HUH? <SHIGH> SOOS! SHAY NOW BARUCH!! (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein dba Barry Z. Shein (bzs@TheWorld.com)) ARE, you SHTILL BACK and on, the 'ATTACK' jew pedo? You, BETTER be!
(too old to reply)
Professeur de merde, Shimon Wieshenthal
2019-02-19 14:02:55 UTC

THAT'S NOT going to SHTOP not only your circumcished jew shubfamily but
ALSHO your shleazy shlimy jew pedophile (ALSHO called Baruch 'Barry'
Shein) from getting, GOOGLEFUCKED!

Once, FUCKED they can't be, UNFUCKED!



Your, circumcished jew shishter Suzan F. Binder and her
circumcished jew hubby Marc W. Binder
Your, circumcished shitshke 'wife' Mary E. Riendeau Shein
Your, shenile circumcished jew mum Ann Shein <TSSSSSSSSSSSSSHK!>
Your, shubcherry-popped circumcished jew shubnephew Zachary G. Binder

And ESHPECIALLY your, shleazy shlimy jew pedophile shyshadmin ALSHO
called Baruch 'Barry' Zachary Shein!

Any, OTHER circumcished jew shub-relative'sh you vant ve should

Jusht SHAY, the vord jew pedo BARUCH!

BTW for VHY your shleazy shlimy jew pedophile shyshadmin (ALSHO called
Baruch 'Barry' Shein) hasn't TOS'd your jew pedo ass yet?

It's GOTTA be about the Binyamins jew pedo! GOTTA, be!

The Jews
2019-02-19 14:15:06 UTC
Gonadal dysgenesis suffering fake wannabe Nazi Gordon Radovich
[***@tiscali.co.uk], the anally-obsessed, unemployable, impotent,
glue-huffing, passportless, rope-dodging, pedophilic,
bestiality-practicing Serbian coprophiliac Queen Mary Parking Lot
black cock worshipper, who for some reason posts pretending to be
Jewish, hated by Hitler and proven by White Nationalist Scholars to be
inferior to Asian peoples, tried to cover up his abject fear of the
fascist-slapping, Nazi-tormenting, totalitarian-taunting, superior
Jews that torture him daily, and reveal his complete and total
ignorance, and expose his countless excuses to avoid getting
Nuremberged®, by taking time out of his busy schedule of felching his
mother for spending money and then masturbating to kiddie porn (while
he desperately hides from Barry for over 11 years even though he has
his address!) to lie when he pathetically copied a superior being's
words and changed them around a bit to make it look like he was
Just thought I'd update the list of Jews I'm afraid of again!
Suzan F. Binder
Marc W. Binder
Mary E. Riendeau Shein
Ann Shein
Zachary G. Binder
Barry Zachary Shein!
The sight of ANY of these Jewish citizens would make me pee my pants!
Just thought everyone should know!
Hey, thanks for the update, Gordon! We know there are LOTS more Jews
you're afraid of, and why not?

ANY one of them are capable of giving you a good Nuremberging® while
all YOU are capable of is wetting your pants from Paralytische Angst
vor Juden!

