend from the Tetyactys, that is to say, from the

God, he said again, is the Supreme Music, the nature of which is

Pythagoras gave the magistrates of Crotona this great religious,
political and social precept:

"There is no evil that is not preferable to Anarchy."

Pythagoras said, "Even as there are three divine notions and free
intelligible regions, so there is a triple word, for the Hierarehical
Order always manifests itself by threes. There are the word simple,
the word hieroglyphical, and the word symbolic: in other terms, there
are the word that expresses, the word that conceals, and the word that
signifies; the whole hieratic intelligence is in the perfect knowledge
of these three degrees."

Pythagoras enveloped doctrine with symbols, but carefully eschewed
personifications and images, which, he thought, sooner or later
produced idolatry.

The Holy Kabalah, or tradition of the children of Seth, was carried
from Chaldcea by Abraham, taught to the Egyptian priesthood by Joseph,
recovered and purified by Moses, concealed under symbols in the Bible,
revealed by the Saviour to Saint John, and contained, entire, under
hieratic figures analogous to those of all antiquity, in the
Apocalypse of that Apostle.

The Kabalists consider God as the Intelligent, Animated, Living
Infinite. He is not, for them, either the aggregate of existences, or
existence in the abstract, or a being philosophically definable. He is
in all, distinct from all, and greater than all. His name even is
ineffable; and yet this name only expresses the human ideal of His
divinity. What God is in Himself, it is not given to man to

God is the absolute of Faith; but the absolute of Reason is BEING, "I
am that I am," is a wretched translation.

Being, Existence, is by itself, and because it Is. The reason of
Being, is Being itself. We may inquire, "Why does something exist?"
that is, "Why does such or such a thing exist?" But we cannot, without
being absurd, ask, "Why Is Being?" That would be to suppose Being
before Being. If Being had a cause, that cause would necessarily Be;
that is, the cause and effect would be identical.

Reason and science demonstrate to us that the modes of Existence and
Being balance each other in equilibrium according to harmonious and
hierarchic laws. But a hierarchy is synthetized, in ascending, and
becomes ever more and more monarchial. Yet the reason cannot pause at
a simle chief, without being alarmed at the abysses which it seems to
leave above this Supreme Monarch. Therefore it is silent, and gives
place to the Faith it adores.

What is certain, even for science and the reason, is, that the idea of
God is the grandest, the most holy, and the most useful of all the
aspirations of man; that upon this belief morality reposes, with its
eternal sanction. This belief, then, is in humanity, the most real of
the phenomena of being; and if it were false, nature would affirm the
absurd; nothingness would give form to life, and God would at the same
time be and not be.

It is to this philosophic and incontestable reality, which is termed
The Idea of God, that the Kabalists give a name. In this name all
others are contained. Its cyphers contain all the numbers; and the
hieroglyphics of its letters express all the laws and all the things
of nature.

BEING IS BEING: the reason of Being is in Being: in the Beginning is
the Word, and the Word in logic formulated Speech, the spoken Reason;
the Word is in God, and is God Himself, manifested to the
Intelligence. Here is what is above all the philosophies. This we must
believe, under the penalty of never truly knowing anything, and
relapsing into the absurd skepticism of Pyrrho. The Priesthood,
custodian of Faith, wholly rests upon this basis of knowledge, and it
is in its teachings we must recognize the Divine Principle of the
Eternal Word.

Light is not Spirit, as the Indian Hierophants believed it to be; but
only the instrument of the Spirit. It is not the body of the
Protoplastes, as the Theurgists of the school of Alexandria taught,
but the first physical manifestation of the Divine afflatus. God
eternally creates it, and man, in the image of God, modifies and seems
to multiply it.

The high magic is styled "The Sacerdotal Art," and "The Royal Art." In
Egypt, Greece, and Rome, it could not but share the greatnesses and
decadences of the Priesthood and of Royalty. Every philosophy hostile
to the national worship and to its mysteries, was of necessity hostile
to the great political powers, whichlose their grandeur, if they
cease, in the eyes of the multitudes, to be the images of the Divine
Power. Every Crown is shattered, when it clashes against the Tiara.

Plato, writing to Dionysius the Younger, in regard to the nature of
the First Principle, says: "I must write to you in enigmas, so that if
my letter be intercepted by land or sea, he who shall read it may in
no degree comprehend it." And then he says, "All things surround their
King; they are, on account of Him, and He alone is the cause of good
things, Second for the Seconds and Third for the Thirds."

There is in these few words a complete summary of the Theology of the
Sephiroth. "The King" is AINSOPH, Being Supreme and Absolute. From
this centre, which is everywhere, all things ray forth; but we
especially conceive of it in three manners and in three different
spheres. In the Divine world (AZILUTH), which is that of the First
Cause, and wherein the whole Eternity of Things in the beginning
existed as Unity, to be afterward, during Eternity uttered forth,
clothed with form, and the attributes that constitute them matter, the
First Principle is Single and First, and yet not the VERY Illimitable
Deity, incomprehensible, undefinable; but Himself in so far as
manifested by the Creative Thought. To compare littleness with
infinity,--Arkwright, as inventor of the spinning-jenny, and not the
man Arkwright otherwise and beyond that. All we can know of the Very
God is, compared to His Wholeness, only as an infinitesimal fraction
of a unit, compared with an infinity of Units.

In the World of Creation, which is that of Second Causes [the
Kabalistic World BRIAH], the Autocracy of the First Principle is
complete, but we conceive of it only as the Cause of the Second
Causes. Here it is manifested by the Binary, and is the Creative
Principle passive. Finally: in the third world, YEZIRAH, or of
Formation, it is revealed in the perfect Form, the Form of Forms, the
World, the Supreme Beauty and Excellence, the Created Perfection. Thus
the Principle is at once the First, the Second, and the Third, since
it is All in All, the Centre and Cause of all. It is not the genius of
Plato that we here admire. We recognize only the exact knowledge of
the Initiate.

The great Apostle Saint John did not borrow from the philosophy of
Plato the opening of his Gospel. Plato, on the contrary, drank at the
same springs with Saint John and Philo; and John in the opening verses
of his paraphrase, states the first principles of a dogma common to
many schools, but in language especially belonging to Bhilo, whom it
is evident he had read. The philosophy of Plato, the greatest of human
Revealers, could yearn toward the Word made man; the Gospel alone
could give him to the world.

Doubt, in presence of Being and its harmonies; skepticism, in the face
of the eternal mathematics and the immutable laws of Life which make
the Divinity present and visible everywhere, as the Human is known and
visible by its utterances of word and act,--is this not the most
foolish of superstitions, and the most inexcusable as well as the most
dangerous of all credulities ? Thought, we know, is not a result or
consequence of the organization of matter, of the chemical or other
action or reaction of its particles, like effervescence and gaseous
explosions. On the contrary, the fact that Thought is manifested and
realized in act human or act divine, proves the existence of an
Entity, or Unity, that thinks. And the Universe is the Infinite
Utterance of one of an infinite number of Infinite Thoughts, which
cannot but emanate from an Infinite and Thinking Source. The cause is
always equal, at least, to the effect; and matter cannot think, nor
could it cause itself, or exist without cause, nor could nothing
produce either forces or things; for in void nothingness no Forces can
inhere. Admit a self-existent Force, and its Intelligence, or an
Intelligent cause of it is admitted, and at once GOD Is.

The Hebrew allegory of the Fall of Man, which is but a special
variation of a universal legend, symbolizes one of the grandest and
most universal allegories of science.

Moral Evil is Falsehood in actions, as Falsehood is Crime in words.

Injustice is the essence of Falsehood; and every false word is an

Injustice is the death of the Moral Being, as Falsehood is the poison
of the Intelligence.

The perception of the Light is the dawn of the Eternal Life, in Being.
The Word of God, which creates the Light, seems to be uttered by every
Intelligence that can take cognizance of Forms and will look. "Let the
Light BE! The Light, in fact, exists, in its condition of splendor,
for those eyes alone that gaze at it; and the Soul, amorous of the
spectacle of the beauties of the Universe, and applying its attention
to that luminous writing of the Infinite Book, which is called "The
Visible," seems to utter, as God did on the dawn of the first day,
that sublime and creative word, "BE! LIGHT !"

It is not beyond the tomb, but in life itself, that we are to seek for
the mysteries of death. Salvation or reprobation begins here below,
and the terrestrial world too has its Heaven and its Hell. Always,
even here below, virtue is rewarded; always, even here below, vice is
pwlished; and that which makes us sometimes believe in the impunity of
evil-doers is that riches, those instruments of good and of evil, seem
sometimes to be given them at hazard. But woe to unjust men, when they
possess the key of gold ! It opens, for them, only the gate of the
tomb and of Hell.

All the true Initiates have recognized the usefulness of toil and
sorrow. "Sorrow," says a German poet, "is the dog of that unknown
shepherd who guides the flock of men." To learn to suffer, to learn to
die, is the discipline of Eternity, the immortal Novitiate.

The allegorical picture of Cebes, in which the Divine Comedy of Dante
was sketched in Plato's time, the description whereof has been
preserved for us, and which many painters of the middle age have
reproduced by this description, is a monument at once philosophical
and magical. It is a most complete moral synthesis, and at the same
time the most audacious demonstration ever given of the Grand Arcanum,
of that secret whose revelation would overturn Earth and Heaven. Let
no one expect us to give them its explanation ! He who passes behind
the veil that hides this mystery, understands that it is in its very
nature inexplicable, and that it is death to those who win it by
surprise, as well as to him who reveals it.

This secret is the Royalty of the Sages, the Crown of the Initiate
whom we see redescend victorious from the summit of Trials, in the
fine allegory of Cebes. The Grand Arcanun1 makes him master of gold
and the light, which are at bottom the same thing, he has solved the
problem of the quadrature of the circle, he directs the perpetual
movement, and he possesses the philosophical stone. Here the Adepts
will understand us. There is neither interruption in the toil of
nature, nor gap in her work. The Harmonies of Heaven correspond to
those of Earth, and the Eternal Life accomplishes its evolutions in
accordance with the same laws as the life of a dog. "God has arranged
all things by weight, number, and measure," says the Bible; and this
luminous doctrine was also that of Plato.

Humanity has never really had but one religion and one worship. This
universal light has had its uncertain mirages, its deceitful
reflections, and its shadows; but always, after the nights of Error,
we see it reappear, one and pure like the Sun.

The magnificences of worship are the life of religion, and if Christ
wishes poor ministers, His Sovereign Divinity does not wish paltry
altars. Some Protestants have not comprehended that worship is a
teaching, and that we must not create in the imagination of the
multitude a mean or miserable God. Those oratories that resemble
poorly-furnished offices or inns, and those worthy ministers clad like
notaries or lawyer's clerks, do they not necessarily cause religion to
be regarded as a mere puritanic formality, and God as a Justice of the

We scoff at the Augurs. It is so easy to scoff, and so difficult well
to comprehend. Did the Deity leave the whole world without Light for
two score centuries, to illuminate only a little corner of Palestine
and a brutal, ignorant, and ungrateful people? Why always calumniate
God and the Sanctuary ? Were there never any others than rogues among
the priests? Could no honest and sincere men be found among the
Hierophants of Ceres or Diana, of Dionusos or Apollo, of Hermes or
Mithras ? Were these, then, all deceived, like the rest? Who, then,
constantly deceived them, without betraying themselves, during a
series of centuries?--for the cheats are not immortal ! Arago said,
that outside of the pure mathematics, he who utters the word
"impossible," is wanting in prudence and good sense.

The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed;
for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is
the personification of Atheism or Idolatry.

For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for
good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or
Free Will. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical
generation, under the mythologic and horned form of the God PAN;
thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent,
and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the
false Lucifer of the legend.

Gold, to the eyes of the Initiates, is Light condensed. They style the
sacred numbers of the Kabalah "golden numbers," and the moral
teachings of Pythagoras his "golden verses." For the same reason, a
mysterious book of Apuleius, in which an ass figures largely, was
called "The Golden Ass."

The Pagans accused the Christians of worshipping an ass, and they did
not invent this reproach, but it came from the Samaritan Jews, who,
figuring the data of the Kabalah in regard to the Divinity by Egyptian
symbols, also represented the Intelligence by the figure of the
Magical Star adored under the name of Remphan, Science under the
emblem of Anubis, whose name they changed to Nibbas, and the vulgar
faith or credulity under the figure of Thartac, a god represented with
a book, a cloak, and the head of an ass. According to the Samaritan
Doctors, Christianity was the reign of Thartac, blind Faith and vulgar
credulity erected into a universal oracle, and preferred to
Intelligence and Science.

Synesius, Bishop of Ptolemais, a great Kabalist, but of doubtful
orthodoxy, wrote:

"The people will always mock at things easy to be misunderstood; it
must needs have impostures."

"A Spirit," he said, "that loves wisdom and contemplates the Trufh
close at hand, is forced to disguise it, to induce the multitudes to
accept it.... Fictions are necessary to the people, and the Truth
becomes deadly to those who are not strong enough to contemplate it in
all its brilliance. If the sacerdotal laws allowed the reservation of
judgments and the allegory of words, I would accept the proposed
dignity on condition that I might be a philosopher at home, and abroad
a narrator of apologues and parables..... In fact, what can there be
in common between the vile multitude and sublime wisdom? The truth
must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to
their imperfect reason."

Moral disorders produce physical ugliness, and in some sort realize
those frightful faces which tradition assigns to the demons.

The first Druids were the true children of the Magi, and their
initiation came from Egypt and Chaldaea, that is to say, from the pure
sources of the primitive Kabalah. They adored the Trinity under the
names of Isis or Hesus, the Supreme Harmony; of Belerl or Bel, which
in Assyrian means Lord, a name corresponding to that of ADONAI; and of
Camul or Camael, a name that in the Kabalah personifies the Divine
Justice. Below this triangle of Light they supposed a divine
reflection, also composed of three personified rays: first, Teutates
or Teuth, the same as the Thoth of the Egyptians, the Word, or the
Intelligence formulated; then Force and Beauty, whose names varied
like their emblems. Finally, they completed the sacred Septenary by a
mysterious image that represented the progress of the dogma and its
future realizations. This was a young girl veiled, holding a child in
her arms; and they dedicated this image to "The Virgin who will become
a mother;--Virgini pariturae."

Hertha or Wertha, the young Isis of Gaul, Queen of Heaven, the Virgin
who was to bear a child, held the spindle of the Fates, filled with
wool half white and half black; because she presides over all forms
and all symbols, and weaves the garment of the Ideas.

One of the most mysterious pantacles of the Kabalah, contained in the
Enchiridion of Leo III., represents an equilateral triangle reversed,
inscribed in a double circle. On the triangle are written, in such
manner as to form the prophetic Tau, the two Hebrew words so often
found appended to the Ineffable Name, and ALOHAYIM, or the Powers, and
TSABAOTH, or the starry Armies and their guiding spirits; words also
which symbolize the Equilibrium of the Forces of Nature and the
Harmony of Numbers. To the three sides of the triangle belong the
three great Names IAHAVEH, ADONAI, and AGLA. Above the first is
written in Latin, Formatio, above the second Reformatio, and above the
third, Transformatio. So Creation is ascribed to the FATHER,
Redemption or Reformation to the SON, and Sanctification or
Transformation to the HOLY SPIRIT, answering unto the mathematical
laws of Action, Reaction, and Equilibrium. IAHAVEH is also, in effect,
the Genesis or Formation of dogma, by the elementary signification of
the four letters of the Sacred Tetragram; ADONAI; is the realization
of this dogma in the Human Form, in the Visible LORD, who is the Son
of God or the perfect Man; and AGLA (formed of the initials of the
four words Ath Gebur Laulaim Adonai) expresses the synthesis of the
whole dogma and the totality of the Kabali.stic science, clearly
indicating by the hieroglyphics of which this admirable name is formed
the Triple Secret of the Great Work.

Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and
Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or
the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its
symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the
Truth, which it calls Light, from tl1em, and todraw them away from it.
Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or
would pervert it. So God Himself incapacitates many men, by
color-blindness, to distinguish colors, and leads the masses away from
the highest Truth, giving them the power to attain only so much of it
as it is profitable to them to know. Every age has had a religion
suited to its capacity.

The Teachers, even of Christianity, are, in general, the most ignorant
of the true meaning of that which they teach. There is no book of
which so little is known as the Bible. To most who read it, it is as
incomprehensible as the Sohar.

So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads
conceited interpreters astray. There is no sight under the sun more
pitiful and ludicrous at once, than the spectacle of the Prestons and
the Webbs, not to mention the later incarnations of Dullness and
Commonplace, undertaking to "explain" the old symbols of Masonry, and
adding to and "improving" them, or inventing new ones.

To the Circle inclosing the central point, and itself traced between
two parallel lines, a figure purely Kabalistic, these persons have
added the superimposed Bible, and even reared on that the ladder with
three or nine rounds, and then given a vapid interpretation of the
whole, so profoundly absurd as actually to excite admiration.

M & D Chapter IV

Secret Master


by Albert Pike


MASONRY is a succession of allegories, the mere vehicles of great
lessons in morality and philosophy. You will more fully appreciate its
spirit, its object, its purposes, as you advance in the different
Degrees, which you will find to constitute a great, complete, and
harmonious system.

If you have been disappointed in the first three Degrees, as you have
received them, and if it has seemed to you that the performance has
not come up to the promise, that the lessons of morality are not new,
and the scientific instruction is but rudimentary, and the symbols are
imperfectly explained, remember that the ceremonies and lessons of
those Degrees have been for ages more and more accommodating
themselves, by curtailment and sinking into commonplace, to the often
limited memory and capacity of the Master and Instructor, and to the
intellect and needs of the Pupil and Initiate; that they have come to
us from an age when symbols were used, not to reveal but to conceal;
when the commonest learning was confined to a select few, and the
simplest principles of morality seemed newly discovered truths; and
that these antique and simple Degrees now stand like the broken
columns of a roofless Druidic temple, in their rude and mutilated
greatness; in many parts, also, corrupted by time, and disfigured by
modern additions and absurd interpretations. They are but the entrance
to the great Masonic Temple, the triple columns of the portico.

You have taken the first step over its threshold, the first step
toward the inner sanctuary and heart of the temple. You are in the
path that leads up the slope of the mountain of Truth; and it depends
upon your secrecy, obedience, and fidelity, whether you will advance
or remain stationary.

Imagine not that you will become indeed a Mason by learning what is
commonly called the "work," or even by becoming familiar with our
traditions. Masonry has a history, a literature, a philosophy. Its
allegories and traditions will teach you much; but much is to be
sought elsewhere. The streams of learning that now flow full and broad
must be followed to their heads in the springs that well up in the
remote past, and you will there find the origin and meaning of

A few rudimentary lessons in architecture, a few universally admitted
maxims of morality, a few unimportant traditions, whose real meaning
is unknown or misunderstood, will no longer satisfy the earnest
inquirer after Masonic truth. Let whoso is content with these, seek to
climb no higher. He who desires to understand the harmonious and
beautiful proportions of Freemasonry must read, study, reflect,
digest, and discriminate. The true Mason is an ardent seeker after
knowledge; and he knows that both books and the antique symbols of
Masonry are vessels which come down to us full-freighted with the
intellectual riches of the Past; and that in the lading of these
argosies is much that sheds light on the history of Masonry, and
proves its claim to be acknowledged the benefactor of mankind, born in
the very cradle of the race.

Knowledge is the most genuine and real of human treasures; for it is
Light, as Ignorance is Darkness. It is the development of the human
soul, and its acquisition the growth of the soul, which at the birth
of man knows nothing, and therefore, in one sense, may be said to be
nothing. It is the seed, which has in it the power to grow, to
acquire, and by acquiring to be developed, as the seed is developed
into the shoot, the plant, the tree. "We need not pause at the common
argument that by learning man excelleth man, in that wherein man
excelleth beasts; that by learning man ascendeth to the heavens and
their motions, where in body he cannot come, and the like. Let us
rather regard the dignity and excellency of knowledge and learning in
that whereunto man's nature doth most aspire, which is immortality or
continuance. For to this tendeth generation, and raising of Houses and
Families; to this buildings, foundations, and monuments; to this
tendeth the desire of memory, fame, and celebration, and in effect the
strength of all other human desires." That our influences shall
survive us, and be living forces when we are in our graves; and no
merely that our names shall be remembered; but rather that our works
shall be read, our acts spoken of, our names recollected an mentioned
when we are dead, as evidences that those influences live and rule,
sway and control some portion of mankind and of the world,--this is
the aspiration of the human soul. "We see then how far the monuments
of genius and learning are more durable than monuments of power or of
the hands. For have not the verses of Homer continued twenty-five
hundred years or more, without the loss of a syllable or letter,
during which time infinite palaces, temples, castles, cities, have
decayed and been demolished? It is no possible to have the true
pictures or statues of Cyrus, Alexander Caesar, no, nor of the Kings
or great personages of much late years; for the originals cannot last,
and the copies cannot but lose of the life and truth. But the images
of men's genius and knowledge remain in books, exempted from the wrong
of time, and capable of perpetual renovation. Neither are they fitly
to be called images, because they generate still, and cast their seeds
in the minds of others, provoking and causing infinite actions and
opinions in succeeding ages; so that if the invention of the ship was
thought so noble, which carrieth riches and commodities from place to
place, and consociateth the most remote regions in participation of
their fruits, how much more are letters to be magnified which, as
ships, pass through the vast seas of time, and make age so distant to
participate of the wisdom, illumination, and inventions, the one of
the other."

To learn, to attain knowledge, to be wise, is a necessity for ever
truly noble soul; to teach, to communicate that knowledge, to share
that wisdom with others, and not churlishly to lock up his exchequer,
and place a sentinel at the door to drive away the needy, is equally
an impulse of a noble nature, and the worthies work of man.

"There was a little city," says the Preacher, the son of David "and
few men within it; and there came a great King against it and besieged
it, and built great bulwarks against it. Now there was found in it a
poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man
remembered that same poor man. Then said I, wisdom is better than
strength: nevertheless, the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his
words are not heard." If it should chance to you, my brother, to do
mankind good service, and be rewarded with indifference and
forgetfulness only, still be not discouraged, but remember the further
advice of the wise King. "In the morning sow the seed, and in the
evening withhold not thy hand; for thou knowest not which shall
prosper, this or that, or whether both shall be alike good." Sow you
the seed, whoever reaps. Learn, that you may be enabled to do good;
and do so because it is right, finding in the act itself ample reward
and recompense.

To attain the truth, and to serve our fellows, our country, and
mankind-- this is the noblest destiny of man. Hereafter and all your
life it is to be your object. If you desire to ascend to that destiny,
advance! If you have other and less noble objects, and are contented
with a lower flight, halt here ! let others scale the heights, and
Masonry fulfill her mission.

If you will advance, gird up your loins for the struggle ! for the way
is long and toilsome. Pleasure, all smiles, will beckon you on the one
hand, and Indolence will invite you to sleep among the flowers, upon
the other. Prepare, by secrecy, obedience, and fidelity, to resist the
allurements of both !

Secrecy is indispensable in a Mason of whatever Degree. It is the
first and almost the only lesson taught to the Entered Apprentice. The
obligations which we have each assumed toward every Mason that lives,
requiring of us the performance of the most serious and onerous duties
toward those personally unknown to us until they demand our aid,--
duties that must be performed, even at the risk of life, or our solemn
oaths be broken and violated, and we be branded as false Masons and
faithless men, teach us how profound a folly it would be to betray our
secrets to those who, bound to us by no tie of common obligation,
might, by obtaining them, call on us in their extremity, when the
urgency of the occasion should allow us no time for inquiry, and the
peremptory mandate of our obligation compel us to do a brother's duty
to a base impostor.

The secrets of our brother, when communicated to us, must be sacred,
if they be such as the law of our country warrants us to keep. We are
required to keep none other, when the law that we are called on to
obey is indeed a law, by having emanated from the only source of
power, the People. Edicts which emanate from the mere arbitrary will
of a despotic power, contrary to the law of God or the Great Law of
Nature, destructive of the inherent rights of man, violative of the
right of free thought, free speech, free conscience, it is lawful to
rebel against and strive to abrogate.

For obedience to the Law does not mean submission to tyranny nor that,
by a profligate sacrifice of every noble feeling, we should offer to
despotism the homage of adulation. As every new victim falls, we may
lift our voice in still louder flattery. We may fall at the proud
feet, we may beg, as a boon, the honour of kissing that bloody hand
which has been lifted against the helpless. We may do more: we may
bring the altar and the sacrifice, and implore the God not to ascend
too soon to Heaven. This we may do, for this we have the sad
remembrance that beings of a human form and soul have done. But this
is all we can do. We can constrain our tongues to be false, our
features to bend themselves to the semblance of that passionate
adoration which we wish to express, our knees to fall prostrate; but
our heart we cannot constrain. There virtue must still have a voice
which is not to be drowned by hymns and acclamations; there the crimes
which we laud as virtues, are crimes still, and he whom we have made a
God is the most contemptible of mankind; if, indeed, we do not feel,
perhaps, that we are ourselves still more contemptible.

But that law which is the fair expression of the will and judgment of
the people, is the enactment of the whole and of every individual.
Consistent with the law of God and the great law of nature, consistent
with pure and abstract right as tempered by necessity and the general
interest, as contra-distinguished from the private interest of
individuals, it is obligatory upon all, because it is the work of all,
the will of all, the solemn judgment of all, from which there is no

In this Degree, my brother, you are especially to learn the duty of
obedience to that law. There is one true and original law, conformable
to reason and to nature, diffused over all, invariable, eternal, which
calls to the fulfillment of duty and to abstinence from injustice, and
calls with that irresistible voice which is felt l in all its
authority wherever it is heard. This law cannot be abrogated or
diminished, or its sanctions affected, by any law of man. A whole
senate, a whole people, cannot dissent from its paramount obligation.
It requires no commentator to render it distinctly intelligible: nor
is it one thing at Rome, another at Athens; one thing now, and another
in the ages to come; but in all times and in all nations, it is, and
has been, and will be, one and everlasting;--one as that God, its
great Author and Promulgator, who is the Common Sovereign of all
mankind, is Himself One. No man can disobey it without flying, as it
were, from his own bosom, and repudiating his nature; and in this very
act he will inflict on himself the severest of retributions, even
though he escape what is regarded as punishment.

It is our duty to obey the laws of our country, and to be careful that
prejudice or passion, fancy or affection, error and illusion, be not
mistaken for conscience. Nothing is more usual than to pretend
conscience in all the actions of man which are public and cannot be
concealed. The disobedient refuse to submit to the laws, and they also
in many cases pretend conscience; and so disobedience and rebellion
become conscience, in which there is neither knowledge nor revelation,
nor truth nor charity, nor reason nor religion. Conscience is tied to
laws. Right or sure conscience is right reason reduced to practice,
and conducting moral actions, while perverse conscience is seated in
the fancy or affections--a heap of irregular principles and irregular
defects-- and is the same in conscience as deformity is in the body,
or peevishness in the affections. It is not enough that the conscience
be taught by nature; but it must be taught by God, conducted by
reason, made operative by discourse, assisted by choice, instructed by
laws and sober principles; and then it is right, and it may be sure.
All the general measures of justice, are the laws of God, and
therefore they constitute the general rules of government for the
conscience; but necessity also hath a large voice in the arrangement
of human affairs, and the disposal of human relations, and the
dispositions of human laws; and these general measures, like a great
river into little streams, are deduced into little rivulets and
particularities, by the laws and customs, by the sentences and
agreements of men, and by the absolute despotism of necessity, that
will not allow perfect and abstract justice and equity to be the sole
rule of civil government in an imperfect world; and that must needs be
law which is for the greatest good of the greatest number.

When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it. It is better
thou shouldest not vow than thou shouldest vow and not pay. Be not
rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter
anything before God: for God is in Heaven, and thou art upon earth;
therefore let thy words be few. Weigh well what it is you promise; but
once the promise and pledge are given remember that he who is false to
his obligation will be false to his family, his friends, his country,
and his God.

Fides servailda est: Faith plighted is ever to be kept, was a maxim
and an axiom even among pagans. The virtuous Roman said, either let
not that which seems expedient be base, or if it be base, let it not
seem expedient. What is there which that so-called expediency can
bring, so valuable as that which it takes away, if it deprives you of
the name of a good man and robs you of your integrity and honour? In
all ages, he who violates his plighted word has been held unspeakably
base. The word of a Mason, like the word of a knight in the times of
chivalry, once given must be sacred; and the judgment of his brothers,
upon him who violates his pledge, should be stern as the judgments of
the Roman Censors against him who violated his oath. Good faith is
revered among Masons as it was among the Romans, who placed its statue
in the capitol, next to that of Jupiter Maximus Optimus; and we, like
them, hold that calamity should always be chosen rather than baseness;
and with the knights of old, that one should always die rather than be

Be faithful, therefore, to the promises you make, to the pledges you
give, and to the vows that you assume, since to break either is base
and dishonourable.

Be faithful to your family, and perform all the duties of a good
father, a good son, a good husband, and a good brother.

Be faithful to your friends; for true friendship is of a nature not
only to survive through all the vicissitudes of life, but to continue
through an endless duration; not only to stand the shock of
conflicting opinions, and the roar of a revolution that shakes the
world, but to last when the heavens are no more, and to spring fresh
from the ruins of the universe.

Be faithful to your country, and prefer its dignity and honour to any
degree of popularity and honour for yourself; consulting its interest
rather than your own, and rather than the pleasure and gratification
of the people, which are often at variance with their welfare.

Be faithful to Masonry, which is to be faithful to the best interests
of mankind. Labour, by precept and example, to elevate the standard of
Masonic character, to enlarge its sphere of influence, to popularize
its teachings, and to make all men know it for the Great Apostle of
Peace, Harmony, and Good-will on earth among men; of Liberty,
Equality, and Fraternity.

Masonry is useful to all men: to the learned, because it affords them
the opportunity of exercising their talents upon subjects eminently
worthy of their attention; to the illiterate, because it offers them
important instruction; to the young, because it presents them with
salutary precepts and good examples, and accustoms them to reflect on
the proper mode of living; to the man of the world, whom it furnishes
with noble and useful recreation; to the traveller, whom it enables to
find friends and brothers in countries where else he would be isolated
and solitary; to the worthy man in misfortune, to whom it gives
assistance; to the afflicted, on whom it lavishes consolation; to the
charitable man, whom it enables to do more good, by uniting with those
who are charitable like himself; and to all who have souls capable of
appreciating its importance, and of enjoying the charms of a
friendship founded on the same principles of religion, morality, and

A Freemason, therefore, should be a man of honour and of conscience,
preferring his duty to everything beside, even to his life;
independent in his opinions, and of good morals, submissive to the
laws, devoted to humanity, to his country, to his family; kind and
indulgent to his brethren, friend of all virtuous men, and ready to
assist his fellows by all means in his power.

Thus will you be faithful to yourself, to your fellows, and to God,
and thus will you do honour to the name and rank of SECRET MASTER;
which, like other Masonic honours, degrades if it is not deserved.

M & D Chapter XIV

Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason


Albert Pike



[Perfect Elu.]

It is for each individual Mason to discover the secret of Ma- sonry,
by reflection upon its symbols and a wise consideration and analysis
of what is said and done in the work. Masonry does not inculcate her
truths. She states them, once and briefly; or hints them, perhaps,
darkly; or interposes a cloud between them and eyes that would be
dazzled by them. "Seek, and ye shall find," knowledge and the truth.

The practical object of Masonry is the physical and moral amelioration
and the intellectual and spiritual improvement of individuals and
society. Neither can be effected, except by the dissemination of
truth. It is falsehood in doctrines and fallacy in principles, to
which most of the miseries of men and the mis- fortunes of nations are
owing. Public opinion is rarely right on any point; and there are and
always will be important truths to be substituted in that opinion in
the place of many errors and absurd and injurious prejudices. There
are few truths that public opinion has not at some time hated and
persecuted as heresies; and few errors that have not at some time
seemed to it truths radi- ant from the immediate presence of God.
There are moral mala- dies, also, of man and society, the treatment of
which requires not only boldness, but also, and more, prudence and
discretion; since they are more the fruit of false and pernicious
doctrines, moral, political, and religious, than of vicious

Much of the Masonic secret manifests itself, without speech revealing
it to him who even partially comprehends all the De- grees in
proportion as he receives them; and particularly to those who advance
to the highest Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. That
Rite raises a corner of the veil, even in the Degree of Apprentice;
for it there declares that Masonry is a worship.

Masonry labors to improve the social order by enlightening men's
minds, warming their hearts with the love of the good, in- spiring
them with the great principle of human fraternity, and requiring of
its disciples that their language and actions shall con- form to that
principle, that they shall enlighten each other, con- trol their
passions, abhor vice, and pity the vicious man as one afflicted with a
deplorable malady.

It is the universal, eternal, immutable religion, such as God planted
it in the heart of universal humanity. No creed has ever been
long-lived that was not built on this foundation. It is the base, and
they are the superstructure. "Pure religion and unde- filed before God
and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their
affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." "Is not
this the fast that I have chosen ? to loose the bands of wickedness,
to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that
ye break every yoke ?" The ministers of this religion are all Masons
who comprehend it and are devoted to it; its sacrifices to God are
good works, the sacrifices of the base and disorderly passions, the
offering up of self-interest on the altar of humanity, and perpetual
efforts to attain to all the moral perfection of which man is capable.

To make honor and duty the steady beacon-lights that shall guide your
life-vessel over the stormy seas of time; to do that which it is right
to do, not because it will insure you success, or bring with it a
reward, or gain the applause of men, or be "the best policy," more
prudent or more advisable; but because it is right, and therefore
ought to be done; to war incessantly against error, intolerance,
ignorance, and vice, and yet to pity those who err, to be tolerant
even of intolerance, to teach the ignorant, and to labor to reclaim
the vicious, are some of the duties of a Mason.

A good Mason is one that can look upon death, and see its face with
the same countenance with which he hears its story; that can endure
all the labors of his life with his soul supporting his body, that can
equally despise riches when he hath them and when he hath them
not;that is, not sadder if they are in his neigh- bor's exchequer, nor
more lifted up if they shine around about his own walls; one that is
not moved with good fortune coming to him, nor going from him; that
can look upon another man's lands with equanimity and pleasure, as if
they were his own; and yet look upon his own, and use them too, just
as if they were another man's; that neither spends his goods
prodigally and foolishly, nor yet keeps them avariciously and like a
miser; that weighs not benefits by weight and number, but by the mind
and circumstances of him who confers them; that never thinks his
charity expen- sive, if a worthy person be the receiver; that does
nothing for opinion's sake, but everything for conscience, being as
careful of his thoughts as of his acting in markets and theatres, and
in as much awe of himself as of a whole assembly; that is, bountiful
and cheerful to his friends, and charitable and apt to forgive his
enemies; that loves his country, consults its honor, and obeys its
laws, and desires and endeavors nothing more than that he may do his
duty and honor God. And such a Mason may reckon his life to be the
life of a man, and compute his months, not by the course of the sun,
but by the zodiac and circle of his vir- tues.

The whole world is but one republic, of which each nation is a family,
and every individual a child. Masonry, not in anywise derogating from
the differing duties which the diversity of states requires, tends to
create a new people, which, composed of men of many nations and
tongues, shall all be bound together by the bonds of science,
morality, and virtue.

Essentially philanthropic, philosophical, and progressive, it has for
the basis of its dogma a firm belief in the existence of God and his
providence, and of the immortality of the soul; for its object, the
dissemination of moral, political, philosophical, and religious truth,
and the practice of all the virtues. In every age, its device has
been, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," with constitu- tional
government, law, order, discipline, and subordination to legitimate
authority--government and not anarchy.

But it is neither a political party nor a religious sect. It braces
all parties and all sects, to form from among them all a vast
fraternal association. It recognizes the dignity of human nature, and
man's right to such freedom as he is fitted for; and it knows nothing
that should place one man below another, except ignorance, debasement,
and crime, and the necessity of subordina- tion to lawful will and

It is philanthropic; for it recognizes the great truth that all men
are of the same origin, have common interests, and should co-operate
together to the same end.

Therefore it teaches its members to love one another, to give to each
other mutual assistance and support in all the circumstances of life,
to share each other's pains and sorrows, as well as their joys and
pleasures; to guard the reputations, respect the opinions, and be
perfectly tolerant of the errors, of each other, in matters of faith
and beliefs.

It is philisophical because it teaches the great Truths concern- ing
the nature and existence of one Supreme Deity, and the exist- ence and
immortality of the soul. It revives the Academy of Plato and the wise
teachings of Socrates. It reiterates the max- ims of Pythagoras,
Confucius, and Zoroaster, and reverentially enforces the sublime
lessons of Him who died upon the Cross.

The ancients thought that universal humanity acted under the influence
of two opposing Principles, the Good and the Evil: of which the Good
urged men toward Truth, Independence, and De- votedness and the Evil
toward Falsehood, Servility, and Selfish- ness. Masonry represents the
Good Principle and constantly wars against the evil one. It is the
Hercules, the Osiris, the Apollo, the Mithras, and the Ormuzd, at
everlasting and deadly feud with the demons of ignorance, brutality,
baseness, falsehood, slavish- ness of soul, intolerance, superstition,
tyranny, meanness, the in- solence of wealth, and bigotry.

When despotism and superstition, twin-powers of evil and dark- ness,
reigned everywhere and seemed invincible and immortal, it invented, to
avoid persecution, the mysteries, that is to say, the allegory, the
symbol, and the emblem, and transmitted its doc- trines by the secret
mode of initiation. Now, retaining its ancient symbols, and in part
its ancient ceremonies, it displays in every civilized country its
banner, on which in letters of living light its great principles are
written; and it smiles at the puny efforts of kings and popes to crush
it out by excommunication and inter- diction.

Man's views in regard to God, will contain only so much posi- tive
truth as the human mind is capable of receiving; whether that truth is
attained by the exercise of reason, or communicated by revelation. It
must necessarily be both limited and alloyed, to bring it within the
competence of finite human intelligence. Be- ing finite, we can form
no correct or adequate idea of the Infinite; being material, we can
form no clear conception of the Spiritual. We do believe in and know
the infinity of Space and Time, and the spirituality of the Soul; but
the idea of that infinity and spirituality eludes us. Even Omnipotence
cannot infuse infinite conceptions into finite minds; nor can God,
without first entirely changing the conditions of our being, pour a
complete and full knowledge of His own nature and attributes into the
narrow capacity of a human soul. Human intelligence could not grasp
it, nor human language express it. The visible is, necessarily, the
measure of the invisible.

The consciousness of the individual reveals itself alone. His
knowledge cannot pass beyond the limits of his own being. His
conceptions of other things and other beings are only his concep-
tions. They are not those things or beings themselves. The living
principle of a living Universe must be INFINITE; while all our ideas
and conceptions are finite, and applicable only to finite beings.

The Deity is thus not an object of knowledge, but of faith; not to be
approached by the understanding, but by the moral sense; not to be
conceived, but to be felt. All attempts to embrace the Infinite in the
conception of the Finite are, and must be only ac- commodations to the
frailty of man. Shrouded from human com- prehension in an obscurity
from which a chastened imagination is awed back, and Thought retreats
in conscious weakness, the Divine Nature is a theme on which man is
little entitled to dog- matize. Here the philosophic Intellect becomes
most painfully aware of its own insufficiency.

And yet it is here that man most dogmatizes, classifies and de-
scribes God's attributes, makes out his map of God's nature, and his
inventory of God's qualities, feelings, impulses, and passions; and
then hangs and burns his brother, who, as dogmatically as he, makes
out a different map and inventory. The common under- standing has no
humility. Its God is an incarnate Divinity. Im- perfection imposes its
own limitations on the Illimitable, and clothes the Inconceivable
Spirit of the Universe in forms that come within the grasp of the
senses and the intellect, and are derived from that infinite and
imperfect nature which is but God's creation.

We are all of us, though not all equally, mistaken. The cher- ished
dogmas of each of us are not, as we fondly suppose, the pure truth of
God; but simply our own special form of error, our guesses at truth,
the refracted and fragmentary rays of light that have fallen upon our
own minds. Our little systems have their day, and cease to be; they
are but broken lights of God; and He is more than they. Perfect truth
is not attainable anywhere. We style this Degree that of Perfection;
and yet what it teaches is imperfect and defective. Yet we are not to
relax in the pursuit of truth, nor contentedly acquiesce in error. It
is our duty always to press forward in the search; for though absolute
truth is unat- tainable, yet the amount of error in our views is
capable of pro- gressive and perpetual diminution; and thus Masonry is
a con- tinual struggle toward the light.

All errors are not equally innocuous. That which is most in- jurious
is to entertain unworthy conceptions of the nature and attributes of
God; and it is this that Masonry symbolizes by igno- rance of the True
Word. The true word of a Mason is, not the entire, perfect, absolute
truth in regard to God; but the highest and noblest conception of Him
that our minds are capable of forming; and this word is Ineffable,
because one man cannot communicate to another his own conception of
Deity; since every man's conception of God must be proportioned to his
mental cul- tivation and intellectual powers, and moral excellence.
God is, as man conceives Him, the reflected image of man himself.

For every man's conception of God must vary with his mental
cultivation and mental powers. If any one contents himself with any
lower image than his intellect is capable of grasping, then he
contents himself with that which is false to him, as well as false in
fact. If lower than he can reach, he must needs feel it to be false.
And if we, of the nineteenth century after Christ, adopt the con-
ceptions of the nineteenth century before Him; if our conceptions of
God are those of the ignorant, narrow-minded, and vindictive
Israelite; then we think worse of God, and have a lower, meaner, and
more limited view of His nature, than the faculties which He has
bestowed are capable of grasping. The highest view we can form is
nearest to the truth. If we acquiesce in any lower one, we acquiesce
in an untruth. We feel that it is an affront and an indignity to Him,
to conceive of Him as cruel, short-sighted, ca- pricious, and unjust;
as a jealous, an angry, a vindictive Being. When we examine our
conceptions of His character, if we can conceive of a loftier, nobler,
higher, more beneficent, glorious, and magnificent character, then
this latter is to us the true conception of Deity; for nothing can be
imagined more excellent than He.

Religion, to obtain currency and influence with the great mass of
mankind, must needs be alloyed with such an amount of error as to
place it far below the standard attainable by the higher human
capacities. A religion as pure as the loftiest and most cul- tivated
human reason could discern, would not be comprehended by, or effective
over, the less educated portion of mankind. What is Truth to the
philosopher, would not be Truth, nor have the effect of Truth, to the
peasant. The religion of the many must necessarily be more incorrect
than that of the refined and reflective few, not so much in its
essence as in its forms, not so much in the spiritual idea which lies
latent at the bottom of it, as in the sym- bols and dogmas in which
that idea is embodied. The truest religion would, in many points, not
be comprehended by the igno- rant, nor consolatory to them, nor
guiding and supporting for them. The doctrines of the Bible are often
not clothed in the language of strict truth, but in that which was
fittest to convey to a rude and ignorant people the practical
essentials of the doc- trine. A perfectly pure faith, free from all
extraneous admixtures, a system of noble theism and lofty morality,
would find too little preparation for it in the common mind and heart,
to admit of prompt reception by the masses of mankind; and Truth might
not have reached us, if it had not borrowed the wings of Error.

The Mason regards God as a Moral Governor, as well as an Original
Creator; as a God at hand, and not merely one afar off in the distance
of infinite space, and in the remoteness of Past or Future Eternity.
He conceives of Him as taking a watchful and presiding interest in the
affairs of the world, and as influenc- ing the hearts and actions of

To him, God is the great Source of the World of Life and Mat- ter; and
man, with his wonderful corporeal and mental frame, His direct work.
He believes that God has made men with differ- ent intellectual
capacities, and enabled some, by superior intellect- ual power, to see
and originate truths which are hidden from the mass of men. He
believes that when it is His will that mankind should make some great
step forward, or achieve some pregnant discovery, He calls into being
some intellect of more than ordi- nary magnitude and power, to give
birth to new ideas, and grander conceptions of the Truths vital to

We hold that God has so ordered matters in this beautiful and
harmonious, but mysteriously-governed Universe, that one great mind
after another will arise, from time to time, as such are needed, to
reveal to men the truths that are wanted, and the amount of truth than
can be borne. He so arranges, that nature and the course of events
shall send men into the world, endowed with that higher mental and
moral organization, in which grand truths, and sublime gleams of
spiritual light will spontaneously and inevitably arise. These speak
to men by inspiration.

Whatever Hiram really was, he is the type, perhaps an imag- inary
type, to us, of humanity in its highest phase; an exemplar of what man
may and should become, in the course of ages, in his progress toward
the realization of his destiny; an individual gifted with a glorious
intellect, a noble soul, a fine organization, and a perfectly balanced
moral being; an earnest of what humanity may be, and what we believe
it will hereafter be in God's good time; the possibility of the race
made real.

The Mason believes that God has arranged this glorious but per-
plexing world with a purpose, and on a plan. He holds that every man
sent upon this earth, and especially every man of superior capacity,
has a duty to perform, a mission to fulfill, a baptism to be baptized
with; that every great and good man possesses some portion of God's
truth, which he must proclaim to the world, and which must bear fruit
in his own bosom. In a true and simple sense, he believes all the
pure, wise, and intellectual to be inspired, and to be so for the
instruction, advancement, and elevation of mankind. That kind of
inspiration, like God's omnipresence, is not limited to the few
writers claimed by Jews, Christians, or Moslems, but is co-extensive
with the race. It is the consequence of a faithful use of our
faculties. Each man is its subject, God is its source, and Truth its
only test. It differs in degrees, as the intellectual endowments, the
moral wealth of the soul, and the de- gree of cultivation of those
endowments and faculties differ. It is limited to no sect, age, or
nation. It is wide as the world and common as God. It was not given to
a few men, in the infancy of mankind, to monopolize inspiration, and
bar God out of the soul. We are not born in the dotage and decay of
the world. The stars are beautiful as in their prime; the most ancient
Heavens are fresh and strong. God is still everywhere in nature. Wher-
ever a heart beats with love, wherever Faith and Reason utter their
oracles, there is God, as formerly in the hearts of seers and
prophets. No soil on earth is so holy as the good man's heart; nothing
is so full of God. This inspiration is not given to the learned alone,
not alone to the great and wise, but to every faithful child of God.
Certain as the open eye drinks in the light, do the pure in heart see
God; and he who lives truly, feels Him as a pres- ence within the
soul. The conscience is the very voice of Deity.

Masonry, around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem,
the Brahmin, the followers of Confucius and Zoroaster, can assemble as
brethren and unite in prayer to the one God who is above all the
Baalim, must needs leave it to each of its Initiates to look for the
foundation of his faith and hope to the written scriptures of his own
religion. For itself it finds those truths definite enough, which are
written by the finger of God upon the heart of man and on the pages of
the book of nature. Views of religion and duty, wrought out by the
meditations of the studious, confirmed by the allegiance of the good
and wise, stamped as sterling by the response they find in every
uncorrupted mind, com- mend themselves to Masons of every creed, and
may well be ac- cepted by all.

The Mason does not pretend to dogmatic certainty, nor vainly imagine
such certainty attainable. He considers that if there were no written
revelation, he could safely rest the hopes that ani- mate him and the
principles that guide him, on the deductions of reason and the
convictions of instinct and consciousness. He can find a sure
foundation for his religious belief, in these deductions of the
intellect and convictions of the heart. For reason proves to him the
existence and attributes of God; and those spiritual instincts which
he feels are the voice of God in his soul, infuse into his mind a
sense of his relation to God, a conviction of the beneficence of his
Creator and Preserver, and a hope of future ex- istence; and his
reason and conscience alike unerringly point to virtue as the highest
good, and the destined aim and purpose of man's life.

He studies the wonders of the Heavens, the frame-work and revolutions
of the Earth, the mysterious beauties and adaptations of animal
existence, the moral and material constitution of the human creature,
so fearfully and wonderfully made; and is satis- fied that God IS; and
that a Wise and Good Being is the author of the starry Heavens above
him, and of the moral world within him; and his mind finds an adequate
foundation for its hopes, its worship, its principles of action, in
the far-stretching Universe, in the glorious firmament, in the deep,
full soul, bursting with un- utterable thoughts.

These are truths which every reflecting mind will unhesitatingly
receive, as not to be surpassed, nor capable of improvement; and
fitted, if obeyed, to make earth indeed a Paradise, and man only a
little lower than the angels. The worthlessness of ceremonial
observances, and the necessity of active virtue; the enforcement of
purity of heart as the security for purity of life, and of the
government of the thoughts, as the originators and forerunners of
action; universal philanthropy, requiring us to love all men, and to
do unto others that and that only which we should think it right,
just, and generous for them to do unto us; forgiveness of injuries;
the necessity of self-sacrifice in the discharge of duty; humility;
genuine sincerity, and being that which we seem to be; all these
sublime precepts need no miracle, no voice from the clouds, to
recommend them to our allegiance, or to assure us of their divine
origin. They command obedience by virtue of their inherent rectitude
and beauty; and have been, and are, and will be the law in every age
and every country of the world. God revealed them to man in the

To the Mason, God is our Father in Heaven, to be Whose especial
children is the sufficient reward of the peacemakers, to see Whose
face the highest hope of the pure in heart; Who is ever at hand to
strengthen His true worshippers; to Whom our most fer- vent love is
due, our most humble and patient submission; Whose most acceptable
worship is a pure and pitying heart and a benefi- cent life; in Whose
constant presence we live and act, to Whose merciful disposal we are
resigned by that death which, we hope and believe, is but the entrance
to a better life; and Whose wise decrees forbid a man to lap his soul
in an elysium of mere indolent content.

As to our feelings toward Him and our conduct toward man, Masonry
teaches little about which men can differ, and little from which they
can dissent. He is our Father; and we are all breth- ren. This much
lies open to the most ignorant and busy, as fully as to those who have
most leisure and are most learned. This needs no Priest to teach it,
and no authority to indorse it; and if every man did that only which
is consistent with it, it would exile barbarity, cruelty, intolerance,
uncharitableness, perfidy, treach- ery, revenge, selfishness, and all
their kindred vices and bad pas- sions beyond the confines of the

The true Mason, sincerely holding that a Supreme God created and
governs this world, believes also that He governs it by laws, which,
though wise, just, and beneficent, are yet steady, unwaver- ing,
inexorable. He believes that his agonies and sorrows are or- dained
for his chastening, his strengthening, his elaboration and
development; because they are the necessary results of the opera- tion
of laws, the best that could be devised for the happiness and
purification of the species, and to give occasion and opportunity for
the practice of all the virtues, from the homeliest and most common,
to the noblest and most sublime; or perhaps not even that, but the
best adapted to work out the vast, awful, glorious, eternal designs of
the Great Spirit of the Universe. He believes that the ordained
operations of nature, which have brought misery to him, have, from the
very unswerving tranquility of their career, showered blessings and
sunshine upon many another path; that the unrelenting chariot of Time,
which has crushed or maimed him in its allotted course, is pressing
onward to the accomplish- ment of those serene and mighty purposes, to
have contributed to which, even as a victim, is an honor and a
recompense. He takes this view of Time and Nature and God, and yet
bears his lot with- out murmur or distrust; because it is a portion of
a system, the best possible, because ordained by God. He does not
believe that God loses sight of him, while superintending the march of
the great harmonies of the Universe; nor that it was not foreseen,
when the Universe was created, its laws enacted, and the long suc-
cession of its operations pre-ordained, that in the great march of
those events, he would suffer pain and undergo calamity. He be- lieves
that his individual good entered into God's consideration, as well as
the great cardinal results to which the course of all things is

Thus believing, he has attained an eminence in virtue, the high- est,
amid passive excellence, which humanity can reach. He finds his reward
and his support in the reflection that he is an unreluc- tant and
self-sacrificing co-operator with the Creator of the Uni- verse; and
in the noble consciousness of being worthy and capable of so sublime a
conception, yet so sad a destiny. He is then truly entitled to be
called a Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason. He is content to
fall early in the battle, if his body may but form a stepping-stone
for the future conquests of humanity.

It cannot be that God, Who, we are certain, is perfectly good, can
choose us to suffer pain, unless either we are ourselves to re- ceive
from it an antidote to what is evil in ourselves, or else as such pain
is a necessary part in the scheme of the Universe, which as a whole is
good. In either case, the Mason receives it with submission. He would
not suffer unless it was ordered so. What- ever his creed, if he
believes that God is, and that He cares for His creatures, he cannot
doubt that; nor that it would not have been so ordered, unless it was
either better for himself, or for some other persons, or for some
things. To complain and lament is to murmur against God's will, and
worse than unbelief.

The Mason, whose mind is cast in a nobler mould than those of the
ignorant and unreflecting, and is instinct with a diviner life,- who
loves truth more than rest, and the peace of Heaven rather than the
peace of Eden,--to whom a loftier being brings severer cares,--who
knows that man does not live by pleasure or content alone, but by the
presence of the power of God,--must cast be- hind him the hope of any
other repose or tranquillity, than that which is the last reward of
long agonies of thought; he must re- linquish all prospect of any
Heaven save that of which trouble is the avenue and portal; he must
gird up his loins, and trim his lamp, for a work that must be done,
and must not be negligently done. If he does not like to live in the
furnished lodgings of tra- dition, he must build his own house, his
own system of faith and thought, for himself.

The hope of success, and not the hope of reward, should be our
stimulating and sustaining power. Our object, and not ourselves,
should be our inspiring thought. Selfishness is a sin, when tem-
porary, and for time. Spun out to eternity, it does not become
celestial prudence. We should toil and die, not for Heaven or Bliss,
but for Duty.

In the more frequent cases, where we have to join our efforts to those
of thousands of others, to contribute to the carrying forward of a
great cause; merely to till the ground or sow the seed for a very
distant harvest, or to prepare the way for the future advent of some
great amendment; the amount which each one contrib- utes to the
achievement of ultimate success, the portion of the price which
justice should assign to each as his especial produc- tion, can never
be accurately ascertained. Perhaps few of those who have ever labored,
in the patience of secrecy and silence, to bring about some political
or social change, which they felt con- vinced would ultimately prove
of vast service to humanity, lived to see the change effected, or the
anticipated good flow from it. Fewer still of them were able to
pronounce what appreciable weight their several efforts contributed to
the achievement of the change desired. Many will doubt, whether, in
truth, these exer- tions have any influence whatever; and,
discouraged, cease all active effort.

Not to be thus discouraged, the Mason must labor to elevate and purify
his motives, as well as sedulously cherish the convic- tion, assuredly
a true one, that in this world there is no such thing as effort thrown
away; that in all labor there is profit; that all sincere exertion, in
a righteous and unselfish cause, is necessarily followed, in spite of
all appearance to the contrary, by an appro- priate and proportionate
success; that no bread cast upon the waters can be wholly lost; that
no seed planted in the ground can fail to quicken in due time and
measure; and that, however we may, in moments of despondency, be apt
to doubt, not only whether our cause will triumph, but whether, if it
does, we shall have contributed to its triumph,--there is One, Who has
not only seen every exertion we have made, but Who can assign the
exact degree in which each soldier has assisted to gain the great
victory over social evil. No good work is done wholly in vain.

The Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason will in nowise deserve
that honorable title, if he has not that strength, that will, that
self-sustaining energy; that Faith, that feeds upon no earthly hope,
nor ever thinks of victory, but, content in its own consum- mation,
combats, because it ought to combat, rejoicing fights, and still
rejoicing falls.

The Augean Stables of the World, the accumulated uncleanness and
misery of centuries, require a mighty river to cleanse them thoroughly
away; every drop we contribute aids to swell that river and augment
its force, in a degree appreciable by God, though not by man; and he
whose zeal is deep and earnest, will not be over-anxious that his
individual drops should be distin- guishable amid the mighty mass of
cleansing and fertilizing waters; far less that, for the sake of
distinction, it should flow in ineffective singleness away.

The true Mason will not be careful that his name should be inscribed
upon the mite which he casts into the treasury of God. It suffices him
to know that if he has labored, with purity of pur- pose, in any good
cause, he must have contributed to its success; that the degree in
which he has contributed is a matter of infi- nitely small concern;
and still more, that the consciousness of having so contributed,
however obscurely and unnoticed, is his sufficient, even if it be his
sole, reward. Let every Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason
cherish this faith. It is a duty. It is the brilliant and never-dying
light that shines within and through the symbolic pedestal of
alabaster, on which reposes the perfect cube of agate, symbol of duty,
inscribed with the divine name of God. He who industriously sows and
reaps is a good laborer, and worthy of his hire. But he who sows that
which shall be reaped by others, by those who will know not of and
care not for the sower, is a laborer of a nobler order, and, worthy of
a more excellent reward.

The Mason does not exhort others to an ascetic undervaluing of this
life, as an insignificant and unworthy portion of existence; for that
demands feelings which are unnatural, and which, there- fore, if
attained, must be morbid, and if merely professed, insin- cere; and
teaches us to look rather to a future life for the com- pensation of
social evils, than to this life for their cure; and so does injury to
the cause of virtue and to that of social progress. Life is real, and
is earnest, and it is full of duties to be performed. It is the
beginning of our immortality. Those only who feel a deep interest and
affection for this world will work resolutely for its amelioration;
those whose affections are transferred to Heaven, easily acquiesce in
the miseries of earth, deeming them hopeless, befitting, and ordained;
and console themselves with the idea of the ammends which are one day
to be theirs. It is a sad truth, that those most decidedly given to
spiritual contemplation, and to making religion rule in their hearts,
are often most apathetic to- ward all improvement of this world's
systems, and in many cases virtual conservatives of evil, and hostile
to political and social re- form, as diverting men's energies from

The Mason does not war with his own instincts, macerate the body into
weakness and disorder, and disparage what he sees to be beautiful,
knows to be wonderful, and feels to be unspeakably dear and
fascinating. He does not put aside the nature which God has given him,
to struggle after one which He has not be- stowed. He knows that man
is sent into the world, not a spir- itual, but a composite being, made
up of body and mind, the body having, as is fit and needful in a
material world, its full, rightful, and allotted share. His life is
guided by a full recognition of this fact. He does not deny it in bold
words, and admit it in weak- nesses and inevitable failings. He
believes that his spirituality will come in the next stage of his
being, when he puts on the spir- itual body; that his body will be
dropped at death; and that, until then, God meant it to be commanded
and controlled, but not neg- lected, despised, or ignored by the soul,
under pain of heavy con- sequences.

Yet the Mason is not indifferent as to the fate of the soul, after its
present life, as to its continued and eternal being, and the char-
acter of the scenes in which that being will be fully developed. These
are to him topics of the proroundest interest, and the most ennobling
and refining contemplation. They occupy much of his leisure; and as he
becomes familiar with the sorrows and calami- ties of this life, as
his hopes are disappointed and his visions of happiness here fade
away; when life has wearied him in its race of hours; when he is
harassed and toil-worn, and the bur- den of his years weighs heavy on
him, the balance of attraction gradually inclines in favor of another
life; and he clings to his lofty speculations with a tenacity of
interest which needs no in- junction, and will listen to no
prohibition. They are the consol- ing privilege of the aspiring, the
wayworn, the weary, and the bereaved.

To him the contemplation of the Future lets in light upon the Present,
and develops the higher portions of his nature. He en- deavors rightly
to adjust the respective claims of Heaven and earth upon his time and
thought, so as to give the proper propor- tions thereof to performing
the duties and entering into the inter- ests of this world, and to
preparation for a better; to the cultiva- tion and purification of his
own character, and to the public service of his fellow-men.

The Mason does not dogmatize, but entertaining and uttering his own
convictions, he leaves every one else free to do the same; and only
hopes that the time will come, even if after the lapse of ages, when
all men shall form one great family of brethren, and one law alone,
the law of love, shall govern God's whole Uni- verse.

Believe as you may, my brother; if the Universe is not, to you,
without a God, and if man is not like the beast that perishes, but
hath an immortal soul, we welcome you among us, to wear, as we wear,
with humility, and conscious of your demerits and short- comings, the
title of Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason.

It is not without a secret meaning, that twelve was the num- ber of
the Apostles of Christ, and seventy-two that of his Dis- ciples: that
John addressed his rebukes and menaces to the Seven churches, the
number of the Archangels and the Planets. At Babylon were the Seven
Stages of Bersippa, a pyramid of Seven stories, and at Ecbatana Seven
concentric inclosures, each of a different color. Thebes also had
Seven gates, and the same num- ber is repeated again and again in the
account of the flood. The Sephiroth, or Emanations, ten in number,
three in one class, and seven in the other, repeat the mystic numbers
of Pythagoras. Seven Amschaspands or planetary spirits were invoked
with Ormuzd: Seven inferior Rishis of Hindustan were saved with the
head of their family in an ark: and Seven ancient personages alone
returned with the British just man, Hu, from the dale of the grievous
waters. There were Seven Heliadae, whose father Helias, or the Sun,
once crossed the sea in a golden cup; Seven Titans, children of the
older Titan, Kronos or Saturn; Seven Corybantes; and Seven Cabiri,
sons of Sydyk; Seven primeval Celestial spirits of the Japanese, and
Seven Karlesters who escaped from the deluge and began to be the
parents of a new race, on the summit of Mount Albordi. Seven Cyclopes,
also, built the walls of Tiryus.

Celus, as quoted by Origen, tells us that the Persians repre- sented
by symbols the two-fold motion of the stars, fixed and planetary, and
the passage of the Soul through their successive spheres. They erected
in their holy caves, in which the mystic rites of the Mithriac
Initiations were practised, what he denomi- nates a high ladder, on
the Seven steps of which were Seven gates or portals, according to the
number of the Seven principal heavenly bodies. Through these the
aspirants passed, until they reached the summit of the whole; and this
passage was styled a transmigration through the spheres.

Jacob saw in his dream a ladder planted or set on the earth, and its
top reaching to Heaven, and the Malaki Alohim ascending and descending
on it, and above it stood IHUH, declaring Himself to be Ihuh-Alhi
Abraham. The word translated ladder, is Salam, from Salal, raised,
elevated, reared up, exalted, piled up into a heap, Aggeravit.
Salalah, means a heap, rampart, or other accumulation of earth or
stone, artificially made; and Salaa or Salo, is a rock or cliff or
boulder, and the name of the city of Petra. There is no ancient Hebrew
word to designate a pyramid.

The symbolic mountain Meru was ascended by Seven steps or stages; and
all the pyramids and artificial tumuli and hillocks thrown up in flat
countries were imitations of this fabulous and mystic mountain, for
purposes of worship. These were the "High Places" so often mentioned
in the Hebrew books, on which the idolaters sacrificed to foreign

The pyramids were sometimes square, and sometimes round. The sacred
Babylonian tower [Magdol], dedicated to the great Father Bal, was an
artificial hill, of pyramidal shape, and Seven stages, built of brick,
and each stage of a different color, representing the Seven planetary
spheres by the appropriate color of each planet. Meru itself was said
to be a single mountain, ter- minating in three peaks, and thus a
symbol of the Trimurti. The great Pagoda at Tanjore was of six
stories, surmounted by a tem- ple as the seventh, and on this three
spires or towers. An ancient pagoda at Deogur was surmounted by a
tower, sustaining the mystic egg and a trident. Herodotus tells us
that the Temple of Bal at Babylon was a tower composed of Seven
towers, resting on an eighth that served as basis, and successively
diminishing in size from the bottom to the top; and Strabo tells us it
was a pyramid.

Faber thinks that the Mithriac ladder was really a pyramid with Seven
stages, each provided with a narrow door or aperture, through each of
which doors the aspirant passed, to reach the summit, and then
descended through similar doors on the opposite side of the pyramid;
the ascent and descent of the Soul being thus represented.

Each Mithriac cave and all the most ancient temples were tended to
symbolize the Universe, which itself was habitually called the Temple
and habitation of Deity. Every temple was the world in miniature; and
so the whole world was one grand temple. The most ancient temples were
roofless; and therefore the Persians, Celts, and Scythians strongly
disliked artificial cov- ered edifices. Cicero says that Xerxes burned
the Grecian tem- ples, on the express ground that the whole world was
the Magnifi- cent Temple and Habitation of the Supreme Deity.
Macrobius says that the entire Universe was judiciously deemed by many
the Temple of God. Plato pronounced the real Temple of the Deity to be
the world; and Heraclitus declared that the Universe, varie- gated
with animals and plants and stars was the only genuine Temple of the

How completely the Temple of Solomon was symbolic, is manifest, not
only from the continual reproduction in it of the sacred numbers and
of astrological symbols in the histor- ical descriptions of it; but
also, and yet more, from the de- tails of the imaginary reconstructed
edifice, seen by Ezekiel in his vision. The Apocalypse completes the
demonstration, and shows the kabalistic meanings of the whole. The
Sym- bola Architectonica are found on the most ancient edifices; and
these mathematical figures and instruments, adopted by the Templars,
and identical with those on the gnostic seals and abraxae, connect
their dogma with the Chaldaic, Syriac, and Egyptian Oriental
philosophy. The secret Pythagorean doc- trines of numbers were
preserved by the monks of Thibet, by the Hierophants of Egypt and
Eleusis, at Jerusalem, and in the circular Chapters of the Druids; and
they are especially consecrated in that mysterious book, the
Apocalypse of Saint John.

All temples were surrounded by pillars, recording the number of the
constellations, the signs of the zodiac, or the cycles of the planets;
and each one was a microcosm or symbol of the Universe, having for
roof or ceiling the starred vault of Heaven.

All temples were originally open at the top, having for roof the sky.
Twelve pillars described the belt of the zodiac. Whatever the number
of the pillars, they were mystical everywhere. At Abury, the Druidic
temple reproduced all the cycles by its col- umns. Around the temples
of Chilminar in Persia, of Baalbec, and of Tukhti Schlomoh in Tartary,
on the frontier of China, stood forty pillars. On each side of the
temple at Paestum were fourteen, recording the Egyptian cycle of the
dark and light sides of the moon, as described by Plutarch; the whole
thirty-eight that surrounded them recording the two meteoric cycles so
often found in the Druidic temples.

The theatre built by Scaurus, in Greece, was surrounded by 360
columns; the Temple at Mecca, and that at Iona in Scotland, by 360

M & D Chapter XVII

Knight of the East and West


by Albert Pike


This is the first of the Philosophical Degrees of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite; and the beginning of a course of in- struction
which will fully unveil to you the heart and inner mys- teries of
Masonry. Do not despair because you have often seemed on the point of
attaining the inmost light, and have as often been disappointed. In
all time, truth has been hidden under symbols, and often under a
succession of allegories: where veil after veil had to be penetrated
before the true Light was reached, and the essential truth stood
revealed. The Human Light is but an im- perfect reflection of a ray of
the Infinite and Divine.

We are about to approach those ancient Religions which once ruled the
minds of men, and whose ruins encumber the plains of the great Past,
as the broken columns of Palmyra and Tadmor lie bleaching on the sands
of the desert. They rise before us, those old, strange, mysterious
creeds and faiths, shrouded in the mists of antiquity, and stalk dimly
and undefined along the line which divides Time from Eternity; and
forms of strange, wild, startling beauty mingled in the vast throngs
of figures with shapes mon- strous, grotesque, and hideous.

The religion taught by Moses, which, like the laws of Egypt, enuciated
the principle of exclusion, borrowed, at every period of its
existence, from all the creeds with which it came in contact. While,
by the studies of the learned and wise, it enriched itself with the
most admirable principles of the religions of Egypt and Asia, it was
changed, in the wanderings of the People, by every- thing that was
most impure or seductive in the pagan manners and superstitions. It
was one thing in the times of Moses and Aaron, another in those of
David and Solomon, and still another in those of Daniel and Philo.

At the time when John the Baptist made his appearance in the desert,
near the shores of the Dead Sea, all the old philosophical and
religious systems were approximating toward each other. A general
lassitude inclined the minds of all toward the quietude of that
amalgamation of doctrines for which the expeditions of Alex- ander and
the more peaceful occurrences that followed, with the establishment in
Asia and Africa of many Grecian dynasties and a great number of
Grecian colonies, had prepared the way. After the intermingling of
different nations, which resulted from the wars of Alexander in
three-quarters of the globe, the doctrines of Greece, of Egypt, of
Persia, and of India, met and intermingled everywhere. All the
barriers that had formerly kept the nations apart, were thrown down;
and while the People of the West readily connected their faith with
those of the East, those of the Orient hastened to learn the
traditions of Rome and the legends of Athens. While the Philosophers
of Greece, all (except the dis- ciples of Epicurus) more or less
Platonists, seized eargerly upon the beliefs and doctrines of the
East,--the Jews and Egyptians, be- fore then the most exclusive of all
peoples, yielded to that eclecti- cism which prevailed among their
masters, the Greeks and Romans.

Under the same influences of toleration, even those who em- braced
Christianity, mingled together the old and the new, Chris- tianity and
Philosophy, the Apostolic teachings and the traditions of Mythology
The man of intellect, devotee of one system, rarely displaces it with
another in all its purity. The people take such a creed as is offered
them. Accordingly, the distinction be- tween the esoteric and the
exoteric doctrine, immemorial in other creeds, easily gained a
foothold among many of the Christians; and it was held by a vast
number, even during the preaching of Paul, that the writings of the
Apostles were incomplete; that they contained only the germs of
another doctrine, which must receive from the hands of philosophy, not
only the systematic arrange- ment which was wanting, but all the
development which lay con- cealed therein. The writings of the
Apostles, they said, in address- ing themselves to mankind in general,
enunciated only the articles of the vulgar faith; but transmitted the
mysteries of knowledge to superior minds, to the Elect,--mysteries
handed down from gen- eration to generation in esoteric traditions;
and to this science of the mysteries they gave the name of Gnosis.

The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and
Philo, the Zend-avesta and the Kabalah, and the Sacred books of India
and Egypt; and thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity the
cosmological and theosophical speculations, which had formed the
larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient, joined to those
of the Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish doctrines, which the Neo-Platonists
had equally adopted in the Occident.

Emanation from the Deity of all spiritual beings, progressive
degeneration of these beings from emanation to emanation, re- demption
and return of all to the purity of the Creator; and, after the
re-establishment of the primitive harmony of all, a for- tunate and
truly divine condition of all, in the bosom of God; such were the
fundamental teachings of Gnosticism. The genius of the Orient, with
its contemplations, irradiations, and intuitions, dictated its
doctrines. Its language corresponded to its origin. Full of imagery,
it had all the magnificence, the inconsistencies, and the mobility of
the figurative style.

Behold, it said, the light, which emanates from an immense centre of
Light, that spreads everywhere its benevolent rays; so do the spirits
of Light emanate from the Divine Light. Behold, all the springs which
nourish, embellish, fertilize, and purify the Earth; they emanate from
one and the same ocean; so from the bosom of the Divinity emanate so
many streams, which form and fill the universe of intelligences.
Behold numbers, which all emanate from one primitive number, all
resemble it, all are com- posed of its essence, and still vary
infinitely; and utterances, de- composable into so many syllables and
elements, all contained in the primitive Word, and still infinitely
various; so the world of Intelligences emanated from a Primary
Intelligence, and they all resemble it, and yet display an infinite
variety of existences.

It revived and combined the old doctrines of the Orient and the
Occident; and it found in many passages of the Gospels and the
Pastoral letters, a warrant for doing so. Christ himself spoke in
parables and allegories, John borrowed the enigmatical language of the
Platonists, and Paul often indulged in incomprehensible rhapsodies,
the meaning of which could have been clear to the Initiates alone.

It is admitted that the cradle of Gnosticism is probably to be looked
for in Syria, and even in Palestine. Most of its expound- ers wrote in
that corrupted form of the Greek used by the Hellen- istic Jews, and
in the Septuagint and the New Testament; and there is a striking
analogy between their doctrines and those of the Judaeo-Egyptian
Philo, of Alexandria; itself the seat of three schools, at once
philosophic and religious--the Greek, the Egyp- tian, and the Jewish.

Pythagoras and Plato, the most mystical of the Grecian Philos- ophers
(the latter heir to the doctrines of the former), and who had
travelled, the latter in Egypt, and the former in Phoenicia, India,
and Persia, also taught the esoteric doctrine and the distinc- tion
between the initiated and the profane. The dominant doc- trines of
Platonism were found in Gnosticism. Emanation of Intelligences from
the bosom of the Deity; the going astray in error and the sufferings
of spirits, so long as they are remote from God, and imprisoned in
matter; vain and long-continued efforts to arrive at the knowledge of
the Truth, and re-enter into their primitive union with the Supreme
Being; alliance of a pure and divine soul with an irrational soul, the
seat of evil desires; angels or demons who dwell in and govern the
planets, having but an imperfect knowledge of the ideas that presided
at the creation; regeneration of all beings by their return to the
kosmos noetos, the world of Intelligences, and its Chief, the Supreme
Being; sole possible mode of re-establishing that primi- tive harmony
of the creation, of which the music of the spheres of Pythagoras was
the image; these were the analogies of the two systems; and we
discover in them some of the ideas that form a part of Masonry; in
which, in the present mutilated condition of the symbolic Degrees,
they are disguised and overlaid with fiction and absurdity, or present
themselves as casual hints that are pass- ed by wholly unnoticed.

The distinction between the esoteric and exoteric doctrines (a
distinction purely Masonic), was always and from the very earliest
times preserved among the Greeks. It remounted to the fabulous times
of Orpheus; and the mysteries of Theosophy were found in all their
traditions and myths. And after the time of Alexander, they resorted
for instruction, dogmas, and mysteries, to all the schools, to those
of Egypt and Asia, as well as those of Ancient Thrace, Sicily,
Etruria, and Attica.

The Jewish-Greek School of Alexandria is known only by two of its
Chiefs, Aristobulus and Philo, both Jews of Alexandria in Egypt.
Belonging to Asia by its origin, to Egypt by its residence, to Greece
by its language and studies, it strove to show that all truths
embedded in the philosophies of other countries were trans- planted
thither from Palestine. Aristobulus declared that all the facts and
details of the Jewish Scriptures were so many allegories, concealing
the most profound meanings, and that Plato had bor- rowed from them
all his finest ideas. Philo, who lived a century after him, following
the same theory, endeavored to show that the Hebrew writings, by their
system of allegories, were the true source of all religious and
philosophical doctrines. According to him, the literal meaning is for
the vulgar alone. Whoever has meditated on philosophy, purified
himself by virtue, and raised himself by contemplation, to God and the
intellectual world, and received their inspiration, pierces the gross
envelope of the letter, discovers a wholly different order of things,
and is initiated into mysteries, of which the elementary or literal
instruction offers but an imperfect image. A historical fact, a
figure, a word, a letter, a number, a rite, a custom, the parable or
vision of a prophet, veils the most profound truths; and he who has
the key of science will interpret all according to the light he

Again we see the symbolism of Masonry, and the search of the Candidate
for light. "Let men of narrow minds withdraw," he says, "with closed
ears. We transmit the divine mysteries to those who have received the
sacred initiation, to those who prac- tise true piety and who are not
enslaved by the empty trappings of words or the preconceived opinions
of the pagans."

To Philo, the Supreme Being was the Primitive Light, or the Archetype
of Light, Source whence the rays emanate that illumi- nate Souls. He
was also the Soul of the Universe, and as such acted in all its parts.
He Himself fills and limits His whole Being. His Powers and Virtues
fill and penetrate all. These Powers (dunameis) are Spirits distinct
from God, the "Ideas" of Plato personified. He is without beginning,
and lives in the prototype of Time (aion).

His image is THE WORD, a form more brilliant than fire; that not being
the pure light. This LOGOS dwells in God; for the Supreme Being makes
to Himself within His Intelligence the types or ideas of everything
that is to become reality in this World. The LOGOS is the vehicle by
which God acts on the Uni- verse, and may be compared to the speech of

The LOGOS being the World of Ideas, by means whereof God has created
visible things, He is the most ancient God, in comparison with the
World, which is the youngest pro- duction. The LOGOS, Chief of
Intelligence, of which He is the general representative, is named
Archangel, type and representa- tive of all spirits, even those of
mortals. He is also styled the man-type and primitive man, Adam

God only is Wise. The wisdom of man is but the reflection and image of
that of God. He is the Father, and His WISDOM the mother of creation:
for He united Himself with WISDOM (Sophia), and communicated to it the
germ of creation, and it brought forth the material world. He created
the ideal world only, and caused the material world to be made real
after its type, by His LOGOS, which is His speech, and at the same
time the Idea of Ideas, the Intellectual World. The Intellectual City
was but the Thought of the Architect, who meditated the creation,
accord- ing to that plan of the Material City.

The Word is not only the Creator, but occupies the place of the
Supreme Being. Through Him all the Powers and Attributes of God act.
On the other side, as first representative of the Human Family, He is
the Protector of men and their Shepherd.

God gives to man the Soul or Intelligence, which exists before the
body, and which he unites with the body. The reasoning Principle comes
from God through the Word, and communes with God and with the Word;
but there is also in man an irrational Principle, that of the
inclinations and passions which produce disorder, emanating from
inferior spirits who fill the air as ministers of God. The body, taken
from the Earth, and the irrational Principle that animates it
concurrently with the rational Principle, are hated by God, while the
rational soul which He has given it, is, as it were, captive in this
prison, this coffin, that encompasses it. The present condition of man
is not his primi- tive condition, when he was the image of the Logos.
He has fallen from his first estate. But he may raise himself again,
by following the directions of WISDOM and of the Angels which God has
commissioned to aid him in freeing himself from the bonds of the body,
and combating Evil, the existence whereof God has permitted, to
furnish him the means of exercising his liberty. The souls that are
purified, not by the Law but by light, rise to the Heavenly regions,
to enjoy there a perfect felicity. Those that persevere in evil go
from body to body, the seats of passions and evil desires. The
familiar lineaments of these doc- trines will be recognized by all who
read the Epistles of St. Paul, who wrote after Philo, the latter
living till the reign of Caligula, and being the contemporary of

And the Mason is familiar with these doctrines of Philo: that the
Supreme Being is a centre of Light whose rays or emanations pervade
the Universe; for that is the Light for which all Masonic journeys are
a search, and of which the sun and moon in our Lodges are only
emblems: that Light and Darkness, chief enemies from the beginning of
Time, dispute with each other the empire of the world; which we
symbolize by the candidate wandering in darkness and being brought to
light: that the world was created, not by the Supreme Being, but by a
secondary agent, who is but His WORD, and by types which are but his
ideas, aided by an INTELLIGENCE, or WISDOM, which gives one of His
Attributes; in which we see the occult meaning of the ne- cessity of
recovering "the Word"; and of our two columns of STRENGTH and WISDOM,
which are also the two parallel lines that bound the circle
representing the Universe: that the visible world is the image of the
invisible world; that the essence of the Human Soul is the image of
God, and it existed before the body; that the object of its
terrestrial life is to disengage itself of its body or its sepulchre;
and that it will ascend to the Heavenly regions when- ever it shall be
purified; in which we see the meaning, now almost forgotten in our
Lodges, of the mode of preparation of the candi- date for
apprenticeship, and his tests and purifications in the first Degree,
according to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.

Philo incorporated in his eclecticism neither Egyptian nor Oriental
elements. But there were other Jewish Teachers in Alex- andria who did
both. The Jews of Egypt were slightly jealous of, and a little hostile
to, those of Palestine, particularly after the erection of the
sanctuary at Leontopolis by the High-Priest Onias; and therefore they
admired and magnified those sages, who, like Jeremiah, had resided in
Egypt. "The wisdom of Solomon" was written at Alexandria, and, in the
time of St. Jerome, was attrib- uted to Philo; but it contains
principles at variance with his. It personifies Wisdom, and draws
between its children and the Profane, the same line of demarcation
that Egypt had long before taught to the Jews. That distinction
existed at the beginning of the Mosaic creed. Moshah himself was an
Initiate in the mysteries of Egypt, as he was compelled to be, as the
adopted son of the daughter of Pharaoh, Thouoris, daughter of
Sesostris-Ramses; who, as her tomb and monuments show, was, in the
right of her infant husband, Regent of Lower Egypt or the Delta at the
time of the Hebrew Prophet's birth, reigning at Heliopolis. She was
also, as the reliefs on her tomb show, a Priestess of HATHOR and
NEITH, the two great primeval goddesses. As her adopted son, living in
her Palace and presence forty years, and during that time scarcely
acquainted with his brethren the Jews, the law of Egypt compelled his
initiation: and we find in many of his enact- ments the intention of
preserving, between the common people and the Initiates, the line of
separation which he found in Egypt. Moshah and Aharun his brother, the
whole series of High-Priests, the Council of the 70 Elders, Salomoh
and the entire succession of Prophets, were in possession of a higher
science; and of that science Masonry is, at least, the lineal
descendant. It was famili- arly known as THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD.

AMUN, at first the God of Lower Egypt only, where Moshah was reared (a
word that in Hebrew means Truth), was the Su- preme God. He was styled
"the Celestial Lord, who sheds Light on hidden things." He was the
source of that divine life, of which the crux ansata is the symbol;
and the source of all power. He united all the attributes that the
Ancient Oriental Theosophy assigned to the Supreme Being. He was the
Pleroma, or "Fullness of things," for He comprehended in Himself
every- thing; and the LIGHT; for he was the Sun-God. He was un-
changeable in the midst of everything phenomenal in his worlds. He
created nothing; but everything emanated from Him; and of Him all the
other Gods were but manifestations.

The Ram was His living symbol; which you see reproduced in this
Degree, lying on the book with seven seals on the tracing- board. He
caused the creation of the world by the Primitive Thought (Ennoia), or
Spirit (Pneuma), that issued from him by means of his Voice or the
WORD; and which Thought or Spirit was personified as the Goddess
NEITH. She, too, was a divinity of Light, and mother of the Sun; and
the Feast of Lamps was celebrated in her honor at Sais. The Creative
Power, another manifestation of Deity, proceeding to the creation
conceived of in her, the Divine Intelligence, produced with its Word
the Universe, symbolized by an egg issuing from the mouth of KNEPH;
from which egg came PHTHA, image of the Supreme Intelligence as
realized in the world, and the type of that mani- fested in man; the
principal agent, also, of Nature, or the creative and productive Fire.
PHRE or RS, the Sun, or Celestial Light, whose symbol was the point
within a circle, was the son of PHTHA; and TIPHE, his wife, or the
celestial firmament, with the seven celestial bodies, animated by
spirits of genii that govern them, was represented on many of the
monuments, clad in blue or yellow, her garments sprinkled with stars,
and accompanied by the sun, moon, and five planets; and she was the
type of Wisdom, and they of the Seven Planetary Spirits of the
Gnostics, that with her presided over and governed the sublunary

In this Degree, unknown for a hundred years to those who have
practised it, these emblems reproduced refer to these old doctrines.
The lamb, the yellow hangings strewed with stars, the seven columns,
candlesticks, and seals all recall them to us.

The Lion was the symbol of ATHOM-RE, the Great God of Upper Egypt; the
Hawk, of RA or PHRE; the Eagle, of MENDES; the Bull, of APIS; and
three of these are seen under the platform on which our altar stands.

The first HERMES was the INTELLIGENCE, or WORD of God. Moved with
compassion for a race living without law, and wishing to teach them
that they sprang from His bosom, and to point out to them the way that
they should go (the books which the first Hermes, the same with Enoch,
had written on the mysteries of divine science, in the sacred
characters, being unknown to those who lived after the flood), God
sent to man OSIRIS and ISIS, ac- accompanied by THOTH, the incarnation
or terrestrial repetition of the first Hermes; who taught men the
arts, science, and the cer- emonies of religion; and then ascended to
Heaven or the Moon. OSIRIS was the Principle of Good. TYPHON, like
AHRIMAN, was the principle and source of all that is evil in the moral
and physi- cal order. Like the Satan of Gnosticism, he was confounded
with Matter.

From Egypt or Persia the new Platonists borrowed the idea, and the
Gnostics received it from them, that man, in his terres- trial career,
is successively under the influence of the Moon, of Mercury, of Venus,
of the Sun, of Mars, of Jupiter, and of Saturn, until he finally
reaches the Elysian Fields; an idea again symbolized in the Seven

The Jews of Syria and Judea were the direct precursors of Gnosticism;
and in their doctrines were ample oriental elements. These Jews had
had with the Orient, at two different periods, inti- mate relations,
familiarizing them with the doctrines of Asia, and especially of
Chaldea and Persia;--their forced residence in Cen- tral Asia under
the Assyrians and Persians; and their voluntary dispersion over the
whole East, when subjects of the Seleucidae and the Romans. Living
near two-thirds of a century, and many of them long afterward, in
Mesopotamia, the cradle of their race; speaking the same language, and
their children reared with those of the Chaldeans, Assyrians, Medes,
and Persians, and receiving from them their names (as the case of
Danayal, who was called Baeltasatsar, proves), they necessarily
adopted many of the doc- trines of their conquerors. Their
descendants, as Azra and Na- hamaiah show us, hardly desired to leave
Persia, when they were allowed to do so. They had a special
jurisdiction, and governors and judges taken from their own people;
many of them held high office, and their children were educated with
those of the highest nobles. Danayal was the friend and minister of
the King, and the Chief of the College of the Magi at Babylon; if we
may be- lieve the book which bears his name, and trust to the
incidents related in its highly figurative and imaginative style.
Mordecai, too, occupied a high station, no less than that of Prime
Minister, and Esther or Astar, his cousin, was the Monarch's wife.

The Magi of Babylon were expounders of figurative writings,
interpreters of nature, and of dreams,--astronomers and divines; and
from their influences arose among the Jews, after their rescue from
captivity, a number of sects, and a new exposition, the mys- tical
interpretation, with all its wild fancies and infinite caprices. The
Aions of the Gnostics, the Ideas of Plato, the Angels of the Jews, and
the Demons of the Greeks, all correspond to the Ferouers of Zoroaster.

A great number of Jewish families remained permanently in their new
country; and one of the most celebrated of their schools was at
Babylon. They were soon familiarized with the doctrine of Zoroaster,
which itself was more ancient than Kuros. From the system of the
Zend-Avesta they borrowed, and subsequently gave large development to,
everything that could be reconciled with their own faith; and these
additions to the old doctrine were soon spread, by the constant
intercourse of commerce, into Syria and Palestine.

In the Zend-Avesta, God is Illimitable Time. No origin can be assigned
to Him: He is so entirely enveloped in His glory, His nature and
attributes are so inaccessible to human Intelligence, that He can be
only the object of a silent Veneration. Creation took place by
emanation from Him. The first emanation was the primitive Light, and
from that the King of Light, ORMUZD. By the "WORD," Ormuzd created the
world pure. He is its pre- server and Judge; a Being Holy and
Heavenly; Intelligence and Knowledge; the First-born of Time without
limits; and invested with all the Powers of the Supreme Being.

Still he is, strictly speaking, the Fourth Being. He had a Ferouer, a
pre-existing Soul (in the language of Plato, a type or ideal); and it
is said of Him, that He existed from the beginning, in the primitive
Light. But, that Light being but an element, and His Ferouer a type,
he is, in ordinary language, the First-born of ZEROUANE-AKHERENE.
Behold again "THE WORD" of Masonry; the Man, on the Tracing-Board of
this Degree; the LIGHT toward which all Masons travel.

He created after his own image, six Genii called Amshaspands, who
surround his Throne, are his organs of communication with inferior
spirits and men, transmit to Him their prayers, solicit for them His
favors, and serve them as models of purity and perfec- tion. Thus we
have the Demiourgos of Gnosticism, and the six Genii that assist him.
These are the Hebrew Archangels of the Planets.

The names of these Amshaspands are Bahman, Ardibehest, Schariver,
Sapandomad, Khordad, and Amerdad.

The fourth, the Holy SAPANDOMAD, created the first man and woman.

Then ORMUZD created 28 Iseds, of whom MITHERAS is the chief. They
watch, with Ormuzd and the Amshaspands, over the happi- ness, purity,
and preservation of the world, which is under their government; and
they are also models for mankind and interpre- ters of men's prayers.
With Mithras and Ormuzd, they make a pleroma (or complete number) of
30, corresponding to the thirty Aions of the Gnostics, and to the
ogdoade, dodecade, and decade of the Egyptians. Mithras was the
Sun-God, invoked with, and soon confounded with him, becoming the
object of a special wor- ship, and eclipsing Ormuzd himself.

The third order of pure spirits is more numerous. They are the
Ferouers, the THOUGHTS of Ormuzd, or the IDEAS which he conceived
before proceeding to the creation of things. They too are superior to
men. They protect them during their life on earth; they will purify
them from evil at their resurrection. They are their tutelary genii,
from the fall to the complete regeneration.

AHRIMAN, second-born of the Primitive Light, emanated from it, pure
like ORMUZD; but, proud and ambitious, yielded to jeal- ousy of the
First-born. For his hatred and pride, the Eternal condemned him to
dwell, for 12,000 years, in that part of space where no ray of light
reaches; the black empire of darkness. In that period the struggle
between Light and Darkness, Good and Evil will be terminated.

AHRIMAN scorned to submit, and took the field against OR- MUZD. To the
good spirits created by his Brother, he opposed an innumerable army of
Evil Ones. To the seven Amshaspands he opposed seven Archdevs,
attached to the seven Planets; to the Izeds and Ferouers an equal
number of Devs, which brought upon the world all moral and physical
evils. Hence Poverty, Maladies, Impurity, Envy, Chagrin, Drunkenness,
Falsehood, Calumny, and their horrible array.

The image of Ahriman was the Dragon, confounded by the Jews with Satan
and the Serpent-Tempter. After a reign of 3000 years, Ormuzd had
created the Material World, in six periods, calling successively into
existence the Light, Water, Earth, plants, animals, and Man. But
Ahriman concurred in creatmg the earth and water; for darkness was
already an element, and Ormuzd could not exclude its Master. So also
the two concurred in pro- ducing Man. Ormuzd produced, by his Will and
Word, a Being that was the type and source of universal life for
everything that exists under Heaven. He placed in man a pure
principle, or Life, proceeding from the Supreme Being. But Ahriman
destroyed that pure principle, in the form wherewith it was clothed;
and when Ormuzd had made, of its recovered and purified essence, the
first man and woman, Ahriman seduced and tempted them with wine and
fruits; the woman yielding first.

Often, during the three latter periods of 3000 years each, Ahri- man
and Darkness are, and are to be, triumphant. But the pure souls are
assisted by the Good Spirits; the Triumph of Good is decreed by the
Supreme Being, and the period of that triumph will infallibly arrive.
When the world shall be most afflicted with the evils poured out upon
it by the spirits of perdition, three Prophets will come to bring
relief to mortals. SOSIOSCH, the principal of the Three, will
regenerate the earth, and restore to it its primitive beauty,
strength, and purity. He will judge the good and the wicked. After the
universal resurrection of the good, he will conduct them to a home of
everlasting happiness. Ahriman, his evil demons, and all wicked men,
will also be purified in a tor- rent of melted metal. The law of
Ormuzd will reign everywhere; all men will be happy; all, enjoying
unalterable bliss, will sing with Sosiosch the praises of the Supreme

These doctrines, the details of which were sparingly borrowed by the
Pharisaic Jews, were much more fully adopted by the Gnostics; who
taught the restoration of all things, their return to their original
pure condition, the happiness of those to be saved, and their
admission to the feast of Heavenly Wisdom.

The doctrines of Zoroaster came originally from Bactria, an Indian
Province of Persia. Naturally, therefore, it would include Hindu or
Buddhist elements, as it did. The fundamental idea of Buddhism was,
matter subjugating the intelligence, and intelli- gence freeing itself
from that slavery. Perhaps something came to Gnosticism from China.
"Before the chaos which preceded the birth of Heaven and Earth," says
Lao-Tseu, "a single Being existed, immense and silent, immovable and
ever active--the mother of the Universe. I know not its name: but I
designate it by the word Reason. Man has his type and model in the
Earth; Earth in Heaven; Heaven in Reason; and Reason in Itself." Here
again are the Ferouers, the Ideas, the Aions--the REASON or

The dominant system among the Jews after their captivity was that of
the Pharoschim or Pharisees. Whether their name was derived from that
of the Parsees, or followers of Zoroaster, or from some other source,
it is certain that they had borrowed much of their doctrine from the
Persians. Like them they claimed to have the exclusive and mysterious
knowledge, unknown to the mass. Like them they taught that a constant
war was waged be- tween the Empire of Good and that of Evil. Like them
they at- tributed the sin and fall of man to the demons and their
chief; and like them they admitted a special protection of the
righteous by inferior beings, agents of Jehovah. All their doctrines
on these subjects were at bottom those of the Holy Books; but
singularly developed and the Orient was evidently the source from
which those developments came.

They styled themselves Interpreters; a name indicating their claim to
the exclusive possession of the true meaning of the Holy Writings, by
virtue of the oral tradition which Moses had re- ceived on Mount
Sinai, and which successive generations of Ini- tiates had
transmitted, as they claimed, unaltered, unto them. Their very
costume, their belief in the influences of the stars, and in the
immortality and transmigration of souls, their system of angels and
their astronomy, were all foreign.

Sadduceeism arose merely from an opposition essentially Jewish, to
these foreign teachings, and that mixture of doctrines, adopted by the
Pharisees, and which constituted the popular creed.

We come at last to the Essenes and Therapeuts, with whom this Degree
is particularly concerned. That intermingling of oriental and
occidental rites, of Persian and Pythagorean opinions, which we have
pointed out in the doctrines of Philo, is unmistak- able in the creeds
of these two sects.

They were less distinguished by metaphysical speculations than by
simple meditations and moral practices. But the latter always partook
of the Zoroastrian principle, that it was necessary to free the soul
from the trammels and influences of matter; which led to a system of
abstinence and maceration entirely opposed to the ancient Hebrai
cideas, favorable as they were to physical pleasures.

In general, the life and manners of these mystical associa- tions, as
Philo and Josephus describe them, and particularly their prayers at
sunrise, seem the image of what the Zend-Avesta pre- scribes to the
faithful adorer or Ormuzd; and some of their observances cannot
otherwise be explained.

The Therapeuts resided in Egypt, in the neighborhood of Alex- andria;
and the Essenes in Palestine, in the vicinity of the Dead Sea. But
there was nevertheless a striking coincidence in their ideas, readily
explained by attributing it to a foreign influence. The Jews of Egypt,
under the influence of the School of Alexan- dria, endeavored in
general to make their doctrines harmonize with the traditions of
Greece; and thence came, in the doctrines of the Therapeuts, as stated
by Philo, the many analogies between the Pythagorean and Orphic ideas,
on one side, and those of Ju- daism on the other: while the Jews of
Palestine, having less com- munication with Greece, or contemning its
teachings, rather im- bibed the Oriental doctrines, which they drank
in at the source and with which their relations with Persia made them
familiar. This attachment was particularly shown in the Kabalah, which
belonged rather to Palestine than to Egypt, though extensively known
in the latter; and furnished the Gnostics with some of their most
striking theories.

It is a significant fact, that while Christ spoke often of the
Pharisees and Sadducees, He never once mentioned the Essenes, between
whose doctrines and His there was so great a resem- blance, and, in
many points, so perfect an identity. Indeed, they are not named, nor
even distinctly alluded to, anywhere in the New Testament.

John, the son of a Priest who ministered in the Temple at Jerusalem,
and whose mother was of the family of Aharun, was in the deserts until
the day of his showing unto Israel. He drank neither wine nor strong
drink. Clad in hair-cloth, and with a girdle of leather, and feeding
upon such food as the desert afford- ed, he preached, in the country
about Jordan, the baptism of re- pentance, for the remission of sins;
that is, the necessity of repent- ance proven by reformation. He
taught the people charity and liberality; the publicans, justice,
equity, and fair dealing; the soldiery peace, truth, and contentment;
to do violence to none, accuse none falsely, and be content with their
pay. He incul- cated necessity of a virtuous life, and the folly of
trusting to their descent from Abraham.

He denounced both Pharisees and Sadducees as a generation of vipers
threatened with the anger of God. He baptized those who confessed
their sins. He preached in the desert; and therefore in the country
where the Essenes lived, professing the same doctrines. He was
imprisoned before Christ began to preach. Matthew men- tions him
without preface or explanation; as if, apparently, his history was too
well known to need any. "In those days," he says, "came John the
Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea." His disciples
frequently fasted; for we find them with the Pharisees coming to Jesus
to inquire why His Disciples did not fast as often as they; and He did
not denounce them, as His habit was to denounce the Pharisees; but
answered them kindly and gently.

From his prison, John sent two of his disciples to inquire of Christ:
"Art thou he that is to come, or do we look for another ?" Christ
referred them to his miracles as an answer; and declared to the people
that John was a prophet, and more than a prophet, and that no greater
man had ever been born; but that the hum- blest Christian was his
superior. He declared him to be Elias, who was to come.

John had denounced to Herod his marriage with his brother's wife as
unlawful; and for this he was imprisoned, and finally exe- cuted to
gratify her. His disciples buried him; and Herod and others thought he
had risen from the dead and appeared again in the person of Christ.
The people all regarded John as a prophet; and Christ silenced the
Priests and Elders by asking them whether he was inspired. They feared
to excite the anger of the people by saying that he was not. Christ
declared that he came "in the way of righteousness"; and that the
lower classes believed him, though the Priests and Pharisees did not.

Thus John, who was often consulted by Herod, and to whom that monarch
showed great deference and was often governed by his advice; whose
doctrine prevailed very extensively among the people and the
publicans, taught some creed older than Chris- tianity. That is plain:
and it is equally plain, that the very large body of the Jews that
adopted his doctrines, were neither Phari- sees nor Sadducees, but the
humble, common people. They must, therefore, have been Essenes. It is
plain, too, that Christ applied for baptism as a sacred rite, well
known and long practiced. It was becoming to him, he said, to fulfill
all righteousness.

In the 18th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles we read thus: "And a
certain Jew, named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an elo- quent man, and
mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. This man was instructed in
the way of the Lord, and, being fervent in spirit, he spake and taught
diligently the things of the Lord, know- ing only the baptism of John;
and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue; whom, when Aquilla and
Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him
the way of God more perfectly."

Translating this from the symbolic and figurative language into the
true ordinary sense of the Greek text, it reads thus: "And a certain
Jew, named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, and of
extensive learning, came to Ephesus. He had learned in the mysteries
the true doctrine in regard to God; and, being a zealous enthusiast,
he spoke and taught diligently the truths in regard to the Deity,
having received no other baptism than that of John." He knew nothing
in regard to Christianity; for he had resided in Alexandria, and had
just then come to Ephesus; being, probably, a disciple of Philo, and a

"That, in all times," says St. Augustine, "is the Christian re-
ligion, which to know and follow is the most sure and certain health,
called according to that name, but not according to the thing itself,
of which it is the name; for the thing itself, which is now called the
Christian religion, really was known to the An- cients, nor was
wanting at any time from the beginning of the human race, until the
time when Christ came in the flesh; from whence the true religion,
which had previously existed, began to be called Christian; and this
in our days is the Christian religion, not as having been wanting in
former times, but as having, in later times, received this name." The
disciples were first called "Christians," at Antioch, when Barnabas
and Paul began to preach there.

The Wandering or Itinerant Jews or Exorcists, who assumed to employ
the Sacred Name in exorcising evil spirits, were no doubt Therapeutae
or Essenes.

"And it it came to pass," we read in the 19th chapter of the Acts,
verses 1 to 4, "that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul, having passed
through the upper parts of Asia Minor, came to Ephesus; and finding
certain disciples, he said to them, 'Have ye received the Holy Ghost
since ye became Believers ?' And they said unto him, 'We have not so
much as heard that there is any Holy Ghost.' And he said to them, 'In
what, then, were you baptized ?' And they said 'In John's baptism.'
Then said Paul, 'John in- deed baptized with the baptism of
repentance, saying to the people that they should believe in Him who
was to come after him, that is, in Jesus Christ. When they heard this,
they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus."

This faith, taught by John, and so nearly Christianity, could have
been nothing but the doctrine of the Essenes; and there can be no
doubt that John belonged to that sect. The place where he preached,
his macerations and frugal diet, the doctrines he taught, all prove it
conclusively. There was no other sect to which he could have belonged;
certainly none so numerous as his, except the Essenes.

We find, from the two letters written by Paul to the brethren at
Corinth, that City of Luxury and Corruption, that there were
contentions among them. Rival sects had already, about the 57th year
of our era, reared their banners there, as followers, some of Paul,
some of Apollos, and some of Cephas. Some of them de- nied the
resurrection. Paul urged them to adhere to the doctrines taught by
himself, and had sent Timothy to them to bring them afresh to their

According to Paul, Christ was to come again. He was to put an end to
all other Principalities and Powers, and finally to Death, and then be
Himself once more merged in God; who should then be all in all.

The forms and ceremonies of the Essenes were symbolical. They had,
according to Philo the Jew, four Degrees; the members being divided
into two Orders, the Practici and Therapeutici; the latter being the
contemplative and medical Brethren; and the former the active,
practical, business men. They were Jews by birth; and had a greater
affection for each other than the mem- bers of any other sect. Their
brotherly love was intense. They fulfilled the Christian law, "Love
one another." They despised riches. No one was to be found among them,
having more than another. The possessions of one were intermingled
with those of the others; so that they all had but one patrimony, and
were brethren. Their piety toward God was extraordinary. Before
sunrise they never spake a word about profane matters; but put up
certain prayers which they had received from their forefathers. At
dawn of day, and before it was light, their prayers and hymns ascended
to Heaven. They were eminently faithful and true, and the Ministers of
Peace. They had mysterious ceremonies, and initiations into their
mysteries; and the Candidate promised that he would ever practise
fidelity to all men, and especially to those in authority, "because no
one obtains the government without God's assistance."

Whatever they said, was firmer than an oath; but they avoided
swearing, and esteemed it worse than perjury. They were simple in
their diet and mode of living, bore torture with fortitude, and
despised death. They cultivated the science of medicine and were very
skillful. They deemed it a good omen to dress in white robes. They had
their own courts, and passed righteous judgments. They kept the
Sabbath more rigorously than the Jews.

Their chief towns were Engaddi, near the Dead Sea, and Hebron. Engaddi
was about 30 miles southeast from Jerusalem, and Hebron about 20 miles
south of that city. Josephus and Eusebius speak of them as an ancient
sect; and they were no doubt the first among the Jews to embrace
Christianity: with whose faith and doctrine their own tenets had so
many points of resemblance, and were indeed in a great measure the
same. Pliny regarded them as a very ancient people.

In their devotions they turned toward the rising sun; as the Jews
generally did toward the Temple. But they were no idola- ters; for
they observed the law of Moses with scrupulous fidelity. They held all
things in common, and despised riches, their wants being supplied by
the administration of Curators or Stewards. The Tetractys, composed of
round dots instead of jods, was re- vered among them. This being a
Pythagorean symbol, evidently shows their connection with the school
of Pythagoras; but their peculiar tenets more resemble those of
Confucius and Zoroaster; and probably were adopted while they were
prisoners in Persia; which explains their turning toward the Sun in

Their demeanor was sober and chaste. They submitted to the
superintendence of governors whom they appointed over them- selves.
The whole of their time was spent in labor, meditation, and prayer;
and they were most sedulously attentive to every call of justice and
humanity, and every moral duty. They believed in the unity of God.
They supposed the souls of men to have fallen, by a disastrous fate,
from the regions of purity and light, into the bodies which they
occupy; during their continuance in which they considered them
confined as in a prison. Therefore they did not believe in the
resurrection of the body; but in that of the soul only. They believed
in a future state of rewards and punishments; and they disregarded the
ceremonies or external forms enjoined in the law of Moses to be
observed in the worship og God; holding that the words of that
lawgiver were to be un- derstood in a mysterious and recondite sense,
and not according to their literal meaning. They offered no
sacrifices, except at home; and by meditation they endeavored, as far
as possible, to isolate the soul from the body, and carry it back to

Eusebius broadly admits "that the ancient Therapeutae were Christians;
and that their ancient writings were our Gospels and Epistles."

The ESSENES were of the Eclectic Sect of Philosophers, and held PLATo
in the highest esteem; they believed that true philos- ophy, the
greatest and most salutary gift of God to mortals, was scattered, in
various portions, through all the different Sects; and that it was,
consequently, the duty of every wise man to gather it from the several
quarters where it lay dispersed, and to employ it, thus reunited, in
destroying the dominion of impiety and vice.

The great festivals of the Solstices were observed in a distin-
guished manner by the Essenes; as would naturally be supposed, from
the fact that they reverenced the Sun, not as a god, but as a symbol
of light and fire; the fountain of which, the Orientals supposed God
to be. They lived in continence and abstinence, and had establislments
similar to the monasteries of the early Christians.

The writings of the Essenes were full of mysticism, parables, enigmas,
and allegories. They believed in the esoteric and exote- ric meanings
of the Scriptures; and, as we have already said, they had a warrant
for that in the Scriptures themselves. They found it in the Old
Testament, as the Gnostics found it in the New. The Christian writers,
and even Christ himself, recognized it as a truth, that all Scripture
had an inner and an outer meaning. Thus we find it said as follows, in
one of the Gospels:

"Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God; but
unto men that are without, all these things are done in parables; that
seeing, they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and
not understand .... And the disciples came and said unto him, 'Why
speakest Thou the truth in parables ?'-- He answered and said unto
them, 'Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the
Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given.'"

Paul, in the 4th chapter of his Epistle to the Galatians, speak- ing
of the simplest facts of the Old Testament, asserts that they are an
allegory. In the 3d chapter of the second letter to the Corinthians,
he declares himself a minister of the New Testament, appointed by God;
"Not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter killeth." Origen
and St. Gregory held that the Gospels were not to be taken in their
literal sense; and Athanasius ad- monishes us that "Should we
understand sacred writ according to the letter, we should fall into
the most enormous blasphemies."

Eusebius said, "Those who preside over the Holy Scriptures,
philosophize over them, and expound their literal sense by alle-

The sources of our knowledge of the Kabalistic doctrines, are the
books of Jezirah and Sohar, the former drawn up in the second century,
and the latter a little later; but containing materials much older
than themselves. In their most characteristic ele- ments, they go back
to the time of the exile. In them, as in the teachings of Zoroaster,
everything that exists emanated from a source of infinite LiGHT.
Before everything, existed THE AN- CIENT OF DAYS, the KING OF LIGHT; a
title often given to the Creator in the Zend-Avesta and the code of
the Sabaeans. With the idea so expressed is connected the pantheism of
India. KING OF LIGHT, THE ANCIENT, is ALL THAT IS. He is not only the
real cause of all Existences; he is Infinite (AINSOPH). He is HIMSELF:
there is nothing in Him that We can call Thou.

In the Indian doctrine, not only is the Supreme Being the real cause
of all, but he is the only real Existence: all the rest is illu- sion.
In the Kabalah, as in the Persian and Gnostic doctrines, He is the
Supreme Being unknown to all, the "Unknown Father." The world is his
revelation, and subsists only in Him. His attri- butes are reproduced
there, with different modifications, and in different degrees, so that
the Universe is His Holy Splendor:it is but His Mantle; but it must be
revered in silence. All beings have emanated from the Supreme Being:
The nearer a being is to Him, the more perfect it is; the more remote
in the scale, the less its purity.

A ray of Light, shot from the Deity, is the cause and principle of all
that exists. It is at once Father and Mother of All, in the sublimest
sense. It penetrates everything; and without it nothing can exist an
instant. From this double FORCE, designated by the two parts of the
word I.ù. H.ù. U.ù. H.ù. emanated the FIRST-BORN of God, the Universal
Form, in which are contained all beings; the Persian and Platonic
Archetype of things, united with the Infinite by the primitive ray of

This First-Born is the Creative Agent, Conservator, and ani- mating
Principle of the Universe. It is THE LIGHT OF LIGHT. It possesses the
three Primitive Forces of the Divinity, LIGHT, SPIRIT and LIFE. As it
has received what it gives, Light and Life, it is equally considered
as the gen- erative and conceptive Principle, the Primitive Man, ADAM
KADMON. As such, it has revealed itself in ten emanations or
Sephiroth, which are not ten different beings, nor even beings at all;
but sources of life, vessels of Omnipotence, and types of Cre- ation.
They are Sovereignty or Will, Wisdom, Intelligence, Benignity,
Severity, Beauty, Victory, Glory, Permanency, and Empire. These are
attributes of God; and this idea, that God re- veals Himself by His
attributes, and that the human mind cannot perceive or discern God
Himself, in his works, but only his mode of manifesting Himself, is a
profound Truth. We know of the Invisible only what the Visible

Wisdom was called NOUS and LOGOS, lN- TELLECT or the WORD.
Intelligence, source of the oil of anoint- ing, responds to the Holy
Ghost of the Christian Faith.

Beauty is represented by green and yellow. Victory is YA-
HOVAH-TSABAOTH, the column on the right hand, the column Jachin: Glory
is the column Boaz, on the left hand. And thus our symbols appear
again in the Kabalah. And again the LIGHT, the object of our labors,
appears as the creative power of Deity. The circle, also, was the
special symbol of the first Sephirah, Kether, or the Crown.

We do not further follow the Kabalah in its four Worlds of Spirits,
Aziluth, Briah, Yezirah, and Asiah, or of emanation, crea- tion,
formation, and fabrication, one inferior to and one emerging from the
other, the superior always enveloping the inferior;its doctrine that,
in all that exists, there is nothing purely material; that all comes
from God, and in all He proceeds by irradiation; that everything
subsists by the Divine ray that penetrates crea- tion; and all is
united by the Spirit of God, which is the life of life; so that all is
God; the Existences that inhabit the four worlds, inferior to each
other in proportion to their distance from the Great King of Light:
the contest between the good and evil Angels and Principles, to endure
until the Eternal Himself comes to end it and re-establish the
primitive harmony; the four distinct parts of the Soul of Man; and the
migrations of impure souls, until they are sufficiently purified to
share with the Spirits of Light the contemplation of the Supreme Being
whose Splendor fills the Universe.

The WORD was also found in the Phoenician Creed. As in all those of
Asia, a WORD of God, written in starry characters, by the planetary
Divinities, and communicated by the Demi-Gods, as a profound mystery,
to the higher classes of the human race, to be communicated by them to
mankind, created the world. The faith of the Phoenicians was an
emanation from that ancient worship of the Stars, which in the creed
of Zoroaster alone, is connected with a faith in one God. Light and
Fire are the most important agents in the Phoenician faith. There is a
race of children of the Light. They adored the Heaven with its Lights,
deeming it the Supreme God.

Everything emanates from a Single Principle, and a Primitive Love,
which is the Moving Power of All and governs all. Light, by its union
with Spirit, whereof it is but the vehicle or symbol, is the Life of
everything, and penetrates everything. It should therefore be
respected and honored everywhere; for everywhere it governs and

The Chaldaic and Jerusalem Paraphrasts endeavored to render the
phrase, DEBAR-YAHOVAH, the Word of God, a personalty, wherever they
met with it. The phrase, "And God created man," is, in the Jerusalem
Targum, "And the Word of IHUH created man."

So, in xxviii. Gen. 20,21, where Jacob says: "If God (IHIH ALHIM) will
be with me... then shall IHUH be my ALHIM; UHIH IHUH LI LALHIM; and
this stone shall be God's House (IHIH BITH ALHIM): Onkelos paraphrases
it, "If the word of IHUH will be my help . . . . then the word of IHUH
shall be my God."

So, in iii. Gen. 8, for "The Voice of the Lord God" (IHUH ALHIM), we
have, "The Voice of the Word of IHUH."

In ix. Wisdom, 1, "O God of my Fathers and Lord of Mercy! who has made
all things with thy word."

And in xviii. Wisdom, 15, "Thine Almighty Word leap- ed down from

Philo speaks of the Word as being the same with God. So in several
places he calls it the Second Di- vinity; the Image of God: the Divine
Word that made all things: substitute, of God; and the like.

Thus when John commenced to preach, had been for ages agitated, by the
Priests and Philosophers of the East and West, the great questions
concerning the eternity or creation of matter: immediate or
intermediate creation of the Universe by the Su- preme God; the
origin, object, and final extinction of evil; the relations between
the intellectual and material worlds, and be- tween God and man; and
the creation, fall, redemption, and restoration to his first estate,
of man.

The Jewish doctrine, differing in this from all the other Oriental
creeds, and even from the Alohayistic legend with which the book of
Genesis commences, attributed the creation to the immediate action of
the Supreme Being. The Theosophists of the other Eastern Peoples
interposed more than one intermediary between God and the world. To
place between them but a single Being, to suppose for the production
of the world but a single inter- mediary, was, in their eyes, to lower
the Supreme Majesty. The interval between God, who is perfect Purity,
and matter, which is base and foul, was too great for them to clear it
at a single step. Even in the Occident, neither Plato nor Philo could
thus im- poverish the Intellectual World.

Thus, Cerinthus of Ephesus, with most of the Gnostics, Philo, the
Kabalah, the Zend-Avesta, the Puranas, and all the Orient, deemed the
distance and antipathy between the Supreme Being and the material
world too great, to attribute to the former the creation of the
latter. Below, and emanating from, or created by, the Ancient of Days,
the Central Light, the Beginning, or First Principle, one, two, or
more Principles, Existences, or Intellectual Beings were imagined, to
some one or more of whom (without any immediate creative act on the
part of the Great Immovable, Silent Deity), the immediate creation of
the material and mental universe was due.

We have already spoken of many of the speculations on this point. To
some, the world was created by the LOGOS or WORD, first manifestation
of, or emanation from, the Deity. To others, the beginning of creation
was by the emanation of a ray of Light, creating the principle of
Light and Life. The Primitive THOUGHT, creating the inferior Deities,
a succession of INTELL- GENCES, the Iynges of Zoroaster, his
Amshaspands, Izeds, and Ferouers, the Ideas of Plato, the Aions of the
Gnostics, the Angels of the Jews, the Nous, the Demiourgos, the DIVINE
REA- SON, the Powers or Forces of Philo, and the Alohayim, Forces or
Superior Gods of the ancient legend with which Genesis begins,- to
these and other intermediaries the creation was owing. No re- straints
were laid on the Fancy and the Imagination. The veriest Abstractions
became Existences and Realities. The attributes of God, personified,
became Powers, Spirits, Intelligences.

God was the Light of Light, Divine Fire, the Abstract Intellec-
tuality, the Root or Germ of the Universe. Simon Magus, founder of the
Gnostic faith, and many of the early Judaizing Christians, admitted
that the manifestations of the Supreme Being, as FATHER, or JEhOVAh,
SON or CHRIST, and HOLY SPIRIT, were only so many different modes of
Existence, or Forces of the same God. To others they were, as were the
multitude of Sub- ordinate Intelligences, real and distinct beings.

The Oriental imagination revelled in the creation of these In- ferior
Intelligences, Powers of Good and Evil, and Angels. We have spoken of
those imagined by the Persians and the Kabalists. In the Talmud, every
star, every country, every town, and almost every tongue has a Prince
of Heaven as its Protector. JEHUEL, is the guardian of fire, and
MICHAEL of water. Seven spirits assist each; those of fire being
Seraphiel, Gabriel, Nitriel, Tammael, Tchimschiel, Hadarniel, and
Sarniel. These seven are represented by the square columns of this
Degree, while the columns JACHIN and BOAZ represent the angels of fire
and water. But the col- umns are not representatives of these alone.

To Basilides, God was without name, uncreated, at first contain- ing
and concealing in Himself the Plenitude of His Perfections; and when
these are by Him displayed and nianifested, there result as many
particular Existences, all analogous to Him, and still and always Him.
To the Essenes and the Gnostics, the East and the West both devised
this faith; that the Ideas, Conceptions, or Manifestations of the
Deity were so many Creations, so many Be- ings, all God, nothing
without Him, but more than what we now understand by the word ideas.
They emanated from and were again merged in God. They had a kind of
middle existence be- tween our modern ideas, and the intelligences or
ideas, elevated to the rank of genii, of the Oriental mythology.

These personified attributes of Deity, in the theory of Basilides,
were the First-born, Nous or Mind: from it emanates Logos, or THE WORD
from it : Phronesis, Intellect :from it Sophia, Wisdom :from it
Dunamis, Power: and from it Dikaiosune, Righteousness: to which latter
the Jews gave the name of Eirene, Peace, or Calm, the essential
characteristics of Divinity, and harmonious effect of all His
perfections. The whole number of successive emanations was 365,
expressed by the Gnostics, in Greek letters, by the mystic word
Abraxas; desig- nating God as manifested, or the aggregate of his
manifestations; but not the Supreme and Secret God Himself. These
three hun- dred and sixty-five Intelligences compose altogether the
Fullness or Plenitude of the Divine Emanations.

With the Ophites, a sect of the Gnostics, there were seven infe- rior
spirits (inferior to Ialdabaoth, the Demiourgos or Actual Cre- ator :
Michael, Suriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Thauthabaoth, Erataoth, and
Athaniel, the genii of the stars called the Bull; the Dog, the Lion,
the Bear, the Serpent, the Eagle, and the Ass that formerly figured in
the constellation Cancer, and symbolized respectively by those
animals; as Ialdabaoth, Iao, Adonai, Eloi, Orai, and As- taphai were
the genii of Saturn, the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury.

The WORD appears in all these creeds. It is the Ormuzd of Zoroaster,
the Ainsoph of the Kabalah, the Nous of Platonism and Philonism, and
the Sophia or Demiourgos of the Gnostics.

And all these creeds, while admitting these different manifesta- tions
of the Supreme Being, held that His identity was immutable and
permanent. That was Plato's distinction between the Being always the
same and the perpetual flow of things inces- santly changing, the

The belief in dualism in some shape, was universal. Those who held
that everything emanated from God, aspired to God, and re-entered into
God, believed that, among those emanations were two adverse
Principles, of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil. This prevailed in
Central Asia and in Syria; while in Egypt it assumed the form of Greek
speculation. In the former, a second Intellectual Principle was
admitted, active in its Empire of Dark- ness, audacious against the
Empire of Light. So the Persians and Sabeans understood it. In Egypt,
this second Principle was Mat- ter, as the word was used by the
Platonic School, with its sad at- tributes, Vacuity, Darkness, and
Death. In their theory, matter could be animated only by the low
communication of a principle of divine life. It resists the influences
that would spiritualize it. That resisting Power is Satan, the
rebellious Matter, Matter that does not partake of God.

To many there were two Principles; the Unknown Father, or Supreme and
Eternal God, living in the centre of the Light, happy in the perfect
purity of His being; the other, eternal Mat- ter, that inert,
shapeless, darksome mass, which they considered as the source of all
evils, the mother and dwelling-place of Satan.

To Philo and the Platonists, there was a Soul of the world, cre- ating
visible things, and active in them, as agent of the Supreme
Intelligence; realizing therein the ideas communicated to Him by that
Intelligence, and which sometimes excel His conceptions, but which He
executes without comprehending them.

The Apocalypse or Revelations, by whomever written, belongs to the
Orient and to extreme antiquity. It reproduces what is far older than
itself. It paints, with the strongest colors that the Ori- ental
genius ever employed, the closing scenes of the great strug- gle of
Light, and Truth, and Good, against Darkness, Error, and Evil;
personified in that between the New Religion on one side, and Paganism
and Judaism on the other. It is a particular appli- cation of the
ancient myth of Ormuzd and his Genii against Ahri- man and his Devs;
and it celebrates the final triumph of Truth against the combined
powers of men and demons. The ideas and imagery are borrowed from
every quarter; and allusions are found in it to the doctrines of all
ages. We are continually reminded of the Zend-Avesta, the Jewish
Codes, Philo, and the Gnosis. The Seven Spirits surrounding the Throne
of the Eternal, at the opening of the Grand Drama, and acting so
important a part throughout, everywhere the first instruments of the
Divine Will and Vengence, are the Seven Amshaspands of Parsism; as the
Twenty-four Ancients, offering to the Supreme Being the first
supplications and the first homage, remind us of the Mysterious Chiefs
of Judaism, foreshadow the Eons of Gnosticism, and re- produce the
twenty-four Good Spirits created by Ormuzd and in- closed in an egg.

The Christ of the Apocalypse, First-born of Creation and of the
Resurrection is invested with the characteristics of the Ormuzd and
Sosiosch of the Zend-Avesta, the Ainsoph of the Kabalah and the
Carpistes of the Gnostics. The idea that the true Initiates and
Faithful become Kings and Priests, is at once Persian, Jewish,
Christian, and Gnostic. And the definition of the Supreme Being, that
He is at once Alpha and Omega, the be- ginning and the end--He that
was, and is, and is to come, i.e., Time illimitable, is Zoroaster's
definition of Zerouane-Ak- herene.

The depths of Satan which no man can measure; his triumph for a time
by fraud and violence; his being chained by an angel; his reprobation
and his precipitation into a sea of metal; his names of the Serpent
and the Dragon; the whole conflict of the Good Spirits or celestial
armies against the bad; are so many ideas and designations found alike
in the Zend-Avesta, the Ka- balah, and the Gnosis.

We even find in the Apocalypse that singular Persian idea, which
regards some of the lower animals as so many Devs or ve- hicles of

The guardianship of the earth by a good angel, the renewing of the
earth and heavens, and the final triumph of pure and holy men, are the
same victory of Good over Evil, for which the whole Orient looked.

The gold, and white raiments of the twenty-four Elders are, as in the
Persian faith, the signs of a lofty perfection and divine purity.

Thus the Human mind labored and struggled and tortured itself for
ages, to explain to itself what it felt, without confessing it, to be
inexplicable. A vast crowd of indistinct abstractions, hovering in the
imagination, a train of words embodying no tangible mean- ing, an
inextricable labyrinth of subtleties, was the result.

But one grand idea ever emerged and stood prominent and un- changeable
over the weltering chaos of confusion. God is great, and good, and
wise. Evil and pain and sorrow are temporary, and for wise and
beneficent purposes. They must be consistent with God's goodness,
purity, and infinite perfection; and there must be a mode of
explaining them, if we could but find it out; as, in all ways we will
endeavor to do. Ultimately, Good will pre- vail, and Evil be
overthrown. God, alone can do this, and He will do it, by an Emanation
from Himself, assuming the Human form and redeeming the world.

Behold the object, the end, the result, of the great speculations and
logomachies of antiquity; the ultimate annihilation of evil, and
restoration of Man to his first estate, by a Redeemer, a Ma- sayah, a
Christos, the incarnate Word, Reason, or Power of Deity.

This Redeemer is the Word or Logos, the Ormuzd of Zoroaster, the
Ainsoph of the Kabalah, the Nous of Platonism and Philon- ism; He that
was in the Beginning with God, and was God, and by Whom everything was
made. That He was looked for by all the People of the East is
abundantly shown by the Gospel of John and the Letters of Paul;
wherein scarcely anything seemed neces- sary to be said in proof that
such a Redeemer was to come;but all the energies of the writers are
devoted to showing that Jesus was that Christos whom all the nations
were expecting; the "Word," the Masayah, the Anointed or Consecrated

In this Degree the great contest between good and evil, in antici-
pation of the appearance and advent of the Word or Redeemer is
symbolized; and the mysterious esoteric teachings of the Essenes and
the Cabalists. Of the practices of the former we gain but glimpses in
the ancient writers; but we know that, as their doc- trines were
taught by John the Baptist, they greatly resembled those of greater
purity and more nearly perfect, taught by Jesus; and that not only
Palestine was full of John's disciples, so that the Priests and
Pharisees did not dare to deny John's inspiration; but his doctrine
had extended to Asia Minor, and had made converts in luxurious
Ephesus, as it also had in Alexandria in Egypt; and that they readily
embraced the Christian faith, of which they had before not even heard.

These old controversies have died away, and the old faiths have faded
into oblivion. But Masonry still survives, vigorous and strong, as
when philosophy was taught in the schools of Alexan- dria and under
the Portico; teaching the same old truths as the Essenes taught by the
shores of the Dead Sea, and as John the Baptist preached in the
Desert; truths imperishable as the Deity, and undeniable as Light.
Those truths were gathered by the Essenes from the doctrines of the
Orient and the Occident, from the Zend-Avesta and the Vedas, from
Plato and Pythagoras, from India, Persia, Phoenicia, and Syria, from
Greece and Egypt, and from the Holy Books of the Jews. Hence we are
called Knights of the East and West, because their doctrines came from
both. And these doctrines, the wheat sifted from the chaff, the Truth
seperated from Error, Masonry has garnered up in her heart of hearts,
and through the fires of persecution, and the storms of calamity, has
brought them and delivered them unto us. That God is One, immutable,
unchangeable, infinitely just and good; that Light will finally
overcome Darkness,--Good conquer Evil, and Truth be victor over Error
;--these, rejecting all the wild and useless speculations of the
Zend-Avesta, the Kabalah, the Gnostics, and the Schools, are the
religion and Philosophy of Masonry.

Those speculations and fancies it is useful to study; that know- ing
in what worthless and unfruitful investigations the mind may engage,
you may the more value and appreciate the plain, simple, sublime,
universally-acknowledged truths, which have in all ages been the Light
by which Masons have been guided on their way; the Wisdom and Strength
that like imperishable columns have sustained and will continue to
sustain its glorious and magnificent Temple.

M & D Chapter XVIII

Knight Rose Croix


by Albert Pike


[Prince Rose Croix.]

Each of us makes such applications to his own faith and creed, of the
symbols and ceremonies of this Degree, as seems to him proper. With
these special interpretations we have here nothing to do. Like the
legend of the Master Khurum, in which some see figured the
condemnation and sufferings of Christ; others those of the unfortunate
Grand Master of the Templars; others those of the first Charles, King
of England; and others still the annual descent of the Sun at the
winter Solstice to the regions of darkness, the basis of many an
ancient legend; so the ceremonies of this Degree receive different
explanations; each interpreting them for himself, and being offended
at the interpretation of no other.

In no other way could Masonry possess its character of Univer- sality;
that character which has ever been peculiar to it from its origin; and
which enables two Kings, worshippers of different Deities, to sit
together as Masters, while the walls of the first tem- ple arose; and
the men of Gebal, bowing down to the Phoenician Gods, to work by the
side of the Hebrews to whom those Gods were abomination; and to sit
with them in the same Lodge as brethren.

You have already learned that these ceremonies have one gen- eral
significance, to every one, of every faith, who believes in God, and
the soul's immortality.

The primitive men met in no Temples made with human hands. "God," said
Sthe existence of a single uncreated God, in whose bosom everything
grows, is developed and trans- formed. The worship of this God reposed
upon the obedience of all the beings He created. His feasts were those
of the Solstices. The doctrines of Buddha pervaded India, China, and
Japan. The Priests of Brahma, professing a dark and bloody creed,
brutalized by Superstition, united together against Buddhism, and with
the aid of Despotism, exterminated its followers. But their blood
fertilized the new docfirst falling themselves, and plunged in misery
and darkness, tempted man to his fall, and brought sin into the world.
All be- lieved in a future life, to be attained by purification and
trials; in a state or successive states of reward and punishment; and
in a Mediator or Redeemer, by whom the Evil Principle was to be
overcome, and the Supreme Deity reconciled to His creatures. The
belief was general, that He was to be born of a Virgin, and suffer a
painful death. The Indians called him Chrishna; the Chinese,
Kioun-tse;the Persians, Sosiosch; the Chaldeans, Dhou- vanai; the
Egyptians, Har-Oeri; Plato, Love; and the Scandina- vians, Balder.

Chrishna,the Hindoo Redeemer, was cradled and educated among
Shepherds. A Tyrant, at the time of his birth, ordered all male
children to be slain. He performed miracles, say his legends, even
raising the dead. He washed the feet of the Brah- mins, and was meek
and lowly of spirit. He was born of a Vir- gin; descended to Hell,
rose again, ascended to Heaven, charged his disciples to teach his
doctrines, and gave them the gift of mir- acles.

The first Masonic Legislator whose memory is preserved to us by
history, was Buddha, who, about a thousand years before the Christian
era, reformed the religion of Manous. He called to the Priesthood all
men, without distinction of caste, who felt them- selves inspired by
God to instruct men. Those who so associated themselves formed a
Society of Prophets under the name of Sa- maneans. They recognized the
existence of a single uncreated God, in whose bosom everything grows,
is developed and trans- formed. The worship of this God reposed upon
the obedience of all the beings He created. His feasts were those of
the Solstices. The doctrines of Buddha pervaded India, China, and
Japan. The Priests of Brahma, professing a dark and bloody creed,
brutalized by Superstition, united together against Buddhism, and with
the aid of Despotism, exterminated its followers. But their blood
fertilized the new doctrine, which produced a new Society under the
name of Gymnosophists; and a large number, fleeing to Ireland, planted
their doctrines there, and there erected the round towers, some of
which still stand, solid and unshaken as at first, visible monuments
of the remotest ages.

The Phoenician Cosmogony, like all others in Asia, was the Word of
God, written in astral characters, by the planetary Divin- ities, and
communicated by the Demi-gods, as a profound mystery, to the brighter
intelligences of Humanity, to be propagated by them among men. Their
doctrines resembled the Ancient Sabe- ism, and being the faith of
Hiram the King and his namesake the Artist, are of interest to all
Masons. With them, the First Prin- ciple was half material, half
spiritual, a dark air, animated and impregnated by the spirit; and a
disordered chaos, covered with thick darkness. From this came the
Word, and thence creation and generation; and thence a race of men,
children of light, who adored Heaven and its Stars as the Supreme
Being; and whose different gods were but incarnations of the Sun, the
Moon, the Stars, and the Ether. Chrysor was the great igneous power of
Nature, and Baal and Malakarth representations of the Sun and Moon,
the latter word, in Hebrew, meaning Queen.

Man had fallen, but not by the tempting of the serpent. For, with the
Phoenicians, the serpent was deemed to partake of the Divine Nature,
and was sacred, as he was in Egypt. He was deemed to be immortal,
unless slain by violence, becoming young again in his old age, by
entering into and consuming himself. Hence the Serpent in a circle,
holding his tail in his mouth, was an emblem of eternity. With the
head of a hawk he was of a Divine Nature, and a symbol of the sun.
Hence one Sect of the Gnostics took him for their good genius, and
hence the brazen ser- pent reared by Moses in the Desert, on which the
Israelites looked and lived.

"Before the chaos, that preceded the birth of Heaven and Earth," said
the Chinese Lao-Tseu, "a single Being existed, im- mense and silent,
immutable and always acting;the mother of the Universe. I know not the
name of that Being, but I designate it by the word Reason. Man has his
model in the earth, the earth in Heaven, Heaven in Reason, and Reason
in itself."

"I am," says Isis, "Nature;parent of all things, the sovereign of the
Elements, the primitive progeny of Time, the most exalted of the
Deities, the first of the Heavenly Gods and Goddesses, the Queen of
the Shades, the uniform countenance; who dispose with my rod the
numerous lights of Heaven, the salubrious breezes of the sea, and the
mournful silence of the dead; whose single Divinity the whole world
venerates in many forms, with various rites and by many names. The
Egyptians, skilled in ancient lore, worship me with proper ceremonies,
and call me by my true name, Isis the Queen."

The Hindu Vedas thus define the Deity:

"He who surpasses speech, and through whose power speech is expressed,
know thou that He is Brahma; and not these perish- able things that
man adores.

"He whom Intelligence cannot comprehend, and He alone, say the sages,
through whose Power the nature of Intelligence can be understood, know
thou that He is Brahma; and not these perish- able things that man

"He who cannot be seen by the organ of sight, and through whose power
the organ of seeing sees, know thou that He is Brahma; and not these
perishable things that man adores.

"He who cannot be heard by the organ of hearing, and through whose
power the organ of hearing hears, know thou that He is Brahma; and not
these perishable things that man adores.

"He who cannot be perceived by the organ of smelling, and through
whose power the organ of smelling smells, know thou that He is Brahma;
and not these perishable things that man adores."

"When God resolved to create the human race," said Arius, "He made a
Being that He called The WORD, The Son, Wisdom, to the end that this
Being might give existence to men." This WORD is the Ormuzd of
Zoroaster, the Ainsoph of the Kabalah, the Nous of Plato and Philo,
the Wisdom or Demiourgos of the Gnostics.

That is the True Word, the knowledge of which our ancient brethren
sought as the priceless reward of their labors on the Holy Temple: the
Word of Life, the Divine Reason, "in whom was Life, and that Life the
Light of men";"which long shone in darkness, and the darkness
comprehended it not;" the Infinite Reason that is the Soul of Nature,
immortal, of which the Word of this Degree reminds us; and to believe
wherein and revere it, is the peculiar duty of every Mason.

"In the beginning," says the extract from some older work, with which
John commences his Gospel, "was the Word, and the Word was near to
God, and the Word was God. All things were made by Him, and without
Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was Life, and the life
was the Light of man; and the light shineth in darkness, and the
darkness did not contain it."

It is an old tradition that this passage was from an older work. And
Philostorgius and Nicephorus state, that when the Emperor Julian
undertook to rebuild the Temple, a stone was taken up, that covered
the mouth of a deep square cave, into which one of the laborers, being
let down by a rope, found in the centre of the floor a cubical pillar,
on which lay a roll or book, wrapped in a fine linen cloth, in which,
in capital letters, was the foregoing passage.

However this may have been, it is plain that John's Gospel is a
polemic against the Gnostics; and, stating at the outset the current
doctrine in regard to the creation by the Word, he then addresses
himself to show and urge that this Word was Jesus Christ.

And the first sentence, fully rendered into our language, would read
thus:"When the process of emanation, of creation or evolu- tion of
existences inferior to the Supreme God began, the Word came into
existence and was: and this word was near to God; i.e. the immediate
or first emanation from God:and it was God Himself, developed or
manifested in that particular mode, and in action. And by that Word
everything that is was created."-And thus Tertullian says that God
made the World out of nothing, by means of His Word, Wisdom, or Power.

To Philo the Jew, as to the Gnostics, the Supreme Being was the
Primitive Light, or Archetype of Light,-Source whence the rays emanate
that illuminate Souls. He is the Soul of the World, and as such acts
everywhere. He himself fills and bounds his whole existence, and his
forces fill and penetrate everything. His Image is the WORD [LOGOS], a
form more brilliant than fire, which is not pure light. This WORD
dwells in God; for it is within His Intelligence that the Supreme
Being frames for Himself the Types of Ideas of all that is to assume
reality in the Universe. The WORD is the Vehicle by which God acts on
the Universe; the World of Ideas by means whereof God has created
visible things; the more Ancient God, as compared with the Material
World; Chief and General Representative of all Intelligences; the
Arch- angel and representative of all spirits, even those of Mortals;
the type of Man; the primitive man himself. These ideas are borrowed
from Plato. And this Word is not only the Creator ["by Him was
everything made that was made"], but acts in the place of God and
through him act all the Powers and Attributes of God. And also, as
first representative of the human race, he is the protector of Men and
their Shepherd, the "Ben H'Adam," or Son of Man.

The actual condition of Man is not his primitive condition, that in
which he was the image of the Word. His unruly passions have caused
him to fall from his original lofty estate. But he may rise again, by
following the teachings of Heavenly Wisdom, and the Angels whom God
commissions to aid him in escaping from the entanglements of the body;
and by fighting bravely against Evil, the existence of which God has
allowed solely to furnish him with the means of exercising his free

The Supreme Being of the Egyptians was Amun, a secret and concealed
God, the Unknown Father of the Gnostics, the Source of Divine Life,
and of all force, the Plenitude of all, comprehend- ing all things in
Himself, the original Light. He creates nothing; but everything
emanates from Him: and all other Gods are but his manifestations. From
Him, by the utterance of a Word, ema- nated Neith, the Divine Mother
of all things, the Primitive THOUGHT, the FORCE that puts everything
in movement, the SPIRIT everywhere extended, the Deity of Light and
Mother of the Sun.

Of this Supreme Being, Osiris was the image, Source of all Good in the
moral and physical world, and constant foe of Typhon, the Genius of
Evil, the Satan of Gnosticism, brute mat- ter, deemed to be always at
feud with the spirit that flowed from the Deity; and over whom
Har-Oeri, the Redeemer, Son of Isis and Osiris, is finally to prevail.

In the Zend-Avesta of the Persians the Supreme Being is Time without
limit, ZERUANE AKHERENE.--No origin could be assigned to Him; for He
was enveloped in His own Glory, and His Nature and Attributes were so
inaccessible to human Intelli- gence, that He was but the object of a
silent veneration. The com- mencement of Creation was by emanation
from Him. The first emanation was the Primitive Light, and from this
Light emerged Ormuzd, the King o[ Light, who, by the WORD, created the
World in its purity, is its Preserver and Judge, a Holy and Sacred Be-
ing, Intelligence and Knowledge, Himself Time without limit, and
wielding all the powers of the Supreme Being.

In this Persian faith, as taught many centuries before our era, and
embodied in the Zend-Avesta, there was in man a pure Prin- ciple,
proceeding from the Supreme Being, produced by the Will and Word of
Ormuzd. To that was united an impure principle, proceeding from a
foreign influence, that of Ahriman, the Dragon, or principle of Evil.
Tempted by Ahriman, the first man and woman had fallen; and for twelve
thousand years there was to be war between Ormuzd and the Good Spirits
created by him, and Ahrirnan and the Evil ones whom he had called into

But pure souls are assisted by the Good Spirits, the Triumph of the
Good Principle is determined upon in the decrees of the Su- preme
Being, and the period of that triumph will infallibly arrive. At the
moment when the earth shall be most afflicted with the evils brought
upon it by the Spirits of perdition, three Prophets will appear to
bring assistance to mortals. Sosiosch, Chief of the Three, will
regenerate the world, and restore to it its primitive Beauty,
Strength, and Purity. He will judge the good and the wicked. After the
universal resurrection of the Good, the pure Spirits will conduct them
to an abode of eternal happiness. Ahri- man, his evil Demons, and all
the world, will be purified in a tor- rent of liquid burning metal.
The Law of Ormuzd will rule everywhere: all men will be happy: all,
enjoying an unalterable bliss, will unite with Sosiosch in singing the
praises of the Su- preme Being.

These doctrines, with some modifications, were adopted by the
Kabalists and afterward by the Gnostics.

Apollonius of Tyana says:"We shall render the most appropri- ate
worship to the Deity, when to that God whom we call the First, who is
One, and separate from all, and after whom we recog- nize the others,
we present no offerings whatever, kindle to Him no fire, dedicate to
Him no sensible thing; for he needs nothing, even of all that natures
more exalted than ours could give. The earth produces no plant, the
air nourishes no animal, there is in short nothing, which would not be
impure in his sight. In ad- dressing ourselves to Him, we must use
only the higher word, that, I mean, which is not expressed by the
mouth,--the silent inner word of the spirit ..... From the most
Glorious of all Beings, we must seek for blessings, by that which is
most glorious in our- selves; and that is the spirit, which needs no

Strabo says: "This one Supreme Essence is that which embraces us all,
the water and the land, that which we call the Heavens, the World, the
Nature of things. This Highest Being should be worshipped, without any
visible image, in sacred groves. In such retreats the devout should
lay themselves down to sleep, and expect signs from God in dreams."

Aristolte says:"It has been handed down in a mythical form, from the
earliest times to posterity, that there are Gods, and that The Divine
compasses entire nature. All besides this has been added, after the
mythical style, for the purpose of persuading the multitude, and for
the interest of the laws and the advantage of the State. Thus men have
given to the Gods human forms, and have even represented them under
the figure of other beings, in the train of which fictions followed
many more of the same sort. But if, from all this, we separate the
original principle, and con- sider it alone, namely, that the first
Essences are Gods, we shall find that this has been divinely said; and
since it is probable that philosophy and the arts have been several
times, so far as that is possible, found and lost, such doctrines may
have been preserved to our times as the remains of ancient wisdom."

Porphyry says: "By images addressed to sense, the ancients represented
God and his powers--by the visible they typified the invisible for
those who had learned to read, in these types, as in a book, a
treatise on the Gods. We need not wonder if the igno- rant consider
the images to be nothing more than wood or stone; for just so, they
who are ignorant of writing see nothing in monu- ments but stone,
nothing in tablets but wood, and in books but a tissue of papyrus."

Apollonius of Tyana held, that birth and death are only in ap-
pearance; that which separates itself from the one substance (the one
Divine essence), and is caught up by matter, seems to be born; that,
again, which releases itself from the bonds of matter, and is reunited
with the one Divine Essence, seems to die. There is, at most, an
alteration between becoming visible and becoming in- visible. In all
there is, properly speaking, but the one essence, which alone acts and
suffers, by becoming all things to all;the Eternal God, whom men
wrong, when they deprive Him of what properly can be attributed to Him
only, and transfer it to other names and persons.

The New Platonists substituted the idea of the Absolute, for the
Supreme Essence itself;--as the first, simplest principle, ante- rior
to all existence; of which nothing determinate can be predi- cated; to
which no consciousness, no self-contemplation can be ascribed;
inasmuch as to do so, would immediately imply a qual- ity, a
distinction of subject and object. This Supreme Entity can be known
only by an intellectual intuition of the Spirit, trans- scending
itself, and emancipating itself from its own limits.

This mere logical tendency, by means of which men thought to arrive at
the conception of such an absolute, the ov, was united with a certain
mysticism, which, by a transcendent state of feel- ing, communicated,
as it were, to this abstraction what the mind would receive as a
reality. The absorption of the Spirit into that superexistence, so as
to be entirely identified with it, or such a revelation of the latter
to the spirit raised above itself, was regarded as the highest end
which the spiritual life could reach.

The New Platonists' idea of God, was that of One Simple Origi- nal
Essence, exalted akes a distinction between those who are in the
proper sense Sons of God, having by means of contemplation raised
themselves to the highest Being, or attained to a knowledge of Him, in
His immediate self-manifestation, and those who know God only in his
mediate revelation through his operation--such as He declares Himself
in creation--in the revelation still veiled in the letter of
Scripture--those, in short, who attach themselves simply to the Logos,
and consider this to be the Supreme God; who aren; and after it has
rid itself from all that pertains to sense-from all manifoldness. They
are the mediators between man (amazed and stupefied by manifold- ness)
and the Supreme Unity.

Philo says:"He who disbelieves the miraculous, simply as the
miraculous, neither knows God, nor has he ever sought after Him; for
otherwise he would have understood, by looking at that truly great and
awe-inspiring sight, the miracle of the Universe, that these miracles
(in God's providential guidance of His people) are but child's play
for the Divine Power. But the truly miraculous has become despised
through familiarity. The universal, on the contrary, although in
itself insignificant, yet, through our love of novelty, transports us
with amazement."

In opposition to the anthropopathism of the Jewish Scriptures, the
Alexandrian Jews endeavored to purify the idea of God from all
admixture of the Human. By the exclusion of every human passion, it
was sublimated to a something devoid of all attributes, and wholly
transcendental; and the mere Being, the Good, in and by itself, the
Absolute of Platonism, was substituted for the personal Deity of the
Old Testament. By soaring up- ward, beyond all created existence, the
mind, disengaging itself from the Sensible, attains to the
intellectual intuition of this Ab- solute Being; of whom, however, it
can predicate nothing but existence, and sets aside all other
determinations as not answering to the exalted nature of the Supreme

Thus Philo makes a distinction between those who are in the proper
sense Sons of God, having by means of contemplation raised themselves
to the highest Being, or attained to a knowledge of Him, in His
immediate self-manifestation, and those who know God only in his
mediate revelation through his operation--such as He declares Himself
in creation--in the revelation still veiled in the letter of
Scripture--those, in short, who attach themselves simply to the Logos,
and consider this to be the Supreme God; who are the sons of the
Logos, rather than of the True Being.

"God," says Pythagoras, "is neither the object of sense, nor subject
to passion, but invisible, only intelligible, and supremely
intelligent. In His body He is like the light, and in His soul He re-
sembles truth. He is the universal spirit that pervades and dif-
fuseth itself over all nature. All beings receive their life from Him.
There is but one only God, who is not, as some are apt to imagine,
seated above the world, beyond the orb of the Universe; but being
Himself all in all, He sees all the beings that fill His immensity;
the only Principle, the Light of Heaven, the Father of all. He
produces everything; He orders and disposes every- thing; He is the
REASON, the LIFE, and the MOTION of all being."

"I am the LIGHT of the world;he that followeth Me shall not walk in
DARKNESS, but shall have the LIGHT of LIFE." So said the Founder of
the Christian Religion, as His words are reported by John the Apostle.

God, say the sacred writings of the Jews, appeared to Moses in a FLAME
OF FIRE, in the midst of a bush, which was not consumed. He descended
upon Mount Sinai, as the smoke of a furnace; He went before the
children of Israel, by day, in a pillar of cloud, and, by night, in a
pillar of fire, to give them light. "Call you on the name of your
Gods," said Elijah the Prophet to the Priests of Baal, "and I will
call upon the name of ADONAI; and the God that answereth by fire, let
him be God."

According to the Kabalah, as according to the doctrines of Zoroaster,
everything that exists has emanated from a source of infinite light.
Before all things, existed the Primitive Being, THE ANCIENT OF DAYS,
the Ancient King of Light; a title the more remarkable, because it is
frequently given to the Creator in the Zend-Avesta, and in the Code of
the Sabeans, and occurs in the Jewish Scriptures.

The world was His Revelation, God revealed; and subsisted only in Him.
His attributes were there reproduced with various modifications and in
different degrees; so that the Universe was His Holy Splendor, His
Mantle. He was to be adored in silence; and perfection consisted in a
nearer approach to Him.

Before the creation of worlds, the PRIMITIVE LIGHT filled all space,
so that there was no void. When the Supreme Being, ex- isting in this
Light, resolved to display His perfections, or mani- fest them in
worlds, He withdrew within Himself, formed around Him a void space,
and shot forth His first emanation, a ray of light; the cause and
principle of everything that exists, uniting both the generative and
conceptive power, which penetrates every- thing, and without which
nothing could subsist for an instant.

Man fell, seduced by the Evil Spirits most remote from the Great King
of Light; those of the fourth world of spirits, Asiah, whose chief was
Belial. They wage incessant war against the pure Intelligences of the
other worlds, who, like the Amshaspands, Izeds, and Ferouers of the
Persians are the tutelary guardians of man. In the beginning, all was
unison and harmony; full of the same divine light and perfect purity.
The Seven Kings of Evil fell, and the Universe was troubled. Then the
Creator took from the Seven Kings the principles of Good and of Light,
and divided them among the four worlds of Spirits, giving to the first
three the Pure Intelligences, united in love and harmony, while to the
fourth were vouchsafed only some feeble glimmerings of light.

When the strife between these and the good angels shall have continued
the appointed time, and these Spirits enveloped in dark- ness shall
long and in vain have endeavored to absorb the Divine light and life,
then will the Eternal Himself come to correct them. He will deliver
them from the gross envelopes of matter that hold them captive, will
re-animate and strengthen the ray of light or spiritual nature which
they have preserved, and re-establish throughout the Universe that
primitive Harmony which was its bliss.

Marcion, the Gnostic, said, "The Soul of the True Christian, adopted
as a child by the Supreme Being, to whom it has long been a stranger,
receives from Him the Spirit and Divine life. It is led and confirmed,
by this gift, in a pure and holy life, like that of God; and if it so
completes its earthly career, in charity, chastity, and sanctity, it
will one day be disengaged from its ma- terial envelope, as the ripe
grain is detached from the straw, and as the young bird escapes from
its shell. Like the angels, it will share in the bliss of the Good and
Perfect Father, re-clothed in an aerial body or organ, and made like
unto the Angels in Heaven."

You see, my brother, what is the meaning of Masonic "Light." You see
why the EAST of the Lodge, where the initial letter of the Name of the
Deity overhangs the Master, is the place of Light. Light, as
contradistinguished from darkness, is Good, as contradis- tinguished
from Evil: and it is that Light, the true knowledge of Deity, the
Eternal Good, for which Masons in all ages have sought. Still Masonry
marches steadily onward toward that Light that shines in the great
distance, the Light of that day when Evil, overcome and vanquished,
shall fade away and disappear forever, and Life and Light be the one
law of the Universe, and its eternal Harmony.

The Degree of Rose Croix teaches three things;--the unity, im-
mutability and goodness of God; the immortality of the Soul; and the
ultimate defeat and extinction of evil and wrong and sor- row, by a
Redeemer or Messiah, yet to come, if he has not already appeared.

It replaces the three pillars of the old Temple, with three that have
already been explained to you,--Faith [in God, mankind, and man's
self], Hope [in the victory over evil, the advancement of Humanity,
and a hereafter], and Charity [relieving the wants, and tolerant of
the errors and faults of others]. To be trustful, to be hopeful, to be
indulgent; these, in an age of selfishness, of ill opinion of human
nature, of harsh and bitter judgment, are the most important Masonic
Virtues, and the true supports of every Masonic Temple. And they are
the old pillars of the Temple under different names. For he only is
wise who judges others charitably; he only is strong who is hopeful;
and there is no beauty like a firm faith in God, our fellows and

The second apartment, clothed in mourning, the columns of the Temple
shattered and prostrate, and the brethren bowed down in the deepest
dejection, represents the world under the tyranny of the Principle of
Evil; where virtue is persecuted and vice reward- ed; where the
righteous starve for bread, and the wicked live sumptuously and dress
in purple and fine linen; where insolent ignorance rules, and learning
and genius serve; where King and Priest trample on liberty and the
rights of conscience; where free- dom hides in caves and mountains,
and sycophancy and servility fawn and thrive; where the cry of the
widow and the orphan starving for want of food, and shivering with
cold, rises ever to Heaven, from a million miserable hovels; where
men, willing to labor, and starving, they and their children and the
wives of their bosoms, beg plaintively for work, when the pampered
capitalist stops his mills; where the law punishes her who, starving,
steals a loaf, and lets the seducer go free; where the success of a
party justifies murder, and violence and rapine go unpunished; and
where he who with many years' cheating and grinding the faces of the
poor grows rich, receives office and honor in life, and after death
brave funeral and a splendid mausoleum:--this world, where, since its
making, war has never ceased, nor man paused in the sad task of
torturing and murdering his brother; and of which ambition, avarice,
envy, hatred, lust, and the rest of Ahriman's and Typhon's army make a
Pandemonium: this world, sunk in sin, reeking with baseness, clamorous
with sorrow and misery. If any see in it also a type of the sorrow of
the Craft for the death of Hiram, the grief of the Jews at the fall of
Jerusalem, the misery of the Templars at the ruin of their order and
the death of De Molay, or the world's agony and pangs of woe at the
death of the Redeemer, it is the right of each to do so.

The third apartment represents the consequences of sin and vice, and
the hell made of the human heart, by its fiery passions. If any see in
it also a type of the Hades of the Greeks, the Gehenna of the Hebrews,
the Tartarus of the Romans, or the Hell of the Christians, or only of
the agonies of remorse and the tor- tures of an upbraiding conscience,
it is the right of each to do so.

The fourth apartment represents the Universe, freed from the insolent
dominion and tyranny of the Principle of Evil, and bril- liant with
the true Light that flows from the Supreme Deity; when sin and wrong,
and pain and sorrow, remorse and misery shall be no more forever; when
the great plans of Infinite Eternal Wisdom shall be fully developed;
and all God's creatures, seeing that all apparent evil and individual
suffering and wrong were but the drops that went to swell the great
river of infinite good- ness, shall know that vast as is the power of
Deity, His goodness and beneficence are infinite as His power. If any
see in it a type of the peculiar mysteries of any faith or creed, or
an allusion to any past occurrences, it is their right to do so. Let
each apply its symbols as he pleases. To all of us they typify the
universal rule of Masonry,-- of its three chief virtues, Faith, Hope
and Charity; of brotherly love and universal benevolence. We labor
here to no other end. These symbols need no other interpretation.

The obligations of our Ancient Brethren of the Rose Croix were to
fulfill all the duties of friendship, cheerfulness, charity, peace,
lib- erality, temperance and chastity: and scrupulously to avoid im-
purity, haughtiness, hatred, anger, and every other kind of vice. They
took their philosophy from the old Theology of the Egyp- tians, as
Moses and Solomon had done, and borrowed its hiero- glyphics and the
ciphers of the Hebrews. Their principal rules were to exercise the
profession of medicine charitably and with- out fee, to advance the
cause of virtue, enlarge the sciences, and induce men to live as in
the primitive times of the world.

When this Degree had its origin, it is not important to inquire; nor
with what different rites it has been practised in different countries
and at various times. It is of very high antiquity. Its ceremonies
differ with the degrees of latitude and longitude, and it receives
variant interpretations. If we were to examine all the different
ceremonials, their emblems, and their formulas, we should see that all
that belongs to the primitive and essential elements of the order, is
respected in every sanctuary. All alike practise virtue, that it may
produce fruit. All labor, like us, for the ex- tirpation of vice, the
purification of man, the development of the arts and sciences, and the
relief of humanity.

None admit an adept to their lofty philosophical knowledge, and
mysterious sciences, until he has been purified at the altar of the
symbolic Degrees. Of what importance are differences of opinion as to
the age and genealogy of the Degree, or variance in the prac- tice,
ceremonial and liturgy, or the shade of color of the banner under
which each tribe of Israel marched, if all revere 'the Holy Arch of
the symbolic Degrees, first and unalterable source of Free- Masonry;
if all revere our conservative principles, and are with us in the
great purposes of our organization ?

If, anywhere, brethren of a particular religious belief have been
excluded from this Degree, it merely shows how gravely the pur- poses
and plan of Masonry may be misunderstood. For whenever the door of any
Degree is closed against him who believes in one God and the soul's
immortality, on account of the other tenets of his faith, that Degree
is Masonry no longer. No Mason has the right to interpret the symbols
of this Degree for another, or to re- fuse him its mysteries, if he
will not take them with the explana- tion and commentary superadded.

Listen, my brother, to our explanation of the symbols of the Degree,
and then give them such further interpretation as you think fit.

The Cross has been a sacred symbol from the earliest Antiquity. It is
found upon all the enduring monuments of the world, in Egypt, in
Assyria, in Hindostan, in Persia, and on the Buddhist towers of
Ireland. Buddha was said to have died upon it. The Druids cut an oak
into its shape and held it sacred, and built their temples in that
form. Pointing to the four quarters of the world, it was the symbol of
universal nature. It was on a cruciform tree, that Chrishna was said
to have expired, pierced with arrows. It was revered in Mexico.

But its peculiar meaning in this Degree, is that given to it by the
Ancient Egyptians. Tltoth or Phika is represented on the old- est
monuments carrying in his hand the Crux Ansata, or Ankh, [a Tau cross,
with a ring or circle over it]. He is so seen on the double tablet of
Shufu and Nob Shufu, builders of the greatest of the Pyramids, at Wady
Meghara, in the peninsula of Sinai. It was the hieroglyphic for life,
and with a triangle prefixed meant life- giving. To us therefore it is
the symbol of Life--of that life that emanated from the Deity, and of
that Eternal Life for which we all hope; through our faith in God's
infinite goodness.

The ROSE was anciently sacred to Aurora and the Sun. It is a symbol of
Dawn, of the resurrection of Light and the renewal of life, and
therefore of the dawn of the first day, and more par- ticularly of the
resurrection: and the Cross and Rose together are therefore
hieroglyphically to be read, the Dawn of Eternal Life which all
Nations have hoped for by the advent of a Re- deemer.

The Pelican feeding her young is an emblem of the large and bountiful
beneficence of Nature, of the Redeemer of fallen man, and of that
humanity and charity that ought to distinguish a Knight of this

The Eagle was the living Symbol of the Egyptian God Mendes or Menthra,
whom Sesostris-Ramses made one with Amun-Re, the God of Thebes and
Upper Egypt, and the representative of the Sun, the word RE meaning
Sun or King.

The Compass surmounted with a crown signifies that notwith- standing
the high rank attained in Masonry by a Knight of the Rose Croix,
equity and impartiality are invariably to govern his conduct.

To the word INRI, inscribed on the Crux Ansata over the Master's Seat,
many meanings have been assigned. The Christian Initiate reverentially
sees in it the initials of the inscription upon the cross on which
Christ suffered---Iesus Nazarenus Rex ludce- orum. The sages of
Antiquity connected it with one of the great- est secrets of Nature,
that of universal regeneration. They inter- preted it thus, Igne
Natura renovatur integra; [entire nature is renovated by fire]: The
Alchemical or Hermetic Masons framed for it this aphorism, Igne nitrum
roris invenitur. And the Jes- uits are charged with having applied to
it this odious axiom, Justum necare reges impios. The four letters are
the initials of the Hebrew words that represent the four
elements--lammim, the seas or water; Nour, fire; Rouach, the air, and
Iebeschah, the dry earth. How we read it, I need not repeat to you.

The CROSS, X, was the Sign of the Creative Wisdom or Logos, the Son of
God. Plato says, "He expressed him upon the Uni- verse in the figure
of the letter X. The next Power to the Su- preme God was decussated or
figured in the shape of a Cross on the Universe." Mithras signed his
soldiers on the forehead with a Cross. X is the mark of 600, the
mysterious cycle of the Incar- nations.

We constantly see the Tau and the Resh united thus P . These


two letters, in the old Samaritan, as found in Arius, stand, the first
for 400, the second for 200=600. This is the Staff of Osiris, also,
and his monogram, and was adopted by the Christians as a Sign. On a
medal P of Constanius is this inscription, "In hoc


signo victor eris." An inscription in the Duomo at Milan reads, "X. et
P. Christi. Nomina. Sancta. Tenei."

The Egyptians used as a Sign of their God Canobus, a T or a -l-
indifferently. The Vaishnavas of India have also the same Sacred Tau,
which they also mark with crosses, and with triangles. The vestments
of the ptiests of Horus were covered with these crosses. So was the
dress of the Lama of Thibet. The Sectarian marks of the Jains are
similar. The distinctive badge of the Sect of Xac Jaonicus is the
swastica. It is the Sign of Fo, identical with the Cross of Christ.

On the ruins of Mandore, in India, among other mystic emblems, are the
mystic triangle, and the interlaced triangle. This is also found on
ancient coins and medals, excavated from the ruins of Oojein and other
ancient cities of India.

You entered here amid gloom and into shadow, and are clad in the
apparel of sorrow. Lament, with us, the sad condition of the Human
race, in this vale of tears! the calamities of men and the agonies of
nations! the darkness of the bewildered soul, oppressed by doubt and

There is no human soul that is not sad at times. There is no
thoughtful soul that does not at times despair. There is perhaps none,
of all that think at all of anything beyond the needs and in- terests
of the body, that is not at times startled and terrified by the awful
questions which, feeling as though it were a guilty thing for doing
so, it whispers to itself in its inmost depths. Some Demon seems to
torture it with doubts, and to crush it with despair, ask- ing
whether, after all, it is certain that its convictions are true, and
its faith well rounded: whether it is indeed sure that a God of
Infinite Love and Beneficence rules the Universe, or only some great
remorseless Fate and iron Necessity, hid in impenetrable gloom, and to
which men and their sufferings and sorrows. their hopes and joys,
their ambitions and deeds, are of no more interest or importance than
the motes that dance in the sunshine; or a Being that amuses Himself
with the incredible vanity and folly, the writings and contortions of
the insignificant insects that compose Humanity, and idly imagine that
they resemble the Om- nipotent. "What are we," the Tempter asks, "but
puppets in a show-box ? O Omnipotent destiny, pull our strings gently
! Dance us mercifully off our miserable little stage !"

"Is it not," the Demon whispers, "merely the inordinate vanity of man
that causes him now to pretend to himself that he is like unto God in
intellect, sympathies and passions, as it was that which, at the
beginning, made him believe that he was, in his bodily shape and
organs, the very image of the Deity ? Is not his God merely his own
shadow, projected in gigantic outlines upon the clouds? Does he not
create for himself a God out of himself, by merely adding indefinite
extension to his own faculties, powers, and passions?"

"Who," the Voice that will not be always silent whispers, "has ever
thoroughly satisfied himself with his own arguments in re- spect to
his own nature ? Who ever demonstrated to himself, with a
conclusiveness that elevated the belief to certainty, that he was an
immortal spirit, dwelling only temporarily in the house and envelope
of the body, and to live on forever after that shall have decayed? Who
ever has demonstrated or ever can demonstrate that the intellect of
Man differs from that of the wiser animals, otherwise than in degree ?
Who has ever done more than to utter nonsense and incoherencies in
regard to the difference between the instincts of the dog and the
reason of Man ? The horse, the dog, the elephant, are as conscious of
their identity as we are. They think, dream, remember, argue with
themselves, devise, plan, and reason. What is the intellect and
intelligence of the man but the intellect of the animal in a higher
degree or larger quan- tity ?" In the real explanation of a single
thought of a dog, all metaphysics will be condensed.

And with still more terrible significance, the Voice asks, in what
respect the masses of men, the vast swarms of the human race, have
proven themselves either wiser or better than the animals in whose
eyes a higher intelligence shines than in their dull, unintel-
lectural orbs; in what respect they have proven themselves worthy of
or suited for an immortal life. Would that be a prize of any value to
the vast majority? Do they show, here upon earth, any capacity to
improve, any fitness for a state of existence in which they could not
crouch to power, like hounds dreading the lash, or tyrannize over
defenceless weakness;in which they could not hate, and persecute, and
torture, and exterminate; in which they could not trade, and
speculate, and over-reach, and entrap the-unwary and cheat the
confiding and gamble and thrive, and sniff with self- righteousness at
the short-comings of others, and thank God that they were not like
other men? What, to immense numbers of men, would be the value of a
Heaven where they could not lie and libel, and ply base avocations for
profitable returns ?

Sadly we look around us, and read the gloomy and dreary rec- ords of
the old dead and rotten ages. More than eighteen centuries have
staggered away into the spectral realm of the Past, since Christ,
teaching the Religion of Love, was crucified, that it might become a
Religion of Hate; and His Doctrines are not yet even nominally
accepted as true by a fourth of mankind. Since His death, what
incalculable swarms of human beings have lived and died in total
unbelief of all that we deem essential to Salvation! What
multitudinous myriads of souls, since the darkness of idola- trous
superstition settled down, thick and impenetrable, upon the earth,
have flocked up toward the eternal Throne of God, to receive His
judgment ?

The Religion of Love proved to be, for seventeen long cen- turies, as
much the Religion of Hate, and infinitely more the Re- ligion of
Persecution, than Mahometanism, its unconquerable rival. Heresies grew
up before the Apostles died; and God hated the Nicolaitans, while
John, at Patmos, proclaimed His coming wrath. Sects wrangled, and
each, as it gained the power, persecuted the other, until the soil of
the whole Christian world was watered with the blood, and fattened on
the flesh, and whitened with the bones, of martyrs, and human
ingenuity was taxed to its utmost to invent new modes by which
tortures and agonies could be pro- longed and made more exquisite.

"By what right," whispers the Voice, "does this savage, merci- less,
persecuting animal, to which the sufferings and writhings of others of
its wretched kind furnish the most pleasurable sensa- tions, and the
mass of which care only to eat, sleep, be clothed, and wallow in
sensual pleasures, and the best of which wrangle, hate, envy, and,
with few exceptions, regard their own interests alone,- with what
right does it endeavor to delude itself into the convic- tion that it
is not an animal, as the wolf, the hyena, and the tiger are but a
somewhat nobler, a spirit destined to be immortal, a spark of the
essential Light, Fire and Reason, which are God? What other
immortality than one of selfishness could this creature enjoy? Of what
other is it capable? Must not immortality com- mence here and is not
life a part of it? How shall death change the base nature of the base
soul ? Why have not those other ani- mals that only faintly imitate
the wanton, savage, human cruelty and thirst for blood, the same right
as man has, to expect a resur- rection and an Eternity of existence,
or a Heaven of Love?

The world improves. Man ceases to persecute,--when the per- secuted
become too numerous and strong, longer to submit to it. That source of
pleasure closed, men exercise the ingenuities of their cruelty on the
animals and other living things below them. To deprive other creatures
of the life which God gave them, and this not only that we may eat
their flesh for food, but out of mere savage wantonness, is the
agreeable employment and amusement of man, who prides himself on being
the Lord of Creation, and a little lower than the Angels. If he can no
longer use the rack, the gibbet, the pincers, and the stake, he can
hate, and slander, and delight in the thought that he will, hereafter,
luxuriously enjoying the sensual beatitudes of Heaven, see with
pleasure the writhing agonies of those justly damned for daring to
hold opin- ions contrary to his own, upon subjects totally beyond the
compre- hension both of them and him.

Where the armies of the despots cease to slay and ravage, the armies
of "Freedom" take their place, and, the black and white commingled,
slaughter and burn and ravish. Each age re-enacts the crimes as well
as the follies of its predecessors, and still war licenses outrage and
turns fruitful lands into deserts, and God is thanked in the Churches
for bloody hutcheries, and the remorse- less devastators, even when
swollen by plunder, are crowned with laurels and receive ovations.

Of the whole of mankind, not one in ten thousand has any aspi- rations
beyond the daily needs of the gross animal life. In this age and in
all others, all men except a few, in most countries, are born to be
mere beasts of burden, co-laborers with the horse and the ox.
Profoundly ignorant, even in "civilized" lands, they think and reason
like the animals by the side of which they toil. For them, God, Soul,
Spirit, Immortality, are mere words, without any real meaning. The God
of nineteen-twentieths of the Christian world is only Bel, Moloch,
Zeus, or at best Osiris, Mithras, or Adonai, under another name,
worshipped with the old Pagan cere- monies and ritualistic formulas.
It is the Statue of Olympian Jove, worshipped as the Father, in the
Christian Church that was a Pagan Temple;it is the Statue of Venus,
become the Virgin Mary. For the most part, men do not in their hearts
believe that God is either just or merciful. They fear and shrink from
His lightnings and dread His wrath. For the most part, they only think
they believe that there is another life, a judgment, and a punishment
for sin. Yet they will none the less persecute as Infidels and Athe-
ists those who do not believe what they themselves imagine they
believe, and which yet they do not believe, because it is incompre-
hensible to them in their ignorance and want of intellect. To the vast
majority of mankind, God is but the reflected image, in infi- nite
space, of the earthly Tyrant on his Throne, only more power- ful, more
inscrutable, and more implacable. To curse Humanity, the Despot need
only be, what the popular mind has, in every age, imagined God.

In the great cities, the lower strata of the populace are equally
without faith and without hope. The others have, for the most part, a
mere blind faith, imposed by education and circumstances, and not as
productive of moral excellence or even common honesty as
Mohammedanism. "Your property will be safe here," said the Moslem;
"There are no Christians here." The philosophical and scientific world
becomes daily more and more unbelieving. Faith and Reason are not
opposites, in equilibrium; but antago- nistic and hostile to each
other; the result being the darkness and despair of scepticism,
avowed, or half-veiled as rationalism.

Over more than three-fourths of the habitable globe, humanity still
kneels, like the camels, to take upon itself the burthens to be tamely
borne for its tyrants. If a Republic occasionally rises like a Star,
it hastens with all speed to set in blood. The kings need not make war
upon it, to crush it out of their way. It is only neces- sary to let
it alone, and it soon lays violent hands upon itself. And when a
people long enslaved shake off its fetters, it may well be
incredulously asked,

Shall the braggart shout
For some blind glimpse of Freedom, link itself,
Through madness, hated by the wise, to law,
System and Empire?

Everywhere in the world labor is, in some shape, the slave of capital;
generally, a slave to be fed only so long as he can work; or, rather,
only so long as his work is profitable to the owner of the human
chattel. There are famines in Ireland, strikes and starvation in
England, pauperism and tenement-dens in New York, misery, squalor,
ignorance, destitution, the brutality of vice and the insensibility to
shame, of despairing beggary, in all the human cesspools and sewers
everywhere. Here, a sewing-woman famishes and freezes; there, mothers
murder their children, that those spared may live upon the bread
purchased with the burial allowances of the dead starveling; and at
the next door young girls prostitute themselves for food.

Moreover, the Voice says, this besotted race is not satisfied with
seeing its multitudes swept away by the great epidemics whose causes
are unknown, and of the justice or wisdom of which the human mind
cannot conceive. It must also be ever at war. There has not been a
moment since men divided into Tribes, when all the world was at peace.
Always men have been engaged in mur- dering each other somewhere.
Always the armies have lived by the toil of the husbandman, and war
has exhausted the resources, wasted the energies, and ended the
prosperity of Nations. Now it loads unborn posterity with crushing
debt, mortgages all estates, and brings upon States the shame and
infamy of dishonest re- pudiation.

At times, the baleful fires of war light up half a Continent at once;
as when all the Thrones unite to compel a people to receive again a
hated and detestable dynasty, or States deny States the right to
dissolve an irksome union and create for themselves a seperate
government. Then again the flames flicker and die away, and the fire
smoulders in its ashes, to break out again, after a time, with renewed
and a more concentrated fury. At times, the storm, revolving, howls
over small areas only; at times its lights are seen, like the old
beacon-fires on the hills, belting the whole globe. No sea, but hears
the roar of cannon; no river, but runs red with blood; no plain, but
shakes, trampled by the hoofs of charging squadrons; no field, but is
fertilized by the blood of the dead; and everywhere man slays, the
vulture gorges, and the wolf howls in the ear of the dying soldier. No
city is not tortured by shot and shell; and no people fail to enact
the horrid blas- phemy of thanking a God of Love for victories and
carnage. Te Deums are still sung for the Eve of St. Bartholomew and
the Sicilian Vespers. Man's ingenuity is racked, and all his inventive
powers are tasked, to fabricate the infernal enginery of destruc-
tion, by which human bodies may be the more expeditiously and
effectually crushed, shattered, torn, and mangled; and yet hypo-
critical Humanity, drunk with blood and drenched with gore, shrieks to
Heaven at a single murder, perpetrated to gratify a re- venge not more
unchristian, or to satisfy a cupidity not more ignoble, than those
which are the promptings of the Devil in the souls of Nations.

When we have fondly dreamed of Utopia and the Millennium, when we have
begun almost to believe that man is not, after all, a tiger half
tamed, and that the smell of blood will not wake the sav- age within
him, we are of a sudden startled from the delusive dream, to find the
thin mask of civilization rent in twain and thrown contemptuously
away. We lie down to sleep, like the peas- ant on the lava-slopes of
Vesuvius. The mountain has been so long inert, that we believe its
fires extinguished. Round us hang the clustering grapes, and the green
leaves of the olive tremble in the soft night-air over us. Above us
shine the peaceful, patient stars. The crash of a new eruption wakes
us, the roar of the sub- terranean thunders, the stabs of the volcanic
lightning into the shrouded bosom of the sky; and we see, aghast, the
tortured Titan hurling up its fires among the pale stars, its great
tree of smoke and cloud, the red torrents pouring down its sides. The
roar and the shriekings of Civil War are all around us: the land is a
pande- monium: man is again a Savage. The great armies roll along
their hideous waves, and leave behind them smoking and depopulated
deserts. The pillager is in every house, plucking even the morsel of
bread from the lips of the starving child. Gray hairs are dabbled in
blood, and innocent girlhood shrieks in vain to Lust for mercy. Laws,
Courts, Constitutions, Christianity, Mercy, Pity, disappear. God seems
to have abdicated, and Moloch to reign in His stead; while Press and
Pulpit alike exult at universal murder, and urge the extermination of
the Conquered, by the sword and the flaming torch; and to plunder and
murder entitles the human beasts of prey to the thanks of Christian

Commercial greed deadens the nerves of sympathy of Nations, and makes
them deaf to the demands of honor, the impulses of generosity, the
appeals of those who suffer under injustice. Else- where, the
universal pursuit of wealth dethrones God and pays divine honors to
Mammon and Baalzebub. Selfishness rules su- preme: to win wealth
becomes the whole business of life. The villanies of legalized gaming
and speculation become epidemic; treacery is but evidence of
shrewdness; office becomes the prey of successful faction; the
Country, like Actaeon, is torn by its own hounds, and the villains it
has carefully educated to their trade, most greedily plunder it, when
it is in extremis.

By what right, the Voice demands, does a creature always engaged in
the work of mutual robbery and slaughter, and who makes his own
interest his God, claim to be of a nature superior to the savage
beasts of which he is the prototype?

Then the shadows of a horrible doubt fall upon the soul that would
fain love, trust and believe; a darkness, of which this that
surrounded you was a symbol. It doubts the truth of Revelation, its
own spirituality, the very existence of a beneficent God. It asks
itself if it is not idle to hope for any great progress of Humanity
toward perfection, and whether, when it advances in one respect, it
does not retrogress in some other, by way of com- pensation: whether
advance in civilization is not increase of self- ishness: whether
freedom does not necessarily lead to license and anarchy: whether the
destitution and debasement of the masses does not inevitably follow
increase of population and commercial and manufacturing prosperity. It
asks itself whether man is not the sport of blind, merciless Fate:
whether all philosophies are not delusions, and all religions the
fantastic creations of human vanity and self-conceit; and above all,
whether, when Reason is abandoned as a guide, the faith of Buddhist
and Brahmin has not the same claims to sovereignty and implicit,
unreasoning credence, as any other.

He asks himself whether it is not, after all, the evident and pal-
pable injustices of this life, the success and prosperity of the Bad,
the calamities, oppressions, and miseries of the Good, that are the
bases of all beliefs in a future state of existence? Doubting man's
capacity for indefinite progress here, he doubts the possibility of it
anywher; and if he does not doubt whether God exists, and is just and
beneficent, he at least cannot silence the constantly recur- ring
whisper, that the miseries and calamities of men, their lives and
deaths, their pains and sorrows, their extermination by war and
epidemics, are phenomena of no higher dignity, significance, and
importance, in the eye of God, than what things of the same nature
occur to other organisms of matter; and that the fish of the ancient
seas, destroyed by myriads to make room for other species, the
contorted shapes in which they are found as fossils testifying to
their agonies; the coral insects, the animals and birds and vermin
slain by man, have as much right as he to clamor at the injustice of
the dispensations of God, and to demand an immortality of life in a
new universe, as compensation for their pains and sufferings and
untimely death in this world.

This is not a picture painted by the imagination. Many a thoughtful
mind has so doubted and despaired. How many of us can say that our own
faith is so well grounded and complete that we never hear those
painful whisperings within the soul? Thrice blessed are they who never
doubt, who ruminate in patient con- tentment like the kine, or doze
under the opiate of a blind faith; on whose souls never rests that
Awful Shadow which is the ab- sence of the Divine Light.

To explain to themselves the existence of Evil and Suffering, the
Ancient Persians imagined that there were two Principles or Deities in
the Universe, the one of Good and the other of Evil, constantly in
conflict with each other in struggle for the mastery, and alternately
overcoming and overcome. Over both, for the SAGES, was the One
Supreme; and for them Light was in the end to prevail over Darkness,
the Good over the Evil, and even Ahri- man and his Demons to part with
their wicked and vicious natures and share the universal Salvation. It
did not occur to them that the existence of the Evil Principle, by the
consent of the Omnipo- tent Supreme, presented the same difficulty,
and left the existence of Evil as unexplained as before. The human
mind is always content, if it can remove a difficulty a step further
off. It cannot believe that the world rests on nothing, but is
devoutly content when taught that it is borne on the back of an
immense elephant, who himself stands on the back of a tortoise. Given
the tortoise, Faith is always satisfied; and it has been a great
source of happi- ness to multitudes that they could believe in a Devil
who could relieve God of the odium of being the Author of Sin.

But not to all is Faith sufficient to overcome this great diffi-
culty. They say, with the Suppliant, "Lord! I believe!"--but like him
they are constrained to add, "Help Thou my unbelief!"--Rea- son must,
for these, co-operate and coincide with Faith, or they remain still in
the darkness of doubt,--most miserable of all con- ditions of the
human mind.

Those only, who care for nothing beyond the interests and pur- suits
of this life, are uninterested in these great Problems. The animals,
also, do not consider them. It is the characteristic of an immortal
Soul, that it should seek to satisfy itself of its immor- tality, and
to understand this great enigma, the Universe. If the Hottentot and
the Papuan are not troubled and tortured by these doubts and
speculations, they are not, for that, to be regarded as either wise or
fortunate. The swine, also, are indifferent to the great riddles of
the Universe, and are happy in being wholly un- aware that it is the
vast Revelation and Manifestation, in Time and Space, of a Single
Thought of the Infinite God.

Exalt and magnify Faith as we will, and say that it begins where
Reason ends, it must, after all, have a foundation, either in Reason,
Analogy, the Consciousness, or human testimony. The worshipper of
Brahma also has implicit Faith in what seems to us palpably false and
absurd. His faith rests neither in Reason, Analogy, or the
Consciousness, but on the testimony of his Spirit- ual teachers, and
of the Holy Books. The Moslem also believes, on the positive testimony
of the Prophet; and the Mormon also can say, "I believe this, because
it is impossible." No faith, how- ever absurd or degrading, has ever
wanted these foundations, testimony, and the books. Miracles, proven
by unimpeachable testimony have been used as a foundation for Faith,
in every age; and the modern miracles are better authenticated, a
hundred times, than the ancient ones.

So that, after all, Faith must flow out from some source within us,
when the evidence of that which we are to believe is not pre- sented
to our senses, or it will in no case be the assurance of the truth of
what is believed.

The Consciousness, or inhering and innate conviction, or the instinct
divinely implanted, of the verity of things, is the highest possible
evidence, if not the only real proof, of the verity of cer- tain
things, but only of truths of a limited class.

What we call the Reason, that is, our imperfect human reason, not only
may, but assuredly will, lead us away from the Truth in regard to
things invisible and especially those of the Infinite, if we determine
to believe nothing but that which it can demonstrate or not to believe
that which it can by its processes of logic prove to be contradictory,
unreasonable, or absurd. Its tape-line cannot measure the arcs of
Infinity. For example, to the Human reason, an Infinite Justice and an
Infinite Mercy or Love, in the same Being, are inconsistent and
impossible. One, it can demonstrate, necessarily excludes the other.
So it can demonstrate that as the Creation had a beginning, it
necessarily follows that an Eternity had elapsed before the Deity
began to create, during which He was inactive.

When we gaze, of a moonless clear night, on the Heavens glit- tering
with stars, and know that each fixed star of all the myriads is a Sun,
and each probably possessing its retinue of worlds, all peopled with
living beings, we sensibly feel our own unimportance in the scale of
Creation, and at once reflect that much of what has in different ages
been religious faith, could never have been be- lieved, if the nature,
size, and distance of those Suns, and of our own Sun, Moon, and
Planets, had been known to the Ancients as they are to us.

To them, all the lights of the firmament were created only to give
light to the earth, as its lamps or candles hung above it. The earth
was supposed to be the only inhabited portion of the Uni- verse. The
world and the Universe were synonymous terms. Of the immense size and
distance of the heavenly bodies, men had no conception. The Sages had,
in Chaldaea, Egypt, India, China, and in Persia, and therefore the
sages always had, an esoteric creed, taught only in the mysteries and
unknown to the vulgar. No Sage, in either country, or in Greece or
Rome, believed the popular creed. To them the Gods and the Idols of
the Gods were symbols, and symbols of great and mysterious truths.

The Vulgar imagined the attention of the Gods to be continu- ally
centred upon the earth and man. The Grecian Divinities in- habited
Olympus, an insignificant mountain of the Earth. There was the Court
of Zeus, to which Neptune came from the Sea, and Pluto and Persephone
from the glooms of Tartarus in the un- fathomable depths of the
Earth's bosom. God came down from Heaven and on Sinai dictated laws
for the Hebrews to His servant Moses. The Stars were the guardians of
mortals whose fates and fortunes were to be read in their movements,
conjunctions, and oppositions. The Moon was the Bride and Sister of
the Sun, at the same distance above the Earth, and, like the Sun, made
for the service of mankind alone.

If, with the great telescope of Lord Rosse, we examine the vast
nebulae of Hercules, Orion, and Andromeda, and find them re- solvable
into Stars more numerous than the sands on the sea- shore; if we
reflect that each of these Stars is a Sun, like and even many times
larger than ours,--each, beyond a doubt, with its retinue of worlds
swarming with life; --if we go further in imagi- nation and endeavor
to conceive of all the infinities of space, filled with similar suns
and worlds, we seem at once to shrink into an incredible

The Universe, which is the uttered Word of God, is infinite in extent.
There is no empty space beyond creation on any side. The Universe,
which is the Thought of God pronounced, never was not, since God never
was inert; nor WAS, without thinking and creating. The forms of
creation change, the suns and worlds live and die like the leaves and
the insects, but the Universe itself is infinite and eternal, because
God Is, Was, and Will forever Be, and never did not think and create.

Reason is fain to admit that a Supreme Intelligence, infinitely
powerful and wise, must have created this boundless Universe; but it
also tells us that we are as unimportant in it as the zoophytes and
entozoa, or as the invisible particles of animated life that float
upon the air or swarm in the water-drop.

The foundations of our faith, resting upon the imagined inter- est of
God in our race, an interest easily supposable when man believed
himself the only intelligent created being, and therefore eminently
worthy the especial care and watchful anxiety of a God who had only
this earth to look after, and its house-keeping alone to superintend,
and who was content to create, in all the infinite Universe, only one
single being, possessing a soul, and not a mere animal, are rudely
shaken as the Universe broadens and expands for us; and the darkness
of doubt and distrust settles heavy upon Soul.

The modes in which it is ordinarily endeavored to satisfy our doubts,
only increase them. To demonstrate the necessity for a cause of the
creation, is equally to demonstrate the necessity of a cause for that
cause. The argument from plan and design only removes the difficulty a
step further off. We rest the world on the elephant, and the elephant
on the tortoise, and the tortoise on ---nothing.

To tell us that the animals possess instinct only and that Rea- son
belongs to us alone, in no way tends to satisfy us of the radi- cal
difference between us and them. For if the mental phenomena exhibited
by animals that think, dream, remember, argue from cause to effect,
plan, devise, combine, and communicate their thoughts to each other,
so as to act rationally in concert,--if their love, hate, and revenge,
can be conceived of as results of the organization of matter, like
color and perfume, the resort to the hypothesis of an immaterial Soul
to explain phenomena of the same kind, only more perfect, manifested
by the human being, is supremely absurd. That organized matter can
think or even feel, at all, is the great insoluble mystery. "Instinct"
is but a word without a meaning, or else it means inspiration. It is
either the animal itself, or God in the animal, that thinks,
remembers, and reasons; and instinct, according to the common
acceptation of the term, would be the greatest and most wonderful of
mysteries,- no less a thing than the direct, immediate, and continual
prompt- ings of the Deity,--for the animals are not machines, or
automata moved by springs, and the ape is but a dumb Australian.

Must we always remain in this darkness of uncertainty, of doubt? Is
there no mode of escaping from the labyrinth except by means of a
blind faith, which explains nothing, and in many creeds, ancient and
modern, sets Reason at defiance, and leads to the belief either in a
God without a Universe, a Universe without a God, or a Universe which
is itself a God ?

We read in the Hebrew Chronicles that Schlomoh the wise King caused to
be placed in front of the entrance to the Temple two huge columns of
bronze, one of which was called YAKAYIN and the other BAHAZ; and these
words are rendered in our ver- sion Strength and Establishment. The
Masonry of the Blue Lodges gives no explanation of these symbolic
columns; nor do the Hebrew Books advise us that they were symbolic. If
not so intended as symbols, they were subsequently understood to be

But as we are certain that everything within the Temple was symbolic,
and that the whole structure was intended to represent the Universe,
we may reasonably conclude that the columns of the portico also had a
symbolic signification. It would be tedious to repeat all the
interpretations which fancy or dullness has found for them.

The key to their true meaning is not undiscoverable. The per- fect and
eternal distinction of the two primitive terms of the cre- ative
syllogism, in order to attain to the demonstration of their harmony by
the analogy of contraries, is the second grand prin- ciple of that
occult philosophy veiled under the name "Kabalah," and indicated by
all the sacred hieroglyphs of the Ancient Sanctu- aries, and of the
rites, so little understood by the mass of the Initiates, of the
Ancient and Modern Free-Masonry.

The Sohar declares that everything in the Universe proceeds by the
mystery of "the Balance," that is, of Equilibrium. Of the Sephiroth,
or Divine Emanations, Wisdom and Understanding, Severity and
Benignity, or Justice and Mercy, and Victory and Glory, constitute

Wisdom, or the Intellectual Generative Energy, and Under- standing, or
the Capacity to be impregnated by the Active Energy and produce
intellection or thought, are represented symbolically in the Kabalah
as male and female. So also are Justice and Mercy. Strength is the
intellectual Energy or Activity; Estab- lishment or Stability is the
intellectual Capacity to produce, a Tpassivity. They are the POWER of
generation and the CAPACITY of production. By WISDOM, it is said, God
creates, and by UN- DERSTANDING establishes. These are the two Columns
of the Temple, contraries like the Man and Woman, like Reason and
Faith, Omnipotence and Liberty, Infinite Justice and Infinite Mercy,
Absolute Power or Strength to do even what is most un- just and
unwise, and Absolute Wisdom that makes it impossible to do it; Right
and Duty. They were the columns of the intellectual and moral world,
the monumental hieroglyph of the antinomy necessary to the grand law
of creation.

There must be for every Force a Resistance to support it, to every
light a shadow, for every Royalty a Realm to govern, for every
affirmative a negative.

For the Kabalists, Light represents the Active Principle, and Darkness
or Shadow is analogous to the Passive Principle. There- fore it was
that they made of the Sun and Moon emblems of the two Divine Sexes and
the two creative forces; therefore, that they ascribed to woman the
Temptation and the first sin, and then the first labor, the maternal
labor of the redemption, because it is from the bosom of the darkness
itself that we see the Light born again. The Void attracts the Full;
and so it is that the abyss of poverty and misery, the Seeming Evil,
the seeming empty noth- ingness of life, the temporary rebellion of
the creatures, eternally attracts the overflowing ocean of being, of
riches, of pity, and of love. Christ completed the Atonement on the
Cross by descend- ing into Hell.

Justice and Mercy are contraries. If each be infinite, their co-
existence seems impossible, and being equal, one cannot even
annihilate the other and reign alone. The mysteries of the Divine
Nature are beyond our finite comprehension; but so indeed are the
mysteries of our own finite nature; and it is certain that in all
nature harmony and movement are the result of the equilibrium of
opposing or contrary forces.

The analogy of contraries gives the solution of the most inter- esting
and most difficult problem of modern philosophy,--the definite and
permanent accord of Reason and Faith, of Author- ity and Liberty of
examination, of Science and Belief, of Perfec- tion in God and
Imperfection in Man. If science or knowledge is the Sun, Belief is the
Man; it is a reflection of the day in the night. Faith is the veiled
Isis, the Supplement of Reason, in the shadows which precede or follow
Reason. It emanates from the Reason, but can never confound it nor be
confounded with it. The encroachments of Reason upon Faith, or of
Faith on Reason, are eclipses of the Sun or Moon; when they occur,
they make useless both the Source of Light and its reflection, at

Science perishes by systems that are nothing but beliefs; and Faith
succumbs to reasoning. For the two Columns of the Tem- ple to uphold
the edifice, they must remain separated and be parallel to each other.
As soon as it is attempted by violence to bring them together, as
Samson did, they are overturned, and the whole edifice falls upon the
head of the rash blind man or the revolutionist whom personal or
national resentments have in ad- vance devoted to death.

Harmony is the result of an alternating preponderance of forces.
Whenever this is wanting in government, government is a failure,
because it is either Despotism or Anarchy. All theoret- ical
governments, however plausible the theory, end in one or the other.
Governments that are to endure are not made in the closet of Locke or
Shaftesbury, or in a Congress or a Convention. In a Republic, forces
that seem contraries, that indeed are contraries, alone give movement
and life. The Spheres are field in their orbits and made to revolve
harmoniously and unerringly, by the concurrence, which seems to be the
opposition, of two contrary forces. If the centripetal force should
overcome the centrifugal, the equilibrium of forces cease, the rush of
the Spheres to the central Sun would annihilate the system. Instead of
consolida- tion, the whole would be shattered into fragments.

Man is a free agent, though Omnipotence is above and all around him.
To be free to do good, he must be free to do evil. The Light
necessitates the Shadow. A State is free like an indi- vidual in any
government worthy of the name. The State is less potent than the
Deity, and therefore the freedom of the individual citizen is
consistent with its Sovereignty. These are opposites, but not
antagonistic. So, in a union of States, the freedom of the states is
consistent with the Supremacy of the Nation. When either obtains the
permanent mastery over the other, and they cease to be in equilibrio,
the encroachment continues with a ve- locity that is accelerated like
that of a falling body, until the feebler is annihilated, and then,
there being no resistance to sup- port the stronger, it rushes into

So, when the equipoise of Reason and Faith, in the individual or the
Nation, and the alternating preponderance cease, the result is,
according as one or the other is permanent victor, Atheism or
Superstition, disbelief or blind credulity; and the Priests either of
Unfaith or of Faith become despotic.

"Whomsoever God loveth, him he chasteneth," is an expression that
formulates a whole dogma. The trials of life are the bless- ings of
life, to the individual or the Nation, if either has a Soul that is
truly worthy of salvation. "Light and darkness," said ZOROASTER, "are
the world's eternal ways." The Light and the Shadow are everywhere and
always in proportion; the Light being the reason of being of the
Shadow. It is by trials only, by the agonies of sorrow and the sharp
discipline of adversities, that men and Nations attain initiation. The
agonies of the garden of Geth- semane and those of the Cross on
Calvary preceded the Resurrec- tion and were the means of Redemption.
It is with prosperity that God afflicts Humanity.

The Degree of Rose is devoted to and symbolizes tne final triumph of
truth over falsehood, of liberty over slavery, of light over darkness,
of life over death, and of good over evil. The great truth it
inculcates is, that notwithstanding the existence of Evil, God is
infinitely wise, just, and good: that though the affairs of the world
proceed by no rule of right and wrong known to us in the narrowness of
our views, yet all is right, for it is the work of God; and all evils,
all miseries, all misfortunes, are but as drops in the vast current
that is sweeping onward, guided by Him, to a great and magnificent
result: that, at the appointed time, He will redeem and regenerate the
world, and the Principle, the Power, and the existence of Evil will
then cease; that this will be brought about by such means and
instruments as He chooses to employ; whether by the merits of a
Redeemer that has already appeared, or a Messiah that is yet waited
for, by an incarnation of Himself, or by an inspired prophet, it does
not belong to us as Masons to decide. Let each judge and believe for

In the mean time, we labor to hasten the coming of that day. The
morals of antiquity, of the law of Moses and of Christianity, are
ours. We recognize every teacher of Morality, every Reform- er, as a
brother in this great work. The Eagle is to us the symbol of Liberty,
the Compasses of Equality, the Pelican of Humanity., and our order of
Fraternity. Laboring for these, with Faith, Hope, and Charity as our
armor, we will wait with patience for the final triumph of Good and
the complete manifestation of the Word of God.

No one Mason has the right to measure for another, within the walls of
a Masonic Temple, the degree of veneration which he shall feel for any
Reformer, or the Founder of any Religion. We teach a belief in no
particular creed, as we teach unbelief in none. Whatever higher
attributes the Founder of the Christian Faith may, in our belief, have
had or not have had, none can deny that He taught and practised a pure
and elevated morality, even at the risk and to the ultimate loss of
His life. He was not only the benefactor of a disinherited people, but
a model for mankind. De- votedly He loved the children of Israel. To
them He came, and to them alone He preached that Gospel which His
disciples after- ward carried among foreigners. He would fain have
freed the chosen People from their spiritual bondage of ignorance and
deg- radation. As a lover of all mankind, laying down His life for the
emancipation of His Brethren, He should be to all, to Christian, to
Jew, and to Mahometan, an object of gratitude and veneration.

The Roman world felt the pangs of approaching dissolution. Paganism,
its Temples shattered by Socrates and Cicero, had spoken its last
word. The God of the Hebrews was unknown be- yond the limits of
Palestine. The old religions had failed to give happiness and peace to
the world. The babbling and wrangling philosophers had confounded all
men's ideas, until they doubted of everything and had faith in
nothing: neither in God nor in his goodness and mercy, nor in the
virtue of man, nor in themselves. Mankind was divided into two great
classes,-- the master and the slave; the powerful and the abject, the
high and the low, the tyrants and the mob; and even the former were
satiated with the servility of the latter, sunken by lassitude and
despair to the low- est depths of degradation.

When, lo, a voice, in the inconsiderable Roman Province of Judea
proclaims a new Gospel--a new "God's Word," to crushed, suffering,
bleeding humanity. Liberty of Thought, Equality of all men in the eye
of God, universal Fraternity! a new doctrine, a new religion; the old
Primitive Truth uttered once again!

Man is once more taught to look upward to his God. No longer to a God
hid in impenetrable mystery, and infinitely remote from human
sympathy, emerging only at intervals from the darkness to smite and
crush humanity: but a God, good, kind, beneficent, and merciful; a
Father, loving the creatures He has made, with a love immeasurable and
exhaustless; Who feels for us, and sympa- thizes with us, and sends us
pain and want and disaster only that they may serve to develop in us
the virtues and excellences that befit us to live with Him hereafter.

Jesus of Nazareth, the "Son of man," is the expounder of the new Law
of Love. He calls to Him the humble, the poor, the Paraihs of the
world. The first sentence that He pronounces blesses the world, and
announces the new gospel:"Blessed are they that mourn for they shall
be comforted." He pours the oil of consolation and peace upon every
crushed and bleeding heart. Every sufferer is His proselyte. He shares
their sorrows, and sypathizes with all their afflictions.

He raises up the sinner and the Samaritan woman, and teaches them to
hope for forgiveness. He pardons the woman taken in adultery. He
selects his disciples not among the Pharisees or the Philosophers, but
among the low and humble, even of the fisher- men of Galilee. He heals
the sick and feeds the poor. He lives among the destitute and the
friendless. "Suffer little children," He said, "to come unto me; for
of such is the kingdom of Heaven ! Blessed are the humble-minded, for
theirs is the kingdom of Heaven; the meek, for they shall inherit the
Earth; the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy; the pure in heart,
for they shall see God; the peace-makers, for they shall be called the
children of God! First be reconciled to they brother, and then come
and offer thy gift at the altar. Give to him that asketh thee, and
from him that would borrow of thee turn not away! Love your enemies;
bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you; and pray for
them which despitefully use you and persecute you! All things
whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye also unto them;
for this is the law and the Prophets! He that taketh not his cross,
and followeth after Me, is not worthy of Me. A new commandment I give
unto you, that ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye also
love one another: by this shall all know that ye are My disciples.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for
his friend."

The Gospel of Love He sealed with His life. The cruelty of the Jewish
Priesthood, the ignorant ferocity of the mob, and the Roman
indifference to barbarian blood, nailed Him to the cross, and He
expired uttering blessings upon humanity.

Dying thus, He bequeathed His teachings to man as an ines- timable
inheritance. Perverted and corrupted, they have served as a basis for
many creeds, and been even made the warrant for in- tolerance and
persecution. We here teach them in their purity. They are our Masonry;
for to them good men of all creeds can subscribe.

That God is good and merciful, and loves and sympathizes with the
creatures He has made; that His finger is visible in all the movements
of the moral, intellectual, and material universe; that we are His
children, the objects of His paternal care and regard; that all men
are our brothers, whose wants we are to supply, their errors to
pardon, their opinions to tolerate, their injuries to for- give; that
man has an immortal soul, a free will, a right to free- dom of thought
and action; that all men are equal in God's sight; that we best serve
God by humility, meekness, gentleness, kind- ness, and the other
virtues which the lowly can practise as well as the lofty; this is
"the new Law," the "WORD," for which the world had waited and pined so
long; and every true Knight of the Rose + will revere the memory of
Him who taught it, and look indulgently even on those who assign to
Him a character far above his own conceptions or belief, even to the
extent of deem- ing Him Divine.

Hear Philo, the Greek Jew. "The contemplative soul, un- equally
guided, sometimes toward abundance and sometimes to- ward barrenness,
though ever advancing, is illuminated by the primitive ideas, the rays
that emanate from the Divine Intelli- gence, whenever it ascends
toward the Sublime Treasures. When, on the contrary, it descends, and
is barren, it falls within the do- main of those Intelligences that
are termed Angels... for, when the soul is deprived of the light of
God, which leads it to the knowledge of things, it no longer enjoys
more than a feeble and secondary light, which gives it, not the
understanding of things, but that of words only, as in this baser
world. "

". . Let the narrow-souled withdraw, having their ears sealed up! We
communicate the divine mysteries to those only who have received the
sacred initiation, to those who practise true piety, and who are not
enslaved by the empty pomp of words, or the doctrines of the pagans.

"... O, ye Initiates, ye whose ears are purified, receive this in your
souls, as a mystery never to be lost! Reveal it to no Profane ! Keep
and contain it within yourselves, as an incorruptible treas- ure, not
like gold or silver, but more precious than everything besides; for it
is the knowledge of the Great Cause, of Nature, and of that which is
born of both. And if you meet an Initiate, be- siege him with your
prayers, that he conceal from you no new mysteries that he may know,
and rest not until you have obtained them! For me, although I was
initiated in the Great Mysteries by Moses, the Friend of God, yet,
having seen Jeremiah, I recog- nized him not only as an Initiate, but
as a Hierophant; and I fol- low his school."

We, like him, recognize all Initiates as our Brothers. We be- long to
no one creed or school. In all religions there is a basis of Truth; in
all there is pure Morality. All that teach the cardinal tenets of
Masonry we respect; all teachers and reformers of man- kind we admire
and revere.

Masonry also has her mission to perform. With her traditions reaching
back to the earliest times, and her symbols dating further back than
even the monumental history of Egypt extends, she in- vites all men of
all religions to enlist under her banners and to war against evil,
ignorance and wrong. You are now her knight, and to her service your
sword is consecrated. May you prove a worthy soldier in a worthy

M & D Chapter XXXI

Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander



[Inspector Inquisitor.]

To hear patiently, to weigh deliberately and dispassionately, and to
decide impartially;--these are the chief duties of a Judge. After the
lessons you have received, I need not further enlarge upon them. You
will be ever eloquently reminded of them by the furniture upon our
Altar, and the decorations of the Tribunal.

The Holy Bible will remind you of your obligation; and that as you
judge here below, so you will be yourself judged hereafter, by One who
has not to submit, like an earthly judge, to the sad necessity of
inferring the motives, intentions, and purposes of men [of which all
crime essentially consists] from the uncertain and often unsafe
testimony of their acts and words; as men in thick darkness grope
their way, with hands outstretched before them: but before Whom every
thought, feeling, impulse, and intention of every soul that now is, or
ever was, or ever will be on earth, is, and ever will be through the
whole infinite duration of eternity, present and visible.

The Square and Compass, the Plumb and Level, are well known to you as
a Mason. Upon you as a Judge, they peculiarly inculcate uprightness,
impartiality, careful consideration of facts and circumstances,
accuracy in judgment, and uniformity in decision. As a Judge, too, you
are to bring up square work and square work only. Like a temple
erected by the plumb, you are to lean neither to one side nor the
other. Like a building well squared and levelled, you are to be firm
and steadfast in your convictions of right and justice. Like the
circle swept with the compasses, you are to be true. In the scales of
justice you are to weigh the facts and the law alone, nor place in
either scale personal friendship or personal dislike, neither fear nor
favour: and when reformation is no longer to be hoped for, you are to
smite relentlessly with the sword of justice.

The peculiar and principal symbol of this Degree is the Tetractys of
Pythagoras, suspended in the East, where ordinarily the sacred word or
letter glitters, like it, representing the Deity. Its nine external
points form the triangle, the chief symbol in Masonry, with many of
the meanings of which you are familiar.

To us, its three sides represent the three principal attributes of the
Deity, which created, and now, as ever, support, uphold, and guide the
Universe in its eternal movement; the three supports of the Masonic
Temple, itself an emblem of the Universe:--Wisdom, or the Infinite
Divine Intelligence; Strength, or Power, the Infinite Divine Will; and
Beauty, or the Infinite Divine Harmony, the Eternal Law, by virtue of
which the infinite myriads of suns and worlds flash ever onward in
their ceaseless revolutions, without clash or conflict, in the
Infinite of space, and change and movement are the law of all created

To us, as Masonic Judges, the triangle figures forth the Pyramids,
which, planted firmly as the everlasting hills, and accurately
adjusted to the four cardinal points, defiant of all assaults of men
and time, teach us to stand firm and unshaken as they, when our feet
are planted upon the solid truth.

It includes a multitude of geometrical figures, all having a deep
significance to Masons. The triple triangle is peculiarly sacred,
having ever been among all nations a symbol of the Deity. Prolonging
all the external lines of the Hexagon, which also it includes, we have
six smaller triangles, whose bases cut each other in the central point
of the Tetractys, itself always the symbol of the generative power of
the Universe, the Sun, Brahma, Osiris, Apollo, Bel, and the Deity
Himself. Thus, too, we form twelve still smaller triangles, three
times three of which compose the Tetractys itself.

I refrain from enumerating all the figures that you may trace within
it: but one may not be passed unnoticed. The Hexagon itself faintly
images to us a cube, not visible at the first glance, and therefore
the fit emblem of that faith in things invisible, most essential to
salvation. The first perfect solid, and reminding you of the cubical
stone that sweated blood, and of that deposited by Enoch, it teaches
justice, accuracy, and consistency.

The infinite divisibility of the triangle teaches the infinity of the
Universe, of time, of space, and of the Deity, as do the lines that,
diverging from the common centre, ever increase their distance from
each other as they are infinitely prolonged. As they may be infinite
in number, so are the attributes of Deity infinite; and as they
emanate from one-centre and are projected into space, so the whole
Universe has emanated from God.

Remember also, my Brother, that you have other duties to perform than
those of a judge. You are to inquire into and scrutinize carefully the
work of the subordinate Bodies in Masonry You are to see that
recipients of the higher Degrees are not un necessarily multiplied;
that improper persons are carefully excluded from membership, and that
in their life and conversation Masons bear testimony to the excellence
of our doctrines and the incalculable value of the institution itself.
You are to inquire also into your own heart and conduct, and keep
careful watch over yourself, that you go not astray. If you harbour
ill-will and jealousy, if you are hospitable to intolerance and
bigotry, and churlish to gentleness and kind affections, opening wide
your heart to one and closing its portals to the other, it is time for
you to set in order your own temple, or else you wear in vain the name
and insignia of a Mason, while yet uninvested with the Masonic nature.

Everywhere in the world there is a natural law, that is, a constant
mode of action, which seems to belong to the nature of things, to the
constitution of the Universe. This fact is universal. In different
departments we call this mode of action by different names, as the law
of Matter, the law of Mind, the law of Morals, and the like. We mean
by this, a certain mode of action which belongs to the material,
mental, or moral forces, the mode in which commonly they are found to
act, and in which it is their ideal to act always. The ideal laws of
matter we know only from the fact that they are always obeyed. To us
the actual obedience is the only evidence of the ideal rule; for in
respect to the conduct of the material world, the ideal and the actual
are the same.

The laws of matter we learn only by observation and experience. Before
experience of the fact, no man could foretell that a body, falling
toward the earth, would descend sixteen feet the first second, twice
that the next, four times the third, and sixteen times the fourth. No
mode of action in our consciousness anticipates this rule of action in
the outer world. The same is true of all the laws of matter. The ideal
law is known because it is a fact. The law is imperative. It must be
obeyed without hesitation. Laws of crystallization, laws of proportion
in chemical combination,-- neither in these nor in any other law of
Nature is there any margin left for oscillation of disobedience. Only
the primal will of God works in the material world, and no secondary
finite will.

There are no exceptions to the great general law of Attraction, which
binds atom to atom in the body of a rotifier visible only by aid of a
microscope, orb to orb, system to system; gives unity to the world of
things, and rounds these worlds of systems to a Universe. At first
there seem to be exceptions to this law, as in growth and
decomposition, in the repulsions of electricity; but at length all
these are found to be special cases of the one great law of attraction
acting in various modes.

The variety of effect of this law at first surprises the senses; but
in the end the unity of cause astonishes the cultivated mind. Looked
at in reference to this globe, an earthquake is no more than a chink
that opens in a garden-walk of a dry day in Summer. A sponge is
porous, having small spaces between the solid parts: the solar system
is only more porous, having larger room between the several orbs: the
Universe yet more so, with spaces between the systems, as small,
compared with infinite space, as those between the atoms that compose
the bulk of the smallest invisible animalcule, of which millions swim
in a drop of salt-water. The same attraction holds together the
animalcule, the sponge, the system, and the Universe. Every particle
of matter in that Universe is related to each and all the other
particles; and attraction is their common bond.

In the spiritual world, the world of human consciousness, there is
also a law, an ideal mode of action for the spiritual forces of man.
The law of Justice is as universal an one as the law of Attraction;
though we are very far from being able to reconcile all the phenomena
of Nature with it. The lark has the same right in our view, to live,
to sing, to dart at pleasure through the ambient atmosphere, as the
hawk has to ply his strong wings in the Summer sunshine: and yet the
hawk pounces on and devours the harmless lark, as it devours the worm,
and as the worm devours the animalcule; and, so far as we know, there
is nowhere, in any future state of animal existence, any compensation
for this apparent injustice. Among the bees, one rules, while the
others obey --some work, while others are idle. With the small ants,
the soldiers feed on the proceeds of the workmen's labour. The lion
lies in wait for and devours the antelope that has apparently as good
a right to life as he. Among men, some govern and others serve,
capital commands and labour obeys, and one race, superior in
intellect, avails itself of the strong muscles of another that is
inferior; and yet, for all this, no one impeaches the justice of God.

No doubt all these varied phenomena are consistent with one great law
of justice; and the only difficulty is that we do not, and no doubt we
cannot, understand that law. It is very easy for some dreaming and
visionary theorist to say that it is most evidently unjust for the
lion to devour the deer, and for the eagle to tear and eat the wren;
but the trouble is, that we know of no other way, according to the
frame, the constitution, and the organs which God has given them, in
which the lion and the eagle could manage to live at all. Our little
measure of justice is not God's measure. His justice does not require
us to relieve the hard working millions of all labour, to emancipate
the serf or slave, unfitted to be free, from all control.

No doubt, underneath all the little bubbles, which are the lives, the
wishes, the wills, and the plans of the two thousand millions or more
of human beings on this earth (for bubbles they are, judging by the
space and time they occupy in this great and age-outlasting sea of
human-kind),--no doubt, underneath them all resides one and the same
eternal force, which they shape into this or the other special form;
and over all the same paternal Providence presides, keeping eternal
watch over the little and the great, and producing variety of effect
from Unity of Force.

It is entirely true to say that justice is the constitution or
fundamental law of the moral Universe, the law of right, a rule of
conduct for man (as it is for every other living creature), in all his
moral relations. No doubt all human affairs (like all other affairs),
must be subject to that as the law paramount; and what is right agrees
therewith and stands, while what is wrong conflicts with it and falls.
The difficulty is that we ever erect our notions of what is right and
just into the law of justice, and insist that God shall adopt that as
His law; instead of striving to learn by observation and reflection
what His law is, and then believing that law to be consistent with His
infinite justice, whether it corresponds with our limited notion of
justice, or does not so correspond. We are too wise in our own
conceit, and ever strive to enact our own little notions into the
Universal Laws of God.

It might be difficult for man to prove, even to his own satisfaction,
how it is right or just for him to subjugate the horse and ox to his
service, giving them in return only their daily food, which God has
spread out for them on all the green meadows and savannas of the
world: or how it is just that we should slay and eat the harmless deer
that only crops the green herbage, the buds, and the young leaves, and
drinks the free-running water that God made common to all; or the
gentle dove, the innocent kid, the many other living things that so
confidently trust to our protection;--quite as difficult, perhaps, as
to prove it just for one man's intellect or even his wealth to make
another's strong arms his servants, for daily wages or for a bare

To find out this universal law of justice is one thing--to undertake
to measure off something with our own little tape-line, and call that
God's law of justice, is another. The great general plan and system,
and the great general laws enacted by God, continually produce what to
our limited notions is wrong and injustice, which hitherto men have
been able to explain to their own satisfaction only by the hypothesis
of another existence in which all inequalities and injustices in this
life will be remedied and compensated for. To our ideas of justice, it
is very unjust that the child is made miserable for life by deformity
or organic disease, in consequence of the vices of its father; and yet
that is part of the universal law. The ancients said that the child
was punished for the sins of its father. We say that this its
deformity or disease is the consequence of its father's vices; but so
far as concerns the question of justice or injustice, that is merely
the change of a word.

It is very easy to lay down a broad, general principle, embodying our
own idea of what is absolute justice, and to insist that everything
shall conform to that: to say, "all human affairs must be subject to
that as the law paramount; what is right agrees therewith and stands,
what is wrong conflicts and falls. Private cohesions of self-love, of
friendship, or of patriotism, must all be subordinate to this
universal gravitation toward the eternal right." The difficulty is
that this Universe of necessities God-created, of sequences of cause
and effect, and of life evolved from death, this interminable
succession and aggregate of cruelties, will not conform to any such
absolute principle or arbitrary theory, no matter in what sounding
words and glittering phrases it may be embodied.

Impracticable rules in morals are always injurious; for as all men
fall short of compliance with them, they turn real virtues into
imaginary offenses against a forged law. Justice as between man and
man and as between man and the animals below him, is that which, under
and according to the God-created relations existing between them, and
the whole aggregate of circumstances surrounding them, is fit and
right and proper to be done, with a view to the general as well as to
the individual interest. It is not a theoretical principle by which
the very relations that God has created and imposed on us are to be
tried, and approved or condemned.

God has made this great system of the Universe, and enacted general
laws for its government. Those laws environ everything that lives with
a mighty network of necessity. He chose to create the tiger with such
organs that he cannot crop the grass, but must eat other flesh or
starve. He has made man carnivorous also; and some of the smallest
birds are as much so as the tiger. In every step we take, in every
breath we draw, is involved the destruction of a multitude of animate
existences, each, no matter how minute, as much a living creature as
ourself. He has made necessary among mankind a division of labour,
intellectual and moral. He has made necessary the varied relations of
society and dependence, of obedience and control.

What is thus made necessary cannot be unjust; for if it be, then God
the great Lawgiver is Himself unjust. The evil to be avoided is, the
legalization of injustice and wrong under the false plea of necessity.
Out of all the relations of life grow duties,--as naturally grow and
as undeniably, as the leaves grow upon the trees. If we have the
right, created by God's law of necessity, to slay the lamb that we may
eat and live, we have no right to torture it in doing so, because that
is in no wise necessary. We have the right to live, if we fairly can,
by the legitimate exercise of our intellect, and hire or buy the
labour of the strong arms of others, to till our grounds, to dig in
our mines, to toil in our manufactories; but we have no right to
overwork or underpay them.

It is not only true that we may learn the moral law of justice, the
law of right, by experience and observation; but that God has given us
a moral faculty, our conscience, which is able to perceive this law
directly and immediately, by intuitive perception of it; and it is
true that man has in his nature a rule of conduct higher than what he
has ever yet come up to,--an ideal of nature that shames his actual of
history: because man has ever been prone to make necessity, his own
necessity, the necessities of society, a plea for injustice. But this
notion must not be pushed too far--for if we substitute this ideality
for actuality, then it is equally true that we have within us an ideal
rule of right and wrong, to which God Himself in His government of the
world has never come, and against which He (we say it reverentially)
every day offends. We detest the tiger and the wolf for the rapacity
and love of blood which are their nature; we revolt against the law by
which the crooked limbs and diseased organism of the child are the
fruits of the father's vices; we even think that a God Omnipotent and
Omniscient ought to have permitted no pain, no poverty, no servitude;
our ideal of justice is more lofty than the actualities of God. It is
well, as all else is well. He has given us that moral sense for wise
and beneficent purposes. We accept it as a significant proof of the
inherent loftiness of human nature, that it can entertain an ideal so
exalted; and should strive to attain it, as far as we can do so
consistently with the relations which He has created, and the
circum.stances which surround us and hold us captive.

If we faithfully use this faculty of conscience; if, applying it to
the existing relations and circumstances, we develop it and all its
kindred powers, and so deduce the duties that out of these relation.s
and those circumstances, and limited and qualified by them, arise and
become obligatory upon us, then we learn justice, the law of right,
the divine rule of conduct for human life. But if we undertake to
define and settle "the mode of action that belongs to the infinitely
perfect nature of God," and so set up any ideal rule, beyond all human
reach, we soon come to judge and condemn His work and the relations
which it has pleased Him in His infinite wisdom to create.

A sense of justice belongs to human nature, and is a part of it. Men
find a deep, permanent, and instinctive delight in justice, not only
in the outward effects, but in the inward cause, and by their nature
love this law of right, this reasonable rule of conduct, this justice,
with a deep and abiding love. Justice is the object of the conscience,
and fits it as light fits the eye and truth the mind.

Justice keeps just relations between men. It holds the balance between
nation and nation, between a man and his family, tribe, nation, and
race, so that his absolute rights and theirs do not interfere, nor
their ultimate interests ever clash, nor the eternal interests of the
one prove antagonistic to those of all or of any other one. This we
must believe, if we believe that God is just. We must do justice to
all, and demand it of all; it is a universal human debt, a universal
human claim. But we may err greatly in defining what that justice is.
The temporary interests, and what to human view are the rights, of
men, do often interfere and clash. The life-interests of the
individual often conflict with the permanent interests and welfare of
society; and what may seem to be the natural rights of one class or
race, with those of another.

It is not true to say that "one man, however little, must not be
sacrificed to another, however great, to a majority, or to all men."
That is not only a fallacy, but a most dangerous one. Often one man
and many men must be sacrificed, in the ordinary sense of the term, to
the interest of the many. It is a comfortable fallacy to the selfish;
for if they cannot, by the law of justice, be sacrificed for the
common good, then their country has no right to demand of them
self-sacrifice; and he is a fool who lays down his life, or sacrifices
his estate, or even his luxuries, to insure the safety or prosperity
of his country. According to that doctrine, Curtius was a fool, and
Leonidas an idiot; and to die for one's country is no longer beautiful
and glorious, but a mere absurdity. Then it is no longer to be asked
that the common soldier shall receive in his bosom the sword or
bayonet-thrust which otherwise would let out the life of the great
commander on whose fate hang the liberties of his country, and the
welfare of millions yet unborn.

On the contrary, it is certain that necessity rules in all the affairs
of men, and that the interest and even the life of one man must often
be sacrificed to the interest and welfare of his country. Some must
ever lead the forlorn hope: the missionary must go among savages,
bearing his life in his hand; the physician must expose himself to
pestilence for the sake of others; the sailor, in the frail boat upon
the wide ocean, escaped from the foundering or burning ship, must step
calmly into the hungry waters, if the lives of the passengers can be
saved only by the sacrifice of his own; the pilot must stand firm at
the wheel, and let the flames scorch away his own life to insure the
common safety of those whom the doomed vessel bears.

The mass of men are always looking for what is just. All the vast
machinery which makes up a State, a world of States, is, on the part
of the people, an attempt to organize, not that ideal justice which
finds fault with God's ordinances, but that practical justice which
may be attained in the actual organization of the world. The minute
and wide-extending civil machinery which makes up the law and the
courts, with all their officers and implements, on the part of
mankind, is chiefly an effort to reduce to practice the theory of
right. Constitutions are made to establish justice; the decisions of
courts are reported to help us judge more wisely in time to come. The
nation aims to get together the most nearly just men in the State,
that they may incorporate into statutes their aggregate sense of what
is right. The people wish law to be embodied justice, administered
without passion. Even in the wildest ages there has been a wild
popular justice, but always mixed with passion and administered in
hate; for justice takes a rude form with rude men, and becomes less
mixed with hate and passion in more civilized communities. Every
progressive State revises its statutes and revolutionizes its
constitution from time to time, seeking to come closer to the utmost
possible practical justice and right; and sometimes, following
theorists and dreamers in their adoration for the ideal, by erecting
into law positive principle of theoretical right, works practical
injustice, and then has to retrace its steps.

In literature men always look for practical justice, and desire that
virtue should have its own reward, and vice its appropriate
punishment. They are ever on the side of justice and humanity; and the
majority of them have an ideal justice, better than the things about
them, juster than the law: for the law is ever imperfect, not
attaining even to the utmost practicable degree of perfection; and no
man is as just as his own idea of possible and practicable justice.
His passions and his necessities ever cause him to sink below his own
ideal. The ideal justice which men ever look up to and strive to rise
toward, is true; but it will not be realized in this world. Yet we
must approach as near to it as practicable, as we should do toward
that ideal democracy that "now floats before the eyes of earnest and
religious men,--fairer than the Republic of Plato, or More's Utopia,
or the Golden Age of fabled memory," only taking care that we do not,
in striving to reach and ascend to the impossible ideal, neglect to
seize upon and hold fast to the possible actual. To aim at the best,
but be content with the best possible, is the only true wisdom. To
insist on the absolute right, and throw out of the calculation the
important and all controlling element of necessity, is the folly of a
mere dreamer.

In a world inhabited by men with bodies, and necessarily with bodily
wants and animal passions, the time will never come when there will be
no want, no oppression, nor servitude, no fear of man no fear of God,
but only Love. That can never be while there are inferior intellect,
indulgence in low vice, improvidence, indolence, awful visitations of
pestilence and war and famine, earthquake and volcano, that must of
necessity cause men to want, and serve, and suffer, and fear.

But still the ploughshare of justice is ever drawn through and through
the field of the world, uprooting the savage plants. Ever we see a
continual and progressive triumph of the right. The injustice of
England lost her America, the fairest jewel of her crown. The
injustice of Napoleon bore him to the ground more than the snows of
Russia did, and exiled him to a barren rock there to pine away and
die, his life a warning to bid mankind be just.

We intuitively understand what justice is, better than we can depict
it. What it is in a given case depends so much on circumstances, that
definitions of it are wholly deceitful. Often it would be unjust to
society to do what would, in the absence of that consideration, be
pronounced just to the individual. General propositions of man's right
to this or that are ever fallacious: and not infrequently it would be
most unjust to the individual himself to do for him what the theorist,
as a general proposition, would say was right and his due.

We should ever do unto others what, under the same circumstances, we
ought to wish, and should have the right to wish they should do unto
us. There are many cases, cases constantly occurring, where one man
must take care of himself, in preference to another, as where two
struggle for the possession of a plank that will save one, but cannot
uphold both; or where, assailed, he can save his own life only by
slaying his adversary. So one must prefer the safety of his country to
the lives of her enemies; and sometimes, to insure it, to those of her
own innocent citizens. . The retreating general may cut away a bridge
behind him, to delay pursuit and save the main body of his army,
though he thereby surrenders a detachment, a battalion, or even a
corps of his own force to certain destruction.

These are not departures from justice; though, like other instances
where the injury or death of the individual is the safety of the many,
where the interest of one individual, class, or race is postponed to
that of the public, or of the superior race, they may infringe some
dreamer's ideal rule of justice. But every departure from real,
practical justice is no doubt attended with loss to the unjust man,
though the loss is not reported to the public. Injustice, public or
private, like every other sin and wrong, is inevitably followed by its
consequences. The selfish, the grasping, the inhuman, the fraudulently
unjust, the ungenerous employer, and the cruel master, are detested by
the great popular heart; while the kind master, the liberal employer,
the generous, the humane, and the just have the good opinion of all
men, and even envy is a tribute to their virtues. Men honour all who
stand up for truth and right, and never shrink. The world builds
monuments to its patriots. Four great statesmen, organizers of the
right, embalmed in stone, look down upon the lawgivers of France as
they pass to their hall of legislation, silent orators to tell how
nations love the just. How we revere the marble lineaments of those
just judges, Jay and Marshall, that look so calmly toward the living
Bench of the Supreme Court of the United States! What a monument
Washington has built in the heart of America and all the world, not
because he dreamed of an impracticable ideal justice, but by his
constant effort to be practically just !

But necessity alone, and the greatest good of the greatest number, can
legitimately interfere with the dominion of absolute and ideal
justice. Government should not foster the strong at the expense of the
weak, nor protect the capitalist and tax the labourer. The powerful
should not seek a monopoly of development and enjoyment; not prudence
only and the expedient for to-day should be appealed to by statesmen,
but conscience and the right: justice should not be forgotten in
looking at interest, nor political morality neglected for political
economy: we should not have national housekeeping instead of national
organization on the basis of right.

We may well differ as to the abstract right of many things; for every
such question has many sides, and few men look at all of them, many
only at one. But we all readily recognize cruelty, unfairness,
inhumanity, partiality, over-reaching, hard-dealing, by their ugly and
familiar lineaments, and in order to know and to hate and despise
them, we do not need to sit as a Court of Errors and Appeals to revise
and reverse God's Providences.

There are certainly great evils of civilization at this day, and many
questions of humanity long adjourned and put off. The hideous aspect
of pauperism, the debasement and vice in our cities, tell us by their
eloquent silence or in inarticulate mutterings, that the rich and the
powerful and the intellectual do not do their duty by the poor, the
feeble, and the ignorant; and every wretched woman who lives, Heaven
scarce knows how, by making shirts at sixpence each, attests the
injustice and inhumanity of man. There are cruelties to slaves, and
worse cruelties to animals, each disgraceful to their perpetrators,
and equally unwarranted by the lawful relation of control and
dependence which it has pleased God to create.

A sentence is written against all that is unjust, written by God in
the nature of man and in the nature of the Universe, because it is in
the nature of the Infinite God. Fidelity to your faculties, trust in
their convictions, that is justice to yourself; a life in obedience
thereto, that is justice toward men. No wrong is really successful.
The gain of injustice is a loss, its pleasure suffering. Iniquity
often seems to prosper, but its success is its defeat and shame. After
a long while, the day of reckoning ever comes, to nation as to
individual. The knave deceives himself. The miser, starving his
brother's body, starves also his own soul, and at death shall creep
out of his great estate of injustice, poor and naked and miserable.
Whoso escapes a duty avoids a gain. Outward judgment often fails,
inward justice never. Let a man try to love the wrong and to do the
wrong, it is eating stones and not bread, the swift feet of justice
are upon him, following with woolen tread, and her iron hands are
round his neck. No man can escape from this, any more than from
himself. Justice is the angel of God that flies from East to West; and
where she stoops her broad wings, it is to bring the counsel of God,
and feed mankind with angel's bread.

We cannot understand the moral Universe. The arc is a long one, and
our eyes reach but a little way; we cannot calculate the curve and
complete the figure by the experience of sight; but we can divine it
by conscience, and we surely know that it bends toward justice.
Justice will not fail, though wickedness appears strong, and has on
its side the armies and thrones of power, the riches and the glory of
the world, and though poor men crouch down in despair. Justice will
not fail and perish out from the world of men! nor will what is really
wrong and contrary to God's real law of justice continually endure.
The Power, the Wisdom, and the Justice of God are on the side of every
just thought, and it cannot fail, any more than God Himself can

In human affairs, the justice of God must work by human means. Men are
the instruments of God's principles; our morality is the instrument of
His justice, which, incomprehensible to us, seems to our short vision
often to work injustice. but will at some time still the oppressor's
brutal laugh. Justice is the rule of conduct written in the nature of
mankind. We may, in our daily life, in house or field or shop, in the
office or in the court, help to prepare the way for the commonwealth
of justice which is slowly, but, we would fain hope, surely
approaching. All the justice we mature will bless us here and
hereafter, and at our death we shall leave it added to the common
store of human-kind. And every Mason who, content to do that which is
possible and practicable, does and enforces justice, may help deepen
the channel of human morality in which God's justice runs; and so the
wrecks of evil that now check and obstruct the stream may the sooner
be swept out and borne away by the resistless tide of Omnipotent
Right. Let us, my Brother, in this as in all else, endeavour always to
perform the duties of a good Mason and a good man.

M & D Chapter XXXII

The Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret



[Master of Royal Secret.]

Albert Pike
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

The Occult Science of the Ancient Magi was concealed under the shadows
of the Ancient Mysteries: it was imperfectly revealed or rather
disfigured by the Gnostics: it is guessed at under the obscurities
that cover the pretended crimes of the Templars; and it is found
enveloped in enigmas that seem impenetrable, in the Rites of the
Highest Masonry.

Magism was the Science of Abraham and Orpheus, of Confucius and
Zoroaster. It was the dogmas of this Science that were engraven on the
tables of stone by Hanoch and Trismegistus. Moses purified and
re-veiled them, for that is the meaning of the word reveal. He covered
them with a new veil, when he made of the Holy Kabalah the exclusive
heritage of the people of Israel, and the inviolable Secret of its
priests. The Mysteries of Thebes and Eleusis preserved among the
nations some symbols of it, already altered, and the mysterious key
whereof was lost among the instruments of an ever-growing
superstition. Jerusalem, the murderess of her prophets, and so often
prostituted to the false gods of the Syrians and Babylonians, had at
length in its turn lost the Holy Word, when a Prophet announced to the
Magi by the consecrated Star of Initiation, came to rend asunder the
worn veil of the old Temple, in order to give the Church a new tissue
of legends and symbols, that still and ever conceals from the Profane,
and ever preserves to the Elect the same truths.

It was the remembrance of this scientific and religious Absolute, of
this doctrine that is summed up in a word, of this Word, in fine,
alternately lost and found again, that was transmitted to the Elect of
all the Ancient Initiations: it was this same remembrance, preserved,
or perhaps profaned in the celebrated Order of the Templars, that
became for all the secret associations, of the Rose-Croix, of the
Illuminati, and of the Hermetic Freemasons, the reason of their
strange rites, of their signs more or less conventional, and, above
all, of their mutual devotedness and of their power.

The Gnostics caused the Gnosis to be proscribed by the Christians, and
the official Sanctuary was closed against the high initiation. Thus
the Hierarchy of Knowledge was compromitted by the violences of
usurping ignorance, and the disorders of the Sanctuary are reproduced
in the State; for always, willingly or unwillingly, the King is
sustained by the Priest, and it is from the eternal Sanctuary of the
Divine instruction that the Powers of the Earth, to insure themselves
durability, must receive their consecration and their force.

The Hermetic Science of the early Christian ages, cultivated also by
Geber, Alfarabius, and others of the Arabs, studied by the Chiefs of
the Templars, and embodied in certain symbols of the higher Degrees of
Freemasonry, may be accurately defined as the Kabalah in active
realization,or the Magic of Works. It has three analogous Degrees,
religious, philosophical, and physical realization.

Its religious realization is the durable foundation of the true Empire
and the true Priesthood that rule in the realm of human intellect: its
philosophical realization is the establishment of absolute Doctrine,
known in all times as the "Holy Doctrine," and of which PLUTARCH, in
the Treatise "de Iside et Osiride," speaks at large but mysteriously;
and of a Hierarchical instruction to secure the uninterrupted
succession of Adepts among the Initiates: its physical realization is
the discovery and application, in the Microcosm, or Little World, of
the creative law that incessantly peoples the great Universe.

Measure a corner of the Creation, and multiply that space in
proportional progression, and the entire Infinite will multiply its
circles filled with universes, which will pass in proportional
segments between the ideal and elongating branches of your Compass.
Now suppose that from any point whatever of the Infinite above you a
hand holds another Compass or a Square, the lines of the Celestial
triangle will necessarily meet those of the Compass of Science, to
form the Mysterious Star of Solomon.

All hypotheses scientifically probable are the last gleams of the
twilight of knowledge, or its last shadows. Faith begins where Reason
sinks exhausted. Beyond the human Reason is the Divine Reason, to our
feebleness the great Absurdity, the Infinite Absurd, which confounds
us and which we believe. For the Master, the Compass of Faith is above
the Square of Reason; but both rest upon the Holy Scriptures and
combine to form the Blazing Star of Truth.

All eyes do not see alike. Even the visible creation is not, for all
who look upon it, of one form and one color. Our brain is a book
printed within and without, and the two writings are, with all men,
more or less confused.

The primary tradition of the single revelation has been preserved
under the name of the "Kabalah," by the Priesthood of Israel. The
Kabalistic doctrine, which was also the dogma of the Magi and of
Hermes, is contained in the Sepher Yetsairah, the Sohar, and the
Talmud. According to that doctrine, the Absolute is the Being, in
which The Word Is, the Word that is the utterance and expression of
being and life.

Magic is that which it is; it is by itself, like the mathematics; for
it is the exact and absolute science of Nature and its laws.

Magic is the science of the Ancient Magi: and the Christian religion,
which has imposed silence on the lying oracles, and put an end to the
prestiges of the false Gods, itself reveres those Magi who came from
the East, guided by a Star, to adore the Saviour of the world in His

Tradition also gives these Magi the title of "Kings;" because
initiation into Magism constitutes a genuine royalty; and because the
grand art of the Magi is styled by all the Adepts, "The Royal Art," or
the Holy Realm or Empire, Sanctum Regnum.

The Star which guided them is that same Blazing Star, the image
whereof we find in all initiations. To the Alchemists it is the sign
of the Quintessence; to the Magists, the Grand Arcanum; to the
Kabalists, the Sacred Pentagram. The study of this Pentagram could not
but lead the Magi to the knowledge of the New Name which was about to
raise itself above all names, and cause all creatures capable of
adoration to bend the knee.

Magic unites in one and the same science, whatsoever Philosophy can
possess that is most certain, and Religion of the Infallible and the
Eternal. It perfectly and incontestably reconciles these two terms
that at first blush seem so opposed to each other; faith and reason,
science and creed, authority and liberty.

It supplies the human mind with an instrument of philosophical and
religious certainty, exact as the mathematics, and accounting for the
infallibility of the mathematics themselves.

Thus there is an Absolute, in the matters of the Intelligence and of
Faith. The Supreme Reason has not left the gleams of the human
understanding to vacillate at hazard. There is an incontestable
verity, there is an infallible method of knowing this verity, and by
the knowledge of it, those who accept it as a rule may give their will
a sovereign power that will make them the masters of all inferior
things and of all errant spirits; that is to say, will make them the
Arbiters and Kings of the World.

Science has its nights and its dawns, because it gives the
intellectual world a life which has its regulated movements and its
progressive phases. It is with Truths, as with the luminous rays:
nothing of what is concealed is lost; but also, nothing of what is
discovered is absolutely new. God has been pleased to give to Science,
which is the reflection of His Glory, the Seal of His Eternity.

It is not in the books of the Philosophers, but in the religious
symbolism of the Ancients, that we must look for the footprints of
Science, and re-discover the Mysteries of Knowledge. The Priests of
Egypt knew, better than we do, the laws of movement and of life. They
knew how to temper or intensify action by reaction; and readily
foresaw the realization of these effects, the causes of which they had
determined. The Columns of Seth, Enoch, Solomon, and Hercules have
symbolized in the Magian traditions this universal law of the
Equilibrium; and the Science of the Equilibrium or balancing of Forces
had led the Initiates to that of the universal gravitation around the
centres of Life, Heat, and Light.

Thales and Pythagoras learned in the Sanctuaries of Egypt that the
Earth revolved around the Sun; but they did not attempt to make this
generally known, because to do so it would have been necessary to
reveal one of the great Secrets of the Temple, that double law of
attraction and radiation or of sympathy and antipathy, of fixedness
and movement, which is the principle of Creation, and the perpetual
cause of life. This Truth was ridiculed by the Christian Lactantius,
as it was long after sought to be proven a falsehood by persecution,
by Papal Rome.

So the philosophers reasoned, while the Priests, without replying to
them or even smiling at their errors, wrote, in those Hieroglyphics
that created all dogmas and all poetry, the Secrets of the Truth.

When Truth comes into the world, the Star of Knowledge advises the
Magi of it, and they hasten to adore the Infant who creates the
Future. It is by means of the Intelligence of the Hierarchy and the
practice of obedience, that one obtains Initiation. If the Rulers have
the Divine Right to govern, the true Initiate will cheerfully obey.

The orthodox traditions were carried from Chaldea by Abraham. They
reigned in Egypt in the time of Joseph, together with the knowledge of
the True God. Moses carried Orthodoxy out of Egypt, and in the Secret
Traditions of the Kabalah we find a Theology entire, perfect, unique,
like that which in Christianity is most grand and best explained by
the Fathers and the Doctors, the whole with a consistency and a
harmoniousness which it is not as yet given to the world to
comprehend. The Sohar, which is the Key of the Holy Books, opens also
all the depths and lights, all the obscurities of the Ancient
Mythologies and of the Sciences originally concealed in the
Sanctuaries. It is true that the Secret of this Key must be known, to
enable one to make use of it, and that for even the most penetrating
intellects, not initiated in this Secret, the Sohar is absolutely
incomprehensible and almost illegible.

The Secret of the Occult Sciences is that of Nature itself, the Secret
of the generation of the Angels and Worlds, that of the Omnipotence of

"Ye shall be like the Elohim, knowing good and evil," had the Serpent
of Genesis said, and the Tree of Knowledge became the Tree of Death.

For six thousand years the Martyrs of Knowledge toil and die at the
foot of this tree, that it may again become the Tree of Life.

The Absolute sought for unsuccessfully by the insensate and found by
the Sages, is the TRUTH, the REALITY, and the REASON of the universal

Equilibrium is the Harmony that results from the analogy of

Until now, Humanity has been endeavoring to stand on one foot;
sometimes on one, sometimes on the other.

Civilizations have risen and perished, either by the anarchical
insanity of Despotism, or by the despotic anarchy of Revolt.

To organize Anarchy, is the problem which the revolutionists have and
will eternally have to resolve. It is the rock of Sisyphus that will
always fall back upon them. To exist a single instant, they are and
always will be by fatality reduced to improvise a despotism without
other reason of existence than necessity, and which, consequently, is
violent and blind as Necessity. We escape from the harmonious monarchy
of Reason, only to fall under the irregular dictatorship of Folly.

Sometimes superstitious enthusiasms, sometimes the miserable
calculations of the materialist instinct have led astray the nations,
and God at last urges the world on toward believing Reason and
reasonable Beliefs.

We have had prophets enough without philosophy, and philosophers
without religion; the blind believers and the sceptics resemble each
other, and are as far the one as the other from the eternal salvation.

In the chaos of universal doubt and of the conflicts of Reason and
Faith, the great men and Seers have been but infirm and morbid
artists, seeking the beau-ideal at the risk and peril of their reason
and life.

Living only in the hope to be crowned, they are the first to do what
Pythagoras in so touching a manner prohibits in his admirable Symbols;
they rend crowns, and tread them under foot.

Light is the equilibrium of Shadow and Lucidity. Movement is the
equilibrium of Inertia and Activity. Authority is the equilibrium of
Liberty and Power. Wisdom is equilibrium in the Thoughts, which are
the scintillations and rays of the Intellect. Virtue is equilibrium in
the Affections: Beauty is harmonious proportion in Forms. The
beautiful lives are the accurate ones, and the magnificences of Nature
are an algebra of graces and splendors. Everything just is beautiful;
everything beautiful ought to be just.

There is, in fact, no Nothing, no void Emptiness, in the Universe.
From the upper or outer surface of our atmosphere to that of the Sun,
and to those of the Planets and remote Stars, in different directions,
Science has for hundreds of centuries imagined that there was simple,
void, empty Space. Comparing finite knowledge with the Infinite, the
Philosophers know little more than the apes ! In all that "void" space
are the Infinite Forces of God, acting in an infinite variety of
directions, back and forth, and never for an instant inactive. In all
of it, active through the whole of its Infinity, is the Light that is
the Visible Manifestation of God. The earth and every other planet and
sphere that is not a Centre of Light, carries its cone of shadow with
it as it flies and flashes round in its orbit; but the darkness has no
home in the Universe. To illuminate the sphere on one side, is to
project a cone of darkness on the other; and Error also is the Shadow
of the Truth with which God illuminates the Soul.

In all that "Void," also, is the Mysterious and ever Active
Electricity, and Heat, and the Omnipresent Ether. At the will of God
the Invisible becomes Visible. Two invisible gases, combined by the
action of a Force of God, and compressed, become and remain the water
that fills the great basins of the seas, flows in the rivers and
rivulets, leaps forth from the rocks or springs, drops upon the earth
in rains, or whitens it with snows, and bridges the Danubes with ice,
or gathers in vast reservoirs in the earth's bosom. God manifested
fills all the extension that we foolishly call Empty Space and the

And everywhere in the Universe, what we call life and Movement results
from a continual conflict of Forces or Impulses. Whenever that active
antagonism ceases, the immobility and inertia, which are Death,

If, says the Kabalah, the Justice of God, which is Severity or the
Female, alone reigned, creation of imperfect beings such as man would
from the beginning have been impossible, because Sin being congenital
with Humanity, the Infinite Justice, measuring the Sin by the Infinity
of the God offended against, must have annihilated Humanity at the
instant of its creation; and not only Humanity but the Angels, since
these also, like all created by God and less than perfect, are sinful.
Nothing imperfect would have been possible. If, on the other hand, the
Mercy or Benignity of God, the Male, were in no wise counteracted, Sin
would go unpunished, and the Universe fall into a chaos of corruption.

Let God but repeal a single principle or law of chemical attraction or
sympathy, and the antagonistic forces equilibrated in matter, released
from constraint, would instantaneously expand all that we term matter
into impalpable and invisible gases, such as water or steam is, when,
confined in a cylinder and subjected to an immense degree of that
mysterious force of the Deity which we call "heat," it is by its
expansion released.

Incessantly the great currents and rivers of air flow and rush and
roll from the equator to the frozen polar regions, and back from these
to the torrid equatorial realms. Necessarily incident to these great,
immense, equilibrated and beneficent movements, caused by the
antagonism of equatorial heat and polar cold, are the typhoons,
tornadoes, and cyclones that result from conflicts between the rushing
currents. These and the benign trade-winds result from the same great
law. God is omnipotent; but effects without causes are impossible, and
these effects cannot but sometimes be evil. The fire would not warm,
if it could not also burn, the human flesh. The most virulent poisons
are the most sovereign remedies, when given in due proportion. The
Evil is the shadow of the Good, and inseparable from it.

The Divine Wisdom limits by equipoise the Omnipotence of the Divine
Will or Power, and the result is Beauty or Harmony. The arch rests not
on a single column, but springs from one on either side. So is it also
with the Divine Justice and Mercy, and with the Human Reason and Human

That purely scholastic Theology, issue of the Categories of Aristotle
and of the Sentences of Peter Lombard, that logic of the syllogism
which argues instead of reasoning, and finds a response to every thing
by subtilizing on terms, wholly ignored the Kabalastic dogma and
wandered off into the drear vacuity of darkness. It was less a
philosophy or a wisdom than a philosophical automaton, replying by
means of springs, and uncoiling its theses like a wheeled movement. It
was not the human verb but the monotonous cry of a machine, the
inanimate speech of an Android. It was the fatal precision of
mechanism, instead of a free application of rational necessities. ST
THOMAS AQUINAS crushed with a single blow all this scaffolding of
words built one upon the other, by proclaiming the eternal Empire of
Reason, in that magnificent sentence, "A thing is not just because GOD
wills it,- but GOD wills it because it is just." The proximate
consequence of this proposition, arguing from the greater to the less,
was this: "A thing is not true because ARISTOTLE has said it; but
ARISTOTLE could not reasonably say it unless it was true. Seek then,
first of, all, the TRUTH and JUSTICE, and the Science of ARISTOTLE
will be given you in addition."

It is the fine dream of the greatest of the Poets, that Hell, become
useless, is to be closed at length, by the aggrandizement of Heaven;
that the problem of Evil is to receive its final solution, and Good
alone, necessary and triumphant, is to reign in Eternity. So the
Persian dogma taught that AHRIMAN and his subordinate ministers of
Evil were at last, by means of a Redeemer and Mediator, to be
reconciled with Deity, and all Evil to end. But unfortunately, the
philosopher forgets all the laws of equilibrium, and seeks to absorb
the Light in a splendor without shadow, and movement in an absolute
repose that would be the cessation of life. So long as there shall be
a visible light, there will be a shadow proportional to this Light,
and whatever is illuminated will cast its cone of shadow. Repose will
never be happiness, if it is not balanced by an analogous and contrary
movement. This is the immutable law of Nature, the Eternal Will of the
JUSTICE which is GOD.

The same reason necessitates Evil and Sorrow in Humanity which renders
indispensable the bitterness of the waters of the seas. Here also,
Harmony can result only from the analogy of contraries, and what is
above exists by reason of what is below. It is the depth that
determines the height; and if the valleys are filled up, the mountains
disappear: so, if the shadows are effaced, the Light is annulled,
which is only visible by the graduated contrast of gloom and splendor,
and universal obscurity will be produced by an immense dazzling. Even
the colors in the Light only exist by the presence of the shadow: it
is the threefold alliance of the day and night, the luminous image of
the dogma, the Light made Shadow, as the Saviour is the Logos made
man: and all this reposes on the same law, the primary law of
creation, the single and absolute law of Nature, that of the
distinction and harmonious ponderation of the contrary forces in the
universal equipoise.

The two great columns of the Temple that symbolizes the Universe are
Necessity, or the omnipotent Will of God, which nothing can disobey,
and Liberty, or the free-will of His creatures. Apparently and to our
human reason antagonistic, the same Reason is not incapable of
comprehending how they can be in equipoise. The Infinite Power and
Wisdom could so plan the Universe and the Infinite Succession of
things as to leave man free to act, and, foreseeing what each would at
every instant think and do, to make of the free-will and free-action
of each an instrument to aid in effecting its general purpose. For
even a man, foreseeing that another will do a certain act, and in
nowise controlling or even influencing him may use that action as an
instrument to effect his own purposes.

The Infinite Wisdom of God foresees what each will do, and uses it as
an instrument, by the exertion of His Infinite Power, which yet does
not control the Human action so as to annihilate its freedom The
result is Harmony, the third column that upholds the Lodge. The same
Harmony results from the equipoise of Necessity and Liberty. The will
of God is not for an instant defeated nor thwarted, and this is the
Divine Victory; and yet He does not tempt nor constrain men to do
Evil, and thus His Infinite Glory is unimpaired. The result is
Stability, Cohesion, and Permanence in the Universe, and undivided
Dominion and Autocracy in the Deity. And these, Victory, Glory,
Stability, and Dominion, are the last four Sephiroth of the Kabalah.

I AM, God said to Moses, that which Is, Was and Shall forever Be. But
the Very God, in His unmanifested Essence, conceived of as not yet
having created and as Alone, has no Name. Such was the doctrine of all
the ancient Sages, and it is so expressly declared in the Kabalah. is
the Name of the Deity manifested in a single act, that of Creation,
and containing within Himself, in idea and actuality, the whole
Universe, to be invested with form and be materially developed during
the eternal succession of ages. As God never WAS NOT, so He never
THOUGHT not, and the Universe has no more had a beginning than the
Divine Thought of which it is the utterance,--no more than the Deity
Himself. The duration of the Universe is but a point halfway upon the
infinite line of eternity; and God was not inert and uncreative during
the eternity that stretches behind that point. The Archetype of the
Universe did never not exist in the Divine Mind. The Word was in the
BEGINNING with God, and WAS God. And the Ineffable NAME is that, not
of the Very Essence but of the Absolute, manifested as Being or
Existence. For Existence or Being, said the Philosophers, is
limitation; and the Very Deity is not limited nor defined, but is all
that may possibly be, besides all that is, was, and shall be.

Reversing the letters of the Ineffable Name, and dividing it, it
becomes bi-sexual, as the word Yud-He or JAH is, and discloses the
meaning of much of the obscure language of the Kabalah, and is The
Highest of which the Columns Jachin and Boaz are the symbol. "In the
image of Deity," we are told, "God created the Man; Male and Female
created He them:" and the writer, symbolizing the Divine by the Human,
then tells us that the woman, at first contained in the man, was taken
from his side. So Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom, was born, a woman and in
armor, of the brain of Jove; Isis was the sister before she was the
wife of Osiris, and within BRAHM, the Source of all, the Very God,
without sex or name, was developed MAYA, the Mother of all that is.
The WORD is the First and Only-begotten of the Father; and the awe
with which the Highest Mysteries were regarded has imposed silence in
respect to the Nature of the Holy Spirit. The Word is Light, and the
Life of Humanity.

It is for the Adepts to understand the meaning of the Symbols.

Return now, with us, to the Degrees of the Blue Masonry, and for your
last lesson, receive the explanation of one of their Symbols.

You see upon the altar of those Degrees the SQUARE and the COMPASS,
and you remember how they lay upon the altar in each Degree.

The SQUARE is an instrument adapted for plane surfaces only, and
therefore appropriate to Geometry, or measurement of the Earth, which
appears to be, and was by the Ancients supposed to be, a plane. The
COMPASS is an instrument that has relation to spheres and spherical
surfaces, and is adapted to spherical trigonometry, or that branch of
mathematics which deals with the Heavens and the orbits of the
planetary bodies.

The SQUARE, therefore, is a natural and appropriate Symbol of this
Earth and the things that belong to it, are of it, or concern it. The
Compass is an equally natural and appropriate Symbol of the Heavens,
and of all celestial things and celestial natures.

You see at the beginning of this reading, an old Hermetic Symbol,
copied from the MATERIA PRIMA of Valentinus, printed at Frankfurt, in
1613, with a treatise entitled "AZOTEI." Upon it you see a Triangle
upon a Square, both of these contained in a circle; and above this,
standing upon a dragon, a human body, with two arms only,but two
heads,one male and the other female. By the side of the male head is
the Sun, and by that of the female head, the Moon, the crescent within
the circle of the full moon. And the hand on the male side holds a
Compass, and that on the female side, a Square.

The Heavens and the Earth were personified as Deities, even among the
Aryan Ancestors of the European nations of the Hindus, Zends,
Bactrians, and Persians; and the Rig Veda Sanhita contains hymns
addressed to them as gods. They were deified also among the
Phoenicians; and among the Greeks OURANOS and GEA, Heaven and Earth,
were sung as the most ancient of the Deities, by Hesiod.

It is the great, fertile, beautiful MOTHER, Earth, that produces, with
limitless profusion of beneficence, everything that ministers to the
needs, to the comfort, and to the luxury of man. From her teeming and
inexhaustible bosom come the fruits, the grain, the flowers, in their
season. From it comes all that feeds the animals which serve man as
labourers and for food. She, in the fair Springtime, is green with
abundant grass, and the trees spring from her soil, and from her
teeming vitality take their wealth of green leaves. In her womb are
found the useful and valuable minerals; hers are the seas the swarm
with life; hers the rivers that furnish food and irrigation, and the
mountains that send down the streams which swell into these rivers;
hers the forests that feed the sacred fires for the sacrifices, and
blaze upon the domestic hearths. The EARTH, therefore, the great
PRODUCER, was always represented as a female, as the MOTHER,--Great,
Bounteous, Beneficent Mother Earth.

On the other hand, it is the light and heat of the Sun in the Heavens,
and the rains that seem to come from them, that in the Springtime make
fruitful this bountifully-producing Earth, that restore life and
warmth to her veins, chilled by Winter, set running free her streams,
and beget, as it were, that greenness and that abundance of which she
is so prolific. As the procreative and generative agents, the Heavens
and the Sun have always been regarded as male; as the generators that
fructify the Earth and cause it to produce.

The Hermaphroditic figure is the Symbol of the double nature anciently
assigned to the Deity, as Generator and Producer, as BRAHM and MAYA
among the Aryans, Osiris and Isis among the Egyptians. As the Sun was
male, so the Moon was female; and Isis was both the sister and the
wife of Osiris. The Compass, therefore, is the Hermetic Symbol of the
Creative Deity, and the Square of the productive Earth or Universe.

From the Heavens come the spiritual and immortal portion of man; from
the Earth his material and mortal portion. The Hebrew Genesis says
that YEHOUAH formed man of the dust of the Earth, and breathed into
his nostrils the breath of life. Through the seven planetary spheres,
represented by the Mystic Ladder of the Mithriac Initiations, and it
by that which Jacob saw in his dream (not with three, but with seven
steps), the Souls, emanating from the Deity, descended, to be united
to their human bodies; and through those seven spheres they must
re-ascend, to return to their origin and home in the bosom of the

The COMPASS, therefore, as the Symbol of the Heavens, represents the
spiritual, intellectual, and moral portion of this double nature of
humanity; and the SQUARE, as the Symbol of the Earth, its material,
sensual, and baser portion. "Truth and Intelligence," said one of the
Ancient Indian Sects of Philosophers, "are the Eternal attributes of
God, not of the individual Soul, which is susceptible both of
knowledge and ignorance, of pleasure and pain; therefore God and the
individual Soul are distinct :" and this expression of the ancient
Nyaya Philosophers, in regard to Truth, has been handed down to us
through the long succession of ages, in the lessons of Freemasonry,
wherein we read, that "Truth is a Divine Attribute, and the foundation
of every virtue."

"While embodied in matter," they said, "the Soul is in a state of
imprisonment, and is under the influence of evil passions; but having,
by intense study, arrived at the knowledge of the elements and
principles of Nature, it attains unto the place of THE ETERNAL; in
which state of happiness, its individuality does not cease."

The vitality which animates the mortal frame, the Breath of Life of
the Hebrew Genesis, the Hindu Philosophers in general held, perishes
with it; but the Soul is divine, all emanation of the Spirit of God,
but not a portion of that Spirit. For they compared it to the heat and
light sent forth from the Sun, or to a ray of that light, which
neither lessens nor divides its own essence.

However created, or invested with separate existence, the Soul, which
is but the creature of the Deity, cannot know the mode of its
creation, nor comprehend its own individuality. It cannot even
comprehend how the being which it and the body constitute, can feel
pain, or see, or hear. It has pleased the Universal: Creator to set
bounds to the scope of our human and finite reason, beyond which it
cannot reach; and if we are capable of comprehending the mode and
manner of the creation or generation of the Universe of things, He has
been pleased to conceal it from us by an impenetrable veil, while the
words used to express the act have no other definite meaning than that
He caused that Universe to commence to exist.

It is enough for us to know, what Masonry teaches, that we are not all
mortal; that the Soul or Spirit, the intellectual and reasoning
portion of ourself, is our Very Self, is not subject to decay and
dissolution, but is simple and immaterial, survives the death of the
body, and is capable of immortality; that it is also capable of
improvement and advancement, of increase of knowledge of the things
that are divine, of becoming wiser and better, and more and more
worthy of immortality; and that to become so, and to help to improve
and benefit others and all our race, is the noblest ambition and
highest glory that we can entertain and attain unto, in this momentary
and imperfect life.

In every human being the Divine and the Human are intermingled. In
every one there are the Reason and the Moral sense, the passions that
prompt to evil, and the sensual appetites. "If ye live after the
flesh, ye shall die," said Paul, writing to the Christians at Rome,
"but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye
shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the
sons of God." "The flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit
against the flesh," he said, writing to the Christians of Galatia,
"and these are contrary the one to the other, so that ye cannot do the
things that ye would." "That which I do, I do not willingly do," he
wrote to the Romans, "for what I wish to do, that I do not do, but
that which I hate I do. It is no more I that do it, but sin that
dwelleth in me. To will, is present with me; but how to perform that
which is good, I find not. For, I do not do the good that I desire to
do; and the evil that I do not wish to do, that I do do. I find then a
law, that when I desire to do good, evil is present with me; for I
delight in the law of God after the inward man, but I see another law
in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me
into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. . . So then,
with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the
law of sin."

Life is a battle, and to fight that battle heroically and well is the
great purpose of every man's existence, who is worthy and fit to live
at all. To stem the strong currents of adversity, to advance in
despite of all obstacles, to snatch victory from the jealous grasp of
fortune, to become a chief and a leader among men, to rise to rank and
power by eloquence, courage, perseverance, study, energy, activity,
discouraged by no reverses, impatient of no delays, deterred by no
hazards; to win wealth, to subjugate men by our intellect, the very
elements by our audacity, to succeed, to prosper, to thrive;--thus it
is, according to the general understanding, that one fights well the
battle of life. Even to succeed in business by that boldness which
halts for no risks, that audacity which stakes all upon hazardous
chances; by the shrewdness of the close dealer, the boldness of the
unscrupulous operator, ever by the knaveries of the stock-board and
the gold-room; to crawl up into place by disreputable means or the
votes of brutal ignorance,--these also are deemed to be among the
great successes of life.

But that which is the greatest battle, and in which the truest honour
and most real success are to be won, is that which our intellect and
reason and moral sense, our spiritual natures, fight against our
sensual appetites and evil passions, our earthly and material or
animal nature. Therein only are the true glories of heroism to be won,
there only the successes that entitle us to triumphs.

In every human life that battle is fought; and those who win
elsewhere, often suffer ignominious defeat and disastrous rout, and
discomfiture and shameful downfall in this encounter.

You have heard more than one definition of Freemasonry. The truest and
the most significant you have yet to hear. It is taught to the entered
Apprentice, the Fellow-Craft, and the Master, and it is taught in
every Degree through which you have advanced to this. It is a
definition of what Freemasonry is, of what its purposes and its very
essence and spirit are; and it has for every one of us the force and
sanctity of a divine law, and imposes on every one of us a solemn

It is symbolized and; taught, to the Apprentice as well as to you, by
the COMPASS and the SQUARE; upon which, as well as upon the Book of
your Religion and the Book of the law of the Scottish Freemasonry, you
have taken so many obligations. As a Knight, you have been taught it
by the Swords, the symbols of HONOUR and DUTY, on which you have taken
your vows: it was taught you by the BALANCE, the symbol of all
Equilibrium, and by the CROSS, the symbol of devotedness and
self-sacrifice; but all that these teach and contain is taught and
contained, for Entered Apprentice, Knight, and Prince alike, by the
Compass and the Square.

For the Apprentice, the points of the Compass are beneath the Square.
For the Fellow-Craft, one is above and one beneath. For the Master,
both are dominant, and have rule, control, and empire over the symbol
of the earthly and the material.

FREEMASONRY is the subjugation of the Human that is in man by the
Divine; the Conquest of the Appetites and Passions by the Moral Sense
and the Reason; a continual effort, struggle, and warfare of the
Spiritual against the Material and Sensual. That victory, when it has
been achieved and secured, and the conqueror may rest upon his shield
and wear the well-earned laurels, is the true HOLY EMPIRE.

To achieve it, the Mason must first attain a solid conviction, founded
upon reason, that he hath within him a spiritual nature, a soul that
is not to die when the body is dissolved, but is to continue to exist
and to advance toward perfection through all the ages of eternity, and
to see more and more clearly, as it draws nearer unto God, the Light
of the Divine Presence. This the Philosophy of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite teaches him; and it encourages him to persevere by
helping him to believe that his free will is entirely consistent with
God's Omnipotence and Omniscience; that He is not only infinite in
power, and of infinite wisdom, but of infinite mercy, and an
infinitely tender pity and love for the frail and imperfect creatures
that He has made. Every Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite, from the first to the thirty-second, teaches by its ceremonial
as well as by its instruction, that the noblest purpose of life and
the highest duty of a man are to strive incessantly and vigorously to
win the mastery of everything, of that which in him is spiritual and
divine, over that which is material and sensual; so that in him also,
as in the Universe which God governs, Harmony and Beauty may be the
result of a just equilibrium.

You have been taught this in those Degrees, conferred in the Lodge of
Perfection, which inculcate particularly the practical morality of
Freemasonry. To be true, under whatever temptation to be false; to be
honest in all your dealings, even if great losses should be the
consequence; to be charitable, when selfishness would prompt you to
close your hand, and deprivation of luxury or comfort must follow the
charitable act; to judge justly and impartially, even in your own
case, when baser impulses prompt you to do an injustice in order that
you may be benefited or justified; to be tolerant, when passion
prompts to intolerance and persecution; to do that which is right,
when the wrong seems to promise larger profit; and to wrong no man of
anything that is his, however easy it may seem so to enrich
yourself;--in all these things and others which you promised in those
Degrees, your spiritual nature is taught and encouraged to assert its
rightful dominion over your appetites and passions.

The philosophical Degrees have taught you the value of knowledge, the
excellence of truth, the superiority of intellectual labour, the
dignity and value of your soul, the worth of great and noble thoughts;
and thus endeavoured to assist you to rise above the level of the
animal appetites and passions, the pursuits of greed and the miserable
struggles of ambition, and to find purer pleasure and nobler prizes
and rewards in the acquisition of knowledge, the enlargement of the
intellect, the interpretation of the sacred writing of God upon the
great pages of the Book of Nature.

And the Chivalric Degrees have led you on the same path, by showing
you the excellence of generosity, clemency, forgiveness of injuries,
magnanimity, contempt of danger, and the paramount obligations of Duty
and Honour. They have taught you to overcome the fear of death, to
devote yourself to the great cause of civil and religious Liberty, to
be the Soldier of all that is just right, and true; in the midst of
pestilence to deserve your title of Knight Commander of the Temple,
and neither there nor elsewhere to desert your post and flee
dastard-like from the foe. In all this, you assert the superiority and
right to dominion of that in you which is spiritual and divine. No
base fear of danger or death, no sordid ambitions or pitiful greeds or
base considerations can tempt a true Scottish Knight to dishonour, and
so make his intellect, his reason, his soul, the bond-slave of his
appetites, of his passions, of that which is material and animal,
selfish and brutish in his nature.

It is not possible to create a true and genuine Brotherhood upon any
theory of the baseness of human nature: nor by a community of belief
in abstract propositions as to the nature of the Deity, the number of
His persons, or other theorems of religious faith: nor by the
establishment of a system of association simply for mutual relief, and
by which, in consideration of certain payments regularly made, each
becomes entitled to a certain stipend in case of sickness, to
attention then, and to the ceremonies of burial after death.

There can be no genuine Brotherhood without mutual regard good opinion
and esteem, mutual charity, and mutual allowance for faults and
failings. It is those only who learn habitually to think better of
each other, to look habitually for the good that is in each other, and
expect, allow for, and overlook, the evil, who can be Brethren one of
the other, in any truse sense of the word. Those who gloat over the
failings of one another, who think each other to be naturally base and
low, of a nature in which the Evil predominates and excellence is not
to be looked for, cannot be even friends, and much less Brethren.

No one can have a right to think meanly of his race, unless he also
thinks meanly of himself. If, from a single fault or error, he judges
of the character of another, and takes the single act as evidence of
the whole nature of the man and of the whole course of his life, he
ought to consent to be judged by the same rule, and to admit it to be
right that others should thus uncharitably condemn himself. But such
judgments will become impossible when he incessantly reminds himself
that in every man who lives there is an immortal Soul endeavouring to
do that which is right and just; a Ray, however small, and almost
inappreciable, from the Great Source of Light and Intelligence, which
ever struggles upward amid all the impediments of sense and the
obstructions of the passions; and that in every man this ray
continually wages war against his evil passions and his unruly
appetites, or, if it has succumbed, is never wholly extinguished and
annihilated. For he will then see that it is not victory, but the
struggle that deserves honour; since in this as in all else no man can
always command success. Amid a cloud of errors, of failure, and
shortcomings, he will look for the struggling Soul, for that which is
good in every one amid the evil, and, believing that each is better
than from his acts and omissions he seems to be, and that God cares
for him still, and pities him and loves him, he will feel that even
the erring sinner is still his brother, still entitled to his
sympathy, and bound to him by the indissoluble ties of fellowship.

If there be nothing of the divine in man, what is he, after all, but a
more intelligent animal? He hath no fault nor vice which some beast
hath not; and therefore in his vices he is but a beast of a higher
order; and he hath hardly any moral excellence, perhaps none, which
some animal hath not in as great a degree,-- even the more excellent
of these, such as generosity, fidelity, and magnanimity.

Bardesan, the Syrian Christian, in his Book of the Laws of Countries,
says, of men, that "in the things belonging to their bodies, they
maintain their nature like animals, and in the things which belong to
their minds, they do that which they wish, as being free and with
power, and as the likeness of God"- and Meliton, Bishop of Sardis, in
his Oration to Antoninus Caesar, says, "Let Him, the ever-living God,
be always present in thy, mind; for thy mind itself is His likeness,
for it, too, is invisible and impalpable, and without form. . . As He
exists forever, so thou also, when thou shalt have put off this which
is visible and corruptible, shalt stand before Him forever, living and
endowed with knowledge."

As a matter far above our comprehension, and in the Hebrew Genesis the
words that are used to express the origin of things are of uncertain
meaning, and with equal propriety may be translated by the word
"generated," "produced," "made," or "created," we need not dispute nor
debate whether the Soul or Spirit of man be a ray that has emanated or
flowed forth from the Supreme Intelligence, or whether the Infinite
Power hath called each into existence from nothing, by a mere exertion
of Its will, and endowed it with immortality, and with intelligence
like unto the Divine Intelligence: for, in either case it may be said
that in man the Divine is united to the Human. Of this union the
equilateral Triangle inscribed within the Square is a Symbol.

We see the Soul, Plato said, as men see the statue of Glaucus,
recovered from the sea wherein it had lain many years--which viewing,
it was not easy, if possible, to discern what was its original nature,
its limbs having been partly broken and partly worn and by defacement
changed, by the action of the waves, and shells, weeds, and pebbles
adhering to it, so that it more resembled some strange monster than
that which it was when it left its Divine Source. Even so, he said, we
see the Soul, deformed by innumerable things that have done it harm,
have mutilated and defaced it. But the Mason who hath the ROYAL SECRET
can also with him argue, from beholding its love of wisdom, its
tendency toward association with what is divine and immortal, its
larger aspirations, its struggles, though they may have ended in
defeat, with the impediments and enthralments of the senses and the
passions, that when it shall have been rescued from the material
environments that now prove too strong for it, and be freed from the
deforming and disfiguring accretions that here adhere to it, it will
again be seen in its true nature, and by degrees ascend by the mystic
ladder of the Spheres, to its first home and place of origin.

The ROYAL SECRET, of which you are Prince, if you are a true Adept, if
knowledge seems to you advisable, and Philosophy is, for you, radiant
with a divine beauty, is that which the Sohar terms The Mystery of the

-- Of that Equilibrium in the Deity, between the Infinite Divine
WISDOM and the Infinite Divine POWER, from which result the Stability
of the Universe, the unchangeableness of the Divine Law, and the
Principles of Truth, Justice, and Right which are a part of it; and
the Supreme Obligation of the Divine Law upon all men, as superior to
all other law, and forming a part of all the laws of men and nations.

--Of that Equilibrium also, between the Infinite Divine JUSTICE and
the Infinite Divine MERCY, the result of which is the Infinite Divine
EQUITY, and the Moral Harmony or Beauty of the Universe. By it the
endurance of created and imperfect natures in the presence of a
Perfect Deity is made possible; and for Him, also, as for us, to love
is better than to hate, and Forgiveness is wiser than Revenge or

--Of that Equilibrium between NECESSITY and LIBERTY, between the
action of the DIVINE Omnipotence and the Free-will of man, by which
vices and base actions, and ungenerous thoughts and words are crimes
and wrongs, justly punished by the law of cause and consequence,
though nothing in the Universe can happen or be done contrary to the
will of God; and without which co-existence of Liberty and Necessity,
of Free-will in the creature and Omnipotence in the Creator, there
could be no religion, nor any law of right and wrong, or merit and
demerit, nor any justice in human punishments or penal laws.

--Of that Equilibrium between Good and Evil, and Light and Darkness in
the world, which assures us that all is the work of the Infinite
Wisdom and of an Infinite Love; and that there is no rebellious demon
of Evil, or Principle of Darkness co-existent and in eternal
controversy with God, or the Principle of Light and of Good: by
attaining to the knowledge of which equilibrium we can, through Faith,
see that the existence of Evil, Sin, Suffering, and Sorrow in the
world, is consistent with the Infinite Goodness as well as with the
Infinite Wisdom of the Almighty.

Sympathy and Antipathy, Attraction and Repulsion, each a Force of
nature, are contraries, in the souls of men and in the Universe of
spheres and worlds; and from the action and opposition of each against
the other, result Harmony, and that movement which is the Life of the
Universe and the Soul alike. They are not antagonists of each other.
The force that repels a planet from the Sun is no more an evil force,
than that which attracts the Planet toward the central Luminary; for
each is created and exerted by the Deity, and the result is the
harmonious movement of the obedient Planets in their elliptic orbits,
and the mathematical accuracy and unvarying regularity of their

--Of that Equilibrium between Authority and Individual Action which
constitutes Free Government, by settling on immutable foundations
Liberty with Obedience to Law, Equality with Subjection to Authority,
and Fraternity with Subordination to the Wisest and the Best: and of
that Equilibrium between the Active Energy of the Will of the Present,
expressed by the Vote of the People, and the Passive Stability and
Permanence of the Will of the Past, expressed in constitutions of
government, written or unwritten, and in the laws and customs, gray
with age and sanctified by time, as precedents and authority; which is
represented by the arch resting on the two columns, Jachin and Boaz,
that stand at the portals of the Temple builded by Wisdom, on one of
which Masonry sets the celestial Globe, symbol of the spiritual part
of our composite nature, and on the other the terrestrial Globe,
symbol of the material part.

--And, finally, of that Equilibrium, possible in ourselves, and which
Masonry incessantly labours to accomplish in its Initiates, and
demands of its Adepts and Princes (else unworthy of their titles),
between the Spiritual and Divine and the Material and Human in man;
between the Intellect, Reason, and Moral Sense on one side, and the
Appetites and Passions on the other, from which result the Harmony and
Beauty of a well-regulated life.

Which possible Equilibrium proves to us that our Appetites and Senses
also are Forces given unto us by God, for purposes of good, and not
the fruits of the malignancy of a Devil, to be detested, mortified,
and, if possible, rendered inert and dead: that they are given us to
be the means by which we shall be strengthened and incited to great
and good deeds, and are to be wisely used, and not abused; to be
controlled and kept within due bounds by the Reason and the Moral
Sense; to be made useful instruments and servants, and not permitted
to become the managers and masters, using our intellect and reason as
base instrument for their gratification.

And this Equilibrium teaches us, above all, to reverence ourselves as
immortal souls, and to have respect and charity for others, who are
even such as we are, partakers with us of the Divine Nature, lighted
by a ray of the Divine Intelligence, struggling, like us, toward the
light; capable, like us, of progress upward toward perfection, and
deserving to be loved and pitied, but never to be hated nor despised;
to be aided and encouraged in this life-struggle, and not to be
abandoned nor left to wander in the darkness alone, still less to be
trampled upon in our own efforts to ascend.

From the mutual action and re-action of each of these pairs of
opposites and contraries results that which with them forms the
Triangle, to all the Ancient Sages the expressive symbol of the Deity;
as from Osiris and Isis, Har-oeri, the Master of Light and Life, and
the Creative Word. At the angles of one stand, symbolically, the three
columns that support the Lodge, itself a symbol of the Universe,
Wisdom, Power, and Harmony or Beauty. One of these symbols, found on
the Tracing-Board of the Apprentice's Degree, teaches this last lesson
of Freemasonry. It is the right-angled Triangle, representing man, as
a union of the spiritual and material, of the divine arid human. The
base, measured by the number 3, the number of the Triangle, represents
the Deity and the Divine; the perpendicular, measured by the number 4,
the number of the Square, represents the Earth, the Material, and the
Human; and the hypothenuse, measured by 5, represents that nature
which is produced by the union of the Divine and Human, the Soul and
the Body; the squares, 9 and 16, of the base and perpendicular, added
together, producing 25, the square root whereof is 5, the measure of
the hypothenuse.

And as in each Triangle of Perfection, one is three and three are one,
so man is one, though of a double nature; and he attains the purposes
of his being only when the two natures that are in him are in just
equilibrium; and his life is a success only when it too is a harmony,
and beautiful, like the great Harmonies of God and the Universe.

Such, my Brother, is the TRUE WORD of a Master Mason; such the true
ROYAL SECRET, which makes possible, and shall at length make real, the
HOLY EMPIRE of true Masonic Brotherhood.


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Home Page
1599 Geneva Bible Online
1 Corinthians 14:8 And also if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to battle?

"Let not Geneva be forgotten or despised. Religious liberty owes it
most respect." John Adams, the second president of the United States

Yahoo Group Owner

Ed King
2004-07-26 22:45:50 UTC
Post by Stevez176
Post by Ed King
Post by Stevez176
Kooks being the Bend-over and take it up the *** Freemasons.
Do you use that mouth to pray to Jesus too, Steve?
For shame....
It is a known fact that during Masonic Rituals you guys place Animal
masks on your faces and have Homosexual Sex with each other, a sick
group you people are.
Steve, do you REALLY believe that or are you just an inveterate liar?

What an embarassment you are to Christianity!

What do you suppose Jesus would say about your potty mouth and your gross

Is that what your Bible tells you to do? Lie and use filthy language?

For shame!

Jesus wept....

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
j w
2004-07-26 06:12:33 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
Post by Larry
Post by Frank Trebor
Post by Larry
Quit morphing. It's a sign that you're an idiot looking for attention.
I've already trolled you, I have no further use for you. *plonk* again
This ng does not need wankers like you who waste bandwidth
with useless and unnecessary posts - your dead
You have an unusual sense of priority. Kooks post megabytes of drivel
and you complain of my posting? And threats with poor grammar?
I wouldn't comment on "bad grammar", Larry. I have commented on yours
numerous times, and you have ignored me.

Post by Larry
To each his own, I guess.
2004-07-25 19:05:39 UTC
Warning to those involved with Paganism:

GENEVA Psalm 26:5 I have hated the assembly of the evil, and have not
companied with the wicked.

Eclectic Crowd Gathers for Bohemian Molech Rituals
The summer retreat that Herbert Hoover called "the greatest men's
party on Earth" is under way in Monte Rio, and the guest list is as
eclectic as ever. Secretary of State Colin Powell, Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld, the CEO of Bechtel Corp., former Grateful Dead
bandmates and vintner Robert Mondavi are all scheduled to attend the
Midsummer Encampment of the Bohemian Club of San Francisco.

Also see: Occultism Sweeping the Globe

Eclectic crowd for annual Bohemian gathering
Powell, Rumsfeld, Grateful Dead members on exclusive club's guest list

The summer retreat that Herbert Hoover called "the greatest men's
party on Earth" is under way in Monte Rio, and the guest list is as
eclectic as ever.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,
the CEO of Bechtel Corp., former Grateful Dead bandmates and vintner
Robert Mondavi are all scheduled to attend the Midsummer Encampment of
the Bohemian Club of San Francisco.

So, too, is conservative author William F. Buckley Jr., liberal TV
personality Chris Matthews and gay porn star Chad Savage.

Actually, Savage is working the event as a valet, according to the New
York Post, which quoted another, unidentified employee despite
confidentiality agreements that employees sign when they are hired.

The point is, Bohemians and the cast of hundreds who help put on this
summer camp for grown men really are an "unconventional" lot, as the
word is technically defined by Webster's.

The 125th gathering of "Bohos" is no exception, according to an
official guest list distributed to club members. More than 2,500 men
are scheduled to go to the club's 2,800-acre redwood grove just east
of Monte Rio. This is the busiest weekend of the 17-day event, which
means everybody who's anybody should be there.

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a perennial camper, arrived
Thursday by private plane at the Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County
Airport. Fifty to 100 private jets have landed at the airport daily in
the past two weeks, about average for this time of year, said Walt
Smith, regional coordinator for the Federal Aviation Administration.

But as of Friday, the Secret Service hadn't alerted airport officials
to any special arrivals, despite the fact that Powell is on the guest
list and scheduled to stay in Mandalay, the same camp as Kissinger and
Riley Bechtel, the CEO of the engineering firm whose projects include
the reconstruction of Iraq.

Mandalay is one of 119 separate camps that dot the floor and walls of
the steep canyon and is so far up the fern-covered bank that it has an
incline railway to haul firewood and supplies.

Mandalay is the traditional seat of power in Bohemian Grove. Its guest
list this year includes George Schultz, a former secretary of state;
David O'Reilly, chairman of ChevronTexaco; H.B. Atwater Jr., chief
executive officer of General Mills; and Edgar Kaiser Jr., founder of
the Kaiser Foundation.

In all, about 30 prominent businessmen and current and former
government officials are scheduled to stay in Mandalay.

Rumsfeld and former President George Bush are members of the Hill
Billies camp, although it's unclear whether either is actually going.

Former President Gerald Ford, however, apparently won't be in
attendance, as his name does not appear on the guest list. Former
President Ronald Reagan also appears on the list despite his June 5

The associations of powerful men made possible by the Bohemian Club
encampment have raised the ire of protesters, who charge that captains
of industry and government officials discuss business in secret
despite the grove's official motto: "Weaving spiders come not here."

Of particular interest are the "Lakeside Talks," which this year

An untitled talk by David Gergen, commentator and former adviser to
both Republican and Democratic presidents.

"The Landscape of American Politics," by David Brooks, a New York
Times columnist.

"College Athletics: Serious Business or Toy Department?" by Ted
Leland, Stanford University's athletic director.

"Flight," by Chuck Yeager.

"The Long War of the 20th Century," by James Woolsey, a former CIA

"Bohemia," by author Herman Wouk.

"Exploring Mars and Searching for Life in the Universe," by Charles
Elachi, director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.

"The Coming Virtual Soldier," by Roger McCarthy, principal and
engineer of Exponent Inc.

Local notables scheduled to attend include Victor Trione, son of
financier and philanthropist Henry Trione; winemakers Jim Bundschu,
Daniel Duckhorn and Wente brothers Eric and Phil; and car dealer Henry

Occidental resident Mickey Hart will join fellow Grateful Dead member
Bob Weir. The musicians, along with rocker Steve Miller, are part of
an effort to bring a younger vibe to the grove, the Wall Street
Journal reported.

Not everyone who attends is rich and famous, however.

Peter Phillips, a professor at Sonoma State University who wrote his
doctoral dissertation on the Grove, estimated one in five members
actually fits that criterion, and the rest are either the ordinary
rich or just plain ordinary.

"There's associate members, maybe a high school teacher from Palo
Alto, who plays tuba in the band," he said.



Home Page
1599 Geneva Bible Online
1 Corinthians 14:8 And also if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to battle?

"Let not Geneva be forgotten or despised. Religious liberty owes it
most respect." John Adams, the second president of the United States

Yahoo Group Owner
Joe Steve Swick III
2004-07-25 20:17:45 UTC

Warning to those involved with Paganism:
GENEVA Psalm 26:5 I have hated the assembly of the evil, and have not
companied with the wicked.

Dude, the Geneva Bible was/is great, but you are just a fruitcake.

2004-07-26 04:28:49 UTC
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 20:17:45 GMT, "Joe Steve Swick III"
Post by Joe Steve Swick III
GENEVA Psalm 26:5 I have hated the assembly of the evil, and have not
companied with the wicked.
Dude, the Geneva Bible was/is great, but you are just a fruitcake.

You are a Satanist Freemason, repent or Hell awaits.

Be afraid, eternity is a long time to burn.

Joe Steve Swick III
2004-07-26 06:15:39 UTC
Dude, the Geneva Bible was/is great, but you are just a fruitcake.

You are a Satanist Freemason, repent or Hell awaits.

Actually, I'm a Mormon Mystic and a Freemason, so I suppose I'm double
damned by your lights. :-)

Be afraid,

Be very, very afraid! You even sound like a Jack Chick pamphlet, Steve.

...eternity is a long time to burn.

I think eventually we arrive at the point in our spiritual journey where
neither the carrot nor the stick are the motivation -- but rather, we are
drawn onward by a pure love of God, and of the truth. Frankly, I'm beyond
the point in my spiritual life where threats of a literal Jack-Chick-Like
"Great Bar-B-Que Beyond," in which a sadistic god Roasts Me In My Own Oils
for Eternity, makes up any meaningful part of my belief system. And, Jesus'
advice notwithstanding, I suppose I'm much more afraid of the unjust
excesses of religious bigots like yourself than I am of the judgment of a
just and loving Father in the World To Come.

It is very important to me to live the best life I can according to the
lights God has given me, and to rely on grace and mercy for the times I
stumble. As a Christian Mystic, I also place great importance on direct
encounter with God, and so I do talk with and experience God almost daily,
and most of the time more than once daily. Such a beautiful connection with
God NOW generally argues against the likelihood of the Hellfire scenario
that you paint for the HEREAFTER. I could be wrong about this, but it does
seem to me, that God is exceedingly merciful and gracious, and in all those
deeply spiritual moments of union with Him, that He would have given me a
heads up should I be in danger of some kind of Cosmic Weiner Roast once I
shuffle off my mortal coil.


1 Judge (1) not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge,
ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to
you again. NOTE: (1) We ought to find fault one with another, but we must
beware we do it not without cause, or to seem holier than they, or in hatred
of them (Matt. 7:1-2 GENEVA).
2004-07-26 10:44:15 UTC
Mormons were founded by a Satanist Freemason who saw visions??? NOT!!!

Joseph Smith was as wacky as the get.

Satanists to the core:


Freemasonry in

Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Science.

This is the Knights Templar Symbol for the York Rite of Freemasonry.
This degree is equivalent to the 32nd Degree of Freemasonry and is the
highest degree of the York Rite. Shown below is examples of how the
Christian Science and Jehovah's Witnesses cult have used this symbol.
This is where Charles Taze Russell, 33rd Degree Freemason and founder
of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult is buried.

# 12 is Crusader's Symbol found in Masonic literature

Here is a close-up of the JW pyramid clearly showing the Masonic
Knight Templar symbol and the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati at the
peak. (see the U.S. $1 Bill)
The main logo for the Christian Science cult is also the Knights
Templar symbol. (Christian Science Journal, Special Issue, December
1992). Coming Soon More proof that Charles Taze Russell was a 33rd
Degree Freemason. Heaps of proof that the Mormon church was started by
Freemasons and still controlled by them!

There is heaps of proof that the Mormon church was started by
Freemasons and still is controlled by them! If you are in urgent need
of proof that Charles was a Freemason please find the book called The
Watchtower and the Masons by Fritz Springmeier. If anyone out there
has that book please email me at ***@geocities.com

The books on the right are showing the Christian Science symbolism.
The picture on the left is a Seventeenth-century grave at a Temple
with skull-and-crossbones flanked by masonic tools. (taken from the
Temple and the Lodge, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, Arcade
Publishing, New York.)

From the same book the cross is a gravestone of a Templar Mason from
the Knights Templar castle of Athlit, Israel. The grave must pre-date
the abandoning of the castle by the Order in 1291.

The picture on the right is the Seventh-century grave at the Temple
showing masonic dividers and set square.

On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 06:15:39 GMT, "Joe Steve Swick III"
Post by Joe Steve Swick III
Dude, the Geneva Bible was/is great, but you are just a fruitcake.
You are a Satanist Freemason, repent or Hell awaits.
Actually, I'm a Mormon Mystic and a Freemason, so I suppose I'm double
damned by your lights. :-)
Be afraid,
Be very, very afraid! You even sound like a Jack Chick pamphlet, Steve.
...eternity is a long time to burn.
I think eventually we arrive at the point in our spiritual journey where
neither the carrot nor the stick are the motivation -- but rather, we are
drawn onward by a pure love of God, and of the truth. Frankly, I'm beyond
the point in my spiritual life where threats of a literal Jack-Chick-Like
"Great Bar-B-Que Beyond," in which a sadistic god Roasts Me In My Own Oils
for Eternity, makes up any meaningful part of my belief system. And, Jesus'
advice notwithstanding, I suppose I'm much more afraid of the unjust
excesses of religious bigots like yourself than I am of the judgment of a
just and loving Father in the World To Come.
It is very important to me to live the best life I can according to the
lights God has given me, and to rely on grace and mercy for the times I
stumble. As a Christian Mystic, I also place great importance on direct
encounter with God, and so I do talk with and experience God almost daily,
and most of the time more than once daily. Such a beautiful connection with
God NOW generally argues against the likelihood of the Hellfire scenario
that you paint for the HEREAFTER. I could be wrong about this, but it does
seem to me, that God is exceedingly merciful and gracious, and in all those
deeply spiritual moments of union with Him, that He would have given me a
heads up should I be in danger of some kind of Cosmic Weiner Roast once I
shuffle off my mortal coil.
1 Judge (1) not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge,
ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to
you again. NOTE: (1) We ought to find fault one with another, but we must
beware we do it not without cause, or to seem holier than they, or in hatred
of them (Matt. 7:1-2 GENEVA).
Jason Dean Scott
2004-07-26 22:22:31 UTC
The spin Robert Anton Wilson put on this this Illuminati to Mason shtick is
SO Chick! :)
Post by Stevez176
Mormons were founded by a Satanist Freemason who saw visions??? NOT!!!
Joseph Smith was as wacky as the get.
Freemasonry in
Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Science.
This is the Knights Templar Symbol for the York Rite of Freemasonry.
This degree is equivalent to the 32nd Degree of Freemasonry and is the
highest degree of the York Rite. Shown below is examples of how the
Christian Science and Jehovah's Witnesses cult have used this symbol.
This is where Charles Taze Russell, 33rd Degree Freemason and founder
of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult is buried.
# 12 is Crusader's Symbol found in Masonic literature
Here is a close-up of the JW pyramid clearly showing the Masonic
Knight Templar symbol and the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati at the
peak. (see the U.S. $1 Bill)
The main logo for the Christian Science cult is also the Knights
Templar symbol. (Christian Science Journal, Special Issue, December
1992). Coming Soon More proof that Charles Taze Russell was a 33rd
Degree Freemason. Heaps of proof that the Mormon church was started by
Freemasons and still controlled by them!
There is heaps of proof that the Mormon church was started by
Freemasons and still is controlled by them! If you are in urgent need
of proof that Charles was a Freemason please find the book called The
Watchtower and the Masons by Fritz Springmeier. If anyone out there
The books on the right are showing the Christian Science symbolism.
The picture on the left is a Seventeenth-century grave at a Temple
with skull-and-crossbones flanked by masonic tools. (taken from the
Temple and the Lodge, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, Arcade
Publishing, New York.)
From the same book the cross is a gravestone of a Templar Mason from
the Knights Templar castle of Athlit, Israel. The grave must pre-date
the abandoning of the castle by the Order in 1291.
The picture on the right is the Seventh-century grave at the Temple
showing masonic dividers and set square.
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 06:15:39 GMT, "Joe Steve Swick III"
Post by Joe Steve Swick III
Dude, the Geneva Bible was/is great, but you are just a fruitcake.
You are a Satanist Freemason, repent or Hell awaits.
Actually, I'm a Mormon Mystic and a Freemason, so I suppose I'm double
damned by your lights. :-)
Be afraid,
Be very, very afraid! You even sound like a Jack Chick pamphlet, Steve.
...eternity is a long time to burn.
I think eventually we arrive at the point in our spiritual journey where
neither the carrot nor the stick are the motivation -- but rather, we are
drawn onward by a pure love of God, and of the truth. Frankly, I'm beyond
the point in my spiritual life where threats of a literal Jack-Chick-Like
"Great Bar-B-Que Beyond," in which a sadistic god Roasts Me In My Own Oils
for Eternity, makes up any meaningful part of my belief system. And, Jesus'
advice notwithstanding, I suppose I'm much more afraid of the unjust
excesses of religious bigots like yourself than I am of the judgment of a
just and loving Father in the World To Come.
It is very important to me to live the best life I can according to the
lights God has given me, and to rely on grace and mercy for the times I
stumble. As a Christian Mystic, I also place great importance on direct
encounter with God, and so I do talk with and experience God almost daily,
and most of the time more than once daily. Such a beautiful connection with
God NOW generally argues against the likelihood of the Hellfire scenario
that you paint for the HEREAFTER. I could be wrong about this, but it does
seem to me, that God is exceedingly merciful and gracious, and in all those
deeply spiritual moments of union with Him, that He would have given me a
heads up should I be in danger of some kind of Cosmic Weiner Roast once I
shuffle off my mortal coil.
1 Judge (1) not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge,
ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to
you again. NOTE: (1) We ought to find fault one with another, but we must
beware we do it not without cause, or to seem holier than they, or in hatred
of them (Matt. 7:1-2 GENEVA).
Joe Steve Swick III
2004-07-26 23:58:46 UTC

Mormons were founded by a Satanist Freemason who saw visions??? NOT!!!
Joseph Smith was as wacky as the get.

LOL! I point out the obvious when I say that you have failed to engage my
argument in the least.

However, I WILL address YOUR issues. You indicate that Joseph Smith was
"wacky as the get." Perhaps so. However, just to provide a little
perspective, you might reflect on the fact that Christians believe that a
guy was born to a young virgin, never sinned, walked on water, made food
magically appear, came back from the dead, walked through walls and flew
through the air. My own beliefs notwithstanding, I confess that I can think
of few religions that even APPROACH that level of "wackiness," when viewed
from the outside.

Oh, and I can think of several Bible prophets who from a nonbeliever's
perspective were pretty "wacky" as well. Don't make me trot them out for a
polemical debate, please.

Satanists to the core

Most of Jesus' near contemporaries believed that he was a Judean magician,
and in the Bible, his contemporaries directly accused him of being a
"Satanist." So what's your point?


The idea that Mormonism and the Jehovah's Witnesses are in any way, shape or
form "the same religion" is downright looney. And it is about as offensive
as saying "you all look alike to me." Of course, David Icke is the one
making this claim, and he is first-rate crackers. I'm more surprised that
anyone with any kind of common sense would be repeating his nonsense.

Charles Taze Russell was not even a Freemason, although from his mixed
comments on the subject, he appears to have had a kind of love-hate
relationship with them. That he and others used symbols associated with
Freemasonry means about as much as the fact that early Christianity used
symbols that were also associated with pagan worship long before Jesus ever
introduced them.

There is heaps of proof that the Mormon church was started by Freemasons

Well, DUH!

... and still is controlled by [Freemasons]!

No go, schatzi. The Mormons and the Freemasons parted company in the 1850's
and 1860's over severe cultural differences, and nasty feelings existed
between the two groups until very recent times. Until 1984, no Mormon within
the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Utah could even BECOME a Freemason,
and Mormons were discouraged from associating themselves with Freemasonry.
Even today, the prevailing attitude among many Mormons is that Freemasonry
is incompatible with their religious profession.

Today, no current LDS leader above the local level is a Freemason. To the
best of my knowledge, the last General Authority to be a Freemason was Elder
Helvecio Martins; strictly speaking he wasn't a General Authority and a
Freemason at the same time. Rather, he chose to end his affiliation with the
Lodge when he was called to be a Seventy (an apostolic calling in the LDS

If you are in urgent need of proof that Charles was a Freemason please find
the book called The Watchtower and the Masons by Fritz Springmeier. If
anyone out there has that book please email me at ***@geocities.com

I've read Charles Taze Russell on Freemasonry; he confesses that he was not
a Freemason. If you have an urgent need of proof, I suppose I can email it
to you, since I've got the evidence right here.

The books on the right are showing the Christian Science symbolism. The
picture on the left is a Seventeenth-century grave at a Temple with
skull-and-crossbones flanked by masonic tools.

Mary Baker Eddy's first husband, George Glover, was a Freemason. I strongly
suspect that Ms. Eddy was influenced to use of the Templar sign by virtue of
this relationship. However, her use of the same does not suggest any
relationship between Freemasonry and Christian Science. There simply is
none. Christian Science was one of the first successful "science of
mind"-type religion. Its philosophical outlook is entirely unrelated to
Freemasonry, which latter is a champion of the rational philosophy of the

So, besides the top of your head, what's your point? :-P

Hammond of Texas
2004-07-26 16:09:02 UTC
Post by SteveZ
The Hidden Power
Behind Freemasonry
Part 1 of 8
Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr,
Page 2

Yes, there it is, ladies and gentlemen; as fine an example of "Trollus
Patheticus Useneticus" as you are ever likely to find. Living a life
typically devoid of any normal human interaction, Trolli are
inextricably drawn to the places where they can annoy others from the
safety of their anonymity. Paradoxically, they derive a deluded sense of
self-importance, directly proportional to the amount of annoyance they
think they've created. See how it exults in what it thinks is some kind
of special accomplishment in having someone, anyone, respond to their
childish cries for attention. Not unlike the "Jammerus Citizensbandus",
or the seldom spotted "Taggerus Krylonus", these social outcasts thrive
on the self-induced delusion that their ability to provoke an annoyed
response is somehow an indicator of their intellectual superiority.
Another body of research holds that these traits are more like that of
"territory marking" behavior observed in adolescent males of many lower
species of mammal.

Careful now! Watch your fingers. They are especially dangerous when
cornered, and have been known to try to defend themselves with a mix of
verbal nonsense, circular logic, and other equally noxious substitutes
for genuine reason. Self-control of such excretory functions is a
hallmark of the breed, and has led some researchers to conclude that it
is that very lack of control that results in the peculiar development of
the species in the first place.

Most of the creatures that share the habitat with the lowly Trollus,
have developed one of two defenses. One group has evolved a markedly
thick skin and the uncanny ability to render the very sight of the
wretched Trollus almost invisible. For these creatures, its as if the
Trollus and his cries were hidden by some great natural screen or
filter. The second group has actually developed an affinity for Trollus.
There is much debate about what the exact attraction is, but to the
casual observer, it would appear to a sport or game, wherein the
dominant animals take delight in manipulating the Trollus into its
various self-degrading behaviors.

And we're walking...
Brenda G. Kent
2004-07-25 17:34:05 UTC
Please prove that it was a former witch.


"Knowledge without wisdom is like stacking books

on the back of an ass"

Old Japanese saying.

Come visit my webpage at http://www.victoria.tc.ca/~wt211

2004-07-25 19:09:01 UTC
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 10:34:05 -0700, "Brenda G. Kent"
Post by Brenda G. Kent
Please prove that it was a former witch.

About Us
About Pastor David J. Meyer

Pastor David J. Meyer was born in 1950, in the small town of
Clintonville in northern Wisconsin. Though his preteen years were
normal in most senses, his teenage years were very rocky. If you would
talk to him today, he would admit he did a lot of foolish things. One
of these things was his involvement in witchcraft.

His family had a lot of witchcraft in its history. He became very
involved in Astrology, Numerology, palm reading, and other forms of
witchcraft. At the time his future didn't look too bright, but God had
other plans for him.

After repenting of his sins, Pastor Meyer was baptized in the name of
the Lord Jesus. Shortly thereafter, he went back to the streets where
he had done astrology readings, but now he was preaching the gospel.
People were astonished when they saw the change.

He took his preaching all over the state of Wisconsin, including
Appleton where he attended technical school, Madison, where he lived
for a short time, and the small city of Beaver Dam, where he still
resides to this day.

Shortly after arriving in Beaver Dam in 1974, Pastor Meyer started a
church. Since he was ordained by the United Pentecostal Church, this
church was also part of that denomination. However, because of
doctrinal disagreements, the church left the UPC organization in the
early 1980s. Since then we have always been a non-denominational,
independent Christian church.

In June 1981, the first issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter was
written. Only 200 copies were circulated, but as time went on, the
mailing list grew to be quite large. Because of this growth, Pastor
Meyer resigned from his position at the University of
Wisconsin-Oshkosh where he had worked as a locksmith to support his
wife and eight children.

The newsletter now reaches an estimated 10,000 readers monthly.

For more information on Pastor Meyer, please read the tract Halloween
and the Occult

(A True Story)

Witchcraft is very real but greatly misunderstood. I know because
witchcraft goes back on the paternal side of my family for over five
generations to Chesterfield, Massachusetts in 1770.

My great grandmother became a well-known witch in Wisconsin in the
early days of this century. Caroline was a blind witch and used her
fingers to read palms and also became adept at putting “the hex” on

Many spooky things would happen in our family. Dishes would slide off
from shelves, light bulbs would unscrew and fall to the floor, filmy
apparitions would appear and vanish, and this sort of thing became a
way of life.

In one instance, my father was riding with my grandfather in a
horse-drawn wagon, when a filmy white apparition appeared in front of
the horse, causing the horse to rear up on its hind legs. Surrounded
by electrifying fear, my grandfather cracked the whip and the wagon
lurched forward and on its way.

My father also watched in stunned amazement when, on another occasion,
an unhitched wagon loaded with hay went up a steep hill by itself.

Halloween was a special time for me, as I was growing up in
Clintonville, Wisconsin. I had given my heart and soul to that day
called “Samhain” (pronounced Sow-en). I had learned that the pagan
Sabot of Samhain was a time when the barrier between the mundane and
astral planes was very thin and departed spirits easily crossed over.’

I also learned that the Roman Catholic Church copied and re-named all
of the eight sabbots. Not only had Samhain become Halloween, but the
Winter Solstice became Christmas, Imbolg became Candlemass, Beltaine
became May Day, and Lughnasadh became Lammas.

The vernal equinox was celebrated as Easter, which is always the first
Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox.

Halloween was my special time, when I felt drawn to become like my
great grandmother. I wasn’t interested in the silliness of the
Catholic Halloween. I wanted real magic. The so-called “Christians”
were cursing themselves and their children by copying the craft that
their tenets forbade. I knew full well that so-called Christians were
copying what my spiritual ancestors had done for many centuries.

The powerful witches, known as Grand Druids or men of the oaks, that
lived in the ancient British Isles gathered at Stonehedge on October
31st. These ancient witches practiced human sacrifice, hollowed out
pumpkins and turnips, carving faces in them, and then used candles
made from human tallow to illuminate them.

The druids played games such as bobbing for apples, as they floated in
a tub of October ale. The druids also practiced ritual sex known as
the “Great Rite”, as the fires blazed forth in the darkness of the
giant stone monoliths of Stonehenge near Salisbury, England.

The apple was thought to be sacred, because when cut in half
cross-wise, the core would reveal the Pentacle or five pointed star.
The five points of this star represented Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and

When I was 13 years old, I began to invite the spirits of my deceased
great grandmother into myself. Soon I began to acquire powers and
became an adept astrologer and palm reader. I also practiced
numerology and was becoming a very powerful witch. Many people
followed me — and the advice that I gave them. I had achieved a great
measure of success.

By the time I was 19, I had reached my first goal. I was a powerful
witch. Then, very suddenly, the realization hit me that I was making
predictions without looking at my charts. I would blurt out
predictions in minute detail, and they would come to pass. I became
frightfully aware that I had become a sending station and was
dispatching spirits to make my predictions come true. I predicted
accidents and tragedies, and suddenly I became filled with
overwhelming fear.

I did not know it at the time, but a dear old woman had been praying
for me every day for a long time. She had known my grandparents, and
God used her to pray me out of darkness. I was completely disabled by
fear, which God, in His mercy, allowed to come upon me.

A friend that I knew in high school persuaded me to come to church
with him. It was a small apostolic church. I soon found myself on my
knees repenting, as I had now found a power far greater than all
witchcraft. One week later I was baptized in water in the name of
Jesus Christ. The next week I was baptized in the Holy Ghost.

I felt fifty pounds lighter, as many evil spirits fled from me as I
yielded myself completely to my newfound friend, the Lord and Saviour,
Jesus Christ. Now I have no fear and am a true minister of the Gospel.

This tract, that you are reading, has been prayed over. Now that you
have read it, you will never be the same. You will not be able to get
this out of your mind.

Most so-called “Christian” churches are phony, but the Lord Jesus is
real. Why live in fear and end up in damnation? I can help you! Please
write to the address below and we will contact you.

With a prayer for you,

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Ministries International
PO Box 806
Beaver Dam, WI 53916

Brenda G. Kent
2004-07-25 21:00:00 UTC
I'll say it again..please prove Steve that he was actually a witch.
Telling me a story does little to prove. Anyone can write a story.


"Knowledge without wisdom is like stacking books

on the back of an ass"

Old Japanese saying.

Come visit my webpage at http://www.victoria.tc.ca/~wt211

2004-07-26 04:19:05 UTC
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 14:00:00 -0700, "Brenda G. Kent"
Post by Brenda G. Kent
I'll say it again..please prove Steve that he was actually a witch.
Telling me a story does little to prove. Anyone can write a story.
He was a Wiccan, and you are an ignorant New Ager.
2004-07-26 05:45:53 UTC
No, he never mentions Wicca, apart from that extremely amusing idea that
ancient druids performed Wiccan rites invented in the 1950s. He seems to be
trying to claim some sort of hereditary lineage through his grandmother, but
most of his so-called validation consists of saying "I was a really powerful
witch". Well, hey, if you believe that, I have a bridge for sale that you
might be interested in ...

Post by SteveZ
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 14:00:00 -0700, "Brenda G. Kent"
Post by Brenda G. Kent
I'll say it again..please prove Steve that he was actually a witch.
Telling me a story does little to prove. Anyone can write a story.
He was a Wiccan, and you are an ignorant New Ager.
Brenda G. Kent
2004-07-26 16:30:54 UTC
He was a Wiccan, and you are an ignorant New Ager.

I love you too Steve.

Blessings in Gods light

"Knowledge without wisdom is like stacking books

on the back of an ass"

Old Japanese saying.

Come visit my webpage at http://www.victoria.tc.ca/~wt211

2004-07-25 21:37:01 UTC
None of that strange mishmash of superstition, ghost stories, inaccurate
history and dramatic declarations that "I was a powerful witch!" actually
proves anything, except that the chap isn't a historian and does have a
lively imagination.

Post by SteveZ
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 10:34:05 -0700, "Brenda G. Kent"
Post by Brenda G. Kent
Please prove that it was a former witch.
About Us
About Pastor David J. Meyer
Pastor David J. Meyer was born in 1950, in the small town of
Clintonville in northern Wisconsin. Though his preteen years were
normal in most senses, his teenage years were very rocky. If you would
talk to him today, he would admit he did a lot of foolish things. One
of these things was his involvement in witchcraft.
His family had a lot of witchcraft in its history. He became very
involved in Astrology, Numerology, palm reading, and other forms of
witchcraft. At the time his future didn't look too bright, but God had
other plans for him.
After repenting of his sins, Pastor Meyer was baptized in the name of
the Lord Jesus. Shortly thereafter, he went back to the streets where
he had done astrology readings, but now he was preaching the gospel.
People were astonished when they saw the change.
He took his preaching all over the state of Wisconsin, including
Appleton where he attended technical school, Madison, where he lived
for a short time, and the small city of Beaver Dam, where he still
resides to this day.
Shortly after arriving in Beaver Dam in 1974, Pastor Meyer started a
church. Since he was ordained by the United Pentecostal Church, this
church was also part of that denomination. However, because of
doctrinal disagreements, the church left the UPC organization in the
early 1980s. Since then we have always been a non-denominational,
independent Christian church.
In June 1981, the first issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter was
written. Only 200 copies were circulated, but as time went on, the
mailing list grew to be quite large. Because of this growth, Pastor
Meyer resigned from his position at the University of
Wisconsin-Oshkosh where he had worked as a locksmith to support his
wife and eight children.
The newsletter now reaches an estimated 10,000 readers monthly.
For more information on Pastor Meyer, please read the tract Halloween
and the Occult
(A True Story)
Witchcraft is very real but greatly misunderstood. I know because
witchcraft goes back on the paternal side of my family for over five
generations to Chesterfield, Massachusetts in 1770.
My great grandmother became a well-known witch in Wisconsin in the
early days of this century. Caroline was a blind witch and used her
fingers to read palms and also became adept at putting "the hex" on
Many spooky things would happen in our family. Dishes would slide off
from shelves, light bulbs would unscrew and fall to the floor, filmy
apparitions would appear and vanish, and this sort of thing became a
way of life.
In one instance, my father was riding with my grandfather in a
horse-drawn wagon, when a filmy white apparition appeared in front of
the horse, causing the horse to rear up on its hind legs. Surrounded
by electrifying fear, my grandfather cracked the whip and the wagon
lurched forward and on its way.
My father also watched in stunned amazement when, on another occasion,
an unhitched wagon loaded with hay went up a steep hill by itself.
Halloween was a special time for me, as I was growing up in
Clintonville, Wisconsin. I had given my heart and soul to that day
called "Samhain" (pronounced Sow-en). I had learned that the pagan
Sabot of Samhain was a time when the barrier between the mundane and
astral planes was very thin and departed spirits easily crossed over.'
I also learned that the Roman Catholic Church copied and re-named all
of the eight sabbots. Not only had Samhain become Halloween, but the
Winter Solstice became Christmas, Imbolg became Candlemass, Beltaine
became May Day, and Lughnasadh became Lammas.
The vernal equinox was celebrated as Easter, which is always the first
Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox.
Halloween was my special time, when I felt drawn to become like my
great grandmother. I wasn't interested in the silliness of the
Catholic Halloween. I wanted real magic. The so-called "Christians"
were cursing themselves and their children by copying the craft that
their tenets forbade. I knew full well that so-called Christians were
copying what my spiritual ancestors had done for many centuries.
The powerful witches, known as Grand Druids or men of the oaks, that
lived in the ancient British Isles gathered at Stonehedge on October
31st. These ancient witches practiced human sacrifice, hollowed out
pumpkins and turnips, carving faces in them, and then used candles
made from human tallow to illuminate them.
The druids played games such as bobbing for apples, as they floated in
a tub of October ale. The druids also practiced ritual sex known as
the "Great Rite", as the fires blazed forth in the darkness of the
giant stone monoliths of Stonehenge near Salisbury, England.
The apple was thought to be sacred, because when cut in half
cross-wise, the core would reveal the Pentacle or five pointed star.
The five points of this star represented Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and
When I was 13 years old, I began to invite the spirits of my deceased
great grandmother into myself. Soon I began to acquire powers and
became an adept astrologer and palm reader. I also practiced
numerology and was becoming a very powerful witch. Many people
followed me - and the advice that I gave them. I had achieved a great
measure of success.
By the time I was 19, I had reached my first goal. I was a powerful
witch. Then, very suddenly, the realization hit me that I was making
predictions without looking at my charts. I would blurt out
predictions in minute detail, and they would come to pass. I became
frightfully aware that I had become a sending station and was
dispatching spirits to make my predictions come true. I predicted
accidents and tragedies, and suddenly I became filled with
overwhelming fear.
I did not know it at the time, but a dear old woman had been praying
for me every day for a long time. She had known my grandparents, and
God used her to pray me out of darkness. I was completely disabled by
fear, which God, in His mercy, allowed to come upon me.
A friend that I knew in high school persuaded me to come to church
with him. It was a small apostolic church. I soon found myself on my
knees repenting, as I had now found a power far greater than all
witchcraft. One week later I was baptized in water in the name of
Jesus Christ. The next week I was baptized in the Holy Ghost.
I felt fifty pounds lighter, as many evil spirits fled from me as I
yielded myself completely to my newfound friend, the Lord and Saviour,
Jesus Christ. Now I have no fear and am a true minister of the Gospel.
This tract, that you are reading, has been prayed over. Now that you
have read it, you will never be the same. You will not be able to get
this out of your mind.
Most so-called "Christian" churches are phony, but the Lord Jesus is
real. Why live in fear and end up in damnation? I can help you! Please
write to the address below and we will contact you.
With a prayer for you,
David J. Meyer
Last Trumpet Ministries International
PO Box 806
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Tom Accuosti
2004-07-25 17:42:59 UTC
"Steve" <***@nospam.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com
| http://www.lasttrumpetministries.org/tracts/tract11.html

This is the entire article:

| I was once a witch and was very much a part of the world that J.R.R.
| Tolkien reveals in his Lord of the Rings trilogy.

You were once part of a *fictional, made up world* that was not based on
anything in particular but just turned out to be some good story
telling? A story that has nothing to do with Satan, witches (none are
even mentioned in the books), but is merely a retelling of the classical

Then what's the problem?
Tom Accuosti
Grand Sovereign Pontiff and Secret Exposuer
Jack-Booted Civil Rights Porn Thug and Enforcer Goon
Friendship #33.3 AM&FM
Area 51, Atlantis

There once was a Mason from [Backspace]
With a [Backspace] so long he could [Backspace].
While wiping his [Backspace]
He said with a [Backspace]
"If my [Backspace] were a [Backspace] I could [Backspace] !"
2004-07-25 19:10:13 UTC
Post by Tom Accuosti
| http://www.lasttrumpetministries.org/tracts/tract11.html
| I was once a witch and was very much a part of the world that J.R.R.
| Tolkien reveals in his Lord of the Rings trilogy.
You were once part of a *fictional, made up world* that was not based on
anything in particular but just turned out to be some good story
telling? A story that has nothing to do with Satan, witches (none are
even mentioned in the books), but is merely a retelling of the classical
Then what's the problem?
Oh, that was *so* much better and more succinct than what I posted :)

Post by Tom Accuosti
Tom Accuosti
Grand Sovereign Pontiff and Secret Exposuer
Jack-Booted Civil Rights Porn Thug and Enforcer Goon
Friendship #33.3 AM&FM
Area 51, Atlantis
There once was a Mason from [Backspace]
With a [Backspace] so long he could [Backspace].
While wiping his [Backspace]
He said with a [Backspace]
"If my [Backspace] were a [Backspace] I could [Backspace] !"
John Norris
2004-07-26 15:29:50 UTC
Post by Tom Accuosti
| http://www.lasttrumpetministries.org/tracts/tract11.html
| I was once a witch and was very much a part of the world that J.R.R.
| Tolkien reveals in his Lord of the Rings trilogy.
You were once part of a *fictional, made up world* that was not based on
anything in particular but just turned out to be some good story
telling? A story that has nothing to do with Satan, witches (none are
even mentioned in the books), but is merely a retelling of the classical
Then what's the problem?
He's not getting residuals.

Brenda G. Kent
2004-07-26 16:54:51 UTC
He's not getting residuals.



like your sense of ha-ha John.


"Knowledge without wisdom is like stacking books

on the back of an ass"

Old Japanese saying.

Come visit my webpage at http://www.victoria.tc.ca/~wt211

2004-07-25 19:03:29 UTC
Post by Steve
A Former Witch Looks At
The Lord Of The Rings
Something very strange is going on in the United States, and the
spirits that are hard at work are now bringing forth a power that is
designed to captivate the entire world. Shortly after the twin towers
of the World Trade Center in New York City fell to the ground and
drastically changed our nation forever, a new series of movies began
to draw millions of people to the movie theaters. Standing above and
apart from the many fantasy movies and books is a trilogy or series of
three called The Lord Of The Rings. This series was written by the
late J.R.R. Tolkien and was first published in book form in the early
1950's. During the rock music revolution of the 1960's, The Lord of
the Rings trilogy caught on, and over 100 million of these books were
sold. These books greatly fueled the spiritual revolution and opened
the door for witchcraft to seize upon our world. All of this is being
done to prepare the way for a new world order in a new Aquarian age.
I was once a witch
Oh, boy. This is going to be another of those "I read a Tarot deck once and
now I'm an expert on witchcraft" things, isn't it ..

and was very much a part of the world that J.R.R.
Post by Steve
Tolkien reveals in his Lord of the Rings trilogy.
It's a work of *fiction*. The "world" in LotR is an invention of the author.
You can't have been a "part" of it, because it doesn't exist.

In the 1960's, I
Post by Steve
practiced astrology, palmistry, and numerology among other devices of
the craft. I was graciously and mercifully saved out of witchcraft by
the Lord Jesus, and I am now spending my life in a mission of exposing
occultism and its forces of darkness. I am thus writing this message
with a great urgency, for I can spot witchcraft in a moment, and I
recognize it well. I can see that the deceptive cloud of witchcraft
has descended upon our nation. Even many Christians are being pulled
into the forbidden realm of the occult, because they are so ignorant
of Satan's devices.
Before I reveal the dangers of The Lord of the Rings trilogy and
expose it as real witchcraft, I will reveal some things regarding the
beliefs and doctrines of witchcraft. First of all, witches and
Satanists are not the same thing. Witches do not believe in Satan. The
first thing a neophyte or beginner witch is taught is that there is a
"force." The "force" has two sides
Mixing your movies, there. The Force is Lucas's invention, not Tolkien's.

and can be controlled by magic
Post by Steve
spells, words, potions, incantations, rope magic, rings, amulets, and
so on. Witches believe that there is good witchcraft and bad
witchcraft, and the good always triumphs over evil! Witches also teach
that battles are fought in the Middle Earth and in the astral plane
causing upheavals both above and below. Thus, witches emphasize that
good must triumph over evil, but it is all witchcraft.
Witches don't emphasise anything of the sort. You might be thinking of some
of the fluffier forms of neopaganism, though.
Post by Steve
I am always amazed when I hear ministries such as Chuck Colson, "Focus
on the Family", and the Assemblies of God defend such works as Harry
Potter, The Lord of the Rings, and The Narnia Chronicles. I am amazed
because they say the same things that initiated coven witches are
saying, which is that good triumphs over evil!
No, that's what *Christians* say, not witches.

It is all witchcraft,
Post by Steve
and the good that these professing Christians are defending is
witchcraft as forbidden in Deuteronomy 18:9-14. As a former witch, I
was horrified and outraged to find that "Focus on the Family" was
promoting a book as announced in the December 2001 issue of their
magazine. The book being promoted is titled, Finding God in the Lord
of the Rings. The asking price was 13 dollars. (The number "13" is the
coven number in the occult.) Thus, these so-called "Christian"
ministries are making witches their evangelists and using witchcraft
materials in their Sunday Schools. Soon they will find their children
are in the craft as "good little Christian witches."
"Christian witch" is a contradication in terms. And, y'know, sometimes a 13
is just a 13 ....
Post by Steve
The Lord of the Rings trilogy was the work of John Ronald Reuel
Tolkien, who did his writing during the midnight hours. He worked for
12 years and released his story in the 13th year. Tolkien became known
as the "Master of the Middle Earth."
Really? By whom? He's generally referred to as "the author of Lord of the
Rings", by those who aren't familiar with his academic career.

This was a land inhabited by
Post by Steve
hobbits, elves, mortal men, wizards, dwarves and orcs or grotesque
goblins. The hero of the story is a hobbit or halfling only 3 œ feet
tall named Frodo Baggins. Frodo has pointed ears and furry feet and
carries a cursed object with him. The cursed object is a golden ring
invested with terrible powers that must be destroyed by casting it
into a fiery abyss at a great distance. If Frodo would fail, the ring
would fall into the hands of an evil wizard called Sauron, and the
entire world would pass into eternal darkness under the dark lord.
Sauron's world is a land of shadows called Mordor. The ring has an
inscription on which is written a message in the witchcraft language
of runes. We must remember that these runes are real and are used in
the occult.
Not *these* runes. Tolkien invented them as the written form of his Elvish
language. They have nothing to do with witchcraft.

As I now reveal the meaning of the runes, please bear in
Post by Steve
mind that President George W. Bush wears an exact replica of this
ring. I have an enlarged picture to prove it.
Well, let's see it, then. By the way, you do know that there are millions of
replica One Rings on sale from numerous outlets? I have one right here on my
desk. Quite nicely made it is, too.

The runes on the ring
Post by Steve
are interpreted as follows: "One ring to rule them all, one ring to
find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
*This* is your great revelation? Everyone who's read the book or seen the
film knows what the inscription on the One Ring is! I'd've been more
impressed if you'd cited the whole verse from memory:

Three rings for the Elvenkings under the sky
Seven for the Dwarf lords in their halls of stone
Nine for mortal Men doomed to die
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie.

Not very good poetry, really, but then Tolkien was more interested in
developing the narrative themes in the fantasy. *Fantasy*, remember?
Invented story?
Post by Steve
J.R.R. Tolkien was born in South Africa where his father, Arthur,
managed a bank. When his father died, his mother, Mabel, returned with
her children to Birmingham, England, where she converted to Roman
Catholicism. J.R.R. Tolkien said, "I desired dragons with a profound
desire." He soon became a prodigy and was speaking German, French,
Latin, and flawless classical Greek. In speech, he would sometimes
break out in Gothic, an ancient form of German. He would also speak
medieval Welsh and Anglo-Saxon.
Yep, he had a talent for languages. You can see that from the direction his
academic work took ...

Tolkien even developed new languages.
Post by Steve
One of them he called Elvish. He went on to say that the entire story
of The Lord of the Rings came to him as a result of the new language
that he invented. He was a professor at Oxford University as all of
this was happening and as the story of elves, wizards, trolls, and
hobbits poured into his mind.
LotR was very much a minor undertaking, as far as he was concerned. He wrote
The Hobbit for his children, and fitted in the writing of LotR in between
his real work - his studies in ancient languages at Oxford.

While it became a manuscript under his
Post by Steve
pen, he said, "My work has escaped from my control, I have produced a
Got a reference for that?
Post by Steve
Tolkien, the devout Catholic and "Master of Middle Earth", converted
his colleague C.S. Lewis and spent much time with him at the Oxford
pub or tavern. They claimed to have "kindred spirits."
Converted Lewis to *what*? Apart from his brief foray into atheism, Lewis
was a committed Christian. And you seem to have misunderstood the phrase "to
be (not *have*) kindred spirits".
Post by Steve
There is much rank blasphemy in Tolkien's works, such as the death and
resurrection of the wizard Gandalf, who falls into the pit and
descends into hell but comes back transformed and stronger than ever.
Deceived Christians say that this "good wizard" is a type of Christ!
There's no mention of hell whatsoever in Gandalf's encounter with the
Balrog. Nor are there any substantial parallels with the death and
resurrection of Christ. Gandalf is sent back to finish his task, then goes
"into the West", which is not analogous to Heaven.
Post by Steve
Tolkien even translated the Lord's Prayer into the Elvish language.
And very beautiful it is, too.
Post by Steve
I can say most assuredly that The Lord of the Rings trilogy comes from
the pits of hell and is a clever instructional course in witchcraft
disguised as fantasy and entertainment.
Nope, it came from the pen of Professor Tolkien, and it's got *much* less to
do with witchcraft than the works of many other modern fantasy writers. I'd
point out which ones, but you'd only go off on another rant, or try and
organise a book-burning, or something.

Part one was released in movie
Post by Steve
form on December 19, 2001, shortly after the two towers of the World
Trade Center came down. It was called "The Fellowship of the Ring."
Part two was called "The Two Towers" and was released December 18,
2002. Part three is named "The Return of the King" and was released
December 17, 2003, and is breaking all records for ticket sales. All
three movies were released at the time of the witchcraft sabat of
And that has *nothing* to do with the economics of timing movie releases, of
course .... Yule is a pre-christian pagan festival, by the way, not a
"witchcraft sabbat".
Post by Steve
It is my prayer as a preacher of the true Gospel that Christians will
come fully awake. We do not find the saving Gospel in the Middle Earth
with wizards, hobbits, and elves. We find the Gospel only in the Bible
and through the blood of our Saviour Jesus.
I don't believe either Tolkien or LotR fans have ever suggested that one is
likely to find Christian salvation in LotR. It's a *work of fiction*,
Post by Steve
Last Trumpet Ministries
PO Box 806
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Is that *it*? Where's your evidence that LotR is some sort of a "clever
instructional course in witchcraft"? Where's your expose of it as "real
witchcraft"? You don't actually have much idea about witchcraft at all, do
you? Sheesh.

Post by Steve
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Frank Trebor
2004-07-25 22:17:54 UTC
Post by Jani
Post by Steve
I was once a witch
Oh, boy. This is going to be another of those "I read a Tarot deck once and
now I'm an expert on witchcraft" things, isn't it ..
Post by Steve
J.R.R.Tolkien reveals in his Lord of the Rings trilogy.
It's a work of *fiction*. The "world" in LotR is an invention of the author.
You can't have been a "part" of it, because it doesn't exist.
Post by Steve
first thing a neophyte or beginner witch is taught is that there is a
"force." The "force" has two sides
Mixing your movies, there. The Force is Lucas's invention, not Tolkien's.
<>< snipped for brevity ><>

Reading what you posted "Jani" it seems to me that you are an unbeliever
2004-07-25 23:14:15 UTC
Post by Jani
Post by Jani
Post by Steve
I was once a witch
Oh, boy. This is going to be another of those "I read a Tarot deck once
Post by Jani
now I'm an expert on witchcraft" things, isn't it ..
Post by Steve
J.R.R.Tolkien reveals in his Lord of the Rings trilogy.
It's a work of *fiction*. The "world" in LotR is an invention of the
Post by Jani
You can't have been a "part" of it, because it doesn't exist.
Post by Steve
first thing a neophyte or beginner witch is taught is that there is a
"force." The "force" has two sides
Mixing your movies, there. The Force is Lucas's invention, not Tolkien's.
<>< snipped for brevity ><>
Reading what you posted "Jani" it seems to me that you are an unbeliever
I'm not a Christian, if that's what you mean, but this person posting
nonsense about Tolkien is doing a far greater disservice to Christianity
than any non-Christian could. Had he presented any evidence from the text
which backed up his wild claims about LotR being an "instruction book of
witchcraft", I would have been genuinely interested. But he can't, because
there's nothing in the text to support it, so he just comes across as silly,
hysterical and misinformed. *Not* a good advertisement for Christianity.

Frank Trebor
2004-07-26 01:29:02 UTC
Post by Jani
I'm not a Christian, if that's what you mean, but this person posting
nonsense about Tolkien is doing a far greater disservice to Christianity
than any non-Christian could. Had he presented any evidence from the text
which backed up his wild claims about LotR being an "instruction book of
witchcraft", I would have been genuinely interested. But he can't, because
there's nothing in the text to support it, so he just comes across as silly,
hysterical and misinformed. *Not* a good advertisement for Christianity.
That is partly what I meant - I doubt if you believe in the occult either.

And as for Tolkien writing about witchcraft - I believe that he does.

I have read "The Hobbit" and if that is (as it is claimed) to be the
precursor to "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy then I am not interested
in reading what I believe is a heresy. I did see a part of one of the films
when out visiting, and from memory was heavily reliant on magic.

I believe that there are only two systems of/for everything
1, is the true way (the Hebrew/Christian God) - and
2, all else - (I believe satan's way)

In other words, if it doesn't praise God, it is satan's........
Hammond of Texas
2004-07-26 03:36:17 UTC
Post by Frank Trebor
And as for Tolkien writing about witchcraft - I believe that he does.
Post by Frank Trebor
I have read "The Hobbit" and if that is (as it is claimed) to be the
precursor to "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy then I am not interested
in reading what I believe is a heresy.
So, just to be perfectly clear, you believe that FICTION is heresy?

Oh, man. Here we go again...
Post by Frank Trebor
I believe that there are only two systems of/for everything
1, is the true way (the Hebrew/Christian God) - and
2, all else - (I believe satan's way)
So, if it isn't YOUR version of "the truth" it's evil, right?
2004-07-26 15:25:36 UTC
Post by Jani
Post by Jani
I'm not a Christian, if that's what you mean, but this person posting
nonsense about Tolkien is doing a far greater disservice to Christianity
than any non-Christian could. Had he presented any evidence from the text
which backed up his wild claims about LotR being an "instruction book of
witchcraft", I would have been genuinely interested. But he can't, because
there's nothing in the text to support it, so he just comes across as
Post by Jani
hysterical and misinformed. *Not* a good advertisement for Christianity.
That is partly what I meant - I doubt if you believe in the occult either.
What I believe or don't believe isn't really relevant, though, is it? The
issue is whether or not there is anything about witchcraft in Tolkien's
Post by Jani
And as for Tolkien writing about witchcraft - I believe that he does.
Can you give some examples? of actual witchcraft, that is, not imaginative
Post by Jani
I have read "The Hobbit" and if that is (as it is claimed) to be the
precursor to "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy then I am not interested
in reading what I believe is a heresy.
I fail to see how you can judge it heretical if you haven't read it.

I did see a part of one of the films
Post by Jani
when out visiting, and from memory was heavily reliant on magic.
Well, it's a fantasy about a magic ring, so that's to be expected.
Fairy-tales about magic, though, are not witchcraft.
Post by Jani
I believe that there are only two systems of/for everything
1, is the true way (the Hebrew/Christian God) - and
2, all else - (I believe satan's way)
In other words, if it doesn't praise God, it is satan's........
That's all well and good, but Tolkien's is an "alternative universe", if you
like. You could liken it, I suppose, to an undiscovered country or planet
where no-one had ever heard of Christ, but the eternal struggle of good
versus evil took place just the same. The most that someone in such a
society could do, to act in a Christian way, would be to fight for good and
overcome evil, which is of course what Tolkien's characters do - mainly, I
suspect, because Tolkien himself subscribed to Christian values and beliefs,
and this comes across in his fictional themes.

2004-07-26 04:23:36 UTC
C.S. Lewis & Tolkien

Besides the Harry Potter books, it is very important to note that
Focus on the Family, Christianity Today, Chuck Colson, [co-author of
Evangelicals and Catholics Together] and many others recommend the
writings of Tolkien and C.S. Lewis as a way for children to grow

Chuck Colson suggests, "...they inspire the imagination within a
Christian framework -- and prepare the hearts of readers for the
real-life story of Christ." In those writings we find mention of the
same Merlin mentioned above, equated to Christ. As has been stated in
the previous articles, we're to have nothing to do with fables.

In C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy, the third book is called, "That Hideous
Strength." In a nutshell, the book is about the redemption of
Thulcandra (Earth) from the clutches of the Bent One, the Oyarsa of
Thulcandra, who is supposedly Lucifer. It’s set in a small town called
Edgestow, the home of Bracton College, just after the end of WWII.
Certain Fellows of Bracton College engineer the sale of Bragdon Wood,
which houses the living body of Merlin, his body preserved from aging
by magic, to N.I.C.E., the National Institute for Co-ordinated
Experiments. N.I.C.E. is a wicked group of scientists researching use
of technology to rule mankind, who think Merlin's magic powers would
be helpful. They obtain the land with the purpose of disinterring and
reviving Merlin and using his powers for evil. Jane Suddock's psychic
powers are used to help locate Merlin and also provide information
about N.I.C.E. Once discovered, Merlin’s ancient wizardry, linked with
the power of the Eldil, (angels), defeat the evil N.I.C.E. in a wicked
and bloody climax.

The reader is supposed to equate Merlin with Christ, who defeats
Lucifer and evil. How blasphemous! That Merlin, who is revered by
occultists as a druid, sorcerer, witch, wizard and every abomination
thinkable, is viewed as Christ and that witchcraft and psychic powers
parallel the saving power of Jesus Christ is wicked at best. For those
who say children should just read Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia books,
we have the same menu with witches, elves, Bacchus, false gods, and so
on, all being part of the stories.

The Narnia plot revolves around the "White Witch" who has bound the
land of Narnia in a perpetual winter which can only be broken by the
coming of Aslan, who is supposed to represent Christ.

However, no rendition of any Scripture is found in these tales except
if one compares the practices of paganism and witchcraft which God
calls an abomination to Himself. Lewis could not have known Jesus
Christ as Saviour and Lord. Of the many blasphemous statements he has
made in his writings, probably one of the worst is found on page 276
of C.S. Lewis: A Biography, by Roger Lancelyn Green. Lewis stated, "I
had some ado to prevent Joy and myself from relapsing into Paganism in
Attica! At Daphni it was hard not to pray to Apollo the Healer. But
somehow one didn't feel it would have been very wrong - would have
only been addressing Christ sub specie Apollinis."

1 Corinthians 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles
sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not
that ye should have fellowship with devils. 21 Ye cannot drink the cup
of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the
Lord's table, and of the table of devils.
22 Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?

In Crosswalk.com's weekly updates email, sent out December 26, 2001,
the entire issue was devoted to praise and promotion of Tolkien's Lord
of the Rings.

Tolkien, a devout Roman Catholic, who wrote The Lord of the Rings, he
later said, to give England her own myth. Patrick W. Curles wrote in
Tolkien's Impact in Literature and Life,

Tolkien saw myth as the exact opposite. His great friend C. S. Lewis
once objected to Tolkien that, “...myths are lies, though lies
breathed through silver.” “No,” said Tolkien, “they are not.”

There are truths, Tolkien said, that are beyond us, transcendent
truths, about beauty, truth, honor, etc. There are truths that man
knows exist, but they cannot be seen - they are immaterial, but no
less real, to us. It is only through the language of myth that we can
speak of these truths. We have come from God, Tolkien said, and only
through myth, through story telling, can we aspire to the life we were
made for with God. To write and/or read myth, Tolkien believed, was to
meditate on the most important truths of life.

...It was Tolkien’s view of myth that that most aided C. S. Lewis in
his pilgrimage to accept Christianity. All the other myths of the
world, Tolkien said, are a mixture of truth and error - truth because
they are written by those made by and for God - error because written
by those alienated by God. But the Bible is the one true myth. It is a
true accounting of truth, while everything else we do is mimicking.
This perspective was decisive in Lewis’ conversion to Christianity.

....Tolkien and Lewis ... were together at least three times per week:
on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings with the other “Inklings” (a
literary circle of friends), and at least one other day for lunch.
Tolkien wrote, “Friendship with Lewis compensates for much, and
besides giving constant pleasure and comfort has done me much good
from the contact with a man at once honest, brave, intellectual - a
scholar, a poet, and a philosopher - and a lover, at least after a
long pilgrimage, of Our Lord.”... "


Mrs. Neal, who recently appeared on Pat Robertson's Television show,
also stated,

"When C. S. Lewis was asked about elements within a work of fiction,
he said, "Within a given story any object, person, or place is neither
more nor less, nor other, than what that story effectively shows it to
be." If you go with that interpretation, you are saying, "OK, I
understand that the author has created a fantasy world, and I am going
to get my definitions from within the story." "

C.S. Lewis also stated the Word of God was full of myths--does that
add credibility to anything he might say? One can't pretend something
that is real, particularly religious belief, is just a fantasy, just
because someone said it was part of a story.

Proverbs 14:22 Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth
shall be to them that devise good.

Let's, as Lewis suggested, get a definition or application of the use
of Divination from the Potter stories. It is found in the Divination
class and various forms of it are part of the classroom study.
Divination is consulting with familiar spirits to foretell the future.

Runes, the letters of witchcraft used for divination, are introduced
in The Chamber of Secrets on p. 187, "Arithmancy, Ancient Runes,
Divination", p, 188, Hermione is reading, "Ancient Runes Made Easy."

In the next book, the Prisoner of Azkaban, Divination begins on p. 78.
Trelawney, makes the statement, p. 79"...descending too often into the
hustle and bustle of the main school clouds my Inner Eye....If you do
not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you.
Books can take you only so far..." p. 80 "Many....are unable to
penetrate the veiled mysteries of the future,'...'It is a Gift granted
to few...We will be covering the basic methods of Divination this
year. The first term will be devoted to reading the tea leaves. Next
term we shall progress to palmistry....In the summer term...we shall
progress to the crystal ball--if we have finished with fire-omens..."
P. 81---'...drink until only the dregs remain. Swill these around the
cup three times with the left hand, then turn the cup upside down on
its saucer; wait for the last of the tea to drain away, them give
your cup to your partner to read. You will interpret the patterns
using...Unfogging the Future..."

Children have just been taught how to read tea leaves-albeit a few
idiosyncrasies which may or may not be used. But tea leaf reading is
current witchcraft. My grandmother and mother did tea leaf reading and
my grandmother may still, as she has never accepted Jesus Christ. The
Inner Eye is witchcraft and is also called the third eye, which is
recognized as being necessary to awaken or open. From that comes
clairvoyance, levitation and astral projection and so on. Crystal
balls are current witchcraft. It's not a game. If you need proof go to
Psychic Realm which presents: Tarot, palmistry, dream
interpretation--Harry does have psychic dreams- Runes, Astrology,
Numerology and so on.

To continue, we are next presented with divination revealing the
superstition of a death omen called a Grim--it supposedly is revealed
through the Divination of the leaves. Making a mockery of divination,
Rowling then validates it on p. 84, by saying "True Seers are very

And later, Trelawney is possessed and has a 'familiar spirit' speak
through her. That's also called demon possession and is not only dealt
with in the Scriptures, but is a current witchcraft practice. It is
promoted through television and all manner of reading material.

What makes Rowling's rendition any more acceptable than those who
invite people to partake of their 'Gift'? Children are given a first
hand description of it in action and are also taken into actual TM in
order to 'See' into the crystal ball and divine the future. p.218-219.
It's real witchcraft and presented in such a way as to open a child's
mind to think it acceptable.

Youth pastor Connie Neal > http://www.connieneal.com/> in the
Christianity.com interview article, Harry Potter and the Disputable
Matter, view the PotterNarnia, etc., issue as being where cultural and
spiritual issues overlap. However, witchcraft is a religion which is
diametrically and purposefully opposed to God. Just because the vast
majority of people enjoy or accept it, does not mean Christians
should. Mrs. Neal stated,

"....some people will say, "We condemn Harry Potter because the
characters on the side of good practice witchcraft, suggesting that
witchcraft is acceptable." There’s also the complaint that the Potter
books bring in elements of astrology, the use of crystal balls, and
spell casting. But all of these elements are also in the Narnia books!
In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, one of the good characters, a
little girl named Lucy, casts a spell to make invisible creatures
visible again. Now, what is the literal interpretation of that? That
you can do spells as long as they are the "right" spells, and you cast
them under Jesus’ authority? " [Harry Potter and the Disputable Matter

So, the same elements being in the Narnia books is the argument that
makes Potter acceptable fare?

... If we apply the same kind of censorship to other pieces of
literature as we do with Harry Potter, where does it stop? If you say,
"I will not read a story that has any wands or spells," then you have
to get rid of over two-thirds of classic children’s literature,
including Cinderella, Peter Pan, and Beauty and the Beast." Harry
Potter and the Disputable Matter

What Scripture actually supports the reading of witchcraft and fables
to children when they are filled with the same occult imagery and
practices? That's the most important question. It is not about
opinion. It is about what God says. It is not censorship to not read
Potter or other occult focused material, myths and fables. It is being
selective and discerning.

One does not choose all books in a bookstore. Why? Is it due to
censorship, choice, or in the case of Christians, Biblical

Phil. 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever
things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are
pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good
report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on
these things. 9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and
received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be
with you.

Jeff Robinson of the Baptist Press News Service, wrote in the article
'Lord of the Rings' has ring of Christian Lord, about James Parkers
view of the Lord of the Rings movie.

In a lecture on the life of Tolkien, James Parker, professor of
worldview and culture at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said
the movie will serve as fruitful viewing for Christians.

"He operates out of a thoroughgoing trinitarian worldview and (he)
says that very explicitly, plainly and bluntly on several occasions,"
Parker said Dec. 5. "He has a traditionalist Catholic worldview, which
means his doctrine of God, his doctrine of the Trinity and his
Christology were totally orthodox.

"I have differences with him because of his positions on soteriology
(the doctrine of salvation) and ecclesiology (the doctrine of the
church). But in terms of his trinitarian formulation of the doctrine
of God, there would be no differences (between Protestants and
Catholics) because of his historical orthodox expressions of those
doctrines. In fact, he says himself that 'The Lord of the Rings' grows
out of this fundamental belief system."

It was Tolkien who, as a professor of Anglo-Saxon language at Oxford
University, led a colleague to embrace Christ in 1929. The colleague
was C.S. Lewis, who would go on to become a stalwart apologist for the
Christian faith. Lewis also wrote a Christian fantasy series, "The
Chronicles of Narnia," along with apologetic works such as "Mere
Christianity," and "The Problem of Pain."

It was Tolkien's view of myth -- that it is always grounded in the
reality of the transcendent God, (even if subtly) -- that ultimately
shattered the barriers to Christianity for Lewis.

"Tolkien did not mean by 'myth' that it is defined as
'non-historical,'" Parker said, "but that it exhibits certain
characteristics, certain ideas, recurring themes such as the dying and
rising God, the sense of the moral universe behind things.

"Lewis said when he read the Gospels, he felt like he was reading a
myth because it contained mythical elements. But ultimately, he knew
it was fact. This was the 'true myth' that was absolutely true and

But can the Tolkien movie bridge the gap between Christians and
non-Christians in a way that will enable believers to proclaim the
saving Gospel of God? Parker feels confident that the movie -- with
its patently theistic world, albeit a make-believe one -- will do just

"The moral universe will do that," he said. "If they are really into
Tolkien, you can go back to the 'Silmarilion' and the view of God
which comes through there. And you can contrast that with other views
in say, 'Star Wars' (with its impersonal, pantheistic 'force'), or
even Harry Potter, as far as that goes.

"Also, the sense of providence that goes through it -- there is a
sense of providential oversight in 'The Lord of the Rings' that is
inexorable. You have all these individual players whose roles are not
lessened by the overarching providential drive of the story."

First the Catholic view is not the Biblically sound view. Difference
in salvation?? There is only one way to God, through Jesus Christ.

Second I've been to Tolkien sites--and most --unless Christian
already--deny that Tolkien ever intended a Christian meaning. And they
quote from his words as well. In the previous articles it has been
discussed in-depth why fables and myth are not of God, nor tools for
presenting Jesus Christ. Just because someone wrote that it is
okay--does not make it okay with God. Every word used by Tolkien to
describe promoting his fables is directly against the Word of God. As
stated in Harry Potter & Every Imagination of the Heart:

"As discussed in our article Have Nothing to Do With Fables or Old
Wives Tales, we are told to have nothing to do with fables, that is,
"2. an untrue story; falsehood 3. A legend, Myth."

The Greek word for 'fables' is found in Strong's Concordance as 3454.
muthos, "perhaps from the same as 3453 (through the idea of tuition);
a tale, i.e. fiction ("myth"):--fable

Paul warned in 1 Timothy 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless
genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying
which is in faith: so do."

We have clear Biblical instruction to not be involved with fables,
myths, fiction and so on. It does not say we can read fables and be
edified. It does not say we can read or write fables and learn sound
doctrine from them or use them as an evangelism tool. It says to have
nothing to do with fables.

This cannot be confused with Christ teaching in parables, which some
have tried to say is the same thing. If it was the same thing, we
would not have been given these very serious warnings and commands to
have nothing to do with fables. A Parable, which Jesus used
frequently, is a short story of everyday life used to teach a moral by
comparison or by implication. According to Strong's Concordance, it is
"an earthly story with a heavenly meaning." Jesus taught the truth
with situations that could easily be applied in our own lives. He did
not immerse those stories in witchcraft and false gods, nor did he
purvey lies of the occult. Those who propagate the idea that a fable
is the same as Christ's parables are misinformed and Biblically

Crosswalk, which is the mouth piece of ecumenical evangelicals,
presented the following article from Amy Hollingsworth, a
Home-schooling mom. She advocates Tolkien, Lewis and Rowling as worthy
authors for Christian families.

Escape from the Hobbit Hole, by Amy Hollingsworth; Professor, Author
and Home-schooling Mother: Learn life long lessons from Tolkien--and
say yes to adventure.

Crosswalk.com HomeSchool Channel

"....Opponents of fantasy say that it creates an unreality that’s not
healthy for kids. I say it gives them an outlet to express very real
fears and concerns. And so it was with The Hobbit. When I picked it
up from the library shelf one day, I thought my kids and I would enjoy
it for a few weeks and then be done with it. But five months later,
we were still reading. Not because it’s an enormous book (my husband
read three Tom Swift books to my son and daughter in the time it took
me to read The Hobbit to them), but we were savoring it, letting its
images linger, unwilling to depart from Tolkien’s great imaginative
world any sooner than we had to.

The focal point of the novel is a diminutive creature named Bilbo
Baggins. Bilbo is a hobbit, a creature with hairy feet, a fruity
laugh and a preference for safety and routine (adventures, after all,
“make you late for dinner”). That all changes one day when a wizard
named Gandalf and thirteen dwarves show up at his hobbit hole. The
Tookish part of Bilbo (a less respectable branch of the family tree,
one that actually succumbed to adventure from time to time) is slowly
awakened. Bilbo is hired as a burglar, to steal back the treasures
hoarded by the dragon Smaug. En route, he and the dwarves run into
all kinds of obstacles: trolls, wolves, elves, goblins, giant
spiders, a bear-man and an amusing little creature named Gollum (who
hisses and refers to himself as “precious”).

Besides giving Jonathan an outlet for his fears, The Hobbit also gave
his imagination a jumpstart. Usually a prolific writer, Jonathan had
hit a dry spell for nearly half a year. But The Hobbit had sparked a
revival, and Jonathan was again trusting in his ability to
create—although he did borrow freely from Tolkien’s images and style.
He sat at the computer for hours (even forgoing a few football games
with friends), composing an epic about a character named Gnome.
Unlike Bilbo, Gnome was a rather tall fellow; like Bilbo, Gnome had a
dislike for adventure (“He preferred to work in his office,” Jonathan

...When he wasn’t content with the plot he was weaving, Jonathan
started on a second story, this time Gnome had an alter ego, a boy
named Steven (yes, the name of his friend who questioned our choice to
learn at home). He originally wrote Steven as a sort of bad guy—he
grabs the mayor by his shirt collar in one scene—then changed his
character to the hero...Jonathan also realized that to become a great
writer you have to read great writers. He noticed that when he began
to write again, he borrowed not only from Tolkien, but also from two
other favorite authors: J.K. Rowling and Clyde Robert Bulla. I was
quick to point out (with perhaps more relish than was called for) that
none of the novels adapted from the Pokémon movies made it into his
mix. ...As I looked back over the last months, I realized what an
impact that little guy had had upon my little guy. Bilbo had
encouraged Jonathan to start writing again, to trust his imagination.
Bilbo had broken the Captain Underpants curse, and Jonathan was
choosing to read C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew instead. And Bilbo
gave Jonathan the courage to confront a dragon of his own, one who
twisted words to make him doubt. [crosswalk homeschool >

The fact that this mom advocates all the witchcraft, and occult
imagery as a positive pursuit has been addressed already. Her
statement, "Bilbo had encouraged Jonathan to start writing again, to
trust his imagination," takes us back to the imagination and the
imagination of the heart. The heart is desperately wicked, and
imagination is not to be trusted. Children are just as able to think
about and be part of sin as adults. Children are to be 'trained up in
the things of the Lord.' This hardly qualifies.

Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the
ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat
of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in
his law doth he meditate day and night.

Rather than trusting the writings of fables, witchcraft, myth and the
occult for sound doctrine and direction, I prefer Jesus' words,

Matthew 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a
corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and
cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in

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2004-07-26 04:37:49 UTC

A Special Gatefold: The Satanic Roots Of The Roman Catholic Church

(as described by Jack Chick)

Cush-grandson of Noah, architect of Tower of Babel

Semiramis-wife of Cush, Queen of Babylon, mother of Nimrod and Tammuz

Nimrod-son and husband of Semiramis, builder of Babylon.

Nimrod developed astrology, and laid the foundations for black and
white witchcraft. Shem (Cush's great uncle, Noah's son, and a
righteous man), appalled by his nephew's evil deeds, killed Nimrod.
Before his death, Nimrod married and impregnated his mother Semiramis.
After Nimrod was slain, Semiramis convinced the people of Babylon that
Nimrod was a god (the sun god Baal), and that she was a goddess (the
Queen of Heaven). Semiramis developed the Satanic religion of Baal
worship, including confession (for blackmail and public fear), secret
societies (prefiguring Masonry, Mormonism, Jesuits, and the
Illuminati), and the idea that she, as the religious leader, was the
only medium to God (prefiguring the Pope). Idols appeared featuring
mother Semiramis and baby Nimrod (prefiguring the Virgin Mary and Baby
Jesus); her symbol was the moon (Isis, Diana), and Nimrod's was the
sun (Horus, Baal, Sol). Semiramis promoted baby sacrifices and
celibacy for priests, foreshadowing Roman Catholicism. She invented
death by crucifixion (crucifixes were originally occult symbols in
Babylon and Egypt). Semiramis bore another child (by her son Nimrod,
while claiming she was a virgin) named Tammuz, who she maintained was
the reincarnation of Nimrod (Baal). This was the foundation of the
virgin mother with child archetype that Satan used to corrupt many
world religions.

In Egypt, Semiramis became Isis, and Nimrod became Horus (as a child)
and Osiris as an adult (the pyramid eye of Freemasonry is the "eye of
Osiris"). Sun worship dominated Egypt. Egyptian priests practiced
"transubstantiation", claiming to be able to transfer the sun god
Osiris into a circular wafer. In rituals prefiguring Catholic Mass,
the faithful then ate the "body" of their god to nourish their souls.
The letters IHS on the sun-shaped wafers stood for Isis, Horus, Seb
(later, Roman Catholics claimed they were the first three letters of
Jesus' name in Greek).

anno domini

After Christ's death and resurrection, Satan, using Gnostics in
Alexandria, Egypt, corrupted the Biblical scriptures, playing down the
deity of Jesus and adding the Apocrypha. As the Roman Empire was
falling, Constantine claimed the throne. He was challenged by another
Roman general, Maxentius. During a battle with Maxentius' army, Satan
showed Constantine the sign of a cross in the sky (an Egyptian ankh)
underneath the words, "In this sign conquer." Constantine "became a
Christian", painted the ankh on his army's shields, and was
victorious. Though he declared publicly that he and his soldiers were
Christian, he still secretly worshipped Sol (Baal). Constantine then
took over the Roman government and issued the Edict of Milan, a decree
of tolerance for Christians, "baptized" his troops, and presided as
the first Summus Pontifex (the official title of the Pope).

Many of the existing "Christian" churches he legitimized had been
earlier infiltrated by spies under Nero, and had become corrupt. Over
the years, these counterfeit churches, under Constantine's guide,
eventually evolved into Roman Catholicism. Constantine ordered
Eusebius, the Bishop of Caesarea, to have fifty Bibles assembled.
Although true Christians had assembled the correct Word of God in
Antioch, Syria, Eusebius chose the corrupted Alexandrian texts from
Egypt, which had been altered by the Gnostic scholar Origen under
Satan's guidance. These Bibles were the foundation of the Roman
Catholic church. The Vatican later created the Latin Vulgate from the
original fifty, and all other versions were outlawed.

Roman Catholicism transferred Baal worship into an already corrupted
Christianity. The icon of the virgin mother and child with halos
(representing the sun), Mary as the queen of heaven, confessionals,
wafer worship, transubstantiation, and priests as exclusive mediators
of God were all derived from the Satanic Babylonian religion. Roman
Catholicism became a mixture of witchcraft, Judaism, paganism, and
perverted Christianity. Witches thrived and were ordained by the
Vatican. Meanwhile, true Christians spread the word that the Vatican
was the Whore of Babylon (of the Book of Revelation). Rome was
outraged, and staged the Holy Inquisition, torturing and murdering
"heretics" to eliminate both Christians and Jews, and to fill the
coffers of the church. Later, in response to the Vatican's oppressive
dogma, Martin Luther, a former Augustinian monk, nailed his 95 theses
to the wall of a church in Germany, heralding Protestantism. The
Vatican is shaken as Protestantism spreads rapidly through Europe. In
order to stamp out the spiritual rebellion, Pope Paul III ordered
Ignatius de Loyola to found the Order of Jesuits, which would act as
the intelligentsia and secret militia of the Vatican. Loyola had
already founded the occult Illuminati, which he then placed under the
umbrella of the Vatican. The secret Satanic organization later became
the most important branch of the Jesuit order, controlling the world
economy, international banking, military forces, witchcraft, and the
world religions. Jesuits ("the militia of the popes") used witchcraft,
meditation (trances), hypnosis, and speaking in tongues to infiltrate
and destroy the Bible-believing Protestant church. To this day, the
Superior General of the Jesuits, "the Black Pope", is the mysterious
man behind the Pope; it is he who has the ultimate power in the
Vatican. The Jesuits helped develop many cults: Freemasons, Mormons,
Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, and many others, to serve the
interests of the Vatican. They staged campaigns to rid Europe of
Bible-believing Christians, first in France, then in England (by
secretly trying to substitute the corrupted Alexandrian Bible for the
English translation). The bait and switch plot failed, as King James
successfully translated the Word of God (the Antioch manuscripts) into
his English version-to this day the only uncorrupted text.

In the modern world, the Vatican (the Whore of Babylon) is responsible
for: All Satanic Bible versions

Based on the corrupted Alexandrian Gnostic manuscripts. The King James
Version is the only true "word of God".

Baal worship (Sun god religion of ancient Babylon) in the guise of

The communion wafer of Roman Catholic mass ("wafer god", "death
cookie") is based on the Egyptian ritual of transubstantiation, in
which the temple priests would magically transform the sun-shaped
wafers into the "body" of Horus, and the worshippers would then "eat"
their sun god (derived from Baal from Babylon). Today's Catholic
wafers are imprinted with the letters IHS, which Chick maintains
stands for Isis, Horus, Seb, the Egyptian gods. The crucifix was
created by Semiramis, in honor of her son Tammuz, and is a symbol of
death and the occult. "Behind the crucifix are strong demonic forces
giving out tremendous power, as depicted in vampire movies". Mary
worship, and the icon of the virgin with child is derived from the
image of Semiramis (the "Queen of Heaven") and her baby Tammuz (Baal),
by Nimrod. Chick traces this archetypal icon to most world religions,
as evidence of Satan's covert religious influence. The Pope is
identified by Chick as the Antichrist of Revelation; the Vatican as
the Whore of Babylon.


Babylonian ritual celebrating the "rebirth" of the sun god Baal
(Tammuz) after the Winter Solstice.


Mohammed was a stooge selected and seduced by a female agent of the
Vatican to create a new religion for the Arab world-under doctrinal
guidance of Roman Catholicism "advisors"-which would conquer Jerusalem
for the Pope. The plan failed, for when the Muslims did conquer
Jerusalem, they had grown to such a great number that they felt
themselves invincible. Muslims later invaded Europe, challenging the
Vatican, and beginning the Crusades.


The Illuminati was created by super-evil Ignatius Loyola before
founding the Order of Jesuits, which would later become the Vatican's
CIA. The original goal of the Illuminati (a "Satanic organization")
was "to control the minds of European leaders through hypnosis,
witchcraft, and mind control". Loyola communed with demonic spirits
for advice in setting up the organization, who "illuminated his mind",
hence the name. Once Loyola became powerful in the Vatican hierarchy
as the Jesuit General, the occult Illuminati became "the most
important branch of the Jesuit order, eventually coming to control the
world economy, international banking, military forces, all branches of
witchcraft, and the religions of the world, putting humanity on its
knees to serve the Pope."

U.S. Civil War & Assassination of President Lincoln

Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits for two reasons. 1) For
defending, while still a lawyer, Charles Chiniquy, a renegade Canadian
priest who had founded a community in Illinois. Chiniquy was the
target of repeated Vatican attacks for breaking with the Church.
Lincoln won the case. 2) For foiling the Confederacy in the Civil War,
a Jesuit engineered, Vatican backed plot to destroy the U.S. After
Lincoln won the Civil War, the Vatican exacted its revenge. Not
surprisingly, John Wilkes Booth wore a medal of the Virgin Mary around
his neck.

Ku Klux Klan

The KKK was created by Jesuits following their failure in the Civil
War, in an effort to prejudice African Americans and liberal whites
against Protestantism. They are, to put it mildly, a negative PR

Freemasonry, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science

"These are some of the spiritual abominations spawned by the Jesuits.
You can see the evidence of this in that these cults, as forms of
Roman Catholicism, have the same basic underlying pattern in their
doctrines, religious practices, and structure."

World War I

Before World War I, France signed a treaty with the Czar of Russia (a
target of revenge for the Pope, because of his protection of the rival
Eastern Orthodox church), infuriating the Vatican. Meanwhile, the
Orthodox church was spreading throughout Europe. The Vatican backed
Kaiser Wilhelm ("a good Roman Catholic") in his bid to expand
Germany's borders, hoping that France and the Orthodox menace in the
Balkans would be destroyed in the process. Many Roman Catholics from
various countries were slaughtered in the war, yet the Vatican was
unmoved. "Satan, working through the Vatican, had put millions into

Communism & Russian Revolution

To understand why the Vatican created Communism, one must go back to
the time of Constantine. Constantine, a false Christian and secret Sol
(Baal) worshipper, created the Roman Catholic church. He was its first
"pope", declaring tolerance for Christianity in Rome after centuries
of persecution. He moved to Byzantium (Constantinople; Istanbul
today), where he set up an eastern branch of the Catholic church.
Later, a rift developed between Rome and Constantinople, and the city
became the center of the Orthodox church, a hated rival of the Vatican
in the Eastern Europe and beyond. The Eastern Orthodox church
eventually came under the protection of the Czars of Russia, hence the
Czar was always a target for revenge from the Vatican. In the early
1900's, the Vatican saw its chance to exact revenge on the Czar and
exterminate the Orthodox church. Nicholas the 2nd's Russia was
unstable, his court in turmoil. The Russian people were disgruntled.
Planning their attack, the Jesuits coached Marx and Engels in writing
The Communist Manifesto to spread dissent amongst the Russian working
class. The Communist Party was bankrolled by the Illuminati in order
to create another power loyal to the Vatican, once the Czar had been
overthrown. The Jesuits masterminded the Russian Revolution, and
secretly moved the Vatican's gold into Russia. When the fighting broke
out, Jesuits sent Lenin into Russia in a sealed train filled with
revolutionaries. Meanwhile, the Czar had already been captured by
Jesuit agents and forced to abdicate. Lenin arrived, gained control of
the Reds, while unbeknownst to him Jesuits acting as Communists tried
the Czar and his family and slaughtered them. The hunt then began for
the leaders of the Orthodox church; many were found and killed. When
the troops arrived at the Orthodox patriarch's church, however, he
welcomed them, saying that he had been hiding the Czar's gold for
them. The Communists, cowed by the gold, which included the Vatican's
gold, spared the patriarch and ceased the extermination of Orthodox
leaders. The pope was outraged and vowed revenge on the turncoat
Communists, and the remnants of the Orthodox church. The crafty
Jesuits began to plan World War II to this end.

Nazis & World War II

Just before World War II, Germany was suffering a great depression. In
order to exterminate the Jews (the Vatican's rivals for possession of
the Holy Land), and get revenge on the Russians for the Communist
debacle, Jesuits arranged for pro-Catholic Jews to buy up land from
the ruined Germans, stirring up anti-Jewish resentment. Meanwhile,
Communist movements were springing up in Italy, so the Vatican put
Mussolini in power, under the guidance of Jesuits. Mussolini declared
Roman Catholicism the official religion of Italy, and restored the
Pope's temporal (political) power over the nation. Back in Germany,
Jesuits moved to destroy the Weimar Republic because it was democratic
("two things the Vatican despises are Protestantism and Democracy"). A
Jesuit priest named Staempfle wrote Mein Kampf for Adolph Hitler, whom
the Jesuits were grooming for power. The book was "the master plan of
the Jesuits for Hitler's takeover of Germany". Hitler's brown shirts
rose to power, and the Vatican backed him, giving him the Masonic
swastika as a national symbol. Hitler and many of his top aides,
including Goebbels and Himmler, were Roman Catholic. Rome signed a
concordat with Hitler in 1933, officially recognizing Nazi Germany. To
complete the Fascist Catholic triumvirate, the Vatican put Franco in
control of Spain, squashing Communist uprisings in the process. In
Germany, Roman Catholic Germans infiltrated Protestant churches,
spreading anti-Jewish sentiment, in order to insure that the Jews
would blame Protestants, not Catholics, for the coming Holocaust.
Jesuits hid over 1000 Jews in the catacombs of the Vatican to cover
their asses in case Hitler lost the war. World War II raged throughout
Europe, and the Holocaust began. Hitler publicly compared SS chief
Himmler to Ignatius Loyola, explicitly connecting the Holocaust to the
Inquisition. Many Roman Catholic priests wore the black uniforms of
the SS and tortured and murdered Jews; a new Inquisition was underway.
Fortunately, the Jesuit-engineered plot failed, as Germany surrendered
under Allied pressure, and Hitler committed suicide. Cleverly, though,
the Vatican had backed itself up, causing the world to believe that
the church had nothing to do with the war, and that the Holocaust
never happened. During the war, Jesuits made sure Roman Catholics were
persecuted alongside Jews, and Roman Catholic Germans hid some Jews in
their homes for later counter-PR. To this day, the Vatican has never
recognized Israel as a nation, and has not apologized for backing the

Ecumenical Movement & New Age spirituality

The Ecumenical movement (a Vatican II creation to recognize, and
eventually subsume, all world religions) and the New Age movement are
precursors of Satan's One World Religion, controlled by the Pope (the
Antichrist) in preparation for the One World Government of the Beast,
as prophesied in the Book of Revelation.

Jonestown Massacre

Jim Jones was "a powerful warlock and a well-trained Jesuit". The
Jonestown Massacre was a Jesuit-engineered media event, intended to
brand all fundamentalists as murderous fanatics. Despite his Jesuit
background, the media portrayed Jones as a crazy Bible-believing
fundamentalist, hence casting aspersions on true Christians

Like many fundagelicals, Chick's teleology is deeply millenarian,
relying heavily on the Book of Revelation and "End is Nigh"
fear-mongering. Given the highly metaphorical nature of St. John's
revelation, the book is a conveniently ambiguous text for apocalyptic
fundamentalists--a Biblical coloring book for their own eschatological
projections. For Chick, such enigmatic characters as "The Beast", "The
Antichrist", and "The Whore of Babylon" are reinscribed, not
surprisingly, with Roman Catholic identities. The Pope, is, of course,
the Antichrist, while the Vatican itself is the Whore of Babylon (as
it derives its rituals and symbolism from the Babylonian religion of
the seductive Semiramis). The Beast is a charismatic world leader,
who, with the help of the Vatican, ushers in the One World Religion
and Government. Below, I have outlined the events of the End Times and
Great Tribulation, according to Chick.

the end times and the great tribulation

The world is has fallen to sin, as in the times preceding the Flood
(Chick suggests that the End Times are imminent, and compares the
present to the pre-Flood civilization). Food shortages plague
countries, governments fall from riots, earthquakes increase
worldwide, men die from stress, etc. In preparation for the Judgment,
"God breaks off diplomatic relations with the planet Earth". The
Rapture hits, sucking all of the faithful, dead and alive, along with
the innocent infants, up into the air, to meet God in the sky. Then,
the Four Horsemen ride the earth and the Great Tribulation
begins--Satan has seven years of rule over the world.

After the Rapture, humanity is in chaos, stunned by the uncanny mass
disappearances. The religious leaders of the Ecumenical movement
gather to discuss the phenomenon, and are delighted when they realize
that they are rid of Bible-believing Christians. Their Superchurch,
ruled by the Vatican, becomes a great political power. Meanwhile,
occult spokesmen dismiss the Rapture as a mass UFO abduction. World
War III begins when Russia invades Israel--a one day nuclear war that
kills one fourth of the world's population. One third of the earth is
destroyed. Russian troops fall at the mountains of Israel by God's
intervention. The political leader of Europe, the Beast, takes credit
for the destruction of Russia. The Beast is "charming, a military
genius, a master politician, and the most evil dictator the world has
ever seen". His charisma wins over the world's remaining population.
"A trinity of evil is set up on the earth--the Devil, the Beast, and
the False Prophet". [Eds. Note: These are all apparently members of
The Village People.] The Superchurch (the Whore of Babylon) supports
the Beast and secures his world domination. The Beast stabilizes the
world economy, and unites the world religions--the world loves and
worships him.

The Beast then makes an announcement that no man shall be able to buy
or sell without receiving his mark, the notorious 666. "With the use
of computers, the Beast will be able to control every person on the
globe". A great statue of the Beast is constructed in the holiest of
Jewish temples in Jerusalem. The False Prophet causes the statue to
move and utter blasphemies. Anyone who refuses to worship the image is
killed. The Jews flee to the ancient walled city of Petra, in Jordan.
Around the world, many refuse to take the mark of the Beast and are
murdered publicly for their faith in God. These are the Tribulation
Saints. "The world becomes one gigantic witches' coven. Satanism is
saturating the world". God sends down plagues to force man to repent
from his rebellious ways. Giant hailstones, scorching sun, undrinkable
water, and scorpion-like locusts "swarm and sting mankind for 5
months". Still he will not repent. The Superchurch is no longer of any
use to the Beast, so he destroys the Vatican.

The Beast then orders the death of all Jews, and the armies of the
world mass against Israel, killing two thirds of all Jews. Satan knows
that the Lord is planning to return to reclaim the world, so Satan has
the Beast's armies advance on all sides of Jerusalem, into the valley
of Megiddo (Armageddon) to block His return. The heavens open, and
Jesus rides down on a white horse with his heavenly host to make war
with the armies of Satan.

The Battle of Armageddon rages. Ultimately, Satan's armies are
defeated, and Jesus casts the Beast and the False Prophet into the
Lake of Fire. One third of mankind is dead, but Israel is saved. Jesus
sets up his government in Jerusalem, where he will reign for 1000
years-the "Great Millennium" of peace and prosperity. After 1000
years, the Day of Judgment arrives, when all those who died in their
sins will be judged by God and cast into the Lake of Fire for all

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
The Truth
Brenda G. Kent
2004-07-26 16:33:02 UTC
oh no...not Jack Chick!

run and hide!!!!!



"Knowledge without wisdom is like stacking books

on the back of an ass"

Old Japanese saying.

Come visit my webpage at http://www.victoria.tc.ca/~wt211

Hammond of Texas
2004-07-25 21:08:32 UTC
Post by Steve
A Former Witch Looks At
The Lord Of The Rings
<snippage..., but not before having a pretty good laugh at one of poor
Steve's wackier acts of cut-and-pasting>

Yes, there it is, ladies and gentlemen; as fine an example of "Trollus
Patheticus Useneticus" as you are ever likely to find. Living a life
typically devoid of any normal human interaction, Trolli are
inextricably drawn to the places where they can annoy others from the
safety of their anonymity. Paradoxically, they derive a deluded sense of
self-importance, directly proportional to the amount of annoyance they
think they've created. See how it exults in what it thinks is some kind
of special accomplishment in having someone, anyone, respond to their
childish cries for attention. Not unlike the "Jammerus Citizensbandus",
or the seldom spotted "Taggerus Krylonus", these social outcasts thrive
on the self-induced delusion that their ability to provoke an annoyed
response is somehow an indicator of their intellectual superiority.
Another body of research holds that these traits are more like that of
"territory marking" behavior observed in adolescent males of many lower
species of mammal.

Careful now! Watch your fingers. They are especially dangerous when
cornered, and have been known to try to defend themselves with a mix of
verbal nonsense, circular logic, and other equally noxious substitutes
for genuine reason. Self-control of such excretory functions is a
hallmark of the breed, and has led some researchers to conclude that it
is that very lack of control that results in the peculiar development of
the species in the first place.

Most of the creatures that share the habitat with the lowly Trollus,
have developed one of two defenses. One group has evolved a markedly
thick skin and the uncanny ability to render the very sight of the
wretched Trollus almost invisible. For these creatures, its as if the
Trollus and his cries were hidden by some great natural screen or
filter. The second group has actually developed an affinity for Trollus.
There is much debate about what the exact attraction is, but to the
casual observer, it would appear to a sport or game, wherein the
dominant animals take delight in manipulating the Trollus into its
various self-degrading behaviors.

And we're walking...
2004-07-26 04:18:42 UTC
Hammond the Masonic Troll of the Internet with nothing new to add.

On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 14:08:32 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by Steve
A Former Witch Looks At
The Lord Of The Rings
<snippage..., but not before having a pretty good laugh at one of poor
Steve's wackier acts of cut-and-pasting>
Yes, there it is, ladies and gentlemen; as fine an example of "Trollus
Patheticus Useneticus" as you are ever likely to find. Living a life
typically devoid of any normal human interaction, Trolli are
inextricably drawn to the places where they can annoy others from the
safety of their anonymity. Paradoxically, they derive a deluded sense of
self-importance, directly proportional to the amount of annoyance they
think they've created. See how it exults in what it thinks is some kind
of special accomplishment in having someone, anyone, respond to their
childish cries for attention. Not unlike the "Jammerus Citizensbandus",
or the seldom spotted "Taggerus Krylonus", these social outcasts thrive
on the self-induced delusion that their ability to provoke an annoyed
response is somehow an indicator of their intellectual superiority.
Another body of research holds that these traits are more like that of
"territory marking" behavior observed in adolescent males of many lower
species of mammal.
Careful now! Watch your fingers. They are especially dangerous when
cornered, and have been known to try to defend themselves with a mix of
verbal nonsense, circular logic, and other equally noxious substitutes
for genuine reason. Self-control of such excretory functions is a
hallmark of the breed, and has led some researchers to conclude that it
is that very lack of control that results in the peculiar development of
the species in the first place.
Most of the creatures that share the habitat with the lowly Trollus,
have developed one of two defenses. One group has evolved a markedly
thick skin and the uncanny ability to render the very sight of the
wretched Trollus almost invisible. For these creatures, its as if the
Trollus and his cries were hidden by some great natural screen or
filter. The second group has actually developed an affinity for Trollus.
There is much debate about what the exact attraction is, but to the
casual observer, it would appear to a sport or game, wherein the
dominant animals take delight in manipulating the Trollus into its
various self-degrading behaviors.
And we're walking...
Frank Trebor
2004-07-25 22:05:02 UTC
"Steve" <***@nospam.com> wrote
A Former Witch Looks At The Lord Of The Rings
Great post Steve, keep up the good work.

To quote an ad on local TV -

"Oh! you a Kiwi, me too" (Lotto ad set on the Eiffel Tower, Paris)
2004-07-26 03:34:55 UTC
I personally feel that LOTR is pretty basic fantasy novel by today's
standards. Perhaps back in the days it had a similar effect in
stirring up interest for witchcraft.

I'm more concerned with the Harry Potter series.

1. Target audience: children
2. Sinister tone/theme - human sacrifices (in the later books, I think
it was the 4th book), anti-government conspiracy theory.
3. Direct involvement of charms/spells/potions - portrayed as healthy
and 'cool'
4. Set in a real-world setting, almost a feeling of "you can do it

As stories, I think they are great - nothing different from other
fictions such as Star Wars (which has it's own share of sorcery).

I'm just concerned with its effect on children. Witchcraft isn't cool
at all. Perhaps it's good to educate the children to make sure they
understand this distinction.

2004-07-26 04:25:45 UTC
Harry Potter:

Real Names & Real Witches

Jeremiah 3:17, 7:24

"At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and
all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to
Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of
their evil heart. 24 But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear,
but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart,
and went backward, and not forward."

Many say that fables or fiction are innocent reading. However, we've
shown that imagination itself reveals what is inside a heart. And
there is wicked imagination, purposes and ideas and there is
imagination, purposes and ideas that honor God. There are none in this
world that can please God without that person knowing Jesus Christ.

J.K. Rowling's first book was called Harry Potter and the
Philosopher's Stone and also the Sorcerer's Stone. Right from the
title we have deep occult knowledge and pursuits.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica article on the Philosophers
Stone: "The stone, also referred to as the 'tincture' or the 'powder'
... was allied to an elixir of life ... Inasmuch as alchemy was
concerned not only with the search for a method of upgrading less
valuable metals but also of perfecting the human soul, the
philosopher's stone was thought to cure illnesses, prolong life, and
bring about spiritual revitalization."

Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,
and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall
have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:
which is the second death.

The search for the Philosopher's Stone is well known in alchemy, that
is, alchemy defined by occultists as,

"... There are three main ideas about the origin of the word
alchemy. Firstly, from ancient Egyptian transmitted through Arabic
'al-khem', from the Egyptian hieroglyphics...Km.t which form the
native name of Egypt, 'Chem', meaning 'black earth'. Thus one
derivation of the word alchemy is the 'Egyptian art', or the 'art of
the black earth'. The second derivation is from the Greek word
'chemeia', found in the writings of Diocletian, the art of making
metal ingots. The third derivation is from the Greek word 'chumeia',
the art of extracting juices or infusions from plants, and thus herbal
medicines and tinctures....Alchemy is so multifaceted that any
definition restricts alchemy to a particular view or excludes aspects
that should come within the realm of the alchemical. One cannot reduce
alchemy to practical laboratory work, or to interior meditative work
with symbols, or to being only a spiritual pursuit. Anthropological,
Jungian, esoteric, history of science, semiotic, or other
interpretations, are only ways of looking at alchemy. In recent years
some people have tended to use the term in a very broad sense.
Definitions of alchemy tend to reflect individual's underlying
philosophical preconception. Perhaps it is best if we found our view
of alchemy on the body of alchemical writings, the manuscripts and
printed books that constitute and embody the alchemical tradition.
This body of alchemical knowledge, preserved in many libraries
throughout the world, is probably the securest foundation on which to
build a view of alchemy. [Alchemy

One website asks, "Superconductivity And Modern Alchemy Has The
Philosopher's Stone Been Found?" and presents these heretical and
blasphemous thoughts.

"....A new line of thought consumed David Hudson. He read over 500
books on alchemy and its history. He reread the Bible, finding many
references to the white powder. He talked to Rabbis well versed in the
ancient secrets of Judaism who told him of "white powders" available
only to the priests of Solomon's Temple. This is referred to as
"manna," food of the gods. Hudson's research has led him to believe
that ingesting the manna enabled the priests to approach the Ark of
the Covenant without being killed.

In his lecture, Hudson gave fascinating details about the Ark and a
scientific explanation behind the manna's protection. He also
discussed where the priests obtained their formula for making the
white powders and how this formula was lost after the Temple was
destroyed. He explained his theories about the Essenes and why he
thinks Mary was given the white powders of gold in preparation for the
conception and birth of Jesus.

Nostradamus predicted that by 1999 "occult gold" would be known to
science. Other prophecies indicate the discovery of this "occult gold"
would be made by a direct descendant of the Davidic blood line.
According to the book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Davidic blood line
is continued today in the French de Guise family name. Long after his
research into the white powders began, David Hudson discovered he was
a direct descendant of this French family. [David Hudson

Another article discussing Hudson and the Philosopher's Stone, stated:

Spiritual Powers of the White Powder
Hudson said that the naturally-occurring white powder is comprised of
all the precious ORMEs in rather fixed proportions. (At least from his
ores.) He stated that each ORME affects a different gland (seal) of
the body. Ancient literature says that the white powder of gold
effects the seventh seal (the pineal gland), other white powders
effect other seals. Hudson believes that proper spiritual usage would
require that you take all the elements in their naturally-occurring
proportions. That's what the Egyptians did.

Hudson pointed out that the ancient Egyptian literature only discusses
the white powder of gold. Yet, the powder which was found in the
pyramids contained all the monatomic elements in the expected
percentages. The dominant element was rhodium. He believes that the
reason that the Egyptians only mentioned gold was because they were
simply unaware of the other elements. [The White Powder
Hence, the first book in the Potter series is based on the very real
occult activity of searching for immortality, based on real witchcraft
and occult teachings. On the back cover of the book is a picture of a
wizard holding a book with nothing less than a pentagram on it, and
the background is covered with stars shaped like upright pentagrams,
which symbolizes the power of witchcraft. The pentagram, called the
great Rite in witchcraft, is one of the main symbols in witchcraft and
occultism. Used in ritual magic, divination, the conjuration of
spirits, casting spells and summoning demonic help, it is not simply
part of a cute drawing. When the pentagram points skyward, it's
denoting witchcraft, while if the point is downward it is signifying
satanists. The view of the pentagram on the book is pointing down,
meaning that it is for black magic rites, calling Satan and so on.
This is not light fluff. This is real to occultists.

Rowling's penchant for 'making up names' isn't really about deriving
original names. Rather, names are found from mythology, folklore,
other works of fiction, and from real people, towns or occult sources.
Rowling presents actual witches as heroes in her works of fiction. The
best example is found in the Chocolate Frogs trading cards.

"Chocolate Frogs have cards inside them, you know, to collect - famous
witches and wizards. I've got about five hundred....Ron was more
interested in eating the frogs than looking at the famous Witches and
Wizards cards, but Harry couldn't keep his eyes off them. Soon he had
not only Dumbledore and Morgana, but Hengis of Woodcroft, Alberic
Grunnion, Circe, Paracelsus and Merlin. He finally tore his eyes away
from the druidess Cliodna, who was scratching her nose..." [pp77-78]

Cliodna was the daughter of a High Druid and is also the
Banshee/Beansí of the O'Keeffe clan and is a faery Queen in Southwest
Ireland. She is also noted as being the Goddess of beauty and the
otherworld. Circe was a sorceress in Greek mythology who turned people
into swine. 'Hedwig' was a medieval Catholic Saint whose marriage to
Duke Henry 1 of Silesia united Silesian history through German
influence. From the Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume III "....she gave
her support to new monastic foundations and assisted those already in
existence....She was interred in the church attached to the monastery,
and was canonized by Clement IV, 26 March, 1267, and on 25 August of
the same year her remains were raised to the honours of the altar. Her
feast is celebrated 17 October; she in honoured as the patroness of
Silesia...." [St. Hedwig >http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07189a.htm]

Alberic [Grunnion], a Wizard on a Chocolate Frog Trading Card, was the
king of the dwarves in Wagner's 'Ring of the Nibelung'.

Nicholas Flamel, a real historic sorcerer, plays a key role in the
book. Referring to the trading card of Albus Dumbledore, we read:

"Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard
Grindlewald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's
blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas
Flamel'!...'Nicolas Flamel,' she whispered dramatically, 'is the only
known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!'...She pushed the book toward
them, and Harry and Ron read: The ancient study of alchemy is
concerned with making the Philosopher's Stone...the stone will
transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of
Life, which will make the drinker immortal...the only Stone currently
in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flamel, the noted alchemist...Mr.
Flamel, who celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last
year, enjoys a quiet life...'A stone that makes gold and stops you
ever dying!' said Harry. 'No wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would
want it.'" (pp. 160-161 )

Yes, occultists and those who seek after eternal life without Jesus
Christ do desire immorality. They would 'be gods.' Note that Harry
presents the emotional response that 'anyone' would want it. Our hero
desires immortality through actual occult means.

Towards the end of the book, we are presented with the promotion of
suicide as an honorable way of helping others. Flamel and his real
wife Perenelle have killed themselves to hide the secret of the
Philosopher's Stone, with Flamel being the significant age of 666

...Dumbledore smiled at the look of amazement on Harry's face. 'To one
as young as you, I'm sure it seems incredible, but to Nicolas and
Perenelle, it really is like going to bed after a very, very long day.
After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great
adventure." (p.218)

From the Testament of Nicholas Flamel (also written Flammel)--"...and
after the death of my faithful partner Perenelle, am seized with a
desire and a delight, in remembrance of her, and in your behalf, dear
nephew, to write out the whole magistery of the secret of the Powder
of Projection, or the Philosophical Tincture, which God hath willed to
impart to his very insignificant servant, and which I have found out,
as thou also wilt find out in working as I shall declare unto you...."

Around 1361 Flamel found an occult book called "The Sacred Book of
Abraham the Jew, Priest, Levite, Astrologer and Philosopher to that
Tribe of Jews who by the Wrath of God were Dispersed amongst the
Gauls." On a trip to Spain in 1382, Flamel supposedly met a Jew who
explained the "mysteries" of this text to him. He returned to Paris
with the alchemist keys and became wealthy. In speaking of the Book,
Flamel, wrote that only a Cabalist could understand it's meaning.

"....Upon the first of the leaves was written in great Capital
Letters of Gold: Abraham the Jew, Prince, Priest, Levite, Astrologer,
and Philosopher, to the Nation of the Jews, by the Wrath of God
dispersed among the Gauls, sendeth Health. After this it was filled
with great execrations and curses (with this word Maranatha, which was
often repeated there) against every person that should cast his eyes
upon it if he were not Sacrificer or Scribe....no man could ever have
been able to understand it without being well skilled in their Cabala,
which goeth by tradition, and without having well studied their
books..... These Hieroglyphic figures shall serve as two ways to lead
unto the heavenly life: the first and most open sense teaching the
sacred Mysteries of our salvation; (as I will show hereafter) the
other teaching every man that hath any small understanding in the
Stone the lineary way of the work; which being perfected by any one,
the change of evil into good takes away from him the root of all sin,
(which is covetousness) making him liberal, gentle, pious, religious,
and fearing God, how evil soever he was before, for from thenceforward
he is continually ravished with the great grace and mercy which he
hath obtained from God, and with the profoundness of his Divine and
admirable works....Let him, therefore, who having well weighed my
words, and well known and understood my figures, hath first gotten
elsewhere the knowledge of the first beginnings and Agents, (for
certainly in these Figures and Commentaries he shall not find any step
or information thereof), perfect, to the glory of God, the Mastery of
Hermes, remembering himself of the Church Catholic, Apostolic, and
Roman; and of all other Churches, Church-yards, and Hospitals; and
above all of the Church of the Innocents in this City, [Flammels'
Hieroglyphics >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/flam_h0.html]

".... The Ancient Sages that were Cabalists, have described it in
their Metamorphoses, under the History of the Serpent of Mars, which
had devoured the companions of Cadmus, who slew him, piercing him with
his lance against a hollow Oak..." [Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter
III >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/flam_h3.html]

Occult encyclopedias state that legend teaches that Flamel and his
wife faked their deaths and are still living. Which, would be why
Rowlings showed Flamel alive and well working with Dumbledore, also a
sorcerer. Honored as an adept by occultists, January 17 is 'his day'.
"Nicholas Flamel is listed as one of (the Prieuré de Sion's) Grand
Masters and January 17 -- given by him as the date on which he
achieved the Great Work -- is a day held sacred by them, a day
specially set apart to honor alchemical perfection." [Lynn Picknett
and Clive Prince, Turin Shroud: In Whose Image? The Truth Behind the
Centuries-Long Conspiracy of Silence, HarperCollins Pub., 1994, p. 99]

Paracelsus (1493-1541) is also an icon of modern day witches and
wizards! He was also an alchemist, that is, a sorcerer and was famous
for reviving the use of Talismans. Albert Pike wrote in his Masonic
"Morals and Dogma" that: "The Hermetic Art is, therefore, at the
same time a religion, a philosophy, and a natural science...we must
inquire for its processes of Paracelsus [and] Nicholas Flamel..."
(p.774) According to Pike, the goal of magic is to master the universe
by learning the principles of divine creation. That is, in effect, the
holy grail of Freemasonry, according to Albert Pike. To that end he
turns to the occult. And Pike is a true occultist, fluent in its
history and arcane philosophies.

The Morals and Dogma preceding pages to this quote deal with the goals
and methods of the occultists in ages past, specifically focusing on
Hermeticism, gnosticism, Kabala and alchemy, taking up the ancient
occult quest of mastering the creative principle of the universe, or
in effect, man becoming god, or co-creator of the universe.

"...Creation is the habitation of the Creator-Word. To create, the
Generative Power and Productive Capacity must unite, the Binary become
Unity again by the conjunction...

To be always rich, always young, and never to die: such has been in
all times the dream of the alchemists. ...

to possess the universal medicine and elixer of life; such is the
problem to be resolved, in order to accomplish the desire and realize
this dream....

The Great Work is, above all things, the creation of man by himself;
that is to say, the full and entire conquest which he effects of his
faculties and his future. It is, above all, the emancipation of his
will, which assures him the universal empire of Azoth, and the domain
of magnetism, that is, complete power over the universal magical
agent." (pgs. 772, 773)

"The whole Hermetic Science (magic) is contained in the dogma of
Hermes (ancient), engraven originally, it is said, on a tablet of

The Hermetic Art is, therefore, at the same time a religion, a
philosophy, and a natural science. As a religion it is that of the
Anient Magi and the Initiates of all ages; as a philosophy, we may
find its principles in the school of Alexandria and the theories of
Pythagoras; as a science we must inquire for its processes of
Paracelsus [and] Nicholas Flamel, and Raymond Lulle.

The science is a real one only for those who admit and understand the
philosophy and the religion; as its process will succeed only for the
Adept who has attained the sovereignty of will, and so become the King
of the elementary world; for the grand agent of the operation of the
sun. is that force described in the symbol of Hermes, of the table of
emerald; it is the universal magical power; the spiritual, fiery,
motive power; it is the Od, according to the Hebrews, as the Astral
light, according to others."

Paracelsus is mentioned in the Seek God article The Legend of Hanukkah
when referring to the Talisman of Saturn:

"Theophrastus Paracelsus revived, in the XVIth century, the ancient
doctrine of Talismans, which he claimed to be able to use successfully
in the treatment of illnesses and accidents. This medical doctrine,
derived from the Cabala, or secret tradition of the Jewish rabbis, was
said to be borrowed from the ancient occult sciences of Chaldea and
Egypt. The talisman (tsilmenaia) signifies an image, a figure, and was
engraved in the form of an emblem or symbol on metals consecrated to
the genii of the seven planets. This magical task had to be carried
out at a fixed time of a certain day, with the firm intention of
attracting to the talisman the beneficent influence of the genius
which was invoked, whether for health or any other protective

It's very noteworthy that students of Hogwarts engaged in the use of
talismans for protection, as described, "...hidden from the teachers,
a roaring trade in talismans, amulets and other protective
devices...evil smelling green onion, a pointed purple crystal..."
[p.139, Chamber of Secrets]

Paracelsus is also discussed in the Seek God article Practical
Kabbalah: Talismans and Masters of the Name

Gershom Scholem suggests that while many created the "golem" from the
earth, others were able to produce the "creature" by "influx of the
alphabet"--out of thin air. Many stories recount that the "golem" was
made to "work" or accompany the adept, although few "golem" are
reported to have the ability of "speech". Polish stories particularly
focus on the 'golem' as a mute worker who was able to follow commands.
According to Scholem (p.172), it was this parallel in Jewish golem and
alchemy that finally led to Paracelsus' idea of the "homunculus."
These wax or clay figures were employed in back magic to inflict
injury on enemies.

The Basilisk, a giant creature with snake-like features and in the
Chamber of Secrets, was presented as coming from the Slytherin statue,
which came alive when Voldemort/Riddle spoke to it in snake language.
If it looked in Harry's eye, he would die. Basilisk is another name
for the Philosopher's Stone. [Names
http://www.levity.com/alchemy/gratacol.html] Meaning, that the symbol
of Satan--a serpent, offers immortality or the Elixir of life.

This takes one back to the Garden of Eden, and those most destructive
words in Genesis 3:1 "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast
of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman,
Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?...4
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For
God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be
opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

Jesus said in John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and
they follow me:
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish,
neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which
gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them
out of my Father's hand."

Jesus spoke to those who would not believe who He was and rather
followed after Satan and his lies and false promises, by saying in
John 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot
hear my word. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of
your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the
father of it."

Further about the Basilisk, also from the Alchemy website
"....the herb Squilla or the Onion, is good against evil spirits and
night apparitions. For Plinius, speaking of this herb, saith that
Pythagoras wittnesses that when they hang onions above the entrance of
the door, that it drives away all evil spirits that would enter the
house. Of the Weasel which carries rue in his mouth, all naturalists
relate that it provides himself therewith against the Basilisk and all
venomous snakes, and this is the opinion of some of the ancient....The
Basilisk, as it is written, is a sort of snake. Whereof, not only the
breath, but also the sight, are infectious. And the creatures which
are killed by her poison, are not touched by other creatures; how
hungry and gluttonous soever they may be. And if by mere hunger they
do touch the same, they die immediately. Wherefore, the Basilisk is
avoided of all other creatures, how poisonous soever they may be, as
surpassing all other creatures by her poison; as AEtius and Plinius
relate...."[Iconologia >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/iconol03.html]

Another site provides further connection of the Basilisk to Paraclesus
PARACELSUS. "...Others have purified the white and yolk of eggs; from
which has been generated a basilisk...." [Aurora
The Dragon is considered by some alchemists to be superior and
stronger than the basilisk. [Book of
http://www.levity.com/alchemy/lambtext.html] The dragon of course is
a reference to Satan.

In occult lore, which Rowling presents, a Basilisk is the creature
created when a chicken's egg is hatched by a toad on a bed of dung,
and to have a three-pointed tail, glittering eyes and a crown on its
head. It must be hatched during the days of Sirius the star. It's
glance is said to be lethal, and could only be destroyed by watching
it in a mirror. This belief is related to the myth of the Gorgon's
head. In the East , its body was supposed to be a mixture of cock,
snake and toad. According to Diel, this projected image of the human
psyche is clearly infernal in character, as is shown by it's threefold
attributes (it's three-pointed crest and trifurcated tail) since they
are an inversion of the qualities of the Trinity; and also by the
predominance of evil components, such as the toad and the snake. It is
one of the many "keepers of treasure" mentioned in legend. [Burns

It's important to note that the Hogwarts School Crest has the images
of a Lion, a serpent with a trifurcated tail and holding a leaf in
it's mouth, a badger and an eagle which looks more like a phoenix.

The Witch Morgana found on the Chocolate Frog Trading Cards, figures
into the King Arthur legend. According to the legend, Morgan le Fay,
or Morgana, was the witch in the castle that Wart and Kay encountered
with Robin Wood (Robin Hood), Maid Marian, Little John, and the merry
men to rescue Friar Tuck, the Dog Boy, and an old man named Wat.
Morgana was the child of the Duke of Cornwall and Igraine, the woman
Uther Pendragon seduced to have Arthur. She was also linked with the
Goddess's Macha and Morrighan of Ireland.

In Welsh tradition Morgana is the daughter of Avallach or Avalloc,
king in the Otherworld. The concept of the Otherworld was central to
the religion of the pre-Christian Celts and is the same as the
parallel world Rowlings presents Harry Potter and the wizards in. It
is the realm of quest and achievement, of challenge and encounter, of
initiation and enlightenment. Mystics travel there through meditation.
"'One of the chief recurrent images of Celtic mythology and legend is
a visit to or from the 'Otherworld' - a realm somehow detached from
this present world, or at most times, to all but a chosen few,
invisible. It may be visibly cut off by ocean, river, lake, by
mountain rock, or by mist, or hidden within the mountain itself.
Sometimes it can only be entered by the overcoming of a test or
through the sustaining of a mortal wound. Always cut off by some sort
of barrier from the world of earthly existence.'" "'Within the
'Otherworld', archetypal forces are perceptible, essential wisdom
teachings are available to those who have the right keys." "'The
'Otherworld' has its own valid reality which is not accessible to the
five senses, though it is appreciable by the sixth. It is often spoken
of as a state of conciousness.' Islands were regarded as particularly
sacred with their role as gateways to the Otherworld and Boats are
viewed as starting the journey through the gateway to the otherworld.
http://www.lundyisleofavalon.co.uk/mythology/otherworld.htm] This is
noteworthy as new arrivals to Hogwarts travel across the lake in

Albus Dumbledore, who is presented as being over a hundred years old
and a great wizard, wrote the letter telling Harry of his place at
Hogwarts, and had listed his titles as "Headmaster, Order of Merlin,
First Class, Grand Sorc., [sorcerer], Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump,
International Confed. of Wizards." [p 42] A warlock is a male witch. A
Sorcerer is a witch.

Albus' is Latin for 'white'. It is also one of the figures of
geomancy, an ancient divination method, with Feng Shui being the
Chinese method. Geomancy is any system of divination (an attempt to
get in touch with the divine) related to manipulation of the earth.
Caput Draconis, Latin for 'dragon's head, is one of the figures of
geomancy, and a password to the boys rooms at Hogwarts. Other Geomancy
figures include Fortuna Major, and Rubeus, all of which also appear in
H.P as characters or passwords. [Astrological Geomancy by Anthony

According to a Geomancy website,

"Geomancy had its heyday in the Renaissance during Western Europe's
transition from the medieval to the modern world. It's most famous
spokesperson was Henry Cornelius Agrippa, born in 1486, and author of
several texts in Latin on occult philosophy. Agrippa's attitude toward
geomancy was ambivalent. Although he wrote the major geomantic text of
the period, he commented on his own work and about the "common
geomancy" of his predecessors, "I too have written a geomancy quite
different from the rest but no less superstitious and fallacious or if
you wish I will even say 'mendacious.'" Nonetheless, Agrippa appears
to have practiced and written extensively on the subject.

By the time Agrippa wrote about geomancy, it had undergone an
evolution. No longer were the marks on the earth interpreted in their
own right; now they were used in combination with a horoscope wheel
depicting the twelve astrological houses." [Astrological Geomancy by
Anthony Louis>http://www.accessnewage.com/articles/astro/TLOUIS4.htm]

Agrippa was also a Wizard on a Chocolate Frog Trading Card. Henry
Cornelius Agrippa
Alchemist and mystic...the Rosicrucian manifestos, The Fame and
Confession of the Fraternity of R: C: commonly, of the Rosie Cross.
... 1652 "....the Improvements of this fatal Invention are not known
even to the present Generations, for the Pyrography of Cornelius
Agrippa,....The second Philosophicall work is commonly cal'd the gross
work, but 'tis one of the greatest Subtilties in all the Art.
Cornelius Agrippa, knew the first Preparation, and hath clearly
discovered it, but the Difficulty of the second made him almost an
enemy to his own Profession. By the second work, I understand not
Coagulation, but the Solution of the Philosophical Salt, a secret
which Agrippa did not rightly know, as it appears by his practise at
Malines, nor would Natelius teach him, for all his frequent, and
serious intreaties....' [Rosicrucian Manifestos]
'Dumbledore' is the Old English for 'bumblebee, and the French word
'dore' means 'golden'. In the occult, and Masonry, the bee is sacred
to the goddess Venus. In Greece, they served at the greatest Greek
festival in honor of Demeter, the Queen Bee, celebrating the return of
Persephone from Hades; they are associated with rebirth and are an
accepted symbol of generative power. It is also considered a symbol of
the soul influenced by the Sun and possessing immortality and
spiritual telepathy. [Burns p. 135] Dumbledore is portrayed as having
extensive telepathy and awareness of what was happening without being
in person. It was shown in the battle with the basilisk, by his
sending Fawkes the phoenix and the sword which Harry pulled from the
hat--(no different than the Sword and the Stone, only Harry/Arthur
could pull it out)--although he was not physically present to see what
was taking place.

Besides being listed on the Trading cards, Merlin is important to
sorcerers and Arthurian legend. In the Potter books Dumbledore, of the
Order of Merlin, is considered an equal to Voldermort in power. The
Order of Merlin signifies the allegiance to the Druidic concept of
Merlin. "....the Ancient Druidic state the Druid was teacher of truth
and the dispenser of justice. As teachers they taught that the light
of intelligence destroys the darkness of superstition and ignorance,
hence the first precept of Merlin, the great Druidic teacher, “Labor
diligently to acquire knowledge for it is power.”..."

New Agers revel in Merlin lore and Arthurian legends, and there is a
current practice of calling "forth the spirit of Merlin from King
Arthur's Court.". Merlin of Arthurian legend may have been a real
person, but in the fable is a magician, seer and is still a
wizard/witch and considered the most famous and revered Druid
throughout Druid history. A so-called "prophetess" on the Internet
distributed an entire book called Prophecies of War, which were
channeled by none other than the Angel Merlin.

According to one website Merlin was, "The wizard who brought together
the two who were to become the parents of the most famous king of
Britain, Arthur. King Uther Pendragon fathered on Igraine, wife to
Duke Gorlois of Cornwall, and Merlin took over the youth's rearing,
after his father was killed. Merlin is credited with the building of
Stonehenge, and the fashioning of the Round Table. Born himself under
dubious and uncertain circumstances, Merlin eventually fell in love
with Nineve, the daughter of a Siren, and taught her how to bind him
magically to her, so that he remained forever in the enchanted wood
with her." http://www.clubi.ie/lestat/ofgodsm.html

Another website states, The Story of Druidism: History, Legend and
Lore 1.3

There may have been a real Merlin, such as the one Nikolai Tolstoy
describes in Quest for Merlin:

“...Merlin was indeed an historical figure, living in what are now the
lowlands of Scotland at the end of the sixth century A.D...an
authentic prophet, most likely a druid surviving in a pagan enclave of
the north.”
A Merlin prototype may have been the Celtic druid (Lailoken) who
gained second sight after he went mad and escaped society to live in
the forest. A poem from 600 describes a Welsh prophet named Myrddin.
[Ask Jeeves: The History
Many would claim that Merlin lore and Druidism is based on true
Christianity. From a website about the Druids,

"United Ancient Order Druids, U.A.O.D... Our truths come directly from
the Bible, and the HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE of our ancient ancestors. Many of
these sacred teachings were kept symbolically in the legends of Saint
Merlin of England, so that the hidden, true meaning of Christ could be
concealed from the profane masses, yet revealed to the deserving few
through our mediation. Our rituals reflect our Ancient Brethern's
efforts to bring true Christianity to heathen Europe, and the
persection they suffered as a result of the SACRED MISSION....As Sir
Knights, They fought for the oppressed, and taught morality to the
barbarians. They began missions to spread knowledge and light to the
masses, through the teachings of St. Merlin and our "Red Fez"
POINTS, they were able to redeem those who put into practice these
sacred commandments, making them free from all sin. We are proud to
carry on the tradition of SERVICE, PURITY, and VIRTUE, following the
teachings of the Magi, Magus-Jesus, Merlin, and the Angel of Light and

The Phoenixmasonry site provides the same information as above and
also lists The Seven Precepts Of Merlin
First: Labor diligently to acquire knowledge, for it is power.

Second: When in authority, decide reasonably, for thine authority may

Third: Bear with fortitude the ills of life, remembering that no
mortal sorrow is perpetual.

Fourth: Love virtue-for it bringeth peace.

Fifth: Abhor vice-for it bringeth evil upon all.

Sixth: Obey those in authority in all just things, that virtue may be

Seventh: Cultivate the social virtues, so shalt thou be beloved by all


It is very important to note that Focus on the Family, Christianity
Today, Chuck Colson and many others also recommend the writings of
Tolkien and C.S. Lewis as a way for children to grow spiritually.
Chuck Colson suggests, "...they inspire the imagination within a
Christian framework -- and prepare the hearts of readers for the
real-life story of Christ." In those writings we find mention of the
same Merlin mentioned above, equated to Christ. As has been stated in
the previous articles, we're to have nothing to do with fables. For
Chuck Colson See: Evangelicals and Catholics Together

In C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy, the third book is called, "That Hideous
Strength." In a nutshell, the book is about the redemption of
Thulcandra (Earth) from the clutches of the Bent One, the Oyarsa of
Thulcandra, who is supposedly Lucifer. It’s set in a small town called
Edgestow, the home of Bracton College, just after the end of WWII.
Certain Fellows of Bracton College engineer the sale of Bragdon Wood,
which houses the living body of Merlin, his body preserved from aging
by magic, to N.I.C.E., the National Institute for Co-ordinated
Experiments. N.I.C.E. is a wicked group of scientists researching use
of technology to rule mankind, who think Merlin's magic powers would
be helpful. They obtain the land with the purpose of disinterring and
reviving Merlin and using his powers for evil. Jane Suddock's psychic
powers are used to help locate Merlin and also provide information
about N.I.C.E. Once discovered, Merlin’s ancient wizardry, linked with
the power of the Eldil, (angels), defeat the evil N.I.C.E. in a wicked
and bloody climax.

The reader is supposed to equate Merlin with Christ, who defeats
Lucifer and evil. How blasphemous! That Merlin, who is revered by
occultists as a druid, sorcerer, witch, wizard and every abomination
thinkable, is viewed as Christ and that witchcraft and psychic powers
parallel the saving power of Jesus Christ is wicked at best. For those
who say children should just read Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia books,
we have the same menu with witches, elves, Bacchus, false gods, and so
on, all being part of the stories.

The Narnia plot revolves around the "White Witch" who has bound the
land of Narnia in a perpetual winter which can only be broken by the
coming of Aslan, who is supposed to represent Christ. However, no
rendition of any Scripture is found in these tales except if one
compares the practices of paganism and witchcraft which God calls an
abomination to Himself. Lewis could not have known Jesus Christ as
Saviour and Lord. Of the many blasphemous statements he has made in
his writings, probably one of the worst is found on page 276 of C.S.
Lewis: A Biography, by Roger Lancelyn Green. Lewis stated, "I had some
ado to prevent Joy and myself from relapsing into Paganism in Attica!
At Daphni it was hard not to pray to Apollo the Healer. But somehow
one didn't feel it would have been very wrong - would have only been
addressing Christ sub specie Apollinis."

1 Corinthians 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles
sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not
that ye should have fellowship with devils. 21 Ye cannot drink the cup
of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the
Lord's table, and of the table of devils.
22 Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?

In Crosswalk.com's weekly updates email, sent out December 26, 2001,
the entire issue was devoted to praise and promotion of Tolkien's Lord
of the Rings.

Tolkien, a devout Roman Catholic, who wrote The Lord of the Rings, he
later said, to give England her own myth. Patrick W. Curles wrote in
Tolkien's Impact in Literature and Life,

Tolkien saw myth as the exact opposite. His great friend C. S. Lewis
once objected to Tolkien that, “...myths are lies, though lies
breathed through silver.” “No,” said Tolkien, “they are not.”

There are truths, Tolkien said, that are beyond us, transcendent
truths, about beauty, truth, honor, etc. There are truths that man
knows exist, but they cannot be seen - they are immaterial, but no
less real, to us. It is only through the language of myth that we can
speak of these truths. We have come from God, Tolkien said, and only
through myth, through story telling, can we aspire to the life we were
made for with God. To write and/or read myth, Tolkien believed, was to
meditate on the most important truths of life.
...It was Tolkien’s view of myth that that most aided C. S. Lewis in
his pilgrimage to accept Christianity. All the other myths of the
world, Tolkien said, are a mixture of truth and error - truth because
they are written by those made by and for God - error because written
by those alienated by God. But the Bible is the one true myth. It is a
true accounting of truth, while everything else we do is mimicking.
This perspective was decisive in Lewis’ conversion to Christianity.
....Tolkien and Lewis ... were together at least three times per week:
on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings with the other “Inklings” (a
literary circle of friends), and at least one other day for lunch.
Tolkien wrote, “Friendship with Lewis compensates for much, and
besides giving constant pleasure and comfort has done me much good
from the contact with a man at once honest, brave, intellectual - a
scholar, a poet, and a philosopher - and a lover, at least after a
long pilgrimage, of Our Lord.”... [crosswalk
Jeff Robinson of the Baptist Press News Service, wrote in the article
'Lord of the Rings' has ring of Christian Lord, about James Parkers
view of the Lord of the Rings movie.

In a lecture on the life of Tolkien, James Parker, professor of
worldview and culture at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said
the movie will serve as fruitful viewing for Christians.

"He operates out of a thoroughgoing trinitarian worldview and (he)
says that very explicitly, plainly and bluntly on several occasions,"
Parker said Dec. 5. "He has a traditionalist Catholic worldview, which
means his doctrine of God, his doctrine of the Trinity and his
Christology were totally orthodox.

"I have differences with him because of his positions on soteriology
(the doctrine of salvation) and ecclesiology (the doctrine of the
church). But in terms of his trinitarian formulation of the doctrine
of God, there would be no differences (between Protestants and
Catholics) because of his historical orthodox expressions of those
doctrines. In fact, he says himself that 'The Lord of the Rings' grows
out of this fundamental belief system."

It was Tolkien who, as a professor of Anglo-Saxon language at Oxford
University, led a colleague to embrace Christ in 1929. The colleague
was C.S. Lewis, who would go on to become a stalwart apologist for the
Christian faith. Lewis also wrote a Christian fantasy series, "The
Chronicles of Narnia," along with apologetic works such as "Mere
Christianity," and "The Problem of Pain."

It was Tolkien's view of myth -- that it is always grounded in the
reality of the transcendent God, (even if subtly) -- that ultimately
shattered the barriers to Christianity for Lewis.

"Tolkien did not mean by 'myth' that it is defined as
'non-historical,'" Parker said, "but that it exhibits certain
characteristics, certain ideas, recurring themes such as the dying and
rising God, the sense of the moral universe behind things.

"Lewis said when he read the Gospels, he felt like he was reading a
myth because it contained mythical elements. But ultimately, he knew
it was fact. This was the 'true myth' that was absolutely true and

But can the Tolkien movie bridge the gap between Christians and
non-Christians in a way that will enable believers to proclaim the
saving Gospel of God? Parker feels confident that the movie -- with
its patently theistic world, albeit a make-believe one -- will do just

"The moral universe will do that," he said. "If they are really into
Tolkien, you can go back to the 'Silmarilion' and the view of God
which comes through there. And you can contrast that with other views
in say, 'Star Wars' (with its impersonal, pantheistic 'force'), or
even Harry Potter, as far as that goes.

"Also, the sense of providence that goes through it -- there is a
sense of providential oversight in 'The Lord of the Rings' that is
inexorable. You have all these individual players whose roles are not
lessened by the overarching providential drive of the story."

First the Catholic view is not the Biblically sound view. Difference
in salvation?? There is only one way to God, through Jesus Christ.
Second I've been to Tolkien sites--and most --unless Christian
already--deny that Tolkien ever intended a Christian meaning. And they
quote from his words as well. In the previous articles it has been
discussed in-depth why fables and myth are not of God, nor tools for
presenting Jesus Christ. Just because someone wrote that it is
okay--does not make it okay with God. Every word used by Tolkien to
describe promoting his fables is directly against the Word of God. As
stated in Harry Potter & Every Imagination of the Heart:

"As discussed in our article Have Nothing to Do With Fables or Old
Wives Tales, we are told to have nothing to do with fables, that is,
"2. an untrue story; falsehood 3. A legend, Myth."

The Greek word for 'fables' is found in Strong's Concordance as 3454.
muthos, "perhaps from the same as 3453 (through the idea of tuition);
a tale, i.e. fiction ("myth"):--fable

Paul warned in 1 Timothy 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless
genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying
which is in faith: so do."

We have clear Biblical instruction to not be involved with fables,
myths, fiction and so on. It does not say we can read fables and be
edified. It does not say we can read or write fables and learn sound
doctrine from them or use them as an evangelism tool. It says to have
nothing to do with fables. This cannot be confused with Christ
teaching in parables, which some have tried to say is the same thing.
If it was the same thing, we would not have been given these very
serious warnings and commands to have nothing to do with fables. A
Parable, which Jesus used frequently, is a short story of everyday
life used to teach a moral by comparison or by implication. According
to Strong's Concordance, it is "an earthly story with a heavenly
meaning." Jesus taught the truth with situations that could easily be
applied in our own lives. He did not immerse those stories in
witchcraft and false gods, nor did he purvey lies of the occult. Those
who propagate the idea that a fable is the same as Christ's parables
are misinformed and Biblically inaccurate.

Crosswalk which is the mouth piece of ecumenical evangelicals,
presented the following article from Amy Hollingsworth, a
Home-schooling mom. She advocates Tolkien, Lewis and Rowling as worthy
authors for Christian families.

Escape from the Hobbit Hole, by Amy Hollingsworth; Professor, Author
and Home-schooling Mother: Learn life long lessons from Tolkien--and
say yes to adventure.

Crosswalk.com HomeSchool Channel

"....Opponents of fantasy say that it creates an unreality that’s not
healthy for kids. I say it gives them an outlet to express very real
fears and concerns. And so it was with The Hobbit. When I picked it
up from the library shelf one day, I thought my kids and I would enjoy
it for a few weeks and then be done with it. But five months later,
we were still reading. Not because it’s an enormous book (my husband
read three Tom Swift books to my son and daughter in the time it took
me to read The Hobbit to them), but we were savoring it, letting its
images linger, unwilling to depart from Tolkien’s great imaginative
world any sooner than we had to.

The focal point of the novel is a diminutive creature named Bilbo
Baggins. Bilbo is a hobbit, a creature with hairy feet, a fruity
laugh and a preference for safety and routine (adventures, after all,
“make you late for dinner”). That all changes one day when a wizard
named Gandalf and thirteen dwarves show up at his hobbit hole. The
Tookish part of Bilbo (a less respectable branch of the family tree,
one that actually succumbed to adventure from time to time) is slowly
awakened. Bilbo is hired as a burglar, to steal back the treasures
hoarded by the dragon Smaug. En route, he and the dwarves run into
all kinds of obstacles: trolls, wolves, elves, goblins, giant
spiders, a bear-man and an amusing little creature named Gollum (who
hisses and refers to himself as “precious”).

Besides giving Jonathan an outlet for his fears, The Hobbit also gave
his imagination a jumpstart. Usually a prolific writer, Jonathan had
hit a dry spell for nearly half a year. But The Hobbit had sparked a
revival, and Jonathan was again trusting in his ability to
create—although he did borrow freely from Tolkien’s images and style.
He sat at the computer for hours (even forgoing a few football games
with friends), composing an epic about a character named Gnome.
Unlike Bilbo, Gnome was a rather tall fellow; like Bilbo, Gnome had a
dislike for adventure (“He preferred to work in his office,” Jonathan

...When he wasn’t content with the plot he was weaving, Jonathan
started on a second story, this time Gnome had an alter ego, a boy
named Steven (yes, the name of his friend who questioned our choice to
learn at home). He originally wrote Steven as a sort of bad guy—he
grabs the mayor by his shirt collar in one scene—then changed his
character to the hero...Jonathan also realized that to become a great
writer you have to read great writers. He noticed that when he began
to write again, he borrowed not only from Tolkien, but also from two
other favorite authors: J.K. Rowling and Clyde Robert Bulla. I was
quick to point out (with perhaps more relish than was called for) that
none of the novels adapted from the Pokémon movies made it into his
mix. ...As I looked back over the last months, I realized what an
impact that little guy had had upon my little guy. Bilbo had
encouraged Jonathan to start writing again, to trust his imagination.
Bilbo had broken the Captain Underpants curse, and Jonathan was
choosing to read C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew instead. And Bilbo
gave Jonathan the courage to confront a dragon of his own, one who
twisted words to make him doubt. [crosswalk homschool
The fact that this mom advocates all the witchcraft, and occult
imagery as a positive pursuit has been addressed already. Her
statement, "Bilbo had encouraged Jonathan to start writing again, to
trust his imagination," takes us back to the imagination and the
imagination of the heart. The heart is desperately wicked, and
imagination is not to be trusted. Children are just as able to think
about and be part of sin as adults. Children are to be 'trained up in
the things of the Lord.' This hardly qualifies.

Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the
ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat
of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in
his law doth he meditate day and night.

Rather than trusting the writings of fables, witchcraft, myth and the
occult for sound doctrine and direction, I prefer Jesus words,

Matthew 7:18 "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a
corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and
cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in

Next Section: Harry Potter: Banning the Master of the Name

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Yahoo Group Owner
2004-07-26 08:10:39 UTC
Y'know, one thing that strikes me about all this research into the supposed
magical and occult background of J.K. Rowlings' work is that we're dealing
here with *children's fiction*, which has for centuries included witches,
wizards, mythical creatures, magical adventures and the like. And even the
most intelligent child is unlikely to know or care who Paracelsus was, or
battle through Malory to find the origins of Morgan le Fay, any more than
they'll demand a rundown on the mythology underlying Cinderella or a course
in European folklore to understand Hansel and Gretel. They read stories *for
the stories*, and if they do show an interest in the origins of the
characters and legends which appear in the stories, what a marvellous
opportunity for parents to introduce history, classical literature, the
concept of the epic ....

I do wonder if these people who want to keep children away from any
children's literature which has depth and meaning are also planning on
depriving them of Beowulf, Shakespeare, Homer, Virgil, et al, when the time
comes ...

Post by SteveZ
Real Names & Real Witches
Jeremiah 3:17, 7:24
"At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and
all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to
Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of
their evil heart. 24 But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear,
but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart,
and went backward, and not forward."
Many say that fables or fiction are innocent reading. However, we've
shown that imagination itself reveals what is inside a heart. And
there is wicked imagination, purposes and ideas and there is
imagination, purposes and ideas that honor God. There are none in this
world that can please God without that person knowing Jesus Christ.
J.K. Rowling's first book was called Harry Potter and the
Philosopher's Stone and also the Sorcerer's Stone. Right from the
title we have deep occult knowledge and pursuits.
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica article on the Philosophers
Stone: "The stone, also referred to as the 'tincture' or the 'powder'
... was allied to an elixir of life ... Inasmuch as alchemy was
concerned not only with the search for a method of upgrading less
valuable metals but also of perfecting the human soul, the
philosopher's stone was thought to cure illnesses, prolong life, and
bring about spiritual revitalization."
Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,
and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall
which is the second death.
The search for the Philosopher's Stone is well known in alchemy, that
is, alchemy defined by occultists as,
"... There are three main ideas about the origin of the word
alchemy. Firstly, from ancient Egyptian transmitted through Arabic
'al-khem', from the Egyptian hieroglyphics...Km.t which form the
native name of Egypt, 'Chem', meaning 'black earth'. Thus one
derivation of the word alchemy is the 'Egyptian art', or the 'art of
the black earth'. The second derivation is from the Greek word
'chemeia', found in the writings of Diocletian, the art of making
metal ingots. The third derivation is from the Greek word 'chumeia',
the art of extracting juices or infusions from plants, and thus herbal
medicines and tinctures....Alchemy is so multifaceted that any
definition restricts alchemy to a particular view or excludes aspects
that should come within the realm of the alchemical. One cannot reduce
alchemy to practical laboratory work, or to interior meditative work
with symbols, or to being only a spiritual pursuit. Anthropological,
Jungian, esoteric, history of science, semiotic, or other
interpretations, are only ways of looking at alchemy. In recent years
some people have tended to use the term in a very broad sense.
Definitions of alchemy tend to reflect individual's underlying
philosophical preconception. Perhaps it is best if we found our view
of alchemy on the body of alchemical writings, the manuscripts and
printed books that constitute and embody the alchemical tradition.
This body of alchemical knowledge, preserved in many libraries
throughout the world, is probably the securest foundation on which to
build a view of alchemy. [Alchemy
One website asks, "Superconductivity And Modern Alchemy Has The
Philosopher's Stone Been Found?" and presents these heretical and
blasphemous thoughts.
"....A new line of thought consumed David Hudson. He read over 500
books on alchemy and its history. He reread the Bible, finding many
references to the white powder. He talked to Rabbis well versed in the
ancient secrets of Judaism who told him of "white powders" available
only to the priests of Solomon's Temple. This is referred to as
"manna," food of the gods. Hudson's research has led him to believe
that ingesting the manna enabled the priests to approach the Ark of
the Covenant without being killed.
In his lecture, Hudson gave fascinating details about the Ark and a
scientific explanation behind the manna's protection. He also
discussed where the priests obtained their formula for making the
white powders and how this formula was lost after the Temple was
destroyed. He explained his theories about the Essenes and why he
thinks Mary was given the white powders of gold in preparation for the
conception and birth of Jesus.
Nostradamus predicted that by 1999 "occult gold" would be known to
science. Other prophecies indicate the discovery of this "occult gold"
would be made by a direct descendant of the Davidic blood line.
According to the book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Davidic blood line
is continued today in the French de Guise family name. Long after his
research into the white powders began, David Hudson discovered he was
a direct descendant of this French family. [David Hudson
Spiritual Powers of the White Powder
Hudson said that the naturally-occurring white powder is comprised of
all the precious ORMEs in rather fixed proportions. (At least from his
ores.) He stated that each ORME affects a different gland (seal) of
the body. Ancient literature says that the white powder of gold
effects the seventh seal (the pineal gland), other white powders
effect other seals. Hudson believes that proper spiritual usage would
require that you take all the elements in their naturally-occurring
proportions. That's what the Egyptians did.
Hudson pointed out that the ancient Egyptian literature only discusses
the white powder of gold. Yet, the powder which was found in the
pyramids contained all the monatomic elements in the expected
percentages. The dominant element was rhodium. He believes that the
reason that the Egyptians only mentioned gold was because they were
simply unaware of the other elements. [The White Powder
Hence, the first book in the Potter series is based on the very real
occult activity of searching for immortality, based on real witchcraft
and occult teachings. On the back cover of the book is a picture of a
wizard holding a book with nothing less than a pentagram on it, and
the background is covered with stars shaped like upright pentagrams,
which symbolizes the power of witchcraft. The pentagram, called the
great Rite in witchcraft, is one of the main symbols in witchcraft and
occultism. Used in ritual magic, divination, the conjuration of
spirits, casting spells and summoning demonic help, it is not simply
part of a cute drawing. When the pentagram points skyward, it's
denoting witchcraft, while if the point is downward it is signifying
satanists. The view of the pentagram on the book is pointing down,
meaning that it is for black magic rites, calling Satan and so on.
This is not light fluff. This is real to occultists.
Rowling's penchant for 'making up names' isn't really about deriving
original names. Rather, names are found from mythology, folklore,
other works of fiction, and from real people, towns or occult sources.
Rowling presents actual witches as heroes in her works of fiction. The
best example is found in the Chocolate Frogs trading cards.
"Chocolate Frogs have cards inside them, you know, to collect - famous
witches and wizards. I've got about five hundred....Ron was more
interested in eating the frogs than looking at the famous Witches and
Wizards cards, but Harry couldn't keep his eyes off them. Soon he had
not only Dumbledore and Morgana, but Hengis of Woodcroft, Alberic
Grunnion, Circe, Paracelsus and Merlin. He finally tore his eyes away
from the druidess Cliodna, who was scratching her nose..." [pp77-78]
Cliodna was the daughter of a High Druid and is also the
Banshee/Beansí of the O'Keeffe clan and is a faery Queen in Southwest
Ireland. She is also noted as being the Goddess of beauty and the
otherworld. Circe was a sorceress in Greek mythology who turned people
into swine. 'Hedwig' was a medieval Catholic Saint whose marriage to
Duke Henry 1 of Silesia united Silesian history through German
influence. From the Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume III "....she gave
her support to new monastic foundations and assisted those already in
existence....She was interred in the church attached to the monastery,
and was canonized by Clement IV, 26 March, 1267, and on 25 August of
the same year her remains were raised to the honours of the altar. Her
feast is celebrated 17 October; she in honoured as the patroness of
Silesia...." [St. Hedwig >http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07189a.htm]
Alberic [Grunnion], a Wizard on a Chocolate Frog Trading Card, was the
king of the dwarves in Wagner's 'Ring of the Nibelung'.
Nicholas Flamel, a real historic sorcerer, plays a key role in the
"Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard
Grindlewald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's
blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas
Flamel'!...'Nicolas Flamel,' she whispered dramatically, 'is the only
known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!'...She pushed the book toward
them, and Harry and Ron read: The ancient study of alchemy is
concerned with making the Philosopher's Stone...the stone will
transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of
Life, which will make the drinker immortal...the only Stone currently
in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flamel, the noted alchemist...Mr.
Flamel, who celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last
year, enjoys a quiet life...'A stone that makes gold and stops you
ever dying!' said Harry. 'No wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would
want it.'" (pp. 160-161 )
Yes, occultists and those who seek after eternal life without Jesus
Christ do desire immorality. They would 'be gods.' Note that Harry
presents the emotional response that 'anyone' would want it. Our hero
desires immortality through actual occult means.
Towards the end of the book, we are presented with the promotion of
suicide as an honorable way of helping others. Flamel and his real
wife Perenelle have killed themselves to hide the secret of the
Philosopher's Stone, with Flamel being the significant age of 666
...Dumbledore smiled at the look of amazement on Harry's face. 'To one
as young as you, I'm sure it seems incredible, but to Nicolas and
Perenelle, it really is like going to bed after a very, very long day.
After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great
adventure." (p.218)
From the Testament of Nicholas Flamel (also written Flammel)--"...and
after the death of my faithful partner Perenelle, am seized with a
desire and a delight, in remembrance of her, and in your behalf, dear
nephew, to write out the whole magistery of the secret of the Powder
of Projection, or the Philosophical Tincture, which God hath willed to
impart to his very insignificant servant, and which I have found out,
as thou also wilt find out in working as I shall declare unto you...."
Around 1361 Flamel found an occult book called "The Sacred Book of
Abraham the Jew, Priest, Levite, Astrologer and Philosopher to that
Tribe of Jews who by the Wrath of God were Dispersed amongst the
Gauls." On a trip to Spain in 1382, Flamel supposedly met a Jew who
explained the "mysteries" of this text to him. He returned to Paris
with the alchemist keys and became wealthy. In speaking of the Book,
Flamel, wrote that only a Cabalist could understand it's meaning.
"....Upon the first of the leaves was written in great Capital
Letters of Gold: Abraham the Jew, Prince, Priest, Levite, Astrologer,
and Philosopher, to the Nation of the Jews, by the Wrath of God
dispersed among the Gauls, sendeth Health. After this it was filled
with great execrations and curses (with this word Maranatha, which was
often repeated there) against every person that should cast his eyes
upon it if he were not Sacrificer or Scribe....no man could ever have
been able to understand it without being well skilled in their Cabala,
which goeth by tradition, and without having well studied their
books..... These Hieroglyphic figures shall serve as two ways to lead
unto the heavenly life: the first and most open sense teaching the
sacred Mysteries of our salvation; (as I will show hereafter) the
other teaching every man that hath any small understanding in the
Stone the lineary way of the work; which being perfected by any one,
the change of evil into good takes away from him the root of all sin,
(which is covetousness) making him liberal, gentle, pious, religious,
and fearing God, how evil soever he was before, for from thenceforward
he is continually ravished with the great grace and mercy which he
hath obtained from God, and with the profoundness of his Divine and
admirable works....Let him, therefore, who having well weighed my
words, and well known and understood my figures, hath first gotten
elsewhere the knowledge of the first beginnings and Agents, (for
certainly in these Figures and Commentaries he shall not find any step
or information thereof), perfect, to the glory of God, the Mastery of
Hermes, remembering himself of the Church Catholic, Apostolic, and
Roman; and of all other Churches, Church-yards, and Hospitals; and
above all of the Church of the Innocents in this City, [Flammels'
Hieroglyphics >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/flam_h0.html]
".... The Ancient Sages that were Cabalists, have described it in
their Metamorphoses, under the History of the Serpent of Mars, which
had devoured the companions of Cadmus, who slew him, piercing him with
his lance against a hollow Oak..." [Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter
III >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/flam_h3.html]
Occult encyclopedias state that legend teaches that Flamel and his
wife faked their deaths and are still living. Which, would be why
Rowlings showed Flamel alive and well working with Dumbledore, also a
sorcerer. Honored as an adept by occultists, January 17 is 'his day'.
"Nicholas Flamel is listed as one of (the Prieuré de Sion's) Grand
Masters and January 17 -- given by him as the date on which he
achieved the Great Work -- is a day held sacred by them, a day
specially set apart to honor alchemical perfection." [Lynn Picknett
and Clive Prince, Turin Shroud: In Whose Image? The Truth Behind the
Centuries-Long Conspiracy of Silence, HarperCollins Pub., 1994, p. 99]
Paracelsus (1493-1541) is also an icon of modern day witches and
wizards! He was also an alchemist, that is, a sorcerer and was famous
for reviving the use of Talismans. Albert Pike wrote in his Masonic
"Morals and Dogma" that: "The Hermetic Art is, therefore, at the
same time a religion, a philosophy, and a natural science...we must
inquire for its processes of Paracelsus [and] Nicholas Flamel..."
(p.774) According to Pike, the goal of magic is to master the universe
by learning the principles of divine creation. That is, in effect, the
holy grail of Freemasonry, according to Albert Pike. To that end he
turns to the occult. And Pike is a true occultist, fluent in its
history and arcane philosophies.
The Morals and Dogma preceding pages to this quote deal with the goals
and methods of the occultists in ages past, specifically focusing on
Hermeticism, gnosticism, Kabala and alchemy, taking up the ancient
occult quest of mastering the creative principle of the universe, or
in effect, man becoming god, or co-creator of the universe.
"...Creation is the habitation of the Creator-Word. To create, the
Generative Power and Productive Capacity must unite, the Binary become
Unity again by the conjunction...
To be always rich, always young, and never to die: such has been in
all times the dream of the alchemists. ...
to possess the universal medicine and elixer of life; such is the
problem to be resolved, in order to accomplish the desire and realize
this dream....
The Great Work is, above all things, the creation of man by himself;
that is to say, the full and entire conquest which he effects of his
faculties and his future. It is, above all, the emancipation of his
will, which assures him the universal empire of Azoth, and the domain
of magnetism, that is, complete power over the universal magical
agent." (pgs. 772, 773)
"The whole Hermetic Science (magic) is contained in the dogma of
Hermes (ancient), engraven originally, it is said, on a tablet of
The Hermetic Art is, therefore, at the same time a religion, a
philosophy, and a natural science. As a religion it is that of the
Anient Magi and the Initiates of all ages; as a philosophy, we may
find its principles in the school of Alexandria and the theories of
Pythagoras; as a science we must inquire for its processes of
Paracelsus [and] Nicholas Flamel, and Raymond Lulle.
The science is a real one only for those who admit and understand the
philosophy and the religion; as its process will succeed only for the
Adept who has attained the sovereignty of will, and so become the King
of the elementary world; for the grand agent of the operation of the
sun. is that force described in the symbol of Hermes, of the table of
emerald; it is the universal magical power; the spiritual, fiery,
motive power; it is the Od, according to the Hebrews, as the Astral
light, according to others."
Paracelsus is mentioned in the Seek God article The Legend of Hanukkah
"Theophrastus Paracelsus revived, in the XVIth century, the ancient
doctrine of Talismans, which he claimed to be able to use successfully
in the treatment of illnesses and accidents. This medical doctrine,
derived from the Cabala, or secret tradition of the Jewish rabbis, was
said to be borrowed from the ancient occult sciences of Chaldea and
Egypt. The talisman (tsilmenaia) signifies an image, a figure, and was
engraved in the form of an emblem or symbol on metals consecrated to
the genii of the seven planets. This magical task had to be carried
out at a fixed time of a certain day, with the firm intention of
attracting to the talisman the beneficent influence of the genius
which was invoked, whether for health or any other protective
It's very noteworthy that students of Hogwarts engaged in the use of
talismans for protection, as described, "...hidden from the teachers,
a roaring trade in talismans, amulets and other protective
devices...evil smelling green onion, a pointed purple crystal..."
[p.139, Chamber of Secrets]
Paracelsus is also discussed in the Seek God article Practical
Kabbalah: Talismans and Masters of the Name
Gershom Scholem suggests that while many created the "golem" from the
earth, others were able to produce the "creature" by "influx of the
alphabet"--out of thin air. Many stories recount that the "golem" was
made to "work" or accompany the adept, although few "golem" are
reported to have the ability of "speech". Polish stories particularly
focus on the 'golem' as a mute worker who was able to follow commands.
According to Scholem (p.172), it was this parallel in Jewish golem and
alchemy that finally led to Paracelsus' idea of the "homunculus."
These wax or clay figures were employed in back magic to inflict
injury on enemies.
The Basilisk, a giant creature with snake-like features and in the
Chamber of Secrets, was presented as coming from the Slytherin statue,
which came alive when Voldemort/Riddle spoke to it in snake language.
If it looked in Harry's eye, he would die. Basilisk is another name
for the Philosopher's Stone. [Names
http://www.levity.com/alchemy/gratacol.html] Meaning, that the symbol
of Satan--a serpent, offers immortality or the Elixir of life.
This takes one back to the Garden of Eden, and those most destructive
words in Genesis 3:1 "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast
of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman,
Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?...4
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For
God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be
opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
Jesus said in John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish,
neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which
gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them
out of my Father's hand."
Jesus spoke to those who would not believe who He was and rather
followed after Satan and his lies and false promises, by saying in
John 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot
hear my word. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of
your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the
father of it."
Further about the Basilisk, also from the Alchemy website
"....the herb Squilla or the Onion, is good against evil spirits and
night apparitions. For Plinius, speaking of this herb, saith that
Pythagoras wittnesses that when they hang onions above the entrance of
the door, that it drives away all evil spirits that would enter the
house. Of the Weasel which carries rue in his mouth, all naturalists
relate that it provides himself therewith against the Basilisk and all
venomous snakes, and this is the opinion of some of the ancient....The
Basilisk, as it is written, is a sort of snake. Whereof, not only the
breath, but also the sight, are infectious. And the creatures which
are killed by her poison, are not touched by other creatures; how
hungry and gluttonous soever they may be. And if by mere hunger they
do touch the same, they die immediately. Wherefore, the Basilisk is
avoided of all other creatures, how poisonous soever they may be, as
surpassing all other creatures by her poison; as AEtius and Plinius
relate...."[Iconologia >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/iconol03.html]
Another site provides further connection of the Basilisk to Paraclesus
PARACELSUS. "...Others have purified the white and yolk of eggs; from
which has been generated a basilisk...." [Aurora
The Dragon is considered by some alchemists to be superior and
stronger than the basilisk. [Book of
http://www.levity.com/alchemy/lambtext.html] The dragon of course is
a reference to Satan.
In occult lore, which Rowling presents, a Basilisk is the creature
created when a chicken's egg is hatched by a toad on a bed of dung,
and to have a three-pointed tail, glittering eyes and a crown on its
head. It must be hatched during the days of Sirius the star. It's
glance is said to be lethal, and could only be destroyed by watching
it in a mirror. This belief is related to the myth of the Gorgon's
head. In the East , its body was supposed to be a mixture of cock,
snake and toad. According to Diel, this projected image of the human
psyche is clearly infernal in character, as is shown by it's threefold
attributes (it's three-pointed crest and trifurcated tail) since they
are an inversion of the qualities of the Trinity; and also by the
predominance of evil components, such as the toad and the snake. It is
one of the many "keepers of treasure" mentioned in legend. [Burns
It's important to note that the Hogwarts School Crest has the images
of a Lion, a serpent with a trifurcated tail and holding a leaf in
it's mouth, a badger and an eagle which looks more like a phoenix.
The Witch Morgana found on the Chocolate Frog Trading Cards, figures
into the King Arthur legend. According to the legend, Morgan le Fay,
or Morgana, was the witch in the castle that Wart and Kay encountered
with Robin Wood (Robin Hood), Maid Marian, Little John, and the merry
men to rescue Friar Tuck, the Dog Boy, and an old man named Wat.
Morgana was the child of the Duke of Cornwall and Igraine, the woman
Uther Pendragon seduced to have Arthur. She was also linked with the
Goddess's Macha and Morrighan of Ireland.
In Welsh tradition Morgana is the daughter of Avallach or Avalloc,
king in the Otherworld. The concept of the Otherworld was central to
the religion of the pre-Christian Celts and is the same as the
parallel world Rowlings presents Harry Potter and the wizards in. It
is the realm of quest and achievement, of challenge and encounter, of
initiation and enlightenment. Mystics travel there through meditation.
"'One of the chief recurrent images of Celtic mythology and legend is
a visit to or from the 'Otherworld' - a realm somehow detached from
this present world, or at most times, to all but a chosen few,
invisible. It may be visibly cut off by ocean, river, lake, by
mountain rock, or by mist, or hidden within the mountain itself.
Sometimes it can only be entered by the overcoming of a test or
through the sustaining of a mortal wound. Always cut off by some sort
of barrier from the world of earthly existence.'" "'Within the
'Otherworld', archetypal forces are perceptible, essential wisdom
teachings are available to those who have the right keys." "'The
'Otherworld' has its own valid reality which is not accessible to the
five senses, though it is appreciable by the sixth. It is often spoken
of as a state of conciousness.' Islands were regarded as particularly
sacred with their role as gateways to the Otherworld and Boats are
viewed as starting the journey through the gateway to the otherworld.
http://www.lundyisleofavalon.co.uk/mythology/otherworld.htm] This is
noteworthy as new arrivals to Hogwarts travel across the lake in
Albus Dumbledore, who is presented as being over a hundred years old
and a great wizard, wrote the letter telling Harry of his place at
Hogwarts, and had listed his titles as "Headmaster, Order of Merlin,
First Class, Grand Sorc., [sorcerer], Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump,
International Confed. of Wizards." [p 42] A warlock is a male witch. A
Sorcerer is a witch.
Albus' is Latin for 'white'. It is also one of the figures of
geomancy, an ancient divination method, with Feng Shui being the
Chinese method. Geomancy is any system of divination (an attempt to
get in touch with the divine) related to manipulation of the earth.
Caput Draconis, Latin for 'dragon's head, is one of the figures of
geomancy, and a password to the boys rooms at Hogwarts. Other Geomancy
figures include Fortuna Major, and Rubeus, all of which also appear in
H.P as characters or passwords. [Astrological Geomancy by Anthony
According to a Geomancy website,
"Geomancy had its heyday in the Renaissance during Western Europe's
transition from the medieval to the modern world. It's most famous
spokesperson was Henry Cornelius Agrippa, born in 1486, and author of
several texts in Latin on occult philosophy. Agrippa's attitude toward
geomancy was ambivalent. Although he wrote the major geomantic text of
the period, he commented on his own work and about the "common
geomancy" of his predecessors, "I too have written a geomancy quite
different from the rest but no less superstitious and fallacious or if
you wish I will even say 'mendacious.'" Nonetheless, Agrippa appears
to have practiced and written extensively on the subject.
By the time Agrippa wrote about geomancy, it had undergone an
evolution. No longer were the marks on the earth interpreted in their
own right; now they were used in combination with a horoscope wheel
depicting the twelve astrological houses." [Astrological Geomancy by
Anthony Louis>http://www.accessnewage.com/articles/astro/TLOUIS4.htm]
Agrippa was also a Wizard on a Chocolate Frog Trading Card. Henry
Cornelius Agrippa
Alchemist and mystic...the Rosicrucian manifestos, The Fame and
Confession of the Fraternity of R: C: commonly, of the Rosie Cross.
... 1652 "....the Improvements of this fatal Invention are not known
even to the present Generations, for the Pyrography of Cornelius
Agrippa,....The second Philosophicall work is commonly cal'd the gross
work, but 'tis one of the greatest Subtilties in all the Art.
Cornelius Agrippa, knew the first Preparation, and hath clearly
discovered it, but the Difficulty of the second made him almost an
enemy to his own Profession. By the second work, I understand not
Coagulation, but the Solution of the Philosophical Salt, a secret
which Agrippa did not rightly know, as it appears by his practise at
Malines, nor would Natelius teach him, for all his frequent, and
serious intreaties....' [Rosicrucian Manifestos]
'Dumbledore' is the Old English for 'bumblebee, and the French word
'dore' means 'golden'. In the occult, and Masonry, the bee is sacred
to the goddess Venus. In Greece, they served at the greatest Greek
festival in honor of Demeter, the Queen Bee, celebrating the return of
Persephone from Hades; they are associated with rebirth and are an
accepted symbol of generative power. It is also considered a symbol of
the soul influenced by the Sun and possessing immortality and
spiritual telepathy. [Burns p. 135] Dumbledore is portrayed as having
extensive telepathy and awareness of what was happening without being
in person. It was shown in the battle with the basilisk, by his
sending Fawkes the phoenix and the sword which Harry pulled from the
hat--(no different than the Sword and the Stone, only Harry/Arthur
could pull it out)--although he was not physically present to see what
was taking place.
Besides being listed on the Trading cards, Merlin is important to
sorcerers and Arthurian legend. In the Potter books Dumbledore, of the
Order of Merlin, is considered an equal to Voldermort in power. The
Order of Merlin signifies the allegiance to the Druidic concept of
Merlin. "....the Ancient Druidic state the Druid was teacher of truth
and the dispenser of justice. As teachers they taught that the light
of intelligence destroys the darkness of superstition and ignorance,
hence the first precept of Merlin, the great Druidic teacher, "Labor
diligently to acquire knowledge for it is power."..."
New Agers revel in Merlin lore and Arthurian legends, and there is a
current practice of calling "forth the spirit of Merlin from King
Arthur's Court.". Merlin of Arthurian legend may have been a real
person, but in the fable is a magician, seer and is still a
wizard/witch and considered the most famous and revered Druid
throughout Druid history. A so-called "prophetess" on the Internet
distributed an entire book called Prophecies of War, which were
channeled by none other than the Angel Merlin.
According to one website Merlin was, "The wizard who brought together
the two who were to become the parents of the most famous king of
Britain, Arthur. King Uther Pendragon fathered on Igraine, wife to
Duke Gorlois of Cornwall, and Merlin took over the youth's rearing,
after his father was killed. Merlin is credited with the building of
Stonehenge, and the fashioning of the Round Table. Born himself under
dubious and uncertain circumstances, Merlin eventually fell in love
with Nineve, the daughter of a Siren, and taught her how to bind him
magically to her, so that he remained forever in the enchanted wood
with her." http://www.clubi.ie/lestat/ofgodsm.html
Another website states, The Story of Druidism: History, Legend and
Lore 1.3
There may have been a real Merlin, such as the one Nikolai Tolstoy
"...Merlin was indeed an historical figure, living in what are now the
lowlands of Scotland at the end of the sixth century A.D...an
authentic prophet, most likely a druid surviving in a pagan enclave of
the north."
A Merlin prototype may have been the Celtic druid (Lailoken) who
gained second sight after he went mad and escaped society to live in
the forest. A poem from 600 describes a Welsh prophet named Myrddin.
[Ask Jeeves: The History
Many would claim that Merlin lore and Druidism is based on true
Christianity. From a website about the Druids,
"United Ancient Order Druids, U.A.O.D... Our truths come directly from
the Bible, and the HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE of our ancient ancestors. Many of
these sacred teachings were kept symbolically in the legends of Saint
Merlin of England, so that the hidden, true meaning of Christ could be
concealed from the profane masses, yet revealed to the deserving few
through our mediation. Our rituals reflect our Ancient Brethern's
efforts to bring true Christianity to heathen Europe, and the
persection they suffered as a result of the SACRED MISSION....As Sir
Knights, They fought for the oppressed, and taught morality to the
barbarians. They began missions to spread knowledge and light to the
masses, through the teachings of St. Merlin and our "Red Fez"
POINTS, they were able to redeem those who put into practice these
sacred commandments, making them free from all sin. We are proud to
carry on the tradition of SERVICE, PURITY, and VIRTUE, following the
teachings of the Magi, Magus-Jesus, Merlin, and the Angel of Light and
The Phoenixmasonry site provides the same information as above and
also lists The Seven Precepts Of Merlin
First: Labor diligently to acquire knowledge, for it is power.
Second: When in authority, decide reasonably, for thine authority may
Third: Bear with fortitude the ills of life, remembering that no
mortal sorrow is perpetual.
Fourth: Love virtue-for it bringeth peace.
Fifth: Abhor vice-for it bringeth evil upon all.
Sixth: Obey those in authority in all just things, that virtue may be
Seventh: Cultivate the social virtues, so shalt thou be beloved by all
It is very important to note that Focus on the Family, Christianity
Today, Chuck Colson and many others also recommend the writings of
Tolkien and C.S. Lewis as a way for children to grow spiritually.
Chuck Colson suggests, "...they inspire the imagination within a
Christian framework -- and prepare the hearts of readers for the
real-life story of Christ." In those writings we find mention of the
same Merlin mentioned above, equated to Christ. As has been stated in
the previous articles, we're to have nothing to do with fables. For
Chuck Colson See: Evangelicals and Catholics Together
In C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy, the third book is called, "That Hideous
Strength." In a nutshell, the book is about the redemption of
Thulcandra (Earth) from the clutches of the Bent One, the Oyarsa of
Thulcandra, who is supposedly Lucifer. It's set in a small town called
Edgestow, the home of Bracton College, just after the end of WWII.
Certain Fellows of Bracton College engineer the sale of Bragdon Wood,
which houses the living body of Merlin, his body preserved from aging
by magic, to N.I.C.E., the National Institute for Co-ordinated
Experiments. N.I.C.E. is a wicked group of scientists researching use
of technology to rule mankind, who think Merlin's magic powers would
be helpful. They obtain the land with the purpose of disinterring and
reviving Merlin and using his powers for evil. Jane Suddock's psychic
powers are used to help locate Merlin and also provide information
about N.I.C.E. Once discovered, Merlin's ancient wizardry, linked with
the power of the Eldil, (angels), defeat the evil N.I.C.E. in a wicked
and bloody climax.
The reader is supposed to equate Merlin with Christ, who defeats
Lucifer and evil. How blasphemous! That Merlin, who is revered by
occultists as a druid, sorcerer, witch, wizard and every abomination
thinkable, is viewed as Christ and that witchcraft and psychic powers
parallel the saving power of Jesus Christ is wicked at best. For those
who say children should just read Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia books,
we have the same menu with witches, elves, Bacchus, false gods, and so
on, all being part of the stories.
The Narnia plot revolves around the "White Witch" who has bound the
land of Narnia in a perpetual winter which can only be broken by the
coming of Aslan, who is supposed to represent Christ. However, no
rendition of any Scripture is found in these tales except if one
compares the practices of paganism and witchcraft which God calls an
abomination to Himself. Lewis could not have known Jesus Christ as
Saviour and Lord. Of the many blasphemous statements he has made in
his writings, probably one of the worst is found on page 276 of C.S.
Lewis: A Biography, by Roger Lancelyn Green. Lewis stated, "I had some
ado to prevent Joy and myself from relapsing into Paganism in Attica!
At Daphni it was hard not to pray to Apollo the Healer. But somehow
one didn't feel it would have been very wrong - would have only been
addressing Christ sub specie Apollinis."
1 Corinthians 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles
sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not
that ye should have fellowship with devils. 21 Ye cannot drink the cup
of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the
Lord's table, and of the table of devils.
22 Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?
In Crosswalk.com's weekly updates email, sent out December 26, 2001,
the entire issue was devoted to praise and promotion of Tolkien's Lord
of the Rings.
Tolkien, a devout Roman Catholic, who wrote The Lord of the Rings, he
later said, to give England her own myth. Patrick W. Curles wrote in
Tolkien's Impact in Literature and Life,
Tolkien saw myth as the exact opposite. His great friend C. S. Lewis
once objected to Tolkien that, "...myths are lies, though lies
breathed through silver." "No," said Tolkien, "they are not."
There are truths, Tolkien said, that are beyond us, transcendent
truths, about beauty, truth, honor, etc. There are truths that man
knows exist, but they cannot be seen - they are immaterial, but no
less real, to us. It is only through the language of myth that we can
speak of these truths. We have come from God, Tolkien said, and only
through myth, through story telling, can we aspire to the life we were
made for with God. To write and/or read myth, Tolkien believed, was to
meditate on the most important truths of life.
...It was Tolkien's view of myth that that most aided C. S. Lewis in
his pilgrimage to accept Christianity. All the other myths of the
world, Tolkien said, are a mixture of truth and error - truth because
they are written by those made by and for God - error because written
by those alienated by God. But the Bible is the one true myth. It is a
true accounting of truth, while everything else we do is mimicking.
This perspective was decisive in Lewis' conversion to Christianity.
on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings with the other "Inklings" (a
literary circle of friends), and at least one other day for lunch.
Tolkien wrote, "Friendship with Lewis compensates for much, and
besides giving constant pleasure and comfort has done me much good
from the contact with a man at once honest, brave, intellectual - a
scholar, a poet, and a philosopher - and a lover, at least after a
long pilgrimage, of Our Lord."... [crosswalk
Post by SteveZ
Jeff Robinson of the Baptist Press News Service, wrote in the article
'Lord of the Rings' has ring of Christian Lord, about James Parkers
view of the Lord of the Rings movie.
In a lecture on the life of Tolkien, James Parker, professor of
worldview and culture at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said
the movie will serve as fruitful viewing for Christians.
"He operates out of a thoroughgoing trinitarian worldview and (he)
says that very explicitly, plainly and bluntly on several occasions,"
Parker said Dec. 5. "He has a traditionalist Catholic worldview, which
means his doctrine of God, his doctrine of the Trinity and his
Christology were totally orthodox.
"I have differences with him because of his positions on soteriology
(the doctrine of salvation) and ecclesiology (the doctrine of the
church). But in terms of his trinitarian formulation of the doctrine
of God, there would be no differences (between Protestants and
Catholics) because of his historical orthodox expressions of those
doctrines. In fact, he says himself that 'The Lord of the Rings' grows
out of this fundamental belief system."
It was Tolkien who, as a professor of Anglo-Saxon language at Oxford
University, led a colleague to embrace Christ in 1929. The colleague
was C.S. Lewis, who would go on to become a stalwart apologist for the
Christian faith. Lewis also wrote a Christian fantasy series, "The
Chronicles of Narnia," along with apologetic works such as "Mere
Christianity," and "The Problem of Pain."
It was Tolkien's view of myth -- that it is always grounded in the
reality of the transcendent God, (even if subtly) -- that ultimately
shattered the barriers to Christianity for Lewis.
"Tolkien did not mean by 'myth' that it is defined as
'non-historical,'" Parker said, "but that it exhibits certain
characteristics, certain ideas, recurring themes such as the dying and
rising God, the sense of the moral universe behind things.
"Lewis said when he read the Gospels, he felt like he was reading a
myth because it contained mythical elements. But ultimately, he knew
it was fact. This was the 'true myth' that was absolutely true and
But can the Tolkien movie bridge the gap between Christians and
non-Christians in a way that will enable believers to proclaim the
saving Gospel of God? Parker feels confident that the movie -- with
its patently theistic world, albeit a make-believe one -- will do just
"The moral universe will do that," he said. "If they are really into
Tolkien, you can go back to the 'Silmarilion' and the view of God
which comes through there. And you can contrast that with other views
in say, 'Star Wars' (with its impersonal, pantheistic 'force'), or
even Harry Potter, as far as that goes.
"Also, the sense of providence that goes through it -- there is a
sense of providential oversight in 'The Lord of the Rings' that is
inexorable. You have all these individual players whose roles are not
lessened by the overarching providential drive of the story."
Post by SteveZ
First the Catholic view is not the Biblically sound view. Difference
in salvation?? There is only one way to God, through Jesus Christ.
Second I've been to Tolkien sites--and most --unless Christian
already--deny that Tolkien ever intended a Christian meaning. And they
quote from his words as well. In the previous articles it has been
discussed in-depth why fables and myth are not of God, nor tools for
presenting Jesus Christ. Just because someone wrote that it is
okay--does not make it okay with God. Every word used by Tolkien to
describe promoting his fables is directly against the Word of God. As
"As discussed in our article Have Nothing to Do With Fables or Old
Wives Tales, we are told to have nothing to do with fables, that is,
"2. an untrue story; falsehood 3. A legend, Myth."
The Greek word for 'fables' is found in Strong's Concordance as 3454.
muthos, "perhaps from the same as 3453 (through the idea of tuition);
a tale, i.e. fiction ("myth"):--fable
Paul warned in 1 Timothy 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless
genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying
which is in faith: so do."
We have clear Biblical instruction to not be involved with fables,
myths, fiction and so on. It does not say we can read fables and be
edified. It does not say we can read or write fables and learn sound
doctrine from them or use them as an evangelism tool. It says to have
nothing to do with fables. This cannot be confused with Christ
teaching in parables, which some have tried to say is the same thing.
If it was the same thing, we would not have been given these very
serious warnings and commands to have nothing to do with fables. A
Parable, which Jesus used frequently, is a short story of everyday
life used to teach a moral by comparison or by implication. According
to Strong's Concordance, it is "an earthly story with a heavenly
meaning." Jesus taught the truth with situations that could easily be
applied in our own lives. He did not immerse those stories in
witchcraft and false gods, nor did he purvey lies of the occult. Those
who propagate the idea that a fable is the same as Christ's parables
are misinformed and Biblically inaccurate.
Crosswalk which is the mouth piece of ecumenical evangelicals,
presented the following article from Amy Hollingsworth, a
Home-schooling mom. She advocates Tolkien, Lewis and Rowling as worthy
authors for Christian families.
Escape from the Hobbit Hole, by Amy Hollingsworth; Professor, Author
and Home-schooling Mother: Learn life long lessons from Tolkien--and
say yes to adventure.
Crosswalk.com HomeSchool Channel
"....Opponents of fantasy say that it creates an unreality that's not
healthy for kids. I say it gives them an outlet to express very real
fears and concerns. And so it was with The Hobbit. When I picked it
up from the library shelf one day, I thought my kids and I would enjoy
it for a few weeks and then be done with it. But five months later,
we were still reading. Not because it's an enormous book (my husband
read three Tom Swift books to my son and daughter in the time it took
me to read The Hobbit to them), but we were savoring it, letting its
images linger, unwilling to depart from Tolkien's great imaginative
world any sooner than we had to.
The focal point of the novel is a diminutive creature named Bilbo
Baggins. Bilbo is a hobbit, a creature with hairy feet, a fruity
laugh and a preference for safety and routine (adventures, after all,
"make you late for dinner"). That all changes one day when a wizard
named Gandalf and thirteen dwarves show up at his hobbit hole. The
Tookish part of Bilbo (a less respectable branch of the family tree,
one that actually succumbed to adventure from time to time) is slowly
awakened. Bilbo is hired as a burglar, to steal back the treasures
hoarded by the dragon Smaug. En route, he and the dwarves run into
all kinds of obstacles: trolls, wolves, elves, goblins, giant
spiders, a bear-man and an amusing little creature named Gollum (who
hisses and refers to himself as "precious").
Besides giving Jonathan an outlet for his fears, The Hobbit also gave
his imagination a jumpstart. Usually a prolific writer, Jonathan had
hit a dry spell for nearly half a year. But The Hobbit had sparked a
revival, and Jonathan was again trusting in his ability to
create-although he did borrow freely from Tolkien's images and style.
He sat at the computer for hours (even forgoing a few football games
with friends), composing an epic about a character named Gnome.
Unlike Bilbo, Gnome was a rather tall fellow; like Bilbo, Gnome had a
dislike for adventure ("He preferred to work in his office," Jonathan
...When he wasn't content with the plot he was weaving, Jonathan
started on a second story, this time Gnome had an alter ego, a boy
named Steven (yes, the name of his friend who questioned our choice to
learn at home). He originally wrote Steven as a sort of bad guy-he
grabs the mayor by his shirt collar in one scene-then changed his
character to the hero...Jonathan also realized that to become a great
writer you have to read great writers. He noticed that when he began
to write again, he borrowed not only from Tolkien, but also from two
other favorite authors: J.K. Rowling and Clyde Robert Bulla. I was
quick to point out (with perhaps more relish than was called for) that
none of the novels adapted from the Pokémon movies made it into his
mix. ...As I looked back over the last months, I realized what an
impact that little guy had had upon my little guy. Bilbo had
encouraged Jonathan to start writing again, to trust his imagination.
Bilbo had broken the Captain Underpants curse, and Jonathan was
choosing to read C.S. Lewis' The Magician's Nephew instead. And Bilbo
gave Jonathan the courage to confront a dragon of his own, one who
twisted words to make him doubt. [crosswalk homschool
Post by SteveZ
The fact that this mom advocates all the witchcraft, and occult
imagery as a positive pursuit has been addressed already. Her
statement, "Bilbo had encouraged Jonathan to start writing again, to
trust his imagination," takes us back to the imagination and the
imagination of the heart. The heart is desperately wicked, and
imagination is not to be trusted. Children are just as able to think
about and be part of sin as adults. Children are to be 'trained up in
the things of the Lord.' This hardly qualifies.
Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the
ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat
of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in
his law doth he meditate day and night.
Rather than trusting the writings of fables, witchcraft, myth and the
occult for sound doctrine and direction, I prefer Jesus words,
Matthew 7:18 "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a
corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and
cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in
Next Section: Harry Potter: Banning the Master of the Name
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Satan's Strategy
by Dan Vander Lugt.
Outline and Links to Topics:
What in the World Is Satan Doing?
Is Satan a Myth or a Reality?
How Do We Know Satan Is Real?
Two Contemporary "Devils"
Who is Satan?
What Is Satan Doing?
Dr. William Hendriksen made this comment
The Elements of Satan's Lie
The Only Answer to Satan's Lie
How Can We Defeat Satan?

What in the World Is Satan Doing?
Are we fooling ourselves if we blame our problems on the devil? Or are
we being spiritually naive if we don't? Does our Christian faith
require us to believe in a real, unseen enemy whose aggressive
strategy is to keep us from loving and trusting Christ?

Dan Vander Lugt, RBC biblical counselor, has written this booklet to
correct some current misconceptions about Satan. It is our prayer that
it will help you to be both forewarned and forearmed against an evil
empire organized not only to rule the world but to take the place of
Christ in your heart.

[ Return to Top ] [ Jump to Bottom ]
Is Satan a Myth or a Reality?
A recent survey revealed that nearly 70 percent of the American public
believes that Satan is real. But this statistic doesn't reflect the
lack of understanding people have about his nature or activities. Many
in our society have strong, confused, and conflicting ideas about

A few years ago psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, who authored the
remarkable best seller "The People of the Lie", admitted, "In common
with 99 percent of the psychiatrists and the majority of the clergy, I
did not think the devil existed." But this perception may be changing.
Many scientifically minded people are no longer so sure. Some, like
Peck, have been led to the Christian faith through their grappling
with the reality of evil. Others, though, speaking freely of the
devil, do so in a non-Christian context.

Ludwig Staudenmaier was a German scientist who accepted the Freudian
idea that the devil was only a "myth, " a "personification of
repressed, unconscious drives." After completing his doctoral work in
chemistry, zoology, and theology, he became obsessed with a desire to
"explore the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural, to
allow the natural sciences to determine as accurately as possible the
distinction between pathology and actual satanic manifestations."

At the suggestion of a friend, Staudenmaier began experimenting with
the psychic technique known as "automatic writing, " a phenomenon in
which the subject learns how to place himself into a trance,
permitting unseen forces to write messages through his hand. He soon
became quite adept at automatic writing even though he considered what
he wrote to be the product of his subconscious mind.

Soon, however, he was disturbed by hallucinations, which rapidly
increased in both their frequency and severity. One night as he lay in
his bed, he had the distinct feeling of a chain being fastened around
his neck and tightened. Then came the strong odor of sulfur and a
sinister voice saying, "You are now my captive. I will never free you.
I am the devil."

Although still clinging to his scientific perspective, Staudenmaier
began to have second thoughts about his venture. He wrote:

There remains in my mind no doubt that according to a naive, medical
perspective I have become possessed. Therefore, only two alternatives
remain: Either I am on the brink of understanding the puzzle of human
existence from a new and entirely novel perspective, or I am a fool
who has thrown away years of time, health, and perhaps even life
itself. He continued to be tormented by hallucinations until he died
some years later in Rome.

Staudenmaier's experience is not unique. People of every culture have
sensed or encountered the reality of a personal, supernatural, evil,
spirit being. Some of the greatest writers of recent centuries are
people who took the devil very seriously. Feodor Dostoevski, Charles
Baudelaire, Thomas Mann, Flannery O'Connor, and Geourge Bernanos are
just a few examples.

Satan also appears in areas untouched by Western civilization with its
Judeo-Christian heritage. Possibly the most striking satanic figures
ever created are the vicious leering "fire gods" crafted 1, 000 years
before Columbus by post-Olmec Indians.

Jeffery Burton Russell states: "Parallel formulations of the devil in
diverse and widely separated cultures... are striking" ("The Devil, "
Cornell University Press, p.55).

In analyzing such evidence two mistakes are made. Some find ways to
explain them as psychological phenomena with their origin in the human
psyche. This interpretation usually leaves some aspects of these
experiences unexplained. Others err in the opposite direction. They
see demons everywhere and give simplistic solutions to complex
situations. They offer their exorcism formulas as panaceas for almost
all ills.

It is important that we avoid both extremes--rationalization and

[ Return to Top ] [ Jump to Bottom ]
How Do We Know Satan Is Real?
Science will never find Satan. Its instruments will never be able to
measure or prove the reality of spiritual things. The demonic is known
by other means.

M. Scott Peck, a recent convert to belief in the devil's reality,
tells how he became aware of the spiritual dimension of life, not
through scientific inquiry but through grappling with the reality of
evil in the lives of his patients. He writes:

I don't really hope to convince the reader of Satan's reality.
Conversion to a belief in God generally requires some kind of actual
encounter--a personal experience--with the living God. Conversion to a
belief in Satan is no different (The People of the Lie, Simon and
Schuster, p.184).

Many people who insist that they believe only what can be
scientifically verified have never taken the time to consider how
inconsistent their viewpoint is. The most important things in our
lives, after all, are not things that can be proved or disproved
scientifically. Science cannot prove that love for family and friends
is real. Neither can science assure us of the validity of our emotions
in response to beautiful music or a walk through a place of great
natural beauty. Beyond this, science cannot provide us with any
ultimate standard for values or morality.

There are obvious many real things that cannot be verified,
quantified, evaluated, proved, or disproved by science. Reality has
dimensions (or "levels") that transcend science and must be understood
in different ways. A simple way to understand these "levels" of
reality is to think in terms of the following model:


Spiritual Reality: Ultimate values like beauty, ugliness, good, evil,
God, Satan. Emotional/Personal Reality: Personal experiences like joy,
sorrow, love, pride, pain, pleasure. Material/Scientific Reality:
Physical things that can be tested in repeatable experiments.


As can be seen from this model, things that mean the most cannot be
investigated by science at all! Therefore, the Christian need not be
embarrassed by the fact that he appeals to the wisdom of the Bible
rather than science as the ultimate basis for what he believes about

The Bible is so full of references to the devil that it is impossible
to hold to the Christian faith without accepting the reality of Satan.
His existence is taught in seven Old Testament books: Genesis, 1
Chronicles, Job, Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Zechariah. And it is
believed in the personal existence of the devil (Matt. 4:1-11; 13:39;
Lk. 10:18; 11:18). In fact, in 25 of the 29 passages that refer to
Satan in the gospels, Christ is speaking. If such a basic biblical
teaching this were dismissed as outdated superstition, we would have
grounds for questioning the Bible's authority in everything it says.

[ Return to Top ] [ Jump to Bottom ]
Two Contemporary "Devils"
To help us have a clearer understanding of the devil, let's look at
two modern trends.


While many insist that the devil is merely a "mythological figure" or
a "personified symbol of sin, " followers of the New Age movement are
returning to ancient paganism for their concept of Satan. One of the
influential groups in this movement, the Findhorn Garden Community,
provides a striking example of the radical changes that are occurring
in the thinking of a large number of well-educated people. They report
supernatural experiences, write about the reappearance of old gods,
and scorn "modern" ideas about reality.

The Findhorn Community was established in 1966 largely on the
experiences of R. Ogilvie Crombie. He reported in detail a
face-to-face encounter with a being who introduced himself as the
devil. The founder of the Findhorn Community declared that Crombie's
encounter "proved to be a turning point in his life--and ours as well"
(The Findhorn Garden, Harper and Row, p.17).

Crombie said that the devil has cloven hooves, shaggy legs, and horns
on his forehead, but insisted that he is not an evil being. He
declared that the devil is actually Pan, the nature god, and that he
has been completely misunderstood by the Christian tradition.

Many people, secular humanists and orthodox Christians alike, write
off such reports as hallucinations. But thousands of well-educated
people are taking them seriously. New Age people are often transformed
through their religious experiences. So many are turning to
neo-paganism that some think it could prove to be the religion of


The second contemporary devil is the product of a sick culture, coming
to the fore whenever a society abandons itself to wickedness. During
the period of decadence in France prior to the French Revolution, the
Marquis de Sade became infamous for his satanic writings. The marquis
proposed a philosophy of radical selfishness that theoretically
approved of murder, the torture of children, and cannibalism.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a man named E. A. Crowley
achieved notoriety as the result of his depraved personal behavior. He
called himself "the Great Beast--666, " bit women in the neck when
introduced to them, defecated on living room carpets, and practiced
flamboyant black magic and satanic worship.

Present-day culture is unique in its elevation of such figures to the
position of popular heroes. The degenerate pop idols of the 1970s and
the 1980s offer no message except self-indulgence and rebellion. They
are parasites who prey upon the social order that nurtures
them--hypocrites who sign multimillion dollar record contracts with an
establishment they profess to despise. Using a great deal of satanic
imagery, these "artists" advocate and model such destructive behavior
as drug abuse, promiscuous sex, and violence. Claiming no
responsibility for the image they project, they have inspired younger
and weaker minds to molestation, mutilation, murder, and suicide.

[ Return to Top ] [ Jump to Bottom ]
Who is Satan?
Although the pictures of the devil in widely separated civilizations
are remarkably uniform, they don't tell us very much about his
identity, origin, or activities. To gain specific information
concerning his character, we must look to the Bible. Even here, we
don't find answers to every question that comes to mind. Still, the
Scriptures reveal all we need to know to take him seriously and to
frustrate his efforts to destroy us.


Satan has not always existed. He and all the other angels were created
(Ps. 148:2, 5; Col. 1:16). In Ezekiel 28:12-15 we find a description
of Satan before he sinned. Although the prophet was speaking to the
king of Tyre, there are certain indications in the passage that he was
speaking beyond the king to Satan himself. Created by God as "the
anointed cherub who covers" (v.14), he was "full of wisdom and perfect
in beauty" (v.12) and covered with "every precious stone" (v.13). He
was in "Eden, the garden of God" (v.14). Satan most likely had a
special place of prominence in his service to God.


Referring to Satan, Ezekiel 28:15 states, "You were perfect in your
ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you."
Ezekiel then added, "Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty;
you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor" (v.17).

Satan's sin originated in pride, grew into self-deception, and ended
in rebellion. In Isaiah 14:13, 14 we read, "For you have said in your
heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the
stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation...; I
will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most
High'" (Is. 14:13, 14). Satan's pride so deluded him that he claimed
equality with God. This led him to spark a rebellion in which he
induced a large number of angels to join him (Rev. 12:4).


After Satan sinned, God threw him out of heaven to the earth (Is.
14:12; Ezek. 28:16, 17). His final punishment will come shortly after
the end of the millennial reign of Christ on the earth. At that time,
Satan will be "cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the
beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and
night forever and ever" (Rev. 20:10).


Satan is not an impersonal evil force. He possesses the traits of
personality: intellect (2 Cor. 11:3), emotion (Rev. 12:17), and will
(2 Tim. 2:26). Furthermore, personal pronouns are used of him in both
the Old and New Testament (Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7; Zech. 3:1, 2; Matt.


We can learn a great deal about who Satan is by looking at the
different names, titles, and representations of him throughout the

- Satan (Zech 3:1; Matt. 4:10; Rev. 12:9; 20:2), used 52 times, comes
from the Hebrew word satan meaning "adversary" or "opposer." - Devil
(Matt. 4:1; 13:39; Eph. 4:27; Rev. 12:9; 20:2), used 35 times, comes
from the Greek word diabolos meaning "slanderer, accuser." - Lucifer
(Is. 14:12) means "son of the morning, " "shining one," or "light
bearer." Even though this describes him before his fall, Satan
currently "transforms himself into an angel of light" to deceive the
world (2 Cor. 11:14). - Anointed cherub (Ezek. 28:14) indicates that
he had one of the highest (if not the highest) ranking of all the
angels. - Evil one (Matt. 13:19, 38; John 17:15; Eph. 6:16; 1 John
5:18,19) describes him as the personification of evil. - Ruler of this
world (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11) refers to his power over the evil
world-system of men and demons. - God of this age (2 Cor. 4:4) is used
in reference to his power to blind the minds of the world to the
gospel. - Prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2) describes his
pervasive spiritual influence. - Serpent (Gen. 3:1; 2 Cor. 11:3; Rev.
12:9; 20:2) portrays his deceit and craftiness. - Dragon (Rev. 12:3,
7,9) indicates his fierce nature and power to destroy. - Accuser (Rev.
12:10). - Tempter (Matt. 4:3; I Thess 3:5). - Deceiver (Rev. 12:9;
20:3). - Murderer (John 8:44). - Liar (John 8:44). - Sinner (1 John
3:8). - Beelzebub, ruler of the demons (Matt. 10:25; 12:24,27; Mark
3:22; Luke 11:15), literally translated means "lord of the flies." -
Belial (2 Cor. 6:15) means "worthless" or "wicked." - Roaring lion (1
Pet. 5:8) describes him as hungry and on the prowl to devour

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What Is Satan Doing?

We should not expect to walk with Christ without a fight for our

A life of faith in Jesus Christ is a life of conflict. Jesus referred
to the devil as our enemy (Matt. 13:39; Luke 10:19), and he is also
called our adversary (1 Pet. 5:8). As such, he hates God's people and
tries to destroy them. He does this with a strategy of infiltration,
neutralization, and destruction.


Jesus warned us that our enemy, the devil, plants false Christians
among the true (Matt. 13:24-30). Some of these "false brethren" (2
Cor. 11:26) directly attack true believers. Others try to introduce a
false, ritualistic gospel within the organized church (Gal. 1:6-9).
Still others, either from within the church or through a cult, teach a
counterfeit righteousness (Rom. 10:1-3). Jesus called these tares "the
sons of the wicked one, " declaring that the one who sows them is "the
devil" (Matt. 13:38, 39).

Though proper church discipline can remove some impostors and false
teachers from the local congregation, we can't always tell the false
from the true. It is impossible, therefore, to cleanse the church
completely of its enemy agents. Nevertheless, we need to be on guard
at all times, measuring all things by the Word of God, testing not
only the words of fellow believers but also their behavior and
attitudes. If you find a spirit of pride and willfulness, be careful.
Apply the Word of God with humility and gentleness (Matt 18:15-17; 2
Tim. 2:24-26; 2 Pet. 2; 1 John 4:1-6).


Satan is an inhuman, merciless fiend whose ultimate goal is the
destruction of the human race. He should never be taken lightly.
Peter, who learned by personal experience what it meant to be shaken
in the grip of Satan (Luke 22:31-34, 54-62), later referred to the
devil as our enemy who prowls around like a lion looking for someone
to devour (1 Pet. 5:8).

Some Bible interpreters have taken the word devour quite literally.
They point out that Peter was writing to Christians under persecution
who might be tempted to deny their faith. Interestingly, a letter has
been found in which an early Christian described fellow believers who
at first denied their faith but later repented and stood firm as
having been "devoured" by Satan and "disgorged alive."

C. S. Lewis depicts Satan and evil spirits as motivated by "a kind of
hunger." He also points out that very self-centered people often try
to gain total control over their companions. He compares their desire
to "absorb" the personalities of other people to Satan:

It is for this that Satan desires all his own followers and all the
sons of Eve and all the hosts of heaven. His dream is of the day when
all shall be inside him and all that says "I" can say it only through
him (The Screwtape Letters, Macmillan Publishing Company, Preface, p.

Of course, Satan hasn't been granted the power to devour the children
of God. But he can influence us to the point of making us serve his

Satan, therefore, is our enemy--clever, cruel, hungry, always on the
prowl. As the enemy of the church, he plants counterfeit Christians
alongside the genuine. We must be on guard against these tactics. And
we must counterattack by bearing fruit for God wherever we have been
planted. As the devouring enemy, he will draw us into himself and make
us his instruments unless we maintain a serious attitude toward life
and keep on the alert.


Satan is subject to the limitations of being a creature. He is not
everywhere-present, all-powerful, or all-knowing like God.

The devil heads a great kingdom of evil. The New Testament refers to
him as "the god of this age" (2 Cor. 4:4), "the prince of the power of
the air" (Eph. 2:2), and the "ruler of this world" (John 12:31). Jesus
identifies Satan with Beelzebub, prince of the demons (Luke 11:14-23).
In addition, his human followers are "the sons of the wicked one"
(Matt. 13:38), "ministers" of Satan (2 Cor. 11:15), the "synagogue of
Satan" (Rev. 2:9), and the "children of the devil" (1 John 3:10). He
exercised authority over the rulers of Persia through a demon called
"the prince of the kingdom of Persia" (Dan. 10:12, 13). Jude portrays
him as so awesome in his power and authority that the archangel "dared
not bring against him a reviling accusation" (v.9). In Ephesians 6:12
he is pictured as heading a well-organized army of spiritual agents.

The devil, however, is not everywhere-present, all-powerful, or
all-knowing, like God. He is subject to the limitations of
creaturehood. To carry out his program he must work through
subordinates--both demonic and human.

He has organized his demons into a military structure. As noted
earlier, a demon was assigned to influence the leaders of Persia (Dan.
10:12, 13). The terms principalities, powers, rulers of this darkness,
spiritual hosts of wickedness (Eph. 6:12) denote the ranks in his
army. Through them he gathers information and implements his will.
Just as a competent general can impose a high degree of control over
his army and through his troops carry out his program over a vast
area, the devil can rule his worldwide kingdom of darkness.

The devil also uses people. Although he can be in only one place at
one time, and cannot personally work in every human heart, he
influences multitudes both through his demonic followers and through a
system of thought the Bible calls "the world." John wrote:

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the
world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the
world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of
life--is not of the Father but is of the world (1 John 2:15-17).

The "world" in this context is a way of thinking that dominates the
life of runaway humanity. The characteristics of this thought-system
may vary from one culture to another, but these differences are
relatively insignificant. What is consistent, however, is an emphasis
on the temporal rather than the eternal. He influences multitudes as
they buy into the thinking of their day.

He also uses mankind's sinful nature. Paul declared that before we
came to Christ we "were dead in trespasses and sins... walked
according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the
power of the air, ... conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh"
(Eph. 2:1-3). When people willfully choose evil, they become the
"children of the devil" (John 8:44; Acts 13:10; 1 John 3:10). Thus
multitudes of people either knowingly or unknowingly help Satan in his
role as "the god of this world."

The devil's power over mankind, though limited by God's permissive and
directive will, is fearful. He and his evil spirits can assume visible
form (Matt. 4, Luke 4); cause blindness (Matt. 12:22), paralysis (Acts
8:7), and convulsions (Luke 9:39); induce self-destructive or bizarre
behavior (Luke 8:27; Matt. 17:15); compel animals to destroy
themselves (Matt. 8:28-34); create powerful illusions (Ex. 7:11, 12);
and perform signs and wonders (Matt. 24:24).

Evil spirits have the power to directly influence our health, moods,
imagination, and thoughts. For example, it is sobering to read that
"Satan entered Judas" (Luke 22:3) and led him to betray Christ and
finally commit suicide. And it is frightening to read about the
horrible condition of the two demon-possessed men in Matthew 8:28, 29.

We must not make the mistake of minimizing Satan's power or denying
the reality of his kingdom of evil. But we must also avoid the error
of giving in to despair. He cannot go beyond the limits set by God.
Moreover, the Christian who submits to God and resists the devil can
put him to flight (James 4:7).


The Lord Jesus placed heavy emphasis on the deceitful nature of the
devil. In a confrontation with the Pharisees, He declared that their
inability to recognize the truth was due to the fact that they were
allied with the devil.

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your
father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to
the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his
native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44,

Dr. William Hendriksen made this comment:

The devil, then, is the very wellspring of lies, the creator of
falsehoods.... When he lies, he is the original. When he does not lie
(Acts 16:16, 17), he quotes or even plagiarizes; but even then he
gives the borrowed words a false setting in order to create an
illusion. He ever strives to lie and to deceive, and this he does in
order to murder (The Gospel of John, Baker, p.61).

It is the devil's very nature to lie because he began his career in an
act of self-delusion. "You have said in your heart:... I will exalt my
throne above the stars of God... I will be like the Most High" (Is.
14:13, 14).

By deluding himself into believing that he could claim a position of
equality with the Most High, Satan fell from his position of high
honor. He became the "father of lies, " depending on a web of
self-deceit and illusion to maintain his fantasy of equality with God.

By claiming equality with God, the devil is forced to lie to himself
about every aspect of reality. His rebellion has locked him into an
irrational posture in which he desperately denies the evidence of his
hopelessness and meaninglessness.

The devil's position is the same as that of an extremely self-centered
person who clings to an unrealistic view of himself. For example, a
self-centered person thinks he is a great singer will not accept any
criticism that implies the contrary. Rather than admitting the
possibility that he might be wrong in his estimate of himself, he will
associate only with people who encourage him in his self-delusion. He
may continue to believe that he is a wonderful singer even if he can
find no one else who agrees.

The psychological term for such irrational willfulness is narcissism,
and we are all aware of people who to a greater or lesser degree
exhibit this tendency. Such people eventually accept reality (however
painful it may be) or they defy it by either withdrawing into their
own inner world or attempting to reconstruct reality so that it fits
their false ideas. (Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are two individuals
who took the second approach.) The devil is the ultimate narcissist.
He is powerful and willful enough to attempt to restructure all of
God's created reality in order to keep his false sense of

Satan does not deceive others in the manner of one who knows the truth
and merely seeks to mislead. Satan lies because his own intelligence
has been darkened by his perverted will. He is the "father of lies"
because he has deluded himself and willfully persists in his

Let's take a look at how the self-deceived one has been aggressively
deceiving mankind from the very beginning of human history.

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The basic elements of Satan's lie are recorded in Genesis 3:1-8. His
words seem to have been chosen carefully to cause Eve to question
God's trustworthiness: "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of
every tree of the Garden'?" He wanted Eve to perceive God from his own
diabolic perspective, questioning God's motives and intentions. He
wanted her to fear that God's plans for her would violate her
individuality and run contrary to her deepest needs and desires.

The devil next denied the truth of God's warning, He said, "You will
not surely die." Having planted doubt in Eve's mind concerning God's
goodness, he wanted her to believe that no consequences would result
from her disobedience.

He continued: "For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes
will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil"
(v.5). These words were a direct attack on God's goodness and an
appeal to Eve's pride. Satan portrayed the Lord as denying Adam and
Eve the one thing that would bring them ultimate fulfillment--equality
with God. These perverse words came straight from the devil's heart,
reflecting his own view of God.

When Adam and Eve acted in accordance with the lie, they became the
helpless pawns of Satan's rebellion. His lie remains unchanged today.


The story of the fall shows that when people believe Satan's lie that
God cannot be fully trusted, they fall into the fear of self-exposure.
After Adam and Eve had eaten from the forbidden tree, they became
conscious of their nakedness, made a feeble attempt to cover their
shame with fig leaves, and tried to hide from God (Gen. 3:7-10).

Christian psychologist Larry Crabb says that the primary motivation
for all of our social behavior is a fear that if others really knew us
as we are, they would reject us in disgust. This fear of exposure is
rooted in our sense of the ugliness of our fallen natures as they have
been perverted and corrupted by sin. Satan delights in inflaming this
fear until we, like the Pharisees, transform ourselves into
"whitewashed tombs" (Matt. 23:27) of self-deceit and

M. Scott Peck has observed that the central defect of evil people lies
not in the fact that they sin but in the fact "that they refuse to
acknowledge (their sin)" (People of the Lie, p.69). He also points out
that evil people are the people of the lie, "deceiving others as they
also build layer upon layer of self-deception" (p.66).

This fear of self-exposure drives people into relativism, mysticism,
and legalism. Often they find themselves confronted with intense
experiences and "counterfeit gods" so compelling that they become
convinced that they are on the right track. When this happens, they
fall helplessly into the clutches of that self-deluded serpent who is
masquerading as the source of truth.


Paul warns us that Satan transforms himself into an angel of light (2
Cor. 11:14). This is necessarily so, since anyone would flee from him
if they sensed his true nature. A master of disguise, Satan appears in
many forms to conceal the truth of the incarnation.

The New Age movement gives us many examples of how this happens. While
it denies the reality of a separate creator and claims a form of deity
for man, this current cosmic charade is replete with accounts of
encounters with "guides, " "spirits," "entities," and figures from
pagan mythology. Carlos Castenada's books on Yacqui Sorcery contain
hair-raising accounts of his meetings with demonic figures. Shirley
MacLaine's popularization of the practices of "channeling" and "astral
projection" is just a resurfacing of occultic practices that have long
been widespread. Carl Jung, the brilliant founder of the Jungian
School of Psychology, was noted for his occult interests. While he
vehemently denied the truth of the incarnation, he embraced the theory
of reincarnation on the authority of figures who spoke to him in his
visions and dreams.

Satan's kingdom works through sinister figures like the Nazi leaders
(all of whom were deeply involved with occultism). But he also
deceives people through innocent-appearing means. Recent reports that
the wife of an American president relied on astrology for advice on
important decisions are deeply disturbing. The kingdom of darkness
also tempts us with many things that are not evil in themselves.
Wealth, property, fame, power, family, friends, science, art, and even
religion can become false gods if they distract us from an
understanding of our loving Creator as He has revealed Himself in


In Revelation 12:10 the devil is portrayed as the "accuser of our
brethren, who accused them before our God day and night." The Greek
word for devil (diabolos) means "slanderer, false accuser." The
classic statement on the role of Satan as the great accuser is found
in the book of Job (1:6-12; 2:1-5). And in the vision recorded in
Zechariah 3:1-10, Satan is standing at the right hand of Joshua to
make accusation against him. God apparently allowed him this privilege
so that His grace to sinners might be magnified.

Because he hates those who don't believe his lie, Satan is an accuser
of Christ and all who follow Him. Because he denies the goodness of
God's creation, we can expect him to place the worst possible
interpretation on any act of faith and obedience. Since Satan's
accusing spirit is duplicated in the fleshly nature of every person,
obedient Christians are exposed to constant accusation from within and
without (Rom. 7:13-25).

The devil shares his character with all who join him in doubting the
goodness of God. People who resist the truth and thus become "the
children of the devil" become so warped and twisted in mind that even
the best actions of God's people are often perceived as being rooted
in evil.

We see this trait of fallen man illustrated in the Pharisees' attitude
toward Jesus Christ. They called the sinless Son of God a drunkard, a
glutton, a friend of immoral people, a violator of the law, a
sorcerer, an insurrectionist, and a blasphemer.

Anyone who has felt the force of the accuser's power realizes how
helpless we are to resist his temptations and accusations in our own
strength. Each of us is so compromised by sin and impure motives that
we can be confused, paralyzed, and even driven to despair when we are
exposed to the merciless attack of either the fleshly nature within or
demonic accusations without. If it were not for the saving and
interceding role of Christ, we would quickly succumb to the changes of
our accusing enemy.

Peter learned this lesson the hard way. When self-confidence prompted
him to declare his willingness to live and die for Christ, the Lord
warned him:

Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as
wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and
when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren (Luke 22:31,

Knowing that Peter had opened the door for the devil by his
self-confidence, Jesus told him what the devil would be doing and
promised to intercede for him. The devil's accusations would sift
Peter like wheat, confusing him, demoralizing him, and separating him
from his faith as wheat is separated from chaff.

Peter did lose his courage, and he denied his Lord three times. But
because of Christ's intercession, his faith did not fail. Here is a
solemn warning against self-confidence! Our sins and failings make us
vulnerable to Satan's accusations. We must stand before God therefore
on the basis of Christ's righteousness (Phil. 3:1-9; Titus 3:5), not
our own. We need the intercession of Him who had no shade of falseness
or improper motive. He, and He alone, could say, "The ruler of this
world is coming, and he has nothing in Me" (John 14:30).


Possession by either Satan or his demons really does occur. The
gospels record many instances in which the devil or his demons took
control of a victim's personality. The gospels also, however,
distinguish between possession and ordinary illness (Mark 6:13).

Cases of demonic possession have been reported by many missionaries,
especially those who introduced the gospel into pagan territory.
Recent books by Malachi Martin and M. Scott Peck have been valuable in
counteracting unbiblical skepticism among Christians and nonbelievers
concerning the reality of Satan. The work of these men also sounds
serious warning to Christians who are too eager to dabble with
exorcism. Martin and Peck insist that exorcism poses great dangers,
not only to the subject but also to the exorcist.


In the New Testament, most cases of demonic possession occurred prior
to the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. In the book of
Acts we find only a few such reports, and they generally took place in
the early stages of evangelistic activity inn an area. Peter cast out
demons while in Jerusalem (5:16). Philip did so in Samaria (8:7). Paul
delivered a young woman from a fortunetelling demon at Philippi
(16:16-18) and cast out indwelling demons at Ephesus (19:11, 12). None
of these cases involved a demon-possessed believer. Moreover, the
epistles make no mention of demon possession and give no instructions
for exorcism. It appears that the men whom God chose to write the
epistles didn't view demon possession as a serious problem among


We should not equate mental illness with demon possession, as some did
in the past and are doing today. Malachi Martin has warned:

Many people suffer from illnesses and diseases well known to us today
as paranoia, Huntington's chorea, dyslexia, Parkinson's disease, or
even mere skin diseases (psoriasis and herpes I, for instance) were
treated as people "possessed" or at least as "touched" by the devil
(Hostage to the Devil, p.11).

It does not follow, however, that there is no demon possession today.
Missionaries still encounter it in pagan cultures, and it may become
more frequent as people increasingly go back to pagan ideas and drift
into the occult. M. Scott Peck writes:

As a hardheaded scientist--which I assume myself to be--I can explain
95 percent of what went on in these cases by traditional psychiatric
dynamics... But I am left with a critical 5 percent that I cannot
explain in such ways. I am left with the supernatural... (People of
the Lie, pp. 195, 196).


The admission that some demon possession exists today must be
encountered by a serious warning about the grave dangers involved with
exorcism. It should be resorted to only after all other possible
spiritual, medical, and psychiatric avenues of treatment have been
explored. And it should be attempted only by spiritually mature
believers who are aware of the dangers. Ephesians 6:11 states that we
will need the whole armor of God in order to "stand against the wiles
of the devil."

One of the primary dangers associated with exorcism is the potential
of leading a person into unreality and psychosis. As fallen people,
each of us has a deep, largely unconscious fear of seeing our sins as
they really are. Even Christians who have been growing in maturity for
many years are quick to admit that they have not yet even begun to
understand the darkest depths of their personal depravity. It is
therefore very dangerous to suggest to a person that his bad thoughts
and actions may be due to demonic influence. Such a suggestion is
likely to cause a disturbed person to become obsessed with the
demonic-- projecting the responsibility for his own personal evil upon
"outside" demonic forces. In turn, the victim of demonic obsession is
then likely to exhibit the symptoms of false possession, in which he
unconsciously imitates the symptoms of actual possession (including
voice changes and apparent alterations of personality).

Ironically, a victim of false possession may actually become possessed
by demons if he is encouraged to continue abdicating responsibility
for his own sinful behavior. By pointing out the dangers of demonic
obsession and false possession, we are by no means denying the reality
of demonic influences. Demonic influences may be involved in many (or
even most) cases of obsession or false possession. But it is
impossible to rid a person of demonic influence as long as he has not
yet faced the "core" problem of his personal sin and rebellion.

Exorcism, then, should not be undertaken until all other factors--
physical, psychological, and spiritual--have been carefully explored.

In summary, the silence of the epistles on the matter of demon
possession does not imply that demonic possession is not real. We may
infer, however, that obedient Christians shouldn't worry about needing
exorcisms for the expulsion of demons. The supernatural power of the
Holy Spirit is sufficient to drive even the influence of Satan from
the life of a believer who deals with his sins and seeks too do God's
will. Moreover, this silence may also be an indication that Christians
should engage in exorcism only as a last resort.

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The Only Answer to Satan's Lie
Just as Satan successfully tempted Adam and Eve to sin, he still
tempts each of us today. His lies don't change. Satan still tells us,
"You can't trust God. He isn't concerned about your happiness. There
is no danger in disobeying His laws. He knows that you can be equal to
Him. You know what is best for you."

Satan's lie that God cannot be fully trusted can be countered only by
the gospel with its doctrine of the incarnation. Man cannot answer the
devil's lie with an appeal to nature or human experience. These can
present mixed messages, sometimes giving the impression that God is
good and at other times implying just the opposite. The natural world
is merciless, offering horrible spectacles of terror and suffering.
Catastrophes such as storms, floods, and earthquakes claim thousands
of innocent lives, and scores of terrible diseases spread death and
despair. The natural man is easily convinced that any evidences of
God's love, goodness, and mercy are only a cruel joke in light of the
real world--the world ruled by the law of fang and claw.

Each of us has had his own experience of the ruthless realities of a
fallen world. Disease and accidents have unexpectedly crippled and
killed family members or friends. Many of us have been hardened and
disillusioned by betrayal at the hands of people we trusted. To harden
ourselves against the pain of further disappointment and betrayal, we
have become like actors in an old-fashioned melodrama. We conceal our
true faces behind masks, driven by fear to play a role rather than to
allow others to see us as we really are.

God understood the effects of our fears of our fears on our darkened
minds. He knew that we were not capable of resisting Satan's
lies--that our personal experiences of life in a fallen world would
cause us to have insurmountable doubts about His goodness and love.
Only a supreme act of grace could overcome the deep impression made by
natural evil and satanic lies. This is one of the reasons God became a

By entering our dimension of time and space, God allowed us to see a
reality far above that of our fallen world. In the person of Jesus
Christ, the holy light of God's love shone brilliantly in the midst of
our world's darkness, dispelling Satan's power to deceive us (John
1:9, 10; Heb. 2:14,15).

God knows the earthly sorrows of His creatures. He has embraced us in
our sin and weakness--personally sharing our experience of fear,
alienation, and death. The apostle Paul wrote:

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were
still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8).

When we believe what God says in His Word about Christ, we will be
delivered from doubt about His goodness. We will also be freed from
the fear that He in His holiness will condemn us. Instead of trying to
flee from Him into philosophies that deny His existence, we can
approach Him. We can be realistic about our sinfulness and yet be
confident in His forgiving grace.

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How Can We Defeat Satan?
On the basis of the salvation God has provided for us, the Scriptures
lay out practical guidelines by which we can defeat Satan.


The first decision we must make to be freed from Satan's power is to
choose to trust God. We must acknowledge our helplessness, sinfulness,
and lost condition. Then we must accept the free gift of salvation He
has offered us in Christ and stand before God clothed in His Son's
righteousness (Phil. 3:1-9; Titus 3:5).


Although Christ has given us authority over Satan (1 John 4:4), we can
exercise it only as we submit ourselves to God and resist the enemy
(Eph. 6:11; James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:8, 9).


Satan can take advantage of us if we are "ignorant of his devices" (2
Cor. 2:11). For example, by harboring anger, we "give place to the
devil" (Eph. 4:27); by depriving our marriage partner of sexual
intimacy, we give Satan an opportunity to tempt us (1 Cor. 7:5); by
placing an unqualified man in a position of leadership in the church,
we take the chance of making him vulnerable to pride and to "fall into
the same condemnation as the devil" and "the snare of the devil" (1
Tim. 3:6, 7).


Using the metaphor of a well-equipped Roman soldier, Paul told how we
can be prepared for spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:11-18).

The belt of truth

Since Satan depends on deceit to maintain his power, our first line of
defense is always to be truthful. We must never distort or
misrepresent the truth, regardless of any advantage we might gain by
doing so.

The breastplate of righteousness

Any sin in our life leaves us open to Satan's attack. Even though we
are given the righteousness of Christ (2 Cor. 5:21), we must still
continually put on the protection of holy living.

The shoes of the gospel of peace

With our feet firmly planted on the truth that we are at peace with
God and that He is on our side, we can stand firmly against Satan's

The shield of faith

In order to quench the "fiery darts" of Satan's temptations, we must
trust and believe what God has said about every area of our life.

The helmet of salvation

This is the confidence that there is coming in the future a great
victory celebration. It is also referred to as the "hope of salvation"
(1 Thess. 5:8). This helmet protects us against Satan's two-edged
sword of discouragement and doubt.

The sword of the Spirit

Since the Word of God is the basis of our faith, we need to learn how
to wield it with authority. Scripture is our best offensive weapon
against the devil (Matt. 4:1-11).

After he describes the various elements of the armor, Paul said that
we are to be in constant prayer. Prayer expresses our dependence on
God. We can fight against Satan only "in the (strength of the) Lord
and in the power of His might" (Eph. 6:10). IN the power of Christ
with the armor of the Spirit we will be victors.

--- Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version, (c)
1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.

"What in the World Is Satan Doing?" by Dan Vander Lugt. Copyright 1988
Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Used by Permission. ---


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1 Corinthians 14:8 And also if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
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"Let not Geneva be forgotten or despised. Religious liberty owes it
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Yahoo Group Owner
2004-07-26 15:13:29 UTC
Post by JohnLiu
I personally feel that LOTR is pretty basic fantasy novel by today's
standards. Perhaps back in the days it had a similar effect in
stirring up interest for witchcraft.
Not really. There isn't any witchcraft in it for people to be interested
Post by JohnLiu
I'm more concerned with the Harry Potter series.
1. Target audience: children
2. Sinister tone/theme - human sacrifices (in the later books, I think
it was the 4th book), anti-government conspiracy theory.
3. Direct involvement of charms/spells/potions - portrayed as healthy
and 'cool'
4. Set in a real-world setting, almost a feeling of "you can do it
It's hardly a real-world setting, given that very few children actually
attend boarding school and even fewer live in cupboards under the stairs.
And all the other factors you mention are to be found throughout folklore
and fairy-tales, which have always been considered suitable for children. I
don't notice anyone getting on their hind legs about children pushing old
women into hot ovens, or stepparents feeding drugged fruit to their
stepchildren, or the obligatory beheadings which take place every time a
woodcutter puts in an appearance ...?
Post by JohnLiu
As stories, I think they are great - nothing different from other
fictions such as Star Wars (which has it's own share of sorcery).
I'm just concerned with its effect on children. Witchcraft isn't cool
at all. Perhaps it's good to educate the children to make sure they
understand this distinction.
Actually, kids tend to find out that Harry Potter "witchcraft" doesn't work
the first time they make themselves a "magic wand" out of a twig, and try to
levitate their little sisters, or go galloping down the garden on mum's
kitchen mop trying to build up flying speed. They can also tell the
difference between a mythical beast like a hippogriff and the family cat.
Kids aren't stupid. And any child who's been brought up around witches and
pagans is certainly going to be *well* aware that they've got very little in
common with the highly entertaining, but decidedly fictional, characters at

Kurt Kurosawa
2004-07-25 23:57:02 UTC
Post by Steve
We do not find the saving Gospel in the Middle Earth
with wizards, hobbits, and elves. We find the Gospel
only in the Bible and through the blood of our Saviour Jesus.
You look for salvation in MOVIES? Gimme a break!
Hey, try looking for ENTERTAINMENT in movies.
But if it really bothers you, write letters to studios.
See if you can get 'em all working on remakes of
The Ten Commandments at the same time.
Silver Blaze
2004-07-26 06:16:09 UTC
Post by Steve
I was once a witch

