hiram abiff
(too old to reply)
2006-02-06 21:56:42 UTC
The Legend of Hiram

I have surfed the Waters of the Web and I have found some speculative
and some operative information. None of which has been based on
completed evidence. Other that which is a direct copy from Biblical
data or various encyclopaedias. It is for the purpose of stimulating
conversation and debate.

Of interest to the Masonic mind:-

The First T.B. opens with the statement that "the usages and customs

Freemasons have ever borne a near affinity to those of the Ancient

The Philosophers of Egypt, unwilling to expose their mysteries to
vulgar eyes,

concealed their systems of learning and polity under heiroglyphical

which were communicated only to their chief priests and wise men, who
were bound

by solemn oath never to reveal them. The system of Pythagoras was
founded upon

similar principles and maintained under the same conditions."

We might, therefore, reasonably expect that a study of the system
originated, or

adopted, by the great teacher, Pythagoras, would tend to throw some
light upon

this Masonic Craft of ours. There are four questions which we might put

ourselves in this connection:-

The Widow's Son

In 1997, Evidence was discovered, that the true symbolic origin of the
Drama of

Hiram Abiff, may have been a real life actual event. The murdered King,
or 'King

that was Lost' may have been Seqenenre Tao II of Egypt, 1554BC.

have now dated Seqenenre's rule to 1558 - 1554BC. King Seqenenre was
killed by

at least two separate, distinctively different weapons. An Axe, a
pointed iron

rod or possibly a stone maul. The placement and shapes of the skull

marks on the mummy's head are only part of the proof.

"Some of these seventeenth-century manuscripts [preserving the 'Old
Charges'] do

not refer to Hiram Abif, which has led some to believe that the
character was an

invention of this relatively recent period. However, the name Hiram
Abif was

only one designation for this central figure; he is also referred to as

Aymen, Amnon, A Man or Amen and sometimes Bennaim. It is said that Amen
is said

to be the Hebrew word for 'the trusted one' or 'the faithful one',
which fits

the role of Hiram Abif perfectly. But we also know that Amon or Amen is
the name

of the ancient creator god of Thebes, the city of Sequenere Tao II.
Could there

be an ancient linkage here?"

A Connection with the Mystery Religions

"To the initiated Builder the name Hiram Abiff signifies 'My Father,

Universal Spirit, one in essence, three in aspect.' Thus the murdered
Master is

a type of the Cosmic Martyr - the crucified Spirit of Good, the dying
god -

whose Mystery is celebrated throughout the world."

"The efforts made to discover the origin of the Hiramic legend show
that, while

the legend in its present form is comparatively modern, its underlying

principles run back to remotest antiquity. It is generally admitted by

Masonic scholars that the story of the martyred Hiram is based upon the

rites of Osiris, whose death and resurrection figuratively portrayed

spiritual death of man and his regeneration through initiation into the

Mysteries. Hiram is also identified with Hermes through the inscription
on the

Emerald Tablet."

The True King and Master of Egypt - 1554BC

In this instance the word King was exclusive. A word only used to
describe what

the Egyptians called their True King and Solar Lord. ..The Right of the

Egyptians to be 'Sons of God' and the 'Caretakers' of God's Word was
given to

them by the 'Olai', who were direct descendents of the 'Star Regents of

Atlantis'. God was called ' The Law of One' by the Atlantians.

..from the readings of Edgar Cayce

"When these Star Regents left that land, they left the rulership on the
hands of

''Caretakers', who were the 'Children of the Nephilim'. The Nephilim
are other

world beings who were from the 'fallen heaven', having created these

whom Thoth calls the 'Nomads'. They transferred the power and mysteries
to the

'Umosejhe', meaning 'caretakers', with the understanding that in the
future the

Olai would return to put into motion the spiritual birth of the
'Child', who

centuries later would incarnate in living flesh as the greatest of the

'Shepherd Kings'.

History would know this 'Child' as "Jesus Christ".

taken from.. 'New Age Bible interpretation Old Testament, Volume I', by


but because God has only 'one begotten Son', he has many other names
and faces.

This site will include those 'other' Sons.

Sequenere Tao II?

"The only reasonable explanation that we had come across regarding the

name of the Masonic hero was that Hiram meant 'noble' or 'kingly' in

while Abif has been identified as old French for 'lost one', giving a

description of 'the king that was lost'." "Masonic ritual refers to
Hiram Abif

as the 'Son of the Widow'... In Egyptian legend the first Horus was

conceived after his father's death and therefore his mother was a widow

before his conception. It seemed logical therefore that all those who

became Horus, i.e. the kings of Egypt, would also describe themselves
as 'Son of

the Widow'."

The newly installed King became the God-Man, Horus, only after he was

from the dead" in a living resurrection ceremony. The words to this
ritual were

never written on any scroll, but they were handed down, learned and

word for word. "Although there is evidence for a generic connection
between the

Craft and the Ancient Mysteries, there is no explanation of how the

might have been transmitted or how the tradition could remain hidden
through the

rigors of the Dark Ages and the probing of the Inquisition."

The King that had 'died' and had post-presently been the God Horus,
would become

the God Osiris at death providing 'the secret ritual words were spoken'
and he

was 'resurrected' to the ultimate position of being the 'God of the
Dead' and

the 'King of the Underworld'. Osiris, becoming immortal, could return
to the

earth and 'incarnate' into a mortal man. In this state he could 'teach'

people, be a 'civilizer' and 'legislator' and then return from whence
he came.

If the King-God Osiris had lived a righteous life, if he was free of
sin, he

achieved the status of being 'A MASTER in Heaven'. This consists of his

being weighed against the 'Feather of Maat'. If his soul is lighter
than the

feather, Osiris becomes a Master. As Osiris departs, Horus becomes the

God-King.. The Book of the Dead (from about 1800 BC),...reads very much
like an

oratorio. Although there is no evidence that it was actually performed,

ritual is full of theatrical elements. It describes the journey of the

brought after death by the jackal-headed god Anubis into the Hall of

where the dead man's heart is weighed against a feather. If the heart,

light by goodness, does not outweigh the feather, then the soul is

before Osiris and granted immortality. ..here Anubis checks the
accuracy of the

balance, Thoth records the results and Ammit prepares to gobble down

ladden with sin.

The Ceremony was not only secret, but preformed and known only by the
two Senior

Priests of the Temple of Amen-Re, the Sun God. The Egyptians believed
in Eternal

Life and they went to great extremes to insure that the King achieved
this. Only

the One True Living God could have taught them this. In these pages you
will see

why God chose the Egyptians to be the 'Keepers of the Word' and the

of the 'Knowledge'.

The Masonic Third Degree ceremony explains what happened that day over

years ago in the Temple at Thebes, which is now Luxor, when the True
King and

Master, Seqenenre Tao II was murdered. We concur with Knight and Lomas,

this legend becomes the story and drama of the Master Builder, Hiram

"The king-making ritual is known to have been performed in the pyramid
of Unas.

As in a Masonic temple, the ceiling of the main chamber represents the
sky with

stars in place. The commonly accepted view is that the ceremony was

on the last night of the waning moon, beginning at sunset and
continuing all

night until sunrise, the purpose being a 'living resurrection ritual'

identified the dead king with Osiris as an ascended "Master". The
picture is the

former Temple at Thebes.

The real secrets of the Egyptian king-making ceremony, which included

'raising' of Osiris, died with Seqenenre, the man Masons symbolically
refer to

as Hiram Abiff, ..."the King that was lost". 'The Grand Master'. The
'one' who

knew the 'ALL'. This has also been referred to as the reason for the
'Lost Name

of God' and the 'Lost Word'. After these words were lost, no king could

to the afterlife to be one with Osiris.

The Egyptian hieroglyphic for the morning star has the literal meaning

'divine knowledge'. This seems to support our thesis that the candidate

kingship was raised to the status of the new god/king Horus by sharing

secrets of the gods in the land of the dead, where he learned the great

before returning to Earth as the morning star broke the horizon just


"At the coronation/funeral ritual, the old king was resurrected as the
new one,

and proved himself a suitable candidate by traveling around the
perimeter of the

entire country. This was really a symbolic act as the new king was

around the temple room to show himself a worthy candidate to those

which included the god Re and his main assistant."

God's people and Israel. Bible references do not explain that there
were two

ruling factors in Egypt at the same time. However this is confirmed by

records and history. Consult 'The Second Intermediate Period of Egypt'
for the

dating of this important factor. Seqenenre Tao II is placed in the XVII

of Thebes ( 1558 - 1554 ) which directly corresponds with Apepi I
(Archlês) of

Avaris, (Heliopolis) 1581-1541 in the XV dynasty.XIII Dynasty see at
the top of

the page. However, in the XIV Dynasty of Xois or Avaris, we see an
(Aphôphis I

)with no date. This is a Greek interpretation by Manetho . Apepi is
also called

Aphôphis so he must be Aphophis I. We feel this is the correct Hyksos
ruler who

sends Insults to Seqenenre.

The man who became known as 'Israel', Abraham, was a Hyksos himself,
and a

priest from the land of Sumer. All evidence is that Abraham was a
high-born man

from Ur, in the land of Sumer. In the KJ bible, God told the father of
Abram to

go to Canaan and he gave the land of Jordan to Abram. The King of Salem

Melchizedek and he was also a High Priest of God's word and a 'chosen

Abraham becomes a High Priest following the order named after the King.
In this

priesthood, he is also 'initiated' into the mysteries. This

supports the theory that two seperate groups of people had God's
'knowledge' at

the same time.

The legend says; After the destruction of the world, these two pillars

discovered by Hermes, the son of Shem. Then the craft of masonry began

flourish, and Nimrod was one of the earliest patrons of the art.
"Abraham, the

son of Jerah, was skilled in the seven sciences and taught the
Egyptians the

science of grammar. Euclid was his pupil, and instructed them in the
art of

making mighty walls and ditches to preserve their houses from the
inundations of

the Nile, and by geometry measured out the land, and divided it into

so that each man might ascertain his own property. And he it was who

masonry the name of geometry".

One story proclaims that Abraham is to return to the land of 'his
fathers' and

regain from them the secrets God left with the 'Caretakers'. It is said

became friends with the 'Pharoah', but this aludes to the Hyksos Ruler,

Seqenenre Tao or the 'other' Thebian Royal House.. The family of

traveled to Egypt in 1780 BC. Hence the name "Shepherd Kings". The

(Egyptians ) were bound to the Hyksos in ways of Spirit beyond the
personal will

because their ancestors came from the same place.. These 'usurpers'
re-wrote the

history of Olai / Hyksos, making them enemies and conquerors of Egypt.
The full

explaination of this is on the Shepherd Kings page.

Appendix :-

—In Rabbinical Literature:

2. Artificer sent by Hiram, King of Tyre, to Solomon. He was apparently
of a mixed race; his father being a Tyrian, and his mother of the tribe
of Naphtali (I Kings vii. 13, 14) or of the tribe of Dan (II Chron. ii.
12 [A. V. 14]). The words "ḥuram abi," which terminate II Chron. ii.
11 (A. V. 13), generally translated "Huram my father's" (see No. 1),
are taken by some to be the name of the artificer; with this name
compare "Hammurabi," of which "Hiram Abi" may be a local variant or
misreading. The name is curiously used in Freemasonry. There is an
essential difference, as regards the nature of Hiram's technical
specialty, between I Kings and II Chronicles. According to the former,
Hiram was an artificer only in brass; and the pieces which he executed
for the Temple were the two pillars Jachin and Boaz,

Bible text:

Chron. ii. 13 [14] it is said that Hiram was "skilful to work in gold,
and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple,
in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson; also to grave any manner of
graving." Thus he seems to have superintended all the work of the
Temple. Josephus says ("Ant." viii. 3, § 4) that Hiram's father was Ur
of the stock of the Israelites, that he was skilful in all sorts of
work, but that his chief skill lay in working in gold, silver, and
brass. Josephus apparently interprets the words "ish ẓori" to mean a
man who lived in Tyre, and the name of "Ur" probably originated in the
confusion between "Hiram" and "Bezaleel." In I Kings vii. 40 (A. V.
margin) the form "Hirom" ( ) occurs.E.

1 Kings 7

The Temple's Furnishings
13 King Solomon sent to Tyre and brought Huram, [7] 14 whose mother was
a widow from the tribe of Naphtali and whose father was a man of Tyre
and a craftsman in bronze. Huram was highly skilled and experienced in
all kinds of bronze work. He came to King Solomon and did all the work
assigned to him.
15 He cast two bronze pillars, each eighteen cubits high and twelve
cubits around, [8] by line. 16 He also made two capitals of cast bronze
to set on the tops of the pillars; each capital was five cubits [9]
high. 17 A network of interwoven chains festooned the capitals on top
of the pillars, seven for each capital. 18 He made pomegranates in two
rows [10] encircling each network to decorate the capitals on top of
the pillars. [11] He did the same for each capital. 19 The capitals on
top of the pillars in the portico were in the shape of lilies, four
cubits [12] high. 20 On the capitals of both pillars, above the
bowl-shaped part next to the network, were the two hundred pomegranates
in rows all around. 21 He erected the pillars at the portico of the
temple. The pillar to the south he named Jakin [13] and the one to the
north Boaz. [14] 22 The capitals on top were in the shape of lilies.
And so the work on the pillars was completed.

All these objects that Huram made for King Solomon for the temple of
the LORD were of burnished bronze. 46 The king had them cast in clay
molds in the plain of the Jordan between Succoth and Zarethan. 47
Solomon left all these things unweighed, because there were so many;
the weight of the bronze was not determined.
48 Solomon also made all the furnishings that were in the LORD's

1 Kings 8

The Ark Brought to the Temple

17 "My father David had it in his heart to build a temple for the Name
of the LORD , the God of Israel. 18 But the LORD said to my father
David, 'Because it was in your heart to build a temple for my Name, you
did well to have this in your heart. 19 Nevertheless, you are not the
one to build the temple, but your son, who is your own flesh and
blood-he is the one who will build the temple for my Name.'

Solomon's Prayer of Dedication

27 "But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest
heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built! 28
Yet give attention to your servant's prayer and his plea for mercy, O
LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying
in your presence this day. 29 May your eyes be open toward this temple
night and day, this place of which you said, 'My Name shall be there,'
so that you will hear the prayer your servant prays toward this place.
30 Hear the supplication of your servant and of your people Israel when
they pray toward this place. Hear from heaven, your dwelling place, and
when you hear, forgive.

41 "As for the foreigner who does not belong to your people Israel but
has come from a distant land because of your name- 42 for men will hear
of your great name and your mighty hand and your outstretched arm-when
he comes and prays toward this temple, 43 then hear from heaven, your
dwelling place, and do whatever the foreigner asks of you, so that all
the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you, as do your
own people Israel, and may know that this house I have built bears your

1 Kings 9

The LORD Appears to Solomon

3 The LORD said to him:
"I have heard the prayer and plea you have made before me; I have
consecrated this temple, which you have built, by putting my Name there
forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

1 Corinthians 3

8The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each
will be rewarded according to his own labor. 9For we are God's fellow
workers; you are God's field, God's building.

10By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert
builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be
careful how he builds. 11For no one can lay any foundation other than
the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12If any man builds on
this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw,
13his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it
to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the
quality of each man's work. 14If what he has built survives, he will
receive his reward. 15If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he
himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.

16Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's
Spirit lives in you? 17If anyone destroys God's temple, God will
destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple.

Huram is a name used by the Chronicler for Hiram, king of Tyre. 2
Chronicles 2.3-16

Huram-abi is a name used by the Chronicler for the craftsman, Hiram. 2
Chronicles 2.13, 14; 4.11-16

2 Chronicles 2:

2:7 "Now send me a man who is skilled in working with gold, silver,
bronze, and iron, as well as purple, crimson, and violet colored
fabrics, and who knows how to engrave. He will work with my skilled
craftsmen here in Jerusalem and Judah, whom my father David provided.

2:13 Now I am sending you Huram Abi,22 a skilled and capable man, 2:14
whose mother is a Danite and whose father is a Tyrian.23 He knows how
to work with gold, silver, bronze, iron, stones, and wood, as well as
purple, violet, white, and crimson fabrics. He knows how to do all
kinds of engraving and understands any design given to him. He will
work with your skilled craftsmen and the skilled craftsmen of my lord
David your father.

It would seem a reasonable conclusion. That if, we are inclined to hold
the Egyptian foundation up as the origins of Masonic structure. Then as
with most stories, like the size of fish they change with the
proportions of time between the telling of the tale. We must recognise
that the art of reading and writing was far from easily available to
the general populous at this time frame. There would have been a great
reliance on remembrance and we all know as I said the tale changes from
telling to telling. But, most often carries with it the basics of the
original story.

We then blend into this tale the fundamentals of being able to move
around the then known world in safety and in an organised manner. If
there was already a pattern laid down, that was proven to be safe and
efficient, then it would be a realistic proposition to follow that

Are these the foundation stones of the Masonic structure? The fact,
that this system of safe travel from one ‘Lodge’ to another. The
safe movement of funds. I would point out that the Israeli Banking
system of the Middle Ages was drawn on such trust. The Knights Templer
appear to have adopted many of these practices.

Is it a simple as that? If an Idea works then, steal it.

We can speculate on the Egyptian origin, I am not sure that it is that
important to conclude this point. Other than, there was a great
upheaval in this part of the world with the Upper and Lower empires of
Egypt, fighting over the Deity. One and only True God or many Gods.
There are scholars that support the Exodus as the Israelites bringing
out of Egypt the concept of the True and Living God. The one and only
God. Omnipotent.

We just do not have available to us defining evidence to support any of
these hypothesis.

We are left with the preponderance of the evidence. All you can due is
ask of yourself how would you have decided in those circumstances.

Bill McElligott 20/02/03
Rev Carter
2006-02-06 22:02:33 UTC
This is about 80% inaccurate...

-Shaykh Reverend Roshi Carter LeBlanc the Fecund
2006-02-06 22:05:21 UTC
The Legend of Hiram

I have surfed the Waters of the Web and I have found some speculative
and some operative information. None of which has been based on
completed evidence. Other that which is a direct copy from Biblical
data or various encyclopaedias. It is for the purpose of stimulating
conversation and debate.

Of interest to the Masonic mind:-

The First T.B. opens with the statement that "the usages and customs

Freemasons have ever borne a near affinity to those of the Ancient

The Philosophers of Egypt, unwilling to expose their mysteries to
vulgar eyes,

concealed their systems of learning and polity under heiroglyphical

which were communicated only to their chief priests and wise men, who
were bound

by solemn oath never to reveal them. The system of Pythagoras was
founded upon

similar principles and maintained under the same conditions."

We might, therefore, reasonably expect that a study of the system
originated, or

adopted, by the great teacher, Pythagoras, would tend to throw some
light upon

this Masonic Craft of ours. There are four questions which we might put

ourselves in this connection:-

The Widow's Son

In 1997, Evidence was discovered, that the true symbolic origin of the
Drama of

Hiram Abiff, may have been a real life actual event. The murdered King,
or 'King

that was Lost' may have been Seqenenre Tao II of Egypt, 1554BC.

have now dated Seqenenre's rule to 1558 - 1554BC. King Seqenenre was
killed by

at least two separate, distinctively different weapons. An Axe, a
pointed iron

rod or possibly a stone maul. The placement and shapes of the skull

marks on the mummy's head are only part of the proof.

"Some of these seventeenth-century manuscripts [preserving the 'Old
Charges'] do

not refer to Hiram Abif, which has led some to believe that the
character was an

invention of this relatively recent period. However, the name Hiram
Abif was

only one designation for this central figure; he is also referred to as

Aymen, Amnon, A Man or Amen and sometimes Bennaim. It is said that Amen
is said

to be the Hebrew word for 'the trusted one' or 'the faithful one',
which fits

the role of Hiram Abif perfectly. But we also know that Amon or Amen is
the name

of the ancient creator god of Thebes, the city of Sequenere Tao II.
Could there

be an ancient linkage here?"

A Connection with the Mystery Religions

"To the initiated Builder the name Hiram Abiff signifies 'My Father,

Universal Spirit, one in essence, three in aspect.' Thus the murdered
Master is

a type of the Cosmic Martyr - the crucified Spirit of Good, the dying
god -

whose Mystery is celebrated throughout the world."

"The efforts made to discover the origin of the Hiramic legend show
that, while

the legend in its present form is comparatively modern, its underlying

principles run back to remotest antiquity. It is generally admitted by

Masonic scholars that the story of the martyred Hiram is based upon the

rites of Osiris, whose death and resurrection figuratively portrayed

spiritual death of man and his regeneration through initiation into the

Mysteries. Hiram is also identified with Hermes through the inscription
on the

Emerald Tablet."

The True King and Master of Egypt - 1554BC

In this instance the word King was exclusive. A word only used to
describe what

the Egyptians called their True King and Solar Lord. ..The Right of the

Egyptians to be 'Sons of God' and the 'Caretakers' of God's Word was
given to

them by the 'Olai', who were direct descendents of the 'Star Regents of

Atlantis'. God was called ' The Law of One' by the Atlantians.

..from the readings of Edgar Cayce

"When these Star Regents left that land, they left the rulership on the
hands of

''Caretakers', who were the 'Children of the Nephilim'. The Nephilim
are other

world beings who were from the 'fallen heaven', having created these

whom Thoth calls the 'Nomads'. They transferred the power and mysteries
to the

'Umosejhe', meaning 'caretakers', with the understanding that in the
future the

Olai would return to put into motion the spiritual birth of the
'Child', who

centuries later would incarnate in living flesh as the greatest of the

'Shepherd Kings'.

History would know this 'Child' as "Jesus Christ".

taken from.. 'New Age Bible interpretation Old Testament, Volume I', by


but because God has only 'one begotten Son', he has many other names
and faces.

This site will include those 'other' Sons.

Sequenere Tao II?

"The only reasonable explanation that we had come across regarding the

name of the Masonic hero was that Hiram meant 'noble' or 'kingly' in

while Abif has been identified as old French for 'lost one', giving a

description of 'the king that was lost'." "Masonic ritual refers to
Hiram Abif

as the 'Son of the Widow'... In Egyptian legend the first Horus was

conceived after his father's death and therefore his mother was a widow

before his conception. It seemed logical therefore that all those who

became Horus, i.e. the kings of Egypt, would also describe themselves
as 'Son of

the Widow'."

The newly installed King became the God-Man, Horus, only after he was

from the dead" in a living resurrection ceremony. The words to this
ritual were

never written on any scroll, but they were handed down, learned and

word for word. "Although there is evidence for a generic connection
between the

Craft and the Ancient Mysteries, there is no explanation of how the

might have been transmitted or how the tradition could remain hidden
through the

rigors of the Dark Ages and the probing of the Inquisition."

The King that had 'died' and had post-presently been the God Horus,
would become

the God Osiris at death providing 'the secret ritual words were spoken'
and he

was 'resurrected' to the ultimate position of being the 'God of the
Dead' and

the 'King of the Underworld'. Osiris, becoming immortal, could return
to the

earth and 'incarnate' into a mortal man. In this state he could 'teach'

people, be a 'civilizer' and 'legislator' and then return from whence
he came.

If the King-God Osiris had lived a righteous life, if he was free of
sin, he

achieved the status of being 'A MASTER in Heaven'. This consists of his

being weighed against the 'Feather of Maat'. If his soul is lighter
than the

feather, Osiris becomes a Master. As Osiris departs, Horus becomes the

God-King.. The Book of the Dead (from about 1800 BC),...reads very much
like an

oratorio. Although there is no evidence that it was actually performed,

ritual is full of theatrical elements. It describes the journey of the

brought after death by the jackal-headed god Anubis into the Hall of

where the dead man's heart is weighed against a feather. If the heart,

light by goodness, does not outweigh the feather, then the soul is

before Osiris and granted immortality. ..here Anubis checks the
accuracy of the

balance, Thoth records the results and Ammit prepares to gobble down

ladden with sin.

The Ceremony was not only secret, but preformed and known only by the
two Senior

Priests of the Temple of Amen-Re, the Sun God. The Egyptians believed
in Eternal

Life and they went to great extremes to insure that the King achieved
this. Only

the One True Living God could have taught them this. In these pages you
will see

why God chose the Egyptians to be the 'Keepers of the Word' and the

of the 'Knowledge'.

The Masonic Third Degree ceremony explains what happened that day over

years ago in the Temple at Thebes, which is now Luxor, when the True
King and

Master, Seqenenre Tao II was murdered. We concur with Knight and Lomas,

this legend becomes the story and drama of the Master Builder, Hiram

"The king-making ritual is known to have been performed in the pyramid
of Unas.

As in a Masonic temple, the ceiling of the main chamber represents the
sky with

stars in place. The commonly accepted view is that the ceremony was

on the last night of the waning moon, beginning at sunset and
continuing all

night until sunrise, the purpose being a 'living resurrection ritual'

identified the dead king with Osiris as an ascended "Master". The
picture is the

former Temple at Thebes.

The real secrets of the Egyptian king-making ceremony, which included

'raising' of Osiris, died with Seqenenre, the man Masons symbolically
refer to

as Hiram Abiff, ..."the King that was lost". 'The Grand Master'. The
'one' who

knew the 'ALL'. This has also been referred to as the reason for the
'Lost Name

of God' and the 'Lost Word'. After these words were lost, no king could

to the afterlife to be one with Osiris.

The Egyptian hieroglyphic for the morning star has the literal meaning

'divine knowledge'. This seems to support our thesis that the candidate

kingship was raised to the status of the new god/king Horus by sharing

secrets of the gods in the land of the dead, where he learned the great

before returning to Earth as the morning star broke the horizon just


"At the coronation/funeral ritual, the old king was resurrected as the
new one,

and proved himself a suitable candidate by traveling around the
perimeter of the

entire country. This was really a symbolic act as the new king was

around the temple room to show himself a worthy candidate to those

which included the god Re and his main assistant."

God's people and Israel. Bible references do not explain that there
were two

ruling factors in Egypt at the same time. However this is confirmed by

records and history. Consult 'The Second Intermediate Period of Egypt'
for the

dating of this important factor. Seqenenre Tao II is placed in the XVII

of Thebes ( 1558 - 1554 ) which directly corresponds with Apepi I
(Archlês) of

Avaris, (Heliopolis) 1581-1541 in the XV dynasty.XIII Dynasty see at
the top of

the page. However, in the XIV Dynasty of Xois or Avaris, we see an
(Aphôphis I

)with no date. This is a Greek interpretation by Manetho . Apepi is
also called

Aphôphis so he must be Aphophis I. We feel this is the correct Hyksos
ruler who

sends Insults to Seqenenre.

The man who became known as 'Israel', Abraham, was a Hyksos himself,
and a

priest from the land of Sumer. All evidence is that Abraham was a
high-born man

from Ur, in the land of Sumer. In the KJ bible, God told the father of
Abram to

go to Canaan and he gave the land of Jordan to Abram. The King of Salem

Melchizedek and he was also a High Priest of God's word and a 'chosen

Abraham becomes a High Priest following the order named after the King.
In this

priesthood, he is also 'initiated' into the mysteries. This

supports the theory that two seperate groups of people had God's
'knowledge' at

the same time.

The legend says; After the destruction of the world, these two pillars

discovered by Hermes, the son of Shem. Then the craft of masonry began

flourish, and Nimrod was one of the earliest patrons of the art.
"Abraham, the

son of Jerah, was skilled in the seven sciences and taught the
Egyptians the

science of grammar. Euclid was his pupil, and instructed them in the
art of

making mighty walls and ditches to preserve their houses from the
inundations of

the Nile, and by geometry measured out the land, and divided it into

so that each man might ascertain his own property. And he it was who

masonry the name of geometry".

One story proclaims that Abraham is to return to the land of 'his
fathers' and

regain from them the secrets God left with the 'Caretakers'. It is said

became friends with the 'Pharoah', but this aludes to the Hyksos Ruler,

Seqenenre Tao or the 'other' Thebian Royal House.. The family of

traveled to Egypt in 1780 BC. Hence the name "Shepherd Kings". The

(Egyptians ) were bound to the Hyksos in ways of Spirit beyond the
personal will

because their ancestors came from the same place.. These 'usurpers'
re-wrote the

history of Olai / Hyksos, making them enemies and conquerors of Egypt.
The full

explaination of this is on the Shepherd Kings page.

Appendix :-

—In Rabbinical Literature:

2. Artificer sent by Hiram, King of Tyre, to Solomon. He was apparently
of a mixed race; his father being a Tyrian, and his mother of the tribe
of Naphtali (I Kings vii. 13, 14) or of the tribe of Dan (II Chron. ii.
12 [A. V. 14]). The words "ḥuram abi," which terminate II Chron. ii.
11 (A. V. 13), generally translated "Huram my father's" (see No. 1),
are taken by some to be the name of the artificer; with this name
compare "Hammurabi," of which "Hiram Abi" may be a local variant or
misreading. The name is curiously used in Freemasonry. There is an
essential difference, as regards the nature of Hiram's technical
specialty, between I Kings and II Chronicles. According to the former,
Hiram was an artificer only in brass; and the pieces which he executed
for the Temple were the two pillars Jachin and Boaz,

Bible text:

Chron. ii. 13 [14] it is said that Hiram was "skilful to work in gold,
and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple,
in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson; also to grave any manner of
graving." Thus he seems to have superintended all the work of the
Temple. Josephus says ("Ant." viii. 3, § 4) that Hiram's father was Ur
of the stock of the Israelites, that he was skilful in all sorts of
work, but that his chief skill lay in working in gold, silver, and
brass. Josephus apparently interprets the words "ish ẓori" to mean a
man who lived in Tyre, and the name of "Ur" probably originated in the
confusion between "Hiram" and "Bezaleel." In I Kings vii. 40 (A. V.
margin) the form "Hirom" ( ) occurs.E.

1 Kings 7

The Temple's Furnishings
13 King Solomon sent to Tyre and brought Huram, [7] 14 whose mother was
a widow from the tribe of Naphtali and whose father was a man of Tyre
and a craftsman in bronze. Huram was highly skilled and experienced in
all kinds of bronze work. He came to King Solomon and did all the work
assigned to him.
15 He cast two bronze pillars, each eighteen cubits high and twelve
cubits around, [8] by line. 16 He also made two capitals of cast bronze
to set on the tops of the pillars; each capital was five cubits [9]
high. 17 A network of interwoven chains festooned the capitals on top
of the pillars, seven for each capital. 18 He made pomegranates in two
rows [10] encircling each network to decorate the capitals on top of
the pillars. [11] He did the same for each capital. 19 The capitals on
top of the pillars in the portico were in the shape of lilies, four
cubits [12] high. 20 On the capitals of both pillars, above the
bowl-shaped part next to the network, were the two hundred pomegranates
in rows all around. 21 He erected the pillars at the portico of the
temple. The pillar to the south he named Jakin [13] and the one to the
north Boaz. [14] 22 The capitals on top were in the shape of lilies.
And so the work on the pillars was completed.

All these objects that Huram made for King Solomon for the temple of
the LORD were of burnished bronze. 46 The king had them cast in clay
molds in the plain of the Jordan between Succoth and Zarethan. 47
Solomon left all these things unweighed, because there were so many;
the weight of the bronze was not determined.
48 Solomon also made all the furnishings that were in the LORD's

1 Kings 8

The Ark Brought to the Temple

17 "My father David had it in his heart to build a temple for the Name
of the LORD , the God of Israel. 18 But the LORD said to my father
David, 'Because it was in your heart to build a temple for my Name, you
did well to have this in your heart. 19 Nevertheless, you are not the
one to build the temple, but your son, who is your own flesh and
blood-he is the one who will build the temple for my Name.'

Solomon's Prayer of Dedication

27 "But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest
heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built! 28
Yet give attention to your servant's prayer and his plea for mercy, O
LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying
in your presence this day. 29 May your eyes be open toward this temple
night and day, this place of which you said, 'My Name shall be there,'
so that you will hear the prayer your servant prays toward this place.
30 Hear the supplication of your servant and of your people Israel when
they pray toward this place. Hear from heaven, your dwelling place, and
when you hear, forgive.

41 "As for the foreigner who does not belong to your people Israel but
has come from a distant land because of your name- 42 for men will hear
of your great name and your mighty hand and your outstretched arm-when
he comes and prays toward this temple, 43 then hear from heaven, your
dwelling place, and do whatever the foreigner asks of you, so that all
the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you, as do your
own people Israel, and may know that this house I have built bears your

1 Kings 9

The LORD Appears to Solomon

3 The LORD said to him:
"I have heard the prayer and plea you have made before me; I have
consecrated this temple, which you have built, by putting my Name there
forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

1 Corinthians 3

8The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each
will be rewarded according to his own labor. 9For we are God's fellow
workers; you are God's field, God's building.

10By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert
builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be
careful how he builds. 11For no one can lay any foundation other than
the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12If any man builds on
this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw,
13his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it
to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the
quality of each man's work. 14If what he has built survives, he will
receive his reward. 15If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he
himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.

16Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's
Spirit lives in you? 17If anyone destroys God's temple, God will
destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple.

Huram is a name used by the Chronicler for Hiram, king of Tyre. 2
Chronicles 2.3-16

Huram-abi is a name used by the Chronicler for the craftsman, Hiram. 2
Chronicles 2.13, 14; 4.11-16

2 Chronicles 2:

2:7 "Now send me a man who is skilled in working with gold, silver,
bronze, and iron, as well as purple, crimson, and violet colored
fabrics, and who knows how to engrave. He will work with my skilled
craftsmen here in Jerusalem and Judah, whom my father David provided.

2:13 Now I am sending you Huram Abi,22 a skilled and capable man, 2:14
whose mother is a Danite and whose father is a Tyrian.23 He knows how
to work with gold, silver, bronze, iron, stones, and wood, as well as
purple, violet, white, and crimson fabrics. He knows how to do all
kinds of engraving and understands any design given to him. He will
work with your skilled craftsmen and the skilled craftsmen of my lord
David your father.

It would seem a reasonable conclusion. That if, we are inclined to hold
the Egyptian foundation up as the origins of Masonic structure. Then as
with most stories, like the size of fish they change with the
proportions of time between the telling of the tale. We must recognise
that the art of reading and writing was far from easily available to
the general populous at this time frame. There would have been a great
reliance on remembrance and we all know as I said the tale changes from
telling to telling. But, most often carries with it the basics of the
original story.

We then blend into this tale the fundamentals of being able to move
around the then known world in safety and in an organised manner. If
there was already a pattern laid down, that was proven to be safe and
efficient, then it would be a realistic proposition to follow that

Are these the foundation stones of the Masonic structure? The fact,
that this system of safe travel from one ‘Lodge’ to another. The
safe movement of funds. I would point out that the Israeli Banking
system of the Middle Ages was drawn on such trust. The Knights Templer
appear to have adopted many of these practices.

Is it a simple as that? If an Idea works then, steal it.

We can speculate on the Egyptian origin, I am not sure that it is that
important to conclude this point. Other than, there was a great
upheaval in this part of the world with the Upper and Lower empires of
Egypt, fighting over the Deity. One and only True God or many Gods.
There are scholars that support the Exodus as the Israelites bringing
out of Egypt the concept of the True and Living God. The one and only
God. Omnipotent.

We just do not have available to us defining evidence to support any of
these hypothesis.

We are left with the preponderance of the evidence. All you can due is
ask of yourself how would you have decided in those circumstances.

Bill McElligott 20/02/03
Rev Carter
2006-02-06 22:07:50 UTC
This is STILL about 80% inaccurate...

-Shaykh Reverend Roshi Carter LeBlanc the Fecund
2006-02-06 22:10:31 UTC
Talk:Hiram Abif
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An anonymous user created the article Hiram abif. I changed into a
redirect to this article, and thought I would post the contents of that
article here. It reads like rambling nonsense, but here it is:

Hiram Abif is the legendary king of the bible who was killed because he
refused to reveal the holy secrets with which he was entrusted. He is
an important figure in freemasonry because the secrets he protected
have become part of the knowledge of the freemasons. His real persona
is probably that of a Saite period pharoah, who was killed by
dissidents (often cryptically refered to as the juwes) under the
command of the Hyskos king Apophis.

Having been assaulted in the Temple by three assailants he was asked
would he reveal the secrets entrusted to him. He replied 'no, as i
cannot reveal the secrets without the other two people who know them
present'. They killed him and buried him under an acacia. He was found
by his followers and may have been buried close to the holy centre of
the Temple of Jerusalem (as close as religion allowed, because bodys
are usually treifah), and a new magic word (the name of the lord?) was
invented to replace the secrets.

Gareth Hughes 14:54, 23 Feb 2005 (UTC)

This is not necessarily all rambling nonsense, as it is widely believed
that Hiram Abif and Theban King Seqenenre Tao II are one and the same.
This research presented by authors and freemasons Christopher Knight
and Robert Lomas in their nonfiction The Hiram Key. Also, for
clarification, let it be known that I am not the anonymous creator.

John Hundley 15:30, 20 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Some source references would be most welcome for this article.
--Pjacobi 22:03, 2005 Mar 20 (UTC)

Hiram Abiff
Source references won't be forthcoming, for starters the author of this
article can't accurately spell 'Abif', let alone string together a
coherent sentence of fact. It seems to be some of the generic spouting
of anti-mason crowds on 'teh interwebz' per se. Hiram Abif was never
once thought to be King Hiram in any way, shape, or form. Just because
he isn't mentioned in the bible doesn't mean he must be the King, it
means he musn't have been notable for the old testament or moreso
predated the old testament and had nothing to do with Solomons Temple.

Congratulations to John Hundley for hitting the nail on the head, there
is enough supporting evidence that Hiram Abif is the embodiment of King
Seqenenre Tao II who was slaughtered by the 'juwes' (Jubela being the
high priest who was buried alive with him, although the fact the Hyksos
were invading ancient Egypt at the time (proto-jews before Moses) and
subsequently destroyed it, the juwes is an abbreviation of the names of
the assasins, not 'jews').

I'd like to see this article actually under the name Hiram Abif, you
don't see any George Bushh entries, or Jesus Chrisst. :)

-- Jachin 11:33 24/05/2005 (AEST)

It probably should be moved, but you made at least two errors above.
For one thing, "Hiram Abif was never once thought to be King Hiram in
any way, shape, or form" is simply false. The 1879 Freemason book The
Book of the Words by Albert Pike specifically says the two figures are
the same individual. Also, the term "Juwes" so far has not been located
in a genuine historical Freemason reference and first appears in a book
specifically trying to link the group to the Jack the Rippre murders
(where Graffiti was found containing the letters "Juwes"). It makes no
sense as an abbreviation for three characters that do not have a W in
their names and seems calculated to try to spuriously link them to a
scandalous series of brutal killings. The rest I don't know enough
about to comment on. DreamGuy 07:43, May 24, 2005 (UTC)
Albert Pike was prone to a lot of speculation, some was based on fact,
some based on flights of fancy. That's based on the actuality that
Hiram Abif existed or furthermore existed in the role that he is placed
and not just another parable or yarn where chinese whispers syndrome or
name-cover ups over time have taken it's toll.
But you're correct on the Juwes reference, did a bit of reading up,
seems to have originated from Stephen Knight if memory serves
correctly. -- Jachin 13:41, 10 Jun 2005 (UTC)
I'm not saying Pike was right, I am saying your claim that nobody ever
suggested it was wrong. Considering how influential his writings were,
a great number of people in Freemasonry undoubtedly believed him. Many
today probably still do. We also don't know that he originated the
idea, as it may have been current before that. You might consider it
speculative, but it is still a referenced, expert source contradicting
your earlier claim. DreamGuy 17:26, Jun 10, 2005 (UTC)
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Hiram_Abif"
Rev Carter
2006-02-06 22:21:37 UTC
"It reads like rambling nonsense"

We're used to it by now...

-Rev Carter
2006-02-06 22:31:11 UTC
hiram abiff was murdered by the freemason which could answer why the
phony nam hiram abiff.

In 1997, Evidence was discovered, that the true symbolic origin of the
Drama of
Hiram Abiff, may have been a real life actual event. The murdered King,
or 'King
that was Lost' may have been Seqenenre Tao II of Egypt, 1554BC.
have now dated Seqenenre's rule to 1558 - 1554BC. King Seqenenre was
killed by
at least two separate, distinctively different weapons. An Axe, a
pointed iron
rod or possibly a stone maul. The placement and shapes of the skull
marks on the mummy's head are only part of the proof.
"Some of these seventeenth-century manuscripts [preserving the 'Old
Charges'] do
not refer to Hiram Abif, which has led some to believe that the
character was an
invention of this relatively recent period. However, the name Hiram
Abif was
only one designation for this central figure; he is also referred to as
Aymen, Amnon, A Man or Amen and sometimes Bennaim. It is said that Amen
is said
to be the Hebrew word for 'the trusted one' or 'the faithful one',
which fits
the role of Hiram Abif perfectly. But we also know that Amon or Amen is
the name
of the ancient creator god of Thebes, the city of Sequenere Tao II.
Could there
be an ancient linkage here?"

2. A Connection with the Mystery Religions?

"To the initiated Builder the name Hiram Abiff signifies 'My Father,
Universal Spirit, one in essence, three in aspect.' Thus the murdered
Master is
a type of the Cosmic Martyr - the crucified Spirit of Good, the dying
god -
whose Mystery is celebrated throughout the world."
"The efforts made to discover the origin of the Hiramic legend show
that, while
the legend in its present form is comparatively modern, its underlying
principles run back to remotest antiquity. It is generally admitted by
Masonic scholars that the story of the martyred Hiram is based upon the
rites of Osiris, whose death and resurrection figuratively portrayed
spiritual death of man and his regeneration through initiation into the

Mysteries. Hiram is also identified with Hermes through the inscription
on the
Emerald Tablet."

3. Who was the True King and Master of Egypt - 1554BC ?

In this instance the word King was exclusive. A word only used to
describe what
the Egyptians called their True King and Solar Lord. ..The Right of the

Egyptians to be 'Sons of God' and the 'Caretakers' of God's Word was
given to
them by the 'Olai', who were direct descendents of the 'Star Regents of

Atlantis'. God was called ' The Law of One' by the Atlantians.
..from the readings of Edgar Cayce
"When these Star Regents left that land, they left the rulership on the
hands of
''Caretakers', who were the 'Children of the Nephilim'. The Nephilim
are other
world beings who were from the 'fallen heaven', having created these
whom Thoth calls the 'Nomads'. They transferred the power and mysteries
to the
'Umosejhe', meaning 'caretakers', with the understanding that in the
future the
Olai would return to put into motion the spiritual birth of the
'Child', who
centuries later would incarnate in living flesh as the greatest of the
'Shepherd Kings'.
History would know this 'Child' as "Jesus Christ", but because God has
only 'one begotten Son', he has many other names and faces.

4. Sequenere Tao II?

"The only reasonable explanation that we had come across regarding the
name of the Masonic hero was that Hiram meant 'noble' or 'kingly' in
while Abif has been identified as old French for 'lost one', giving a
description of 'the king that was lost'." "Masonic ritual refers to
Hiram Abif
as the 'Son of the Widow'... In Egyptian legend the first Horus was
conceived after his father's death and therefore his mother was a widow
before his conception. It seemed logical therefore that all those who
became Horus, i.e. the kings of Egypt, would also describe themselves
as 'Son of
the Widow'."

The newly installed King became the God-Man, Horus, only after he was
from the dead" in a living resurrection ceremony. The words to this
ritual were
never written on any scroll, but they were handed down, learned and
word for word. "Although there is evidence for a generic connection
between the
Craft and the Ancient Mysteries, there is no explanation of how the
might have been transmitted or how the tradition could remain hidden
through the
rigors of the Dark Ages and the probing of the Inquisition."

The King that had 'died' and had post-presently been the God Horus,
would become
the God Osiris at death providing 'the secret ritual words were spoken'
and he
was 'resurrected' to the ultimate position of being the 'God of the
Dead' and
the 'King of the Underworld'. Osiris, becoming immortal, could return
to the
earth and 'incarnate' into a mortal man. In this state he could 'teach'
people, be a 'civilizer' and 'legislator' and then return from whence
he came.
If the King-God Osiris had lived a righteous life, if he was free of
sin, he
achieved the status of being 'A MASTER in Heaven'. This consists of his
being weighed against the 'Feather of Maat'. If his soul is lighter
than the
feather, Osiris becomes a Master. As Osiris departs, Horus becomes the
God-King.. The Book of the Dead (from about 1800 BC),...reads very much
like an
oratorio. Although there is no evidence that it was actually performed,
ritual is full of theatrical elements. It describes the journey of the
brought after death by the jackal-headed god Anubis into the Hall of
where the dead man's heart is weighed against a feather. If the heart,
light by goodness, does not outweigh the feather, then the soul is
before Osiris and granted immortality. ..here Anubis checks the
accuracy of the
balance, Thoth records the results and Ammit prepares to gobble down
ladden with sin.

The Ceremony was not only secret, but preformed and known only by the
two Senior
Priests of the Temple of Amen-Re, the Sun God. The Egyptians believed
in Eternal
Life and they went to great extremes to insure that the King achieved
this. Only
the One True Living God could have taught them this. In these pages you
will see
why God chose the Egyptians to be the 'Keepers of the Word' and the
of the 'Knowledge'.
The Masonic Third Degree ceremony explains what happened that day over
years ago in the Temple at Thebes, which is now Luxor, when the True
King and
Master, Seqenenre Tao II was murdered. We concur with Knight and Lomas,
this legend becomes the story and drama of the Master Builder, Hiram

"The king-making ritual is known to have been performed in the pyramid
of Unas.
As in a Masonic temple, the ceiling of the main chamber represents the
sky with
stars in place. The commonly accepted view is that the ceremony was
on the last night of the waning moon, beginning at sunset and
continuing all
night until sunrise, the purpose being a 'living resurrection ritual'
identified the dead king with Osiris as an ascended "Master". The
picture is the
former Temple at Thebes.
The real secrets of the Egyptian king-making ceremony, which included
'raising' of Osiris, died with Seqenenre, the man Masons symbolically
refer to
as Hiram Abiff, ..."the King that was lost". 'The Grand Master'. The
'one' who
knew the 'ALL'. This has also been referred to as the reason for the
'Lost Name
of God' and the 'Lost Word'. After these words were lost, no king could
to the afterlife to be one with Osiris.

The Egyptian hieroglyphic for the morning star has the literal meaning
'divine knowledge'. This seems to support our thesis that the candidate
kingship was raised to the status of the new god/king Horus by sharing
secrets of the gods in the land of the dead, where he learned the great
before returning to Earth as the morning star broke the horizon just
"At the coronation/funeral ritual, the old king was resurrected as the
new one,
and proved himself a suitable candidate by traveling around the
perimeter of the
entire country. This was really a symbolic act as the new king was
around the temple room to show himself a worthy candidate to those
which included the god Re and his main assistant."

God's people and Israel. Bible references do not explain that there
were two
ruling factors in Egypt at the same time. However this is confirmed by
records and history. Consult 'The Second Intermediate Period of Egypt'
for the
dating of this important factor. Seqenenre Tao II is placed in the XVII
of Thebes ( 1558 - 1554 ) which directly corresponds with Apepi I
(Archlês) of
Avaris, (Heliopolis) 1581-1541 in the XV dynasty.XIII Dynasty see at
the top of
the page. However, in the XIV Dynasty of Xois or Avaris, we see an
(Aphôphis I
)with no date. This is a Greek interpretation by Manetho . Apepi is
also called
Aphôphis so he must be Aphophis I. We feel this is the correct Hyksos
ruler who
sends Insults to Seqenenre.
The man who became known as 'Israel', Abraham, was a Hyksos himself,
and a
priest from the land of Sumer. All evidence is that Abraham was a
high-born man
from Ur, in the land of Sumer. In the KJ bible, God told the father of
Abram to
go to Canaan and he gave the land of Jordan to Abram. The King of Salem
Melchizedek and he was also a High Priest of God's word and a 'chosen
Abraham becomes a High Priest following the order named after the King.
In this
priesthood, he is also 'initiated' into the mysteries. This
supports the theory that two seperate groups of people had God's
'knowledge' at
the same time.

The legend says; After the destruction of the world, these two pillars
discovered by Hermes, the son of Shem. Then the craft of masonry began
flourish, and Nimrod was one of the earliest patrons of the art.
"Abraham, the
son of Jerah, was skilled in the seven sciences and taught the
Egyptians the
science of grammar. Euclid was his pupil, and instructed them in the
art of
making mighty walls and ditches to preserve their houses from the
inundations of
the Nile, and by geometry measured out the land, and divided it into
so that each man might ascertain his own property. And he it was who
masonry the name of geometry".
One story proclaims that Abraham is to return to the land of 'his
fathers' and
regain from them the secrets God left with the 'Caretakers'. It is said
became friends with the 'Pharoah', but this aludes to the Hyksos Ruler,
Seqenenre Tao or the 'other' Thebian Royal House.. The family of
traveled to Egypt in 1780 BC. Hence the name "Shepherd Kings". The
(Egyptians ) were bound to the Hyksos in ways of Spirit beyond the
personal will
because their ancestors came from the same place.. These 'usurpers'
re-wrote the
history of Olai / Hyksos, making them enemies and conquerors of Egypt.

Now, I would like to present you some Bible texts with certain masonic

Chron. ii. 13 [14] it is said that Hiram was "skilful to work in gold,
and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple,
in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson; also to grave any manner of
graving." Thus he seems to have superintended all the work of the
Temple. Josephus says ("Ant." viii. 3, § 4) that Hiram's father was Ur
of the stock of the Israelites, that he was skilful in all sorts of
work, but that his chief skill lay in working in gold, silver, and
brass. Josephus apparently interprets the words "ish ẓori" to mean a
man who lived in Tyre, and the name of "Ur" probably originated in the
confusion between "Hiram" and "Bezaleel." In I Kings vii. 40 (A. V.
margin) the form "Hirom" ( ) occurs.E.

1 Kings 7

The Temple's Furnishings
13 King Solomon sent to Tyre and brought Huram, [7] 14 whose mother was
a widow from the tribe of Naphtali and whose father was a man of Tyre
and a craftsman in bronze. Huram was highly skilled and experienced in
all kinds of bronze work. He came to King Solomon and did all the work
assigned to him.
15 He cast two bronze pillars, each eighteen cubits high and twelve
cubits around, [8] by line. 16 He also made two capitals of cast bronze
to set on the tops of the pillars; each capital was five cubits [9]
high. 17 A network of interwoven chains festooned the capitals on top
of the pillars, seven for each capital. 18 He made pomegranates in two
rows [1 encircling each network to decorate the capitals on top of the
pillars. [11] He did the same for each capital. 19 The capitals on top
of the pillars in the portico were in the shape of lilies, four cubits
[12] high. 20 On the capitals of both pillars, above the bowl-shaped
part next to the network, were the two hundred pomegranates in rows all
around. 21 He erected the pillars at the portico of the temple. The
pillar to the south he named Jakin [13] and the one to the north Boaz.
[14] 22 The capitals on top were in the shape of lilies. And so the
work on the pillars was completed.

All these objects that Huram made for King Solomon for the temple of
the LORD were of burnished bronze. 46 The king had them cast in clay
molds in the plain of the Jordan between Succoth and Zarethan. 47
Solomon left all these things unweighed, because there were so many;
the weight of the bronze was not determined.
48 Solomon also made all the furnishings that were in the LORD's

1 Kings 8

The Ark Brought to the Temple

17 "My father David had it in his heart to build a temple for the Name
of the LORD , the God of Israel. 18 But the LORD said to my father
David, 'Because it was in your heart to build a temple for my Name, you
did well to have this in your heart. 19 Nevertheless, you are not the
one to build the temple, but your son, who is your own flesh and
blood-he is the one who will build the temple for my Name.'

Solomon's Prayer of Dedication

27 "But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest
heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built! 28
Yet give attention to your servant's prayer and his plea for mercy, O
LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying
in your presence this day. 29 May your eyes be open toward this temple
night and day, this place of which you said, 'My Name shall be there,'
so that you will hear the prayer your servant prays toward this place.
30 Hear the supplication of your servant and of your people Israel when
they pray toward this place. Hear from heaven, your dwelling place, and
when you hear, forgive.

41 "As for the foreigner who does not belong to your people Israel but
has come from a distant land because of your name- 42 for men will hear
of your great name and your mighty hand and your outstretched arm-when
he comes and prays toward this temple, 43 then hear from heaven, your
dwelling place, and do whatever the foreigner asks of you, so that all
the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you, as do your
own people Israel, and may know that this house I have built bears your

1 Kings 9

The LORD Appears to Solomon
3 The LORD said to him:
"I have heard the prayer and plea you have made before me; I have
consecrated this temple, which you have built, by putting my Name there
forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

1 Corinthians 3

8The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each
will be rewarded according to his own labor. 9For we are God's fellow
workers; you are God's field, God's building.
10By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert
builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be
careful how he builds. 11For no one can lay any foundation other than
the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12If any man builds on
this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw,
13his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it
to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the
quality of each man's work. 14If what he has built survives, he will
receive his reward. 15If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he
himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.
16Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's
Spirit lives in you? 17If anyone destroys God's temple, God will
destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple.

Huram is a name used by the Chronicler for Hiram, king of Tyre. 2
Chronicles 2.3-16
Huram-abi is a name used by the Chronicler for the craftsman, Hiram. 2
Chronicles 2.13, 14; 4.11-16

2 Chronicles 2:
2:7 "Now send me a man who is skilled in working with gold, silver,
bronze, and iron, as well as purple, crimson, and violet colored
fabrics, and who knows how to engrave. He will work with my skilled
craftsmen here in Jerusalem and Judah, whom my father David provided.

2:13 Now I am sending you Huram Abi,22 a skilled and capable man, 2:14
whose mother is a Danite and whose father is a Tyrian.23 He knows how
to work with gold, silver, bronze, iron, stones, and wood, as well as
purple, violet, white, and crimson fabrics. He knows how to do all
kinds of engraving and understands any design given to him. He will
work with your skilled craftsmen and the skilled craftsmen of my lord
David your father.

It would seem a reasonable conclusion. That if, we are inclined to hold
the Egyptian foundation up as the origins of Masonic structure. Then as
with most stories, like the size of fish they change with the
proportions of time between the telling of the tale. We must recognise
that the art of reading and writing was far from easily available to
the general populous at this time frame. There would have been a great
reliance on remembrance and we all know as I said the tale changes from
telling to telling. But, most often carries with it the basics of the
original story.

We then blend into this tale the fundamentals of being able to move
around the then known world in safety and in an organised manner. If
there was already a pattern laid down, that was proven to be safe and
efficient, then it would be a realistic proposition to follow that

Are these the foundation stones of the Masonic structure? The fact,
that this system of safe travel from one ‘Lodge’ to another. The
safe movement of funds. I would point out that the Israeli Banking
system of the Middle Ages was drawn on such trust. The Knights Templer
appear to have adopted many of these practices.

It is as simple as that. If an Idea works then, borrow it.

We can speculate on the Egyptian origin, I am not sure that it is that
important to conclude this point. Other than, there was a great
upheaval in this part of the world with the Upper and Lower empires of
Egypt, fighting over the Deity. One and only True God or many Gods.
There are scholars that support the Exodus as the Israelites bringing
out of Egypt the concept of the True and Living God. The one and only
God. Omnipotent.

We just do not have available to us defining evidence to support any of
these hypothesis.

We are left with the preponderance of the evidence. All you can due is
ask of yourself how would you have decided in those circumstances.

Many thanks once again for your worm greetings.

Rozicrucian Knight,

P.S.: Please excuse my mistakes, I am still learning English.
2006-02-07 00:31:26 UTC
Post by teslacoils2006
hiram abiff was murdered by the freemason which could answer why the
phony nam hiram abiff.
You would have to fly to another galaxy to find something of less
interest to anybody in their right mind.

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
`Though she was many years the younger, she seemed by
her manner to be the older of the pair -- that is, if
age could be measured by suspicion.' -- Duncan McGeary, Snowcastles
2006-02-06 22:11:47 UTC
teslacoils posted:

The same exact thing, the first at 4:56 PM EST and the second at 5:05
It would appear that nothing of any consequence passed through his mind
in 9
minutes and, seeking attention from anyone, reposted the exact same
thing to
the same two newsgroups. Too bad he doesn't have a life.
2006-02-06 22:13:02 UTC
how do you acount for yours

why do you monitor me?
2006-02-06 22:15:12 UTC
my posts were cancelled so i repost in defiance then they are thrown in
all at once

i amagine i can find a few witnesses that have gone through the same
thing should you decide to press me further on the issue.
Rev Carter
2006-02-06 22:32:14 UTC
If by "cancelled" you mean "delayed" because you posted them at around
the time when the entire east coast gets home from work and logs onto
the net to google "white trash twin porn" or check their gmail then

If you think that being robbed of the instant gratification that you
seem to derive from cross posting other peoples material with your
"name" at the top is concurrent with the fremasonic new world order
delaying your post in order to check for dangerously revealing


then you're exactly the sort of person i assumed you were at the start.

Ia ia! Cthulhu fthagn! Beeyatch.

-Rev Carter
2006-02-07 00:35:18 UTC
2006-02-07 00:38:05 UTC
If you think that being robbed of the instant gratification that you
seem to derive from cross posting other peoples material with your
"name" at the top is concurrent with the fremasonic new world order
delaying your post in order to check for dangerously revealing


you can never rob me of my gratification nenslo you are not intelligent
enough .....no freemason is
Rob Sandilands
2006-02-07 07:08:10 UTC
Post by teslacoils2006
my posts were cancelled so i repost in defiance then they are thrown in
all at once
i amagine i can find a few witnesses that have gone through the same
thing should you decide to press me further on the issue.
... you know, this delay between posting and messages actually appearing
could be solved if we could only get the gnomes we use to monitor
people's messages to breed a little faster ... maybe we need to expand
the gnome hutch that's part of the Denver Airport complex ...
Rob Sandilands PM
Warwick Lodge No 160 UGLQ

'I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it!'
2006-02-06 22:21:20 UTC
Post by KIV11
The same exact thing, the first at 4:56 PM EST and the second at 5:05
It would appear that nothing of any consequence passed through his mind
in 9
minutes and, seeking attention from anyone, reposted the exact same
thing to
the same two newsgroups. Too bad he doesn't have a life.
has no life but doesn't have the sense to die, either.
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
"If any form of pleasure is exhibited,
report to me and it will be prohibited!
I'll put my foot down, so shall it be!
This is the land of the free!"
~ Pres. George W. Bush
2006-02-06 20:38:11 UTC
Post by teslacoils2006
The Legend of Hiram
Post by teslacoils2006
Bill McElligott 20/02/03
Rob Sandilands
2006-02-07 07:09:35 UTC
Post by nenslo
Post by teslacoils2006
The Legend of Hiram
Post by teslacoils2006
Bill McElligott 20/02/03
... that's as it may be ... but his cut and paste skills are highly
developed ...
Rob Sandilands PM
Warwick Lodge No 160 UGLQ

'I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it!'
Leonardo Redaelli
2019-10-03 19:52:47 UTC
maybe you should better treat your slaves when breeding them
Date: Friday, 29 April 2005, 4:17 p.m.
The rule of thumb that the programmers/handlers go by is that they will
say anything to get the job done. A CIA handler will tell his agent in
the field whatever will work to get the field agent's cooperation on
a mission. There is no height nor breadth nor length to these
people's deception. They have successfully kept some deceptions
active for decades, if not for centuries.
The history behind the Wizard of Oz programming is interesting. It
suggests that the Wizard of Oz has had an important part in the occult
world all along. One of the secrets of the Mystery Religions,
especially the Egyptian Isis mystery religion was the ability to use
drugs and torture to create multiple personalities. The word Oz is
known to have been used by its author as an abbreviation for Osirus.
Monarch victims have the "golden penis of Osirus" placed into them.
The Grimm brothers, who were cabalistic jews, gathered the folk occult
stories together. Their stories are full of spells, trances, and drugs.
Sleeping Beauty is put to sleep, and the trigger to wake her is a kiss
on the lips. These are serious hints that the occult world didn't
stop programming people with dissociative states and triggers when the
ancient Egyptian empires fell. Instead of using modern lingo such as
"hypnotize", they would say "cast a spell." Later in
Freemasonry, the Right Worshipful Master would "charge" (meaning
hypnotize) an initiate. The occultist Baum, a member of the
Theosophical Society, was inspired by some spirit who gave him the
"magic key" to write the Wizard of Oz book, which came out in 1900.
The book's story is full of satanic activity and satanic thinking.
The story was chosen in the late 1940s to be the basis for the
Illuminati/Intelligence community's trauma-based total mind control
programming. As a way of enhancing the effect of the programming,
Monarch slaves are conditioned to place trigger items into their lives.
When the movie was made, Judy Garland, who had lived a life touched by
the occult world's abuse, was chosen to act as Dorothy. Judy's
later husband, Mickey De Vinko was a satanist and the chief assistant
to Roy Radin, a rich satanist who worked with the Illuminati, and who
controlled the "Process church" covens which had as members mass
murderers Berkowitz and Monarch slave Charlie Manson. There are several
members of the Carr family, who are also tied into both De Vinko and
Radin's Process Church and the Illuminati. With the numerous long
term connections between the Wizard of Oz books, and movie to the
highest levels of the occult world, it is not without reason that one
can theorize that the original series of 14 Oz books had an ulterior
motive behind them. The 14 books of the Oz series are: 1) The Wizard of
Oz, 2) The Land of Oz, 3) Ozma of Oz, 4) Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz,
5) The Road to Oz, 6) The Emerald City of Oz, 7) The Patchwork Girl of
Oz, Tik-tok of Oz, 9) The Scarecrow of Oz, 10) Rinkitink in Oz, 11)
The Lost Princess of Oz, 12) The Tinman Woodsman of Oz, 13) The Magic
of Oz, 14) Glinda of Oz. These books are still being sold, and are
being read to children who are being programmed with trauma-based total
mind control. The 14 books came out in various editions. The originals
came out in 1900 and shortly thereafter. In the 1930s, the 1940's,
and the 1950's the words were retype set and given different pages.
(When working with a survivor it might help to identify what decade the
edition the slave was programmed with, because the pictures and the
page numbers varied from edition to edition.) Of course, having good
pictures is an asset in programming, because the child will visualize
off of the pictures when building its internal world. In addition to
this, large Wizard of Oz theme parks are being built by the Illuminati
to provide places to carry out programming and to reinforce the
programming which traps the minds of Monarch slaves. The best example
of this, is the audacious MGM Grand complex in Las Vegas, although
other theme parks around America also use a Wizard of Oz theme. If you
have read Fritz Springmeier's Be Wise As Serpents you will know how
the Theosophical Society ties in with Freemasonry, Satanism, and Lucis
Got some ideas you'd like to add to this line of thinking? If so...
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Messages In This Thread
APHRODITE -- Friday, 29 April 2005, 4:17 p.m.
NOT MY WIZARD OF OZ, YOU DON'T!!!! (views: 571)
Esclarmonde -- Friday, 29 April 2005, 6:43 p.m.
Esclarmonde -- Friday, 29 April 2005, 7:48 p.m.
APHRODITE -- Friday, 29 April 2005, 9:01 p.m.
Esclarmonde -- Friday, 29 April 2005, 11:34 p.m.
Callisto -- Sunday, 1 May 2005, 6:59 a.m.
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Posts: 118
(12/16/05 12:32 pm)
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Re: Project Monarch Mind Control
The Illuminate Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control
By Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
Web posted at: www.geocities.com/truthwalker2003/
[Newsflash: Dr. Martin T. Orne, 72, died of cancer on February 11, 2000
in Pennsylvania. He was one of the founders and a Board member of the
FMSF (False Memory Syndrome Foundation, or better the False Memory
Spin-drome). In the sixties, he was an MKULTRA consultant and received
research moneys from the Institute of Human Ecology and another
CIA-funding organization.]
One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming
was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The
Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes
this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to
generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists
off, that knowledge can be passed genetically.
The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a
Master race in part through genetics. If knowledge can be passed
genetically, then it is important that parents be found that can pass
the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch
mind-control. The primary important factor for the trauma-based
mind-control is the ability to disassociate.
It was discovered that this ability is passed genetically from
generation to generation. American Indian tribes (who had traumatic
ritual dances and who would wait motionless for hours when hunting),
children of Fakirs in India (who would sleep on a bed of nails or walk
on hot coals), children of Yogis (those skilled in Yoga, who would have
total control over their body in trance), Tibetan buddhists, children
of Vodoun, Bizango and other groups have a good ability to
disassociate. The children of multigenerational abuse are also good at
dissociation. The Illuminati families and European occultists went to
India and Tibet to study occultism and eastern philosophy. These
Europeans learned yoga, tantric yoga, meditations, trances and other
methods to disassociate. These skills are passed on to their children
via genetics. A test is run when the children are about 18 months old
to determine if they can dissociate enough to be selected for
programming or not.
Mind-controlled slaves are created for different purposes: hierarchy or
non-hierarchy purposes
The Illuminati create mind-controlled slaves who are to function within
the Illuminati hierarchy. These slaves will usually have their
genealogies hidden, and will be created to have excellent cover lives
to insure that they are not detected. They will be given
multifunctional programming, and will usually be used to help program
other slaves. The abuse will not be as physically visible as it will be
on the bodies of slaves who are not born to be part of the Illuminati
elite. Members of Moriah's (Moriah = the Illuminati) Luciferian elite
will have undergone as much trauma as other slaves, however the torture
scars and the control are better concealed. These children will often
receive lavish experiences as well as talks to convince them that they
are part of the elite. (By the way, body scars will show up better
under black light, that is the same black light as used in clubs.)
The Illuminati and other organizations have also programmed individuals
who are simply expendable. These are sex slaves who are used up and
killed very early in life, one-time use as saboteurs, breeders,
soldiers, drug couriers and so forth. The bodies of these people will
often show visible torture scars. The expendable are the children of
parents who were blackmailed into turning their children over to the
CIA. This is all hidden by the power of the National Security Act.
These are children, who have been sold by pedophile fathers, or
pornographic parents. The programmers/masters program them with the
expectation that they will be "thrown from the freedom train" when
they get to age 30. (Freedom Train is the code word for the Monarch
trauma-based mind-control. To be thrown from the Freedom Train means to
be killed.) The CIA and the Illuminati are skilled at blackmailing
parents to give up their children. They would watch the mail for porn.
Pedophile and murderers who abuse their children are warned that they
will go to prison for long lengths of time if they do not cooperate by
selling their children into mind-controlled slavery.
In return for the parent's cooperation, they provide rich financial
rewards to the parent(s). It's clearly a case of "if you don't
cooperate you lose in life big time, if you do cooperate you win big
time." Religious ministers are often set up with Betas (a sexual
model of slave) who then blackmails them. The ministers do not want to
lose their status and profession via scandals, so they agree to turn
their children over when young to the CIA to work with. The Illuminati
like to blackmail these ministers when they are finished with their
Seminary schooling and committed to the ministry at about 33 years of
age. The idea of having nothing to fall back on after they have
committed their entire life to one profession is too much for these
weak-willed men, and they buckle under the threats. If they don't
buckle under, the resulting consequences will remove them from
ministry. The type of father who is most preferred by the Programmers
to offer up their children for programming is the pedophile. If a
father will abuse his own little baby girl, then the Programmers know
that the man has no conscience.
This father's involvement in criminal activity (and thereby his
vulnerability) can be continually increased. They want men who they
believe will not develop any qualms later on in life about what they
have done. A man, who waits until his daughter is a teenager to molest
her, is usually esteemed to have too much conscience for the
programmers. A big distinction must be made between hierarchy Monarch
slaves, and non-hierarchy Monarch slaves. The reason there is such a
big distinction is that they are not programmed the same way. Since
this book is giving the recipe for how to create a Monarch slave, we
will have to cover the distinction between slaves within the Illuminati
and those slaves who function outside of the Illuminati hierarchy. It
is important to stress that the label "Monarch" is used in this
book in a generic sense for the modern trauma-based total mind-control
that is taking place. Whether an Illuminati mind-controlled slave is
technically in the Monarch records or out of the actual Monarch Program
data files kept on computer is merely a technicality.
In my (Fritz's) other writings, I explain about how the Illuminati
created the CIA. I know that some of its directors were members of the
Illuminati and I strongly suspect that the other CIA directors were
probably full-fledged members too. The two organizations need each
other. If the CIA didn't have the international backing of the movers
and shakers of the world, it would have been exposed and done away
with. Likewise, the Illuminati, because it is so secret, needs
organizations through which it can work. The CIA is a front for the
Illuminati, and the CIA in turn sets up fronts. Some of those fronts,
are elaborate, well-staffed, well-equipped programming sites, (such as
many of the state mental hospitals, McGill Psychiatric Training Network
consisting of 8 Montreal hospitals especially St. Mary's, NASA in
Huntsville, AL; the Presideo (San Francisco), CA; and NOTS at China
Lake, CA, to name a few. For a more complete list see Appendix B.)
The Illuminati couldn't do it alone without its fronts. Satanists
within the Network & the CIA took over Boy's Town, Nebraska [exposed
in the Conspiracy of Silence video] in the early 1950s, & used that
famous orphanage for a constant supply of boys for programming. Boy's
Town is perhaps the most famous, but there is a long list of others.
Joseph Mengele
When the Monarch Programming started, the top men were Illuminati.
Originally, Joseph Mengele was the lead programmer. He had already
achieved the rank of Grand Master (later Ipssimus) within the
Illuminati. He had become skilled in music, in Kabbalistic Magic, in
dancing, in abortions, and in torture (by the way, Mengele had a
sadistic mother) and programming children. Many of the concentration
camp children that Mengele programmed still survive and still love him
to this day as "Daddy". Mengele disappeared from Auschwitz in Jan.
1945, several months before the final chaos began in the Third Reich.
Mengele disappeared so the Illuminati could smuggle him to the U.S., so
that his exceptional knowledge of programming--honed and fined tuned on
thousands of concentration camp child victims-could be put to use on a
grande scale in the United States. He travelled worldwide, but
especially in the western U.S. doing his programming accompanied by his
pair of two black servants. American Monarch survivors remember his
spotless German uniform, his shiny boots (which he wore during
programming), his thick German accent, his handsome features, his cleft
chin, the space in his front teeth, the way he would jab with his thumb
while programming, as if he were still saying "links, rechts" to
lines of jews coming into the concentration camps. The reason Mengele
was so excited to do the selection process of inmates coming into
Auschwitz was that he was choosing inmates for his numerous
mind-control trauma experiments. He was especially anxious to get
identical twins, because his genetic research related to mind control,
needed persons of identical genetic makeup. Traditionally, the
Illuminati had been having their children inspected by a woman with the
rank of Grande Mother. She would determine the fitness of the children
and then present them for a formal acceptance ceremony at age 3 to the
Grande Druid Council. This procedure didn't change when Mengele came
over--the programming just jumped from being an occult science to one
that had full access to the Medical, Psychiatric, Judicial, Scientific
and Governmental sectors via the power of the National Security Act and
the Intelligence agencies. The Illuminati's programming of multiples
prior to Mengele's arrival were simplistic, compared to the
sophisticated techniques engineered by the Nazi Germans (whose Mind
Control research included some non-German nationals such as Italians).
A victim who is killed by an 18th century musket is just as dead as
someone killed by an M-16, so a victim of the pre-1946 programming was
just as victimized as those programmed with more sophisticated
techniques. For the Illuminati, the child's programming is planned by
the Circle (another name for their organization) before it is born.
From the Illuminati's perspective, their plans involve generational
spirits and positions within the hierarchy. The child is conceived
according to their rituals, and the steps that that child will go
through follows a well-thought out detailed regimen for programming it.
In contrast, the children from foster homes, or pedophiles do not
receive the same regimen. Hierarchy slaves will in turn be used to
program and train other hierarchy children, while CIA slaves, Mafia
slaves, and KKK slaves etc. will be discarded. This is why a
Presidential Model is "thrown from the Freedom Train" ['Freedom
Train' is the name given to the Monarch Program in the Underworld].
Women and men in the Illuminati will continue to help with the
programming for their entire lives. The Illuminati is programming such
vast numbers of children, they need everyone of their able members to
help. Moriah's total membership, which worldwide numbers in the
millions. The Illuminati regimen for their children is far more
controlling than the CIA's programming. Not everyone in the
Illuminati gets their mind-split and becomes a programmed multiple.
However, everyone does get some type of mind-control. Those who have
been spared multiplicity still must participate in a two-week intense
mind-control session that might be compared to the Army's Ranger
school. Those who participate in this have learned obedience. Those who
haven't learned obedience, are forced into ritual gladiator type
duels or other punishments to eliminate them. Finally, a traitor's
death as pictured on one of the Tarot cards is waiting.
Sharon Tate was left hanging in the No. 12 Tarot Card's "hangman
position" from the house rafters. The best therapists will quietly
admit that traditional therapy is inadequate. Unless God intervenes,
people who are born into the Illuminati don't escape it while alive.
This book isn't a mere exercise of academic thinking, but is written
with the assurance that freedom is possible. There are viable answers.
Some children live in foster homes, or with adopted parents, or in
orphanages, or with caretakers and guardians. Because these children
are at the mercy of the non-related adults, these types of children
frequently are sold to become mind-controlled slaves of the
intelligence agencies. In review, remember that because many of these
organizations are controlled by the Illuminati; an Illuminati slave may
often work for one of these front groups, while the Illuminati maintain
control over the base-program. The intelligence networks were started
by and are controlled by the Illuminati. They are Illuminati fronts.
The use of slaves crosses many organizational boundaries within the
overall Network. If a slave is to be used as a Delta model
(assassination), they may be selected for strength and dexterity. The
Delta Force is the U.S. army's elite unit made up of Monarch slaves.
If they are to operate as a Beta model (sexual slave), they will be
chosen if they can master technique. Occassionaly they might in some
circumstances be selected for how pretty the programmers expect the
child to become. Some parents have produced good looking children and
are actually sought-after to bear children to sell into the Mind
Controlled Slavery "Freedom Train" System. However, vastly more
important for Beta Sex Slaves are their ability to be programmed to
have charm, seductive skills, charisma, and creativity. Beauty is in
the eye of the beholder, and the programmers can put almost any kind of
body to use as a sex slave. Almost any sex slave can fit somewhere into
the script of the Illuminati/New World Order/crime syndicate "porn"
movies. (I place porn in quotation marks--because what they call porn
doesn't resemble what the public thinks of porn--we're not talking
Playboy type porn, we're talking ghastly horrible atrocities that are
as sick as anything done in the Nazi concentration camps). For
instance, it takes little acting ability or beauty to have one's head
chopped off while having sex. There are different types of sexual
slaves, but the Illuminati wants to get Beta alters which are sharp,
talented, skilled, and resourceful. They will use these Beta alters,
such as the Black Widow alters, for espionage and blackmail. To make
sure that the child's mind develops properly, the baby will be
interacted with so that those areas of the brain that are important to
develop will develop to the maximum.
It is a well-known fact, that areas of the brain grow according to how
much stimulation and use that area of the brain receives. For this
reason, Grande Dames, who are involved in programming, will spend time
drawing and showing faces to the child and seeing if the child can
recognize identical faces. Almost any other item will be used, candy
canes with stripes (match the candycanes with the same no. of stripes),
trees, or pencils. The child must learn to match identical items very
early--even before they can speak. This is so they will be able to
build mirror images into their mind. All the senses are trained for
building the mirror images; for instance such as silks and cottons can
be used for the sense of touch. The child will have to match textures.
The Programmer, the Grande Dame, and Grande Mothers will teach the
child to have good abilities in copying, reflecting, repeating,
echoing, or re-echoing, and mirroring. They will be taught for hours
how to re-echo something verbatim.
Some of these teaching methods are almost like games. For instance, 20
pins will be in a box and the small child is given a short time to
decide how many pins are in the box. A certain level of intelligence
and creativity is needed for time to be invested on programming. You
can not program a mind which is weak. Most of the people programmed are
very intelligent. One study of multiples said that multiples were 130
or above in I.Q. and then mistakenly blamed their multiplicity on their
I.Q. Attempts to program people with low intelligence or no creativity
were discovered to be a waste of time. Methods are used to greatly
enhance the victim's intelligence and creativity. The Illuminati will
also work on enhancing their psychic abilities such as telepathy and
clairvoyance. The head programmers have their own little mottos about
building solid structures which they like to express to new trainees.
These include,
"An unstructured house [mind of the slave] is like unto a house
without walls"; "A house undisciplined is like unto a house without
walls, it will crumble within itself ";and "A house divided against
itself will not stand."
Much of the structuring will be discussed in chapter 7, but the
structuring begins at birth for the victim, so this chapter will
discuss the first steps. In order to build a solid good house, one
needs to have a solid foundation. In order to build a solid foundation,
one needs to know how the land lays and what the weaknesses of the land
are--if it is sand or rock or clay, etc. One needs to design one's
house to take advantage of the natural lay of the land. Will storms
come from this or that direction? Where will the house need extra
protection? The very same principles pertain to programming--because a
structure is being built. Many evil geniuses within the Illuminati
added their contributions to the Monarch programming.
John Gittinger & PAS
One of the most important was John Gittinger of Oklahoma, because he
was the genius who could understand how a little child's mind was
when it was in infancy. In order to work with something, you must know
what you are working with. John Gittinger, who is no longer alive,
worked at programming for years. His contribution was in the mental
assessment area. John Gittinger (b. 1909) was the director of
psychological services at the state hospital in Norman, Oklahoma. He
got a master's degree at age 30, and joined the CIA's MK Ultra Mind
Control in 1950. He was a high school guidance counselor and a Navy
lieutenant commander during W.W.II. In the late 1970s, he moved back to
Oklahoma. He was heavy set and goateed. Its been said he looked like
the actor Walter Slezak. He had an insatiable curiosity about
understanding human personality. When the Illuminati looked around for
men skilled in personality assessment to assist the Monarch
Programming, John W. Gittinger was one of their men who they selected.
Gittinger was not the only researcher into personality that the CIA
hired, but he was their top man in terms of the programming of
children. From the end of W.W. II until he began with the CIA in 1950,
Gittinger was studying how to assess personality.
At the Oklahoma State Hospital, he had large numbers of adults who
could be studied. After Gittinger started doing personality assessment
for the CIA. most of his work became highly classified. The Rolling
Stone article of July 18, 1974 asked why years of research into
personality assessment should be so secret. In fact, it was so secret,
Gittinger was not allowed to talk to journalists, even though it was
public knowledge that Gittinger did personality assessment
work/research. The reason that such an apparently benign science was
kept secret is that it plays a major part in the success of the Monarch
Programming. John Gittinger designed the Personality Assessment System
(PAS). This is an extraordinary method to evaluate human behavior and
predict their future behavior. As far as we know, most of the PAS is
still classified SECRET.
The PAS is based on the ability to differentiate different types of
people. There are 3 major dimensions (or differentiations). They are
called the E-I dimension, the R-F dimension, and the A-U dimension.
People are born with their original placement within each of these
three spectrums. In other words, there are 3 axis that can be graphed
to describe a baby's personality. The baby might be graphed-- I
(Internalizer), F (Flexible), and A (Role Adaptive). If the baby were
graphed this way (i.e. I-F-A), then the Programmers would automatically
know this child's mind will become a social or religious reformer.
The child's programming charts would then be labelled some suitable
occupation such as "Environmental Activist", "Pentecostal church
reformer", "Consumer Advocate", or "Activist against
Narcotics". The programming for that child then would follow 6 month
goals to develop that mind-controlled slave into one of the best in
that occupation. (In fact, one of the co-authors of this book, Fritz,
is indeed I-F-A. which helps explain why he is trying to reform society
and religion with this book. While it took Fritz many years to find his
correct nitch in life, programmed multiples are steered in the correct
direction very early in life with all the breaks and all the money
needed from the Network to open opportunities.)
There are three possibilities for the child in regards to his original
personality components: He can (1) express the component, or (2)
suppress or (3) repress it. As the child goes through life, he has two
periods within which he can change (suppress or repress) his
behavior/personality. In the PAS, the first period is called
"compensation" and the second is called "modification". The
amount of punishment for a personality trait and pressure to change
from others will determine the amount of change which the child's
mind will perform on its original personality. The activity level of a
person at each point in their life is also measured. The intensity of
each of the scores is also rated. The actual PAS system is far more
detailed than the example above, but it serves to give a simplified
idea of how it works. The essential dynamics of an entire personality
can be written in a short code which might be written for example 12
(E-uc Fcu + A+u+u) H+. However, even that code is shortened E-uc can be
written simply ' i '. The basic 3 dimensions to personality provide 8
basic types. However, the PAS allows for 6 basic positions in each of
these 8 basic types which yields 216 discrete basic types.
Next, the person can change their predisposed primitive personality
initially 5 different ways, and this then gives (30)³ or 27,000
different types. The second change can be done on 4 types of
modification which makes for 1,728,000 types. Then the programmers can
factor in activity level, their "Normal" level (intelligence base),
age, sex, and education, and life experiences. In other words, what
appears to be simple has a high degree of calibration to it. The person
who was best with the PAS was its brainchild Gittinger himself. His
intuition along with his PAS system, gave him an uncanny idea of how a
person's s mind works now, and how it would work in the future. He
sadistically reveled in putting his skill to use programming children.
The actual assessment codes that have appeared on programming
assessment charts which the Monarch child assessment teams have used to
evaluate, describe, & assess a child to be programmed, follow the
standard symbols created for PAS. Some portions of Gittinger's work
has escaped the secrecy of the intelligence agencies (Concerning the
Gittinger Personality Assessment System see "An Introduction to the
Personality Assessment System" by John Winne and John Gittinger;
Journal of Community Psychology Monograph Supplement No. 38. Rutland,
Vermont: Clinical Psychology Publishing Co., Inc. 1973. See also the
Rolling Stone magazine article, July 18, 1974, "The CIA Won't Go
Wechsler Intelligence Test
Because so little is known about the PAS test, it needs to be explained
some. Observations in relation to the Wechsler Intelligence Test
provided the initial ideas behind the PAS. The digit-span subtest of
the Wechsler Intelligence Test, which rates the ability to remember
numbers forms the basic test used for the E-I dimension. What Gittinger
discovered was that short order cooks had good number-memory which =
Internalizer personality or "I". A high digit span in any person
tells much about them. People who don't separate themselves well from
their environment are Externalizers = E.
The "I" personality was a good baby. The "E" type, who prefers
'doing' to thinking, is a "too-curious" baby, who will make
demands. I's would often be pressured to become more outgoing, and
E's are often pressured by parents to be more self-sufficient, and to
progress from crawling (which they like) to learn to walk. Pure
Internalizers become more withdrawn after several drinks, and
uncompensated E's are more likely to become sloppy drunks, garrulous.
Based on the E-I dimension, predictions can also be made for how LSD
will affect a person. This is the E-I dimension.
The block design subtest shows whether a person is a Regulated (R) or a
Flexible (F) person. This is the R-F dimension. The Regulated person
had no trouble learning by rote, but didn't understand what he
learned. The Flexible person on the other hand had to understand
something before he learned it. R children could learn to play the
piano easily, but the great concert piano players were F children who
had persevered to master what they considered drudgery. The third
dimension is the A-U dimension, the Role Adaptive (A) or a Role Uniform
(U) person. The A could be defined as Charisma, while people tend to
ignore the U. The CIA has 40 patterns that a skilled observer looks
for, and these then are related to the PAS and Wechsler subtests.
Use of the Electroencephalogram to Shape Programming
Illuminati Mothers-of-Darkness alters trained in observation, chart
what they see a child do. A child's behavior with certain toys,
certain hand responses, and certain social responses can be observed
and used to assess how this child would score on the PAS test. EEG
(Electroencephalogram) patterns co-relate to the PAS digit-span test.
This allowed them to use the EEG patterns to overcome cultural bias in
the test. It also gave the Monarch programmers the perfect tool to
assess small children before they have verbal skills. David R.
Saunders, at the Univ. of Col. working with the CIA. wrote a paper in
1961 showing the connection between alpha waves and digit span. In
1960, Mundy-Castle wrote about the connections between EEG printouts
and Wechsler-Bellevue Test variables.
Here is the tip of the iceberg that EEGs were being used to determine
pre-verbal personality in children. Salvatore (et. al,) wrote at the
Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, Mass, clear back in 1954
about the "predictive potential of Gittinger's theory" in an
unpublished research paper. (The Massachusetts Mental Health Center was
an early participant in this research) The child's guardians must
teach the small victim obedience. They must teach the child to keep its
eyes open and to hold still. These skills are important, because the
child will be subjected to extensive EEGs.
The hospital equipment would be something like an 11-channel Grass EEG
machine where 11 electrodes are placed on the child's head, and brain
wave patterns are printed out charting such things as background,
variability, discharges, background suppressions, sharp waves, etc. The
electrodes will have designations such as T3, T4 etc. In special
programming sites, a machine with electrodes will be hooked up to the
child's head for repeated tests. The newer machines accomodate up to
30 1/2 diameter pads (electrodes) which are attached with electrode
adhesive tape or small needled ends to the child's scalp. The
child's hair will be parted in an area, and the electrodes will be
hooked to the skull. The attendant will tell the child, "Don't
move. Keep your eyes open. Look at this point. Don't blink. Don't
move your body." The procedure will be repeated for 45 minutes to an
hour. Eventually, hundreds of readout from electrodes clipped to the
skull of the child will chart the brain waves of the child. From these
brain waves, the programmers can determine what type of personality the
child has.
This personality assessment criteria and ability is one of the guarded
secrets of the programming. Should unexpected behavior crop up, the
slave may be hauled in for more EEGs. The PAS tests would reveal to
Gittinger a person's weaknesses. The PAS shows what a person wants.
And these are called the soft spots of a person's personality. Also
the PAS shows mental weaknesses, or where a person will be instable and
could be broken down. Certain types of stresses will have a cumulative
effect of hurting a person. A stress-producing campaign is run against
CIA targets, and by doing this they can neutralize a potential enemy.
The information collected from children, who are potential victims for
the Monarch programming, is essential for knowing how to structure that
child's programming. For instance, IFU children often are autistic;
IRU are schizophrenic children; and IR or IF are fantasy prone. Later,
tt will be further explained how this aids programming.
An Internalizer personality would be important deep inside an alter
system, while an Externalizer would be useful for a front personality.
(Internalizers are predisposed to the production of mental fantasy.) By
knowing what the child was, the programmers know what they already
have, and what they must add or build into the thinking of the alters
they will create. Likewise, some alters need to be R and some F. And
some need to be A and some U. Regulated (R) personalities like to have
narrow limitations on their activity. This makes them suitable for
programming. The R's readily accept authority, and will not try to
step out of the range of their habits. The R has a marked ability to
learn without understanding. They easily learn material by rote,
because they do not need to understand it before they will learn it.
This is another asset that the programmers like. The programmers may or
may not want an A (Role Adaptive personality). A future country singer
needs charisma -- a future computer programmer doesn't. Without being
able to finely determine what is there, the programming could not be
fine tuned. If the child is good in math, it will have its programming
scripts steered in that direction.
M.C. Escher's Artwork
If the child has artistic brainwaves, then the programmer will use art
work in programming. The art work of the European artist M.C. Escher is
exceptionally well suited for programming purposes. For instance, in
his 1947 drawing "Another World", the rear plane in the center
serves as a wall in relation to the horizon, a floor in connection with
the view through the top opening and a ceiling in regards to the view
up towards the starry sky. Reversals, mirror images, illusion, and many
other qualities appear in Escher's art work which make all 76 or more
of his major works excellent for programming. The use of these kinds of
elements will explained later. Five children each given the same Alice
In Wonderland script will each use the script differently during
programming. The programmer takes the child's own creativity and
works with that unique creativity. The child must create the images
himself if the programming is to hold. It won't work if the images
are someone else's. The child organizes its internal world to suit
his/her own experiences such as castles, boxes, rooms, and dollhouses.
The PAS type testing will continue during the early years of the
slave's life to make sure the programming has not driven the child
crazy or psycho. The child will move down the script decided for it for
its whole life, based on these early tests. More about how this works
The EEG tests run frequently on children to be programmed also show
brain tumors, and medical problems beside just the brain wave patterns.
The PAS tests can also show how easy a person can be hypnotized. If the
testing by the EEG's doesn't reveal a child who can be easily
hypnotized, they will be rejected for programming, even though modern
drugs and extreme torture in some cases will be applied to
"salvage" children they really think they need to program, but are
clearly not easily hypnotizable. EEG's can also be used to see what
state of consciousness the brain is in. The Monarch Programming is
based on structuring Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) alter systems
which is covered in Chapter 7.
The success of this structuring (its extradodinary fine tuning) comes
from the initial testing, which means programs are properly built on
whatever foundation the mind has. The CIA front organization, the Human
Ecology Society tested the PAS. In 1962, the CIA moved Gittinger's
base of operations to another CIA front on Connecticut Ave.,
Washington, D.C. called Psychological Assessment Associates....

2006-02-07 02:34:42 UTC
Post by teslacoils2006
have now dated Seqenenre's rule to 1558 - 1554BC. King Seqenenre was
killed by
at least two separate, distinctively different weapons. An Axe, a
pointed iron
rod or possibly a stone maul. The placement and shapes of the skull
FWIW, the symbolism goes like this: Chiram Abiff was struck with a
24-inch rule (time), a framing square (space, matter) and finally with a
maul (the veil of blindness or darkness). Basically, it's allegory for
our condition upon being born into this world.
...he only comes out when I drink my Djinn

the Tortured Spark - a Light in the Dark
the Mystical RevvedErrand Doktor eddieVroom
Ascended Master Mechanic of the SoCal Motor Lodge
Knights of the Visible Wank-L


"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
2006-02-07 04:22:13 UTC
wow, you lie so well

must be high up freemason.....now can you run.....mahahaahaa